by Pepe Escobar – posted with permission
Covid-19 driven collapse of global supply chains, demand and mobility will painfully spawn next great tech-led economic models

Is the world on a collision course with the financial and economic equivalent of a meteor impact with shock wave? Fractal illustration: AFP
Nobody, anywhere, could have predicted what we are now witnessing: in a matter of only a few weeks the accumulated collapse of global supply chains, aggregate demand, consumption, investment, exports, mobility.
Nobody is betting on an L-shaped recovery anymore – not to mention a V-shaped one. Any projection of global gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020 gets into falling-off-a-cliff territory.
In industrialized economies, where roughly 70% of the workforce is in services, countless businesses in myriad industries will fail in a rolling financial collapse that will eclipse the Great Depression.
That spans the whole spectrum of possibly 47 million US workers soon to be laid off – with the unemployment rate skyrocketing to 32% – all the way to Oxfam’s warning that by the time the pandemic is over half of the world’s population of 7.8 billion people could be living in poverty.
What we are witnessing is not only a massive globalization short circuit: it’s a cerebral shock extended to three billion hyperconnected, simultaneously confined people. Their bodies may be blocked, but they are electromagnetic beings and their brains keep working – with possible, unforeseen political and other consequences.
Soon we will be facing three major, interlocking debates: the management (in many cases appalling) of the crisis; the search for future models; and the reconfiguration of the world-system.
This is just a first approach in what should be seen as a do-or-die cognitive competition.
Particle accelerator
Sound analyses of what could be the next economic model are already popping up. As background, a really serious debunking of all (dying) neoliberalism development myths can be seen here.
Yes, a new economic model should be revolving around these axes: AI computing; automated manufacturing; solar and wind energy; high-speed 5G-driven data transfer; and nanotechnology.
China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan are very well positioned for what’s ahead, as well as selected European latitudes.
Plamen Tonchev, head of the Asia unit at the Institute of International Economic Relations in Athens, Greece, points to the possible reorganization – short term – of Belt and Road Initiative projects, privileging investment in energy, export of solar panels, 5G networks and the Health Silk Road.
Covid-19 is like a particle accelerator, consolidating tendencies that were already developing. China had already demonstrated for the whole planet to see that economic development under a control system has nothing to do with Western liberal democracy.
On the pandemic, China demonstrated – also for the whole planet to see – that containment of Covid-19 can be accomplished by imposing controls the West derided as “draconian” and “authoritarian,” coupled with a strategic scientific approach characerized by a profusion of test kits, protection equipment, ventilators and experimental treatments.
This is already translating into incalculable soft power which will be exercised along the Health Silk Road. Trends seem to point to China as strategically reinforced all along the spectrum, especially in the Global South. China is playing go, weiqi. Stones will be taken from the geopolitical board.
System failure welcomed?
In contrast, Western banking and finance scenarios could not be gloomier. As a Britain-centric analysis argues, “It is not just Europe. Banks may not be strong enough to fulfill their new role as saviors in any part of the world, including the US, China and Japan. None of the major lending systems were ever stress-tested for an economic deep freeze lasting months.”
So “the global financial system will crack under the strain,” with a by now quite possible “pandemic shutdown lasting more than three months” capable of causing “economic and financial ‘system failure.’”
As system failures go, nothing remotely approaches the possibility of a quadrillion dollar derivative implosion, a real nuclear issue.
Capital One is number 11 on the list of the largest banks in the US by assets. They are already in deep trouble on their derivative exposures. New York sources say Capital One made a terrible trade, betting via derivatives that oil would not plunge to where it is now at 17-year lows.
Mega-pressure is on all those Wall Street outfits that gave oil companies the equivalent of puts on all their oil production at prices above $50 a barrel. These puts have now come due – and the strain on the Wall Street houses and US banks will become unbearable.
The anticipated Friday oil deal won’t alter anything: oil will stay around $20 per barrel, $25 max.
This is just the beginning and is bound to get much worse. Imagine most of US industry being shut down. Corporations – like Boeing, for instance – are going to go bankrupt. Bank loans to those corporations will be wiped out. As those loans are wiped out, the banks are going to get into major trouble.
Derivative to the max
Wall Street, totally linked to the derivative markets, will feel the pressure of the collapsing American economy. The Fed bailout of Wall Street will start coming apart. Talk about a nuclear chain reaction.
In a nutshell: The Fed has lost control of the money supply in the US. Banks can now create unlimited credit from their base and that sets up the US for potential hyperinflation if the money supply grows non-stop and production collapses, as it is collapsing right now because the economy is in shutdown mode.
