by Protopresbyter Mikhail Polsky
Translation and additional notes by Edvin Buday
Among the broad masses of believers in subjugated Russia, the expectation of the second coming of Christ is exceptionally widely spread. A great number of people is busying itself with the interpretation of the apocalypse. All parts of the Revelations of John are being applied to the current moment; events that have already passed are being intelligently interpreted. Stages that have already been passed and new steps are diligently being noted according to the holy book.
The author of these lines was a witness and participant of many conversations on this subject that were held in different parts of the country. Meetings with simple monks and spiritual persons of various ranks and statuses, as well as contact with the faithful flock, continuously provided one with the same material on the antichrist and the end times; in addition, they made oneself, too, engage with the Word of God in this direction. However, familiarity with Marxist-Bolshevik ideology definitively convinced the author of the idea, that no single ideology contrasts more with Christianity. Satan is truly engaging in a “final and decisive struggle” as is sung in the Internationale, and he knows that his song has been sung and that he has little time left. However, all this having been said, there is no assurance at all that the “end of the world” will come soon (and if there was, this would have been a source of joy for the Christian faithful); apart from this, there is so much Christian salvatory work to be done that a faithful soul cannot know anything of panic: for does it truly matter under which conditions he is to acquire eternal life, during a global catastrophe or in the face of his own, peaceful death? Remember the business of your salvation and that of those near to you. It is in these kinds of tones that the author conversed on this subject in many cases, because, to the majority, exercises in eschatology where a matter of curiosity that made one forget the matter of personal salvation. An especially great number of “theological” efforts concentrated, of course, on the number of the beast: 666. In the Slavic language [1], as in the Greek and Hebrew languages, the letters of the alphabet also signify numbers. To find a name whose letters have a numerical value of 666 is the task of such enquiries.
As the ancient patristic era had found many different personal and negative names of the antichrist following this method, and, seeing as these names beyond any doubt characterise the antichrist, his spirit, and his activities, it is impossible to deny that this method is void of any and all meaning. However, the word of God is so deep and multi-layered, that to limit research only to this method would mean deforming it. What is more, we must acknowledge that the use of this method in Russian conditions (where it marks even the personal names of Bolshevik leaders as those of the antichrist) does not bring any satisfaction. Of course, it strengthens resistance to the satanic government, but its superficiality is very clear, nor is the essence of the problem revealed.
As is known, the Revelations of saint John are pregnant with images and concepts taken from the books of the Old Testament. Where did the New Testament prophet take this number to mark the beast from? We must first of all turn to the account of saint John himself. He writes: “And he (that is the second beast, or the false prophet of the antichrist) causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” (Revelations 13: 16-18) [2].
This number is only found twice in the Bible, and, [using the same definition], it is the number of golden talents in King Solomon’s yearly income. This is the entirety of his annual income in gold. The rest (silver, valuable gems, and other valuables) are not subject to any kind of computation. “Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold” (3 Kings 10:14; 2 Chronicles 9:13).
The author of the Revelations, wishing to characterise the essence and strength of the antichrist’s power, must have involuntarily remembered the entire greatness of king Solomon and notes in this power only one trait in his description of the essence of power or the true name of the beast. His name is gold. This is the mystery, secret, and strength of his power and influence.
Thus, the fundamental rule of the interpretation of the Holy Scripture is the placement of this text in relation to other, parallel places, of which in this case (for the text of the Revelations) there have been found only two, or, to be more precise, one, which already gives us an important result. Further, the rule (to take the place in context in relation to the previous and following verses) entirely confirms such an interpretation of the number of the beast. It is said, that without this mark, without the imprint of the name of the beast, “no man might buy or sell” (Revelations 13: 17). Naturally, without a gold collateral in the hands of the government, no kinds of purchases and sales are possible. The imprint shows that a purchase or sale by made by a marked person is backed by gold (i.e. the wealth of another marked person on whose account the deal is made). It is enough to have the mark, name, or number of the name of the beast in order for your purchase or sale to be considered guaranteed, legal, satisfactory, and worthy of trust. The holder of all valuables and riches is the beast; in order to buy or sell something, all that is necessary are his name or number.
It is not random happenstance that it is precisely the number that is shown as the essence of the antichrist’s name. The number is necessary for the computation of riches. In order to determine wealth, the number is necessary. The number is the spirit, meaning, essence, mark, or name of the antichrist. The essence of his influence, seduction, or strength in the world is determined by computation. It was best of all to use this number to mark the immense wealth of Solomon and thereby determine the spirit and strength of the antichrist.
Wealth is the strength of the antichrist; it is juxtaposed with Christ in the book of Revelations in complete agreement with the spirit and meaning of the entire Holy Scripture. The Gospel, the very word of Christ juxtaposes mammon and wealth with God, as a force in combat with God and one that replaces Him in humanity’s eyes, a powerful force that is (according to man) equal to the Divine. “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matthew 6: 19-24). Either your heart is in heaven with God (in Whom is nestled the entirety of all wealth and perfection), or your heart is on earth, in its seductive pleasures and riches. How does the thorn “choke the word” of God “and become unfruitful”? “The care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches” (Matthew 13: 1-23). What is the one thing that made a young man who until that point had kept his covenant with God abandon Christ with sadness in his heart? His large property, about which Christ said: “go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me” (Matthew 19: 16-30). For what reasons did the called refuse to come to the Eucharist? Because of riches and earthly goods: one was distracted by land he had purchased, another by oxen, and a third by marriage (Luke 14: 16-24). This is why the apostle said “for the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6: 6-10, 17-14).
Gold is both wealth itself and a symbol, a sign of wealth. It is the idol of the universe, an object of deification and veneration. Its power is strongly believed in and with is help all that is desired is created. Gold buys everything: hands, mind, conscience, soul, and body. It arouses the basest passions, tempts with a multitude of delights. It corrupts justice, laughs at virtue, does not acknowledge truth, is alien to mercy, and persecutes faith. During the time of the antichrist, it will cease to be a boon to the chosen and will become the seducer of all. Seduction by wealth will first consist of it [that is wealth] being considered a panacea against all evils of life, and second in the fact that power over wealth will be declared to be within everyone’s reach. The property of all of things that are actually possessed by a few will be declared to be just. Thus, power will become dominion over all riches. It is possible, that the masses themselves will centralise all riches in the hands of one government (which they will consider to be theirs), depriving all others and themselves off all wealth and the very smallest part of delights by dedicating themselves entirely to the safeguarding of that government. Only as a result of such a centralisation of goods in the hands of one institution will a single mark or stamp of that power have meaning for the feeding of the people.
However, if the Revelations do not directly call the beast by the name mammon, wealth, or gold, this is because the number has a greater meaning and its significance is wider.
Just being in the possession of collected wealth is not enough for those who wish to be truly rich. It is not only important to spend wealth, but also to continue gathering it. To accomplish this, it is important to possess the very power, the very source that produces wealth: human labour. Power over labour is true power over wealth and a guarantee of the stability of riches. This is what the secret of Solomon’s riches consisted of. He entrusted his entire people with labour duties (3 Kings V: 13-15), tens of thousands of men simultaneously worked construction; the work had a systematic and protracted character, which resulted in the people asking Solomon’s heir: “Thy father made our yoke grievous: now therefore make thou the grievous service of thy father, and his heavy yoke which he put upon us, lighter, and we will serve thee.” (1 Kings 12: 4).
This is a fitting place to ask the following question: why has, in order to serve as basis for the definition of wealth, the number six been selected: six hundreds, six tens, six units, six repeated thrice? Because it is the number of the work that creates all riches: it indicates the foundation of wealth, labour itself, for it has been said, that: “Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath (rest) of the Lord thy God” (Exodus 20: 9-11).
The number of the beast indicates, however, that one should not work six days, but six hundred sixty-six…. The frequent repetition of a number indicates eternity in the Biblical language, “Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?” “Until seventy times seven” (that is to say, an infinite amount of times) (Matthew 18: 21-22). And in our case: how many days should we work? Without end, continuously. The government does not just collect all wealth, but all of your labours as well, it takes your hands. This is why it is said, that “they will be marked on their right hand”. The seal is a sign of power over those who are on the receiving end of it. The right hand is a sign of power. They take all your work and feed you in return. You create wealth, and you receive what you need to survive in return.
However, the number six determines time spent working: it is the number of the working days, six days. All your time is taken away only for you to work and create wealth; nothing, not a single day remains for the Lord. The seventh day is entirely excluded. There is no God but mammon, who you will work for ad infinitum. Everything is done in order to forget God and draw man into an eternal bustle of thoughts and actions. In this way labour, fruits of labour or wealth and time are taken away, and with them go will, mind, and God. It is said: “they will be marked on their right hand or on their forehead”; that is to say, physical and mental workers will come under the power of the beast. He will not just appropriate muscles, but the minds, knowledge, and convictions of man as well. The seal of the antichrist will be stamped on minds, along with their ideas and convictions. There will not only not be enough time for prayers and service to God, but there will not even be any space in the souls of men. Man’s labour will become a new god, who (according to the common man) will create everything. This labour likens man to God. God created the world in six days, man will work six hundred and sixty-six, ad infinitum; he will recreate the world anew according to his tastes. This is the reasoning of those whose minds have been stamped with the seal of the antichrist. We draw a conclusion from this: even banal materialism with its faith in the power of wealth, devotion to work out of the drives of avarice and miserliness (and not need) and disregard for the day of resurrection and service to God is already drawing men closer to the seal of the antichrist, preparing them for it. During the times of the antichrist, these will be his willing servants.
Although we have exclusively followed the text of the Holy Scripture and drawn our conclusions in accordance with the spirit and meaning of the Holy Bible in our interpretation of the number of the beast, it remains clear, that it was Soviet reality that directed our thoughts to such an interpretation of the Scripture. The wealth of the rich is evaluated by socialism as a panacea in the hands of the proletariat, which, invigorated by the spirit of avarice, jealousy, and hatred, plunders everything and transfers the loot to the hands of the government; this government is not a government of the proletariat, but a government ruling over the proletariat that forces the masses into torturous, involuntarily, endless labour. The centralisation of all wealth in one set of hands is socialism, which, actually, is nothing but state capitalism, and a form of capitalism that has collected and solidified all negative forms of bourgeois capitalism, magnified by a thousand: slavery, exploitation, lawlessness, and poverty. The dictatorship of socialist theory did not just begin as a mental imprint, but as an entire “imprint”. The word “imprint” best transmits the concept of the theory, ideology, and systematic knowledge that is glorified as if it were a coryphee: science, totally incorrupt and with a singular right to dominion and power. Thus, this Power that imprints itself into human minds can be characterised as the rule of knowledge over wealth and human labour. This power of false knowledge or socialism is well described by the number, for it is statistics and accounting that form the remorseless dominant axle of socialism, an axle that is merciless towards human life and personality. Socialism does not only disregard man as a living, free personality by which everything is built in the world, but it also thinks that it can victor and affirm itself by force and the enslavement of minds. But it will fail to totally and universally distort the image of God into the image of the beast, and it is in this that the foundation of his eventual downfall is founded.
