One of the many ways the Chechen Wahabis made money was to cut off the fingers of their prisoners and send the video to the relatives explaining that the rest of the fingers would go, and then entire limbs, if the relatives did not pay ransom money. Sometimes they also filmed torture scenes just for fun.
Now check out this guy: his name is Vitalii Korobkov. He is a DNR solider taken prisoner by the Ukronazis. They cut off both of his index fingers and now want to exchange him for one of their own:
The Ukronazis are quite proud of themselves, by the way. They don’t deny they did it. They are even arguing over the issue of whom Korobkov now “belongs” to. Just like the Chechen Wahabis did with their slaves.
Since this conflict began we have had people burned alive, crucified people, people buried alive, couples hanged together, etc. etc. etc. All the “Independent Euro-Ukraine” has been is a long series of atrocities.
The main lesson I draw from this is that there can be no peace made with these Ukronazi freaks. Total denazification is the only stable and morally correct solution.
The Saker
@ The Saker,
Q; Total denazification is the only stable and morally correct solution.
R: Hmmmm…, so, the annihilation of something ‘you’ don’t agree with is justified on what grounds?
Or, what is the difference between denazification and Judenrein?
Denazification doesnt mean automatically “annihilation”. It would be enough for the beginning if they either get integrated into the official ukraine army or if their battalion get disbanded. currently far right wings have too much power
Regarding this poor man that’s been mutilated by degenerate hell-bound idiots. Go ahead and laugh at me (I don’t care), but there’s a product that can potentially regrow his lost fingers. I don’t know if it’s available in the Russian Federation but I thought I’d mention it so that someone with access to that region and this poor guy can pursue this:
The technology is based on protein scaffolding (extra-cellular matrix powder) that allows your own cells (your own stem cells) to naturally regrow the finger back (people with completely severed thumbs have regenerated them via this protein scaffolding powder that derived from animals with tissue compatibility with humans, i.e the Pig).
The same technology has been successfully used to regrow a US soldier’s thigh muscle that was blown-off by an IED in Iraq.
I thought this might be worth pursuing.
Here are some links and youtube video:
Thank you,that is interesting.And if developed could be a great aid in our war plagued world.To ease the suffering of its victims.
Daniel Rich…you’re becoming Mr Hyde again…a regular occurrence I’ve noticed…watch out….trolls aren’t allowed here.
Maybe you missed the part about: “Since this conflict began we have had people burned alive, crucified people, people buried alive, couples hanged together, etc. etc. etc. All the “Independent Euro-Ukraine” has been is a long series of atrocities.” That is why the fascists must be destroyed.Oh! and the difference is, the victims of “Judenrein” (committed by nazis I might add) weren’t committing acts like the above.
Daniel R.
What is it that any moral person can agree with nazis?
Of course, they are humans turned animals, but rabid dogs have to die.
Kill them. Simple solution that is universal and timeless.
You cannot live with rabid dogs.
Although I doubt the sincerity of your question: Denazification does not mean slaughtering all nazis. It means their removal from power, legal action against those who committed war crimes or atrocities, and a general pardon for the brainwashed foot soldiers. I would imagine something similar to the denazification of Germany after WWII.
A question for you: On what grounds are you against the ‘annihilation’ of Nazism? Just a bunch of misunderstood Hugo Boss enthusiasts I suppose?
To me, the mistreatment of prisoners provides a test of who is Nazi-like, and who isn’t–more than any special love for SS insignia or for swastikas.
As for denazification, it has become an unattainable dream, after the major NATO country has legalised torture.
Are you serious?!
Judenrein means “Jew free”. The category “Jew” is considered a race or a religion. I consider it a tribe. But is not an ideology.
Nazi is an ideology, not a race, a religion or a tribe. In fact, there are all sorts of Nazis in the Ukraine right now, Ukrainians, of course, but also Russians and Jews.
If I had written “de-Ukrainization” you would have had a point (sort of, maybe). But I wrote de-Nazification.
It is rather disturbing to me that I would have to clarify something so obvious to you…
“the annihilation of something ‘you’ don’t agree with is justified on what grounds?”
This question should be asked in Ukraine parliament every time they discuss and pass their numerous “de …” laws.
I suppose I disagree with those people who rape and then eat small children. I suppose I may have no justification for annihilating them, but I favor it all the same — along with mad dogs and man-eating elephants. Perhaps it’s just a matter of self-preservation, but I think annihilation of those who murder and torture people is a reasonable thing to do. Silly me…
Daniel are you parking your brain or just trying to waste everyone’s time with being a contrarian in order to garner attention?
You are making an argument for “Samers”: everything is equal and no intelligent mental discrimination of the facts must be permitted; i.e. one must not use our human intelligence and the soul to tell right from wrong, to discern/discriminate one situation or context from another. In other words, proposing to exterminate evil (nazism) and its adherents that have committed evil is the same as proposing to exterminate a race or a people made up of both the innocent and the criminal.
This is the type of stupid non-reasoning that we see come out of the Looney-Left (materialist amoral atheism) in the Anglosphere. Where everything is morally equivalent, there is no bad, their is no good, just different ideas and all ideas and their manifestations/implementations are to be tolerated (“who are we to judge?”) no matter how obviously destructive and evil they might be (like as if Nazism and Buddhism are equal and have an equal right to manifest their objectives in the real world thru the actions of their followers).
Also, in the ideology of “freedom” of the anarchist or pseudo libertarian, we must tolerate the most insane and nihilistic ideologies because the principle of freedom of speech and thought are at stake. That’s fine as long as it stays just thought and ideas. But, as we’ve seen with Nazis, neo-Nazis, Totalitarian socialists, Infanticide advocates, Malthusian socialists, (etc.) once they act on their vicious ideas and start killing and harming people what do you propose? That we should let them “act-out” in the name of their freedom of thought?
Saker’s statement is on point and he’s right; there’s no point in dealing with a group of deranged conditioned butchers (the symptom) while ignoring that it is the ideology that is the source of their crimes, murder, mutilation, rape (for sure), and theft (the cause).
De-Nazification is a minimum requirement if that place has any chance of joining human civilization.
Are you serious, Daniel Rich? You are unfamiliar with the term or the policy? You do not know what the deNazification of Germany involved? (Apart from assimilating all the Nazi scientists and intellectuals into the American establishment.) You do not know what the UN just voted for?
First, we rewrite the rewrite of the textbooks. Ethnic cleansing is no longer a normal option of public policy. Ukraine is no longer depicted as a helpless mommy and people who speak Russian no longer depicted as wanting to take mommy away.
Ukraine did not win the Great Patriotic War. The First Ukrainian Front was not composed of Ukrainian troops. (It was composed of Red Army troops who were located in Ukraine.) The deal is off with the Swedish anthropological institute for their archived research from the 1940s on the correct Ukrainian racial characteristics. No refund will be sought.
“This is the type of stupid non-reasoning that we see come out of the Looney-Left (materialist amoral atheism) in the Anglosphere. ”
As a materialist amoral atheist who has spent many decades on the left, I believe if anything remotely resembling the stupid non-reasoning you refer to had ever manifested itself here I would have noticed it.
