by Dean W. Arnold for The Saker Blog

“No women allowed” was hand-painted on a small wooden sign as I approached the monastery in Axum, Ethiopia, just a few yards from the building that this African nation claims to contain the Ark of the Covenant.

A diminutive monk, looking old but spry, helped me in the front door. The building was centuries-old, rather stark and plain. It resembled an old medieval fort. In fact, the Ark was said to have resided in this structure for centuries before being moved to today’s smaller chapel nearby.

I removed my shoes before entering. Shoes are always removed. No Orthodox service exists, anyplace, where someone with shoes is allowed to enter the building. Ethiopian Orthodox Christians worship God with bare feet or stocking feet—but always without shoes.

These monasteries are old-school institutions, and some issues are non-negotiable. Birth control is one such issue. It is never allowed. The broader church is less vocal, even though it holds the same position. However, the old-school types and monasteries have never wavered: God’s first command is to be fruitful and multiply and that has never changed.

In fact, it is this issue that brought me to Ethiopia in the first place. For decades, I watched global birth rates with alarm. The West is doomed to decline over the next century. A woman in the West averages 1.5 children, way below the replacement rate of 2.1 children. Catholic strongholds in the Western hemisphere have dropped as well: Mexico 2.3, Argentina 1.8, and Columbia 1.7. I looked for Christian nations outside the West. South Korea, a booming Protestant country, with a rate of 6.0 in 1960, has dropped to an alarming 0.96 rate.  No country in history has ever recovered from a rate of 1.3 children per woman, although historically Orthodox Russia, now at a still scary level of 1.75, is struggling with all her might to recover from its 1.16 rate of three decades ago.[i]

Ethiopia averages around five children per woman, as does the rest of Africa, making it the continent of the future. Only Ethiopia has a Christian tradition in sub-Saharan Africa longer than 200 years, or a written language and script that precedes colonization. Therefore, it serves as the spiritual and cultural leader of this ascendant continent. Fittingly, the African Union, Africa’s United Nations, is permanently seated in Ethiopia.

When the African nations threw off the yoke of Europe in the 20th century, they looked to Ethiopia, the only such nation to never be colonized. In fact, Ethiopia claims to have never been conquered by any invader ever in its 3,000 years of empire.[ii] Ethiopia is a majority Christian country, nearly half of those Orthodox Christians (also called Syrian or Oriental Orthodox, or non-Chalcedonians), and boasts 1,000 monasteries. Along with holding the Ark of the Covenant, Ethiopia also makes the following claims: the location of the Garden of Eden, a thousand years of Judaism before Christ through an alliance between King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba’s alliance, and the status as the very first Christian Empire, which started with the evangelization efforts of the Ethiopian Eunuch from Acts chapter 8 of the Bible.

All these distinguishing factors—along with a millennia-old script and written language not possessed by the other nations—contribute to Ethiopia’s status as the leader of the great continent of Africa.

The future of civilization is shifting. Birthrates are booming in Africa, and resources are abundant to handle the growth.

“I think the biggest problem the world will face in 20 years is population collapse,” says Elon Musk, the high-profile futurist and Tesla CEO. “Collapse. I want to emphasize this . . . Most people think we have too many people on the planet, but actually this is an outdated view.”  [iii]

Elon Musk’s counter-intuitive position on population has in fact been reported in the mainstream media for years. “Europe will continue to shrink, which is worsening its economic problems,” declared the Washington Post in 2013, noting that China is also in trouble. “The Asian century could be followed by the African century. As China shrinks, its workforce will get smaller precisely when it needs them most.” The Post entitled this article, “The amazing, surprising, Africa-driven demographic future of the Earth.”[iv]

The women of Ethiopia and Africa bring into the world an average of five children each. Ethiopia’s work force costs less than 1/10 that of China, which has been pouring massive investment into the growing economies of Ethiopia and Africa.[v] Demography is destiny, both politically and economically, and Africa is now viewed by many as the continent of the future.