Translator’s notes:
[1]: This is a reference to Church Slavonic, the liturgical language of the Slavic-language Orthodox Churches.
[2]: All translations of biblical quotations have been drawn from the King James Bible.
Look at a gold bar. (You can search images on the Internet for “fine gold bar.”) Typically, a bar is marked, “.999 FINE” or perhaps nowadays “999,9 FINE.” Turn the bar upside down. What do you see? They all have the mark.
They are all 999,9 purity only!
If upside down I see “666,6” which is for every gold bar I’ve seen to the present day.
If you find one with only “999” mark it is Photoshop-ed…. not real regular gold bar.
True,”they all have the mark” of purity of gold just upside down…..
And what do you see, huh?!
Superstition was considered bad characteristic for every person from Biblical times to the present day….
My bad! There is also 99.99 % mark.
Yet still they never put three “999” only…. just to spoil your theory of the “Beast”
Maybe if you start to produce “Beastly bars” with “999” purity “mark” that will change…
In the times of antichrist the gold will have no value. That’s why the chip on right hand or forehead.
” As Holy Scripture says, the ancient Hebrews laid a tax on the peoples they conquered in various wars. The yearly tax was equal to 666 talents of gold. (3 Kings 10:14, 2 Chronicles 9:13.) Today, in order to subjugate the whole world they’ll once again introduce the old tax number linked to their glorious past. That is, ‘666’ is the number of mammon.”
These three successive sixes symbolize the three horrible passions that will reign over the world in the last days. These passions are:
“Uncontrollable fleshly desires for fornication, adultery, and drunkennes as has never before been seen.
“Careless conjectures which lead to adherence to heresies, all kind of confusions, spiritual sickness, witchcraft, despair and suicides.
“The third six refers to unjustified anger, or hatred among mankind-wars, revolutions, all sorts of violent crimes, arguments, unrest between Christians, between parents and children, as it is written in the Holy Gospel.
“All these passions, which are symbolized through the number 666, rule over the earth today and will continue to do so until the end of the world and the final judgment. Then every person will be judged according to his deeds.
“In the times of the antichrist gold will have no value”
I fear it is the opposite. The satanists believe they need to recreate Solomon’s kingdom in order for the antichrist to appear (who will be their messiah). The monetary system at that time was based on gold.
I am an advocate of the gold standard for a balanced well functioning economic system, but is it is plain to see that powerful forces are at work to bring about the death of the US dollar. How else to explain the massive inflation of the money supply and ultra low interest rates of the US central bank which started as far back as Greenspan (when there was no financial crisis)? With no other viable alternative fiat currency, countries will resort to precious metals. I reckon Israel will be one of the first, along with Russia and China, to introduce a gold-backed currency, although obviously the agendas of these countries will be very different.
Total gold, ~171000 Tonnes, ~7.5 Trillion $ USD. That is about 22.5 grams gold for each person, at about 7.6 billion people.
Total world GDP, ~75-100 Trillion USD equivalent, or PPP ranges.
That’s not counting prior existing assets, all those buildings, roads, bridges, ports, farms, ships, etc from prior periods, ie lots of pre-existing physical assets, wealth, private and public.
In other words, gold is totally unsuited as a backing for currency, because there is not enough of it to support the ongoing economic activity, as well as support transfers of existing assets (that don’t count in GDP). And so the gold standard will never be revived.
There are additional points, but anyone can see the above. The gold standard interferes with state monetary and fiscal policy sovereignty, and so it will never be revived.
This should give anyone a clue as to what is the agenda of economic schools that propose gold as a backing for currency.
Gold is, however, very suitable as a means of settling international balance of payments.
Tim, gold has been money for thousands of years. It is only in recent modern history that our monetary system isn’t anchored to anything and it has given catastrophic results.
I’ve heard the argument many times that it is not possible to have a gold standard with a growing population, increased economic activity fact, on a gold standard we would have deflation and falling prices which means the coin in your hand can buy more, not less! Btw, how do you think the US finances it’s wars? They haven’t raised taxes.. Trump has decreased taxes! Fiat money is the lifeblood of the empire’s war machine.
You can have a ‘gold standard’ of tying the issuance of legal tender to the current holdings of gold by the issuer. Essentially that is how the US worked with the petro-dollar, the issuance of dollars was tied the production of oil to allow increased printing of dollars to fill foreign banks with lots of US dollars ( to any entity buying oil) issued from a private bank (FRB) at interest to the us govt. This was used to float the value of the USD, since the US could not achieve a balance payments as it became a net importer.
Unfortunately those who use ( individuals and countries) the dollars as legal tender saw their buying power dissipate and the oil productive economies holding the reserve were seeing less and less value for the product (oil) they were shipping unless they immediately bought assets with it( by clearing dollars). Hence the Saudis and others were buying up other assets every where to mitigate the loss of value holding USD reserves (clearing speed, reduction of holding USD inventory). Hence the price of oil in USD increased.
Brokerage houses do this every moment of the day, when they buy stock, they generally immediately sell it to avoid the risk of holding the inventory (clearing) in the case of decreasing value. Now imagine a govt. points a gun at a brokerage house and says ‘ you cannot clear your stock holding anymore ‘, that’s the USA.
The best system would tie issuance of legal tender to a fixed asset, who cares what value they assign to that asset…1400 USD or 1400000 USD, the goal is to reign in the excessive devaluation of legal tender by either a govt. or a private central bank. A gold standard has nothing to do with using gold as a legal tender ! It stabilizes the value of the legal tender over time to those who use it.
You need to understand the difference between money and legal tender (used to settle debts private and public). USD cannot do this without a significant loss to their standard of living because the trade imbalance and balance of payments would show mass outflows of wealth to productive economies: such as Germany, China, etc.
To Serbian Girl and ThirteenthFloor:
ThirteenthFloor: “You can have a ‘gold standard’ of tying the issuance of legal tender to the current holdings of gold by the issuer.”
This is why countries abandoned the gold standard. Having states’ fiscal and monetary policies subject to the vagaries of international flows of rent seeking gold will never be tolerated again.
Gold standard means having a country’s economic performance tied, as you wrote, to the current holdings of gold, because economic performance requires credit creation. And so you will never see the gold standard ever again. No state will tolerate that. All arguments ended in the early twentieth century when it had been demonstrated so many times that the gold standard interfered with states’ economic policies and performance.
ThirteenthFloor: “Essentially that is how the US worked with the petro-dollar, the issuance of dollars was tied the production of oil to allow increased printing of dollars to fill foreign banks with lots of US dollars ( to any entity buying oil) issued from a private bank (FRB) at interest to the us govt.”
The creation of money in the US has never been tied to oil in any way. Oil does not appear in any of the acts of congress governing, nor regulating, the creation of dollars in the US. Neither the Federal Reserve system, nor US banks that create money, depend on oil for creation of money. Most $USD money is created by private banks in the US for property transfers (not involving oil in any way). And those private bank created USD are indistinguishable from the foreign currency reserves ‘filling foreign banks’. They are not created by means of oil, there is no legal relationship.
There are tens of millions of US citizens out of work, on assistance, their standards of living do not depend in any way on the petrodollar scheme you suggest. Most citizens are struggling under excessive debt, struggling to make ends meet, and do not have grandiose standards of living. All the productivity gains of the past five decades have gone to the elitist upper class. The vast majority of US citizens do not get any benefit at all from the international scheme you suggest. It is purely a thing of oligarchs, the elitist fraction of one percenters, the globalist, geopolitical upper class.
You cannot have a gold standard, and it will never be revived ever. No state will tolerate it.
Tim first I want to be crystal clear, I do not support the petrodollar, nor any system where legal tender is not limited in production to a fixed asset, held by the issuer.
We all know the US is not the major or sole producer of oil. I was merely describing how it was conceived and faulty from its outset. However by ‘exporting’ USD to oil producing countries the US had avoided high inflationary effects – which again I do not endorse.
I do strongly support a gold or fixed asset based system to control and stabilize the issuance of legal tender, and firmly believe that gold works fine.
Note: whenever real inflation rates are higher than real interest rates, wealth is transferred from the working classes to the lending classes. This simple math is immutable.
Most states abandon fixing legal tender to an asset, because of politics and a declining productive output.
1) private banks creating money and charging usury to a govt and it’s people (citizens) is based a Babalonian Money system, or in case of FRB the Mandrake Money Mechanism (poisoned) system which transfers wealth to a select fee that control it at issuance.
It’s very nature allows politicians to promise largesse to the populace to gain votes, and allows a decline in economic output since labor nominally falls in value over time. LBJ guns and butter, welfare warfare state a perfect example.
To stabilize the value of the legal tender it is prudent to tie to a fixed nominal asset (gold) or land acreage held by the sovereign state.
The charter of the FRB is completely non constitutional, and was treasonous by the politicians and bankers that created. The FRB follows the direction of the BIS (bank of international settlements).
Gold was fixed at 35 dollars ounce under JFK. Read the Life Magazine issue July 6, 1972 where David Rockefeller and JFK argue the idea of floating the dollar to gold. JFK was adamant to preserve value of labor dollar and gold needed to be fixed.
Once he was killed, the dollar was floated to gold (1971) and the rest is history. The world is suffering from a toxic works reserve USD, which will eventually lose world reserve status and the US standard of living will collapse.
Hello Serbian girl,
I think we are talking about different times. After the world war (destruction, pollution,famine…), after one world government and the perfect dictatorship ( inner one by the mark of the beast ),total death of liberty, when all the bodies,souls and minds would be controlled….what need for gold,they got the absolute power in this world. One of the reasons God will end our civilization and take us Home.
Gold is not a value per se ( more or less ) but to get,keep power (more or less )
” The satanists believe they need to recreate Solomon’s kingdom in order for the antichrist to appear (who will be their messiah).”
In order for Antichrist to appear they need to create,to engineer,to change the human beings. See the explanations for what every 6 means. That’s why gender fluidity,homosexuality,fornication,consumerism,wars,hate,divisions,racism,nihilism….so many,everything but Jesus Christ,the Church ,the Truth and Love always together,never separated.
Antichrist will come to his world ( 666 ) of sins and perdition.
They need only the Temple in Jerusalem to crown the Antichrist as king,Jewish messiah,Imam,the fifth Buddha,” Christ “, the President of the world government…a huge Ecumenism and fraud.
Sherlock, the golden is rule is : he has the gold makes the rules. A Rothschild once said, when blood is flowing in the streets buy gold.
I am not so sure that the only thing the satanists need is the temple in Jerusalem. Apparently this temple is already built pre-fab in the US and ready to go. It was my understanding that more conditions are required, such as, a state of Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates, Jerusalem as it’s capital, and a return to the gold and copper standard…amongst others.
