While I realize a a minority of hardcore Hillarybots will accuse me of endorsing Trump, most will realize that one can recognize the high quality of a political message without necessarily endorsing anybody.

In this case, I just saw this ad and, wow, in just 30 seconds it says it all.  And, sorry Dems, it is 100% factually correct.

Which makes me notice something else: the Dems center all their political efforts on lies, lies and more lies.  Frankly, this time around, the Trump campaign uses a very powerful weapon: the truth!

I was awed when the Dems nominated Hillary.  Awed by the utter stupidity of this action as Hillary was probably the only Dem candidate which could actually lose to Trump.

This time around, they pushed Biden.  Amazing….  Although knowing how corrupt and cynical the Neocons are, they will now probably eventually ditch Biden too.  Either that, or they will try to start a full-scale color revolution (again).  After all, to the Neocons, any democratic election deserves to be “corrected” via a color revolution.  You think I am exaggerating?  Maybe I am, but when I think of the very real possibility Biden might go to jail, possibly with Schiff and a host of other deep-staters, I don’t think I would put anything past the Neocons and the DNC.

Anyway, I leave you with this ad which might be the best I have ever seen.

What do you think?  Are you as impressed as I am or not.

Kind regards

The Saker