by Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog
In May 2022, Elon Musk, American billionaire and founder of SpaceX and Tesla, tweeted that unless birth rates go up, “Japan will eventually cease to exist.”
That got the American men in black at the US-Embassy in Tokyo on sexism alert.
All of us who wrote the same before [but were censored into oblivion] experienced madding schadenfreude;
First, because the Japanese themselves are usually too timid to self-report US bullying;
Second, because of the sheer sadism in Mr. Musk’s biting tweet.
Surely, as a member of the US deep state, this man with a hair-transplant and his 7 in-vitro-children (with cool names like Exa Dark Sideræl or X AE A-XII) must be quite aware that Japan slipped into this horrible condition through no fault of her own.
Japan has been an American vassal state for over 75 years now, and she is the victim of relentless US feminization and childlessness propaganda.
Part 1. Take Their Land And Steal Their Women.
Only a reckless war criminal such as the United States of America can afford the audacity of having starved Japanese people to death, nuke-bombed their ports, belittled their race, stole Japanese women, erased their fathers’ blood lineage, and then blaming their misfortune on the few Japan’s grandsons left who can’t get enough women pregnant.
Upon Mr. Musk’s tweet, who probably just did it for vanity and attention seeking, our Western press soldiers in Tokyo, the embassy district in Minato-ku, the Foreign Correspondents’ Club, the European headquarters, all rushed in and blamed the Japanese government for “not doing enough to fight the decline.” Haha, those keyboard bastards. The US superpower and custodian over all life in their Pacific colonies is solely responsible for the extermination. Read history.
The Japanese for over seven decades fought like little Indians against the extermination at gun point of their Western colonial masters, at first successfully. They managed to have ‘Western man’ not settle here. But the price for His rule in absence was brutal regulations: Military bases everywhere, dollar rule, fake democracy, form of economy, Christianity and foreign dictates from abroad.
Most Japanese elites complied and made themselves into slaves to their American taskmasters. If they performed well and published in the American language, they got credits and mention in Western media, journals and news. The most famous Japanese showpiece perhaps is Francis Fukuyama, who is actually American and does not speak Japanese. Nevertheless, they made him plagiarize The End of History from German philosopher Georg Hegel, in which he scientifically proves the West is best.
Those Japanese elites who refused subjugation were removed. For example, the American taskmasters and their Japanese collaborators caused all Japanese men [and the occasional pro-Japanese woman like SUGITA Mio] who were sympathizers to motherhood and Japanese survival to step down.
There are large-scale foreign attacks on Japanese male leaders every year. For example, in 2017 Sophia University in Tokyo, a Western Jesuit institute, staged another anti-Japanese project by promoting a hit list against “Japan’s Top Sexist Politicians’.
Their targets were accused of racism and sexism of the vilest sorts, including Prime Minister ABE Shinzo, Minister of Finance ASO Taro, House Speaker HIRASAWA Katsuei, former Prime Minister MORI Yoshiro, and even SHIRAISHI Masateru, a lower ranked cadre who was utterly destroyed for saying that “if too many men turn gay, we will perish.”
Those Japanese leaders can’t do anything to defend themselves. For example, Mr. Hirasawa only said that the real problem in Japanese society were “those who are not having children.” That’s it. Stating the simple truth will make you the target of the American punishers.
The agents of Empire will then distribute the hate list to all corners of the world via Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Independent, The Guardian, Deutsche Welle, Reuters and Associated Press and so on.
But these were just recent examples. The planned destruction of the Japanese race started in the late 1940s and early 1950, when America launched the greatest re-education campaign in that century, in parallel to the deNazification campaign in Germany.
Pro-Japan nationalists were expelled from government and higher education. Pro-American scholars took their positions, shaming Japanese men, Japanese culture, Japanese war crimes, Japanese sexism, and breeding of the Japanese race.
Several scholars were made famous in Asia Studies in the West because they finally tackled the problem of male Japanese chauvinism and suppression of Japanese women. Titles such as ‘Martial Sex Life’ in 1949 by “the first Japanese sexologist,” ASAYAMA Shinichi, started to deconstruct Japanese sex life and explored suppressed homosexuality and ideal of sex life. That female ideal sex life was to stay unmarried, fool around with strangers, use contraception, abort a few times, try foreign men, maybe discover your inner feminist lesbian and so on.
Writes affirmative action feminist-quota Japanese SAEKI Chizuru for the American MIT Press: “Feminizing the hated enemy and depicting the Japanese as immature youth enabled the Americans to humanize the Japanese and regard the former enemy as dependents who needed US guidance and benevolence.”
The eminent sex scholar, now hanging out in the USA as some professor of women’s liberation, was merely reviewing ever so bigger affirmative action feminist Japanese SHIBUSAWA Naoko and her Harvard University Press debut America’s Geisha Ally (2006). Here’s what she had to say:
“Feminizing Japan’s image was done not only by the US troops but also by the Japanese government. […] “baby-san” [were recruited] to erode the hostility of US servicemen toward Japan by satiating the conqueror’s sexual appetites.“
By the 60s, the feminized, submissive Japan government who trained “baby-san” escorts ladies for US soldiers was in total control of Family Planning. There were hundreds of governmental and non-governmental Family Planning organizations, United Nations Family Planning Units, WHO and WTO demographers, Councils for Sex Education and so on, whose job it was to unplan the family, to destroy it—liberation-style. Family as a concept was now identified as part of evil eugenics and arranged marriage.
For example, the Japanese government is accused of having supervised one million sterilizations before 1957, said KOYA Yoshio, a revisionist from the Association of Racial Hygiene.
Those past sterilization programs were not at all uncommon, and everywhere in the world. Sterilizations were universally performed for public health reasons on the feeble-minded, murderers and rapists. But of course, if a foreign power wanted to punish your population, it would liberate the feeble-minded, murderers and rapists and have them multiply exponentially.
The Association used sterilization horror stories to push for ‘woman’s choice’ and for ‘individualized choice.’ In other words, the government must never decide such things again—only a foreign government such as the USA can do that.
This was killing two birds with one stone, as American activists could now breed many more disabled and subpar Japanese while brainwashing the average Japanese that they must not marry and stay childless. With the Japanese government banned from bettering the gene pool in any sort of way, Washington could be assured it would never have to fight another healthy 100 million Japanese in the next war.
With Japanese population control thus outsourced to foreign planners, the Association proceeded triumphantly: “Changes in sex education were accompanied by an increasing number of large-scale sex research projects.” Translation: Large scale population modification had begun.
Those Japanese educators who rejected the idea of foreign sex propaganda on Japanese soil in theory committed a criminal offence, for it was the explicit and stated goal of the American occupiers to [quote] “eliminating the expression of patriotism from its schools and public life.” [From a textbook, Asia for Educators, Columbia University, 2022.]
Part 2. Destroy Their Men And Shame Their Manhood.
In hindsight and with better knowledge of psychological warfare we know that American planners of course introduced American men and body shapes into all things Japanese, on billboards and in fashion and teen magazines. So Japanese men started to dress like Western men in suits and jeans, while Japanese women were handed contraception and were told to stick around for Western men.