It was my understanding that more conditions are required, such as, a state of Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates,
That’s in progress: Look at Syria.
How else to explain the massive inflation of the money supply and ultra low interest rates of the US central bank which started as far back as Greenspan (when there was no financial crisis)?
Since the 70s wages in the US stagnated while everything else got more expensive. Additionally lay offs caused by offshoring jobs didn’t help the domestic market either. What’s the best way to keep the system going? Print cheap money, hand it to people for low interest and voila: the economy is still running (the crash had been delayed, whilst simultaneously enslaving those to poor to pay back the loans).
Gold is binary. It will be worth nothing until it is worth everything. For a day. Then nothing again.
“The day after the Big Fire, great celebration will break out among the gold crowd, strange birds that they are. Their houses reduced to smoldering ash, nonetheless they will have enjoyed the windfall of a lifetime, all at the same time. You can’t eat gold. But you might build a fort in the woods with it. Gold is like the old Gypsy curse: may your dreams come true. A twisting contrarian until the End, it will have its best day when there’s nothing left to buy but your soul.”
The greatest attack upon the American economy, and hence the world economy, happened when in 1952 the U.S. Government decided to stop obeying the Law, 7 USC Sec 602 that called for Parity Prices for agricultural commodities at the first point of sale, a system that had worked with great success in the period between 1942-1952.
By ensuring that new wealth is introduced into the economy at Parity, such wealth production is then properly monetized such that the producers of such wealth are not having their work stolen from them. Thus wealth turns into “Earned Income” that is not tied down by debt, if it is sufficient to purchase the goods and services of
“manufacturing” and the ‘service” sectors of the economy in an even manner.
The problem of the Great Depression was this: Low Agricultural Prices causing the largest purchaser of capital goods to no longer keep the factories going. World War II provided the excuse for the financial oligarchy to actually enforce commodity prices to 90-110% of Parity, because we needed full production and could not afford to have farmers go out of business in the process. Parity, not the war spending, is the real engine that stopped the Depression, because Agricultural production was very democratic back then, profit from monetizing properly the raw material wealth, produced debt free money in the hands of people from farms to small towns to cities to states to the entire nation, in a actuarial fact that every dollar produced on the farm multiplied by seven in the National Income.
Today according to the USDA Agriculture is only getting $0.29/per the Parity Dollar….the missing $0.71 is made up through debt expansion, private and public, debt expansion. Farms go out of business and the concentration of wealth into fewer and fewer hands goes on and on….
What chip? The ubiquitous internet meme of an “implanted” RFID chip is simply silly, if you know anything at all about the IT systems involved. These chips are now the size of a grain of pepper; they are also (to beg the pun) cheap as chips. Carrying a bag in your pocket should be more than enough to overload the local terminal and the server verification processes.
The Mark of the Beast is more plausibly a smartphone come the day when cash is eliminated.
” Carrying a bag in your pocket should be more than enough to overload the local terminal and the server verification processes.”
If the chip ( computer ) is on your forehead you have to wrap your head with a bag.They will notice it for sure.
It is not about identification only but surviving.You can not buy or sell anything without it,it is about life and death.
It’s gonna be nano-particles in our bodies working as an antenna ( through injections ) and the computer ( chip ) connected to them. All this system will monitor our activity ( brain,thoughts,vital organs,etc ) .
I stop here,i have to go now…
This is the creation of the digitally run societies. As soon as everything is locked into a “smart grid” there will be no need for any wars. Whoever ends up controlling this grid will control everything. Just like everything else in the last 50 years, it is pushed onto humanity as in “it is for your own convenience and safety” type of trap. Perhaps, this is the real war and everything else is just a theater to keep the populous “entertained”. Edward Bernays (the one who claimed to be the father of modern propaganda) said that “convenience” is that ultimate thing that will make people forego any remnants of freedom.
I also highly recommend reading Jacques Ellul’s book “Propaganda – The formation of man’s attitudes”. BTW, if I remember correctly, Jacques Ellul was an orthodox Christian.
Thanks real history. I agree with you.
small correction:
” It’s gonna be nano-particles in our bodies working as an antenna ( through injections ) and the computer ( chip ) connected to them.
Instead of bodies should be blood,instead through injections should be through vaccines. ( fabricated or not epidemics like swine flu ore some flu )
I don’t want to say more and give them ideas,maybe they have not started it yet….( just kidding ).
forget about nano particles and such stuff. people are training AI right now. lots of smartphones use facial recognition to authorize access. biometric data (your voice, your ears, your fingerprints, …) eliminates the need for implants or other anything similar. vaccines are useful to get rid of undesired people (scare them with some flu and then treat them according to cost-benefit calculations).
If the chip ( computer ) is on your forehead you have to wrap your head with a bag.They will notice it for sure.
No need for a bag. Grabbing your tinfoil hat should do the trick.
I think the author interpreted the mark as 1.Our labour (right hand) 2.Our minds (forehead)
I throw my hat in with St Paisios
For your sake, don’t get the implant with the number of the beast , as written in the Holly Scriptures , so no need to hide it but hide.
PS. A hat with St. Paisios is always too large no matter what. You will get noticed when knocking into things around.
On the forehead of the whore of Babylon in Rev 17:5 is written a number of words beginning, “μυστήριον.” Beast in Greek is “θηρίον,” which is essentially the last six letters of “μυστήριον,” except for the substitution of a theta (which signifies searching) in place of a tau (which signifies penitence). The first three letters are the number of the beast when transliterated from Greek into Hebrew. 600 is mem sophith. 6 is vav. 60 is samekh.
Incidentally, the first three letters, “μυσ,” are also the same as SMU, and many who attend Southern Methodist University know their alma mater has the same initials as the number of the beast.
The twentieth century was given to the dragon flaming red–the devil, which is Communism. This century is given to the whore and to the red dragon–the beast she rides. The next century is given to the false prophet. The next century after that (the 23rd) includes the Hebrew year 6001–the beginning of the Millennium–a day of rest, since a day with the Lord is as a thousand years.
In Christianity, “μυστήριον.” is generally holy. Only in the mystery of iniquity is it unholy. The mu (M) consists of a zeta (Z) rotated plus an iota (I)–i.e., a dragon of seven (Z) heads and ten (I) horns but crowned with seven diadems–600. The sigma consists of a zeta plus a rotated iota at the top–i.e., a beast of seven heads and ten horns but crowned with ten diadems–60. The upsilon is the beast with two horns–6.
The false prophet (false teacher, i.e., the beast with two horns) is television, or generally any screened device. The worldwide web (www) is vav vav vav in Hebrew, i.e., six six six, but the letters are shaped like mu and sigma rotated, i.e., like 600 and 60. What retailer can sell nowadays without the web? Since many of the younger generation find it difficult to compute change, how much longer can we pay in cash? Will the younger generation prefer the convenience of a chip implanted in the right hand? As mesmerized as many are today, how much more so will they idolize their screened devices a century from now? Will Christ find faith when He returns?
In the mystery of iniquity the six letters of the beast separate from the other three, and a soul separates from God. In the Mystery of salvation, the nine letters are together, and God rejoins a soul.
Look at your palm, and you will see a mu (M). Lower your right hand, and the mu rotates to become a sigma. Furrow your brows, and something like an upsilon will appear on your forehead. Thus, everyone is born with the mark of the beast—especially on the right hand and forehead—even the Christ. The crown of thorns was for the upsilon. The nails were for the mu and the sigma, and they joined Him to the cross (which is the tau). The Lamb suffered and died for the mark of the beast—the mystery of iniquity. The new Adam became sin, which is the stigma that joins Him to the cross, i.e., the ligature on icons of the resurrection that has the same value six in the Greek of the New Testament as vav in the Hebrew of the Old Testament, which signifies man and creation and the first Adam who fell and the other lamb—the beast with two horns.
The crucifixion was on the sixth day. Now is the sixth millennium, when the Church—the mystical body of Christ is crucified. When God is done creating man, He will see that it is good, and He will rest.
Interesting article. I was not aware of the connection between gold and the number 666.
But I would point out that when the Holy Scriptures prophesies about the future, it is always in a language that hides the meaning untill the time of its fullfillment. The author of this article thought that he had seen the fullfillment of St John’s revelation in the communist systems. Others before him saw Anti Christ in Napoleon and Hitler. We should study St. John’s revelation so that when the time comes we are ready and understands what God wantes us to know in the final tribulation.
And it was very interesting to know ofbthe link between gold and the number of the beast.
The whole 666 thing is more easily noticed in Apocalapsy when following sixth angel, sixth trumpet of angel etc…. It’s the question of so called ecumenia warned by Christ Himself.
All the numbers in the Bible may be explained quite simply by looking at the various aspects of sacred geometry, the alchemic arts and astro theological events.
Speakers of note are Randall Carlson and Santos Bonacci who will within their own spheres of knowledge explain how and why the numbers mean what they are and how they may be discovered.
The Bible is a physics book when you look at it from the correct angle.
‘…from the correct angle.’
Perhaps, a 90 degree angle… or 30 degree? Which is the correct angle?
How did Pythagoras figure out the 3:4:5 triangle? It is not intuitive.
What is the thought process involved from scratch?
See the books of Richard and Robin Heath, such as ‘The Harmonic Origins of the World’, which trace such maths back to neolithic and even palaeolithic times and link it both to astronomical observations and music theory.
Bible is not meant to be “explained” by anybody.
Those who try to “explain” everything in the Bible are not true believers.
The Bible is the Word of God expressed through the Prophets , Son of God and Apostles.
Christian religion is not science and can not be measured or interpreted by science of nonbelievers in any possible way.
And all that serves for the intellectual masturbation and ego building exercise.
It is disparagement for every true Christian, to hear somebody
comparing Bible to the “physics book”.
It is very derogatory.
Interesting variety of perspectives!
41 comments range between _smr’s dismissal of a Bible which has been used millions of times throughout two millennia and counting to make innumerable meaningful points (though we all know those points of morality, authority, etc, etc by different interpreters through the centuries have all too often resulted in violent disagreement….) and Jako’s irritation, with those who unwilling to be satisfied with pure belief and external authority they are told they ought to submit to, because the Truth can’t be understood the way physics can be, so even treying is “offensive”.
First of all, like the past of any person, family, tribe or nation, messy and contradictory and paradoxical as it may be, a spiritual past did happen. It’s not the same in all parts of the world. There’s a lot of variety. Principles that mirror each other and sometimes seem to negate each other. And It didn’t all get recorded, but a lot of it did get “written”.
And a lot of it isn’t pretty. It’s bloody and dark. While other parts are sublimely beautiful. And it is a portion of Mankind’s Spiritual History which is interwoven with our material, scientific, political and economic past, present and future .
Unless you know how to disconnect What Is Happening from What Already Happened?
