So now we have the ‘evidence’.
First, we have 4 grainy photos from an al-Nusra linked Twitter account:
Second, we have this confirmation from the White House via Zero Hedge:
Then earlier today we got the closest thing to a confirmation from the White House itself which confirmed that “it was closely monitoring reports that Russia is carrying out military operations in Syria, warning such actions, if confirmed, would be “destabilising and counter-productive.” Obama spokesman Joshn Earnest essentially confirmed Russia was already operating in Syria when he said that “we are aware of reports that Russia may have deployed military personnel and aircraft to Syria, and we are monitoring those reports quite closely.”
I have a few questions about this “evidence”:
- Since when are ‘tweets’ from an al-Nusra linked account a credible source of information?
- Since when is the White House a credible source of information?
- How can you tell when/where the photos above were taken?
- What do you see on these photos – MiG-29, SU-27, SU-34s or MiG-31s?
As for the articles, they quote all these aircraft, but also Russian helicopters, Russian ships in Tartus, while the White House speaks of “military flights”. And on the basis of all that, Zero Hedge speaks of the “most anticipated showdown in recent history“.
Now I want to make something unambiguously clear: I am NOT, repeat, NOT affirming that there is no Russian military operation going on. It is *possible* that there is some kind of Russian military operation going on. But what I am saying is that there is a huge conceptual distance between “possible” and “likely” and that, at this point in time, there is exactly zero evidence for such an operation.
There is also the problem of Occam’s razor here. While the pseudo-evidence presented here could be interpreted as the sign of a Russian military operation, there is a much simpler explanation: Daesh is in trouble, the US and Israel are trying to muddy the waters and blame it all on Putin (what else is new?), these photos were taken somewhere in the Ukraine and as for the Russian military flights to Damascus, they are just the now routine military assistance which Russia has been providing for years. End of story.
Again, maybe tomorrow or in a week we will be shown some halfway credible proof of a Russian military operation and there will be some who will say that “haha, the Saker was wrong and we were right”. Okay, but I much rather be “wrong” because I refuse to accept pseudo-evidence from thoroughly discredited sources than to be “right” because I accepted such evidence. My “job” is to deal with the “right here, right now” – not make wild guesses and bask in self-congratulatory delight when once every now and then my wild guesses happen to be correct. I rather be wrong for the right reasons then be right for the wrong ones.
One more thing: on these photos I personally see what might be a MiG-29 and a SU-27 (both are almost useless for CAS, but nevermind that). I most definitely see no SU-34 or MiG-31. Not only that, but not a single article or photo ever mentions SU-24s and SU-25 which, in my humble opinions, would be much more logical choices.
At this point in time I am calling “the most anticipated showndown in history” a total load of bullcrap. And if tomorrow proves me wrong, at least it will be for the right reasons :-P
The Saker
PS: I just checked the Russian media and they say that 2 things might explain these rumors:
2) The Israelis are angry at Russia over Iran and they are retaliating by spreading these rumors.
Putin confirms, kind of:
“We really want to form some kind of an international coalition, therefore we conduct consultations with our US partners,” Putin said, noting that he spoke about it with President Obama.
However it is premature to discuss “direct” Russian involvement in military actions against ISIS, needless to say joining the US-led coalition, as Moscow is currently considering “other options,” said Putin.
EU refugee crisis ‘absolutely expected’ – Putin – RT, 4 Sep, 2015
-Putin said he was surprised how the US mass media criticize Europe for cruelty against migrants. He stressed that the US is not affected by this migrant flow while Europe, which blindly follows Washington’s instructions, suffers the most.-
Mr.Putin is spot on – and not only is Europe and the Middel East having the biggest suffering -The mighty USA has only taking 1400 refugees from Syria….yes, 1400 !….and not only that, under Pre. Obama US. has deported 1.5 mio. people back to south and middle america….and still the media in USA have the nerve to criticize Europe….those hypocrites make me sick.
Yes, yes, yes! Way to go Mr. Putin. Keep rubbing it in! The BRICS should ALL do this constantly, non stop, just to give the NATA-stan countries a taste of their own medicine (even if not as bitter)!
Alan, I do utmost agree with you.
Rub in the facts, history lessons and moral imperatives. Not mentioning the international law (as the Hegemon is well known blind hypocratic rapist).
Just a remark to Saker´s words – “Daesh is in trouble.” Well, surely very soon it will be, if not already is in real trouble (should the Russians be already there, inspite of no evidence known to general public).
“these photos were taking somewhere in the Ukraine’
Photos? If I had still had my 486 system running photoshop light that came with the system, with a tablet, I could construct those images in less than an hour. With a new graphics computer with store-bought graphics computer it would be a piece of cake. Why go to the expense of sending up planes when you can do it on your desktop?
Gee — do you think they might have faked an image with photoshop? Nah — they wouldn’t do that, would they?
The nail is hit squarely on the head. Thanks. You beat me to it.