For example, we know that US military bases in Sasebo, Iwakuni, Atsugi, Futenma, Kadena, Yokosuka, Yokota, Misawa and Tokyo had a turnover of well over 500,000 US soldiers, excluding civil personnel. The Washington Post once admitted there were as many as 45,000 Japanese brides who had “married the enemy” and relocated to the United States. The number of half-fus (mixed raced children) left behind by American GIs in Japan probably exceeds 100,000.
It is not cynical to expose how the “liberation of their women” is always the explicit wish of the invaders against the local dudes. After the Victory of Actium, the Romans occupied much of Greece and “freed” Greek women who were encouraged to walk naked and join orgies and try out new things with our brothers Atticus and Brutus. Meanwhile, defeated natives Alex and Aegeus were initiated in the art of anal sex and writing novels.
Japanese men became autistic and drew naked women in notebooks. They became very good at anime and manga. Between the 80s and 2010s, Japanese males had softened and feminized unrecognizably. Yet, the Americans were not finished with them and kept harassing them.
Take the following paragraph from the American cartoon series for kids, South Park. Two Japanese politicians approach a white American tourist. Here is the dialogue:
“You are Amelican?”
“Oh, you must have vely big penis!”
“Excuse me, I was just asking what you are up to with these toys.”
“We are vely simple people, with vely small penis. Mr. H’s penis is especially small. [Mr. H interjects: “So small!”]
We can not achieve much with so small penis.
But YOU, Amelicans, WOW, penis so big, SO BIG PENIS!”
“Well, I guess it is a pretty good size.”
This sort of racism against Japanese men is rampant and completely normalized in America. It will never stop, believe it.
So back to the childlessness propaganda. The Americans and their Western and Japanese collaborators now sell 550 million condoms in Tokyo annually. The regular pi’ru (hormone blockers) are prescribed to most girls just like the morning milk. The morning-after pi’ru (instant abortion) cost barely $50 on prescription. And those who buy on the black market get 10 pops for $150, no problem.
All compartments of civil society are determined to lecture and medicate Japanese girls so that they cannot and mustn’t conceive in the first 30 years of their lives. If they accidentally and against all odds do get pregnant, they can still kill the fetus if it’s not older than 12 weeks. The true number of abortions in Japan is unknown because everyone is doing it at home with chemicals. The Ministry of Health lists only those 156,000 abortions annually that were billed through the national health insurance (Last checked: May 2019).
In fact, it is a miracle that children still do get born in Japan at all.
Confidently to the motto “he who lies on the ground shall be kicked thereafter,” those foreign planners responsible for the childlessness propaganda now turn to the public and accuse neutered Japanese politicians of not doing enough to increase the birth rate, as if the Japanese had that much testosterone left.
Kicking your colonial victims when they‘re already lying helpless on the ground is terror, pure and simple. How much more humiliation can the Japanese take?
The bullying of the emasculated Japanese became a national sport in the West. When the US occupiers molested all those Japanese women, they had the idea to introduce American sports to Japan. Real man’s sports. Like Baseball for example.
Two Baseball Leagues, one in Tokyo, the other in Osaka, were set up in the 50s. By the 60s, every American team of note had visited Nippon, and Japanese teams had to sign up American players to juice up marketing.
That was easy-peasy. All Japanese boys now have to pick up a bat and play baseball in middle school and don’t even know why they like it.
But then somebody cunningly made a practical joke and introduced American basketball to Japan.
As a reminder, there are no blacks in Japan. The average height of Japanese men is 5 foot 3 inches (back in the 80s). The average height of Afro-Americans in the NBA is 6 foot 5 inches.
So now every Japanese middle school got its basketball court, alright, which the Japanese are genetically unsuited for, too bad, but hey, they wouldn’t even know why they don’t like it, so who gives?
Americans had their laughs, but the Europeans were not far behind when they introduced their national sport to Japan too—soccer!
Soccer is not exactly advantageous for Japanese athletes who have short legs, but who said they are gonna win, right? So every Soccer World Cup we watch with painful embarrassment the futile attempts of the Japanese all-stars to win yet a single tournament.
Part 3. Prevent These People From Ever Rising Again.
Without brainwashing the people into voluntary childlessness (because what’s the point of having more Japanese playing basketball?), the Asians could never be colonized for 75 years.
Why not? Well, let‘s take a look at the Vietnam war. The actual War between North and South Vietnam started in 1955. When the Americans entered the war in 1965, and lost it in 1969, they knew they were not fighting against just yellow people but more so against the laws of biology.
For every 10,000 Viet Cong, Cambodian or Lao people the Americans killed, 50,000 new ones were born. That’s why US planners used carpet bombings, orange gas, crop destruction—the entire arsenal, just for visuals. They hoped that images of massive civilian losses would force Ho Chi Minh to surrender in 1965 just like the Showa Emperor of Japan surrendered in 1945.
Unlike Japan, however, Vietnam was a proxy war. Had the Americans won the war in Vietnam, their breeder-planners would have taken over and reduced the population quickly. Alas, Vietnam won the war with the help of its allies and was unstoppable and grew from 36 million in 1960 to 100 million in 2020.
Had Japan won its war, based on the same trajectory, it would have grown its population from 73 million in 1940 to at least 204 million in 2020.
The US command in the Vietnam War knew about population dynamics and reproduction circles. Only massive attacks on civilians can force foreign regimes to surrender under shock, but if they remain clear headed and don’t surrender at all, their population will bounce back in a few years.
Japan had capitulated, alright. Now it was a run against time. When Douglas McArthur, Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces, set foot in Tokyo in 1945 with a plan to rebuild Japan in the image of a cheap industrial vassal state, he was shocked to learn that by 1947 the Japs had fornicated so hard—they had produced 7 million babies in just two years.
To remind everyone: during the entire Pacific War against China and the United States, Japan “only” lost 3.1 million lives. So in a sense, the war itself didn’t do any significant harm to Japan as a species.
Only post war colonial population control could do the trick.
General McArthur and his strategists had to completely destroy Japanese family culture with all techniques, regulations and shaming tactics they could think of, and quickly.
Polygamy had to be outlawed. The British Empire had successfully introduced monogamous marriage in China and India in the 18th century, but failed to register the lower classes. The US mustn’t repeat the same mistake.
Imperial Japan, just like Imperial China, had a vibrant concubinage and mistress culture. Some elite families had 15 to 20 elite children, because the patriarch had 2nd and 3rd wives. All these Asian values had to be outlawed. The noble East Asians must not multiply.
Empower the mass of women, abort their first children, prevent early pregnancies, shame young mothers. Social engineering was biblical and all-pervasive.
Some of the top-down governmental measures seem absurd, over-the-top. The entire housing market, for example, stopped advertising children‘s rooms. You cannot rent or buy a house in Japan that officially has children‘s rooms.
More family planning associations, agencies, and societies spread like mushrooms. Their unifying task: Prevent as many new Japanese as possible.
Some of the slogans may sound familiar to our readers if they live under US-American occupation: Children equal poverty. Children arrest development. Children are holding women back. Children equals Third World. Children equals underclass.
The results were mind-blowing. Wrote two Japanese demographers, TACHI Minoru and OKAZAKI Yoichi: “With the advent of the 1950’s we witnessed a sudden and swift decline in Japan’s birth rate […] Before ten years had passed since the start of the baby boom, the annual birth count was cut in half—a rate of decline without precedent in world demographic history.”