That’s a tall order, since Time is a Continuum….thus far in our experience…..LOL. Good luck resetting the clock yourself or starting over, without that which many consider A Complete Incomprehensible Mess…….and others treasure as a Very Rich And Incredibly Inspiring Spiritual Heritage!
By the numbers, here is more grist for the mill:
Probably not even a single atom of anything, let alone AU is always and perpetually 100% pure. Some impurity of cosmic ray or not ideal spiritual energy is bound to pass through, occasionally, or stay a long time.
This introduces the concept of “falling one short” of the perfect 1.
Whether you interpret that as 1-1= 0 or 1 minus a smallest decimal (0.1 or a much smaller 0.000000001 or other like that, you either get a ZERO….. a 0.9 or a long series of 0.999…..999 etc. and it is said that 0 and 9 are of the same essence: neither introduces any change, any progress, any ascension.
This is why 9 is the number of EGO. It thinks it’s everything, but it’s really nothing. All it produces is more of itself….more Nothing. Nine times ANY integer (no matter how long) returns ALWAYS to Nine. 9 x 4 =36 3+ 6 = 9 etc,etc,etc,etc.
Satanism is the Ego run amuck
So, falling short of Christ Consciousness (symbolized by 7 for reasons I won’t go into here, and need to refresh myself on by re-reading Number, The Silent Poetry) in Thought, Spirit, and Action 777 you get the balanced HolyTrinity because 7+7+7= 21 and 2+1 = 3
Whereas, “falling one short” of that 6 + 6 + 6….. you get a big FAT Zero in The End.
How? Simple!
6 + 6 + 6 = 18 and now you’re going down the Cosmic Drain (1=8 = 9) …………. “Nein, Nein. Nein!” yelled Friedrich (“Gott ist Tod”) Nietzsche at his moment of egoic passing from This World to the Nether World.
Now in defense of socialism and my wife’s Russia at the time of her birth in 1964, Man Neither Lives By Bread Alone……….Nor Without It!
So, when religion produces wonderful allegorical Spiritual and Intellectual Lessons….but Insufficient Bread on the Table……”Peace, BREAD, Land” has a mightier spiritual appeal than Tsar and Church unable to deliver at that Time of Troubles.
The Bolsheviks could have used Sacred Numerology in chiding the Old Order by Mathematical Persuasion to improve their performance, but they were rather enraged and more into using lead bullets to get rid of opposing ideas than they were into the time consuming alchemical process of converting mental and spiritual lead in themselves and others into Golden Souls.
By neglecting Bread, This World, Right Action in the World, The Overly Spiritual Holier Than Thou or I can also commit a grave Sin of Omission and Fall One Short, Like Any and All That Talk the Talk, but Won’t Walk the Walk.
Distaste for The World, Action in the World…and The Salt of The Earth Anywhere In the World leads to a subtraction of 1 out of the 3 that they too regularly prefer to forget, or subtract…rather than take into consideration, and deal with with any True Measure of Care……through Right Action
So, from the Triune (Three in One) …One Third (Action) can often be missing from the purely “spiritual” leaving only 2/3 = .666
Just as the same 2/3 result can be arrived at by Spirit and Action Without Reason (Thought) and Thought and Action Without Care (Spirit….Love)
Belief is a form of ignorance for you may only know or not know.
This article just goes to show how futile it is to use the Old and New Testament to make a meaningful point – everything gets lost in a – yes, very evocative! – but ultimately utterly incomprehensible jumble of loaded words and weaponized memes. Fool’s gold.
25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life[a]?
28 “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. 29 Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. 30 If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you—you of little faith? 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:25-34
I enjoy the Gospels and their ethical message (more Nagarjuna for metaphysics personally), but John of Paplos’ Revalations is just mad-mumble to me, and there is enough reasonable discontent within the early church to not concentrate too much on it imo.
I’m not sure Communism/Socialism should get the anti-Christ bad wrap either – the Buddhist (monastic) Sangha, certainly in the spirit of the law, is a fairly socialist organization, and they do ok.
Wise words from a sage from every age, open the mind –
Just some thoughts on the mark of the beast.
As the numerals we use today didn’t exist at the time the scriptures were written it stands to reason that finding “666” stamped or written anywhere will not represent anything other than 666 – or 999 upside down.
“Hindu-Arabic numerals, set of 10 symbols—1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0—that represent numbers in the decimal number system. They originated in India in the 6th or 7th century and were introduced to Europe through the writings of Middle Eastern mathematicians, especially al-Khwarizmi and al-Kindi, about the 12th century.” [Encyclopaedia Britannica]
If we wish to transcribe letters to numbers by giving letters a numerical value – we must first ask ourselves – was the particular method of transcription we’re using in use at the time the scriptures were written. Then we would have to apply that transcription to the original text in it’s original script and not as she is writ today.
While the devil is the devil in any language, ancient, modern or intermediate, the name “devil” was not written D-E-V-I-L some 2000 years ago.
And while there are as many symbolic and metaphorical interpretations for “666 the mark of the beast” as there are people with an opinion on the matter – perhaps the question modern day opinion holders should ask themselves first is – is their interpretation also applicable to the state of existence when this was first written.
Now read 13 again. Everyone who doesn’t have the mark – is dead.
Because (1) everyone has the mark and (2) everyone who doesn’t eat or drink (need money) – is dead.
Now you can tell me I’m being too literal, that we must spin what is actually written to a metaphorical high to make it conform to what we think it should mean, but then …. how is that different from what we see (and decry) in the world today? Spinning facts, events and opinions to suit the preferred narrative? It’s okay just this time – because it’s the only way we can “explain the truth?” Well…. that’s pretty how the our despised MSM sees it too…… (IOW., it’s not only “fake news” only when the other side is doing it.)
just because you brought the topic, all ancient languages of the time did something similar to the trick of the first 9 letters 1..9, then 9 letters for 10..90 and then 100 to 900. so 27 lettersminimun in the aleph-beth.
abcde fghij
klmno pqrst
uvwxy z
so nowadays we would have something like
fpz or any permutation thereof.
Thanks for your insights. I have wondered if the writer of Revelation, as a human being trying to live in his ‘present’, was really concerned with things that would happen sooner, instead of later — in other words, was the “book” of Revelation largely fulfilled within a century or two of its writing, & written for the benefit of people known to the writer? In the first letter of John, the writer talks about how “there are already antichrists” (plural) so this type of person/mindset has been with us for the last 2,000 years. No doubt there will be more ‘antichrists’ in the future. The verses you note from Rev. 13 and 14 (to me) look like a fluid mix of past/ present/ future…..”he causeth all……” may be a description of the dominating power of sin (remember the “mark” of the murderer Cain back in Genesis); — “that no man might buy or sell (what, exactly?)………” may be an arrogant hot air boast, and it may refer to the passing things of this world that a righteous person would have no interest in anyway, And, includes at least 3 exceptions, namely, those that had 1. the mark or 2. the name of the beast or 3. the number of his name. We may be looking at more than economics, here; we may be looking at spiritual ideas; we may be looking at the minds and souls of selfish men being networked into idolatry. Wasn’t it the first commandment that said “You shall have no other gods before me” ? —-now, back to the verses that talk about the torment of those who Worship the beast and His image (image may mean “counterfeit”, in opposition to our Righteous Lord) ; “the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever, and they have no rest day nor night” sounds like something “happening now”, as far as the writer was concerned…..2,000 years ago! I have noticed that the writer of Revelation has a very fluid sense of past and future, and this has made interpreting it pretty wild. I also cannot help but wonder how accurately the “Revelation” was translated?
“I have noticed that the writer of Revelation has a very fluid sense of past and future, and this has made interpreting it pretty wild. I also cannot help but wonder how accurately the “Revelation” was translated?”
I figure he ate some interesting mushrooms and went on a trip.
Read Revelation from that pov and see what you think?
PS. Very interesting that first commandment “Thou shalt have no other gods before me…”
Kinda tells us pretty clearly – there are definitely at least several more than one god – God says so.
Wisdom of Solomon 2:7
“Let us fill ourselves with costly wine and ointments: and let no flower of the spring pass by us”
The Federal reserve system was created in 1913. Since then the US has had 8 Democratic presidents and 10 Republican presidents. Washington D.C. is the whore of Babylon riding on the beast. There are also 7 major mountain ranges in US. The mark of the beast could refer to US sanctions policy – ask DPRK or Russian how hard it is to trade with US sanctions on them.The US government says LGBT “rights” (special privileges) are a human right. so the US government is anti-God and against every major religion. The feet of a bear, US has a whole continent just like the Russian bear. The mouth of a lion – English is the language. So it seems it is Apocalypse Now.
The Kabbalistic number of Tipereth, which is Beauty and of the sun, and of gold, is 666.
Why don’t these bloody Xtians learn some gemetria? That’s all the “666” hubbub ever was, just gemetria.
There is a lot to digest in this essay. Maybe we give to much attention to theories of how this mark will be instituted. Is it a literal mark? A chip? The main point I see here is that this will be a totalitarian system which controls all aspects of our life. We must take heed. Socialism is already strongly entrenched in all western lands. Incrementally, our freedoms have been taken away over the years. We are now dictated to as to our medical choices. There are efforts to force vaccinations. Health remedies that do not come from the giant medical cartel are banned. They are telling us what food we are allowed to eat. We will eat GMO crops slathered with pesticides and not labelled but we can’t eat or drink raw dairy; cheese, butter, milk etc. We have to have a license to drive, fish, put a boat in the water etc. How long before this process is complete and we are nothing more than slaves of the state? Tyranny is coming quickly for this world. They call it the new world order. Not really new. Just bigger. I’m not aware that the west has much gold. At least not the U.S., Britain or Canada. But, the west has the international bankers who control the money of almost every country. And they have the war machine which is used to take the gold of others and subjugate people.
I take this as a warning. We must guard our heart as to what we value most. Is it physical comfort, nice house, all the toys? Or is it God and eternity. There is no government on earth worthy of our trust, and we must always be suspicious of the intentions of the ruling class.
Let nothing disturb you.
Let nothing frighten you.
All things are passing away:
God never changes,
Patience obtains all things,
Whoever has God lacks nothing;
God alone suffices.
St. Teresa of Avila.
The righteous are rewarded.
The wicked are punished.
In the meantime we have to deal with each other.