How so? I rather think you are oblivious to such things.
A Cossack, Yusupov, in “Tikhi Don” (“Quiet Flows The Don”), believed that God forgave him for one sin for every head of an Anti-Christ that fell from each stroke of his shashka. If you are not of Cossack origins, or a true fighter for freedom – then you will never understand this.
You should go to Ukraine and have a cup of tea with the “heroes”.
I’m sure you could point out the “errors” of their ways.
Maybe a debate would stop these evil twisted American sponsored Zionazi scum.
While your at it, stop by the IS caliphate for some conversation over dinner. Human organs are on the menu.
Back to thinking you have an agenda.
“Annihilation” was your contribution, the honorable Saker didn’t use it.
By the way did I misspell any words.
Evil must be exterminated period.
Short answer: de-Nazification starts with de-publishing all the new text books and histories of WWII.
Recycling would be preferred to burning them.
I would have thought the very first thing to do is outlaw Nazis. Of course..the very first thing to do is get rid of Poroshenko, and get a politician running for office that’s a people’s person…not an oligarch. Can this be so difficult ? Of course..we’re under a criminal gov in Canada and next door its even worse.
I wrote a reply to the angry anonymous Romanian/Moldovan guy, making it clear I could care less if Romania/Moldova reunite as long as I as an American don’t have to worry about US GIs dying for a greater Romania if Bucharest decides to attack or blockade a Russian exclave and then play the victim and invoke Article 5 as the damned globalists would like.
I am VERY worried about this blockade, but at the end of the day, I am thinking the retired general who commanded the 14th (?) army there with Gen. Lebed in the early 1990s knows what he’s talking about when he says Moscow will find a way to avoid war (according to the piece I read at Ft Rus). There is a certain amount of suspicious ‘hooray patriot’ hype that Putin must go in guns blazing, perhaps take Odessa or the oblast while he’s at it, which I once again find all too convenient for the Empire’s goals of provoking Russia into a real overt war with Ukraine AND Moldova, thereby justifying the latter’s absorption by NATO member Romania as the Romanian or even Polish ‘peacekeepers’ pour in to Chisinau. And all just in time to maintain those desperately needed by Washington EU sanctions against Moscow, lest the Greeks, Hungarians or Austrians finally push at least some of those stupid sanctions into oblivion.
Not only could an airlift at least force Kiev to show it’s cards whether it intends to harass or shoot down Russian IL-76s (and thereby risk not only the obliteration of its air force and SAM sites in Odessa oblast, but also Russia holding the junta air defense commanders personally responsible for the deaths of any pilots or crews), but I also wonder if a barge lift could be organized by way of the Dniester River, or at least a supplement to the existing smuggling along the big river. I assume looking at a map the Russian airlift route will run roughly along the river itself after briefly passing through Ukraine-controlled air space southwest of Odessa. And that Crimea would be the primary weight point so cargo aircraft could carry heavier loads and use less fuel.
I also think Moscow could play the humanitarian card — after all it’s not as if cutting off the diesel fuel to Tiraspol only inconveniences the Russian army, but also the supply trucks that deliver food to grannies and kids! Surely Chisinau isn’t stupid enough to think BBC/Reuters/Empire TV can cover that up for long if RT, Press TV and CCTV are all there on the ground revealing the human suffering caused by any ‘starve the peacekeepers out’ siege? Or is there something I’m missing, whereby the borders are far more porous than Chisinau would like to admit?
I know your former contributor who regularly covered TransCarpathia and PMR issues mentioned a lot off smuggling. With Moldova being the poorest country in Europe in a tie with Albania, surely there’s profit in local traders continuing to supply fuel to the PMR in cold hard rubles/euros cash Moscow can supply and to hell with what the Eurocrats in Chisinau mandate! Including for the Moldovan border guards!
The New York Times published an article just last week, saying that the current EU-controlled Moldovan government isn’t very popular by the admission of its own supporters. With the benefit of hindsight, I wonder if that article was a warning from the sane people left in the State Dept. to the neocons not to count on Moldova to be able to hold up its end of the pincer move bargain with the Kiev junta. In other words, the Moldovans will crack, particularly if this government is shown on Moldovan and Russian TV to be heartlessly cutting off food and fuel to children and the elderly. Given that there are still a lot of pro-Russian people in Moldova — though they’re located in Gaguazia and in the southern part of the country — I’m wondering if perhaps it’s time for Moscow to pull a Soros/ColoredRevolution of its own and bus people in by the thousands to Chisinau to send a message to the Eurocrats that their political days are numbered if they keep playing this stupid game and Maidans cut both ways.
I also hope Moscow has the courage to call Washington out on its minions basically playing the role of Stalin while Russia is supplying its own ‘West Berlin’ via an airlift to Tiraspol, all under threat and possible harassment by Ukrainian (rather than Soviet) fighters? Wouldn’t that be a huge ‘whataboutist’ role reversal and piss off Ed Lucas and all the other Russophobic fanatics by showing they’re willing to resort to Stalinist tactics to achieve their ‘freedom loving’ ends and hurt Russia?
As for the Moldovan army, I imagine they are probably in about as bad shape as the junta’s was in March 2014. I see zero stomach for fighting Russia there, so no wonder Moscow is suggesting the NATO/US plan is to hastily merge them all into a Romanian/Polish commanded ‘peacekeeping’ brigade to take over PMR if Russia is forced out. Which based on the reasons outlined above, just isn’t gonna happen if Putin can find all sorts of means short of war to escape another ‘surrender to the Empire or start WW3’ ‘choice’ ala Syria and Donbass.
So, when you have cancer, what do you do? Accommodate it, or have it COMPLETELY removed???
I’m going to throw your comment right back at YOU: ‘so, the annihilation of something [how about the Donbass people, because this has been the stated aim, if the Donbass people did not flee] ‘you’ [the Ukronazis] don’t agree with is justified on what grounds?’
Denazification means eliminating views that are in one person’s view unacceptable. It should be rightfully called thought control. You will believe what I believe or else off to the Gulag!
The moral stance is to state that anyone found guilty of crimes of torture, unlawful killing, false imprisonment etc should be treated as the criminal scum that they are.
The obsession with Nazis is ridiculous considering the millions upon millions of deaths, torture and pure evil committed by communist scumbags.
The ZPC/NWO need those Ukro-nazi freaks. The Ukraine is to become scorched earth territory, just like much of the Mideast, and those “specially prepared” nazi freaks will be the local version of the “ISIL” terror army that keep it that way.
Not sure I understand your post @ Daniel Rich. Denazification is justified on the grounds of common humanity. I think a whole lot of people would agree with the Saker that torture/chopping off fingers etc is behaviour which should indeed be “annihilated”. Am I missing your point?
“Total denazification is the only stable and morally correct solution.”
How shall that proceed?
Russia isn’t going to cut off the gas. Russia isn’t going to invade.
Not enough troops and leaders in NAF force to move 20 miles forward.
The resistors are being killed, disappeared, imprisoned, sold as slaves for body parts.
