By Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog
An Eastern monarch, of whom we know the existence but not the name, kept an officer in his house whose employment it was to remind him of his mortality, by calling out every morning at a stated hour, “Remember prince that thou shalt die.”
Indeed, the contemplation of the frailness of our present state appeared of so much importance to the famous legislator Solon of Athens, that he left this precept to future ages, ”Keep thine eyes fixed upon the end of life.”
Frequent and attentive prospect of that moment, which must put an end to all our schemes and deprive us of all our acquisitions, is, indeed, of the utmost efficacy to the just and rational regulation of our lives. And rarely if ever, something wicked or absurd would be undertaken by him who should begin everyday with a serious reflection that he is born to die. To the disturbers of our happiness in his world – i.e. desires, griefs and fears – the consideration of mortality is a certain and adequate remedy.
Another Greek sage, Epictetus, suggested to think with some regularity on poverty, banishment and death, as a preventive remedy against violent desires.
Every man has experienced how much of his ardor of consumption has been remitted when a sharp or tedious sickness has set death before his eyes. The extensive influence of greatness, the glitter of wealth, the praise of admirers, the attendance of flatterers have appeared vain and empty things, when the last hour seems to be approaching. And the same appearance they would always have, if the same thought were predominant.
We should then find the absurdity of stretching-out our arms incessantly to grasp that which we cannot keep. And wearing out our lives in an endeavor to add new towers to the castle of ambition, when the foundation itself is shaking, and the ground on which it stands is moldering away.
All of the above is dramatically obvious, except that it represent the antipodes of the well-entrenched and socially abided-by commandments of the imposed ‘thought unique’, which includes its (perhaps) soon-to-be-launched in the West ‘social credit card’ (a’ la chinoise).
The ‘thought unique’ could be better described as the inter-generational stratification of a philosophy of life whose aim is converting man into an atom of consumption, for the benefit of those who managed the conversion. While simultaneously preventing him from realizing the utter absurdity and folly of such ideological construction.
In fact, suggesting or popularizing the idea that the converters are subject to the same destiny of the converted partakes indirectly of the nature of ‘hate speech’ and, as such, the notion is naturally banished from all avenues of mass communications and (I suspect), even from academic philosophy.
Implied in the banishment is the idea of the endlessness of growth and the eternity of progress.
Which can be considered as another example of ‘Newspeak’ applied on a global scale. To recall, the purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the masters of Ingsoc, (English Socialism), but to make all other modes of thought impossible.
A now totally corrupted corporate medicine (see my videos “The Road to Damascus” (part 1), —- and — “The Road to Damascus” (part 2), seems to indirectly imply that immortality is just around the corner, if only ‘patients’ bought more and new ‘medicines’ (or ‘vaccines’).
Some have taken the idea so seriously as to purchase the freezing of their dead bodies until such day when ‘medicine’ will carry out the miracle of resurrection – thus adding an 11th to the ten commandments, “If you are rich, you will be immortal.” With the parallel paradox that the 4 trillion dollars spent annually in the US on “health care” are part of the Gross Domestic Product, and of the logical consequence that the sicklier the nation, the healthier its economy.
When absurdity reaches these (mostly ignored) peaks, a dramatic crack in the system, as the world is currently experiencing, acquires an apocalyptic property, suggesting analogies of biblical impact and consequence.
On the other hand, fear of an apocalypse, at least in the current case, is not a product of nature or of a vengeful god. It is rather willed and/or manufactured, and the attendant widespread fear ensures the continuance in existence of the current cabala of power.
On the pandemic(s) there seems to be (I refer to America), some relaxing of the venom, rejection, ostracism and contempt towards those who raised doubts about the whole business.
Even many dissenting doctors, after drastic initial banning and excommunication, have coalesced into groups, gathering evidence and data on associated mystic and magic vaccines, never tested before, often proven deadly or useless, but still imposed in certain states or circles.
Realities that, in any case, show massive fraud, irrespective of whether it started at the beginning of the tale, that is at the birth of the virus, or later as means of imposing a dictatorship prompted by health, or rather sickness, concerns.
But the battle is not over. Apart from all incontrovertible evidence, it may be sufficient confirmation the listening to the words of Karl Schwab, caught off (official) camera where he clearly states that they, the rulers of the world, hold politicians, media, researchers, scientists and academia by their genitals. Here is the transcript.
“If I look at our stake-holders, (read “The World Economic Forum”), ve have business, of course, as a main important audience, ve have politics, ve have continuous partnership mit many governments around ze world. Besides, of course, ve have Non Government Organizations, ve have trade-unions, ve have also different parts, media of course and, very important, experts and scientists and academia. Because if ve are looking at the future, I think ve should look at new solutions, and ze new solutions will be very much driven by technological development. And ve have very important social entrepreneurs.”
As if to also imply, indirectly, that the pandemic couldn’t help being a success, having been properly prepared and managed, so as to render the western populations ever more intellectually weakened and emotionally fragile.
In fact, the basis of this and future ‘successes’ is linked to the power exerted by transnational “do-good” organizations such as the WHO (World Health Organization). Even the very questionably “re-elected” Macron, the killer of the gilets jaunes, as if in unison with Karl Schwab, recently made a lexically-nebulous but conceptually clear declaration as follows,
“Various propositions are on the table especially converging on the importance of reinforcing the WHO in its role of scientific coordination, (the production of) normative examples in its approach, leading to a unique and unified direction, definition and administration of health and towards (recognizing) the necessity of giving the WHO the necessary means.”