The Saker,
As you so rightly say, although anything is possible, the likelihood are vastly different.
It is strange that there is “evidence” in a day that some Russian troops are in Syria, but have been unable to see proof of Russian troops in Ukraine after 18 months, though that is taken as Gospel in the western MSM….:-)
The BS just keeps increasing.
Meanwhile, in West Africa, a new front for the Western proxy Boko Haram is opened in Cameroon, to pressure the government into scaling back Chinese and other eastern investments in favour of the pillaging by the French.
While China and Russia do deals, the West does piracy…
@ The Saker,
Putin does not care about Assad or his regime, but he does care about the strategic Russian access to the Mediterranean, the possibility of HIBIS [or whatever other acronym makes their flags fly these days] sneaking up north and begin to destabilize regions and territories near or on Russian soil and the ongoing rampage in the Donbass [although, it seems, Putin already made his move there], so here’s what I would do, if I were Putin;
1) Establish a larger foothold on Syrian soil, by expanding the Russian naval facility in Tartus and set up an airfield [of sorts nearby], to protect said facility. All this then, has to be protected by batteries of S400/S500, in case someone wants to attack it. The end result will be that FUKUS can’t fly anything in or near Syrian territory without risking becoming toast and the Apartheid State will be unable to play its silly games, like attacking Iran. 2 flies, 1 stone
2) Although Putin doesn’t care whether Assad survives in person, he does care about keeping Tartus, so he needs someone in power who will allow Russia to maintain a presence in Syria. As Putin is a man who listens to people, he will listen to the voices of the Syrians. Although polls are unreliable, if I had to choose between human organ eating beheaders and a semi-dictator, I’d vote for the latter. So, Putin will protect Assad for now.
3) To protect Assad for now, Putin will offer the Syrian Army assistance [real-time intel, weapons, armor, instructors, planes, etc.], but you will not see a Russian Army division storm a ragtag HISBIS platoon’s hideout. You will feel a Russian military presence though, but that’s to bolster the moral of the troops already fighting against FUKUS’ mercenaries, with clear cut victories.
4) In doing the above, I [as Putin] would be able to say, “Checkmate.” to FUKUS, and , of course, when HISBIS sets course for the Tartus base and nearby airfield, I have no choice but to yell, “R2P!”
This will be a win-win situation for Putin, without tripping over the Afghan booby-trap.
[Moderator please disregard any previous accidental repeat ‘anon’ posts’ and delete]
1) Fellow Unz Review er Israel Shamir seems to have partially bought the hype, though he is not getting into specifics nor saying explicitly that Russian ground troops will be used. He cites unknown Moscow sources, which sounds like he asked a guy who talked to a guy:
2) I agree that the ‘Su34’ pics are 100% fake, they look like very crude photoshops of the type Eliot Higgins/Aric Toler and the other Atlantic Council trolls laugh at when they appear in Russian media ala the ‘too good to be true Ukrainian Su-27 shooting down MH17 sat pic’ that was almost certainly a CIA fake planted in Ru media using some combo of bribes or in the case of Channel One, overeager stupidity. Higgins aka ‘BrownMoses’ of sitting on reports of Syrian rebels having their own toxic gasses rather than inform journalists that they were in danger infamy has been quiet lately — perhaps too quiet.
3) We’ve heard from good sources that there is an active, organized effort to ‘Sunstein’ the alternative media, which we’ll discuss in the upcoming Jade Helm 15 piece. Since Zerohedge is probably one of the most trafficked alt media outlets in the US and English speaking world, it must give the AZs a kick to use ZH to spread their disinfo, especially when Daniel Ivandjiiski the site’s alleged ex-trader proprietor has been accused of being a Russian disinfo asset because his father was a Bulgarian journalist in Soviet times, and hence, assumed to be a spy for Bulgaria’s Darzhavna Sigurnost (DS). They ‘punked’ Alex Jones and used Infowars to spread JH2015 alarmism to discredit him and alternative media in general too.
@ AK,
Q; I agree that the ‘Su34′ pics are 100% fake, they look like very crude photoshops…
R: I thought they were {old} pics of ‘flying doodlebugs.’
I don’t believe Putin will send in an entire army division, absolutely not, but I would surely use the Tartus base as a forward ‘outpost’ to be able to deter all this FUKUS madness being played out, without any restraint.
What would you do, if you’d be standing in Putin’s shoes?
If I´d be in Putin´s shoes,
I´d shit in my pants :-)
But if I were Putin – I would conquer the whole world (or at least all the cute women btw. age 20-40)
Putin prefers women his own age. Only male chauvinists ‘like ’em young’
You must be some Putin’s personal advisor at least, knowing what he cares about. God forbid if you were Putin, world would be in nuclear oblivion already.
@ Guru,
Q; God forbid if you were Putin, world would be in nuclear oblivion already.
R; You hear that crashing sound in the background?
That’s my ego falling to smithereens :o)
But, on a more serious note, how would you deal with all this madness, if you’d be Putin?
