By Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog
To understand Hegel the reader must be in perfect health, though sometimes the minds of geniuses deliver compact nuggets of wisdom, understandable and usable by the rest of us. One such instance is the idea of ‘Zeitgeist,’ the spirit of the times.
Pedantically speaking, Hegel preferred the form ‘Geist des Zeit.’ It was English poet and literary critic Matthew Arnold who introduced the term ‘Zeitgeist’ into the English language in 1848.
‘Zeitgeist’ gives a habitation and a name to a range of concurrent, palpable and often-irrational phenomena observed by many, and yet not immediately traceable to a source.
But the law of causation dictates that every change in nature has a cause. In this respect the actions of individuals are perhaps easier to handle than the actions, the attitudes at large and the currents of thought that move peoples and nations.
Sometimes the cause is mistaken. For example, Polonius determined that Hamlet was mad but misdiagnosed the symptoms. It wasn’t love for Ophelia the cause of Hamlet’s madness, but, as we know, a burning desire to avenge his father’s murder.
With peoples and nations the sources of the Zeitgeist can still be traced with reasonable confidence. But the same forces that muscled-in the changes have all the interest in hiding their role, lest the reaction by those affected may turn their winter of discontent into open rebellion – a currently unlikely event, for the discontented have been largely cowed into resignation. Besides, they have also lost some key essential tools of self-defense, without even being overly aware of it.
First in the list, is the practical cashiering of the first amendment about freedom of expression. For the forces forging the Zeitgeist also own and therefore control the current venues of mass communications. That they can do so with impunity, on the flimsy ground that the censors’ companies are ‘private’ and therefore untouchable, only shows the immense influence of the ‘Zeitgeist’.
And in a macroscopic instance of the current spirit of the times its masters have persuaded countless millions to be ashamed of their own being – a first in history unless mistaken. In fact, it was the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov who officially stated what most Americans already know but are afraid to say it – that there is an ongoing war against Americans of European ethnicity.
There are many related instances, policy statements and literature, but some examples should be quoted so as not to turn assertions into generalizations.
The Saker’s readers may recall the New York Times’ article by Roger Cohen, before the last presidential elections, titled, “Trump’s Last Stand for White America.” The implication being that with Trump gone, so will be the whites.
And here is a collection of quotes by Noel Ignatiev, a recently departed academic and ‘guru’ of the war against the ‘whites’. Incidentally, as we will see later, academia is usually the most influential creator of the Zeitgeist. Here is Ignatiev:
*** The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists… Keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as ‘the white race’ is destroyed – not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.
*** If you are a white male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, white males have never contributed anything positive to the world!
*** The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign.
*** Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.
*** The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.
*** Whiteness is not a culture . . . Whiteness has nothing to do with culture and everything to do with social position . . . . Without the privileges attached to it, the white race would not exist, and the white skin would have no more social significance than big feet.
As another example, the name of Coudenhove-Kalergi as the promoter of a ‘multicultural’ European Union (meaning a Europe of mulattos) is known to many. For his program applies to all, including America.
According to statistics, in January 2021, 100,000 illegal aliens were admitted in the United States at the Mexican border. For February the number aired is 200,000. For March even approximate statistics are not yet available. Besides, between 20 and 30 million illegals already live in the country and it’s common knowledge that an ‘amnesty’ is in the works. Biden’s solution is to prohibit using the adjective ‘illegals’ applied to those who immigrate illegally. Similar ‘solutions’ are applied in Europe.
Fox-News is the only mainstream US channel that, however timidly and rarely, airs a viewpoint marginally misaligned with the imposed narrative. A popular commentator said recently that the tsunami of mass uncontrolled immigration constitutes a demographic replacement, with the objective to subvert the US electoral process.
He did not mention race, ethnicity or religion. But the very fact of having brought up the subject on a MSM channel is a first, for all who tried before were fired or disappeared. Yet the president of the ADL (Anti Defamation League) called for the commentator’s dismissal on grounds of racism and, by inference, ‘antisemitism’. Conclusion: he who does not agree with the Zionists is antisemitic. Or rather, since the ADL’s reason for being is to combat antisemitism, it follows that the targets of ADL’s wrath are by definition antisemitic.
On the other hand we can observe the Zeitgeist in other macro-events, such as, for example, public health.
With the Covid pandemic we have witnessed (in the West), a theologization of medicine and a medicalization of religion. As for religion, the author and accomplice is Pope Bergoglio, with his clerical masks, digital masses, sterilized holy waters, virtual sacraments and ecclesiastical distancing.
With theological medicine we move from the realm of experimental observation to metaphysics. And arguing about metaphysics is an undertaking bound to fail at the onset. Consequently and for the sake of my 25 readers, I declare and confirm my complete and evenly apportioned respect for all related individual opinions.