The greatest lie: Less children means greater wealth. Take the 80s: While the Soviet Union aimed at 500 million, the European Union aimed at 400 million, China at 1300 million, India at 1200 million, and America at 1000 million (in 2020, it currently has “only” 350 million), Japan was told it would be super rich and wealthy and powerful if it halved its population from 120 to just 60 million.
The moral lesson is obvious. If a superpower tells you your country is so cute and you should stay small, even smaller, then you should grow ears like Dumbo. They are having you on, Japan!
One of the greatest postwar lies in economics was the so-called Japan economic miracle. Critics could clearly see that Japan’s economic miracle was just rebuilding a country after a war. We know it was deceit because America pulled the same propaganda in Europe with Germany’s alleged wirtschaftswunder.
The underlying pledge was to make war profitable and to destroy foreign countries for guaranteed wealth creation. The loans of course came from US money lenders, global banks and in general the same people who destroyed Germany and Japan in the first place.
The GDP of the cocksucker colonies was now calculated by Americans, pegged to the American dollar. So of course as a vassal state of the superpower, when awash in fake dollars in forms of loans, and when all cities have to be rebuilt, there will be higher GDP output.
That all of it belongs to America, not Japan, is nowhere mentioned, but this is what it is.
The official propaganda was that Japan was successful because it had less children and more women in the workforce. Lies.
Women were forced into indoctrination camps, schools I mean, and learned that Japanese children are hideous, ugly and expensive—a sign of backwardness. Suddenly, child rearing was said to be expensive. Never before in history, ever—but the Japanese believed it. First world women, they were told by Western activists, only had one or two children, and they worked like real men, better even. So Japanese women wanted to be American, white and free.
Part 4. Set Them Up For Future Childlessness.
Images of larger Japanese families were removed from libraries, cinemas and entertainment. State TV broadcaster NHK and the film and movie industry chucked out single-child or nuclear family propaganda.
Well-to-do Japanese families with three, five or more kids hide their offspring under different names, or with other members of the clan, or send them abroad. The political pressure from the Left on them is as immense as the political pressure was on the capitalists in China during the One-Child Policy. Only that the Chinese had to hide their surplus kids from their own government, while the Japanese had to hide their surplus kids from the American Left.
Even if you’ve never set foot in Japan, you will have heard the most ridiculous stories about the Japanese who are uh-oh dating robots or marrying pillows, or proposing to holograms of their favorite anime characters or that Japanese men are genuinely sexless. These are the results of sadistic American planners. It’s cruel behavioral modification, not at all natural or normal.
Take the brainwashing of children aged 0 to 12. There is Doraemon, a cartoon series popular in the 70s and 80s. It’s about a ten-year-old boy who befriends a blue robot cat.
This single-child narrative is no coincidence. Japanese children were conditioned to appreciate robots, demons and aliens, not brothers and sisters.
Anpanman, a cartoon hero for children ages 0 to 6, has many animal friends, but no siblings. Shimajiro, the yellow tiger boy from the 90s, has one little sister. This corresponds to America’s ideology of the nuclear family.
Hana Kappa, a frog boy with magical powers, is known to all Japanese. Hana has many friends, but no siblings of course. And the friends are single children too.
The late 90s and 2000s continued the propaganda. Both Yokai-Watch and Pokemon are about a single child who befriends demons (Yokai) or pocket monsters (Pokemon).
Even the most conservative family show, Chibi Maruko-Chan, was about a girl and her parents, with just one sister who for all looks and purpose was written more like a cousin.
Finally, Crayon Shin-Chan, the naughty 5-year old boy who tyrannizes his mother and father, has a baby sister. The show depends on family interactions, but what to do, they must not have more children. So they just added a pet dog family member. Sounds familiar? Well, all Japanese family shows now have pet dogs replacing children.
The kids are groomed to wait for robots, monsters and pet animals. That is the main reason why Japan became the largest toy industry in the world. But guess what, even after 75 years of tamagotchi (digital pets), Godzilla, gundam robots and flying cars, they got nothing. Futuristic Japan was all a lie. The breeders just wanted to reduce the population, which they did.
Most women now have one kid on average. They are bossed around on state TV by their childless bosses, exemplary role females who are now being glorified. Mass media scrambled to find presentable anti-lifers. For example, YAMAGUCHI Tomoko, a beautiful dorama actress, became a media darling for “having no regrets having no children.”
Talentfree artists such as SAWAGUCHI Keisuke soon discovered that they could get Western media citations when they drew manga comics about “the happiness that comes from not having kids.”
The government, the academies and the scholars, all of whom rely on government grants and payrolls, love to praise childless women, next single mothers in their 30s or even 40s, and last divorcees—truly accomplished role models.
Here from Trends Magazine in 2004: “It was once rare for women to remain single and childless into their thirties, and those who did were often viewed with suspicion. But now that Japanese women are choosing from a much greater variety of lifestyles, a book of essays by popular columnist Sakai Junko that trumpets the advantages of the single life is flying off the shelves.”
One idol, 20-year-old model SUMIRE Yokono from the teen-pop group NM48, was attacked in national media for dating 21-year-old FUKUMOTO Taisei, who at that time was signed for another boy group. All aiduro agencies warn new applicants: you wanna be famous? Then no romance, no sex, no kids!
What looks like feminism in reality is womb patrol. It is complete madness to indoctrinate young females like this.
Womb control in universities is even worse. 50% of all female undergraduates in Japan self-report as singles or even as virgins. They have to. They are shamed by politicians, parents and educators that boyfriends are a cancer and that men are holding young girls back.
This disgusting breeding program has a name. It is called womenomics, the brainchild of late Prime Minister ABE Shinzo, America’s all-time-favorite worm tongue.
In 2013, Mr. Abe was allowed an op-ed piece in The Wall Street Journal, in which he reported to his foreign superior how his regime intended “to make women shine in the workplace.” The result is millions of single childless women living in 12-square-meter chicken boxes. No sons for thee, but bullshit jobs in the city.
Part 5. Colony Or Survival.
Remember what we’ve said earlier about Supreme Commander Douglas McArthur and his problem with 7 million babies born in 1947?
Well, by 2018, Mr. Abe Shinzo had brought down that number to 0.9 million babies. You can imagine how the Americans loved “Apocalypse Abe.” He was the greatest cock-sucker and destroyer of the Japanese Washington could have wished for, so got the most positive press of any Japanese leader in living memory.
Not World War Two brought death to the Japanese, no. Death came with the US military occupation.
What triggered Elon Musk was the news that in 2021 alone the Japanese population dropped by 640,000. This is murdering 640,000 babies, bare minimum. If you want to survive this massacre, you must expel the American blood gods.
The way out of foreign induced childlessness is to study biology, sociology and psychology—all currently banned in Japan. You are being wiped out and offed from the planet, Japanese. Basic science, anthropology and common sense are prohibited now.
If you do not help yourself, you will be exterminated. The population is expected to drop 27 million by 2058. A war against your US occupier would cost you at most 3 million lives.
That’s why maths and science will probably be banned and abolished in Japan next, by orders of US supreme command, you can bet on this.
