THE MUSHROOM PRINCIPLE (part 1) or How the AngloEuroZionist “democracies” operate: Keep the people in the dark and feed them shit
by Eric Arthur Blair for the Saker blog
After the dust had settled following the US invasion of Iraq in 2003, the US was ultimately forced to admit, after searching left and right, back and forth, up and down, that there were no WMDs to be found anywhere in Iraq. I was surprised by their admission back then, because I fully expected their propaganda machine to keep persisting ad nauseum with the lies, to disseminate numerous external pictures of closed-door warehouses and claim they were full of WMDs (but in reality empty). However there does eventually come a time when complete lies must be abandoned, especially when every single one of the US personnel in Iraq could never, ever, verify any finding of WMDs whatsoever.
So it turned out that the pre-invasion testimonies from experts such as Hans Blix, Scott Ritter (UN weapons inspectors) and Andrew Wilkie (Australian military intelligence officer) that no significant WMDs in Iraq existed back then were 100% vindicated. The US Deep State 1 (and its Satrapies) spared no effort to discredit, punish and even kill those who had dared to contradict the US “WMDs in Iraq” fabrications. Andrew Wilkie was forced out of his job. They harassed and bullied Hans Blix endlessly, prompting Blix to call the Anglo WMD liars “those bastards” who used “bad faith” to perpetrate a “witch-hunt”. Scott Ritter was character assassinated, tried and convicted on unrelated matters, in what was an obvious set-up 2. Word of warning to vocal opponents of the Deep State: their surveillance tentacles are all pervasive and they can easily plant kiddie porn on your computer as an excuse to throw you in jail.
In the UK, the story of Dr David Kelly, a scientific weapons expert who had contradicted Tony Blair’s claim that Saddam could deploy WMDs in 45 minutes, was even more tragic. Kelly, who had no prior psychiatric history, was found dead in the woods with a slit wrist. Very little blood was found at the scene, indicating that his wrist was slit elsewhere and his body then moved. Phoney Blair appointed good-ole-boy Hutton to head a bogus whitewash “enquiry” that dutifully declared Kelly’s death a suicide, exonerating his buddy Blair and the UK authorities 3.
In the USA, the psychopath in charge (limp-Dick Cheney, not the gormless crab-infested Bush) viciously turned against even long term Republican loyalists and CIA employees who did not toe the line. I refer of course to the Republican loyalist Joe Wilson, who proved that Saddam Hussein had never sought Uranium from Niger, which Wilson duly reported to Cheney. Cheney nevertheless persisted in spreading that lie to the public, which Wilson then openly disputed. In retaliation Scooter Libby, Cheney’s lapdog, publicly outed Valerie Plame (Wilson’s wife) as a CIA agent, a disclosure that was illegal under US law because it destroyed her career and could put her life in danger. What then happened? Scooter was found guilty and convicted in a court of law but later received a Presidential pardon.
The stinking corruption and devious double-dealing and rank hypocrisy that infests the Beltway swamp has become even more rancidly rotten over the past two decades 4.
Everyone needs to be reminded of the historical facts described above, because they remain of utmost importance today. It is in the interests of the US Deep State to impose blanket amnesia upon the global public regarding the war crimes they committed with regard to Iraq (as well as Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, not to mention more than 50 despicable “interventions” in foreign countries, from Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954 and one of the most egregious – Chile in 1973). Only by the imposition of such blanket historical amnesia can the Deep State today sanctimoniously point their finger at Russia for their “illegal, unprovoked invasion of Ukraine”.
What has changed today? The mechanisms of “narrative control” have been tightened exponentially. Back in 2003 it was still possible to read occasional pieces in the “respectable” press such as the BBC, NY Times, Washington Post or The Guardian that questioned the official narrative, particularly the fabricated justifications put forward by the Deep State for their invasion of Iraq. Ever since then, there has been a systematic purge of any and all honest investigative journalists who dare to challenge the Deep State narrative. Most notable was Chris Hedges, Pulitzer prize winning head of the Middle East Bureau of the NY Times, who was forced out of his job for his righteous opposition to the US invasion of Iraq. Another luminary, summarily removed from The Guardian (despite contributing to their Pulitzer Prize win in 2014), was Glenn Greenwald. Voices of reason such as that of Noam Chomsky have long been sidelined and shunned. The legendary John Pilger, former icon of Fleet Street, has been denied any mainstream platform that could earn him a living wage. There are many others too numerous to mention. Now the Deep State is slowly murdering the greatest journalist of our modern times, Julian Assange, using bogus charges that were trumped-up by the Trump regime. Assange’s greatest crime? Exposing the war crimes of the USA.