I like your plan which you depicted in a post above. Seriously.
Me and Vladik (some of us in the inner circle call him also Vova or Volodya) will meet tonight as a daily routine,
and I will recommend you to his undercover shadow dynamic team.
The place of the court clown (who yells the truth) is taken for a long time already, I suppose you noticed the role of Vladimi Wolfowich (Zhirinovskiy).
@ ‘the master’
Q; Me and Vladik (some of us in the inner circle call him also Vova or Volodya) will meet tonight as a daily routine,
R; I thought you were too busy shitting in your pants.
I guess that must the benefit of supersized ‘Depends’
Joaquin Flores isn’t buying the hype either:
I see another possibility. They desided to move the war to Russia and they are building a context.
“Russia helps the Syrian army fight the islamists, so it is only natural that they will fight back exploding stuff in Russia”
Works both internaly in Daesh and externaly in western media.
@ Erlindur — you win a cookie. That is the most plausible explanation for this wave of ‘Russian boots on the ground in Syria’ hype this week that I’ve seen by far, besides the otherwise inexplicable hyping of jihadists joining forces with the Azov Ukro-Nazis. The MSM are setting the stage for a wave of terror attacks in Russia, quite possibly even targeting the gas pipeline infrastructure that Right Sector fuehrer Yarosh threatened to hit last year.
Flores explanation that the Empire is trying to make Russia look like its overextending itself and getting bogged down militarily in Syria to prospective new partner Egypt and old enemies Saudi Arabia and ‘frenemy’ the UAE also makes sense.
I hope the message will be delivered by Psaki.
She will slip her tongue and reveal little more than Kremlin even hoped to dig out through its spies network.
And the rest of the world will have the obligatory dose of fun and striking stupidity of US state department…
Funny mode off:
I consider your idea for very possible. And typical for Obama administration. I.e. running into weird games without not even a back-up plan or exit strategy but also without any idea of the accomplishment goal.
Anyway, as usual – bad for this planet and innocent people.
Indeed, while it is likely Russia has supported Syria in numerous ways, and it is possible that some escalation in support is possible (we did not see much of those little green men in Crimea until it was over), and that this scenario aligns with the dreams and expectations of many who wish for some justice, it just as likely to be a fabricated psyops by the usual suspects to frame a future false flag ‘jihad’ by the ISIS Hollywood project gainst Russia while Putin is in NY at the UN (and likely sniffing the whiffs of sulfur that Chavez detected at the podium after GWB smeared its surfaces with his evils).
Yep. Where are the photos and video of this alleged Islamic State attack on a Russian army base in Dagestan? Looks like more BS to me but the timing is interesting and matches with the ‘create hype around an IS terror offensive against Russia’. FSB/Spetsnaz will hopefully make short work of the Caucasus Emirate Wahhabi trash.
“the White House …. was closely monitoring reports”, “we are aware of reports,,,,and we are monitoring those reports”
These are all weasel words and say nothing except that they are looking at pieces of paper.
As if, with all the satellite and other intel the Hegemon has, it needs to review ‘reports’ to find out what’s going on. Duh!
Just another piece of prop from the Hegemon’s swirling vortex of obfuscation and russophobic villification. Public consumption for the use of.
Hold on! Is that a BUK missile and MH17 I see in those grainy pictures?
This AFP article comes across the same as WMD, russian invasions of Ukraine ect.
Both the White House and the Pentagon refused to say whether they had intelligence suggesting the reports were accurate.
“It’s up to the Russians to explain exactly what they are doing,” said Peter Cook, Pentagon spokesman.
All this hype is blown into the air towards the idiot masses in order to keep the impression alive that the Syrian government is about to fall.
Sorry Saker, you were right in the most cases. But this time you missed. Russian boots are already on the ground in Syria and actively fighting.
And you present what source to confirm your assertion? Or are you presently in some incognito state in Syria and have personally witnessed these troops?
Regardless of how much pleasure it would give to see Russian MI-35M’s in Syria, Saker’s original analysis of the scenario is correct.
When Russia engages, it’s quick and nasty…things would go snap-crackle-and-pop ruthlessly, just like in Georgia.
The fact Daesh hasn’t run back into Israel and Jordan where it came from tells you that Russia is not in it yet.
. . .just like in Georgia. . .
I hope not:
15 November 2008
Air farce
The Russian Air Force didn’t perform well during the conflict in South Ossetia
One other deficiency of the Russian Air Force demonstrated during the South Ossetian operation was its inability to gain and sustain air superiority over the battlefield. Russian military convoys advancing along narrow mountainous roads were totally exposed to air raids by Georgian ground-attack aviation. There is no evidence that Russian fighters provided air protection for the ground troops. Numerous reports assert that Georgian Su-25 attacks were countered with the help of tactical air defense assets, i.e. self-propelled AA guns and man-portable air defense systems. The low efficiency of the Georgian air raids can be put down exclusively to inadequate pilot training. That said, Georgian Su-25s continued attempted attacks on the Russian troops even on August 11, the last day of combat actions. It is totally unbelievable that the Russian Air Force was unable to establish air superiority almost to the end of the five-day war, despite the fact that the enemy had no fighter aviation.
