by Jimmie Moglia

“If this were played upon a stage now,
I could condemn it as an improbable fiction.”

(Twelfth Night, act 3, sc. 4)

By general consent, in American elections there is no kingdom for a stage, there are no princes to act, nor monarchs to behold the swelling scene (1). By tacit agreement, elections hover midway between a farce and a theater of marionettes.

These preludial considerations are necessary, lest any of my 25 readers, more fiercely engaged in the electoral process, may suspect me of dubious political leniencies – for I will not join in the rabid attacks on Trump coming from the right, the left, the center and many other angles in-between. Which leaves us to wonder about the reason of such a combination among men who agree in nothing else.

To start, I like Mexico and Mexicans. In fact, though history butters no turnips, Mexicans have a more-than-sentimental, historical right to the American Southwest, given that in 1848, the Polk administration annexed it and invaded Mexico in the bargain, no doubt (then as now), to bring thither “freedom and democracy.”

Actually, there was a strong and vocal current in Congress wanting to annex the whole of Mexico. They didn’t only because Mexico had outlawed slavery, and the majority had the decency to reject its re-imposition.

Equally, having worked for a few years in the Middle East, I have regard and a certain romantic admiration for some aspects of Islamic culture, including its respect for womanhood. For what is worth, I find more enticing deep black eyes, twinkling behind a veil, than buttocks in broad view protruding from a ‘G’ string.

Even Romeo, not known for subtleties in matters of sex, when thinking of Juliet, imagined that,

“…Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,
Having some business, do entreat her eyes
To twinkle in their spheres till they return.”(2)

Furthermore, Wahabism, Takfirism and other pseudo-Islamic “isms,” only recently surfaced in Muslim nomenclature, are but spurious byproducts of sinister and macabre plots combining imperialism, Zionism, militarism, financial colonialism, (dis)colored revolutions and, of course, terrorism.

Whereas in Syria, the current administration has played the double game of the fake war on Isis, while helping Isis to succeed, following a classic Orwellian script.

That said, I do not believe that Trump would bar Muslims from entering the United States because of their religion. As for immigration, many, including Mexican nationals residing in the United States, agree that order and consistency, as opposed to disorder and incongruity, should govern the applicable policies.

As for border walls, I don’t believe that Trump would do more than what already done.

It is customary practice for political leaders, since Greece and Rome, to make bold and thunderous statements to capture the attention of an audience. It being even more necessary today, thanks to a run-away deafening media, in which “all is uneven and everything is left at six and seven.” (3)

There is a concerted effort to make it impossible for Trump to be nominated or elected, and opposition has kindled into hatred. Which had to be expected, if not else, because the mass-media has declared war on him – even though Trump has attempted (apparently without success), to deflect the Zionist wrath by statements about friendship with Israel, etc.

The trouble with Trump is that he has shed pretense and pretense is the sister of hypocrisy. It is as if he said “Now step I forth to whip hypocrisy.”(4) And given the 30-year plus mass-conditioning, habituation and assuefaction to hypocrisy of all shades, colors and variations, the change is unwanted, dreaded and hated. Trump says it like it is, whereas in a face dimpled with smiles it is often discovered treachery, betrayal and envy.

This is indeed a change, and notwithstanding claims to the contrary by some pundits, American culture hates change, in proportion as it declares itself progressive. Part of this collective frame of mind is the notion that nowhere else in the world conditions of life are better than in America.

Some may still remember the case of Amanda Knox, the American girl involved in a sordid sex-orgiastic murder in Italy. She was found guilty and condemned, only to be released on appeal on technicalities. After all, the servant has no claims against the wrongdoings of the master’s daughter.

But for her parents the greatest worry was not her murder, rather, the fear that their daughter might be imprisoned in an Italian jail, as if prisons in Texas were a model of humane treatment and redeeming education, rather than the hellish pits of which sometimes we hear of.

It is a syndrome, the core of an ideology – that is, a feeling of exceptionalism even affecting the man in the street, for whom “everyone wants to come here”, hence here is The Best.

A kind of autistic mythology imbued from the media and the movies, which also makes imperialism presentable and successful, especially when paraded as the export of a superior civilization.

But the more this sense of superiority develops, the more, however confusedly, it engenders a sense of encirclement (of America) by life-styles felt as threats to their own.

Trump is not really a threat of this magnitude. But just the hint that “he would talk to Russia” is a menace, especially to the trillion dollar military industry.

I suspect that the rabid, bi-partisan hatred of Trump reflects a deep-seated fear of change in an accepted and ingrained mode of thought – fear aptly supported, promoted and inflamed by those who stand to lose by even a modest advance of sincerity (in a president).

In contrast, the meaningless “Yes we can” by Obama, sweeps under the metaphorical rug everything that happened, at home and abroad, the destruction of Libya and Iraq, the fomented and financed “revolutions” in Ukraine and Honduras, the wholesale drone assassinations at weddings and funerals, the installation of black Anglosaxons in position of authority, but otherwise remote and callously indifferent to their kin to the point of poisoning them in mass, as with the water in Flint, Michigan, the declining standard of living of the 99% .

The list may be “as long as nights in Russia, when nights are longest there.” (5).

“Give me ten thousand eyes, and I will fill them with prophetic tears”(6), for I am afraid we will end up with the first woman warmongering president and the first Zionist, warmongering vice-president.

Those so inclined to vote, may benefit by watching repeatedly this 10 second video-snippet, which tells more about the character than a treatise of bible-length. Lest the temptation to vote her withdraws their attention from the atrociousness of the guilt.

To confute the attacks on Trump by so many media notables and quotables would be useless. I can only respond with a trademarked demonstrative act. Consisting of vigorously giving the middle finger salute to all pundits, puppets and pimps of power, past, present and future.

PS. Those interested in an analysis of the Sanders candidacy may wish to read “Head in the Sanders”,

  1. King Henry V
  2. Romeo and Juliet
  3. King Richard II
  4. Love’s Labours Lost
  5. Measure for Measure
  6. Troilus and Cressida

In the play, (starting quote). Fabian cannot contain his laughter at Malvolio’s behavior.