Statistics could help, but at worst their numbers are easily manipulated, and at best statistics resemble bikinis, for what they reveal is suggestive but what they conceal is vital.
Still, every now and then an anecdote throws a glimmer of light on the intrigues and shenanigans of those who benefit from a Zeitgeist of turmoil and misrepresentations.
A case at hand is CNN, gargantuan mainstream propagator of Orwellian truths, whose channel is present, imposed and bombarding innocent bystanders in millions of hotels and waiting rooms worldwide.
In a video possibly still found online, some ingenious outsiders managed to interview a CNN’s bigwig, where he admits that inflating the figures of the dead (from Covid) is a practice of this much acclaimed organ of information.
One other instance of the Zeitgeist is the restraint-less, particular and platitudinally magnified contempt by the political class for the electorate. In fact, just as he that is giddy thinks the world turns ‘round him, so the cabalistic powers ruling America believe that the ruled at large are dumb, drunk, blind or headless.
For example, Biden calls the president of Russia a ‘killer’ even though, on the stage of America and the world, Biden appears, in so doing, or rather, speaking, a motley fool out of his mind. Which, incidentally, is what President Putin did not say, but with finesse implied when, in response, he hoped and wished publicly that Biden be in good health.
However, all of the above the world well knows, yet none knows well how all did come about. Is it possible to trace back a Zeitgeist to its origins? And why should anyone care?
I will deal with the second question first, why should anyone care? The answer is ‘I don’t know,’ though there is a certain pleasure in what Bertrand Russell called ‘useless knowledge’. As an example, and with unpardonable self-reference, I say here that I had three lives, the first as a musician, while the second was briefly divided between a relatively short spell in a large corporation and a computer company I founded and ran for many years.
While still hesitant about plying the risky waters of self-employment I thought I would randomly send out a few resumes, mostly for curiosity. And, being skeptical about accepting a job even if offered, I felt at liberty to tell the truth in my resume, rather than resorting to the habitual platitudes promoted by the gurus of resume writing.
For example, under the item, ‘strengths,’ I wrote “An unquenchable passion for what is utterly, totally, and incontrovertibly useless, notwithstanding occasional evidence to the contrary.” And under the item “weaknesses” I wrote, “Take your pick.”
Anyway back to the subject of useless knowledge. In one of his essays Russell says that he enjoyed apricots more since he found out that they were first cultivated in China during the Han dynasty; and that Chinese hostages held by an Indian King introduced them to India. From there they spread to Persia, and reached the Roman Empire in the first century AD. Furthermore, the word ‘apricot’ has the same Latin root as the word ‘precocious’ because the apricot ripens early. And the ‘a’ was added by mistake, due to a false etymology. All this, Bertrand Russell says, makes the apricot taste much sweeter.”
In the same spirit I will deal with the root of the Zeitgeist(s). And although seemingly small in importance compared to its subsequent impact, the Zeitgeist usually begins with a career-promoting academic hypothesis that gradually becomes a widely accepted idea. Eventually, the idea becomes so natural that it becomes not only an unchallenged orthodoxy, but also a cliché even among the plebs, the crowd, the untutored, the commoners and the rest of us.
But who is behind the original career-promoting hypothesis? The answer is simple, namely those who have a strategic, when not racial or ethnic interest in the consequences deriving from the hypothesis when it becomes a widely accepted idea.
For example, some may remember the academic-political think-tank that, just before the new millennium, came up with the “Project for the XXI American Century”, based on the hypothesis of a new ‘Pearl-Harbor-like’ event’ to galvanize the plebs, the crowd, the blunt monster with the uncounted heads and the fool multitude that choose by show.
Such project, such century! For the academic-hypothesis, as it is universally known, turned into an idea and then into a reality. Yet the creators of the Zeitgeist managed the affair so well that those who dared to challenge the orthodox view of 9/11 became conspiracy theorists, when they did not meet a fate similar to Julian Assange’s.
And here is another instance of the birth and evolution of an idea affecting the current Zeitgeist – namely a reversal of the notion of crime.
Where I live, the downtown area since months resembles a war zone. All stores have boarded up doors, windows and anything that may easily be reached by a sledgehammer. The narrow spaces between the pavement and the boarded up doors have become sleeping quarters for the homeless (though Portland has a fairly good number of reasonably equipped and maintained shelters). The Apple store, after being smashed and looted last year, was promptly fenced in and boarded up. Yet, just last week (I am writing this article in April 2021) precautions proved ineffectual. The store was again smashed and looted. But I read on the local news that Apple “will preserve the original Black-Lives-Matter graffiti on the wooden boards” presumably for historical edification.
And it seems that about 100 policemen have resigned from the city’s force, for reasons that the reader can easily imagine, given the current ideological climate and the reversal of the notion of crime.