Translating from the Orwellianese, “reinforcing the WHO’s role in scientific coordination” means “more billions to the corrupt and corruptible, to help convince the gullible plebs that the WHO cares about their health.” “Normative examples in its approach” means “to make sure that the masses ever more believe that they are alive because of WHO’s ‘medicine’”. “Leading to a unique and unified direction” means “to make sure that the atomized, globalized, turned-into-sheep billions obey faithfully the lyingest knaves in (what was once) Christendom.” As for “the necessity of giving the WHO the necessary means” translates into “hiring more thousands of presumptuous and corrupted hangers-on at the expense of the working proles and of the ever-more-sodomized human sheep”.
These people, the Schwabs and the Macrons of this world are but ambulating examples of the arrogance of power. For indifference to the citizen often gives pride the confidence to treat him with contempt.
In fact, as I was drafting these notes, I found that it is surfacing what many suspected, namely that Pfizer’s (but not only) unthinkable manipulations and fraud were involved in the approval of Covid genic drugs. Add to this the almost-quashed ‘Ventavia’ scandal, the declarations by a Pfizer whistle-blower – and what is being discovered in the FDA documentation on the approval of the Pfizer vaccine, that Pfizer wanted to secret for 75 years, but which it is now forced to deliver.
As for ‘health’, as opposed to ‘world health organization’, I believe (and so do many, much more qualified than I am), that an enormous world-wide benefit would derive from making it mandatory, starting in schools, the teaching of the fundamentals of nutrition and metabolism – meaning that what we are is also mostly what we eat, and what our habits involve or cause. A notion that many health professionals hold and share but are barred from propagating it by the corporate media, owned by we know who.
The idea is equally anathema to the monopolistic agricultural and food-processing giants, as millions would realize that what they are incessantly encouraged to eat or drink is deleterious (where health is concerned). Even in recent history, some of these perfidious entities have brought to court sundry (rare) personalities from the society of the spectacle for having publicly implied that various processed labeled-as-edible foods do much more harm than good.
Karl Schwab, by the way, is the perfect actual partner of Ursula Von Der Lugen, President of the European Commission, a character seemingly sprung-out of the screen of a Hollywood Nazi Movie.
“U vill do as ve tsay or ve vill tsend u into our vired bunker of tze conzentrazionen camp mit zat evil dictator Vladimiren Putin….… und mit unserem ultimaten devastatoren pack von sankzionen against Russland, all European zitizens vill stop eating antipasto… etc.”
We could also couple Ursula Von Der Lugen with the foreign ministress of Britain, who knows less geography than a goat, and with the seduced-by-Nato ministresses of Finland and Sweden. We would then have the perfect protagonists for a remake of a horror-edition of Disney’s “Rindercella and her Three Sigly Usters.” Who, Rindercella, went to a bancy fall, but had to be mome before hidnight or she would be purned into a tumpkin by her dairy fogmother. And finally, at the mtroke of sidnight, Rindercella slopped her dripper and soon later found the prandsome hince in the shape of Karl Schwab.
There may be some ground for amusement, were it not that, considering the disasters caused by the undeclared war on Russia, Europe’s recent actions on foreign policy and the politics of health, display the seemingly demented infantilism in the concerned elites, satirized in the immediately previous paragraphs.
But I digress.
As for the current ‘crisis,’ and those perplexed by its absurdities, it shows that globalization, which can be considered as the ideological super-structure of neo-liberalism, never had or considered a plan B. Even though both neo-liberalism and globalization assume an impossible presupposition – namely that it is feasible to have infinite growth with finite and limited resources.
For a long time, universities and Nobel laureates in pseudo-economics have been lavishly financed so as to blunt the contradiction (implied in the idea of infinite growth) and even deny that there was any. But a system based on lying eventually faces the consequences of mendacity. Today attempts are current to save the infinite possibility of enrichment of a select few, sending everyone else either to war or to catch new and sundry viruses.
And because US imperialism fathered the chimera of endless growth, the crushing of the chimera translates into a crisis of American power. Said in other words, at least since 1989 Western public opinion at large has lived in a state of cognitive dissonance, cynically exploited so as to foster fake and fantastic realities onto a docile public mind.
Whether casually or by design, even the scientific world has been engaged in blunting the notion of the incompatibility of infinite growth and limited resources. For example, scientific observers publish reports of spectacular findings, expressed in words and tone as to imply or suggest that infinite growth is just around the corner.
Examples include the ‘imminent’ colonization of Mars, the continued discovery of new potentially habitable planets, ‘only’ a few hundreds or a few thousands light-years away. But this (travel at speed faster light) is but a relatively simple problem, resolved by the theory of ‘folding space’. According to which, if space and time are essentially the same thing and if time as we know it is a straight line, then that line can be “folded” at two distinct points, allowing a space-vehicle to jump instantly from one point to another, making astronomical distances a thing of the past. And to help reduce the suspicion that we are dealing with nonsense, those who explain it are shown in front of blackboards densely populated with apparently complex mathematical formulas.
And although Oscar Wilde meant it as a pun, there are many who believe anything provided it is quite incredible. As an unrelated example, I clearly remember attending a public meeting, some years back, on the subject of the limited nature of oil resources. Where some participants with academic credentials, maintained that shale oil is essentially infinite in availability, easy to extract and economic to process.
Returning to the current state of affairs, it also helps bring into focus the great unresolved problem of the legitimacy of power, existing both in the turbo-capitalistic West and in communist China.