The moral authority falls to the Russians. Will Belarus join?
The tactic that has to be used is simple. Kill them.
It’s the strategy that is difficult.
I say unleash Kadyrov’s 20,000 men with close air support.
The resulting stampede toward Poland should have a cleansing effect.
Simultaneously, drop guns and ammunition to the cities.
In five days, Ukraine will be at least half cleansed.
With all their TV and press blown up, the nazis will have less support for their maniacal behavior.
Otherwise, I don’t know how it will get done.
I agree with you.
How shall that proceed?
Exactly as Russia does today:
1) Maintain Novorussia inside the Ukraine
2) Make sure that the Ukronazis cannot overrun Novorussia
3) Keep Russian forces out of the Ukraine
4) Demand negotiations and the full compliance with M2A
5) Wage in information war in the Ukraine and Europe
6) Create the conditions for the Nazis to fail in utter disgrace
7) Offer the people of the Ukraine a civilizational alternative
The Nazis in the Ukraine will not all have to be eliminated physically. They will have to be destroyed *morally*.
1-4 are possible.
5-7 beg the question.
5. There is no waging and winning an information war. Russia is inept at it.
6. What conditions would that be? Fail? The USA is financing this death machine. Utter disgrace? The moral universe is tiny in 2015. This isn’t 1945. People want Kim Khardashian’s ass not morals.
And they want some drugs, and any kind of selfie anywhere. There is no disgrace any more in most of the West. What’s a sin? Ten Commandments? They peddle children at the highest levels of the West. No one cares about people in Ukraine. Only Russians have the morals and values to care. They call those morons ‘brothers’. Russia is an awesome civilization but people outside of it have to migrate toward it. Selling civilization has little sales history of success.
7. The Ukrainian’s reject Russian civilization and want the Liberal West’s degenerate life style. They are ignorant and you generally cannot win an argument with an ignoramus. They are brain-washed, mind-massaged, zombified by two decades of media and social Russophobia and hate. Now they are in a ghost dance with their own “Ukrainian Glory” failing against the East separatists and failing to get into EU or bailed out by NATO in a war with no hope of victory.
Imagine thinking they can block the Russian military from Transnistria. What drug is in Porky’s hookah?
I totally agree. And I agree with your moral argument 100%.
Therefore the implementation can’t be half-measures, they need to be comprehensive, total and decisive. The tactics you’ve proposed is fine for winning a war, but it’s insufficient for de-nazification.
Serious thought needs to put into how de-nazification needs to implemented by Russian planners, it’s not sufficient to discredit the Uki-moron-nationalists. Look at Afghanistan after the Soviet withdrawal, they underwent almost a decade of murderous Islamist-caused chaos and internecine war after the Soviet withdrawal. Did that discredit the vicious Islamist ideology and warlordism that fueled the subsequent chaotic wars that caused the Afghans so much suffering? Did we get rational behavior out of the Afghans and a rejection of Sunni extremist Islamism? No, we didn’t. Instead we saw large sections of Afghanistan embrace the Islamist Taliban (it didn’t seem to connect in the minds of those Afghans that it was extreme Islamist ideology that brought so much destruction degeneration to their land). With these brainwashed Ukie masses I don’t think they’ll behave any more rationally either. Like in Afghanistan, anyone that shows rational impulses and blames the extremists, will get silenced thru violence. Unless someone empowers, thru, organization, training, arms and political & media support, a rational disaffected plurality within western Ukraine, nothing will change (de-nazification will not happen).
You nailed it.
On your points 5, 6, and 7 you absolutely nailed it.
. People want Kim Khardashian’s ass not morals.
That may be true for the West, but not for Russia (and not just because by Russian standards KK is an ugly rag!). This is precisely what Russia can offer to the Ukraine: the choice betwen KK ass and spirituality.
It worries me extremely that following the means you suggest will result in a very long and drawn out end game. Resulting in greater and prolonged suffering for the innocents entrapped in what is becoming a place similar as it concerns quality of life and infrastructure as much of the ME;
The US can and has kept rotten regimes afloat for decades. This might be more of a challenge than Guatemala during its civil war period, but not inordinately so. The US doesn’t care if 10,000,000 refugees flee to Russia. In fact, it would be a big win, as the remaining population would be more anti-Russian and it would be fewer mouths to feed.
The thing missing from your list is force, other than the passive efforts to keep the Donbass alive.
One last question. The people behind the Ukrainian Nazis are really the same groups that were behind the German Nazis in the past. Would your strategy have been the correct one back then? Offer the Germans and their allies a civilizational choice and fight an info war?
I too feel like there is FORCE missing from the game plan. Using Azov as an example the Nazi Ideology in Ukraine is the same as it was in WW2, it died down after the war but was very much alive, in hiding, and now again has lifted its ungly head. It think it was forgotten by many but all it took was someone yelling “the Russians are coming” and the wasp nest is disturbed. So this time around is this Ideology going to get scared into hiding again or destroyed? I think the minimum that needs to be done is Nazi leader and teachers need to be put down. After that mass reeducation.
Dear Friends
Cleansing is not needed in Ukraine rather it much more needed in the Western Democratic countries. Ukraine didn’t attact any other nation in last 25 years rather it was prepared by Nazis during these 25 years to do what it is doing.
Friends think and think and do some introspection then certainly we can get awaken for the TRUTH….
The Ruling Class of the Zio/Anglo Empire are the true scum of the earth. The fatal flaw – the ultimate limiting factor of the human race – the scum rises to the top.
Dear Saker/Friends
It is perfectly true the “the DeNazification” is absolutely necessary. My question to you all is who is/Are Nazis? or for that matter why after 70 years of WW2 the Nazism and Nazis are still there/here?
Then who are they? Do you all thinks it is the poor Ukrainian kids and just the followers of Banderas?
In my opinion the problem is much bigger than UKraine. In Ukraine it is not Nazism rather hatred towards the Russian has been poisoned into the mind of Uk’s kids or population by Nazis, so that the Nazis could fulfill their un-acomplished goal which they started from WW1 or rather before.
As a matter of fact I think that the WW2 was not over it was a truce because the Nazis (not Hitler) were not able to acomplish their goal and hence the Cold-War. It is good that the Cold-War ended the way it ended at least it opened the eyes of Russians one last time to see what real Nazism is and get awaken to face and finally defeat them completely. The Nazism is also known as the “Western Democracy”. The current form of the West must not exist at all if we want to get rid of the Nazism.
Friends, you all being well educated and loaded with a lots of information, I am sure you all know what I am trying to say. Otherwise please tell me TRUELY “if really the DeNazification” of Ukraine is the solution of DeNazification. I don’t think Nazis are in Ukraine. They are poisoned by Nazis and hence they have become a part of Nazis now.
Does it make sense????
There are real nazis in Ukraine, but the larger question is that of authoritarians and predators, which operate under various names and ideologies and are generally psychopaths or sociopaths. These are like which have turned cancerous, and the immune system is needed to neutralize them before they kill the organism.