On May 5, 2009, a handful of the West’s richest men met in Manhattan to discuss what they considered the most dangerous, most critical threat to the planet. Those attending included Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, George Soros, and David Rockefeller, Jr. Their concern was related to population. Was it the appalling decline of fertility in Europe and Western nations that brought the billionaires together? Indeed, Mussolini’s goal of sixty million Italians was never reached. The nation peaked in 2010 at fifty-nine million and now steadily decreases. With a birthrate of 1.2 children per woman, far below the 2.1 replacement rate, Italy is slated to be the oldest nation in Europe in 2050 and the world’s second-oldest after Japan. It will cease as a country in a century or two.[vi]

The rest of Europe shares similar alarming numbers. The story of the Islamification of Europe is well known. But the crisis in the West is not confined to Europe. The United States has similar unsustainable birthrates and only current immigration numbers keep the rate above Italy’s for now. In 200 years, the German language is likely to pass out of existence. Demographic winter is a term now being used to describe this death spiral. “The Death of the West is not a prediction of what is going to happen, it is a depiction of what is happening now,” writes author and 1996 Republican frontrunner Pat Buchanan, who uses only United Nations statistics to prove the case in his 2002 book The Death of the West. “This is not a matter of prophecy, but of mathematics.”

And yet, population increase was the key to the ascendancy of the West. “… the growth of Europe’s population in the eleventh century and thereafter is seen as proof that medieval Europe was healthily advancing,” writes Chicago scholar J. M. Blaut in his work on Eurocentric history. “Civilization, as we have seen, is about cities,” echoes New York Times bestselling author Niall Ferguson, who points to having a growing population as the key. “No previous civilization had ever achieved such dominance as the West achieved over the Rest.” [vii]

“If, in the year 1411, you had been able to circumnavigate the globe, you would probably have been most impressed by the quality of life in Oriental civilizations,” says Ferguson. “By contrast, Western Europe in 1411 would have struck you as a miserable backwater, recuperating from the ravages of the Black Death—which had reduced population by as much as half . . .”

In 1500, “the biggest city in the world was Beijing, with a population of between 600,000 and 700,000. Of the ten largest cities in the world by that time only one—Paris—was European, and its population numbered fewer than 200,000. . . . Yet by 1900 there had been an astonishing reversal. Only one of the world’s ten largest cities at that time was Asian and that was Tokyo. With a population of around 6.5 million, London was the global megalopolis.”

In 1913, Europe had more people than China. At that time, Europe and the U.S. comprised thirty-three percent of the world’s people. In 2003, that number declined to seventeen percent. Today, it is twelve percent. “Is decline and fall the looming fate of Western Civilization 2.0?” asks Ferguson.[viii]

The prospects are grim for stopping the march toward extinction. Low birthrates cause a “vicious circle,” according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). “Fewer children today imply fewer women of childbearing age twenty years from now, so the cumulative momentum of current low birth rates will be difficult to reverse.” Though still mathematically possible, “such a recovery would be unprecedented in human history.” 

Fewer young workers means fewer people supporting the pensions and health care of the older generations. Riots in Greece and other parts of Europe are rooted in these now lopsided Western economies. The U.S. may not be far behind. “You can’t keep going with this completely upside-down age distribution, with the pyramid standing on its point,” said a spokesman for the Population Reference Bureau. “You can’t have a country where everybody lives in a nursing home.”[ix]

Unlike the West, Russia is keenly aware of its predicament, as it strives to recover from the 1.16 birthrate that existed when communism was overthrown in 1991. The government now offers incentives for children, the equivalent in U.S. dollars to a lower middle-class income. Parents of seven children are awarded a medal, the Order of Parental Glory. Russia has instituted a national holiday on September 12, Day of Conception or Procreation Day—the people call it “Make a Baby Day”—where citizens get the day off to produce children. The birthrate rose to 1.71 in 2013 and continues to increase. About 1.9 million babies were born in Russia in 2015, up from 1.5 million in 2005. “The rise is slight, but it is still a rise,” said a hopeful President Vladimir Putin.[x]

So, is this the threat that Bill Gates and friends gathered to solve? No, it was something else. And what caused this great reversal for Western society? Simply put, Margaret Sanger defeated Benito Mussolini in perhaps the one area where he was correct—opposing the misleading and destructive teachings of the Malthusians and their population and resource fearmongering—although Mussolini’s motive was not a biblical desire to be fruitful and multiply and create more image-bearers of God. He wanted an empire. Along with Italy, Sanger also defeated the rest of Europe and the United States. She also sabotaged their Christian morals, thus reaching the goal printed in her Birth Control Review to “undermine the authority of the Christian churches.”[xi]

Sanger, of course, is the founder of Planned Parenthood, the largest performer of abortions in the world. But her greatest accomplishment for her cause was the day she met Dr. Gregory Pincus at a dinner in 1951. Pincus had worked for the Rockefeller-funded Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Biology, exposed for sterilizing hundreds of French African children and closely associating with the Nazi eugenics program. The meeting led to Planned Parenthood agreeing to fund research by Pincus to develop Sanger’s longtime dream of a birth control pill, which was first licensed in 1960. By 1970, forty-three percent of American women were already taking this revolutionary method of contraception.