According to current ideology, the most able should always have unrestricted access to positions of power, and the best should always win. This ideal vision of a society of free and equal citizens might have contained a germ of truth during the heroic age of capitalism, which was also the age of the colonization of North America. But as society ages – and this is particularly true of capitalistic society – positions of power and the modalities by which they are exercised tend to become increasingly and eventually completely predetermined. Power comes to be exercised through institutions, following predetermined procedures, and those responsible for its exercise are themselves no more than the servants of an apparatus of divination – and often worlds away from a commonly accepted definition of what ‘being the best’ means. They almost impersonate an impersonal yet untouchable power, such as, for example, the power of Zionism, notably in America.
All this will minimally touch the chicken-hawks of the current American administration, which, since a long time, has been defined as ‘Israeli occupied territory’ (Patrick Buchanan). And a quick look at its current composition would easily support the characterization. For the chicken-hawks (independently of their ideological allegiance) ignore the difference between placing their life on the line versus their ass on the sofa. Which can be summarized with another metaphor. Let the goy suffer while Shylock laughs all the way to the bank.
Until the late 1980s fear of Communism was a tenable justification by the West for its enmity against Russia. Later, there were no rational justifications. Gorbachev – whatever opinion may be held about him – after agreeing to the unification of Germany and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact – told Reagan, “We have deprived you of enemies.”
It is a historical fact that the US invades countries simply because it has always done so, unable to distinguish what is established because it is right, from that which is right because it is established.
But what could be then the motive for such obvious, undisguised aggressive posture and undisguised hatred towards Russia? Including the 46 infectious-disease “research” centers, financed and sprinkled by the Pentagon in Ukraine, next to the Russian border, and with the ruffian involvement of Biden’s uncompromisingly perverted model son? With drones specially equipped to spread the germs of diseases?
There is no motive – I think – except that, in some way, the West’s recent and undisguised Russo-phobia, can be viewed, paradoxically, as a chapter of the war of the West against itself, waged by entities that cannot be named.
Those wishing to follow a more complete historical trail, may find some interest in the sixth and concluding video I produced on the history of Ukraine..
The ending phase of the war on the West suggests a comparison with a disease that is born and grown inside the body. The symptoms are many and I would offend the patience of the readers by telling what was already told. Let’s just call it, for simplicity, the sodomization and gomorrization of the western soul –including the ghettoization of major American cities, the glorification of sexual a-normality and the canceling of Western classical history, as well as religion. In fact, according to recent official statistics at least 70% of the citizens of Middle and Northern Europe are atheists.
The subject cannot be condensed into generalizations, but the effect of godlessness has a long history. Even at the onset of the Enlightenment, when belief in Christianity was waning, some enlightened leaders of thought were concerned about the issue – irrespective of man’s ability or inability to describe the nature of God.
Kant himself, for example, was alarmed by the decline of Christianity. Being a pessimist about the human character, he believed that we are by nature intensely prone to corruption. This awareness led him to formulate the means to replace religious authority with the authority of something that we could describe as reason, though it went well beyond it.
In one of his works he argued that, although historical religion may have been wrong at times, or the content of some of its beliefs unproven, it latched onto the great need to promote ethical behavior, a need that never disappears for obvious reasons.
In this context Kant proposed the idea of the “Categorical Imperative,” which first appeared in his book “Metaphysics of Morals.” Shrunk to its core, the categorical imperative states: “Act only according to that maxim by which at the same time, you can will that it should become a universal law.” Said it differently, the categorical imperative is designed to shift our perspective, to lead us to see our own behavior in less immediately personal terms, and thereby recognize some of its limitations.
To this effect, Kant also demonstrated the important and relevant role of aesthetics and art. He thought that life involved a constant struggle between our better selves and our passions, between duty and pleasure. However, beauty delights us in a special and important way, because our love of beauty is disinterested. Therefore and in this sense, the beauty of nature is a continual, quiet and insistent reminder of what he called the ‘universe of being.’
And behind the ‘universe of being’ there is what no scientist may perhaps ever touch or discover. Some use the word God, others the term Transcendent, to avoid the semantic inconsistency of ‘atheism’ with its inherent paradox (what is unknown – or inconsistent with our lexical instruments – does not exist). Or more poetically, but also practically, to confound the ‘undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveller returns’ – with the pretty abysmal record of some Churches, at least today.
In any event, the importance of the life of the spirit inspired and promoted by the current Russian political system – as seen in the emphasis on the importance of religion at large – is opposite to the western trend. Where, in America for example, it is illegal to even display a Christian religious symbol in public.
Therefore and to conclude, perhaps, just as the de-Palestinization of Palestine finds its mirror image in the de-westernization of the historic cultural West, the West’s war against Russia may be the last chapter of the West’s war against itself.
A pertinent essay ! Clearly and eloquently relevant. Reflecting on the (sorry) state of affairs we’re currently facing in our daily Lifes and in the geopolitical spheres of our world…
Before us, the (global) war between unconciliable forces is unravelling…
Again, my sincere gratitude for your contribution.
Shame this isn’t written in simpler, less contrived sentences.
I’m sure it says something of value here, but not going to bother wade through the superfluous wordage to find it.
I understand that freedom isn’t free causing us to stand in the strength of Christ against the principalities and powers of darkness of this world.
Continue to persevere. Remembering Julian Paul Assange, and the January 6th political prisoners in the DC jail..
It’s written by someone who is very smart and also very caring. Like a great sports coach. Don’t give up, try harder. You can do it. You’re not really a chump, that’s just what you are telling yourself. You’re a champ, which is what you should be telling yourself. Because it’s true.