Those who have knowingly joined with the sociopaths must also be neutralized, if not capable of being truly turned away, then isolated or killed. The question is not one of just how they are neutralized, but that it must be done so the rest of us can live.
Does it make sense????
Very much so.
Thnx Bot Tak
I am happy at least to one it made sense.
I think its demons and possession.
As a matter of fact I think that the WW2 was not over it was a truce because the Nazis (not Hitler) were not able to acomplish their goal and hence the Cold-War. It is good that the Cold-War ended the way it ended at least it opened the eyes of Russians one last time to see what real Nazism is and get awaken to face and finally defeat them completely. The Nazism is also known as the “Western Democracy”. The current form of the West must not exist at all if we want to get rid of the Nazism.
Look at the photograph of a T-shirt that Kerry got as a gift in Sochi meeting. It has inscription:
Pobeda 1945 – 2015 (= Victory 1945 – 2015)
Dear Helena
I really didn’t understand what that mean. May be the photo is not very clear to me.
The USA nearly became a fascist country in the 1930s, see US Marine General Smedley Butler and what he said about being approached by certain influential American people, which ties in with what Antony Sutton said in his research of American involvement with the Soviets. Use wikipedia for both persons to get a fast heads up, and some of Sutton’s work is online, and in Russian.
fm augusto
sanjay, I am firguring out that your central point is that: there is a deep identification, a core and seamless identity between the 30 and 40ties nazism and the Western elite´s, ‘democratic’, formal way of domination… whose cream top if formed by the one percenters and their MSM ideologization machine…
It makes sense.
But how about, to begin with, reducing to powder and ashes (figuratively) their present core and fulcrum in Kiev?
Yes you make sense.
Who is controlling the Nazis and promoting the ideology? The puppeteers are the cause of the problem not the effect. They have continued their campaign to the present day by brain washing these ignorant youths. They use austerity and the banks to destroy people and then find a scapegoat to get people to focus their hatred on and blame. Rather than look at the real perpetrators.
On the other hand some people are psycopaths and can hide their true selves behind the Nazi banner…….anyone with a shred of humanity would not committ such henious acts.
Ukrops most likely learned this finger chopping from the croatian volunteers for, the ustashi filth practiced this kind of morbidity on the Serbs during the 90s.
Needless to say, no freaking ustasha was ever punished for any such crimes. To the contrary, their so-called state (entirely built on genocide, making it into the list of few such countries such as the US) was, after ethnic purification up to 99%, joyfully accepted to the EU.
I repeat it yet again: the ukraine mess is totally based on the croatian scenario. One should look at the zionazi Rand Corporation & their deeds during the 90s to understand the ukraine today.
I do agree with you on the Ustase and on the similarity to actions in Yugoslavia.But I doubt the Right Sector learned that from Ustase.There are many Chechen and Georgian volunteers with them.And they even say they have learned some methods from them.
In order to look at how to denazify the region (west ukraine) it is important to look at how the third reich was brought down. The ultimate reason for Nazi Germany’s economic collapse was the systematic destruction of rail lines. German high command openly admitted that if the highly centralized German powergrid was attacked, the war would have been over two years earlier.
Fortunately for NAF, the Ukrop economy can only survive through foreign bailouts of some form. Their economy is already collapsing. and their infrastructure decaying. Ukrop can only assert itself through sheer force and intmidation.
For NAF to put a large dent in this, they would have to do a repeat of the Crimea campaign. “Self defense forces did not attack personnell; they simply shut off communications, power, water, and blocked key transportation routes for a long enough period. It worked. Ukrop surrendered and a large chunk of territory was captured/returned/liberated. The same strategy was used by the Iraqi resistance with similar successful results (attacked American corporate/military infrastructure). Many of these American businesses hoping to profit off the the war went home early with major losses.
Any solution where the answer is “kill them,” will be a slog for both sides at best, and is a non strategy. The problem is that no one would find a deliberate or accidental shut off to gas flows to be acceptable. However, it is possible for the part of the NAF to reform itself into an arrangment similar to Crimean “Self defense forces.” They don’t spend their effort on hard targets (right sector, ukrop) and instead spend their effort on soft targets that ukrop cannot afford to lose. After accurate analysis of Kiev infrastructure (can be ascertained within days thru google maps) they divide themselves into units with specific responsibilities (rail, comm, electrical, water, transport, etc). If done right they will be able to keep Nazi Kiev off as long as they want through repeat attacks (corruption and the nature of heavy equipment like transformers and turbines ensures prolonged outages)
If it all works out, Kiev and affiliates will be in the dark, have no water, communications, etc and their economy would grind to a halt. Kiev efforts to blame the NAF will likely be to no avail (population will blame Kiev for inability to provide basic services, security). Ukrop and right sector will likely disintigrate since the basis for their continued functioning will cease. Desertions will occur. Demoralization will go into overdrive. American corporations will leave due to unfriendly business environment (like in Iraq). Instead of them thinking about operations, they are reduced to thinking about their own survival. The tricky part is that they would have to not attack the circuits that are feeding gas terminals, compressor stations, and nuke plants. If they correctly analyze, that problem can be reduced. They would have to avoid initiating a regional cascade of failure and not attack critical nodes (distribution nodes only).
Nazi ideology is a luxury. Without basic services, their hobby is easily forgotten once the sleep deprivation, hunger, and lack of communications kicks in. It won’t completely denazify the region, but they will not be able to do the things that Nazi’s do to the extent that they are currently doing them.
All of this can be accomplished with very few injuries/deaths (static, undefended targets don’t fight back.)
Good plan. Once they are demobilized the people can put the leaders and main monsters on trial and hang them — before the US rescues them and ships them elsewhere to start all over again there. You have to disrupt the organizational network and structure too, at least to the second level.
What you describe can be done on a separate territory. Here everything is interconnected — rail, roads, food supplies, electricity etc. So it is difficult to locate spots where damage would hurt only Kiev.
Worse though is, that any sabotage anywhere is dealt with by the arrest and/or disappearing of large numbers of locals suspected of being involved. In addition, because everything is connected, Kiev could for example turn off the water for Donbass in revenge.
The biggest threat is the people — the ones who get away with murder, literally, to get their way by force. They have most of the Ukraine terrorised. Cutting electricity to those terrorised people won’t get rid of the squads doing it. They need removal, at the very least to be locked up, before everyone else can go back to anything like normal.
Analysis and targeting is everything. If it’s done right, they should be able to locate the “mostly Kiev circuits” much like how an “accident” in US caused a power outage to white house and other government buildings (non-government left intact). Not difficult to locate (google maps) but does take a bit of planning.
Retaliation. Kiev is already torturing people to confess to things they didn’t do, and no one appears to believe them. Anti-Kiev partisans who initiated rail line attacks have not been arrested or killed (low risk). Donbass infrastructure demolished and already under constant attack. The key would be speed; to have Kiev and its institutions down and out permantently within weeks. Retaliation for Kiev very difficult due to loss of infrastructure and institutions that are required to organize a retaliation in the first place. They’re reduced to thinking about themselves.