Can’t think of the biblical reference………
Interesting post. Sheikh Imran’s lecture titled “islamic response to dajjal and digital monetary system” or “dajjal and digital money” mention something about king sulaiman. we were surprised. this is new. this is knowledge. surah saba in the quran mention about the story of the death of sulaiman. he was there sitting on his throne. his death body was keep upheld by a staff. the creatures who worked for him keep on working because they do not notice his death. but the beast of the earth are eating away those still. until sometime the staff loses balance and the body fell down. that what is in the quran on surah saba.
the sheikh then said, “sulaiman is a prophet, sulaiman is also the head of the state, holy israel is the ruling state in the world. if what happen in the quran is true, then surely, it would be recorded in history. it is such an unforgettable huge event”
it is either the quran is false or we misunderstand these event. these type of verses are subjected to interpretation.
something is dead sitting on his throne, dead body is not recognized to be dead, succeding in getting those who are working on his behalf to continue to work to its benefit (state of israel) not knowing its body is dead. but there are those who does not want this to continue so theg keep chiping away at the bottom of the staff and eventually the balance will be disturbed. its like giving analogy to the banking/monetary system.
the body will eventually collapse. why? paper, plastic electronic money will eventually collapse since the antichrist cannot convince the jews to accept him to be the messiah unless israel returns to gold.
as a muslim myself, this is the first time i heard
“Gold is both wealth itself and a symbol, a sign of wealth. It is the idol of the universe, an object of deification and veneration” Gold has become an abstraction being replaced by the dollar. The dollar, which its real value is only the paper it is printed on, no other real value except the one imposed by force via the american millitary. In order to keep with this dream (nightmare in reality) everything is allowed including genocide, genocide of the Middle East, genicide of Russia? who knows.
This is not a game, right now the crazies have already left the basement.
The Western Empire is about to implode on itself thru internal inconsistencies and basic bankruptcy. This is desperation – the West knows it is flicked unless it plunders anew (which the plundered-to-be aren’t fully compliant.)
Excellent biblical analysis.
The Torah is read by mystics as a continual cycle so that the last word ends in Lamed (Isra-el — those who seek “El”) and begins with” V “( B’resheit) in the beginning or at the head. L-V is heart or lev in Hebrew.
The consciousness is in the heart and it is the heart of the matter . The (pause or the unwritten vowel) is the void (the unvoiced zero if you will, until it is voiced) coming into existence. It is continual flow, unceasing,which is why there is the practice of the continual reading of this scripture–as both a tribal memoir and a connection to the divine. No offense intended with the previous sentence to the purists
‘The money illusion’ is a phrase used in economics, as money itself is not truly wealth. What is wealth? It is food clothing, shelter, education, health care, etc. Going way back into the economics writing, over and over again, it is the real things people need directly that are called wealth.
“Ah, but money is used to buy all those things!…” Thus confusion reigns, and people confuse financial wealth with real wealth. They are not the same.
Money is not truly wealth. This can be seen directly in the institutional feature of money: it is created at will, with the stroke of a pen, like no other thing that people really do need. And so the real power of money is institutional, political, a matter of courts, law, enforcement. Archaeology shows that this feature existed in antiquity. Thus money truly is of the temporal powers, and not of those eternal things of which spiritual powers are concerned. And so economics would seem to agree directly with the honorable presbyter.
“Feed my people” was the expression, not “give my people money”.
666 = David Star??
Revelation is an obsession of Protestants in particular. Listening to short wave radio it is easy to find some hysterical preacher every night talking about the end times and raptures. It is an uniquely anglo saxon, nihilistic one dimensional worldview. The Russians have instead thousands of years of indo european spiritual heritage. Current events can be better understood through the Pagan view.
Perun, also known as Pērkons etc was the supreme god of the proto Russians and their Fenno-Baltic neighbours. The God of Lightning. This also is the god of oak wood, metal work, war and virility. Oak is always the tree to be struck first in a lightning storm. The original Indo-European religion of the Rus’ was a deep source of knowledge, most of which has been preserved within Orthodoxy. Malenitsa, Kupala, Easter celebrations of painting eggs, all from the paganism.
The West, led by the Anglo Saxons, are followers of Volos, Veles… The God of the Underworld, of darkness, deception and the hidden. They are the ‘beast’ spiritually. They will bring about the end times through their agression and greed yet the Rus under Perun will prevail. The Satan/Christ archetype that Russians talk about is in fact the Perun/Veles ancient war which has been raging since their ethnogenesis.
An explanation much more fitted with what we witness today in the world and the path events are taking…
I fail to see the point in bringing in this essay now for displacing the mark of evilness of the current beasts to communism who does not paint the least in nowadays world.
I find much more factible the main beast being capitalism in its final form, neoliberal imperialism. Communism, for that matter, in spite of the evolution it could take in the countries which tried to develop it without never succesfully reaching its final fase because of boicotting and presure by capitalist forces, has always worried for the welfare of other fellow human beings, both inside and outside its own borders, thus I find it difficult to identify it as the beast of the Bible…
“He entrusted his entire people with labour duties (3 Kings V: 13-15)”
After searching on & Wikipedia it turns out the ref. is: 1 Kings 5:13-15
“Just being in the possession of collected wealth is not enough for those who wish to be truly rich. It is not only important to spend wealth, but also to continue gathering it. To accomplish this, it is important to possess the very power, the very source that produces wealth: human labour. Power over labour is true power over wealth and a guarantee of the stability of riches.”
I love, love this quote because this is it exactly thank you!!!!! Human Labour!!!
and here for everyone’s benefit is surely the quote that is the summation of the above in all its satanic glory regarding everything 666 by a Colonel Edward House: circa 1930’s
“[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging.
By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living.
They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges.
They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability.
After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.”
Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.” PHILIP DRU: ADMINISTRATOR: A STORY OF TOMORROW 1920-1935 {how prophetic a title}
As Gerry Fox rightly surmises to how very interesting that House’s quote matches that which is found in the scripture. From his book Finally, the Book of Revelation Explained:
“Trying to write a thesis therefore into every aspect of the 666 would not be possible here because it would take up thousands of pages of work. Fortunately for us though we don’t have to go down that road because if there doesn’t exist a very interesting book with a very interesting quote written by a man who was one of its architects and yet oblivious to the prophecy?! And this is the shocker in the second paragraph of his quote it’s as if one is reading verbatim from the book of Rev. 13 and why our birth certificates are a bank note. {note he apparently has an old birth certificate which has imprinted in very small letters the words Canadian Bank Note!}
“He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell…
unless he had the mark, which is the number of his name.” {Rev. 13:16} {Emphasis mine}
The one thing though that Col House did not possess was computer tech which can now go the whole distance where control is concerned including ultimately human labor WOW!!!!! just WOW!!!. note RFID chip UPC code etc etc….
As for gold for all its worth there is something far, far more valuable to our way of life oil Satan’s Excrement as the Venezuelans like to call it and its coming demise may very well fulfill the words of our savior like nothing else:
“For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again.” {Matthew 24:21}
Oil not gold gives us everything we have today, absolutely everything and guess what we live on a finite world where because of two world wars and all of the other violence the easy to extract oil has long since disappeared and we are now suffering from want due to an affordability crisis where the worlds financial system is living on debt because we can’t afford the energy we need to live. How long will this insanity last before it all crumbles before our very eyes is for some people only months away?
The end of the industrial revolution is upon us and yes here is the mind that has wisdom about a coming king and his power over the minds and labor of men? {Rev. 17:9 and Rev. Rev. 13:16-18}
Catholics and Orthodox believed at one time anyway that the Abomination of Desolation occurred with the Roman empire? that however, is proving to be gravely wrong. Instead we are about to see it fulfilled in our own day and age.
Look up for your redemption is drawing near!!!! Jesus.
Here’s another quote that when I first came across it made me stop and think what if anything might it have to do with a coming king and the 666?
I mean what did General George Cornwallis know, really know?….
“Your churches will be used to teach the Jews religion and in less than 2 hundred years, the whole nation will be working for divine world government . That government that they believe will be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without them even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.” General George Cornwallis
Enter one C. I. Scofield?
For me this all but sums up Christian Zionism. What a terribly deceived people?
Luckily Socialism got replaced by neo-liberalism with the working poor. People are constantly being shown all the fancy things they can buy with mammon, but they’re hardly able to put any of their less than minimum wage aside for necessities.
Over the course of the past years I’ve learned that a beast represents a nation, so with the explanation above the number of the beast has to represent the economic system of the nation. Right at the moment the US still is the driving force (challenged by China and Russia) and its currency is preferred for international trade. (Nations even got destroyed for trying to break loose from the dollar – for example Libya.) The US represents extreme capitalism: either you’re starving or you’re working 24/7. If you’re lucky you’ll make it, otherwise 24/7 will continue until your last days.
As bad as Socialism may have been, oppression of religion, with scarcity and all the other negative aspects, it still offered people spare time to think and to practice religious activities (even when discouraged). Neo-liberalism on the other hand forces people to think about getting the next dollar while the Fed and Wall Street Rule. (On a side-note: rising stock markets are represented by a bull. A bull represented Moloch. Metaphorically children, women and elderly are still sacrificed to Moloch by bombing the countries that don’t submit to the US monetary system. Also wars are good for business.)
What you describe isn’t socialism. Best go learn your political systems.
Instead of telling others to learn political systems it would be nice if you could point out the mistakes of my post. Thank you. :)
A review of the beast, the mark, Babylon to frame the significance and meaning inherent in the prophetic scriptures.
Rev 13
The beast
— It has names of blasphemy upon its heads- (insult, defiance, mocking or other negative action concerning God, divinity, and the sacred)
— The Dragon (Satan, Devil, adversary, deceiver) gives the beast power, throne and authority
— The Dragon is at war with those who follow the ten commandments and the testimony of Yeshua (Jesus)
— The beast’s mortal wound by the sword was healed (false miracle, resurrection imitation)
— All on the earth who have the mark of the beast (666), and whom were not written in the book of life, marvelled at the beast and worshipped the Dragon
— Beast is unrivaled, with war powers to conquer the Holy Ones and authority over the entire earth and all persons on earth
— Beast has a false prophet who spoke like the Dragon, a seducer (Rev 19) performs wonders (appostasy), forces all humans to take the mark of the beast (666) and worship the image of the beast, all refusers will be murdered
Rev 14
— All who take the mark and worship the beast will burn in torment for eternity
Rev 15
— some will persevere – “those who were victorious over The Beast and over its Image and over the number of its name.” will live on in the eternal presence of God.
Rev 17 – 18
The Woman Harlot Babylon who facilitates the Beast’s rise to power… she will be destroyed by the beast.
–a woman who sat on a blood-red Beast full of blasphemous names, gilt with gold,
had a cup of gold in her hand full of abominations and the filth of her fornication, was drunk with the blood of The Holy Ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Yeshua
upon her forehead was written: “Mystery Babylon The Great, The Mother of Harlots and of the Filth of The Earth.”
The beast bears the Woman harlot “Babylon”, she rides it. The beast hates the woman Harlot , the great City empire that rules over the kings of the earth. She exalted and glorified herself above all others, her sins reached to the heavens. The great Babylon that rules the world through sorceries and deceptions. Her merchants, trade, ships on every water. Babylon of splendor, luxury, wealth, of fornication and adultery. Blood of saints and martyrs on her hands.