The US Establishment can now effectively block or stifle any public dissent opposing their War Agenda, while simultaneously instructing the stupid sheeple who they must direct their daily two minutes of hatred against. The Western media have truly turned Orwellian. They have learned how to do this step-by-step over the years since the Vietnam and Afghan and Iraq debacles, now achieving total control over the mainstream media. Hence when Russia was provoked by the USA into invading Ukraine in February this year, it was falsely and repeatedly and uniformly described as an “unprovoked invasion” by those MSM sewer outlets, completely ignoring the genocide the Ukronazi proxies of the US had been committing against Russophone civilians in Donbass over the previous 8 years. The war criminal Condoleezza Rice condemned Russia for their “criminal invasion” without the slightest hint of irony, while the stenographers “reporting” her words failed to point out the bleeding obvious. Ditto for sleepy Joe Biden who had supported the illegal US invasion of Iraq in 2003. Twenty years ago, France and Germany had enough wit and spine to disagree with the US invasion. This year in 2022, France and Germany are witlessly and spinelessly descending into economic and social collapse because of energy poverty brought about by their own sanctions imposed on Russia at the behest of the USA. Despite numerous public street protests in many European countries about their skyrocketing energy prices and out-of-control-inflation, the stupid sheeple remain locked in their Russophobic mindset and few seem to have a clue regarding the actual factual underlying cause for all their hardship. Well here is the clue: USA! USA! USA! Same answer as to who blew up the Nordstream pipelines (whether the British poodle actually pressed the button is neither here nor there – there is overwhelming evidence beyond any reasonable doubt that the USA was the underlying culprit).
Part 2 of “The Mushroom Principle” will look at certain lies of omission (keeping you in the dark) and commission (feeding you shit) perpetrated by today’s AngloEuroZionist mainstream media, as well as explore the true function (as opposed to the proclaimed, purported function) of the AEZ MSM.
Further reading:
Footnotes (please do your own websearch to verify the matters I outlined above):
- By Deep State or Establishment I refer to the famous term MICIMATT coined by Ray McGovern. This applies as much to the US MIC and CIA as it does to the UK DOD and MI5&6 or the Israeli IDF and Mossad, with their associated corporations, banking/financial structures, media, academia and think tanks.
- Neither you nor I can ever know for sure whether Ritter was guilty or not of the accused transgressions. It was the word of the Deep State against the word of Ritter in a situation that reeked of entrapment. But please use your common sense: do you accept the word of a proven liar (the Deep State) or the word of a proven truth teller (Ritter)? If you keep faith with a proven liar you are a fool. In any case, our opinions regarding Ritter’s personal proclivities have ZERO relevance with regard to his proven expertise in matters of military intelligence.
- Any moron who believes that David Kelly committed suicide must also believe that Gary Webb, who exposed the CIA’s involvement in drug trafficking from Latin America, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head twice (which was the official verdict in the report written by, you guessed it, the CIA). Such people must also believe the Warren commission that JFK was killed by a lone shooter from behind, even though the shot obviously came from the front (Zapruder film + multiple witnesses + indisputable evidence that the exit wound was at the back of JFK’s head). Also another magic bullet was supposedly able to make wild turns through tissue and bone causing multiple injuries in different people, the bullet itself found to be undamaged and pristine when “found” on a hospital gurney.
- For those moronic sheeple who continue to keep faith with the Establishment, here is a comforting grand delusion for you: Ukraine is winning the war and will reconquer Donbass and Crimea soon. Burisma will rebuild Ukraine under the brilliant scientific and engineering expertise of Hunter “Beelzebub” Biden, powered by US LNG and funded by FTX. The future’s so bright, you gotta wear shades! Let’s go Brandon!
One of the greatest pieces I ever read here. Thanks. And now I need a stiff drink and one of Martyanov’s cigars.
Yes the deep state has its hand in everything that happens world wide. The murder of JFK in Dallas Texas sent a message to every politician to take heed. There are evils in this world that happens in high places we don’t see, and apparently have always been there the Apostle Paul wrote of them to the church at Ephesus; Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places…
It appears the devil is real and still operating throughout the earth.