Concludes Pat Buchanan: “Historians may one day call ‘the pill’ the suicide tablet of the West.” [xii]

If the oligarchs who met in 2009 in Manhattan did not address the looming crisis of demographic winter, regarding what grave matter did they deliberate? What did they pinpoint as the key geographical target for the world’s largest, most dangerous threat?


During their intense struggle with Mussolini in the 20th century, and then with communism, Ethiopia, along with the rest of Africa, was winning a greater war, and winning exceedingly. What was this war? Author David P. Goldman comments on how civilization has generally missed this greatest of conflicts along with their own stunning defeat: “The chattering classes have nothing to say about the most unique and significant change in our times,” he writes.

Ethiopia’s army in this war was its historic, growing Christian church, worshipping with no shoes, standing strong on traditional morality, and never wavering from its position to follow God’s first commandment to be fruitful and multiply. Birth control is officially a sin. Christian Ethiopia, unlike the West, continued its traditional lifestyle. Ethiopia continued to have children.[xiii]

From 1974 to 1991, Ethiopia’s birthrate grew from 7.1 children per woman to 7.2. The population grew healthily from twenty-seven million to fifty-one million. During that same time, Italy’s population remained stagnant. Italy’s 2.4 birthrate in 1974 dropped from above replacement level (2.1 children) to an unsustainable 1.3 children per woman in 1991. No country has ever recovered from this level. Social scientists refer to this 1.3 rate as the “low fertility trap.”

Ethiopia also defeated Italy in 1896 at the Battle of Adwa and castrated thousands of conquered soldiers. At that time, Italy boasted thirty-one million people, twice as many as Ethiopia. Today, Ethiopia has doubled Italy’s declining population of fifty-nine million. Like the castrations of Italian soldiers after Adwa, Italian men have once again been castrated, some by pills and various contraception methods, others by the more literal version of vasectomy. In the days after Adwa, a Dutch observer explained the motivation of castration: “The Abyssinians explain themselves by saying that this is how they bring a halt to the enemy’s capacity to reproduce.” They have done this again to the Europeans, only on a much larger scale.

In fact, the leader of Italian colonization just before Adwa, Ferdinando Martini, advocated exterminating the Negro the same way the Americans did the Indians: “Succeeding generations will continue to depopulate Africa of its ancient inhabitants, down to the last one,” he wrote a century ago. He never lived to see his rationale for colonization backfire with such grandeur.[xiv]

Britain’s numbers are similar to Italy’s, as its population was more than twice as large as Ethiopia’s in the 1890s (thirty-three million to twelve million) and like Italy remained stagnant from 1974 to 1991 as the birthrate declined from 1.9 to 1.8. Britain’s numbers today of sixty-six million (with the help of immigration) pale to its African rivals. Ethiopia, without help, grew from twelve million in 1896 to 110 million today. No country in Europe has a birthrate close to the replacement level of 2.1 children per woman. Birthrates and population numbers are all declining. “For the first time in recorded history,” writes Goldman, “prosperous, secure and peaceful societies facing no external threat have elected to pass out of existence.”

Goldman sees this development as religion’s triumph over rationalism. “Reason itself seems to betray us in this investigation, for precisely those parts of the world that succeed in extirpating faith through the instillation of the cult of reason seem most committed to demographic extinction.” He notes that the German population will drop 98 percent in 200 years. The German tongue will disappear, as will Polish, Italian, and numerous other European languages. “People of faith have children, and people without faith tend not to,” Goldman writes. The trend “will turn the world into a fundamentalist theme park.” [xv]

We are in the midst of a giant civilizational shift. Africa is the continent of the future. Ethiopia may become the future leader of Africa and Christendom. At current rates, there will be more Ethiopians than Russians in fifty years. But maybe not. My Ethiopian friend, Professor Girma Batu, says the numbers are a bit deceiving.