@therzal — I agree with your sentiments. The article was far to long to say what could be said simpler. I too struggled through but was not impressed.
Orwell in early Jan.1946 gave us the essay “The prevention of Literature”, which was a musing prompted by his observations of the PEN Club’s meeting at the tercentenary of Milton’s Areopagitica – which way back then had strongly defended freedom of the press.
Based on the day that Orwell attended, his summary description of the PEN meeting: “In its net effect the meeting was a demonstration in favour of censorship.”
Orwell: ” A heretic – political, moral, religious, or aesthetic – was [in the past] one who refused to outrage his own conscience. His outlook was summed up in the words of the Revivalist hymn:
Dare to be a Daniel
Dare to stand alone
Dare to have a purpose firm
Dare to make it known
To bring this hymn up to date one would have to add a ‘Don’t ‘ at the beginning of each line. For it is the peculiarity of our age that the rebels against the existing order, at any rate the most numerous and characteristic of them, are also rebelling against the idea of individual integrity. ‘Daring to stand alone’ is ideologically criminal as well as practically dangerous. [Independent thought] … is eaten away by [many forces, including] … by those who should be its defenders.”
A little later in the piece: ” … the controversy over freedom of speech and of the press is at the bottom a controversy over the desirability, or otherwise, of telling lies. What is really at issue is the right to report contemporary events truthfully ….”
The taboos to the forthright now have been proliferating to form a massive minefield for the fearful mind to tip toe away from. where even the trifling improper pronoun can trigger an explosion, while going all the way, say, by exposing official crimes, is a ticket to the dungeon.
At any rate, Orwell’s observation that the totalitarian impulse was firmly ensconced and growing worse in 1946, even among those who might be expected to defend freedom of speech and thought and expression, provides some context to our circumstance today.
On the other hand, there are those many commoners relatively uncontaminated by intellectual pretensions, who are natural allies of integrity: for example, the freedom truckers in Canada, in their inspirational winter odyssey, brought tears of hope and joy to countless observers around Earth. They were practical blue collar sorts, self organizing, peaceful, facing and exposing a power structure that could only offer power contaminated to the core with corruption and pretence and lies and self-censorship and vile purpose.
The war on the West has been a long war against sanity itself, against 2+2 = 4, waged relentlessly and quite successfully by con-artistry on high, but ending in madness and catastrophe for the deceived and the deceivers.
Orwell was a Nazi and if alive today would be endlessly penning articles about Russian aggression.
Even Churchill recognised Russia’s sacrifice/contribution to defeat Hitler, Orwell behaved and wrote about the Red Menace EVIL and not the Nazi genocide of Europe.
Consorting to provide the British Government/MI5/6 with a LIST of supposed commie subversives ought to raise some alarm bells as to the calibre of the man.
Your first sentence stumbles at the start with a dubious ad hominem and concludes with a display of super human powers of foresight.
But in any case, you are confusing your hostile feelings and warped imagination about Orwell’s character and politics and beliefs with the significance of the quotes from his essay.
The belief that to learn from someone they must adhere to your particular political views and attitudes, or that those you dislike have nothing worthwhile to offer, is to ensure your continued retardation.
If I may add to this profile of Orwell that new findings from British Science and Research says that Hitler was in reality not Hitler but Mother theresa!
Everything we have been told in history until today was a lie where new science shows a complete different picture than the picture we believed in.
Mother Theresa was in reality Hitler and the one that killed 6 million in her basements with zyclone, and Hitler was an angel who saved a lot of civilian lives with his heart and mercy for the poor and vulnerable. The truth!
Russia attitude toward Syria, Iran and Yemen is the tipping point for the brotherhood bond between Islam and Orthodox Christian. In order for the love between Muslims and Orthodox Christians to flourish, the injustice and cruelty of Ottoman Empire done on Orthodox Christians must be acknowledged by Muslims. As a Muslim, I extend my sincere apology to all my Orthodox Christian brothers and Sisters. I am very much in agreement with Sheik Imran Hosein, Haiga Sophia should be returned to the Orthodox Christians.
“Act only according to that maxim by which at the same time, you can will that it should become a universal law.” Said it differently, the categorical imperative is designed to shift our perspective, to lead us to see our own behavior in less immediately personal terms, and thereby recognize some of its limitations.”
Iow, Do unto others….
Refer also to the law of Karma Kickback ( or, in the really vernal vernacular, Shit on a Boomerang)
Well worth the read. Very illuminating and refreshing, insightfully profound for a mind-starved reader. Truly a talented writer and above all, a thinker.
“When absurdity reaches these (mostly ignored) peaks, a dramatic crack in the system, as the world is currently experiencing, acquires an apocalyptic property”
People make life too complicated. A wise friend used to say, “Life is beautiful!” It was his serious conclusion, and exultation. – “But isn’t life a bitch too, we die, and what about those who are suffering and dying?” “They want to live too because life is beautiful.” “Women are the most beautiful thing in the world!” “What?” He thought there was nothing wrong with fornication. I gave him a Bible verse forbidding it and he said, “Why?” I gave him another one and he said, “But why?” I couldn’t answer in the end. He was from a city of less than 70,000 people in another country. Maybe we need more people like him, uncomplicated people. This wise guy, though happily married, one day told me that he had “never fallen in love.” I said, “Why!” “My machismo doesn’t allow it. I can’t be crying…sleepless…” He said he had not missed anything. How wise is that? Only much later could I identify him as a wise man… Two more anecdotes about this extraordinary person, a civil engineer. We worked together and one day I asked how he could always remain so calm. He said, “They teach us this at the university, to just solve the problems.” I rented a room for 50 dollars a month, with lunch everyday included in the price. It had a bed and a wall mounted hammock in front it. Many still preferred the hammock over a bed there. The masons made 5 dollars a day and he mentioned that they were happy and uncomplicated people who needed just enough to eat daily and buy a beer – no worries. (It seemed so too.) “There’s the river with so many fish close to the city, that you’ll come back with eight fish or more, nobody starves here.” In 14 months in his city, I did not see even one beggar; I sometimes wonder if “more civilization” brought them beggars too.