Flash, we’ve got 45 minutes to save the planet from Emperor Ming the Merciless.
Yes it doesn’t look much, but what’s inside this thimble can eliminate the entire population on earth, twice, honest.
Today is January 21, 2023 it is now 30 days later, & still waiting for part 2.
The Mushroom Principle requires a great deal of preparation. I think we all recognise that the West lost its democratic credentials with the invasion and destruction of the Iraqi State.
In 1998 a law was passed in the United Kingdom: it was called the Human Rights Act.
For the first time the European Convention on Human Rights would be applicable in Britain. This was one of the great promises made by the Labour Party led by the late John Smith.
In order to achieve this desired state of affairs it was decided to introduce the Convention article by article…
If you notice, Article 13 of the Convention has been excluded.
What does that mean? Here is how I described the matter to His Excellency Kofi Annan in 2004:
Of course I received no direct reply. But Kofi Annan was a man of honour and could see the ramifications: Blair had created an escape hatch in 1998 for what he planned to do in 2003. Premeditated war crimes.
So Annan did what he could. Ten weeks after I wrote, and following the opening of the new UN year 2004/2005, he gave the following interview to the BBC World Service:
For almost twenty years we have been ruled by a
“theatrical performance of great skill that resembles due process”
And it all comes down to Article 13 and its deliberate omission by the war criminal known as Tony
Here is Article 13:
I know how to spell museum, but it’s ad nauseam.
Don’t ask me why: it’s technical.
Great article, by the way, but any time the murder of JFK comes up, the name Jacob Rubenstein needs to flash red.
Excellent analysis. Two comments:
1) the MICIMATT is just part of the Deep State as Aaron Good and others have documented (American Exception). We have to include big finance and big corporate as well. Wall Street and creatures like the Koch Brothers are examples.
2) As a student of Linguistics, I deplore the loss of English’s grammatical markers, eg, the difference between ‘I’ and ‘me’, ‘he’ and ‘him’, ‘she’ and ‘her’.
In the passage, “while simultaneously instructing the stupid sheeple who they must direct their daily two minutes of hatred against…”, the reading would have been much clearer by use of ‘whom’, “…instructing the stupid sheeple whom they must direct…”
“against whom ” would be better.
Eric Arthur Blair!!!!!
Please read and follow whats here, the understanding will come!!!!!
I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again:
“The big Satan is a big liar.”
—- Iranian chief of intelligence (c. 1979)
The white Western judeo-christian mass media cannot be trusted. Overflowing with lies and deceptions, the Western media is no longer considered a reliable source of information. Contaminated with Anglo Zionist venom, the Western media is no longer a respectable source of news in the world.
Mr. Blair (or Orwell Jr.!):
You mention that “Julian Assange, using bogus charges that were trumped-up by the Trump regime”. Actually, it was the Obama regime which following a complaint regarding the 2016 election by Hillary Clinton, Obama’s preferred 2016 Presidential Election winner, specifically emails Assange revealed about her campaign authored by John Podesta, which set off the retribution campaign to “get” Julian Assange. Trump only refused to pardon Assange. I know that the hatred of Donald Trump has maligned him and all his actions and that Americans have been subject to withering hatred of Donald Trump for 6 full years by the Democratic party-aligned mass media, but lets forget Trump and get the facts straight. This particular issue regarding Assange was super-charged by Hillary Clinton’s refusal to accept what we now know as indisputable fact: that, according to the US Constitution on Electoral Votes, that Donald Trump actually did win that 2016 election. Recall the “election denial” by Hillary then, now conveniently forgotten in the J6 hysteria.
Also, tangentially, yes Chris Hedges was black-balled by the NY Times, which actually supported George W. Bush, of all people (hard to believe in our “woke” present). Recall how the editorial board had the story about Bush’s illegal spying on the American people prior to the 2004 Presidential election, but Editorial Board chief Bill Keller withheld it until after that election, which would have been a big factor in John Kerry’s presidential aspirations, much like the Trump-hating mass media in the US blocked the NY Post story (now verified as true) about the Hunter Biden laptop just prior to the 2106 Presidential election, so as to help ensure the despised Trump would not be, arguably, re-elected.
