By Walt Garlington for the Saker blog
A lot of people in the United States, millions of MAGA folks we would imagine, consider the US not just a good and pleasant place to live but something much more than this – as the pinnacle of human society, in fact: past, present, AND future. Nothing will ever surpass it, they believe.
But is there a shred of evidence to support such a belief?
Not really. The evidence actually points us in the opposite direction, that the beliefs at the heart of the ‘American experiment’ are extremely detrimental to a healthy society.
At the heart of this belief system is the dogma of the power of the individual to shape life as he wishes it to be (which is very much akin to black magick). It appeared early, as shown here in Federalist No. 49, which was written in 1788 (bolding added):
‘As the people are the only legitimate fountain of power, and it is from them that the constitutional charter, under which the several branches of government hold their power, is derived; it seems strictly consonant to the republican theory, to recur to the same original authority, not only whenever it may be necessary to enlarge, diminish, or new-model the powers of government; but also whenever any one of the departments may commit encroachments on the chartered authorities of the others. The several departments being perfectly co-ordinate by the terms of their common commission, neither of them, it is evident, can pretend to an exclusive or superior right of settling the boundaries between their respective powers; and how are the encroachments of the stronger to be prevented, or the wrongs of the weaker to be redressed, without an appeal to the people themselves; who, as the grantors of the commission, can alone declare its true meaning and enforce its observance?’
The individual here described is a ‘fountain of power’ who has the ability to shape government into whatever form he wishes, since he is sovereign. Thus, he is also the final authority in determining the meaning of laws for himself and whether or not they should be obeyed.
This line of thought would continue to develop, culminating in 1992’s federal Supreme Court majority opinion in Casey v Planned Parenthood, which declared, ‘At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.’
The federal high court’s reasoning in that case spawned other execrable and immoral decisions, such as Obergefell v Hodges (legalizing same-sex ‘marriage’) and Lawrence v Texas (legalizing sodomy).
All of this is the regression of human development, not its advancement. It is consonant with the spirit of Antichrist, as described in the Book of the Holy Prophet Daniel (7:23-25, bolding added):
‘”Thus he said: `As for the fourth beast, there shall be a fourth kingdom on earth, which shall be different from all the kingdoms, and it shall devour the whole earth, and trample it down, and break it to pieces. As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings shall arise, and another shall arise after them; he shall be different from the former ones, and shall put down three kings. He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High, and shall think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand for a time, two times, and half a time.’
St. Jerome provides a commentary on the bolded portion:
‘The Antichrist will wage war against the saints and will overcome them; and he shall exalt himself to such a height of arrogance as to attempt changing the very laws of God and the sacred rites as well. He will also lift himself up against all that is called God, subjecting all religion to his own authority.’
The modern American project of god-like, autonomous individuals is Promethean/Luciferian at its core, attempting to ‘change the times and the law’ given by the All-Holy Trinity in ever more disturbing ways – by pursuing genetically modified crops and animals; synthetic biology; transgenderism; transhumanism; etc.
Is it any wonder that many tradition-respecting countries are becoming reluctant to ally with Washington City and its friends in the wider apostate West?
Within the US itself there is, nevertheless, resistance; there are dissenting voices and views. The people of New England and their descendants in Utah and in the cities along the Pacific Coast have always been at the forefront of pushing new, subversive ideologies – feminism, communism, polygamy/Mormonism, homosexual rights, man-boy love, polyamory.
But outside of Yankeedom we meet with more reasonable, more traditional voices. The South, for instance, the South shorn of Yankee-imposed ideologies, that is true to her history and character and inherited customs – Southerners of this kind insist on the ‘given-ness’ of creation, on its immutability, that man must respect certain boundaries regarding it or risk experiencing great cataclysms and tragedies. Wendell Berry, a typical Southern agrarian of this sort, writes in his essay ‘The Gift of Good Land,’
‘It [the land—W.G.] is a gift because the people who are to possess it did not create it. It is accompanied by careful warnings and demonstrations of the folly of saying that “My power and the might of mine hand hath gotten me this wealth” (Deuteronomy 8:17). Thus, deeply implicated in the very definition of this gift is a specific warning against hubris, which is the great ecological sin, just as it is the great sin of politics. People are not gods. They must not act like gods or assume godly authority. If they do, terrible retributions are in store. In this warning we have the root of the idea of propriety, of proper human purposes and ends. We must not use the world as though we created it ourselves.
