Dear friends,

Several of you have asked my opinion about the article by U.S. Prepares to Gas Russia Into Submission by Glenn Ford.  I don’t have the time for a detailed reply, but I will say this: the entire notion of US shale fracking sent to Europe to undermine Russia is a canard. Not only does the entire infrastructure for this project need to be built – at huge costs – but it would take several years. Several absolutely critical years as the crisis in Crimea has forced Putin and his “Eurasian Sovereignists” (for an explanation of these terms see here, here and here) to “come out of the closet” and openly confront the AngloZionist empire and now this is a race against time: will the Empire have the time and means to disengage Russia from the West before Russia realigns itself with China and the rest of Asia or will the West be dependent on Russia long enough to allow Russia to realign?  I am quite confident that Russia will win this race, which makes the entire issue of us gas irrelevant.

Speaking of China and the West: consider that China’s energy needs are immense, as they are in most of Asia and add to this that under Obama (did this guy ever ever do something not stupid?!) the US has openly adopted a new anti-Chinese policy which aims at “containing” China, i.e. preventing it form acquiring the type of influence which it would naturally have in the Asian-Pacific region.  The Chinese are not stupid, they know that they are next in line for “democracy” and “freedom” and they understand that without Russian help (energy, weapons, political) they cannot resist the Empire. Bottom line, both China and Russia must enter into a deep symbiosis (if not a formal “alliance”) and help each other.  And there is no doubt in my mind at all the both Putin and Xi Jinping are both doing exactly that.

As for Europe – it is a depressed economy, a socially bankrupt continent, and a US protectorate.  The Kremlin understands all that, and while they will be more than happy to sell energy (or anything else) to the EU, they know that they cannot make any long-term plans with such partners: the AngloZionist Empire is an existential threat to Russia and Europe is just a US protectorate with no personal opinion, identity or policy other than “yes, Mr. President, whatever you say Mr. President”.

China, India, Asia, Latin America and, especially, the Russian North – that is the future of Russia, not the West.  So all these sanctions can achieve is to accelerate this process.

Those who think that they can put Russian into submission are just as delusional as Hitler in 1945 with his talks about a “strategic counteroffensive”: just ignore them.


The Saker

PS: two interesting reads about energy:

Shale Gas: The View from Russia

Ukraine, Russia and the nonexistent U.S. oil and natural gas “weapon”