The beast with his ten kings destroys forever the Woman harlot Babylon with fire, devours her, in one day.
The Beast then defiles the temple, rules for a time, times and half a time (42 months) and is then defeated by Yeshua.
A wicked Empire destroyed and eaten (aquired) to make way for a global dictatorship.
Key points I address from the article.
“Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold (3 Kings 10:14; 2 Chronicles 9:13).”
This should be 1 Kings, there is no 3 Kings book in the bible.
“His name is gold. This is the mystery, secret, and strength of his power and influence.”
The ‘gold’ has some symbolic and comparative exegesis value.
The match in numeric value 666 between Rev. text and 1 Kings, this is remarkable.
Solomon possessed unsurpassed “wisdom” – let he who has ‘wisdom’ calculate the number of the beast.
Solomon possessed unsurpassed wealth, tons of gold.
Wisdom and gold (attributes of Solomon) to calculate the number of the beast.
My thoughts on a universal system based in gold to economically and spiritually enslave humankind.
The mark of the beast system being based in gold derivative electronic currency is plausible and actually developing.
Everyone is marked by a system, which exclusively controls their economic transactions (buying and selling).
Inclusion in the system; taking the mark is an oath of economic, physical and spiritual swearing of allegiance and worship to the beast.
The means of a universal electronic currency is already in the testing and development stages. It just has no unitary or fundamentally sound basis for valuation. Its gaining traction while the current system is precarious, emphasizes the close approach…
International banking transactions, exchanges and core fundamental valuations are based on gold.
The SDR, and most currencies were originally based on gold. Now they are fiat, based on arbitrary and speculative valuations enshrined on paper debt. Unsustainable, its time is ending.
Chinese, Russian, Iranian oil sales are now developing a gold-based exchange. Venezuela, Turkey, even Saudi are making overtures. Gold rising, petro-dollar fading.
Central banks and nations are repatriating their gold and increasing their gold reserves. The Chinese now have their own gold price fix separate from the COMEX. The East is accumulating precious metals, a significant portion discounted from the West through arbitrage.
A common falacy is that there isn’t enough gold to base a currency on.
31 grams per Troy ounce, and another 1000 lesser denominations in micrograms provides a simple feasible basis for denomination and valuation.
Instant exchange redemption for physical metal universally recognized and enforced would solve the artificial leveraging, and all the paper ponzi-controlled speculation financial schemes.
A global currency and financial system based on and redeemable in an actual rare material, that the bankers hoard.
Gold has been real money since Egyptians first used it as money 5000 years ago.
The current prevailing system based on fiat paper that has an absolute intrinsic material value of nothing, and are actually debt notes, is entrenched in a system of usary and corruption. A global currency movement has been underway for years, the collapse of Western economy will usher in a new system using the physical gold standard as fundamental basis for a universal electronic currency.
The lust and avarice for gold are certainly unmatched, are temptation endangering the soul. Yet gold is anathema to the current globalist system. It is currently a threat to paper and electronic currency. Not tracked, not taxed, not based in debt, are more reasons why they will incorporate gold into a global currency. Control.
The question is how will the virtuous soul have any means to survive amidst an electronic global techno-dictatorship? Especially one based in gold?
What sort of easily recognizable material of value can be securely used, matrix-proof, transportable, divisible, used in exchange, trade or barter, for those who refuse and resist the mark? In an electronic gold-based system, that accepts physical gold as payment…
Render little Caesars without seizure.
@ Philos
You may want to watch actually i highly recommend it Doug Casey’s speech on the coming demise of the dollar and its replacement with a cashless system based upon a possible chip in one hand or forehead?
Amazing, truly amazing. Note too what better way to legislate morality then by killing all currency. all this talk about a lack of transparency in the financial world and guess what computer tech is the key. Blockchain has the ability now to completely expose and track every single purchase one makes period across every system of credit. Now that’s total control. Privacy is gone period! The man who controls this will be able to play god with your life. 666
a frightening example is currently Japan. watch the video to hear what Doug says on the subject and so much more…..
The Casey video at the link is worth listening to. As an economist and strategic trend analyst his previous predictions have been prophetic and accurate, since the 70’s.
The Fedcoin solution is probably already set up and ready to be implemented in a crisis; market crash, dollar devaluation, banking collapse, hyperinflation, bank run, debt repudiation/ force majeur. And these crises will run concurrent and swift as dominoes in the coming crisis. These crisies and their devastating impact would be causus belli for implementing electronic currency.
Yet, Fedcoin will not be a real solution to economic crisis because it would be another fiat currency with no fundamental value. Tragically for us, it would create a nightmare draconian electronic control mechanism over every detail, privacy, and means of a person’s life.
Casey suggests it will be gradually ushered in and run concurrently with the dollar as it is phased out. Removing $100 bills will be the first step. Nations are already eliminating high denominational notes.
My theory is that Fedcoin would be a failure within a short time. As it failed, it would probably be integrated and merged within a universal electronic currency that is based on tangible values. A global electronic currency solution as I related in my original post. Something like a new SDR– a basket of commodities, precious metals, oil and energy, and international trade– weighting these to maintain an algorithmic valuation based on AI processing. Electronic crypto blockchain universal, ubiquitous control of everthing and everyone.
Casey’s recommendations are sound. Persons should liquidate assets that will be affected by an economic crisis, and speculate by shorting or put-options on those. Get rid of debt and liabilities, extraneous non-essential things. Obtain investments that flourish in crises; physical precious metals, junior mining stocks, physical property in one’s possession that will provide refuge, security and safety in a crisis. Save up some cash, especially some lower denomination bills. Diversify and have sound, wise and useful skills, knowledge, contacts, and contingencies.
Now is the time and opportunity, the window is closing.
“And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” — the words of Jesus Christ, as recorded in the gospel of Matthew 19:24
finally … a more specific Biblical quote….. most above are interesting side issues….. and many open for interesting discussion s
add to this john 3 :16 Check it out ….
Thats the key to christianity (which does not belong to any mystics prodestants catholics orthodox mormons JWs Jewish religious groups … prophets !!!! saints !!!! you name them … what ever…
thank you
Revelation – Chapter 13 – Verse 18 — “for it is the number of a man;”
King James bible – Chapter 13, Verse 18:
“Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
As the quotation states, it is the “number of a man”. I suppose that it is referring to an individual human being!
The author implies that the man is Solomon. Solomon, whom God blessed, turned away from the faith (and built temples to other gods). Solomon may be a symbol for the first beast, whom some take to be the Antichrist. Will a man of global authority turn away from the faith in the last days, only to find that God takes away his authority?
Why don’t you just think about the possibility: Jesus was aware of False Revelation appearance several decades later? In that case you would have to start from the Gospel, but today’s Evangelists are farther from the Truth than ever.
Anyway, you should just try what I suggested unfolding the Gospel:
1 observation: in all deaths and lies and wrongdoing in this world, you’re blaming wealth? haven’t you heard when Jesus is saying the devil is father of lies, and mankiller from the beginning? who do you fight against: wealth, or death and lies? who is the enemy, wealth, or death/lie? I think you forgot the Gospel/Evangelie, this is all terribly wrong. the reason why couldn’t been heard in my own country, and now canplay with the flatearthists.
if wealth is the root of all problems, why don’t you give away everything and be poor? Jesus even compared heavenly kingdom with a man who is trading, buying and selling, and you… WHAT YOU’RE DOING, according to false revelations 666:
On one side you’d judge whomever buys or sells,
on the other you believe who ever refuses to do so, will be killed
3 Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off as on that side according to it.
4 I will bring it forth, saith the Lord of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and into the house of him that sweareth falsely by my name: and it shall remain in the midst of his house, and shall consume it with the timber thereof and the stones thereof.
how about this saker:
you name the war since ivan grozny ’til jap’s and you’ll find my familia; you name the tatar whom grozny made czar, you won’t miss my tribe.
how many saints disputed the false revelation including John chrisostome mentioned here?
how many councils?
is it forbidden in Holy Liturgy?
what more do you need, got’em.
the world won’t be the same, either from the east or from the west, Antichrist who wrote The Revelation is already condemned. it’s only you human who are deceived, waiting for him. Will not come; stop waiting for Antichrist, he is dead and damned and condemned. CAN’T SAY WHEN IS PARUSIA.
wow, the Book of Revelation of St. John one of Christ’s favorite apostles is a condemned document by you and others within the eastern expression of the Church? Really? After two thousand years of history maybe what you need to do is revisit the scripture:
“He replied, ‘Go your way Daniel, because the words are closed and sealed until the time of the end.” {Daniel 12:9}
Why is it that so many think of the Church Fathers as being totally and completely infallible in their interpretations of scripture and yet here we are two thousand years later with a new and fuller revelation. Maybe stop looking back to the Church Fathers and start with this instead from Gerry Fox’s book Finally, the Book of Revelation Explained! Here’s his introduction…
The Book of Revelations is the final book speaking and dealing with the future and final events of mankind’s history. Written at a time when the Roman world was at its zenith an obscure man named John, an exile on the island of Patmos, who lived and walked with the Savior was given an astonishing vision. A vision not unlike what many of the Old Testament prophets were themselves given with perhaps the prophet Isaiah being the greatest of them given his foretelling of our Savior’s birth and death next to Daniel and/ Zechariah and how their visions mirror this book of Revelation especially Zechariah!
Written as it was however, it has not been an easy book to understand and of course how could it be when the one doing the writing is trying to explain events he is seeing far, far off into the future. Like for example the horses from Rev. 9:13. What was St. John shown exactly, regular horses, or modern-day military weapons like for example tanks? {…out of their mouths came fire, smoke and sulfur Rev. 9:18} To someone from the turn of the millennium AD this would look odd with the only way to describe such things would be by using what he would be familiar with from his own surroundings hence the use of the word horse. the Roman legions with their own militarized equipment. It raises some intriguing questions doesn’t it and though the vision has remained obscured for the most part throughout the centuries and unfortunately open to too many wild interpretations over the centuries we are nevertheless told that an understanding would come at a prescribed time:
“He replied, ‘Go your way Daniel, because the words are closed and sealed until the time of the end.” {Daniel 12:9}
A prescribed time that by all appearances could very well be ours today. Certainly, given the numerous strange and super-natural events occurring these days especially our weird weather, crop circles and other extra-terrestrial phenomena something is not right or normal. Even governments are taking notice along with military agencies and yet they wish to remain silent on the subject though they have numerous dossiers {X-files} full of information. Why? Because answers to such things are only to be found within the pages of the Bible. In fact, just do a google search of strange noises that sound like trumpets going off in the atmosphere and this all over the world and this in the first month of the year? Isn’t that odd the first month? Why? Well, for those of us versed in Jewish history knows about the Shofar which is a ram’s horn that was blown in the first month of the Jewish year. The blowing of such a horn had many meanings like a warning of some impending danger which the nation had to be aware of. More significantly though is how its blowing was meant to be a call to reflect upon one’s transgressions from the previous year in the hopes of influencing God’s judgment for the coming new year! Are these trumpets then a warning for us to get our hearts and minds right with God? That is an important and vital question. More significantly however, is for us to have in our possession a book speaking about trumpets and about the future along with answers to all these strange events and shouldn’t we be paying more attention to it? Most certainly, we should and though this book of Revelations with all its strange language has been obscured for centuries I believe I have found the key to unlocking most of its mysteries. Come follow along as we look at what is surely the correct interpretation of this book and learn moreover why these things are occurring as our Lord made abundantly clear:
‘…and there will be great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and famines; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.’ {Luke 21:11}
you start with church fathers and end with some gerry fx who belongs to what denomination, sda, jw,5x,…?