Academics have relied on two closely linked arguments to establish the statistical and moral normality of crime – and consequently the illegitimacy of the criminal justice sanctions by the system. We are all criminals – they say – and when everyone is guilty, everyone is innocent.
The second argument – Marxist in inspiration and I will return to this later – is that the law has no moral content, as it is the expression of the power of certain interest groups – the interest of the rich against the poor, or of the capitalists against the workers. And since the law is an expression of raw power, there is no essential distinction between criminal and noncriminal behavior. It all depends on the class to which the perpetrator of the (supposedly) criminal act belongs.
In this sense cultural Marxists and current criminologists are the mirror image of Hamlet, who rhetorically told Polonius that if every man were to receive what he deserves, none would escape whipping. But the criminologists of the current Zeitgeist even go beyond Hamlet. Not only criminals should escape whipping but none should be punished.
Promoting these ideas are the mainstream media and the entertainment industry. Eventually the ideas resonate with the criminal’s mind. If his illegal conduct is normal – he thinks – why punish, why imprison him? It is unjust for him to be incarcerated for what everyone still at liberty does. He is the victim of illegitimate and unfair discrimination, and it is only reasonable that, on his release, he should unleash his revenge upon an unjust society by continuing, or expanding, his criminal activity.
When did the Zeitgeist change and when did the criminal become a victim in the minds of the intelligentsia? Interestingly several causative events occurred in the narrow space of two or three years, in the early 1960s. Especially the introduction and triumph of Cultural Marxism in American universities, and the passing of Parliament acts opening up unlimited immigration in the US. It was also the time when Norman Mailer in America and Jean-Paul Sartre in Europe transformed criminals into existential heroes revolting against a heartless and inauthentic world.
And in 1966 an author called Karl Menninger published a book titled “The Crime of Punishment.” Where he says,
“Crime is everybody’s temptation. It is easy to look with proud disdain upon those people who get caught – the stupid ones, the unlucky ones, the blatant ones. But who does not get nervous when a police car follows closely? We squirm over our income tax statements and make some adjustments. We tell the customs officials we have nothing to declare – well, practically nothing. Some of us who have never been convicted of crime picked up over $2 billion worth of merchandise last year from the stores we patronize. Over $1 billion was embezzled by employees last year.”
The moral of the story is clear. Those who go to court and prison are victims of chance at best and of prejudice at worst – prejudice against the lowly, the uneducated and the poor. We find this philosophy in the above words of this intellectual, but equally in the spoken words of other intellectuals and teachers across the land, and in movies, TV shows and serials. Without excluding lurid and Gomorra-style rap-lyrics, by far the most popular source of educational material and a thought-provoking tool in the Zeitgeist.
This moral percolates at large. For even criminals caught in the act believe that the police are unfairly picking on them. An attitude that prevents them from reflecting upon their contribution to their own predicament. For chance and prejudice are forces beyond the personal control of an individual.
And in a document come out in England at the time of Menninger’s book and titled “Children in Trouble” we read, “It is probably a minority of children who grow up without misbehaving in ways which may be contrary to the law. Frequently, such behavior is no more than an incident in the pattern of a child’s normal development.”
Translation and implications. Acts of delinquency are normal and should not be sanctioned – and the delinquency of normal children is transient and the result of a purely biological rather than a social process. In previous times – instead – it was thought that human behavior is the product of consciousness, and therefore the consciousness of a child must be molded.
Still, the product of the new attitude towards crime has been a bonanza for a new breed of intellectuals and specialized practitioners, the criminologists.
Writer Theodore Dalrimple said that criminologists have shed new obscurity on the matter of crime. “The opacity of their writing – he says – sometimes leads one to wonder whether they have actually ever met a criminal or a crime victim.” Besides, it is in their professional interest that the wellsprings of crime remain a mystery needing ever more exploration. For how else could they convince governments that what a crime-ridden country needs is more crime-research conducted by more criminologists?
Actually, criminology has undergone remarkable expansion. Even the undersigned regularly receives proposals for a “rewarding career” that would follow the acquisition of a degree in criminology. And economist John Vaizey wrote that any problem that becomes the subject of an ‘ology’ is destined to grow serious.
From the halls of academia ideas filter down to the population at large, materialize in TV serials, become mental currency and mold the Zeitgeist. Finally and symbiotically, criminologists may actually become a cause of crime.
Still, criminologists dispute among themselves about explanations of criminality. For an academic discipline needs theoretical disputes just as the Pentagon needs enemies. But the general conclusion derivable from the academic disputes on crime brings us back to the findings of the philosopher Blaise Pascal, “Tous comprendre est tous pardonner” – to understand everything is to excuse all. Where the difference between ‘to pardon’ and ‘to excuse’ is shrouded in a modest lexical veil.
