The World SITREP May 28th, 2016 by Baaz


Putin arrives at Mount Athos to mark 1,000 years of Russian presence

May 28, 2016 – Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Protaton Church in Karyes, on Mount Athos, Saturday. He thanked the community for welcoming him warmly and praised the acts that are conducted on the peninsula that is home to 20 monasteries.

Greek Orthodox priest (Greek): “Today we are living in an era in which peace around us is under challenge due to terrorism, the collapse of the states, religious fanaticism and other reasons. It is necessary for peaceful people to cooperate in order to maintain peace.”

Vladimir Putin, Russian President (Russian): “Brothers of the Holy Mount Athos! I want to thank you for the warm welcome. I am here for the second time and always feel the warmth and the best attitude not only to me as the head of the Russian state, but also to all Russian people.”

Vladimir Putin, Russian President (Russian): “Very important acts for the Orthodox world are conducted at Mount Athos. These acts are about preservation of the moral foundations of our society. Largely you are the source of this well-being and grace.”

Russian General Bastrykin: Russia needs a new national ideology

Referendum on South Ossetia joining Russia set for 2017

Lamentations of Gorbachev. Stephen F. Cohen, NYU. Princeton University.


Russian Orthodox Church against liberal globalization, usury, dollar hegemony, and neocolonialism

Western Elites Attacked Christianity but Russia Survived

Orthodox Patriarch Kirill of Moscow criticizes western secularism. Translated by Orthodox Church.

Does Russia Have Reason to Fear?

Exclusive: NATO is putting an anti-missile base in Romania and brushing aside Russia’s fears, but – over the decades – the U.S. has reacted furiously to the possibility of nearby foreign military bases, recalls James W Carden.


Western Democracy Dead – Corp./NATO Controlled (English/русский)

Donetsk OPLOT TV made an interview with director of DONi Donbass News Agency, Finnish chief editor Janus Putkonen, who opens the issues from today’s huge secrets: great geopolitical information war in Ukraine, Donbass and Europe. So, what is today’s fascism and how does it threaten Europe? Are we already in a new World War? Journalist: Tatyana Mihailova, OPLOT TV, Program: “By the Way” – “Kstati” Translation from transcript to English by Alona, DONi News Agency 21.5.2016, Donetsk People’s Republic

The West Made Ukraine Secessionism Legal by Establishing the Kosovo Precedent

This week Eric welcomes back to the program Laura Carlsen, director of the Americas Program at the Center for International Policy, to discuss the ongoing disappearances of activists in Mexico, the reassertion of US hegemony in Latin America, and how militarization and free trade are the cornerstones of US imperial power in the region. Eric and Laura begin with an analysis of the recent kidnappings of Mexican activists and the frightening similarities with the infamous Ayotzinapa disappearances of 2014. The conversation then shifts to Central America and Honduras, and the role of Hillary Clinton and the US in that country. Eric and Laura also discuss how the Trans-Pacific Partnership and privatization are at the heart of much of the negative developments in the Americas, and how this drive is connected to geopolitical and strategic considerations. All this and much more in this wide ranging conversation.


Fmr. Russian Energy Minister Shafranik: Russia Will Continue to Serve as Europe’s Main Energy Source

In an interview with the Lebanese Mayadeen TV channel, former Russian Energy Minister Yuri Shafranik said that despite the increased production of American oil, Russia would continue to serve as Europe’s main source of energy. Shafranik, the chairman of the union of Russian oil and gas producers, dismissed the possibility of Qatar and Iran constituting real competition to Russian gas in the European market. He explained that a decade of stability would be needed to establish a corridor from Iran, through Iraq, to Syria and from there to Europe, and that only Russia was capable of meeting emergency demand in the global energy market, as proven in the Fukushima disaster. The interview aired on May 11, 2016.

The US and NATO

CrossTalk: Who Is Aggressive?

May 27, 2016 – Who is being aggressive? For the past few years the drumbeat for a conflict with Russia has been building almost to the point of hysteria. Now there is talk of a war – including a nuclear war – that could destroy civilization. On this edition of CrossTalk we ask who benefits from such dangerous talk. CrossTalking with John Laughland, Nebojsa Malic, and Hall Gardner.

CrossTalk refers to 2017 War With Russia: An urgent warning from senior military command Kindle Edition by General Sir Richard Shirreff (Author) The retired general “losely modelled on his NATO experience of war gaming future conflicts.”

According to Amazon “This title is not currently available for purchase ” The book has been discontinued since its publication date: May 19, 2016

Most Recent Customer Reviews

Published 3 days ago by David A. Vazquez

1.0 out of 5 starsOne Star

I hate that stupid book, NATO must be dissolved! It’s a threat to the world

Published 4 days ago by ronny_vargas

1.0 out of 5 starsAppalling

It is not even propaganda, it is sheer stupidity! And this man was second in command in NATO!?

Published 4 days ago by Le C.

1.0 out of 5 starsOne Star

I hated this stupid propaganda book.

Published 9 days ago by Julia Simpson

Amazon, apparently realizing that a nuclear war on Russia in 2017 might put the end to Amazon’s existence, first renamed it as “The president’s War” and then blocked the book’s sales. It’s not available as Kindle download and as a hardcover.

NATO in Montenegro: Securing the rear before Barbarossa II? NATO in Montenegro: Securing the rear before Barbarossa II?

Rep Rohrabacher questions Saudi credibility on terrorism. What was done to Iraq should’ve been done to Saudi Arabia.

Silencing America as It Prepares for War

Target Russia. Target China. Target Iran by Pepe Escobar

US simulating attacks to see how China, Russia react, analyst says (Eric Daister)

  Through interviews with scholars and former US officials, this film tries to have a look inside the power structure in the United States of America


The Sun Will Rise – Questioning Israel in UK

May 28, 2016 – Sixty eight years ago, Israel was created after Palestine was stolen and ethnically cleansed by Zionist invaders, mainly from Europe.

In Britain, senior politicians within the Conservative and Labour parties are now saying that anyone who hates Israel or questions its “right to exist” are anti-Semites. They say we can criticize some of the harsher aspects of Israel’s policies, but not the existence of Israel itself. And this message is being echoed by the mainstream media in the UK and the wider Western world.

To question Israel’s right to exist has become the cardinal sin in the mainstream media, but Rabbi Jacob Weisz thinks that Israel’s legitimacy should be questioned as it has neither a religious justification nor any political justification.

The rabbi argues that the existence of Israel is not only unjust to the Palestinians but also unjust to the whole Jewish community as it tarnishes their name and their religion with an illegitimate state.

Hezbollah leader calls Israel “greatest threat” to region


Macri’s Mission: To End Kirchner’s Legacy

This Confirms It Was a Coup: Brazil Crisis Deepens as Evidence Mounts of Plot to Oust Dilma , Rousseff. By Amy Goodman and Juan González, Democracy Now! | Video Interview

Wall Street’s New Man in Brazil: The Forces Behind Dilma Rousseff’s Impeachment, by JOSÉ L. FLORES



Why the US Dropped Its Demand That Assad Must Go by ROBERT FISK


Iran, India, Afghanistan sign trilateral transit accord