The Antichrist Wrote The Revelation.(link not working. Mod.)
Lardner said in vol. 4 of his commentary on page 175: “Cyrillus and the Church of Jerusalem did not acknowledge the book of Revelation in their period. Apart from this, the name of this book does not even occur in the list of Canonical books which he wrote.”
On page 323 of the same volume Lardner further said: “Revelation was not the part of Syrian version.”
Eusebius makes the following statement in chapter 25 (Vol. 7) of his history: “Dionysius says that some ancient writers excluded the book of Revelation from the Holy Scriptures and have completely refuted it. He said that this book is meaningless and a great example of ignorance. Any association of this book with John or with a righteous man or with any Christian is wrong. In fact, a heretic Cerinthus attributed this book to John. I wish I had the powers of excluding it from Holy Scriptures.”
The Catholic Herald (1844) contains the following statement on page 206 of Volume 7: “Rose has written on page 161 of his book that many Protestant scholars consider the book of Revelation nonbelievable. Professor Ewald has produced powerful arguments to prove that the gospel of John and Epistles of John and the Revelations of John cannot be the writings of the same person.”
Either there’s some worldwide conspiracy going on or there’s more to the Revelation than you would like to acknowledge.
Let’s take for example Revelation 16:4: Then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and springs of water, and they turned to blood.
Now check the internet for rivers that have turned blood red. (here a few examples: or or or Do you think that French authorities conspired with Russians, Chinese and those of many more nations to fool their citizens?
Another strange event mentioned in the Bible are animal deaths. Look at this web site, which documents all mass animal deaths (going back until 2011):
Somewhere on the internet I read that the description of the Locusts in Revelation 9:9 could apply to helicopters.
Those examples are just a few of many more.
Regarding Chemicals, What is the Connection With bloody (Edited,cap words violate the blog rules,MOD) rivers? You put turmeric in kid’s serial if you want orange color, but that does not turn their breakfast into oranges, right?
Regarding Revelationist’s locusts, The Lord said won’t happen
I’ll help you with another points to counter my post: (1) according to researchers some rivers turned red because of microbiological effects. (2) I’m not expert with revelation. Nevertheless are the similarities of revelation with actual events breathtaking. Despite my status as non-expert I’ve learned that revelation is not to be taken literally. For example the beasts that are mentioned represent nations. Or the whore of Babylon and her Harlots represent the (Catholic – only Catholic?) Church and those split off from it.
Wow!!! from,: ” U.S. Roosevelt Foundation at Moscow University”. Amazing !!! The top 5th column’s NGO
breeder of ant- Russian subversion stuffed with Jewish Bolshevics. Poor Ruskis. They have no hope to be free. Zabytie tovarishchi !!!
According to Scripture there is the spirit of antichrist (that which denies Christ and his finished work) and the Antichrist (he that shall sit in the place of God and declare that he is God). Looking at this may be more helpful than getting carried away with numerology the book of Revelation (as well as parts of Daniel & Ezekiel) should be considered in a spiritual light first before considering whether it is a literal prophesy (the failure to do this is why so many in recent days are carried away with dispensationalist viewpoints which in turn leads to zionist ideas).
There is one that describes themselves as “the Vicar of Christ” and “Pontifex Maximus” – the pope of Rome. Is not this a mortal taking to himself the name of God? The Vicar of Christ (the representative of Christ) is none other than the Holy Ghost (Spirit) and the great bridge builder is none other than Christ – the Great High Priest. Is this not why the Roman Catholic church was (and still is by some including myself) considered to be the Great Whore of Babylon?
The evils of the love of money and man’s own false religions are clearly seen throughout Scripture so I’m not sure why one would use the mark of the beast (666) to set this out (I do find the article interesting however and do agree with some of the points raised with the exception that wealth is an evil – it is not, it is neither good nor evil, the evil is to be found within the heart of man). As a note, many have in the past used the Roman numerals in the latin used by the pope to find 666 too, however, I am yet to be convinced that this is a profitable approach considering everything else…!
You should watch the latest video (The Singularity Cometh) of Corbett Report Extras. People dream of playing god (transhumanism, merging human consciousness with computer technology, …).
Regarding your statement dealing with wealth I would like to add that you’re correct. Wealth doesn’t imply the wealthy person is evil or did evil things to get rich. Money should be a tool and nothing else. Nowadays people admire wealth and worship money. Above some other Anonymous quoted Matthew 19:24. It’s the greed/temptation that comes with wealth.
@concerned Brit
should be considered in a spiritual light first before considering whether it is a literal prophesy
The thing about the book of Revelation is it gives us both the literal and the figurative. This can be clearly seen in the verse speaking about the great city 11:8 as being Sodom and Egypt. We know it is Jerusalem because of the reference to the crucifixion.
And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.
so here we have the literal and figurative at play.
Another good example of this is the Gog and Magog situation which interestingly enough the Book of Revelation mentions. 20:8
Here is Gerry Fox’s description from his book World War 3 Gog and Magog and Israel lies all lies:
As for Gog and the Reubenites, they were a military-trained bunch (1 Chronicles 5:19, 24). It’s very interesting, if not highly significant, that a connection to the nation of Israel exists here, and twice no less. First, the Reubenites’ father was the firstborn of Israel who lost his birthright to Joseph for defiling his father’s bed. A very grievous and serious sin! We are then told that the Reubenites ended up as traitors of God because they decided to follow idols. They betrayed God even after He helped them in their war against the Hagrites (1 Chronicles 5:25). Note the words:
But they were unfaithful to the God of their ancestors and prostituted themselves to the gods of the peoples of the land, whom God had destroyed before them. So the God of Israel stirred up the spirit of Pul king of Assyria (that is, Tiglath-Pileser king of Assyria), who took the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh into exile. (1 Chronicles 5:25–26)
This is quite interesting, because it tells us that they were traitors. Treason, as we shall see shortly, is why Gog and Magog will be destroyed. The important thing to understand here is that God uses figurative language and historical types to explain and describe events. This is one of the keys to unlocking prophecy. We must understand how typology works, and the best illustration is surely where the book of Revelation refers to Jerusalem as “Sodom and Egypt”:
…which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. (Revelation 11:8)
Here we have both the figurative and literal in play, and why does God do this? Well, ultimately it has everything to do with faithlessness and idolatry. Both Egypt and Sodom knew who God was, saw His work, and yet were blatantly faithless and rebellious. Jerusalem was likewise faithless and rebellious, and still is in our current day and age. Note that halfway through the great tribulation, with Armageddon staring them in the face, the people of Jerusalem will still deal with idolatry. It’s referred to as the Abomination of Desolation.
Lastly, who or where is the city of Babylon? again from Fox’s book:
As for this Babylon and what city it is exactly is a mystery though with references to 7 hills {Rev. 17:9} and it would have to be the city of Rome and her famous seven hills.
The Quirinal Hill
Aventine Hill
Caelian Hill
Viminal Hill
Capitoline Hill
Esquiline Hill
Palatine Hill
At least that is the historical/geographical perspective. Some believe and interpret it as Jerusalem but how can that be given that Jerusalem has a future {Zech. 14 & Rev. 20:6} whereas this Babylon once she is destroyed she is destroyed forever never to be inhabited or rebuilt ever again. {Rev. 18:21-23} This Babylon is going the way of Sodom and Gomorrah!
‘Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said:
“With such violence
the great city of Babylon will be thrown down,
never to be found again.
The music of harpists and musicians, pipers and trumpeters,
will never be heard in you again.
No worker of any trade
will ever be found in you again.
The sound of a millstone
will never be heard in you again.
The light of a lamp
will never shine in you again.
The voice of bridegroom and bride
will never be heard in you again.
Your merchants were the world’s important people.
By your magic spell all the nations were led astray.
In her was found the blood of prophets and of God’s holy people,
of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.”
The Rome of today though is a far, far cry from the Rome of yesterday. Roads no longer lead to her doorsteps, her military is practically non-existent, economically there is no Wall Street, no Federal Reserve, no reserve currency, and she is certainly no port city as exemplified in Rev. 18. To find a city of comparable description and one need only look across the Atlantic Ocean to a city like New York or Washington for that matter and get this Washington has its own seven hills the names of which are:
Capitol Hill
Meridian Hill
Floral Hills
Forest Hills
Knox Hill
Washington/New York – Babylon? Well, don’t throw out the possibility just yet for as it is often said truth is stranger than fiction. Given America’s power and influence over practically the entire world and if she doesn’t sit as a king or queen over it all? Remarkably like Babylon of old? Especially, pertinent are these words however:
“In her heart she boasts, I sit as queen; I am not a widow and I will never mourn.” {Rev. 18:7}
Doesn’t this sound remarkably like New York with her Statue of Liberty and her political philosophy of Manifest Destiny which is a uniquely Masonic ideal? God is invoked but it is a Deistic faith and not theistic in any way shape or form. It is certainly strange how this city along with Washington and London, England are inextricably intertwined with Freemasonry? In fact, apparently every capital of the world next to even the most obscure of towns has some measure of this secret society working within their midst? Idolatry pure and simple but why!? Furthermore, just do a google search of obelisks and pyramids and ask yourselves why and what fore these things? Even the American dollar bills boast of this, a pyramid with the all-seeing eye? This is their symbol! Who are they honoring and worshipping? I believe the name JAHBULON comes to mind? A mixture of the holy and the profane! She has always portrayed herself as a city of wealth, power and prestige truly a city that never sleeps. If she isn’t comparable to the Rome or Babylon of old!? Something just doesn’t seem right, so unless a miraculous/demonic event occurs that returns Rome to its former glory under another Caesar we are left with a ‘mystery.’ Note though how most if not all nations capitals are very well interconnected with one another {masonic architecture ibid} particularly Europe with her monarchies and given how money and banking {Federal Reserve etc.}is the center around which all power rules next to these huge multi-national corporations of today and one need only look there for the key to Babylon’s existence.
I don’t understand how anyone could just spiritualize a book like Revelations? It has consequences for the natural world and sadly too many are guilty of grave misinterpretations of scripture because few if any understand how typology works within the prophetic literature.