Finally, as far as crime is concerned, I have traced the origins of the present related Zeitgeist also to the 1960s. There remains to locate the prime source or rather the primal ideology that fathered its subsequent implementations.
The current, new institutional orthodoxy is ‘Critical Race.’ To explain it I must resort to a telegraphic history of Marxism.
At the onset, the Marxist Left built its political program on the theory of class conflict – the primary characteristic of industrial societies being the imbalance of power between capitalists and workers. For Marx the solution to that imbalance was a revolution. Workers would eventually seize the means of production, overthrow the capitalists and usher in a new society.
The 20th century Marxist revolutions did not deliver on their promises and by the mid-1960s Marxist intellectuals acknowledged the state of things. But rather than abandoning their political project, Marxist scholars (now dubbed Cultural Marxist) simply adapted their revolutionary theory to the social and racial unrest of the 1960s.
Setting aside Marx’ economic dialectic of capitalists and workers, they substituted race for class and sought to create a revolutionary coalition of the dispossessed, based on racial and ethnic categories.
The effort was then politically unsuccessful but out of it arose the idea of rejecting all forms of authority, traditions and modes of life, notably of civilized mankind – including marriage, family, religion, sex, gender etc.
However, the term ‘Marxist’ still didn’t and does not sit well in the America psyche. Though the New York Times had a front page article titled “Marx, You Were Right” on the occasion of Marx’ anniversary of his birth. But let’s abandon this side trail, though in itself important for identifying the prime movers behind the career-promoting hypotheses I mentioned at the beginning.
In the refreshed nomenclature Cultural Marxism became the ‘Critical Race’ theory, built, nevertheless, on the intellectual framework of identity-based Marxism. Which – as far as I could discover – is now the default ideology in all public institutions, government agencies, public school systems, teacher training programs and corporate human resources departments. It takes the form of diversity training education, human resources modules, public policy frameworks and school curricula.
Neo-marxist theorists have employed euphemisms to describe critical race theory, such as ‘equity’, ‘social justice, ’diversity,’ ‘inclusion’ and ‘culturally responsive teaching.’
‘Equity’ sounds non-threatening and is easily confused with the American principle of equality. But equality is the principle proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence. In contrast to equality, equity as defined by critical race theorists, is essentially reformulated Marxism.
For example, in the name of equity, UCLA law professor and critical race theorist Cheryl Harris has proposed suspending private property rights, seizing land and wealth and redistributing both along racial lines.
In another example, Ibrahim Kendy, critical race guru who directs the ‘Center For Antiracist Research’ at the Boston University, has proposed the creation of a ‘Federal Department Of Antiracism.’ This independent department would have the power to veto or abolish any law at any level of government and to curtail the speech of any political leaders or anyone deemed insufficiently ‘antiracist’.
There is an abundance of similar examples, but I do not wish to overwhelm the readers’ patience.
In summary, what I have reported would bear no credit, were not the proofs so clear. And returning to Bertrand Russell’s comments on apricots and the pleasure of useless knowledge, I do not expect to have provided any gratification by tracing the sources of the Zeitgeist(s). Though the evidence, however painful, may have some inherent value and maybe awake some from the flattering truth of sleep.
“The 20th century Marxist revolutions did not deliver on their promises”
Go tell that to Chairman Mao:
And to Secretary Stalin:
“It is not my fault the Hammer and Sickle now flutters over the Reichstag; my experts assured me it was impossible for any country to manufacture so many tanks and so big so quick.” — Last words of Adolf Hitler.
And to President Castro:
“It’s not my fault Cuba now is known for its doctors instead of its casinos” — First words of POTU$A John F Kennedy
And to Ho Chi Min:
“Hey! Hey! LBJ / How many Yanks you killed today?” — Farewell song for POTU$A Lyndon B Johson
And to the Socialist Baath party of Syria:
“Who must go?” — Parting question of Dr. Bashar Assad to POTU$A Obombast Obomba, POTU$A Maga Trumpet, three-times-would-be-POTU$A Hillery Shrillery Killery Clingon and their host of compulsively anti-Communist serial false-promisers.