‘The Promised Land is not a permanent gift. It is “given,” but only for a time, and only for so long as it is properly used. . . .
‘In token of His landlordship, God required a sabbath for the land, which was to be fallow every seventh year; and a sabbath of sabbaths every fiftieth year, a “year of jubilee,” during which not only would the fields lie fallow, but the land would be returned to its original owners, as if to free it of the taint of trade and the conceit of human ownership. But beyond their agricultural and social intent, these sabbaths ritualize an observance of the limits of “my power and the might of mine hand”—the limits of human control. Looking at their fallowed fields, the people are to be reminded that the land is theirs only by gift; it exists in its own right, and does not begin or end with any human purpose’ (The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell Berry, Norman Wirzba edr., Counterpoint, Berkeley, Cal., 2002, pgs. 295-6).
A Dixieland that has undergone a thorough detox from the Yankee/American liquor (to borrow a phrase from Mr. Lavrov) would no doubt feel quite at home with other nations/ethnoi of the Global South, BRICS, 2nd/3rd world, or whatever name one wishes to give them – with countries like Brazil, Iran, Russia, India, etc. – as would other regional/cultural groups that are currently ideological and/or economic thralls of the regime in Washington City: the States, or large swaths of counties, of the Great Plains, Rocky Mountains, and Desert Southwest. The Native tribes of North America and Hawai’i probably need no such correctives for them to feel affection for the Global South countries at this present time.
Many folks in the States (those influenced by the Heritage Foundation, Hillsdale College, Fox News, and so on) think that by embracing the revolutionary heritage of 1776, the Declaration of Independence, the Gettysburg Address, and all the rest of it, that they are helping themselves, and mankind in general, progress to higher levels of being. This is a fantastic delusion. The best way they could help the peoples of the world is by rejecting all of this nonsense and rejoining the larger part of humanity in living with humility and restraint within the divinely established order, pattern, and laws of the creation.
We seek a kingdom that is not of this earth for we know the earth is not eternal. We know in the last days the earth will be filled with violence, and liken to the days of Noah.
John 18:36
Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
God’s Kingdom may not be of this earth, but Jesus came to establish it on the earth. Or, the origin of God’s kingdom is from heaven, but Jesus came to establish it on earth as well.
“Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”
Every problem on earth has a godly solution. But Christians have been lazy, blaming their lack of impact on society and the world on everything (especially their rapture nonsense) but their laziness whereby their salt has lost its flavor, good for nothing.
The rapture nonsense (which comprises the “Anti-Christ” figure, which actually was Ceasar of Rome, and the degeneration of society) is in great part responsible for Christians not impacting society as they should. Non-Christians are just being naturally what they are and influencing the world according to their nature. Wake up, Christians, we need to fight back.
“Greater works than these shall they do.” – Jesus
Now many would say what could the defeat of the CSA Dixie Confederacy have to do with Russia?
Well, it is a fact that Czar Alexander II in 1863 sent the entire Russian Navy to blockade New York and San Francisco, with a written warning to London and Paris, that any imperial attempt to interfere would be an act of war with Russia. Britain was the single supporter of the CSA, and see :
Give Liverpool a call and re-open the CSA embassy.
This ensured the victory of the North by President Lincoln, and afterwards the Reconstruction of the South, and the rapid spread of modern industry to Japan, Russia, Germany…
Russia does not corroborate the defeated Dixie Whistle of the Author – half slave half free.
Are we dealing with the Promise Keepers again? We find the CSA flag at Maidan, well known in Kiev.
The Russian Squadron in New York , 1863 :
Walt – do you travel?