You wanna be their farm, you will be farmed…
The author is a German writer and cultural critic.
Further Reading: Japan made the terrible mistake of aligning itself with the woke West and is now self-destroying. Read previous presentations about this nation‘s horrible decline:
Brutal. The Truth About Japan. From Tokyo University.
WOKE in Tokyo. The US Nukes Cool Japan Out Of Its Existence.
Worried about WW3 and transmitting coronavirus, Japanese bought 20 million house pets.
German Chancellor Scholz Attended Girls’ Day in Berlin, Accidentally Flew For NATO To Japan Next.
STOP IT, JAPAN: Mass Formation Psychosis.
The dumbazz Japanese have themselves to blame for being US slaves.
Anyone society who bows to the Americans are weaklings and their men are feminised losers.
This is a scientific fact, not an opinion… topic please.
And Americans don’t bow to their overlords? As if America itself is not colonized by their elites, that have no time left for the antiquated concept of “nation”, but are globalist to the core, globalism that is only there to increase their control over societies, nations and wealth.
“Life expectancy in the US fell from 78.9 years in 2019 to 76.6 years in 2021 — now more than five years less than the average among peer nations.” (CNN report),rate%20of%2069.3%20in%202007.
“Rather, the U.S. birth rate has continued a steady descent. As of 2020, the U.S. birth rate was 55.8 births per 1,000 women between the ages of 15 and 44, a decline of almost 20 percent from the rate of 69.3 in 2007.”
The financial elites are fighting to keep the place clean and just enough plebs around to keep things running for their comfort.
Hey, smart azz. The bigger point is that the same fate is waiting for Europe. Or anyone, really. It just happens that he is talking about Japan. It is a pretty easy strategy, fuel the tribes of Europe with hate (Media) so they despise each other instead of focusing on the real issue. Look at my left hand while I fist you with my right hand.
United States of Satan needs to be sent back to the pit one way or another.
My vote goes to a Russian or Chinese device in outer space right above the continental US providing a huge NEMP. ASAP please. That will do it.
An amazingly good report on the status, state and stances in and of and acts and agents agains the polity, public and political provess of Japan: for fifty-sicksty.seventyish yearns from The US og Northern A dog.and pony-show of those Yanks and their Dixie-belles generals whose forbears reped Jappsy femailes buy their millions — provided by bounty.hunting local pimps and forced on by the hunger ravanging Japan after WWII (just like Churchill did to North Germany — after both WWI&WWII and also to starve out the Bengal!). — of Course some amongst the slaves in Japan ahd to become Quislings, at first only to save ehur own from dire hunger.
Those Quisling Japanese were neither Dumbasses – nor now akin to “Dombases”. But they audklimbed their Qusling roles. As a Norwegian I really know! @
Cultural and sexual Marxism. It’s also destroying the United States. Brought to us courtesy of Washington District of Caligula.
Cultural and sexual Marxism
WTF has Marx to do with any of that?
Marx was a philosopher and provided an analysis of economics and class segregation of society and the necessity of the development of capitalism to overcome feudalism (yes, he totally got capitalism, that may surprise someone like you who seems rather unaware of what Marxism is about), he wasn’t a social scientist or a sex educator.
Marx was not against family, his critique rather was that by necessity of the circumstances of the capitalist mode of production, the worker’s families were either dysfunctional or more or less absent and he claimed those circumstances for the rise in prostitution, exploitation of women and children in factories. And he put the family under capitalism in a historical context, that family changes and are not a fixed institution.
“derpa derp marxism” = “i get my opinions from a pill popping canadian yuppie named jordan”. i’m surprised the guy didn’t compare the japanese to lobsters.
Do you live in another galaxy?
Cultural Marxism was invented by Antonio Gramsci, a Marxist, in the 20th century; The West created it by itself; the Soviet Union considered it more dangerous than the plagues of Egypt.
O Ocidente criou a “figura” e chapou-lhe no nome o termo “marxismo”, para desmerecer e desacreditar justamente a análise do capitalismo que (ora vejam!) o apontava como responsável por mazelas como a destruição da família, a exploração de crianças e a prostituição.
Justamente o ponto.
Então, porque endossar o artifício e submergir numa infinitude de questiúnculas inúteis, deixando o principal de lado, isto é, a luta por uma divisão mais justa do produto do trabalho social e pelo fim do parasitismo imperial?
The West created the “figure” and slapped the term “Marxism” in its name, to belittle and discredit precisely the analysis of capitalism that (now see!) pointed him out as responsible for ills such as the destruction of the family, the exploitation of children and prostitution.
Just the point.
So why endorse the artifice and submerge in an infinity of useless questions, leaving the main thing aside, that is, the struggle for a more just division of the product of social labor and the end of imperial parasitism?
I stand corrected to claim that the term “cultural marxism” was an invention by the political right to smear every critic of the system with one brush.
However, I found a study (
that points to the term being coined much earlier, even before Gramsci.
The ones that are presently labeled “cultural Marxists” have little if nothing to do with a Marxist analysis of society based on the base and superstructure, where base constitutes the primary structure of society, the economic facts, and organization of production, and the superstructure is everything else that develops to ideologically support the power structure, and the resulting class structure.
They seem to focus on phenomena like sexual and gender politics especially and are hellbent on diverting the attention on the real power structure, one that seems willing to destroy for the benefit of a now “financial” capitalism to destroy the livelihoods of many.
One cannot but be suspicious that those elements called “cultural Marxists” are a creation of what one might call the “deep state”.
The right that uses this term rather indiscriminately tars with that brush also real critics of the present state of financial capitalism, similar to what many conservatives also seem to do, that has no interest in maintaining production within the nation, that increases inequality by printing money that winds up solely in the hands of those that already to their benefit alone control society.
Peter, Do you live in another galaxy?
Cultural Marxism was invented by Antonio Gramsci, a Marxist, in the 20th century; The West created it by itself; the Soviet Union considered it more dangerous than the plagues of Egypt.
Thank you for that clarification. Many people use the catch phrase cultural Marxism for things they don’t like such as the charlatan academic and grifter Jordan Peterson and his legion of sycophantic cult followers.
Yes completely agree with your assessment. We are hearing more and more of these generalized opinions where they associate dictatorship, neoliberal capitalism, censorship … with Carl Marx. In the past there were similar arguments about all socialists being atheists. There are also those who’re saying the current Biden administration is a socialist regime!! and want to establish communism!! Or WEF of Charles Schwab, is copying his system from Stalin. I remember the days when workers staged legitimate demonstrations across N. American cities, then all of a sudden a dozen people show up from nowhere carrying gay/lesbian banners, shouting equality and justice. This is all part of the great diversion techniques used by the globalists.
It’s true that the US right is incredibly ignorant… but there is an ersatz “Cultural Marxism” that was created at the Frankfurt School and adapted by the CIA and elite US educational institutions. Cultural Marxism was best embodied by Herbert Marcuse in the Sixties- Seventies era. Marcuse was formally employed by the OSS, State Dept, CIA and then shopped around the Ivies with Rockeller Fdn monies. Eventually he landed a sinecure with the UCal system.