Hello again Dr M. “Tell that to Chairman Mao” indeed. However Jimmy was trying to talk about the hyper propagandized West. In the capitalist countries the patriarchal bias in the culture is good at teaching that it is “a sin” to speak of the virtue of real Marxist social understanding. A sin often punishable by death or social isolation. The insane thing is that to speak the truth in the West one must employ Marxist analysis correctly. But in the United States this is so illegal that people just are not willing to even consider going there. Why? They want to survive. So when Americans are placed under so much pressure that they absolutely must speak the truth they fall back on race as a substitute language for class. This is safe, socially acceptable and sort of works, after a fashion. Americans are sane enough to know that if they speak in terms of class they will be ignored. So all this pressure for truth bursts out into the stress of race relations and the discussions that pertain to it. It makes a recognizable degree of sense as white privilege is a stand in for the oppressive bourgeois class and black oppression is a metaphor for the oppressed proletariat. But all this, being a prime example of the American appetite for denial, is readily subject to mental distortion. This is where Harvard’s Critical Race Theory comes in. They start with the American Left’s inability to face class issues head on and its diversion into the “safe” terrain of racial justice matters and then twist it to fulfill the primary principle of capitalist class domination. Control of the mass mind through divide and conquer. So with Critical Race Theory the ruling class can again rest easy at night. Because now they have the trained masses totally fixated on racial issues and safely inoculated against any possible unity of the American people across racial lines in furtherance of the real class issues. Critical Race Theory is classic, preemptive, strategic, divide and conquer. Just one more round of sophisticated bourgeois perpetuation of the ancient Roman art of divide and conquer. Critical Race Theory is fascist imperialism. What else could Harvard produce? It is an institution dedicated to the management of empire.
And then again we can view this from the perspective of the critique of patriarchal egoism. The masters of which are the English and the Talmudic tribe. I read that of the 8 Ivy League Universities in America, 7 of them have Jewish presidents. Someone on the Unz Review wrote that America is an ongoing civil war between Protestants, Catholics and Jews. That all flies below the radar, but then it leads to the understanding that in America organized Jewry is using the Blacks as a weapon against the whites (protestants) Hence Critical Race theory becomes a weapon by which the tribe can poison the self confidence of American protestants. The Synagogue of Satan has its agenda.
Excellent analysis! Not to seem too parochial, the white proletariat also longs to be and has been successfully propagandized to believe that they too, through hard work and perseverance, one day can be rich. The blacks, other than a lucky few in sports and entertainment and of course crime, for the most part know that’s not true and have simply opted out of the whole economic escalator thing and have instead chosen to exploit the welfare system to the greatest extent possible. Still proud white proles then, understandably, resent them doubly for it, still not recognizing who their actual class enemies are.
All of that is probably traceable back to the end of the Civil War and the flooding of the labor markets with newly “freed” (to be exploited) black slaves. Now throw in the current explosion of women and other minority immigrants in jobs previously reserved for men (mostly white), and the white male quite understandably realizes that his days of usefulness in this society are strictly numbered.
Hi! Yes the American white working class appears to be colonized from multiple directions all feeding into each other. Thank you for the details. It is good to flesh out the overall picture.
Snow Leopard, thank you for explaining the convoluted mental routes which the West’s socalled “elite” (“les elus” — the chosen people) construct in order to bypass reality.
Elite Harvard, bastion of privilege for the self-chosen, home of lost causes.
Bypass discovery?
Very perceptive comment. MLKj was assassinated not because he was speaking out for equality for black people but because he began to widen the call for equality to include both black and white. In short, he was murdered for initiating a class based analysis and activism.
Living in the USSR was misery of miseries. The same can be said of cultural “revolution” China.
CRT came from Harvard, the same place that was the source of Kennedy-Johnson’s “Best and the Brightest” that gave the USA the Vietnam debacle, Also Harvard gave the “shock therapy” that devastated Russia in the 90s.. Why Harvard still has its “elite” reputation is beyond me. The problem is that “White Liberals” are very racist and the minorities generalize to the rest of the population.
Jimmy Moglia! Your writings are a treat to the brain and soul ! Thank you Sir from the bottom of my heart!
Whatever you do, don’t look at the Jewish Supremacist State:
“The Jewish supremacist state (A comment on B’Tselem’s ‘apartheid regime’ designation for Israel)”
Eis a prova de que juntando um monte de palavras tentando justificar seu preconceito não consegue sair da lamentação sobre o que Marx escreveu e não entendeu nada. São pessoas assim que se acham eruditos que representam essa direita? Se for ta ruim, hein.
Yandex translate. Mod:
This is proof that by putting together a bunch of words trying to justify his prejudice he cannot get out of lamenting what Marx wrote and understood nothing. Are people like this who think they are scholars who represent this right? If it’s bad, huh.
The group that seeks total control over America, the Ashkenazi are themselves white supremists projecting that supremacy onto the working class. They are so supreme that they hate other white people and want to generally harm and displace them.
CRT is gaslighting by teams of Khazarian psychologists pretending to be authors and teachers and journalists.
American’s must fight to avoid becoming Palestinians.
The goal is to basically sodomize the US culturally in the hope that the working class of America whether european origin or African or Latino will split and then try to isolate each group into despair.