Seems your idealism easily matches the US variety. Brazil – which I care about deeply – is in horrendous shape. The people, wonderfully good hearted as a rule, are lost in a welter of confusion about spirituality (contaminated with spiritualism), morality/natural law, etc, etc. It is a grand mess and many of the other countries of South America are even worse. Central America is devastated in its own way. Travel around Mexico, and although the good people reject abortion, the masons have thoroughly infiltrated and corrupted through the techno takeover and other means (as in most SA countries).
Now, try to find a sound society in Europe. Good luck. It is so sad that I wont even comment, although I could expound for hours. Try to practice religious freedom in China. Even traditional religions are restricted unless they are under state control. E.g. only state-sponsored Taoism is allowed – ancient lineage schools are out. And you can of course forget Tibetan Buddhism.
The US has been the biggest power for some decades, and that is why evil uses it for a large part of its work. But corruption is a human problem and we are in a moment of vast and worldwide human degradation. Exceptions abound, but they are mostly scattered by necessity because any organized group working for good is attacked, as should be obvious.
One of the biggest ironies of our times is to see intellectuals rail against the injustices of the big powers, while simultaneously viewing Christianity as a primitive superstition. They cannot see that precisely the same force that is currently oppressing countries and people is one and the same that pushed the “there is no God, it all just happened” ruse (which they and so many of us fell for hook, line, and sinker).
I hope there is a bit more time to buy lamp oil, but sadly, most people have not the slightest idea what it is, how to buy it, nor the price to purchase it.
> The Promised Land is not a permanent gift. It is “given,” but only for a time, and only for so long as it is properly used. . . .
where in the south, like Texas, 83% of land is privately owned and mined and stripped… the rich don’t pay income taxes, privatized natural resources and all were slave owners. Not the least, natives were huddled out to Tulsa (summer like Houston, winter like Chicago) ghetto and made sure what God gave is “properly” used…
reeks of hypocrisy
The basis of the USA is the sacredness of the individual and that individuals power to transform society for the good, hence “a more perfect union”. You have confused a liberal/British notion of what you call the power of the individual with a more proper conception which is at the heart of the our Declaration of Independence and Preamble of our Constitution. The USA is the first nation to be based on the fact individuals have inalienable rights given to us from God in opposition to the arbitrary rule of kings and despots. You are right to reject the idea that what ever an individual believes is their truth and therefore truthful but that is not what the USA is based on. Has the USA increasingly since the death of FDR became a tool of the British empire, I’d say yes but what your proposing is that Americans give up their cultural/religious heritage that we’re made in the image of God. What your proposing is to replace this precious idea that all men are created equal in the image of God and replace it with an oligarchical/agrarian idea of mother earth gia. Remember we are not stewards of the earth, God commands us to take dominion over the earth and subdue it!
Dennis Daulton That is a very excellent way of putting out the truth. Thank you.
“…God commands us to take dominion over the earth and subdue it…”
We are doomed unless we shake off these ancient, ridiculous and childish fairy tales.
Richard Dawkins: “Faith is belief without evidence and reason; coincidentally that’s also the definition of delusion.”
Richard Dawkins (again) “Isn’t it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too?”
Dawkins said, “We are closer cousins to amoebas than amoebas are to bacteria; we are very close cousins
to amoebas and this puts us in our place.”
Is that the amoeba or bacteria speaking?
Both seem to have voice at the Two Ponzi party system of amoeba’s and bacteria’s.
Perhaps in the beginning one did have to take dominion over, but it was the landscape and the critters that needed to be tamed, today we misuse the phrase and substitute people to quickly sweep the problem under the rug.
This is true but what if we organized mankind to take dominion of the solar system and get all nations working together on that. It’s the system of empire that sweeps people under the rug so it’s high time that we sweep globalization under and forge a new future.
You can barely get two people on the same page about most everything, and to get all working together on anything has already been proven impossible.
This works as a great metaphor. Unfortunately Walt actually believes to be real a bronze age sky daddy who Walt learned about through eons of multi-cultural hearsay. The great Canaanite Santa.
Recognition that one is steeped in and plagued by assorted cognitive errors about God and reality is precisely the great human achievement–lucerferian, if you wish.
This article is ecofeminist, and I applaud it.