… before we get carried away with all the philosophical terms and …isms, let’s see what Carl Marx ideology is saying. In short, if there’s for instance 1000 units of wealth and 100 people, Carl Marx says each person should be entitled to 10 units of wealth, including those who distribute the wealth among the group. Well this is the ideal situation and as far as I know it’s the essence of the Communist Manifesto or Communism of Carl Marx. Now whether this is 100 percent workable or not that’s a different argument. Coincidentally, this issue has been the ultimate cause of struggle between the upper and the lower social classes throughout the history from the first human settlements up to our modern times. What our modern smart globalists and WEF are saying and which some people wrongly call it Marxism or Communism, is if there’s 1000 units of wealth, the elite class represented by one person, gets 990 units of wealth and the other 99 people – all put together – receive 10 units, though the Marxist part some like you are referring to is those 10 units can be distributed evenly amongst 99 persons i.e. 10/99= 0.101 U. each. Also according to the globalists the slave class may have their wealth/work/profession taken away if they don’t behave properly such as put on their masks and shut up; get regular injections of some weird drugs, perform as a sort of homoglobo zombie, always question his/her own gender whether he or she is really a woman or a man and lots of other stupid actions just to keep the sheeple busy with their little egos so they would never revolt against the system. Basically, that 98 units not distributed equally is now gone into the globalists pockets as happened during the Roman Empire.
Let me tell you something: dumb antifa brochures are not the right teaching material in/for reality. Look up what neomarxism is. Look up the work of Antonio Gramschi. However, it would be much more useful to you and to everybody to look up the works of the other god of today’s neomarxist “thinkers”: Lukács György. Especially I recommend to read his broschure “Revolution and Eros”.
I’m well acquainted with Gramschi and Lukács …. they have little or anything to do with the economic and philosophical writings of Karl Marx. In any case both are marginal figures. Arguably Paul-Michel Foucault another vagur Leftist has had a bigger impact in Leftist Reasoning… but hardly “Marxist”
As I posted above the strongest impact of CIA Marxism was in the area of Identity Politics/ Counterculture, especially in the US sphere
And Japan introduced Judo to Russia.
I’m pretty confident my Chinese family don’t give a damn about the plight of Japan. I’m also pretty sure that neither Filipinos nor Koreans do either. Something about brutal occupations involving rape, torture, biological labs, live vivisection, rather puts people off.
Because the World Uyghur Conference, like all western biased (I mean based) news and rights organizations are such unbiased sources of real data you know!
Here’s true evil.
Unit 731 received pardons from the US in exchange for their data.
Now run along back to CNN little fellow, there you go.
Very good Jack!
You have not the slightest idea about “Uyghurs” and their artifically created problematic.
Your family may not give a damn, but those of us who do not condemn present generations for the atrocities of the past may certainly do.
For healing and forgiveness to occur, justice and sincere efforts for atonement needs must go hand in hand. The Japanese side has not shown itself to be sincerely remorseful to those they wronged, those of the territories they occupied.
Those of us who did not directly experience their brutality should not judge. China lost an estimated 23 million, comparable to Russia in numbers, to the Japanese. Reflect on that.
The irony is you probably have Japanese ancestry after all the raping they did to the Chinese!
It’s always interesting to speculate, but families are not always acquired by blood relations.
As you read this article, remember what Larry Romanoff wrote about advertising. Everything becomes painfully clear.
The POLIO VAX in the 60 ,70, was already mutagenes, Us ruled countries are now sterile, gay, autistic.
The only way Japan might cease to exist is if there is an outbreak of the nuclear war (which the neocons seem intent on pushing us towards). In that event, all US military installations in Japan will likely be targeted by nukes. Korea will likely suffer the same fate.
The rulers of American, the old Ukrainian Khazer fake jews, are doing the same to White people in America itself.
Very good piece. Anyone who wants to understand where the current state of the western world must step back and see the forest rather than look at individual trees in order to see the influence of Bernays and the ubiquity of mass indoctrination.
Regarding China—their leaders are responsible for the implementation of the One-Child Policy, and its forced abortions and other evils. But that One-Child policy was introduced to China by Kissinger and GHW Bush (as Director of Liaison Office of the State Department) as a quid-pro-quo for the US approval of the transfer of China’s UN Security Council seat from the KMT in Taiwan to Communist government in Beijing.
Another event for which all Americans should be ashamed of their government.
Very comprehensive overview of Japan’s emasculation. Saying that, it is not that different from what is happening here, in the West. Every pixar animation is featuring broken families (Nemo, Frozen, Ice Age etc).
Feminizing foods, mis-education, constant anti-male propaganda, anti-family, all this is in full display everywhere in the “modern” west.
In addition to that, check out Matt Walsh ‘s film “What is a woman?”…mind boggling inhalation of everything that is normal.
Small nitpick (OT warning): Ice Age and Frozen aren’t Pixar films – the former from (the now-defunct) Blue Sky Studios (Twentieth Century Fox), and the latter being part of the Walt Disney Animation Studios lineup. Disney now owns Blue Sky and Pixar, but still…
Frankly, you are hard to believe. In any case feminism is rampant in the US and large families are not popular in the press. Such issues are here too even if not seen as imposed by a foreign power.
The US is genocidal in intent, think Covid “vaccine” and anti-industrial in practice. Large work forces make one think of whole regions of smoke belching factories. An image to make one shudder and certainly not an image of super-scientific gentility.
For many reasons I do believe the US government as it is should go. It is very destructive to the US population. Why not in Japan as well? The US government is unfit to rule anywhere. A personal opinion.
Of course then rebellion is necessary. If many people really care why don’t they rebel? I don’t see real rebellion yet in the US. Perhaps they are brainwashed, but then they apparently like it wouldn’t you think?
It is clear that you don’t like whatever you see, but let’s see the Japanese rebel to prove the point, The same goes for the US as well. I loath the course of events in the US, but I see no rebellion. Perhaps, most think the current situation is acceptable, perhaps not. Let us see some rebellion to prove the point here and in Japan.
Woah didn’t know it was so bad, maybe Russia will liberate Japan in the future, seeing surprisingly many pro-Russia Japanese with Z’s on social media, “🇯🇵💕🇷🇺Many Japanese know that Ukraine is like the Nazis, so we all hope that the Russian army will win a great victory!
In Japan, only schizophrenics support Ukraine.
The victory of Russia is the victory of the whole world!”
It’s not clear this was the result of a conspiracy by US occupiers. The same thing is happening in all developed countries, including the US itself. Korea’s birthrate is disastrous. Even China has the same problem despite its nondemocratic, non-liberal, authoritarian government, and family-oriented traditions.
This is merely because in dictatorships high populations represent a liability elevating the risks of internal conflict and popular resistance whenever the government cannot support all those “extra” people nor send them out to war either. And since the upcoming planned NWO is supposed to a “peaceful/war-free” one (as wells as national-sovereignty-free one as well!), don’t be surprised there will be a push for mass depopulation…
It’s a rare bird who identifies America as Satanic, but what if it’s true? In fact, I will double down on this assertion – – if you follow that thread and read all the links, the reasoning is not just my wild imagination, but connects the dots from various authors I have archived…with the proof coming from the ultimate author…..the Bible itself!
Prove me wrong.