To constantly attack another group you need an excuse a fig leaf and that fig leaf is that the Ashkenazi are inherently good and other white people are inherently bad. It is a repackaged form of the Kipling ‘white man’s burden’ for the Ashkenazi to save the world from the barbarian other whites.
Like all of these things this is a very big deception and is basically a front for occupation by these Ashkenazi colonizers.
“Zeitgeist’ gives a habitation and a name to a range of concurrent, palpable and often-irrational phenomena observed by many, and yet not immediately traceable to a source.”
Yes, take for example the property market here in the lower mainland of BC. Where I live a friends home which he built only 9 years ago sold for the mind numbing price of 1.7 million dollars?
A house in a poor locality with no views out the windows except for the neighbors next door, laminate flooring and no name fixtures throughout. 8 bedrooms however? The insanity of this leaves one in such disbelief that it boggles the mind. The central banker Paul Warburg was right what he said back in the 1920’s upon witnessing the roaring Jazz age:
“The world lives in a fools paradise based upon fictitious wealth rash, promises and mad illusions. We must beware of booms based upon false prosperity which has it roots in inflated credits and prices.”
Further to this I learned after talking to a number of people one lady realtor in our community made an astonishing income of $920,000.00 dollars last year? During covid?
Where this is going to lead or end is frightening. I work in the oil and gas sector and income wise no one has the kind of income to support what is occurring in the property market and the homeless population just continues to grow? As for my friend even he without the basement suite and sublets of bedrooms can afford to keep going as is?
Wouldn’t a Paul Warburg today be justified in calling the white race stupid?
By the way this quote is interesting:
For example, in the name of equity, UCLA law professor and critical race theorist Cheryl Harris has proposed suspending private property rights, seizing land and wealth and redistributing both along racial lines.
as I said somewhere else that some super duper IQ is going to pull off one of the greatest Robinhood moments in human history.
From your 26th reader. The spirit of our times is embodied by a total lack of the spirit. Spirit is something that others will notice. In today’s world, all that is noticeable is the total lack of spirit. Ziegist has no meaning in this day and age. The spirit of the times today, is a lack there of.
Zeitgeist indeed:
“Yet the president of the ADL (Anti Defamation League) called for the commentator’s dismissal on grounds of racism and, by inference, ‘antisemitism’. Conclusion: he who does not agree with the Zionists is antisemitic. Or rather, since the ADL’s reason for being is to combat antisemitism, it follows that the targets of ADL’s wrath are by definition antisemitic.”
Your point of view is reasonable. But you have already surrendered to the misuse of Language. [Misuse of language is a major weapon used to enslave & deprive people of their Liberty, by routs od depriving them of their ability to reason.
Read along with me: “I am not an anti-Semite; I like Arabs.”
The overwhelming majority of Jews are NOT Semites (Semites are peoples from the Middle East.). The Zionists propagandize (made easy by their ownership of the Media), that they are Semites, (and thereby lay some claim to ownership -and domination- of the Middle East). They confuse the issue of ownership of someone else’s land, as they criminalize & repress all criticism of their Power Elite, as being some form of ‘Racism’ some form of generational hatred against Jews.
They stand History & Reason on their heads. Jimmy Moglia, can you correctly identify Semites?
Durruti – nom de guerre, Dr. Peter J. Antonsen
I LOVE Ignatief’s description!
If you replace ‘white’ with ‘jewish’ it makes Perfect sense!
It’s the same desperate trick – Bidet’s jewish handlers used when they got their demented clown to say Putin’s is a killer.
*** If you are a jewish male, you don’t deserve to live. You are a cancer, you’re a disease, jewish males have never contributed anything positive to the world!
*** The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the jewish race. Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or foreign.
*** Treason to jewishness is loyalty to humanity.
*** The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the jewish race.
Predatory psychopathic projection has never been this revealing…I could not put it together better myself
Thank you zio ‘professor’!
I am often curious about the process and path of how a WASP elite and nation is transformed into another… Thing.
Dear Jimmie,
According to certain seers, the terms of the Zeitgeist morph with time and location, outwith the control of any person. Those seers recommend that one study and understand his own personal foibles, in order to live life free in the uncontrolled folly of the Zeitgeist.
Searching out the origins of any doctrine may be illuminating even as searching out the history of apricots. However, those subject to the will of a government they increasingly despise are little comforted and those oblivious to what is going on will only be puzzled as to why this article has seen print.
The issue of doctrine that is really important for those who despise it is the termination of individuals and institutions which support it. The real issue in dealing with despised governments is to eliminate them. One might leave such a government’s jurisdiction or overthrow it, but short of that there are no really satisfactory solutions.
True, in some cases the electoral process can be used to eliminate mild cases, but as it is now that road is increasingly unavailable. With the fall of Trump I expect there will never again be an election in which real opposition will be allowed to surface. Without real opposition there is no hope.