That was then,this is now.Russia recognized many mistakes of that time,and corrected them.But even with the problems Russia had then.They still managed to defeat Georgia within 5 days.And only stopped themselves from occupying the entire country (wrongly,as its turned out) because of political reasons,not military.
Much ado about nothing.
From the Telegraph piece mentioned above:
A US official confirmed that “Russia has asked for clearances for military flight to Syria,” but added “we don’t know what their goals are.”
“Evidence has been inconclusive so far as to what this activity is.”
Question is- why are rumours going around for what appears to be a routine activity?
We saw this last year when they were “unloading S300’s off boats etc” … basically distraction and fishing by ziotripes (yes, a new species of gut human social bacteria). Little doubt the Russians are in there ‘training’ etc just like the Americans etc. And there may even be some ‘invisible’ SAS units slinking around parts unknown (like the Australians SAS units in the pre-Iraq war period) but it is hardly news — except for hysterical US media and think tanks. Let’s not conflate “what if’s … ” (GWBush style) with what is…
re: “1. Since when are ‘tweets’ from an al-Nusra linked account a credible source of information?”
oh come on people…. think a bit !!!!
evidence like that became credible when they used an audio recording on youtube (with a time stamp the day before!) to determine that russia brought down MH17.
Life was so cozy in NATO-land before Putin crashed the party, took the mike and started waxing lyrical about “cultural integrity and national sovereignty”.
Dead silence, ashen faces. Only a certain Xi enjoyed Putin’s kick-ass free-styling flow.
“You kul man! We wuk togedda?”
“Sure, man, let’s do it!”
The rest is history. The NATO-land trolls & trannies have gone berserk ever since. One epileptic seizure followed by another, collective mass-nightmares in broad daylight. Be it in the Ukraine, in the Baltics or in Tel Aviv – every fly, every paper-plane is taken for a Mic, no, a Sukhoy, no, no, that is a… “Help! The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!”
A big thumbs up to your dee-licious description of current ‘sturm und drang’ in geopolitical mayhem.
I recently read an RT article about Russia developing ‘invisible’ cloaking technology (or something) to make military ‘stuff’ undetectable … which cracked me up because they already have invisible troops invading all over, and invisible subs driving the Swedes nuts ….
So was hoping to see a loooong gap of nothing in the Red Square or Tiananmen WW2 parades – and commentary on The Nevidimyy / Invisible Battalion sailing by.
What fun! Porky might have got a thrombosis.
You made my day.
Indeed and quite possible but what if?
The Russians has legitimate reason to be there, the US has not, they are uninvited and most certainly unwelcome, both them and their proxies.
Dear Saker, why lose your precious time with such an obvious psyop fairytale?
If everytime that the propaganda apparatus of the AngloZionist Hydra fabricates a spy-warfare story you feel the need to counter-reason it, you would spend all your 24/7 time on it.
I think that everybody here knows that DEBKAfile is a MOSSAD front-face media bureau a.k.a counter-info tool.
No, there is not and there will be no isolated and direct Russia Federation boots on the ground and wings in the sky in Syria, unless that expeditionary force is integrated in a multinational coalition and/or backed by an UN resolution.
Russian special operations were already conducted in Latakia last month. It wasnt against ISIS but Jabhat al Nusra.
It is entirely possible that a Russian “military excursion” has already been going on in Syria. If that were the case, then I find this development very disheartening. It’s truly confounding that the Russians are most likely “fighting” a bogeyman, as the Zero Hedge article astutely mentions. it is also entirely possible that the Russians and the Syrians alone will be left to deal with the invaders, while everyone else pays lip service about fighting terrorists, all the while winking at each other behind the Russians’ backs.
In another piece at RT, President Putin averred that the first step in helping Syria stabilize is to create a common and united front against jihadist groups such as Islamic State, and fighting them at their core.
Put these two together, the bogeyman and fighting IS to its core, and you come up with a somewhat, and I’m very sorry to be having to say this, amusing inference.
So President Putin intends to fight IS to its core? But where is its core? So what if Putin and Syria wins the day, and the IS retreats to……. oh, I don’t know,….. perhaps to the underground of the CIA. Will President Putin attack the CIA then?
Earnest? Just Joshn:) I think we are living in Alice in Wonderland. With General Breedlove and White House official liar named Earnest. Well at least he admits he is only ‘Joshing’.
“such actions, if confirmed, would be “destabilising and counter-productive.” Obama spokesman Joshn Earnest essentially confirmed Russia was already operating in Syria….
“We are the only country that has a right to destabilize…..and if they prevent our destabilizing Syria, the Russians are being counterproductive.”
For commentary on this Bullsh*t, see this:
From a domestic US PR perspective, by introducing Russians into the narrative, the primary actors will have a ready excuse when things go from bad to worse — another factor that suggests BS.