“prove me wrong”
okay…satan isn’t real. he’s an amalgam of chthonic imagery dating back to bacchus and pan. humans – atheists and believers in “satan” alike – need to realize the problem is HUMANS. not some red guy with a pitchfork who “makes” you screw little kids and do coke off hookers’ butts.
i could get into christianity in general but i know the inclinations of the site owners and will refrain out of respect.
Your anthropological concept of the human being is very sad.
I recommend that you study Greek philosophy and finish with Thomism and ask yourself the dumbest question in philosophy: are we contingent beings? (if we come from another being) there are infinite contingent beings? and suddenly you wonder: is there a subsistent being? (being that does not come from another) and the following even more silly: there is an immobile being that is the cause of the movement of all subsistence beings? You will see that with reason and logic you can know God.
Satan exists.
And you are his dupe for believing that he does not.
Of course I am paraphrasing Charles Baudelaire :
“La plus belle des ruses du diable est de vous persuader qu’il n’existe pas.»
My _bad _ translation :
The devil’s best ruse is to convince you that he does not exist.
You fell for it! Don’t worry, you are not the only one
The problem is not with somebody’s personification of evil, but with the force of evil itself. That is what is being worshipped, and, thereby, worked up.
I want to take this opportunity to say that I stopped reading this article once the author revealed himself to be a eugenicist, somewhat along the lines of Hitler.
Also, men don’t have to oppress women to be masculine. Sex struggle is identical to class struggle, but it has been perverted by sexual and gender deviationists, the cultural warriors of intelligence agencies, and the advertising industry, et al.
One small correction: the British empire did not introduce monogamy in India. It was done only after Independence.
While I agree with most of the points raised by the author Japan has a population of around 125 million but could easily fit into Russia many times over.
Maybe even Kamchatka is roughly the same size as Japan?
Yet Russian population is only 145 million
This makes Russian population decline or stagnation more a thing than Japan
i always assumed it was because no one shaves below the waist. who would want to mess around with that nonsense?
as for the south park bit, you missed the joke. the japanese were kissing up to the americans by using their own stereotype against them. it’s like if a yank wanted to kiss up to a chinese guy and said “oh wow; you’re SO good at math!”
overall, japan did this all to itself. it started in the late 1800s and was always about status and materialism. you can argue over the origins and meaning of the satsuma rebellion (and whether the samurai were being patriotic or just selfish) but the bottom line was “our old way of life vs acting like westerners”. i’d also throw in the fact that, though a lot of japanese women get knocked up by yanks, there has always been a significant movement to get the bases out altogether as the raping and a__hole behavior gets old after 70 years.
as someone who has casually studied japan and its history for a few decades, i have to reluctantly say there’s an argument for keeping them “feminised” when you look at their behavior throughout history. ask russia. or china. or korea. i’d add the US troops who were tortured and/or killed in WWII but they did collectively choose to be there and were hardly angels as they yanked out gold teeth and collected fingers and such.
also, the obsession with birth rates is a bit played out. it’s not like russians or eastern europeans are pumping out youngins either.
they have done the exact same thing in every vassal state and in conus🤷♂️
The attack against Japan started in 1853-1854. Perry was the asshole commanding the ships.Pearl harbor was a justifiable counter attack. The 3-11 event was a nuclear sabotage/attack against Japan.
The good news is that the fallout is landing on the USA. Miss ELE has arrived.
Awful article
Gave up half way thru
Full of prejudice and a lack of understanding of so many things
This is not a program invented by Americans. The exact same program is implemented everywhere else in the US centered Evil Empire of the West. Most importantly: it is also directed against legacy Americans themselves. This program is due to a non-American part of the elite which governs the Evil Empire of the West.
The national socialists defeated the USA in WW2. Operation Highjump was the decisive battle. The Germans won. The occupying force was brought in under Operation paperclip. Research the Bush clan. Also, Empire Beneath The Ice.
My god, I could only manage a third of this…this..article? Is it meant to be a joke?
Population issues are extremely important to the future of the world. They range from under population to over population,depending on the country. But it is such a complicated issue that it will take either a massive article. Or a whole series of articles to try and understand it. As for Japan,I agree with the author that Japan is dying,it’s childless society trend can not last if Japan is to survive in the future. Though there were a lot of population issues that brought this about. But instead of recognizing the problem and working to overcome it,they have doubled down and made it worse.
Japan’s population is around 125 million people,in an area of around 378,000 square kilometers. While in Europe,Germany (next to Russia Europe’s largest population) only has around 85 million people in an area not that much smaller than Japan’s at 357,000 square kilometers. And Germany is certainly not considered under populated. Japan has very limited natural resources to sustain her population. Which is why the sources of Japan’s wealth and also her weakness is her manufacturing industry. If Japan wasn’t an industrial giant she would be a third world vastly over populated state,dirt poor. So their plans to limit their population increase was a good idea. But once that was done it was time to stop. They haven’t done that,and if the article is correct,they are seemingly oblivious to the problem.
If we look at China which also has population issues, lets look at history. In 1950 China was estimated to have a population of 552 million people (not including Taiwan,Hong Kong and Macao). Today her population is around 1,415 (without Taiwan). Japan had around 85 million people in 1950. That would be around 13-14% of China’s population. Today the difference is around 8-9 % of China’s population.And that is after the huge reductions from China’s 1 child policy.
As another example Indonesia in 1950 was estimated to have 83 million people (only a couple of million less than Japan). Today Indonesia is estimated to have 280 million people. Around 2 1/2 Japan’s population,in an area a bit less than double Japan’s land area.
If we look at India the differences are even more startling. In 1950 India had around 370 million people (China was over half larger than India in population. And China’s land area was almost 3 times the size of India. Today India’s population is around 1,400 billion people,in almost the same land area as 1950. That means India’s population today is close to a 4 fold increase from 1950. And India back then was not considered an under populated country.
Another even more stark example is Nigeria. In 1950 the population was estimated at around 32 million in around 924,000 square kilometers. Not an excessive population for the land size. But with the lack of development it could be a problem. Today that population is estimated at 217 million people. Almost a 7 fold increase from 1950.And while oil has brought some wealth to the country since 1950. The country is still extremely dirt poor. The issue of population is the future of the world. But it isn’t a simple issue to digest.
After the 3-11 nuclear attack against Japan, radiation will take care of the birthrates. The USA,being downwind,ditto. We’re dead meat waking.
Looking at most opinions here, the depth of misinformation and lack of understanding even I’m becoming slightly anti male, me 😆
Dudes who can’t score a chick. They think it is because of society, but in reality it is because they are still thinking and behaving like little boys.
Well, I suggest you do something about it. Enlighten us…
Two statements from the article – not even very far apart:
Elon Musk, American billionaire and founder of SpaceX and Tesla, tweeted that unless birth rates go up, “Japan will eventually cease to exist.”
Mr. Hirasawa only said that the real problem in Japanese society were “those who are not having children.”
The first is castigated – “sheer sadism” while the second receives …. sympathy – “can’t do anything to defend themselves.”
And yet …. they’re saying the same thing.
A matter of …. who said it and not what was said?