People are weak. The biggest threat are the institutions that make these people into a coordinated organization. Without those institutions, they will dissolve and burn out. Cutting them off long enough will work or will at the very least put them in a state of extreme vulnerability (Crimea).
None of this is a unique idea; it is merely a description of what has already been done elsewhere, and how it can be applied against Kiev.
Or nothing can be done and Kiev can burn itself out, eventually.
In short, it is best to remove certain assumptions from their day to day life (attacking their plans), and get them to unravel and destroy each other (not attack them). The best of all possibilities is to win without fighting (Crimea campaign).
It may also be possible for Russian “Self defense force” peacekeer engineers to stabilize energy infrastructure in such an environment (mobile generators, back up systems) like in the aftermath of the Crimean campaign. Coupled with an NAF/Russian propaganda campiagn to promote humanitarian relief (service restoration, commerce normalcy, humanitarian aid, rapid referendums) to civilians. To create a narrative of law in order in contrast to Kiev and ukrop/right sector (lost the moral law, no one believes them, corrupt). Washington will belch hot air. All European countries may also belch hot air, but will be glad Russian gas flow will not be interrupted. They will also be glad that no nuclear plants melt down (a lingering problem as long as Kiev exists.)
Anti-Kiev partisans have already initiated a low scale attack against Kiev (rail line bombings, none caught) and would be an element in this.
The problem is that Russia’s strategy has been to try to keep the country together and not increase the hatred in the less obviously Russian areas of the country. If you blow things up, they will hate you. The idea that people in Kiev will blame Poroshenko or whoever is true, but they will hate Russia. So we are back to the problem that Russia has totally screwed up its approach to the Ukraine over the last 15 years. The answer to the current mess was to not get into it. And learn the lesson for Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and everywhere. Russia has to have a pro-Russia infrastructure in these countries, and that means educational, cultural, and even the Russian ethnics that the Kremlin fears so much. And replace ambassadors who spend all their time and effort on profiting from the country in question. And relying on Russian oligarchs to be your representatives in dealing with the other country’s oligarchs is not a replacement for diplomacy. They are all scummy oligarchs.
I don’t think Russia so much screwed up as it was engaged in its own internal struggles, brought on largely by the Empire and Yeltsin type puppets and oligarchs. Russia did not wake up one morning and decide it was going to see a civil war next door, while being attacked by the empire.
At some point the people have to take responsibility for their country, however (get the government they deserve?). That’s true in the US too — too many people here have allowed themselves to become zombies and don’t want to hear the truth, even when plainly told to them, and apparent.
Today was Memorial Day here, when people go to the Memorial Day day sales and have barbeques, celebrating the core American values of shopping, and eating hamburgers and drinking Bud Light Beer. When the going gets tough the tough go shopping. Americans have become senile and just let themselves go, It’s been getting worse for at least over 50 years. They didn’t want to hear the truth back then either.
Do Ukrainians want to hear the truth?
Perhaps a better way to phrase it is Gazprom had a diplomatic strategy, and the Russian military forced the Russian elite to pay attention to the bases in the Crimea. Otherwise, they only cared about their oligarchical interests and intrigues. Actually, they may have had a negative policy. It is possible that things would have been better if they had done nothing.
If Russia had the willingness to fight in Georgia and Syria, as well as have things like Putin’s speech in 2007, then they had to prepare for the worst. The Ukraine is too close and too important to say that you didn’t have the energy. That was the case in 2000, but not, say, 2009.
I agree with you many mistakes were made.But “that was then,this is now”.We need to overcome the current problems and make sure they never happen again.The only thing important today is winning the war.Ukraine and the other states in the “near abroad” are too important to fail in,”no matter the cost”.
No, I don’t agree, there is no need for attacks. What I see happening in parallel with the conflict is the collapse of the Ukrainian economy with rising protests – as is happening – due to the price increases, which must ultimately lead to riots due to inability to pay for food etc, i.e. no real need for involvement of the Donbass.
Really what is needed is the de-Nazification of the USA, and by extension the Five Eyes and occupied Europe. Ukraine is a mere symbol of the larger reality, the real war that entered its final phase upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union. We’re only lucky to experience the Novorussian revolution – as an idea – the reconciliation of the christian White and the communist Red – the first sign of hope in Europe since the 70s – and really, the first sign of hope for the US. As time drags on more and more Americans understand and sympathize with the Donbass people. And Russia can wait for decades. But the capitalist imperialist pigs can’t and won’t wait. Personally, I will be happy when the NAF/RF liberate Odessa – if we live through the changes to come before that happens. Then, the liberation of Berlin, Chicago, Los Angeles.
Well, the Third Reich never was destroyed — it just receded and changed its bases of operations.
I often wonder how many killers must be killed to return the world to some semblance of humanity.
We have hundreds of thousands of highly trained killers we call special operators.
We have millions of murderous criminals in the drug, sex, human trafficking industries.
We have millions of islamists (I won’t dignify them with a capital I) who kill for pleasure and some phantasm they call allah (no capital A).
We have millions of NATO soldiers willing to go anywhere and kill anyone (without questioning why).
We have skinheads and yahoos and knuckle draggers in most societies (millions) who become brown shirts, Maidanistas, snipers, arsonists and torturers for a few bucks and kicks.
Nazis are probably in the range of a million or so.
In Ukraine, they probably number 100,000-250,000 if you include teens to old men.
I could be way off in my estimates.
But I’d say, the Nazis are easy targets, in the right environment in Ukraine for rapid reduction in numbers, and begging for not only a war but a death match with “Russians”.
What an opportunity for good to triumph over evil!
Perhaps a bounty could be used to decimate the Ukrainian Nazi herd?
This could attract some of those highly trained special ops from all over the world to hunt down the Nazis of Ukraine.
It would be inexpensive compared to real warfare. Basically, identify their largest formations and kill them. At $1000 bounty per uniformed nazi in the war zones, the ranks could be thinned rapidly. Use one group of killers to kill the other. Highly efficient.
In the cities, they cluster in security forces (uniforms again) and operate in groups. Should be relatively easy to degrade their ranks.
Given the publicity of such a project, after a month or so, we’d see and hear less of nazis. Even tattoo removal would be a big thing in Ukraine. Bandera’s image would be kept under wraps.
It’s a start. It’s not expensive. It could be paid for with crowd-funding from around the world.
How say you?
For a rule of thumb, going by the ‘X factor’ and the number determined by those who run prison camps and such, about 5% would be a good guess — those ‘leaders’ who can fool, intimidate and organize the rest. Perhaps even less when taking into account how many of those lack the requisite skills to manage a terrorist organization properly.
But then various structures, laws, and normative cultural taboos have to be established to control the endless supply of new psychopaths being produced as part of the normal population distribution, as well as harmless outlets for their compulsions. Then no one would have to be killed — just controlled or diverted.
Solon…you’re being sarcastic….its very good points you make….just like your namesake I bet…. I think you made a comment under anonymous in the other thread…about being stronger in death than life. was that you ?
Where is the international outcry claiming that human rights are being violated?, they spent a month crying when Givi just made some ukronazis chew on their emblems. The empire´s hipocrisy at its best.