The premise behind ecofeminism is that how we relate to “Mother Earth” and “Mother Nature” correlates to how we relate to the feminine. Cultures willing to detrimentally exploit Mother Earth for material gain are cultures willing to exploit women for fun and profit. Think Donald Trump, or MBS, or Bolsanaro. It’s the dominant paradigm.
Wendell Berry, like the article’s author, certainly qualifies as an unwitting ecofeminist. Note the line, “we must not use the world as though we created it ourselves.” We must not use Mother Earth/Mother Nature/the Feminine as though we created it ourselves. Are all the patriarchs getting it yet?
Deep ecology is the premise that the land has value not because of what humans get from it but independent of human utility. Deep ecology is an outgrowth of ecofeminism. Look this stuff up if you want to. The author is advocating ecofeminist/deep ecology perspectives, which I applaud. He is, in my opinion, absolutely correct in doing so.
My point is this: we are coming full circle. Conservative traditional men are unwittingly espousing common sense values that place Mother Earth/Mother Nature/the Feminine back into the realm of the sacred. The author bashes feminism because he does not yet know that he is an ecofeminist! How many other readers find themselves in the same position?
The author’s ideological enemies are his own relatives, whose values he unwittingly shares. Only a veil of ignorance prevents him from seeing the truth. I could ramble on about conservatives actually sharing socialist ideals too.
Luciferianianism doesn’t really get touched on in this article. There is an elite pedophile ring running America.. The normalization of satanic politics is becoming recognized as a real thing, from Biden sniffing girls to the Kalergi plan to Nazis to FTX’ controlled demolition to Jeffrey Epstein to Mozart PMC organ harvesting to Talmudic Zionism. The spiritual Rebellion against mammon’s Empire (led by Russia! Led by Christ!) is our only real hope. But this article, despite its title, doesn’t go there. It needs to be talked about, and brought into the open.
I’d like to write more (a lot more) but I’m typing on my phone without edits. Thanks for reading
I had a hard time making the connection to luceferianism from the thrust of his article too. In my mind luciferanism is the actual practice of satanic rights. I do agree with your observation that a group of elites in political power are shaping policy but what proof connects them to luciferanism ideology. Are their actions out of greed, power, control just those of people with irrepressible power and a psychopathic bent.
And again, confusion of America as her soi disant elites — that erupting cauldron of a certain ethnicity — rather than as patriots — of many ethnicities — and more to the point, the American frame-of-mind and spirit as shaped by decades numbering over 20.
Then skewer the straw man: America is evil, Satan Himself.
This is tiresome and tedious in its superficiality.
If we stick to facts rather than abridging rules of logic — straw men, yet — I think we might actually help Americans. Wouldn’t that be nice? They are beaten down, you know. The patriots I mean.
As for the residence of power, it is the same as the residence of authority, and that is the heart of the believer. Political power is way down the line, and in that respect I think the Federalists got it just about as well as is possible in the culture of The Latin Church. The culture of The Greek Church has different ways of mastering the dynamics of power in the polis. Fine, let them both develop their full potentials, and meanwhile take afternoon tea together once in a while, perhaps enjoy a morsel of sweet bread. There aren’t two Christs.
George Carlin was exceptionally correct. “You must be in awe of how religions have screwed up human minds”. I would add to that: “religion is the greatest mind controlling tool ever invented”.
None of the biggest masters in history were religious. NONE OF THEM. They all were SPIRITUAL. One doesn’t need any religious doctrines in order to live a humane existence.
Poor beaten down Americans who’ve sat back and watched ‘their’ political & financial elites’ genocide their way through the developing world. My heart bleeds! All those domestic firearms, combat experience, much more than the Taliban had to fight the Empire and yet, what do we see, read, hear, every other day – Lone shooter, kills schoolchildren, supermarket shoppers.
How come we don’t read; Heavily armed unit of patriots/vets enter after dinner Boris Johnson Wall Street $25k a head shindig for services to NATO and kill everyone, no prisoners, Bankers, CEOs, MSM, Chuck Schumer, John Bolton & 30 CIA/FBI security detail, all dead?