I for one hope this is changing and will change as things continue to move forward and more light is thrown upon the bible.
” Something just doesn’t seem right, so unless a miraculous/demonic event occurs that returns Rome to its former glory under another Caesar we are left with a ‘mystery.’” – and there is a mystery : every king and western presidents (including those from the former socialist east), even the dalai lama and many others from the entire world, have made once a “visit” to the pope in Vatican. Here is Trump :
Yes, 666, a further illumination of the first beast of Revelation 13, which, as Protestants always believed until their apostasy in recent times, refers to the papacy. The Scriptures says it’s the number of “a man.” And the chapter specifies that he sits on seven hills, “the seven hills of Rome.”
You should check maps and pictures (taken from above) of Washington DC and you’ll see streets nearly forming a fully closed Pentagram (this seems to be the movement of Sirius which also seems to have played a role in Egypt).
Afaik Obelisks represent the missing body part of Osiris (a phallus). Strangely enough you’ll find an Obelisk in Washington DC and one in Rome. If you’re looking from above at St. Peter’s Square it resembles a lock. Another odd thing is the Conference Hall of the Vatican. Search the internet for “conference hall Vatican” and you’ll get search results shown that resemble a snake (?!?). The Pillars of St John’s Cathedral in NYC are strange as well. Events at St. John’s Cathedral are as strange as the pillars (
I don’t know that Alastair Crooke is an atheist but he’s, apparently, not Orthodox.
A recent article of his seems pertinent here, provided that an appropriate introduction or correction to it is made.
The West’s Trauma of its Dissolution
Read this
In the book of Revelation, in Hebrew and Greek translations there is the number 666 and 616. One translates into Neron Kesar in Hebrew am the second one translates into the same name in Greek. This number refers to Nero the Caesar and no one else. And the events of the Book of revelation are about 1st century events, particularly the destruction of Jerusalem and Jewish religious system and their supplementation by the Gentiles, the Christians, the new Israel. This article strangely talks about a doctrine that modern Americans(evangelicals) believe, about the world ending soon. It is a deadly lie that kills people’s motivations to work and create and prosper. The end time prophesies of the New Testament are about the ending of an era, that is the Jewish Era, and the beginning of a new and final, Gentile era. All of these things took place up to and in 70 AD. The book of revelation is a divorce document that God issued to ancient Israel, because He was about to get a new wife, the Christian Church.
The name of ‘Antichrist’ appears in the NT only in John’s Epistles:
“22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also” (1 John 2:22-23).
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world” (1 John 4:1-3).
“7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist” (2 John 1:7)
That’s it, that’s all. The ‘Antichrist’ was always with us.
Under IOTA cryptocurrency everything can be numbered. One of the problems of cryptocurrency is owner’s loss of private keys. But if the private crypto key (a digital number ) is stamped on forehead of human it can not be lost nor substituted. The numbering of people proves their ownership /control by the numbering party the government . The government controlled by children of Satan owns controls the people and all trade. If you reject the numerical control system you can not trade. Rebellion against the Beast that runs the system is punished with inability to trade .Sound familiar? The totality of Satanic control will be through global commerce. The numbering of all humans would need to be in the 12 digits . But the system will use three group of six digits six digits plus six digits.
Three groups of six digits to number all men . The US social security system uses 4 digits plus 2 digits plus 4 digits.
What kind of a bomb is this?
Magnitude ML 2.6
Region SYRIA
Date time 2018-04-29 19:40:07.6 UTC
Location 35.02 N ; 36.87 E
Depth 2 km
Distances 134 km S of Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic / pop: 1,603,000 / local time: 22:40:07.6 2018-04-29
16 km SE of Ḩamāh, Syrian Arab Republic / pop: 461,000 / local time: 22:40:07.6 2018-04-29
Global view
Link to previously posted earthquake data from the explosion in Syria
Whats going on, I’m getting an Error 504 message for PRESS TV?
All the speculation in these comments is exactly what the writer warned against, curiosity over interpretation rather than a personal call to repentance.
The point is to realise we can only fight the antichrist by our own inner personal spiritual war, for which we are strengthened and only made aware of by participating in the Mysteries of the only true Church.
The author points out that we are under attack by an array our worldly pursuits which push away or quest for God.
So all those arguing and debate and interpretation theories is only helping the antichrist by clouding our minds.
My own perception of the text was different. The author heavily criticizes socialism (as state capitalism). From my point of view he’s bearing grudge, because he had to endure the Soviet System:
Although we have exclusively followed the text of the Holy Scripture and drawn our conclusions in accordance with the spirit … clear, that it was Soviet reality that directed our thoughts to such an interpretation of the Scripture. …
With no word the author mentions the evilness of the present capitalistic system. Above I’ve written some lines regarding my point of view (Anonymous on April 28, 2018 · at 8:07 pm EST/EDT ). Probably you’ll find even more of the negative attributes of jealousy and hatred in capitalism.
You’re correct that people have to start with themselves if they want to live their life according to the wish of God, without falling into the trap of evil. Nevertheless shouldn’t curiosity be dismissed that easily. If people don’t make up their minds they’ll easily fall prey for false prophets/teachers. Without curiosity the article wouldn’t exist in the first place. More important than discouraging people is to advice them not to get distracted and to follow the teachings of Jesus.
‘Apocalyptic spirituality’ is a manifestation of ‘millenialism’ or ‘chiliasm’, the expectation of the ‘Kingdom of God’ on Earth. It is a survival of the Jewish messianic expectations and are in fact extraneous to Orthodox (in the larger sense) Christianity. It is the sign of the ‘Judaization’ of Christianity which affected mostly the ‘West’, although it seeped to the East as well. It always stirred up troubles, turmoils, rebellions, revolutions.
That is most unfortunate and it needn’t be if those trying to interpret it had begun with Christ Jesus. In any case we are living in a different age with a different outlook and perspective and thankfully to God a man has arrived to clearly give us the answer to this conundrum. Gerry Fox has interpreted and proven chiliasm to be one hundred percent correct. Its a shame though that it isn’t offered as an actual book but as an ebook. If one wants a clear understanding, well one will not be disappointed. One can even read much of it for free.
Chiliasm was condemned at the Second Ecumenical Council (381), which condemning all the errors of the heretic Apollinarius, condemned also his teaching of the thousand-year reign of Christ and introduced into the very Symbol of Faith the words concerning Christ: And His Kingdom will have no end. It became no longer permissible at all for an Orthodox Christian to hold these opinions.
A Gerry Fox whoever personal opinions are null and void for any true Orthodox.
@ Anonymous
Yes, of course and yet if only Apollinarius had access to an electronic bible, concordance, dictionary and an apple imac just imagine all he could have discovered?
As for Fox, maybe its Divine Communication and not just his personal opinions?
No. it is not ‘Divine Communication’. It is rather Satanic.
Not everyone agrees that Chiliasm was condemned in the Council of 381 or for that matter ever definitively condemned before the Augsburg Confession of 1530. Here is a link.
The condemnation of millenarism is contained in the phrase ‘His Kingdom shall have no end’. Millenialism is a consequence of faulty Christology.
Saint Basil the Great and Gregory of Nazianzus, accused Apollinaris of “reintroducing a ‘second Judaism’ by espousing a chiliastic hope.”
That is the reason why millenarism is defended with such fervor.
It’s not only chiliasm/milenialism heresy, but the hole book of revelation, antichrist’s tare
Your information about ‘Revelation’ is taken from an atheist who, like all atheists, knows better and understands more than the benighted Christians who feel obligated to believe all that is written in their ‘Bible’. And of course to show them how stupid they are.
Fiat currency is not backed by anything that is why a banker burned paper note IOU in front of a congressional representative. If there ever is a bail-in, those who choose not to have metals or large amounts of cash cannot buy anything. There are other ways to barter and no one knows how long it will last. Cyprus had bail-in, in 2013 they were unable to get cash since the bank froze their assets, so do not put all your eggs in one basket. Most bar codes already come with the score 6,6,6 on them not in that order but they are there.
I have been told it is written the antichrist with an article in the New Testament. This antichrist is different from the others.
It is a difference between the spirit of antichrist and Antichrist , the worst man in mankind history but the ” God ” for so many,no matter their religion,just a bit after the war to come.
There are Jews in our times,who know that the Word became a Man,so they don’t have the spirit of antichrist:
Today the number of the beast is liberals in Moscow present or support a photographic exhibition of the Ukraine ATO and its perpetrators as heroes… but Russian patriots try to shut it down…..
I know with absolute certainty that if any deity of truth and love came and saw what has been done here, and in their name no less, there wouldn’t be one man womsn or child who wouldn’t respond to their return the way JC Fogerty describes in the song “Walk on Water.”
John saw pretty clear what was up then in ’68…and hasn’t backed off or lost his edge yet, even in today’s fog.
What about cryptocurrencies and their blockchains replacing bullion and fiat currencies? Aren’t they and their security based on complicated numbers? Are they the modern, virtual, digitised Beasts?
I have felt for more than 20 years that the Eternal Father was going to destroy any and all monetary systems. I guess I am not the only one. I have also felt that a monetary system was Eve’s apple.
He causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” (Revelations 13: 16-18) [2].
When I was younger and naïve I always wondered how in the world could such a prophecy ever be fulfilled when 10’s of millions of people have little to no access to banking services. Third world countries are so backward that this could never happen in my lifetime anyway that is what i thought.
With the introduction of computer tech however that all changed for me and the mathematical equations that run such systems. It is often said just how small the world really is and nothing has truly brought that to pass than todays technology. That is why when I come across an article like this I say to myself yep here is the test case for the pre-implementation of the above scripture than what is currently taking place in India. ie:
“One country that is making strides toward a cashless society in India. To crack down on the country’s huge black-market trade, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is attempting to lure consumers with no bank accounts into the formal economy. That is approximately 40 percent of people in India, who are without access to banking services. The first step, in November 2016, was to withdraw the 500 and 1,000 denominations of rupee notes from general circulation. This accounts for 86 percent of India’s cash. The move has hurt Indian’s poor, some of whom are unable to buy simple fruits and vegetables. Small businesses have reduced their staff by 35 percent. While India’s economy is thriving, the elimination of cash is expected to hurt its future GDP.”
Note the excuse ‘to crack down on the country’s huge black market trade,’
Does anyone believe these poor destitute people who are trying to survive and provide for their families are knowingly engaged in black market activities for the sole purpose of tax evasion and for profit? Who believes that these people either have the means or knowledge to hide huge profits from authorities. Furthermore if a government was actually there to help people who would not gladly give taxes for a future retirement plan etc…
The absurdity is unbelievable but there you have it the test case for the final implementation of the 666. That this should even be occurring should tell us that in the words of Catherine Austin Fitts ‘Mr. Global’ is up to something. I’m beginning to think could this final antichrist already be here and are we about to witness the above come to pass before our very eyes?