…Tomorrow we will hit the street to tell Imam Hussein (peace be upon him): O our lord and master, as you defended your Grandfather, the religion of your Grandfather, and the dignity of your Grandfather Mohammad (Peace be upon him) on the tenth of Muharram, we will hit the street tomorrow in this time in which the Prophet of Islam is being offended, and in the future if anyone might think of offending the Prophet of Islam. The rally of tenth of Muharram this year will be a sequence to the rally in defense of the dignity of the Prophet of Allah and the honor of the Prophet of Allah which took place weeks ago. Let’s hit the street tomorrow with Al Hussein to tell the Prophet of Allah: At your service… O Prophet of Allah.

We will hit the street tomorrow to assert all our targets and principles. We will assert that we are with Palestine and we will remain with Palestine because to us it is a great ideological and convictional commitment no matter how much they may try to cause ordeals or to ignite factional and pre-Islam spirits or to stir grudges and spite. Tomorrow we will reiterate our stance. We will say that our eyes, minds and hearts are and will remain there.

Tomorrow we will hit the street to tell the whole world what the resistance means to us in the time of risks, threats, and challenges and in the time of wolves and the jungle law.

Tomorrow we will hit the street no matter how the weather would be – rainy or cold or chilly. We are not among those who are afraid of hotness in summer and coldness in winter. We are those who express their commitment no matter what the natural challenge is. We are those who express their commitment no matter what the security commitment is. Allow me to say something between parentheses: Last year they said a lot in media outlets and in the internet that there are threats and that there are suicide attacks and that the Ashura councils would be subject to suicide attacks and explosions. Alhamdulillah last year nothing took place. The same applies this year. Tonight is the ninth night and tomorrow is the tenth of Muharram and Alhamdulillah nothing happened.

Indeed the official security apparatuses executed special procedures. We too executed special procedures. All people are cautious and careful. However, there is nothing. Things might be closer to intimidations and to ordeal ignition.

Yesterday some media outlets reported that five Syrians were arrested in Nabatiyeh saying they were preparing to detonate a bomb in one of Ashura rallies in the city. Here we have to show some blame to media outlets again because they report news without scrutiny. This is not true. Yes, some people were arrested; however they were possessing arms or were gathering arms or the like. You know that in Lebanon there are many Syrians who buy arms to convey them to Syria.

However before I came to deliver my speech, I was firmly verified that all the interrogations which took place with the arrested did not reach such a result at all. Consequently, I do not know why now some people insist on reporting this piece of news in media outlets. May Allah forgive them no matter what their intention was. However, I want you tonight and tomorrow to tell the whole world that we are not frightened by weather, rain, coldness, explosions, or security threats. Nothing keeps us apart from Abi Abdullah Al Hussein (Peace be upon him).