Since you bring it up, Alonso, can you imagine Colonel Mikats taking Givi to Small Claims Court?
“Your Honour, he made me eat a piece of cotton!”
It would be hilarious if they werent serious about it
Saker, your dehumanizing war propaganda is getting shriller and shriller. Some debolshevization is desperately needed.The grandchildren of Stalin, Yagoda and Ehrenburg are still rearing their ugly heads.
Nazis have dehumanized themselves.
Agreed. Their actions move them to the sub-human class. Rabid dogs.
Can’t hug them back to humanity.
Thanks Red, for illustrating my point. Your attitude is a succinct example of the eliminationist hubris among the people here. You’d be an excellent guard in a Gulag. But remember what Solshenytsin said: More than killing “Nazis” Bolsheviks enjoyed killing their own.
Since you criticize others ideas, your solution to the problem would be?
Gulag? Eliminationist? Bolsheviks?
We are addressing Nazis here, Anonymous.
The topic is neutralizing nazis in Ukraine in particular.
As for eliminating—that’s what is necessary to do when they come for you and yours.
Historically and presently they show no encouragement to merely stand down and go home and behave.
Bam! bam! bam! They are coming for you too, Anonymous. What’cha going to do, when they come for you?
Always stand upwind of trolls, and don’t expect sense from them.
Notice how posters try to restrict and classify universal human values by name calling, as if Bolsheviks were the only one ever to object to nazis or fascists, even many hundreds of years before the Russian revolution. Or how people talk of Stalin or Trotsky, failing to understand they didn’t invent communism, or ways to screw it up. Even Marx didn’t invent communism, or democracy — they are as old as the hills. It is capitalism which is a modern invention. The American native ‘Indians’ had communism, after being isolated from the rest of the world for 11,000 years. It has been found everywhere, as a basic style of human organization where division of labor arose in prehistoric times.
Neither is control of human sociopathic predators anything new.
@ Anonymous coward 1:53am May26, 2015
Aw poor Nazi sympathizer doesn’t like it when people advocated extermination of Nazi ideologues and ideology calls it war propaganda when a picture of a mutilated victim of your confreres is displayed but has no problem supporting the Nazis that advocate the extermination of entire races and peoples. Deflection is such an unsophisticated and ineffective tactic these days (De-bolshevize?). Try something more original next time.
The calling card of a cowardly psychopath is to blame the victim and deflect the issue.
Meanwhile, the self-proclaimed Free World either denies the existence of these atrocities, tacitly and directly cheerleads them, or is actively backing those criminals guilty of this torture.
And the studious silence of Western “human rights” organizations like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International is, as they say, deafening.
This is the true nature of the freedom, democracy, human rights, and the rule of law that the fascistic “Free World” truly stands for.
During the wars in Yogoslavia during 90s it was a common practice for Serbian prisoners to have their index finger or thumb cut off so that they cannot make the cross the Orthodox way (three fingers). I wander if the motive for this mutilation was the same.
This is not the first time such atrocities have happened in this conflict and it will not be the last.
The Trade Union Building on maidan square was found to be full of the burned remains of Berkut prisoners chained to the batteries and pipes after right sector set the building on fire. The Berkut were burned alive, left to their fate in the very two floors that right sector called their own during the maidan debacle.
The Trade Union Building in Odessa also had people burned alive, the total death toll there was almost 300. The sub basement was a charnel house of corpses including women and children. I know the official death toll and I know the real death toll. We also lost a friend in that atrocity, not in the building but at the far end of the square, beaten to death because he was walking home from work at the wrong place and the wrong time. Why was he beaten to death? He had a speech impediment and when he got nervous he literally could not talk. Since he could not say ‘salo yucrane’ 5 right sector boys beat him to death in broad daylight.
Over 200 citizens were killed in Mariupol the following weekend, shot down or burned to death in Militsiya HQ. In this incident at least a few of the perpetrators were destroyed in an ambush by Opolchensya as Opelchensya were leaving the city, ordered out as they were too few to defend the berg.
The killings of innocents and not so innocents have been ongoing since the beginning and well before the beginning of the conflict that let to what is now Novorossiya. One can not morally justify killing all the UAF because of the acts of a relative few, but you can rest assured that documentations are being kept for all who can be identified as committing either individual or mass atrocities.
To expand on the documentations a tiny bit, do you think all those artillerists who when captured to a man scream that they did not know they were bombarding and killing thousands of our civilians are believed? Not hardly. They knowingly committed crimes and they will pay for their crimes. Do you think all those ‘people’ who commit atrocities and then post photos of the atrocities and openly brag about them on social media will walk away unscathed? Again, no hardly. Do you think we don’t know who was and is abducting young women and even
girl children for their use and then killed and discarded them like less than animals? They are known.
I can go on for reams but you get the idea. These are crimes being committed by a relative few of UAF, and for the record anyone fighting for Ukraine against Novorossiya is a member of UAF, their military unit does not matter. In the end justice will be done, by the law and with due legal process where possible. Where not possible, justice will still be done. Justice, like revenge, is a dish best served cold.
As for those few of you who are still aghast at the total and deafening silence from USEU over these ongoing atrocities and crimes, I urge you to forget any chance of anything being said about we untermenschen being slaughtered by those civilized denizens of USEU. It is not going to happen so stop complaining about it. Never forget, never forgive, always remember, but don’t complain, it’s useless.
Auslander, it sounds like you perhaps even know who they are….I wonder what punishment can be found worthy of these atrocities ? I would think solitary confinement. I don’t think its the right thing to just kill them…and certainly not torture them…but only to leave them alone with their own thoughts for decades. and maybe send in a priest (Orthodox) for to listen to them in their soul’s agony. Because their own soul will be the best tormentor.
I am aware of the process of documentation of the crimes being committed and areas of interest in those documentations. It is not for me to know individual names and crimes or the prospective retribution, we are far removed from the upper or even mid echelons of power and justice in either Novorossiya or Sevastopol. We do what we can when we can to help both up north and here but we try to stay in the background and do our work quietly. We had thought we were successful in staying out of sight for our endeavors but that idea was put paid to before the Victory Day Parade this year.
Neither side in this war is white and fluffy but at least on the side of Novorossiya retribution is swift for crimes committed, and I’ll qualify that statement with ‘when possible’. As for the retribution for AFU criminals apprehended, I’ll leave that to a quote from a book:
“He was sentenced to 30 years transport to North Siberia and an electronic tracking device was implanted in his body. He lived in a small cabin in the forest surrounded by a 4 meter 380v electric fence. Food was brought to him once a week along with enough wood for his stove to last the week. The guards were forbidden to speak to him or utter a sound in his presence. He had no books, no radio, no lamp, nothing. He was alone in the deep and soundless forest.”
yes, that sounds grim. I wish I could help you in your work…God bless.
I wanted to respond to the anonymous Romanian or Moldovan who took exception to my rhetorical questions about whether Bucharest and Chisinau really would be stupid enough to play the cannon fodder role the Ukrainians and Georgians have already played.