“The high rate in population size is mostly Muslim,” he told me, expressing concern that the forty-five percent Orthodox Christian to thirty-five percent Muslim ratio could flip in current conditions. “There are sponsors that want to multiply the number of Muslims. They want to make Ethiopia an Islamic country, a Muslim-dominated country.”[xvi]

It is an unfair fight. Muslims are allowed to have several wives. Ethiopian Orthodox are allowed only one. In addition, Americans and the West are working furiously to bring down the birth rate by advancing contraception across Ethiopia. However, as Muslims refuse to use the contraceptives, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with the United Nations, focus their population control efforts on the traditional Christians.

“They are contributing contraceptive methods and even abortions sometimes,” said Girma regarding the population control advocates. “At least one, maximum two children, that’s enough, say those who want to be moderns. They are exactly copying the West.” Girma serves as Vice Dean of Ethiopia’s largest seminary, the Holy Trinity Theological College in Addis Ababa.

The situation is urgent. NPR reported in 2014 the use of birth control among Ethiopian women increasing from eight percent to twenty-nine percent between 2000 and 2014. According to a 2016 Ethiopia National Planning Commission report, those numbers are now at forty-two percent, and the commission forecasts an increase to fifty-two percent of Ethiopian women using birth control by 2020. Ethiopia’s birthrate has dropped by almost half in the past twenty years.[xvii]

The official statistics prove that the decrease is primarily in Christian areas, with the Muslim population maintaining its high birthrate. A 2011 study by ICF International, sponsored by the United Nations, shows that of the ten regions of Ethiopia, the top four in birthrates are Muslim majority, with the Somali ethnic group highest at 7.1 children per woman. Tigray, the historic Orthodox Christian region and home of the Ark, is in the sixth spot with a 4.6 rate. According to the study, Addis Ababa, the largest city in the country, has a birthrate of 1.9 children per woman, below replacement level. Addis is eighty-two percent Orthodox Christian.[xviii]

Unless the Church and the leaders in the Orthodox world begin to take action, it appears likely the population reduction efforts to keep Ethiopia and Africa from their demographic destiny will win the day, and the great historic Christian and Old Testament nation of Ethiopia will become a majority Muslim nation. A Christian nation that kept out invaders for 3,000 years will finally be defeated by Margaret Sanger’s suicide tablet.

It has been my hope—since my prayer ten years ago to learn where the future of Christendom is headed—that Ethiopia might serve as an ark or refuge for Christians if the West’s moral foundation implodes and the civilizational shift is realized. In fact, the Kebra Negast, Ethiopia’s sacred book detailing how the Ark came to Ethiopia, not only refers to the Ark as “Lady Zion” and “mercy-seat,” but also calls it “place of refuge,” “haven of salvation,” and, of most interest, “ship.” The Ark of the Covenant is, thus, a type of the ark of Noah. Ethiopia and certain African nations remain the only Christian-dominated countries that enforce moral laws on the books upholding life and family integrity. Could birthrates and godly laws make Ethiopia an “ark,” a place of refuge, for Western Christians? If Ethiopia does serve as a refuge for the West based on these two reasons, then a secular commenter on a Doug Casey article looked at it this way: “If nobody nukes Africa, it might be an interesting place.” [xix]

“The biggest things are the modern tools of contraception,” says Bill Gates, regarding the targeting of Africa by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.[xx]

I learned an interesting tidbit about the small hotel where I was staying in Axum before I hitched a ride that day to visit the monastery next to the Ark. A few months before, Melinda Gates had been a guest at the same hotel.

Apart from nuclear war, the pending demographic and civilizational shift will require the reversing of the current and alarming trend of a decreasing Ethiopian birthrate. However, we know that the Ark of the Covenant had special powers, according to the Old Testament Scriptures. Families and nations associated with the Ark were blessed with unusual fertility. This blessing is something that those concerned about Ethiopia’s future can place their hope in, if, indeed, the Ark truly does reside in Ethiopia.

Dean W. Arnold is author of the newly-released Unknown Empire: The True Story of Mysterious Ethiopia and the Future Ark of Civilization. Prince Asfa-Wossen Asserate (PhD, Cambridge, Frankfurt), the great nephew of Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie, calls Arnold’s book “captivating … scholarly, and most enjoyable.” Previous books by Arnold have been endorsed by U.S. Senator Bob Corker and author Jon Meacham, a Newsweek Editor and Pulitzer Prize winner. Arnold is tonsured “The Reader Gabriel” by the Orthodox Church in America.

[i] For raw data on birthrates in every country, 1960–2016, see World Bank statistics, (Retrieved March 16, 2019).