It is undeniable that Russia has geopolitical?, or maybe business? interests in Syria, but perhaps the timing of Russia’s intervention may prove to be a blessing to many. If President Putin succeeds in stabilizing Syria (as opposed to what the White House says about “destabilizing”), then that would most likely stop the outflow of refugees to other countries. I think it’s a win-win situation in the present context.
Come to think about it, who else can pull it off? If President Putin can’t pull it off, I doubt anyone else can.
The drums of war are beating again. The refugee crisis is being used as a psyop. The propaganda calls for Assads ouster. Consensus for a R2P intervention is being built.
But would a NATO attack be possible if the Russians are already on the ground?
Also, the whole NATO bullshit machine has put all its eggs in the Baltic Ukro basket. A countermove down in the Levant would be unexpected. Historically this has always been the direction f Russian intrigue.
Fight the empire and the head choppers down there and get moderate Muslums to rally around their flag. . .
Its more than likely this “report” is BS.But if there is any truth in it.Its also almost certain it would be advisers,specialists,and volunteers only,no “boots” on the ground.If true to form,if Putin planned on a full scale intervention he would have asked for permission from the Duma,as he did over the Ukrainian situation.And I haven’t heard anything about that,not even rumors.But on the other hand,the reason for speed in military assistance against ISIS might be because of a report I saw yesterday.It said ISIS was claiming their first attack “inside” Russia.That they attacked an army base in Dagestan,killing and wounding Russian soldiers at the base.And that they then got away into the mountains.They are saying that was only the start.If true,and I saw no evidence yet .Then Russia needs to help destroy ISIS soon for their own security.I don’t know how truthful that report might be,but it is out there.
Another point on this story.Russia has been trying to make a deal to get the non-ISIS opposition to come to an agreement with Assad.It appears some of them are at least listening to them.This might be an Empire,and hardliners in the terrorist groups,trying to stop any deal.The opposition,more than likely, wouldn’t work with Russia,if Russia had an army there fighting for Assad.So discredit Russia as an honest broker,and you kill any agreement.
Uncle Bob, good point. Wd destroy “honest broker” image.
Dear The Saker,
My take. As I said the other day – Why start these rumours? Cui Bono?
The Whitehouse jumps on the bandwagon:
but Putin said today:
“Putin said this concerns the contracts signed some five or seven years ago. “We are performing them in full,” he said. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov on Wednesday rejected media reports about possible participation of Russian Armed Forces in airstrikes against the Islamic State (IS) terrorist group. “You should not believe these media reports,” Peskov told journalists…….”
The day before Russian Foreign office stated:
“Media reports about Russian military planes in Syria have already been disavowed by Russia’s Defense Ministry and presidential administration, Russian Foreign Ministry’s official spokesperson Maria Zakharova said on Thursday………..”
So Russia has refuted all these alligations very clearly but as usual the US picks up the carefully placed fake information and “pictures” and runs with it because no doubt they are losing on the ground in Syria and trying again to either drag Russia into their unholy mess or blame it!
At the same time the EU is starting to fall apart now with the refugee crisis from Syria – so public opinion will swing against interference in Syria and ending the war with the help of Assad against ISIL/Daesh.
The A/Z’s dont want this though – do they…..
Sputnik asks the question today:
Is it just me, or is anyone else wondering if the C IA – orchestrated (according to Austrian Intel) recent refugee upsurge + Russian ‘boots on the ground’ in Syria hysteria is designed to keep the Lebanon unrest off the front page?
(And the Iran deal on knife-edge of course ..)
Eimar, Moon of Alabama had a story on it yesterday. He says it’s not normal media coverage, over-hyped, too many moving personal stories trying to manipulate emotions, etc. He’s right. This is controlled media. EU authorities wd NEVER be hyping the refugee story like this. (Unless they want to distract from all the anti-EU feeling?)
Also he says that most of the refugees are coming from fairly safe locations in TURKEY! I assume he means the Syrian refugee camps.
So I guess there’s another wrinkle on R2P coming up.
Btw, Meyssan said the planes were the ones earlier ordered by Syria & is NOT talking about any major Russian boots on the ground.
Personally, I’ve always thought the new business of soldiers covering their faces is to hide NATO forces.
very “solid” prove, isn’t it?
Russian have had a naval logistics base in Tartus since 1971 so there has always been small Russian ‘presence’ in Syria as for the rest of it .. yaaaawwwnnn. come on US you can do better surely. Actually I think people need to realise that this sort of thing is really only for home consumption, keep the brain dead fed with ‘Putin is a monster’ brain washing soundbites. The kind of thing that allows americans to passively accept their children being sent to some meat grinder of a war zone somewhere so that the elites can stay in power and steal all their money as well as their childrens lives
“What do you see on these photos – MiG-29, SU-27, SU-34s or MiG-31s?”
The top left picture could be a couple of Sopwith Camels.