Very well received. Good use of language to convey the esoteric in our lives . My readings of writings of 1850s times ,I was taken by the quality of command of english in those days. The individual words conveyed to the reader a depth of explanation needed to grasp and reinforce core beliefs so important. This article shows welcome similarities of the Art. The art of writing.
some decent points sorely in need of an editor. or at least take out the “derp covid” bits and break the rest into chapters. in any case, it all boils down to materialism as it has since prehistory and there isn’t much here that doesn’t go back to platonism via spengler and guenon.
nice to see the bits about nutrition though i’m not sure where the author’s “loyalties” lie in that respect. some people have deluded themselves into thinking “keto” is healthy so it’s a bit subjective. it’s a badly kept secret that most medical schools devote a few hours at best to nutrition as the US medical system has eschewed prevention in favor of (usually drug) treatment.
Thank you for the beautifully written essay. It has deep ideas to ponder on and the light and whimsical stuff to cheer us up. Thank you!
1. The 85% of the world that is not Western should just ignore the West. Just imagine they don’t exist. Just stop listening to them,stop basing your trade and economy on input from the West. Trade among yourselves, base your economy on you own trade,and that with your non-Western neighbors.
It’s the non-Western nations that give the West the power over them they have. Accepting that the US Dollar and European Euro (or British Pound) should be the currency of World trade, enslaves nations to the West. And yet they keep accepting them. Stop accepting Western culture and social norms to base your modernity on. As how you judge your own societies against. Stop allowing so-called “World organizations” (and NGO’s) to have the right to operate in your countries. Drop out of Sporting Organizations that operate as Western minions, form neutral non-aligned organizations to replace the others. Form a whole new banking system that is neutral,not under Western control. Form political organizations that are neutral and not under the control of the West.
Now is the historic opportunity to take those measures. If those non-Western nations do not take it,then they need to shut-up and stop complaining. Because it will be obvious they are willing to accept Western domination. And just like to complain about it.
2. Of course the West won’t just takes those changes in stride. They will use all the power they still have to stop it. But no matter what they try (up too and including war) they will fail if the non-Western nations stick together,and work towards the goal of freeing themselves from the West. As I said above,now is an historic opportunity to gain their freedom. Take it now,or you probably won’t have another chance for at least a century.I’m hoping that Russia-China-India-Iran,etc,understand that. But the jury is still out on that.
I’m starting to conclude that we know very little about their plan or how long have they been holding out with it, far longer than the mind should stretch, but lets try.
Lets say long before most any country was established the Russians planted gold, then as the world traded in silver, the Russians wait, as they traded in paper currency, the Russians wait, as they traded in electronic currency, the Russians wait.
Then at the right time, say in 2022 after all negotiating has failed, they destroy the same land they know they can afford to rebuild, with the stash of gold to replace the country’s old debts, and start a new with the Ruble.
The list of country’s could be substancial, and the pattern is reportedly there.
Now its just speculation, but all the cards are there to be played, why then not play them if they need to be played?
Remember most people in the third world ares still stuck in their horny admiration of $power and €wealth in US/EU.
They are as much for sale as the sheeple in US/EU, as their own countries still have huge wounds precisely because of the golden billions exploitation.
I wouldnt bet too much on their ability to see the qualities and possibilities in their own societies before they have experienced the conditions in West for many years, and then its too late. They become part of same.
Don’t you love to hear libtards in the USA condemn “land for peace” in Ukraine while they have been screaming it for decades in Israel?
A great article, no doubt, but not perfect. At one point the author says: “In fact, according to recent official statistics at least 70% of the citizens of Middle and Northern Europe are atheists.”
Why is this fact supposed to indicate the decay of Western civilization? What really is the alternative? To believe in ancient superstitions invented by some primitive, pre-civilized country bumpkins? What is wrong with the atheistic philosophy of life called “secular humanism,” which tells us to be good to one another because there is no afterlife and no heavenly reward for good behavior. Our rewards are all here, on earth, and this is why life is precious and should be taken very seriously and very responsibly. What on earth could possibly be wrong with such atheism?
what could possibly be wrong with such atheism? Because at the end of the day one is still left with:
“For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come—sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. All these evils come from inside and defile a person.” Mark 7:21
I would agree, but I wouldn’t necessarily quote the Bible. I have lots of other evidence.
You need to realize that although I would like to promote secular humanism (I actually don’t), I am fully aware that there is a difference between secular humanism and secular humanists. Some of them I find as abominable as some religious fanatics. My point is that whether we like it or not, we have only ourselves to try to figure out how to solve our problems. No God, or gods, will help us. This realization can be very helpful, but of course it doesn’t guarantee anything.
G’day Robert Konrad,
Arguably every ensouled human being is a god in the making. That evolvement process is the whole point of the Cosmos and the reason for the creation of ensouled beings indwelt by a spark of Creator consciousness and the incarnation mechanism under which we have many lives here until we learn from our mistakes (inappropriately called sins by religions) and move on to higher lessons. A significant cause of the great suffering on this planet is that the Revelation of our origins and the reasons for our existence here (which were disclosed by Christ Jesus) have been concealed, distorted and suppressed by lying demonic forces.