Catholic strongholds         World Statistics Pocketbook 2016, United Nations, (Retrieved Nov. 1, 2019).

alarming .096 rate “South Korea’s fertility rate set to hit record low of 0.96,” The Guardian, Sept. 3, 2018, (Retrieved March 16, 2019); Linda Poon, “South Korea is trying to boost its birth rate. It’s not working,”, Aug. 3, 2018, (Retrieved March 16, 2019).

Russia struggling to recover Anatoly Karlin, “The ‘Normalization’ of Russia’s Demographics,” The Unz Review, Nov. 25, 2014, (Retrieved March 16, 2019); “Russia May Have Turned the Corner in Demographic Crisis,” Breitbart, June 14, 2017 (Retrieved March 16, 2019); “Russia’s rising birth rate gives new life to health care providers,” Reuters, March 20, 2017, (Retrieved March 28, 2019); Nick Gutteridge, “‘We’re OUTBREEDING you!’ Putin taunts West as he unveils drive to boost Russian birth rate,” Nick Gutteridge, London Express, Dec. 1, 2016, (Retrieved March 16, 2019).

no country has ever recovered Report from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, CGTN TV of China Media Group, (Retrieved April 19, 2019).

[ii] Never indaded Diodorus Siculus, “Ethiopia and the Gold Mines of Egypt,” Book III, Section 2, cited in The Library of History of Diodorus Siculus, published in Vol. II of the Loeb Classical Library edition, 1935,*.html (Retrieved April 11, 2019); Melake Mikr Kefyalew Merahi, Christianity in Ethiopia III (Addis Ababa, April 2012), 1, 10.

[iii] Pete Baklinski, “Tesla’s Elon Musk: ‘Population collapse’ (not overpopulation) is ‘biggest problem’ facing world,” Live Action, Sept. 5, 2019, (Retrieved Sept. 9, 2019).

[iv] Max Fisher, “The amazing, surprising, Africa-driven demographic future of the Earth, in 9 charts,” Washington Post, July 16, 2013, (Retrieved Aug. 11, 2019).

[v] William F. Engdahl, “China Railway Links Ethiopia to Red Sea,” New Eastern Outlook, April 13, 2016, (Retrieved April 20, 2019); “An Investment Guide to Ethiopia,” United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, March, 2004, (Retrieved April 20, 2019).

[vi] West’s richest men met “Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation” The Times, May 24, 2009, (Retrieved Aug. 31, 2019).

sixty million Italians never reached According to,  Italy’s population grew until 2010 to 59,730,000 and is now steadily decreasing. See (Retrieved April 16, 2019).

oldest in Europe world’s second-oldest “Italy to be oldest country after Japan,” ANSA, Oct. 3, 2017, (Retrieved Sept. 10, 2019).

will cease as a country David P. Goldman, It’s Not the End of the World, It’s Just the End of You: The Great Extinction of the Nations (New York: RVP Publishers, 2011), 16, 26.

[vii] German language David P. Goldman, op. cit., 15; Patrick J. Buchanan, The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization (New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 2002), 23–24.

[viii] J. M. Blaut, The Colonizer’s Model of the World: Geographical Diffusionism and Eurocentric History, 67; Niall Ferguson, Civilization: The West and the Rest (New York: Penguin Books ebook, 2011), loc. 475, 516.

Europe . . . 12 percent Jack Goldstone, “The New Population Bomb: The Four Megatrends That Will Change the World,” Foreign Affairs, Jan./Feb. 2010, 32–33, cited in Patrick Buchanan, Suicide of a Superpower (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2011), 164.

Western Civilization 2.0 Ferguson, op. cit., loc. 741.

[ix] difficult to reverse “Can Policies boost Birth Rates?” Policy Brief, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Nov. 2007, cited in Buchanan, Suicide of a Superpower, p. 166–167.

pyramid standing on its point Russell Shorto, “No Babies,” New York Times Magazine, June 29, 2008, 71, cited in Buchanan, op. cit., 172.

[x] ussia struggling to recover “Russia Demographics Are Now Reasonably Healthy. Birth Rate the Highest in Europe,” Russia Insider, March 22, 2016; Anatoly Karlin, “The ‘Normalization’ of Russia’s Demographics,” The Unz Review, Nov. 25, 2014, (Retrieved March 16, 2019).

incentive for children . . . Order of Parental Glory “Russia May Have Turned the Corner in Demographic Crisis,” Breitbart, June 14, 2017.

make a baby day Wikipedia: Day of Conception (Retrieved Aug. 31, 2019).

it is still a rise “‘We’re OUTBREEDING you!’ Putin taunts West as he unveils drive to boost Russian birth rate,” London Express, Dec. 1, 2016; Russia’s rising birth rate gives new life to health care providers,” CNBC, March 20, 2017.