Looks like a drone to me -but it could be a paper airplane or anything you wanted it to be.
Perhaps Eliot Higgins, the MH17 lead investigator, can weigh in?
Funny too… not a single “Slavic looking” person, but “Российские войска воюют и в Сирии ”
Not a single “Slavic looking” person, but Russian language.
Syria, Latakia – Syrian Arab Army/National Defense Forces Some Battle Footage from Today.
This is the same video without intro posted on 23. august.
Commentator SovietBearRus says:
A translation from 2:03 to 2:30 of the video is provided below:
2:03: ”Давай!” – Give me/Come on!
2:06: ”Бросай!” – Throw!
2:10: “Ещё раз! Ещё давай!” – Once again! Do it again!
2:30: “Павлин, павлин, мы выходим” – Peacock, Peacock [callsign], we are moving out.”
I think the notion that the refugee crisis is to be blamed on Putin has the best set of legs. I recall a threat made early on in the Ukraine saga from a US voice that if Europe refuses to go along there are plenty of ultra right levers which can be pulled chimes well with the refugee blame angle loaded towards blackening Putin. Stories are made in layers. The refugees arriving into a Europe with mass unemployment, benefit cuts and growing anger at austerity will engender xenophobia and fuel thereby youth into extreme right paths over the next few years, and from the ranks of these youth will come the fighters needed for the coming war on Russia. Hodges said (paraphrasing) the Russians are preparing for a war in 5 or 6 years but we can’t let that occur because they will have closed the capabilities gap by then and so we need to get this show on the road well before then. So pissing off disenfranchised youth with what appears to them as freebies and gifts galore for refugees is just a means to mobilise the cannon fodder for the carnage to come.
One possible explanation:
Jiri, Thanks for the link.
What garbage the CFR has come up with: “What the administration still refuses to acknowledge is that the Assad regime is a jihadi manufacturing device, whose brutality largely explains the growth of ISIS. As long as Assad is in place, ISIS will grow; Assad’s attacks on Syria’s Sunni population mean that he serves as a recruiter for ISIS. Because our central goal is the defeat of ISIS, we must work to remove the Assad regime…”
Syria’s Sunni population is in the army fighting against ISIS. Assad was elected & couldn’t possibly have held his country together against such odds if he didn’t have his people’s support. But all the captive CNN listeners probably don’t know that.
You’re right, Jiri– this is the line they’ll use. Slightly more persuasive than, “They hate us for our freedom.”
There may be one other explanation for the refugee stream.
As we know Erdogan has established his “safe zone” in North Syria by sending in Turkmen militias. One of his proclaimed aims with the safe zone is to house refugees.
So maybe he is making life less pleasant in the camps inside Turkey in the hope that the refugees will move towards his safe zone. In that case the stream of refugees towards Europe would be a side effect.
Careful to those who yearn for the victory. That usually ‘follows’ the war.
I sense that the same people who think more war is inevitable as the solution are not sending sons and fathers to do the fighting.
Putin, so far, has been very parsimonious with Russian military lives.
It is far likelier that he will only send contingents of Intel, maintenance and training experts, Also, he will maximize equipment in a manner befitting Russian tactics.
His stated goal is to destroy ISIS in situ (Syria and Iraq).
The Kurds, the Syrian Army, the volunteers from Hezbollah and Quds Force are more than enough boots on the ground. Properly supported in massive logistical manner Syria can terminate ISIS.
Therefore, Russian troops are not needed for the fight. They would become high value targets and the propaganda value of captive Russians tortured and executed in ISIS manner would be worse than Russian social psyche could normally sustain.
All Syria needs right now is much more equipment and a strong shield from US/NATO operations.
Russian can gain air dominance for Syria. That is a game changer to the ground strategy and tactics.
While the US destabilizes Lebanon with the You Stink color revolution, Jordan’s King showed up in Moscow to join a solution to his overwhelming problem of millions of Syrian refugees (a gift from the US war on Assad and the Israeli plan for breaking Syria into small pieces).
Troop levels for the fight? Egyptians. General Sisi is on board with Putin and Assad. The extra boots planners might want will come from Egypt not Russia.
Just a little reminder: Egypt applied for entry into SCO, the terror fighting alliance that grows hugely with India, Pakistan and Iran. Imagine Egypt in the mix.
We are not going to see Russians spearhead the terror fight in ME. They will supply the weapons and ammo and “brains”, but not the troops.
And China has been a Mediterranean partner with Russia related to Syria. They will bolster their support of Iraq on the other side of the ISIS war.
While virtually no one joined the 60 nation coalition of Obama except the Five Eyes and Israel, Putin is amassing military capabilities and needful allies with stakeholder status. How he maneuvers Assad as an issue or obstacle (for Saudi and Gulf States) is the thing to watch.
debunking nonsense: You are correct to be cautious. if a major advance is in the offing in Donbass, then having a distraction and a reason to double damn the “Russian” might also be in the works. These are deliberately confusing times. The Mossad site Debka file, made a big fuss a week or so ago about Russian MIGs in Damascus so this story has been in the works for awhile. Agreed, it is not in Russia’s interest to provoke anybody at this time even as a feint.