Cradle to grave dumbed down cowardly Americans happy to send their spawn to Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria to kill, maim and plunder resources, drone and train terrorists to fight The War on Terror.
Thank you for this article. Transhumanism, transgenderism, forcing us to eat insects, producing food from excrement, composting dead humans and even cannibalism are all being planned in a discreet but accessible way for everyone.
There is one thing I know that is very important: In order to get the help of the powers of darkness they must get the approval of their future victim and make them participate freely. It is not for nothing that he is called the evil one.
It is very important to say NO in a clear and unambiguous way, as this article does, to defeat them.
I guess millions of Chinese, Koreans, Muslims, Mexicans, Italians, Indians, Pakistanis, Phillipinos immigrate to America, become wealthy, successful affluent citizens of the U.S. and raise their families peacefully but the main reason they come here is because they secretly want to take part in the Luciferian American Germanic death cult that permeates every aspect of American culture. I have to now ask my great grandparents that came to America from one of the poorest countries in all of Europe why they chose to join the Luciferian American death cult. Putting all sarcasm aside, has the author of this article ever traveled to different cities in America, because it sure sounds like he has not. Is our government corrupt to the core, specially when it comes to our foreign policy? Of course it is, without a doubt the number one threat to stability and world peace. But to label a nation of 330 million inhabitants the land of Lucifer is just insanity. Go ahead and censor my comment at this point I don’t care, a lot of the authors in this site are becoming typical race hating, counter-productive, and intellectually dull charlatans.
The US has many Satanic traits. Often I read people trying to excuse their country because they say it is not representative of the people. Of course, anyone anywhere and at any point in time could say that as its barely measurable or quantifiable. On the other hand, how the US has consistently acted towards the human race is. And its definitely Satanic.
This author is correct, most of the people in the states are on a rather steep devolutionary path, but at the same time a handful of people are still working toward advancing the evolutionary process.
These two must clash as their interests are as far apart as their bank accounts and until a balance is reached there is nothing bringing the two parties closer to the middle.
In Los Angeles, where I witness it daily, the degeneration and devolution has been cultivated for so long that the subhuman stage has already been passed and is more and more subanimal. Insectoid biomass next.
Except when California stops producing, i’ll start worrying.
Were Americans sleeping when factory after factory, brick by brick, bolt by bolt, was being packed into containers and shipped to China by Mitt (the Shit) Romney’s Bain Capital and other Industrialists, err, Hedge-Funds?
Waking up years later to point the finger at China. Rather than lynching Romney & Ilk they kept returning him to the Senate to pass more Bills that took freedoms away from Main Street.
All the while, the 2fer1 Party, Dim-Repugnants, doled out the red&blue pills , flags and hats.
Everything in America is FAKE, the fiat, the tungsten gold plated bars in Fort Knox, the silicon tits, face, even ass, the food, the Stawk Market, the economy-GDP, F-35, a lot of the weapons are like damp squibs, missile defence systems which the Houthis exposed with $1000 drones in Saudi . . . .
Only the most seriously deluded of fools/patsies could possibly be oblivious to a 3-decade long depression in which DEBT kept/keeps most peoples’ heads above water.
The answer to your question is an unequivocal yes many Americans (not all) are in a hive minded, dormant state of complete apathy and complacency not much different from the current mental state of western Europeans. This was accomplished by first dividing the country by pitting the majority white Christian population against the rest of the minorities which are every bit as American as the whites although the MSM deceives them into believing otherwise. Its blue vs red, north vs south then once a critical mass of national division and strife is achieved they then move to the final stage which is the complete demonizing of any form of national pride which naturally leads to the emasculation of the men in any nation. This disruption of harmony between male and female, yin and yang in any society or nation is the perfect breeding ground for the complete subjugation of any population by those with malicious intent.
there is a great deal of truth in the words by Jonathan Helser who said:
“Jesus began a revolution with one word. He said the word Father, He changed everything. And now He has invited us into this reality, into this place of belonging to call God our papa, our Father. Abba!”
that of course takes us into what I have always believed that the single greatest political statement ever made is it not this?