Hardly makes for a thoughtful article.
oh ffs. Japanese society, pre-western contact, was savagely brutal, barbarian as anyone. For a peasant, merely touching a samuri or noble was a death penalty offense. There is a story of a samuri being bumped by a peasant… who ran off, terrified, before the samuri could punish him. When the samuri “confessed” his failure to his peers… they instructed him to hunt down the “criminal” and wipe out his family. If you read about samuri swords, you learn that the best blades by the premier swordsmiths were “proof tested” executing live criminals. We are told that the best swords could hack through FIVE, presumably tightly bound together, victims at one time – quite a horrendous feat. Japan has probably the most sado-masochistic culture I can think of anywhere, now that the Assyrians & Aztecs are gone, save for the satanic judeos (who are essentially Assyrians). And IF the entire japanese nation DID RISE UP and REPUDIATE the “economic hit men” “men in black” dictates from their rotschilds, rockefeller, kissinger, soros (et al) (“u.s.”) masters… would they lose market share? would they lose access to resources? could they side up to China and beg forgiveness for running amok in WWII?
Well, as Gonzalo Lira reports in his “SYSTEM PIGS” (and many other) video, SYSTEM PIGS who go along with the ATROCITIES of their BIG GOVT social system are universal in every country in the world today – , much less in an island nation with limited resources, whose entire history has been of EXPENDABLE elites much less cannon-fodder peasants, in a nation surrounded by neighbors who remember their brutal history of wanton genocide conquest less than a century ago,
Thorsten J. Pattberg
The Germans are as big güevones and pendejos as the Japanese or the Turks have the biggest dick?
The only way to save any country is with Orthodox Christianity, including Japan. It opposes usury and promotes child bearing.
Japan is stuffed with people. It’s quietest mountains roar with human activity. The light pollution is blinding. When every day is spent lining up, stuck in traffic, standing in a packed train, one begins to avoid people.
Japan’s population should return to a comfortable level, let’s say 32,500,000, the population of Japan in 1853, before US interference. People will naturally have more children. Stop trying to push the rain: let nature take its course.
Indeed, I invited two friends from Ust-Barguzin in Buryatia to Japan and took them around the country, including hiking. Their impression of the country was it was mostly mountains and you couldn’t go 100 meters on a trail without encountering another house. In fact, I know one place you can go most of a day without encountering one (Akaishi range, aka Southern Alps), but even Mt. Fuji has lodges all along the route up. You might get as much as 500 meters between those.
I truly think most of the protesting being done about the population decline in Japan is by capitalists who bought into the “sustainable growth” model of idiocy. Nonetheless, Japan has a rocky road straight ahead.
Could have left out the bit about sports. Totally retarded …alot of Japanese like to play basketball.
just because your not super good at a sport doesnt mean Yiu can’t play it .
Yup. He comes across as ignorant in that part. The funny thing about baseball is that the Japanese took to that sport so well that they are more successful than the Americans in international competitions. Also, his whole take on soccer is just plain ignorance. Short people can’t play soccer? Tell that to Messi and Maradona lol. Or all of South America for that matter.
I have to say that there are some unpleasant aspects to this article, for instance expressing sadness for cancellation of mass sterilization efforts: they must have been equally criminal in Japan as elsewhere (and yes, everywhere they were targeting “lowlifes and imbeciles”).
Otherwise, I do accept thesis that Japan is US colony, of course. I am just not that certain that birth rate plunge is some kind of US funded and organized plan. As for drawing women in workforce it happened in many other places, too. It need not result in childlessness, if support social infrastructure is in place (kindergartens, shorter work hourds, etc…). Invaders taking advantage of defeated nation women? Happened everywhere else, too.
There are strange things happening in Japans social fabric. Like young people withdrawing in inner world, losing interest even for sex, not to speak about forming serious long term commitments. I have difficulty wrapping my mind around that. And I am not sure I am convinced by wide and sweeping conclusions of this article.
Your last paragraph sums up my concerns very nicely.
Why are now 20-year-old Ukrainian boys in Tokyo marrying Japanese women over 40 years old?
The USA’s designs on Japan(‘s population) reminds me of an anime titled World’s End Harem set in the 2040s that involves most of the world’s male population dying from a virus in the span of five years. I haven’t watched the anime or read the manga it’s based on (the plot involves a human breeding program (which may imply sex out of wedlock), it may not be safe for work in general, so be warned), but I did take a visit on the TV Tropes article, and *spoiler alert* it turns out that said virus was unleashed by Americans.
The U.S. aim is world control. The only solution is the collapse of America.
Around 1980, I was doing a software management job at Tokyo’s then new airport. The client was an Asian airline. The staff were all Japanese – mostly pretty girls.
One Friday, we were all invited to a nearby bar. Late in the evening, a somewhat drunk Japanese member of the staff confided in me that he envied Westerners like myself for having larger penises. Well, I don’t go around showing my modest equipment to strangers so how did he work that one out?
The truly shocking thing about this episode is that this guy was convinced that Japanese girls preferred foreigners for that single reason. He himself was tall and good-looking. A most confused individual IMHO.
My experience certainly confirms the veracity of this article.
Japanese military enslaved and killed millions of Asians. They never apologized for their crimes. I do not feel any pity for Japanese people. The earlier they cease to exist, the better it is.
Crude remark removed … mod
Japan’s Dr. Mengele: Medical Experiments on POW’s at Unit 731. The Aims of Unit 731 and Shiro Ishii’s Research. The horrific experiments carried out within the walls of Unit 731 were not just a case of cruelty for cruelty’s sake. The aim of Shiro Ishii’s research was the development of an effective chemical and biological weapons program that could turn the tide of the war in Japan’s favor. I do not feel pity for any Japanese. In fact, I am glad that Japan will vanish!
War time favors psychopathy, because they can do whatever it takes and feel no remorse. What really stings, though, is that they are so darned useful to certain powerful groups in government that the worst of them, the ones that really ought to hang in public, get Operation Paperclipped off to safety. This isn’t just a problem of Japan. As I understand it, one or more of the Unit 731 people (if they may be called such) not only got spared, but also headed one of Japan’s pharmaceutical companies. If I find any reference material on that, I’ll share it.
Several years ago, I read a book about a highly psychopathic American who played a key role in the Korean War. If you examine any war, you’ll find this kind of thing going on.
Poor Japanese. I like their culture, history and media.
They actually managed to kick out the Jesuits during the sengoku-jidai! The Jesuits are the Vatican’s secret service and responsible for many wars and assassinations. Thomas Jefferson, Lafayette, Abraham Lincoln, Samuel Morse and many more warned us of the Jesuits and their evil agenda. The Jesuits are said to have burned down the City of London in 1666 (666 = Vatican).
Hopefully, the Japanese will be liberated from their oppressors in the near future.
Well ok… But in the 80’s best sellers in the US had titles like “Japan as #1″… articles along the lines on “The Japanese aren’t 10 Feet Tall”…
MIT Engineers were in awe of Japanese Manufacturing, especially robots and Just in Time inventories… Japanese automotive industries are still world leaders … Japanese banks were amng the largest n the world… the electronics industry were the bast around.
Japanese films and music were global best in class… So there was no shortage of Male Esteen in those years.
But it fell apart because Japan trapped itself into a fatal dependency on Western, especially US markets… leading to the Plaza Accords dictated by US predatory bankers and then the insane Japanese response to blow a massive asset bubble that Japan never recovered from when it exploded.