The US needs enemies. The more the merrier and the more angry the better. Means to encourage the desire to terminate this state are more important than to research the origins of its madness. The historical US government fell in March of 2020. The current regime is a usurper and one need look no further than that. Moreover, the cowardly US population is a mere shadow of its own self image. Defenders of liberty and justice? I feel sick when I think of it.
I do not know how far this comment will proceed. The Saker abhors any mention of real resistance for it will certainly involve violence. Worse, it may be futile since the US has the military might to put down any internal resistance. He is also worried about the suppression of his blog and, perhaps, his own deportation as he makes clear in his recent announcement. Understandable, because his real object is the protection of Russia and not the salvation of the US. Still, I doubt he can avoid the attentions of the dictatorship.
For this reason I do not expect any real discussion of the overriding question here. The illegitimacy of the current US government and what to do about it? It is this government that continuously baits Russia. It is this government that is well on the way to founding Orwell’s Oceania. It is this government that is a threat to Russia, China and the world. It is this government that is a liar, a cheat, and a thief.
A third world war might be a godsend compared to what is slowly unfolding. The short term, rational considerations of peace ignore the consequences of trying to live with Oceania. A prospect I have no hope for. War will come, sooner or later. Perhaps, a real nuclear war, but, more likely, Oceania will seek sporadic, conventional or marginally nuclear war across the world to weaken its prey.
“The short term, rational considerations of peace ignore the consequences of trying to live with Oceania.”
In significant part your sentence above is predicated on various assumptions and projections, the most important of which I suggest is “trying to live with Oceania”.
Another is that “rational” has one definition, not many.
You also apparently fail to understand another of your sentences namely
” It is this government that is a threat to Russia, China and the world.”
since “this government” lives in the world and hence “this government” is a threat to itself.
Such statements tend to be facilitated by immersion in some social relations of representation where sole/prime agency is invested in the representatives, also deemed by some to be “virtual reality”.
This writer has my total respect. He has the needed courage to tell us the truth.
We are indeed living in a world full of ignatievs. These very same ignatievs lie in their so called “medias” from the morning to the evening without any shame.
There is no Left, there is no Right. There are ignatievs and human kind. The ignatievs are warmongers, the scum of the earth, they should have no place in our countries, not now, not ever.
The dystopia will continue for centuries, maybe millennia, if we do not stand up to this threat of the whole human kind.
how it manifests is like this: when you stand up theories reasonable enough for consideration and discussion you are deemed a conspiracy theorist.
when you name the participants and perpetrators of said theories, you either become a racist or an antisemite…or both if your particular theory is correct…😁
Its these kind of guys that manipulate the numbers( the ‘Zeitgeist,’) by 10, or more, times (units) to communicate among themselves when the danger might be approaching, yet still keep their distance from the masses.
Like when the vix goes to 16 people start to threaten to jump from tall buildings until it rises to calm the nerves, one day that sucker is going to drop.
Mr. Moglia,
You tackle the real problems. Every one of your ideas is so just. I have been knowing them for a long time but, still, I am glad to see them exposed in writing. I note your saying that [the Zeitgeist changed in the early 1960s]. It has been a personal idea of mine for a long time, my way of saying it (in my mind) being: “the Great Hinge between the world-of-before and the modern world is the 1960s decade”.
I am French. The work of crushing the white males has been done and completed in France, but it is only beginning in the US.
“Blaise Pascal, “Tous comprendre est tous pardonner” – to understand everything is to excuse all.” Jimmie Moglia
Being French i found the spelling “tous” at least strange, and i therefore started to search.
The sole quote with that spelling comes from: POLITICAL LIBERALISM John Rawls 1993
“Learning to tolerate another’s perspective in the sense of appreciating it brings us close to, but does not compel, embracing Pascal’s “Tous comprendre est tous pardonner.” n162 [*1322] To summarize, I tolerate your views when I believe them to be false, yet I appreciate their significance, respect their derivation, or permit you to utter them because suppressing them will cause a greater harm.”
[*1322] = ??
n162 “To understand everything is to forgive everything.” Good modern french would spell “Tout comprendre est tout pardonner”
which can be found in Il perdono che scioglie la rabbia – Psicologa Monica Orma a Modena
Perdono – “Tout comprendre est tout pardonner” (“Capire tutto è perdonare tutto”), scrive Pascal. A torto, sostiene Jankelevic. Se tutto è compreso, non resta più niente da perdonare.
The problem is that i cannot find were that quote attributed to Pascal comes from, there a reference only regarding Tolstoy.
“Tout comprendre, c’est tout pardonner”. La Guerre et la paix – Léon Tolstoï To understand all is to forgive all. ― Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
(No chapter or page indicated for either quote.)