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from the evil one.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.
All of all our problems confronting us is it not summed up quite well therewith?
As for America well when I was a teenager the scriptures prophecy about Babylon Rev. 17 / 18 and her seven hills was for me the City of Rome. When I discovered however, that Washington has seven hills as well I was like woe wait just a moment here? Could this Babylon be Washington? Then you start reading and learning about Freemasonry, all the political assassinations etc etc, why is it that anyone who tries to do the right thing politically in America winds up dead, you start to question a great many things?
Hmmm, by her magic spells she deceived the entire world?
Could it be? We shall see with who will ultimately fulfill the words in Rev. 13 about “no man can buy or sell unless he had the mark which is the number of his name.”
Glazyev’s “electronic prison” China’s Social credit scores and look what pops us next? Replace the dollar with a trackable spyware version?
will it be the US Banking sector who finally ends up fulfilling Biblical Prophecy is the most important question of the hour. To be QR Coded in the right hand or forehead is or should be the important question “for here is the mind that has wisdom,” St. John records for us in Rev. 13.
that technology can bring this to pass is it not alarming? look ahead not behind folks!!!!!!!
Maybe I’m misunderstanding the authors use of “ Promethean/Luciferian” but to compare Prometheus to Lucifer is an odd one. Ayn Rand also attacked Prometheus and I wouldn’t trust her in a million years. I think we have to realize that Christianity didn’t just grow out of the dirt, it was a process of development of very specific ideas relating to the nature of man. The pre-Christian world helped developed those ideas and the story of Prometheus is apart of that development much like Platos Phaedo dialogue is also. Jesus Christ brought a New Testament which presents a superior idea about the nature of man and our relationship to God that the Prometheus myth does not capture. It would be like attacking Moses for not being Jesus.
Going to the Bible for laws and assuming what are thought to be traditional Christian law are the same is problematic.
For instance polygyny is common in Bible and not prohibited. Divorce is another thing prohibited in Christian law.
Still i get the point of the article. Only issue is one could blow several holes in a religious only argument.
Its rather bizarre to write an article about how America is fallen and not assign any blame to its leaders. If the people were actually electing these leaders then yes, they would be responsible for the leaders actions but the elections have been fraudulent for decades. The people in America have made it pretty clear that they have no interest in an American Empire. They do not want constant war and bloodshed. They do not want their children sent to die in a faraway place they can’t even find on a map. I don’t know where Mr. Garlington lives, but most people who live around me here in Dixieland just want to have a job and their own home where they can raise their children in peace with hope for a better future.
If the point is that the American people need to rise up and have a massively violent and bloody revolution to throw off the evil corrupt hegemony run by the DeepState/NeoCons/NeoLibs, well, now you’re talking. But that’s a tall order for people just trying to survive another day and I think Lucifer would enjoy that result as well.
The revolutionary heritage of 1776, the Declaration of Independence, and the Gettysburg Address were not about helping mankind progress to higher levels of being. They were about the importance of treating every life as a gift from God and preventing the government from oppressing God’s children.
In keeping with the theme of this article, archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, speaks out against the evils he sees of our world’s spiritual decline. He has been an active speaker against this new world order and the imposition of people’s rights and is quite critical of the Pope.
While I like the political commentary on “Saker”, the shallow, redneck Russian bigotry is wearing thin. The tissue-thin excuses, when they’re even offered, are laughable: “Russia doesn’t have a legacy of accommodating gay people” (that was an actual offering!). So the American South should bring back Jim Crow? After all, THEY didn’t have a “legacy” of respecting people of color, so why change? The word “sodomy” did it for me, today. Let’s use a negative, invalidating word for the same behavior straight people engage in (sex), even if we have to excavate it from the Bronze Age authoritarian fantasies that spawned the world’s 3 most judgemental, violent “religions”. The childish notion underlying it is that a genetic quirk is voluntary. As though Tchaikovsky or Nureyev opted to be thus compromised in a society so inertia-bound as to be incapable of accommodating their brothers and sisters whose “differences” don’t affect anyone but themselves. Oh yeah. Then we’re told Russia is more “family friendly”! Sure. For everyone submissive to Patriarchy! bah!