G’day Robert Konrad,
You say that the alternative to secular humanism is ‘To believe in ancient superstitions inventerd by some primitive, pre-civilized country bumpkins’.
THAT definition may be appropriate for believers in some ancient religions such as the Torah, although the crafters of Talmudic dogma indicate a high degree of sophistry and sophistication, but there are more modern religious sophisteries.
In any event, your definition presumes its conclusion in that it ignores the reality that ensouled human beings are not unconscious blobs of matter and that spirituality is NOT religion as we define it.
For instance Phil Zuckerman Ph.D. typically argues that:
‘Secular Humanism begins with denial or doubt concerning the existence of anything supernatural—including God—but then goes well beyond that secular stance by positively affirming and valuing the potential of human beings to be kind, enact justice, solve problems, and make the world a better, safer, greener, and more humane place.’
He opines that:
‘Secular humanism frames morality as not causing unnecessary pain, harm, or suffering to humans and other animals; easing or relieving the pain or suffering of humans and other animals; comforting those who are vulnerable or weak; working to increase health, happiness, and well-being in our families, communities, and society at large; fighting for fairness and justice; being empathetic and compassionate; being honest, conscientious, and caring; treating people the way in which we ourselves would want to be treated.’
All of which is laudible BUT begs the question: WHY should any featherless biped walking this planet believing s/he will cease to exist in three score years and ten, think and act in this way?
IF I am merely a decomposing physical meat sack temporarily enlivened and inhabiting this planet for a period of 70 years or so, why would/should I concern myself with the feelings or welfare of others except those whose lives can obviously enhance my own?
Arguably the Creation consists of myriad energetic frequencies that interact intelligibly to create the Cosmos including us. To do that, those energies must contain intelligible information and an element of consciousness since we are very complex beings having awareness, consciousness and reason; and we are aware of consciousness in others. Observation suggests that the consciousness we observe in ourselves (we are ostensibly physical matter although really our physical bodies are agglomerations of various consciously interacting vibrating energies) is enabling us and other human entities to evolve ever greater knowledge and awareness. See eg: Bruce Lipton The Biology of Belief Full Lecture:
This also suggests we and other entities are evolving through complexity of thought and feelings i.e. consciousness. Moreover, as our consciousness increases so does our ability to understand and love. Arguably this process indicates a growth of rationality and spirit, implying ever-growing control of self and energy. Moreover, that growth increases with consciousness.
In addition to our biological computer brains and the large collections of neurons in our heart and gut, similar to the neurons in our brain, Bruce Liption argues that our skin and cell membranes act as signal antennas feeding energy vibrations (i.e. information) to our cells and that the whole process affects our level of consciousness and health. In effect our three brains and our skin and cell membranes function as antennas picking up signals from our minds, the environment and the universe. See Bruce Lipton – The Biology of Belief: Here’s How to Change Your Reality:
Secular humanism’s materialist dogma doesn’t explain how our incredibly complex environment and human physiology evolved or why the palpable consciousness and love apparent in our world exists. It needs to do that if we are to take secular humanism and materialist philosophy seriously.
Some explanation for how specious Darwinian evolutionary theory and its attendant spurious materialist scientific religious dogma was spawned in Western Christendom can be gleaned from perusal of Judaism and Christianity – Two Thousand Years of Lies – 60 Years of State Terrorism—Two-Thousand-Years-of-Lies—60-Years-of-State-Terrorism.shtml
Utterly sublime intellect…! Now, reading this beautiful piece of exceptional writing from good old Nairobi, Kenya, one can’t fail to notice with just what a confoundingly loud bang that this very gifted writer so neatly hits the nail on the head: currently every corner of Africa, including our diplomats, Heads of States, academia, every two bit politician, from North Africa, to South Africa, from East Africa, to West Africa… from the Sahara to the Sahel… we are all shockingly aghast at the childish, stupid and drunkenly reckless hatred of Russians by their Anglo Saxon brothers.
To follow the very shamefully murderous farce of NATO in the Ukraine, all any African needs to do is just read about how a bunch of incompetent hateful brutes have tested the patience of H. Excellency Vladimir Putin, the excellent president of the Russian Federation with the so called Minsk Agreements. With their shrill attempts to portray President Putin as evil through their obviously lying media, the European politicians have only ended up very thoroughly exposing themselves as the utterly idiotic incompetents that they are. If indeed these intellectual minnows, as compared to Putin’s towering brain, are what pass up as our leaders in the commonwealth, its high time to wind up that archaic institution. It’s time for the British to evacuate our much misused continent and go back to their tiny island. It is also very high time for the French to disengage their blood sucking tentacles from west Africa, return all our missing central banking to West Africa from Paris, and go back to their little country. Our very vehement protest letters are already at the desks of the African Union and have been aptly addressed to every African President.