Internally the absurd work-driven lifestyles in exchange for (empty) promises of lifetime employment –where people died at their desks– collapsed in a backlash as well. Suicidal tendencies were tacitly celebrated
Most of these factors in the Great Demise were internal and self-driven and can’t be attributed to Occupation. Nor can Germany’s descent into Green Utopian Disintegration be blamed on Operation Gladio and Anglo-American psy-war.
Please do not worry for the Japanese. Homeless Europeans – who call themselves Americans – will too vanish from this planet. They have committed so many war crimes and genocides against indigenous people that they have to go!
I am frankly surprised that this and two others ended up here.
If the author pities the Japanese nation, it is his right to do so. Especially when those individuals at risk of disappearing were not involved in the atrocities of the past.
(…) than tell me something about Nanking where Japanese soldateska with the consent of Emperor Hirohito raped, tortured and killed more than 300’000 Chinese citizens within one week!
Those involved in Nanjing were soldiers. The author of the article talks about ordinary people. Does this answer your question?
No! Certainly not! Soldiers are ordinary people too. Or aren’t they. Strange reply of yours. Indeed, a very dumb reply of yours. Are soldiers Orcs harvested from mudholes? Please give me an answer to that one!
Many here have drawn a fine line between soldiers and non-combatants. The non-combatants (those not involved in any military activity) are what I meant by ‘ordinary people’, if that clarifies anything.
What I am getting at is that to condemn modern generations of non-combatants (incl. women and children) to death for crimes committed in the past is almost as cruel as the crimes themselves. Now that is dumb.
[I don’t wanna argue any further. I’ll leave it to the moderators to draw the line on ‘self-evident stupidity’.]
This article while sprinkled with some truth l is wrong on so many counts.
Mr Pattberg forgets the large number of Japanese and Asians who have emmigrated to and live permanently in the United States of America. Let us be clear; the great Satan is a small group of people / minority that are located all over the world but do control most of the West (hence the current Ukraine horror they have caused). These are the manipulators, liars, murderers, stealers – NOT Americans. These are the people that poison and destroy everything. The vast majority of Americans – true America, – bare no resemblance to the hate-filled description above.
I think the mistake the left makes everywhere is to think that education and rational persuasion will get people to behave in ways desirable from one perspective or another. In Japan we have to ask how they will feed everyone if trade breaks down. We may soon find out, and it won’t be very pretty. I can see your point in that by encouraging women in particular, but also men here, to have high standards for upbringing of their children and shaming them for failure to meet those, TPTB in Japan brought population growth under control, but also ensured that the population would plummet when the economy would not support such high standards. No amount of cajoling will bring it back.
Japan has coped with its vassal status and the demeaning treatment you describe (and thank you–I was unaware of a lot of that) amazingly well in my opinion, but I also think they are dealing with frank severe depression, and this more than anything else that has led to such overwhelming childlessness. COVID added ice to the freezer, as young people have been shamed for meeting each other in person during these two years.
I have one in-law who managed to marry and have a child this past year, but she is such a rarity now that kindergartens are having to close. I agree that Japan’s population will continue to plummet for the foreseeable future. The next big driver of this will be the troubled kids up to college age who have been and still are prevented from socializing.
That, though, is worldwide, and to judge from the WEF’s pronouncements, it is a deliberate effort to crash the world’ population.
My knowledge of Japanese society is only cursory so I wouldn’t know much but his section on sports is so dead wrong I wonder about the veracity of the rest of the article.
American introduction of baseball to Japan is not much different than when English expats introduced soccer to Italy and Argentina. Ironically, the Italians and Argentines took the sport so well they became better at it than the English. This is not so different in Japan (and also Cuba) where they took to the sport so well that they have more success in international tournaments than the Americans themselves.
Since the article also mentioned soccer, this is where the author showed his ignorance. Short people can’t play soccer? Really? What about Messi? Or Maradona? Or Italians and South Americans at large?
Indeed, baseball was taken up by the Japanese so long ago (and seems even more popular there than in the US) that gave it a Japanese name “yakyu” (field ball) prior to and during World War II, when they were discouraging use of foreign terms.
I was going to say something about Cuba as an example of a state where baseball is (still) played and that isn’t a US vassal at the same time. Maybe Mexico too, but I digress.
The south park episode was Chinese men. They were duping the Americans by fake flattery so their spying would be missed.
Yes, Mr. Pattberg.
Excellent opinion piece.
But NOW it is neither only about Japan, nor the White European Race.
Has everybody forgotten the The Great Reset?
The plan of culling about 6.5 billion people worldwide?
I was thinking more about what you said about Japanese women being attracted to American men. It wouldn’t be on account of physical attributes. I do not know any women at all in Japan who will discuss sexual matters in any way, shape or form (but I haven’t hung out with prostitutes). They are offended at the topic–if they admit to understanding what you are talking about. They are more Victorian than my grandmother was, to whom sex was a hateful duty. It most be noted in this regard that any lady that wants to continue a career cannot have a boyfriend. The most impoverished sector of Japan is “single parents,” by which they basically mean “single mothers.” And if the government were truly concerned about depopulation, this is the first thing they would address by stopping this pernicious morality play and supporting these mostly jilted lovers and the children they struggle to protect.
What really attracts Japanese women to American men is the promise of escape from a society where they are second-class citizens..Misogyny was imported from the continent together with Buddhism (which is not intrinsically misogynistic, but had acquired that form from warring societies in India and China. It arguably hit a peak during the civil war era in Japan (roughly 1200-1600 AD), and then decreased during times of peace, but still remains such a deep-rooted cultural factor that the women themselves express prejudice against other women. Only since Abe’s term as prime minister have they started talking about women’s equality here, and it seems to have just about the same amount of influence over the average woman’s life as the hand-wringing by America’s leftists has over the life conditions of the average black citizen. It’s mostly the latest tool for cancelling political rivals.
In 1996, when I married, one client of mine I’d served for ten years (a major securities firm) simply let me go, because that was their policy for women in their company, who all wore cute uniforms and performed ancillary functions. The law back then forbade women to work past 11:00 p.m., to protect them from Japan’s insane corporate and ministerial culture that worked a lot of guys to death. The result, though, was the corporations and ministries became like boy’s clubs. Even women’ colleges discriminated against women workers. One of my colleagues working at one was curious enough to ask all the other teachers their salaries, and found major discrepancies between men and women, so she got a couple of friends the same age with equal qualifications, but opposite genders to apply for work there so she could find out what salaries they would be offered. The guy was offered about twice what the lady was. She wanted to confront the management (who were all older ladies), but decided not to raise waves.
This is what Japan’s women are trying to marry Americans for: They are this culture’s niggers. Koreans and Chinese are too, but the stigma is not so immediately visible.
If a lady wants very much to be a housewife and devote herself to raising up to four children (before people start really talking), and is satisfied with a sedentary life and hobbies, Japan is fantastic. However, if she does not manage to marry by age 25, it is very hard beyond that to find a partner, and with economic constraints for the past thirty years, the pool of men who consider themselves able to support a wife and children is shrinking.
I don’t mind if Japan doesnot exist.