« Tout comprendre c’est tout pardonner…. Ce qui n’implique pas l’approbation. » Thérèse B. Bayol
In French pardonner is neither to excuse or aprove, nor grant an it just means to forgive, or oversee.
Pardonner n’est pas absoudre!
Tolstoy can of course have quoted Pascal but forgiving is central, if not fundamental, to Christianty anyway…
Excuse me for being petty but all too often is unrelated reasoning excused by misspelled misquotations.
I am always grateful to him/her who corrects my errors. On my (extremely reduced) defence quite a few( French) friends of mine (and others) say ‘tous’ when (as you pointed out) mean ‘tout’.
And I will join the barricades of any movement whose aim is to preserve the integrity and the beauty of this beautiful (French) language.
Thank you for the excellent and informative essay, as always
Calvino wrote, almost a quarter of a century ago: “…the people who move through the streets are all strangers. At each encounter, they imagine a thousand things about one another; meetings which could take place between them, conversations, surprises, caresses, bites. But no one greets anyone; eyes lock for a second, then dart away, seeking other eyes, never stopping.” This is Marco Polo, describing a city of Kublai Kahn’s empire to the emperor (but, in fact, this, and all the cities Marco describes to the Kahn, are aspects of his home town, Venice).
And here we are, with face masks, social distancing and injections. But I suspect Calvino was a generous man. Do we still have the power to even imagine the infinite and wonderful possibilities of such encounters in that most democratic of forums, the street?
I’ve read a lot of Marx’s writings and can recall little reference to this hard-wired class identity the “cultural Marxist” decriers allude to. Our writer here makes reference to “several causative events occurred in the narrow space of two or three years, in the early 1960s. Especially the introduction and triumph of Cultural Marxism in American universities, and the passing of Parliament acts opening up unlimited immigration in the US.”
But I know of no academic courses offered in academia. None are listed by the writer. There is no example of “Cultural Marxism” given. The implication is that Marxism insists that the proletariat is locked into class identity and cannot escape being consciously or unconsciously moved by it. The corollary is that ethnicity, race and sexual preference deliver the same trap and is the crux of “cultural Marxism.”
Why not just call this recent trend what it is? Identity Politics. Leave the references to Marxism alone. I first heard the term “cultural Marxism” used by “right-wing” or conservative commentators – usually in regard to identity politics, BLM/Antifa or Critical Race Theory and proponents thereof. It was/is generally the attempt to use “Marxism” as a wide net to deride or dismiss the many different protests etc…resulting from the torture and murder of George Floyd. Just as the Blue Team like to throw around the term “Nazi,” in bush-league attempts to criticize the Right, so does the Red Team throw around the term “Marxist.”
Of course BLM gave the Red Team its own ammunition. When I first read that two of the three founders of BLM referred to themselves as “trained Marxists” my interest was indeed piqued. However, no where in all of the various BLM (or even Antifa) protests, speeches, communications, etc… do I find much reference to Marxist ideas or terms. Nowhere do I hear about labor value, or surplus value, or class solidarity or scientific materialism or class consciousness – Marxist terms. So apparently these “trained Marxists” were more interested in Marx the revolutionary than Marx the economist/proponent of working class solidarity.
Referring to the identity politics/CRT trend in the US and the west in general as “cultural Marxism” merely muddies the waters and does nothing to counter its effect of dividing the masses into hopelessly trapped identity groups. There is a reason why BLM is funded by Uber-Capitalist entities like the Ford Foundation: it keeps the masses divided while the pillage continues.
Actually, I couldn’t care less about the Zeitgeist.
There are still a few people with a clear head who engage in original thought, and that is the reason why I am drawn to you, Jimmie.
Whether these few are ‘left’ or ‘right’ is not that important. When the boat leans left, I lean right, and vice versa. I don’t fancy capsizing or falling overboard.
The long march through the institutions proposed by Rudi Dutschke in the late 1960s as a strategy for establishing conditions for revolution by subverting society through infiltration of its institutions, and the critical theory of the Frankfurt School, did not produce the desired social and economic change.
The Greens as the direct descendants of this crowd allowed themselves to be co-opted by the very system their ideological forebears had intended to subvert. They came to an arrangement with that system, which offered them integration and realization of some petty projects and goals in exchange for a commitment to not challenge the fundamental structure. Completely detached from the struggle between productive capital and workforce, they have, like Antifa and other perversions of the left, become the sales people and enforcers of global finance capital, that is, the hidden hand.
These initiatives lack spirit. They are empty. And they will fail.
“Es gibt Dinge, die an nichts anderem scheitern als an sich selbst. Dadurch korrigiert sich selbst die Welt und kommt wieder ins Gleichgewicht.”
– Franz Kafka, Das Schloss