Can anybody try and justify this stupidity of Anglo Saxons hating Russian so much. From whence springeth such poisonous bile? The most shocking of all is the unbecoming behavior of the British Prime minister, Boris Johnson. Does this cartoonish PM surely represent the Queen of England? Is her Majesty, HRH Queen Elizabeth, approving the sending of British weapons to Ukraine to maim, harm, and kill Russians? Has Queen Elizabeth approved the killing of Russian soldiers – the very sons of Russian women, while her own sons like Prince Andrew go raping teenagers as has been so widely publicized in the western media, complete with photo evidence. Has Queen Elizabeth approved the sending of weapons from her royal arsenal to kill Russians in Ukraine for the sake of spreading the so called western values of spreading the gospel of sodomy around the world? What is to be gained biblically from the abhorrent act of a man mounting the anus of another man?? This is unafrican, unbiblical and ungodly, and the main reason why Putin obviously is being hailed as fighting a holy war against the most horrendous evil of this evil age. Has the Queen of England approved the suicidal taunting of Russian nuclear missiles by the British PM with his utterly recklessly careless diplomacy on the global stage? Are there any grown ups resident at Buckingham Palace, who can tone down the abhorrently unchristian war mongering??? Is the Queen of England still tied to the Anglican Church while the demons in her country openly call for WWIII? It is no wonder that Prince Harry recently, and quite correctly, objected so very loudly that his grandmother is sorrounded by self serving characters that are utterly misleading her. What the Prince- seemingly the only grown up in the entire UK political fraternity -failed to say is that His hitherto venerable grandmother, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, is sorrounded by blind leaders that are all playing with fire. Is HRH Queen Elizabeth aware that she might just have a coupla hours to permanently Evacuate Buckingham Palace to Canada or New Zealand- with Russian Nuclear missiles well on their way to permanently obliterate all her beloved castles and palaces in London? All this infantile recklessness by NATO leaders- Jonson,Macron, Liz Truss, Jen Stoltenberg etc may sound tough to Western media, but to most Africans all over the continent, this utterly dangerous carelessness is openly obvious for all to see. This reckless idiocy needs to be stopped ASAP, and certainly, in this regard, we have already dispatched our protest note for the African Union to be delivered to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth.
@James Gathungu
As an English born person of Nordic and Scottish descent, I quite agree with what you have written above. Britain is not a meritocracy by any means, and is really governed by an hereditary elite, whose ancestors originally came by their wealth by military conquest. So called Democratic elections are a farce.
Thanks for your comments.
It is now apparent that British rulers are of such appallingly average intelligence. Such have no credibility to make any decisions for the world.
This time, however, the warmongers are all on their own. Not an iota of support from Africa. We need to thank H. E President Putin for his supreme patient while these infantile buffoons play games with the lives of his countrymen. They all seem to think that the killing in Ukraine is some sort of World Wrestling Entertainment… Fortunately, it’s clear that there’ll be hell to pay personally by each of all these idiots for every Russian soldier lost so far, though none of them seems to posses enough intelligence to know it.
Also having got away with destroying Libya and stealing billions of its former wealth fund, I think it’s high time for President Putin to task the recovery of Russia’s lost billions to a Task Force of the Russian armed forces. The mandate should be to list, profile, and track down every single person involved in this theft of Russia’s Wealth Fund, the institutions and destinations as well as the data trail and history of every aspect of this theft and then issue international arrest warrants for each and every thief involved no matter their role or status. This is very much an international crime.
Great comments James. I saw all this decades ago and my assumptions then never changed. I just became more sure as the western wars, funded terrorists and rape of third world countries only intensified.
Freedom of the so called democratic press was laid bare in banning all other views, but that is only the start.
The railway strike in Britain will show the true nature of “the ability to protest” against a 3% wage increase when inflation is 8.7%(soon to be 11%) and massive layoffs tabled. Never mind that wage increases were frozen for several years as inflation steadily climbed.
Today they are planning to bring in laws criminalizing protest, things thought by USA/Canada; to give special powers to the police and others to arrest anyone. In addition to possibly freeze your bank accounts and arrests those that fund you as terrorists.
They send undercover operatives to do physical damage and that gives them the right to lock up everyone. I saw it here in Canada and I have always seen it in USA. The protests have not really started, but it is coming in waves all over the west.
Uncle Bob above is right. Russia ,China , Iran and the rest have to work together to kick them out of Africa and the ME. To stop them arming their Muslims terrorists, bribing corrupt politicians, so that they can continue stealing from Africa. This will happen, after Ukraine.
But tell Africa to play close attention to the British railway strike and see the measures taken to suppress it.
It is called democracy.
Well spoken. In Africa, though, it is the British and the French expatriates that will be arrested… As soon as the nationalizations begin. It’s what has happened to the McDonald franchise in Russia via another route. Africa is not in the mood to countenance the Zimbabwezization of the continent … as Zelenzki found out just the other day, in his widely snubbed attempt to address the African Union.
All of the above is dramatically obvious, except that it represent the antipodes of the well-entrenched and socially abided-by commandments of the imposed ‘thought unique’, which includes its (perhaps) soon-to-be-launched in the West ‘social credit card’ (a’ la chinoise).
The ‘thought unique’ could be better described as the inter-generational stratification of a philosophy of life whose aim is converting man into an atom of consumption, for the benefit of those who managed the conversion. While simultaneously preventing him from realizing the utter absurdity and folly of such ideological construction.
Amazing, truly amazing lol, what a way to describe Rev. 13 about “no one can buy or sell unless he had the mark which is the number of his name!!!
Did any happen to read the precursor to “thought unique” wow will i always remember these two words in this piece…
“People believed that governments would use tracker apps solely for COVID purposes. Sadly, the Chinese are quickly learning the harsh reality – the apps were always intended to control the masses. Over $6 billion (39 billion yuan) has been frozen, and thousands of people are unable to access their bank accounts. A few banks in rural Henan reported bank runs, and residents were planning a protest after finding that their funds were frozen.”