So, as you can see, “left” is no longer “left”, and “right” is no longer “right”. It’s just what the DC “swamp” wants – or “the Deep State”, if you prefer. Note how the establishment Republicans turned their backs on Trump – even his Vice-President, even during the 2016 primaries, and “establishment” Republicans like Liz Cheney, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarty, Bill Barr, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney assisted in destroying Trump chances permanently. What we have now is an “establishment” – note how easily the the Democrats monstrous spending bill just now “sailed” through Congress, and how there was no opposition at all to the culminated $100 billion gift to Ukraine since February 2022. Wake up! We are dealing with a desperate globalist conspiracy to run the entire world on a “rules based order” where those forces decide the rules for others without revealing them, while an inconvenient “rules” they may be required to follow depend on the needs of the moment, and quickly be disallowed for themselves, as “masters of the universe” – note the “not one step East” post-USSR collapse, and the totally fabricated WMD device utilized to destroy Iraq, as well as the “R2P destruction of Libya”, and lately, and this Trump is guilty of, the withdrawal from the Iran nuclear agreement.
Don’t let the “Trump Derangement Syndrome” cloud the “facts” as stated in this instance. Recall that the Obama Administration viscously attacked “whistleblowers” on numerous occasions (Bradley Manning as another example), as well as Obama exceeded the number of illegal immigrants deported by the Bush Administration. Now we have his former VP Biden doing the opposite! Today they ordered Arizona to tear down their border wall so that masses of potential Democratic party voters can invade the borderlands.
Our politicos have apparently successfully brainwashed a vast majority of the US population – note the present Twitter files and JFK records situations.
You mention that you were 20 years old when JFK was assassinated, and you couldn’t believe it. Well, in my case, I had my Mom call me in sick from school that day, and I watched the TV all day throughout the entire coverage of the assassination. The media colluded with the US government to brainwash the US population to believe that Oswald killed Kennedy. It is good you noted how ridiculous the Jack Ruby shooting seemed not the the level. It may have all begun with Harry S. Truman, a former haberdasher from Kansas City who incompetently performed two heinous acts – the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, obviously told to by the triumphant US military in 1945, as a warning to the USSR since Japan was already soundly defeated – and the creating of the CIA, which is now seemingly indisputably (note the withheld “3% of the JFK files” which cannot be to protect any individual, since all those involved are already dead) involved in that, the moment that the illusion of “American Democracy” died and the “world domination by the US” at all-costs program began.
Thank you, well written article.
Although the poison now speading throughout the West killing the host, started ages ago IMO.
The PNAC and 9/11 was an accelorator, the ‘Reichtag’ for the new millenium.
Another accelorator was towards the end of the 80s. The year ’89 stands out. Leading up to this the destruction of Yugoslavia, The Soviet & China was initiated by ‘some’ force in Empire.
Yugoslavia was after the death of Tito set up as a lab for Gene Sharps methods, triggered by the strangling of the credit line formenting unrest. The fall of the Berlin wall in ’89 and the attmpted color revolution coup in China on Tianem Square.
The syncronizity of these events is an indicator that it was instigated externaly towards the Sphere of the world beyond Empire dominion and control.
A investigation of the Regime changes in the Eastern European Soviet satelites will likely turn out to have been a result of outside meddeling as well. Have not read any article about this yet though.
Actually, it’s worse than that! The only WMDs we did find were those we had secured for them.
Nice article, unfortunately down the rabbit hole of life it goes. I agree with it 99%. Full disclosure I’m a blue-collar worker, working on keeping the Ponzi scheme alive. About that 1%, I believe they did find WMD. The problem is that they were Made in the USA, leftovers that we gave to Saddam to use against the Iranians. Some of our service members were harmed when searching for this stuff. If I am wrong, please correct me.
@amikraut: I am unaware that any WMDs were found in Iraq after the 2003 US invasion. There definitely were WMDs in Iraq many years prior to 2003. How do we know? Because the West had the receipts, we sold them to Saddam. There was famous footage in 1983 of Rumsfeld, working for Bechtel then, shaking hands with Saddam over their dodgy dealings. Saddam gassed Iraqi Kurds using pesticide technology from US established factories. All Iraqi WMD technology was however abandoned / dismantled following the many UN inspections, in the decade prior to 2003.
Arguably the US “bravely” invaded Baghdad in 2003 precisely because they knew there were no WMDs then. Conversely, US will not invade North Korea precisely because they know the N Koreans DO have WMDs. Also no oil.