@zweistein on September 04, 2015 · at 10:17 am UTC
This is something to make you sober
The cognitive dissonance sets in when you realize that the US is, supposedly, fighting ISIS and Al Quaeda (of which the Al Nusra front is, as I understand it, an affiliate), and has invited a bunch of other countries to do the same, and if Russia were intervening militarily it would certainly be to fight ISIS and Al Nusra, hence theoretically it would be just one more country doing what the US has asked countries to do, everyone on the same side here.
And yet apparently no, because they’re Russian this would be a terrible destabilizing thing. Why? Well, mainly because everyone else understands that the game is to somehow do something bad to ISIS without actually helping the government or military of the country ISIS are attacking, whereas Russia would actually be opposing ISIS by helping ISIS’ major enemy, a no-no. To put it a different way, Russian interference would be “destabilizing” because they would refuse to keep destabilizing Syria.
Let’s hope Saker’s right, bcs according to Imran Hosein, the prophesy in the Koran predicts the start of the the malhama (armageddon) with Russia intervening in Syria..
I have a feeling Russia will be much more involved, and maybe the Central Asian countries will contribute “boots on the ground”. There is going to be a meeting this month I believe I read somewhere. Putin said he continues to work for a coalition, obviously the US led phony war is going nowhere, maybe the Americans are even hoping for somebody to come in and put them out of their misery. I think that unlike Ukraine where they would be happy if the status quo continued, in Syria they are shaking their heads in dismay. Reading Voltaire-net it appears one American hand is fighting the other. Every day the Syrian and Iranian news is telling of dozens of takfiris being killed, the Turkish news tells of thousands of takfiris being turned back at the border, how many takfiris do they have left? Erdogan may have given up. If that is so, then the Arab states are weaker, and Netanyahu is left holding the bag. I hope!
David George,
The meeting is Sept 15 in Tajikistan. I gather from the comments here that maybe still no one has read the most detailed story or its Al-Watan link written by Thierry (translates ok). An interesting part:
The newspaper also reported that Russian military experts in Syria “have set about gathering a large amount of information that will make it possible to study the potential deployment of international forces under the patronage of the United Nations.”
However, Al-Watan alluded that the purported Russian intelligence gathering efforts could have a far different aim.
“[The Kremlin] will study the potential launch of a separate Russian operation as well as another joint [operation] with the Collective Security Treaty Organization, which will convene in Tajikistan’s [capital city] Dushanbe on September 15,” the paper said, without elaborating further.”
David George, The meeting is the 15th in Tajikistan.
“The newspaper also reported that Russian military experts in Syria “have set about gathering a large amount of information that will make it possible to study the potential deployment of international forces under the patronage of the United Nations.”
However, Al-Watan alluded that the purported Russian intelligence gathering efforts could have a far different aim.
“[The Kremlin] will study the potential launch of a separate Russian operation as well as another joint [operation] with the Collective Security Treaty Organization, which will convene in Tajikistan’s [capital city] Dushanbe on September 15,” the paper said, without elaborating further.”
Quote is from the most detailed story & has a link to the Al-Watan Syrian newspaper story written by Meyssan.
***Penelope with a bone she won’t let go of…mod.
Penelope, thank you for showing me a new site I haven’t read before. Going by what Kerry said Saturday morning, maybe I was hasty about the US helplessness in the region, he said a Russian entry would risk conflict with the US coalition. It seems to me a showdown has been brewing since the first Russian veto of the western aggression against Syria. I never thought those many years ago that the west would stoop as low as it has (and even lower now in Yemen). I hope against hope that Putin can put together a coalition that will show up the lying murdering thieves.
As of right now, we have only two sources:
Israel Shamir, a reliable journalist, citing “reliable-in-the-past Moscow source”
Thierry Meyssan, who has tuned out to be the source for the Al-Watan Syrian newspaper & just about everything else.
Ynet & all other Israeli sources not credible, just exaggerating Thierry’s report.
US statements: they always liie. Whatever they say is meaningless.
Thank you Saker for another well written and well though out article. Whatever is going on I wholeheartedly support the actions of Mother Russia. May God bless you and your efforts and the great people of Russia.
You recognize the pattern right ? the massive disinfo supported by media everywhere ? look at the list of examples below :
– putin abandon assad , every media saying that (since 2011 , every year)
– putin is evil
– russian troops in east ukraine , supported by (fake) photos
– assad losing in syria ( every month since the conflict )
– syrian rebels supported by general population in syria
now this same ‘russian troops in syria fighting the rebel’s news crap..
you know it is the same people who spread FUD and lies against legitimate syrian goverment and against russia (and also against china) …
what im asking of you is this : do you know why these demon possessed people want the world to think russia is in syria ? prelude to invasion by the israeli into syria proper ?