“Conveniently, the COVID tracing app is required to enter the bank. Users need to scan their QR codes to enter most public places. It has been reported that thousands of COVID-negative individuals had their status changed via the app, restricting their movement and making public places inaccessible.”
“Numerous depositors were taken to quarantine camps. CNN reported on one individual who was forced to spend the night in a quarantine camp after his code falsely showed he came into contact or was infected with COVID. He was permitted to leave the following day, but since his code was still inactive, he was not permitted to board the train home. As the lockdowns have shown, government tyranny is certainly not restricted to China. If it happened there, it could happen anywhere.”
Look well Mr. Moglia into “here is the mind that has wisdom” where the good book speaks about where ones attention should be. Learning and Knowing about our worlds last economic system and the king with the little horn boasting great things is the key supreme to the words of Solon of Athens.
Lastly, if one is into old movies an oldy but goody can be found here. why?
The last scene about the Fountain of Destiny is in fact true! It is the Christians celebration as Christ said to him that overcome will I give free access to the water of life!!!
Something of which Solon of Athens would find quite intriguing, yes?
There is actually something to fight and live for beyond “an atom of consumption” in the here and now. lol
“Every man has experienced how much of his ardor of consumption has been remitted when a sharp or tedious sickness has set death before his eyes.”
That sentence is a riot. It speaks, I think, to all men, because we usually almost died before death, and often… a couple of times. And all that myth about a tunnel and a Light. That is not it. Death sets before our eyes society and how we contributed, and what we leave behind.
Thanks for the wonderful essay.
I know that you are deliberately giving Herr Schlub the first name of the pathologist of capitalism when he is, contrarily, its would- be resurrectionist, because you have also changed the name of Fraulein Arsela to Von Der Lugen.
His real name, Klaus, is quite apt. His most famous namesake, Santa Klaus, “sees you when you’re sleeping, knows when you’re awake,…bad or good”, etc. In other words, presides over a surveillance state. So, “you’d better watch out”!
The ruling class does imagine that they can achieve mental immortality with the help of computer chips and an unfailing electrical grid. Many of the world’s leaders are graduates of the Schlub indoctrination courses including some you have mentioned in France, Great Britain, and Finland, besides Fraulein Von Der Leiden.
The WHO aims to become the papacy, empery, and dictatorship of public health. It is now funded more by private donors than countries, with Big Drug companies and related foundations and NGOs in the lead.
I read the article and found it interesting, I liked the parts that made me laugh,and appreciate humor more and more in all the mad bad sad reportage here, but being funny is actually really difficult funnily enough, ha…
I did flag towards the end though,a bit long for me… also liked the fact that very interesting comments appeared here and under other articles if you know what I mean, things start to connect and form a comprehensive whole with different approaches to life and current affairs, and just so you know not meaning affairs of the heart as is usually inferred, but nevertheless of the heart affairs concerning humanity. The matter of life and death, the journey from a beginning to an end, and how the art of real humor and thought may encourage.
I am familiar with and agree with much of this argument, but it’s too wordy and unnecessarily complex, and contains howling mistakes such as “in America for example, it is illegal to even display a Christian religious symbol in public”. Of course it is not!
“In America for example, it is illegal to even display a Christian religious symbol in public”. Of course it is not!”
Yes, indeed, it is a howler, quite damaging to the author’s reputation. There are other problems, too. The fact that Kant was apparently concerned by the decline of Christianity does not in any way support his argument that we should be as well.
Consider also this: “In one of [Kant’s) works he argued that, although historical religion may have been wrong at times, or the content of some of its beliefs unproven, it latched onto the great need to promote ethical behavior, a need that never disappears for obvious reasons.”
“Religion may have been wrong at times”!
If there has ever been an example of the most ridiculous understatement, then this surely must be it. How easy now to dismiss the endless slaughter and torture of millions of people for religious reasons, a slaughter and torture that continue, of course, to this day. And will continue. Not to mention the all too obvious facts of how science has exposed the nonsense of countless religious doctrines. (Does the author still believe in an Earth-centered universe?) Pretty amazing how easily readers can be persuaded by some verbal dexterity. Beware of religious Pied Pipers.
“In this context Kant proposed the idea of the “Categorical Imperative,” which first appeared in his book “Metaphysics of Morals.” Shrunk to its core, the categorical imperative states: “Act only according to that maxim by which at the same time, you can will that it should become a universal law.” Said it differently, the categorical imperative is designed to shift our perspective, to lead us to see our own behavior in less immediately personal terms, and thereby recognize some of its limitations.”
Said differently, I think that this action maxim only meant that “it” should be something so inherently right that it could become a universal law. That’s all. I suggest that it has nothing to do with seeing “our own behavior in less immediately personal terms, and thereby recognize some of its limitations.” It has to do entirely with the rightness of what you do. (That’s the Kant I know.)
Yes, you’re right. It has entirely to do with the “rightness to do so”, to be intendend precisely as “it is rationally correct to do so and not otherwise”.
That is a direct consequence of Kant’s attempt to build a moral structure completely based on rationality (at least in the “pure reason” and in the “prolegomena”).
Has this attempt been successful? Nope. Why? Because Kant’s moral structure has not proven to be consistent, thus jeopardising the very same principle of rationality he was starting with.
So we can conclude that the entire part about Kant, within this article, can only be useful as a metaphor, and cannot be a viable ethic route to follow – IF one is interested on ratonal thinking.
If one is not, then everything could be believed, so there’s no purpose for discussion. The perfect scenario for non-existent entities to rule the mind of men.