I enjoyed this commentary.. The frivolous references to interpretations of bronze age holy scriptures and prophecies? Are just that, frivolous. The problem in the United States and elsewhere in the so-called Democratic Free World? Yes! we have the vote and the vote is the most important part of a people’s Democracy. Yet Voters don’t have the information, education or the choices among candidates to make positive inroads to the increasingly brutal Kleptocracy. Elections have become affirmations of the status quo. Even so-called Fair and transparent elections. Thanks.
Thanks for the many comments bringing different aspects and takes on the topic.
I feel a bit “out of it” myself. As if diving into it requires an energy level I lack at the moment.
I think Evil and satanism are different. I see satanism as a conscious (to some degree) adhesion to an ideology, A replacement of the divine authority by some human dictates putting some of us higher than others, be it humans versus the other creatures, or “the chosen people” versus the rest… Of course, satanism can be described more specifically by exposing its branches, it’s agenda, it’s rituals and all. I think we are in that process of “revelation”. Youssef Hindi, a Muslim specialist on scriptures and geopolitics can track back some very interesting informations about the the corruption that happens in the Judaism and its spread to other later religions. Yes, “the kabbale” and all its ramifications. One anecdote fr9m the Torah, I believe, mentions twice the encounter of Moses with Satan. At that time, “El” was the name for the Jewish God (not very far sounding from the later “Allah”). That Satan who intervenes on Moses journey is also referred as “YHVH” (however that spells). And later on, replacing “El” in the worship. Anyway, many stories. I find also Satan in the old Indian mantra, “Sa Ta Na Ma” that we chant in kundalini yoga. Of course Sat Nam is the Sicks salute, meaning “true self” I believe.
Evil is much broader as it pervades everywhere, everybody, and, to curb it, one need persevering vigilance and trust, allowing the virtues of our heart to shine through our acts and standing.
I find Carl Jung quotes quite accurate about that revelation process.
The Truth shall free ourselves.
Be well, beware, be with “El”
(Let’s leave behind the B.S… not that easy)
Friend, Is the following of interest ?
Duplicate, if you dare, at your own risk.
Dear Congress Critter,
Is it correct that the Rothschild clan, since 2014, exercises governmental control over Ukraine via an imposed puppet ruler ?
Is it correct that the corruption that has been evidenced in the Ukraine has been beneficial to numerous Rothschild globalist projects, including the funding of political elections, in the United States ?
Is it correct that the clan has, or is seeking, sovereignty control over the ports of the United States as a self-declared emergency pandemic necessity ?
Is it correct that the clan has, or is seeking, sovereignty control via the WHO to impose quarantine lockdown over the United States ?
Is it correct that the clan has, or is seeking, authority to assess a mandatory financial obligation, fee, burden, tax, or something similar upon the government of the United States, as a membership obligation for their G-20 project ?
Is it correct that the clan has, or is seeking in the Hamilton Project, sovereignty control to eliminate currency and impose Federal Reserve control over ALL banking accounts, and they plan to substitute a digital token, with inherent authority to remove value from an individual’s account at their, or the government’s, discretion ?
Is it correct that the clan was instrumental in the design and creation of the Federal Reserve system and that system has exclusive control over the auctions of U.S. [government owned] Treasury securities which currently exceed $14 trillion annually and the relevant accounts have never been audited by the government ?
Does the United States have a tax system that, if legal, can confiscate 100% of its citizen’s earnings ?
Your enlightenment will be greatly appreciated.
Your Constituent,
I. R. Citizen
123 Any Street
Hometown, USA
I just read a great article from Dmitry Orlov, “the non-reciprocity of victim hood and the occult logic”.
I really appreciate the clarity of the author at “revealing” the evilness at play.
I find it in resonance with our topic of satanism. It sums it up in a brilliant logic.
Check it out on his blog
Please place this in the MFC in future. Mod.
NATO mercenaries from Poland are burning Bibles in Ukraine.