I am an American. Whether Moldova and Romania reunite PEACEFULLY is none of my business — or really Russia’s under one condition. Which is that any peaceful reunification of long-lost Romanian brothers, must be just that — peaceful. Meaning that if Transnistria, with a Russian-speaking ethnic Russian/Ukrainian majority, with an estimated 160,000 Russian passport holders (you can say granting those passports was wrong, well too bad) wishes to not be a part of your brother Romanian union — well what exactly is the problem? Let them go in peace, like the Cezechs and Slovaks, let it all be negotiated freely and fairly with international observers from OSCE or whomever.
Transnistria is a tiny, landlocked exclave of Russia which only has a bright future after Ukraine is de-Nazified, the subject of this Saker post (so I’m not speaking entirely off topic here). Otherwise, what threat does it pose to you? Have the Russian peacekeepers there attacked anybody or interfered in Moldovan or Romanian sovereignty over the past 20 years? Did they march to Chisinau and crush the pro-EU and pro-Western aborted ‘Twitter’ revolution a few years back? Did the Russian peacekeepers cause your Moldovan Eurocrats to embarass themselves with scandals, such that even our Eurofanatic New York Times here in the U.S. admits half of Moldova may be pro-Russian or at least anti-EU?
No, the only thing that has changed is that 1) the Kiev junta desperately needs to provoke Russia in order to get more money from Washington after the humiliating secession of Crimea and the loss of Donetsk and Lugansk 2) apparently there’s a government in Chisinau now willing to follow Washington and Brussels’ orders to blockade a peaceful region that poses no threat to it, and thereby risk provoking war.
If Moldova and Romania were to reunite with an honest, internationally recognizable referendum, would you permit not only Transnistria but also Turkic Orthodox Christian and Russian-speaking Gaugazia to go their own way, perhaps together? Perhaps with the blessing of Turkey, provided Ankara gives a hoot about Turkic peoples who aren’t Muslim?
If so, then I have no quarrel or problem with you whatsoever. But if you insist on settling this matter by force or blockade, including by making babushkas in Tiraspol go hungry in a failed bid to starve out the Russian peacekeepers (because diesel fuel doesn’t discriminate whether it goes into trucks feeding soldiers or civilians, last time I checked, and those hungry babushkas WILL be on RT and WILL be hung on the necks of your stupid NATO/EUrocrat slave politicians), then you are nothing more than a bloody fool and a slave to the most scummy elements of the NWO/globalist empire. Because you, having the examples of Misha the Tie Eater’s failed 08/08/08 attack and the Kiev regime’s total failure to subdue Donbass, nonetheless are willing to prostitute your country and her sons to the whims of the Empire desperate to provoke Russia, having failed to achieve old man Bzrezinski’s wet dream of bleeding the bear occupying Kharkov or Dnepropetrovsk.
Even if the present puppets in Chisinau don’t start a war for now, bringing the borders of an Article 5 / NATO country in good standing up to a Russian-held exclave for purposes of taking it out or blockading it most definitely concerns me as an American, because if Russia counterattacks and defends her peacekeepers by opening a corridor to them then Bucharest will be screaming that Russia has attacked NATO and thereby, will be demanding that Americans be ready to die fighting Russians for the cause of greater Romania. And that is of course, unacceptable and absurd to me as an American, and likely to the vast majority of Americans who aren’t willing to sheepishly be taken into a global conflaguration by the psychopaths in Washington, who do not give a sh-t about Romanians, Ukrainians, or any other pawns in their game.
@ Auslander
I believe right after maidan I heard something about the RS murdering police and then cremating their bodies somewhere near Kiev.They were even bragging on FB about it. Was the incident you posted about the Berkut being burned alive maybe the same incident.That one story was all I saw about it.And I think they deleted the posts I saw (I couldn’t find them again).Do you have any links to that incident.
Right sector just set fire to the building, the excuse was Berkut was about to storm it. I don’t remember it every being mentioned in west media but I clearly remember some photos of the remains after the fire burned itself out, buildings on maidan were clearly visible outside the window openings. If I recall there were around 20 skeletal remains in the one large room with most clearly handcuffed to batteries and various pipes feeding the batteries.
I do not know if this is the same incident you read about but in this incident there was no need to cremate the remains, the fire did that, completely.
For those who may not know, Auslander is living in Crimea. Thus, his information is direct, if not first person or hands on, but a truly reliable source. By the way, some might also not know that Crimea is the base for Colonel Cassad’s operations. So, the flow of information to Sevastopol is our most reliable source.
Auslander also helped with the rescue last year of many women and children from Donbass through to Crimea.
Larchmonter, my charming and diminutive wife was of vast assistance during the work with the evacuees last summer and fall. She stood beside me and our trackers in sleet and brutally cold rain, she never hesitated even if the mud was up to her knees or the water was up to her neck. She was the one who first talked to the women and children after we got them across the border and she spent countless hours with them after we got them to safety in this berg. She never flinched no matter what we saw and the evacuees never saw her weep as they told their stories, she was forever smiling to them and encouraging them, she saved her tears for after we arrived home. She has kept in contact with many of our evacuees to this day. Without her I don’t see how we could have done what we did or do what we do. Me, I just took care of the tactical aspects of the effort and provided the muscle when and as needed.
Just the two of you on your own initiative ? And then others joined ?
We had and have permission to do what we do but we and generous donations from blog members paid for all. Church helped a great deal with temporary living facilities for the evacuees and the Church women were instrumental in helping with the children, some just babes in arms. Church has a large facility with a good sized kitchen and food lockers, we get a lot of religious tourists in spring and summer. Discipline at the Church facility is pretty strict. Father charged just the dead cost of food for the evacuees, nothing else, although we have made a donation to Church in honor of Father’s generous help.
We had several assistants in our endeavors, hands on assistance and muscle when needed. Bribes had to be paid to get the women and children out and pay for their transport, they were from Slavyansk, Kramatorsk and the surrounding areas, and all this happened during and long after Polkovnik Strelkov withdrew from Slavyansk to Donetsk City Proper. Their journeys were generally long and arduous with some danger.
We almost adopted one lovely little girl child, she came down with the first large group from Slavyansk during the fighting. We visited the group with Father and a senior officer with his wife and met the child. Our first endeavor was to find her mother and two other mothers from the group, most in this large group were children sent to safety. We were successful in finding her mother and the other two mothers and that led to our efforts. We have kept in close contact with the child and her mother and they will visit us in summer. Her father is alive and serving with NAF and has visited them on the mainland although he was wounded during the last cauldron battles. If we had not found her parents we would have taken her.
Mafia way.
for those who committed crimes and atrocities, there is the law. The jail, for a long period of time is a good start for the denazification of Ukraine .. and for the others, not directly involved with the atrocities, good laws and good civilizational process in a stable environment, is enough …
my two cents…
re: “The main lesson I draw from this is that there can be no peace made with these Ukronazi freaks. Total denazification is the only stable and morally correct solution.”
Russia has had reasonable relations with the Croatian government, and, for that matter, with Germany till recently. The freaks are just the lower level of the chain that goes up to Croatian leadership, German leadership, American leadership, and then the financial oligarchs. So what has changed? It is just business as usual.
