Dear friends,

The 3rd Saker Podcast is now available for download and/or streaming from Soundcloud, Mediafire, YouTube and the Internet Archive.  Since corporate America prevents me from posting even 30 seconds of copyrighted music, I recommend you download/stream the podcast from the Internet Archive.

I also remind you that the main purpose of these podcasts is to serve as a reminder that my work depends on your donations, so if you can, please help.

Here is the link to the 3rd Saker Podcast download page:

Here is the link to the main Saker Podcast page where you can find the previous two podcasts and the transcript of the first one:


Kind regards,

The Saker

PS: note about the Podcast:  In the podcast I say that the Israeli could not take Bint Jbeil for 33 days.  I should have used a more accurate term than “take” because the Israelis did enter Bint Jbeil, they just never succeeded in getting the Resistance out of it.  So it would be more accurate to say that the Israelis failed to control or pacify Bint Jbeil.