[xi] undermine the authority of the Christian Churches Walter Adolphe Roberts, “Birth Control and the Revolution,” Birth Control Review, ed. Margaret Sanger, Volume I, Number 6, June 1917, 7, (Retrieved May 1, 2019).

[xii] hundreds of children Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer, Bioethics: an anthology (Wiley-Blackwell, 2006), 232, cited in Wikipedia: Kaiser Wilhelm Institute/Eugenics (Retrieved April 16, 2019).

43 percent Ben J. Wattenberg, The Real America (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1974), 158, cited in Buchanan, The Death of the West, 26.

suicide tablet Ibid.

[xiii] the chattering classes David P. Goldman, It’s Not the End of the World, 25.

For a lengthy treatment on the Orthodox Church’s historic stance against birth control, see the author’s article: Dean W. Arnold, “Saving the West: 17 Reasons to have married sex with no pills or condoms,”, Nov. 4, 2017, (Retrieved Aug. 3, 2019).

[xiv] 7.1 to 7.2 World Bank statistics: Fertility Rates – Ethiopia, (Retrieved April 19, 2019).

27 to 51 million Population Statistics: Ethiopia, (Retrieved April 19, 2019).

Italy 2.4 to 1.3 World Bank statistics: Fertility Rates – Italy, (Retrieved April 19, 2019).

no country has ever recovered Report from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, CGTN TV of China Media Group, (Retrieved April 19, 2019).

Ethiopia has double Italy’s population For Ethiopia’s and Italy’s population by year see Population Statistics: Ethiopia, and for Italy, (Both retrieved April 19, 2019).

enemy’s capacity to reproduce J. G. Vanderheym, Une expedition avec le negous Menelik: vingt mois en Abyssinie (Paris: Hatchette, 1896), 71, cited in Jonas, Battle of Adwa, 223, 249.

continue to depopulate Africa Massimo Romandini, “Da Massaua ad Asmara: Ferdinando Martini in Eritrea nel 1891,” La Conoscenza dell’Asia e dell’Africa  nel X1X Secolo, vol. III, 1989, 911–933, cited in Michela Wrong, op. cit., chap. 2, loc. 676, 745.

[xv] Britain’s numbers...pale to its African rivals Britain’s birthrate: (Retrieved April 19, 2019).

elected to pass out of existence David P. Goldman, op. cit., 15.

German tongue . . . fundamentalist theme park    Ibid., 15, 16, 25.

[xvi] Girma Batu, Vice Academic Dean, Holy Trinity Theological College, interview by Dean W. Arnold in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, May 2016, and January 2018.

[xvii] from 8 to 29 percent “Ethiopians Seeking Birth Control: Caught Between Church and State,” NPR, Dec. 30, 2014.

52 percent by 2020 Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia: Growth and Transformation Plan II (GTP II) 2015/16=2019/20, National Planning Commission, May 2016, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 61, 190, (Retrieved April 27, 2019).

[xviii] top four most fertile regions are Muslim “Muslim vs. Christian birth rates by tribe. Ethiopia: Demographic and Health Survey,” 2011. Report by Central Statistical Agency Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ICF International, Calverton, Maryland, USA March 2012, (Retreived March 16, 2019), 71.

1.9 percent birth rate “Fertility Decline Driven by Poverty: The Case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,” Journal of Biosocial Science, May 2008, (Retrieved April 27, 2019).

82 percent Orthodox Christian “Addis Ababa Population 2019,” World Population Review, (Retrieved April 27, 2019).

[xix] ship “Kebra Negast”: The Queen of Sheba and Her Only Son Menyelek (Kebra Negast), trans. Sir. E. A. Wallis Budge (Cambridge, Ontario: In Parenthesis Publications, 2000), chap. 1o4, (Retrieved Sept. 2, 2019).

if nobody nukes Africa “Doug Casey on Africa,” Casey Daily Dispatch, Feb. 22, 2019, comment Sept. 4, 2018, 18:39.

[xx] Kate Kelland, “Africa’s rapid population growth puts poverty progress at risk, says Gates,” Reuters, Sept. 18, 2018, (Retrieved March 16, 2019).