I hope this sweet man in the photo will be saved. God bless his soul.
Saker, you need to be more generous with your tags. While ‘ukronazi freaks’ is quite appropriate, one trying to search out this thread might conceivably not hit on it and try Nazi, torture, mutilation, prisoner abuse, war crimes.
We want to help this person, right?
How to de-Nazify?
The best way to control an opposition is to lead them. Nurture the next gen of their leaders, perhaps accelerating their rise by assassination of the current group. The latter is best accomplished in battle, where they can be “heroes” and assassination is easily masked.
Once they’ve got a head of steam up, organize massive rallies in 3 or 4 locales, simultaneously. A great Bandera revival orgy in 3-4 large stadiums. Chain the doors. The rest is a matter of taste.
Saker, you are absolutely correct.
Over and over and over we keep coming back to the old familiar circles of wishful pieties. The freaks must be “destroyed” but this must happen by some undefined vague process of spontaneous generation, or perhaps divine intervention, while government officials of the only country that could conceivably achieve this cleansing task are busy being polite to the murderous scum they revoltingly call “our Ukrainian partners”. In the meantime, the terror state apparatus and its paramilitary thuggery (with huge western aid in the implementation of terror) keeps getting stronger, the population is increasingly busy with the task of trying to survive and keeping a low profile, since even small tak is dangerous. Ah, but the growing thuggery is permanently on the verge of collapse, which will occur through the cunning wishful patience of Russia. What nonsense, for chrissake.
In a former blog you mentioned germanys style of de-nazification (as kind of an archetype of de-nazifiction, which – in fact – never happened, not at all, Nürnberg trial (war criminals) and even Frankfurt trial (Auschwitz) have only been shows, sorry for disillusionment).
Instead of some more show my proposals:
a) the real (major) nazis, i.e. oligarchs (Kolomoyskyi, …), forgeign/anglo-saxon “consultants” (such as Victoria), political enforment slaves (Yaz, Petropig …) and so on, bring them all(together) to Kerguelen Islands, for ever.
b) the “made” nazis (including the jumping nazis) – remember expulsion of 16mln prussians: instead of western Europe, bring the made nazis (without any return options) to north america and enhance the New Wall (northern mexican border) by some meters. (No revenge! Revenge brings hatred back to our/your own culture, brings nazism to our/yourselfs (that, exactly that’s what is Christianity all about: no hatered)). Just put the made nazis far away, back into the womb that has given birth to (many) Hitler(s) before. [BTW: Hitler himself has been a made nazi, too. Because he’s been a political enforcement slave (see above, a), it might have been better his (burnt) remains would have been brought to Kergulen Islands, too, instead of Moscow.]
c) don’t discuss, just do it. Even if maybe some 5% of the expulsed (a or b) wouldn’t have to be. Meanwhile explain the necessity to do so to as many people as possible, including the likelihood having epulsed innocents.
The not-really-de-nazification in Germany (100% of all german intelligence including federal police, the same for the army (Bundeswehr, founded by Blitzkrieg-Guderian and his other Wehrmacht-colleagues), for 23 years the (western) german federal government (Bundeskanzler, ministers, state secretaries) consisted of more than 52% percent of (registered) nazis. That has been exactly what “the womb” has had planed long time ago.
Thus: there is no such thing like de-nazification. Just put the nazis (far) away and, being christian, avoid hatred (for your own healthiness).
A bit utopian wish, but I’d vote for something like that.
The trouble is, the only possible way to de-nazify a country is if it’s own people decide to do it and then “just do it” and that properly. But that would certainly require the participation of a significant part of police/army to pull it off, I don’t see that happen in Ukraine.
With the due rage and respect.
The single way out of nazification is to blast the Yalta agreement when the moment comes.
Nazism is simply the concentrate pack of the worst regime that the world has ever known: imperialism fueled by financial capital.
Not a single atrocity commited by Nazi Germany (or should I say Austro-Hungarian Nazi Germany to explain such monsters as the Banderovites) was unknown to their “democratic enemies”.
They had invented all and each one in the semicolonies and colonies the globe over. The “particular crime” of the Nazis was to make them an ideology, and to do those cruel monstruous things on European, “white”, populations.
The West must be revolutionized if peace is to reign on the world. No other way out. In the end, when the dust comes down and the sky is clear again, we shall have to say “Yes, old Rosa was right: or socialism, or barbarism”.
We must prepare for that.
Yes, we cannot just wait & root for someone else to do our fighting for us.
Russia will do what it will.
China will do what it will.
The Klingons will do what they will.
What will we do? What is our plan of action?
Will we organize?
Will we fight?
Or do we just tell others to fight?
Rosa Luxemburg was closer than the other Socialists to the truth. She broke with Kautsky (leader of Europe’s Socialists, executor of Marx’s estate/will, who supported the German Central Powers in the opening days of WW I). Rosa predicted Kautsky’s political opportunist trajectory sometime about 1903ish. It took Lenin another 14 years to understand where Kautsky and the Socialist 2nd International were headed, and to politically break with Kautsky.
The point is: Rosa Luxemburg had a plan. Mass strikes, Insurrections, and Mass popular participation, and Democratic Republics (albeit Socialist ones).
The point is: today’s Socialists support colonialism, imperialism, abjectly serve, even represent their Zionist and American masters. Holland & the French Socialists, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, England’s Labor Party, etc..
What will we do, today, tomorrow? if not now, when?
For the Democratic Republics! With citizens in motion securing social justice. Control of natural sources vested in the people, and Nationalization of Banks & control of Banking capital & credit. Let the rest alone.
What’s wrong? They’re just learning their tricks from the same Zionist masters as ISIS. Expect to see a video of them eating a “Moskal’s” liver soon. One calls themselves “Nazis”, the other calls themselves “Muslims”. One hates “Moskals” the other hates “Alawites”. One blames all their problems on “Putin”, the other on “Assad”. In terms of substance and purpose, there’s no real difference between the two. Both of them collaborate with Zionist Jews to destroy their own countries and attack the same people the Jews openly admit are their enemies. Yet strangely enough both the “Nazis” and ISIS claim that they’re the ones fighting against Jews and that their enemies are allied with them. Strange, isn’t it?
Strange, isn’t it?
Yes it is.
and there are 18 more fingers and toes available -who knows when it will stop……let alone wounds getting gangrene……..perhaps no pain killers………so disturbing……
NAF knows who he is and who has him; they are negotiating an exchange (and have some good value prisoners to offer)
The Saker wrote:
“That may be true for the West, but not for Russia (and not
just because by Russian standards KK is an ugly rag!).
This is precisely what Russia can offer to the Ukraine: the choice betwen KK ass and spirituality.”
Hmmm… Not long ago, RT posted this vid:
Mass Twerking Of Underage Russian Girls at a school presentation or something:
I’m sorry but “Western” “cosmopolitan values” seem to have already entered into Russian society. There may be more resistence to this sort of cr*p in Russia, particularly now with a more tradionalist/conservative government, but it’s already there.