Video evidence of Russian presence in Syria?
I am unsure if this explains it or not:
“Some of the buying can’t be traced due to secrecy during buying. 330 BTR-82A in order”
BTR 80: “Syria – Delivered 2013-2014 as part of the deal for abandoning chemical weapons”
As i argued herein the syrian refugees and russian support for assad are being brought together to fuel extreme right growth to secure the cannon fodder for the coming war to end all wars:
Donald Teeter on September 05, 2015 wrote:
“As i argued herein the syrian refugees and russian support for assad are being brought together to fuel extreme right growth to secure the cannon fodder for the coming war to end all wars:”
Russian boots on the ground. No, this Israeli sourced, unsubstantiated story is a warm up to blame Russia for the refugee problem in Europe, yes that’s right it’s all Russia’s fault for honouring it’s contract’s to a democratically elected government fighting against the imperial terrorist.
Saker wrote:
“At this point in time I am calling “the most anticipated showndown in history” a total load of bullcrap.”
It is.
At any rate, before such a drastic measure, even if that were possible,( and the saker, who knows much more than me about the present state of russian military capabilities) says it is not, Russia would have tried simpler measures, such as increasing support to Syria, providing them with better signals intel, better military communication gear, and overall better weapons for Syrias hard pressed ground forces. Yes, I know Russia is probably doing a bit of all those things, but it could do more. A very large part of Syrias ground troops(even many SAA regulars) have to make do with very little. Oftentimes the militias and even regulars have no helmets, no vests and even no military field packs, and have to improvise by using civilian bag packs to carry supplies.
Look at the state of Syrias armor inventory; T-55, T-62s and older versions of the venerable T-72. Couldn’t Russia at least supply some of the T-72B variants to the more elite Syrian formations, such as the 4th arm.div?
Also it seems to me Russia could do more in terms of supplying the SyAF with some better stuff, as opposed to just spare parts, how about some ground support attack aircraft, such as the types mentioned by the saker? Guided munitions? Helping train more forward Air Controller teams?
It seems to me, admittedly from fragments of info, that Russia has been doing only the bare minimum.
It would not go from that to a full deployment, which, btw, i agree would be a mistake.
To illustrate what I mean, a few vids:
Syrian forces, probably mostly NDF militiamen supported by a few SAA regulars, fighting against daesh in Deir ezor, i think summer 2015
Syria – SAA & NDF operations against terrorists in Al-Ghab-HAMA || 2015
This shows Syrian general Issam Zahredinne, aka ‘the mad Druze’, with his men in Deir Ezzor against Daesh. He is the commander of the elite 104th brigade of the Rep.Guards, and leads from the front, having being WIA.
at around 7:58 one can see the general engaging the takfiris with a LMG.
Aftermath of one of dozens of failed ISIS offensives in Deir ez-Zor, the syrian army and paramilitaries have been killing these insects in huge numbers, but don’t ever expect the presstitutes to talk about it. It’s as if the syrian military does not exist. Unless they suffer a setback, then the msm presstitutes get all over it. As you can see in the vid, most of the dead daesh vermin are foreigners;
This is a beautiful tribute to the syrian military in their fight against the terrorists backed by the Zusan led coalition. However, i should say it is not to be taken as the average syrian unit bc a lot of it shows the more elite units. This includes the female battalion of the republican guards; Just a few days ago, a member of it, a female sniper, was kia. Vid is graphic, shows some of the wahabi scum at the receiving end as well some of their carcasses littering the battlefields;
Re the whole refugee thing in Europe, I think MoA is probably on to something;
he writes:
“A media campaign followed and thousands of migrants from Syria are now shepherded through Europe by dozens of journalists who record every move for tonight’s news – fake photos (in German) included. No one is asking the migrants why they are now leaving Turkey, where most have been the last months or years, or who now provided them with money.
I asked what purpose this media campaign may have. It now seems clear that it is part of preparing the European public for all-out war on Syria, its government and its people.”
This would be done under the guise that this war must be put to an end, to end the refugee problem, to fight daesh which Assad is supposedly responsible for creating(pure Bs, it was created by zamerica and its allies), etc.
Saker you may be interested to know there is a Ukrainian connection to this story?
A blogger activist who is on a mission to prove there are Russian troops in Ukraine
I did a big post on this the other day- Ruslan Leviev- his assessment was posted on bellingcat
Tale of Russian/Syria build up originated/bolstered by “blogger/activist” Ruslan Leviev ?
IMO Zero Hedge is getting a bit too sensationalistic- This is not the first time they have touted some outrageous stuff as fact- The White House only confirmed they were monitoring reports
“the White House itself which confirmed that “it was closely monitoring reports”
Reports. Nothing else- It’s a big leap to take this as any sort of confirmation of an increase in Russian involvement. A very big leap.
Sigh… it’s no wonder I’ve been feeling disillusioned/disgusted with many in the alt media- it’s getting as bad as the msm- trying to sort wheat from chaff