If derivatives start to implode, the only solution for all major banks in the world will be immediate nationalization, much to the ire of the Goddess of the Market. Deutsche Bank, also in major trouble, has a 7 trillion euro derivatives exposure, twice the annual GDP of Germany.
No wonder New York business circles are absolutely terrified. They insist that if the US does not immediately go back to work, and if these possibly quadrillions of dollars of derivatives start to rapidly implode, the economic crises that will unfold will create a collapse of the magnitude of which has not been witnessed in history, with incalculable consequences.
Or perhaps this will be just the larger-than-life spark to start a new economy.
The derivatives are key. Few know what they represent.
Peace and Goodwill have eternal value and can be generated by free choice.
Truth always wins.
You are clean out of your mind. Of course we have to go back to work … yesterday. This ‘lockdown’ was completely unnecessary, absurd, grotesque, and incredibly destructive. New cases have already peaked in the NY area, which frankly was the only place in the US that was affected. ‘Deaths’ in every other part of the country are about a day’s worth of the usual total. The main effect of this will just be a massive destruction of the private sector and more control, both economic and social by the government. The loss of personal freedom will be significant even if we don’t end up in a police state. Other countries are even worse off … what is happening in India staggers the mind. House arrest for 1.3 billion people, based on a dozen deaths. Even Russia bowed to this idiotic hysteria. China will be in a good position, but is going to have to reorient its economy inward, much faster than planned.
When you say “you’re clean out of your mind”, I take it the comment is directed at pepe Escobar, and would agree with your sentiment (although I disagree on one point). I agree with you that this article is bordering on wishful fiction: it is entirely based on the now totally discredited idea that China would be strong enough to stand up to the USA. That’s obviously a pipe dream: China is the country that’s the most vulnerable or exposed to the negative effects of a global demand collapse, because they’re the world’s largest exporter.
Meanwhile, the USA is still standing, the US dollar has not collapsed, and capital continues to flow towards the USA. In contrast, China’s economic short-term to medium-term prospects are in free fall: their new global economic plans will be seriously delayed or shelved entirely. The 2 largest OECD economies (the United States and Japan) are drafting plans to implement legislation to force supply chains to move away from China. The US has printed $2Trillion out of thin air, their fed reserve has allocated an additional $4Trillion of additional money to pump into their economy, and not a blip on the Petro dollar. And now they’re getting ready to pump an additional $2Trillion into their domestic economy for infrastructure and aid to they’re working class; again no slow down in capital flows to the USA nor collapse of their financial ponzi system.
Even the attempt to collapse the price oil has failed: 10Million Barrels per day cut has gone into effect.
The US recovery will be V shaped.
Those trillions don’t go in to the economy. They may be used to settle the problem with the derivatives. That is a problem between banks. No way will the trillions benefit the productive economy.
Agreed. In the financial news on Thursday, it was noted that the Fed moved into markets “in an historic way.” One financial analyst explained it by saying that the Fed came in, and said we are the guarantee of last resort, and we will guarantee everything. A blanket approach. What that means, he went on to explain, is that we have a transference of who is really pushing the economy, and it’s not private. It goes back into public hands.
Nope, you’re just whistlin’ past the graveyard.
It is somewhat understandable that Russia & China want(ed) no part of this coronavirUS.
Anyway, I think Germany’s foremost Finance Expert Ernst Wolff explains it best.
Since last week there’s one with English subtitles:
Like Pepe he talks about the derivatives bomb and “the complete and utter collapse of the financial system that has existed for the last 70 years.” (and the reason the ones who run the West imposed de facto Martial Law)
Steve, I agree with you:
India’s implementation of a lockdown of 1.3 billion people is staggering alright, it’s also a testament to the Indian people being unified behind their government. I’m sure this has shook up the scum in London and the British establishment as well as other malevolent centers. As an outsider looking in it gives me the impression that India’s a lot more powerful than the Indians are letting on. It is awe inspiring that a request by their leader with only 4 hours notice led to such an orderly and civic act by the vast majority of the Indian people. I can only imagine the fear this induces in City of London banksters if India used the same mobilization as a call to actual large scale war against London’s proxies. What was even more staggering was to watch their leader, Modi, apologize to his people a few days later for having requested and later imposed such an imposition on his people.
Now I’m sure I few idiots in the BBC and their like-minded servants will try to point to the situation of a few hundred thousand migrant workers, who were caught off guard and had had to scramble to return to their villages: however only the mathematically challenged would be foolish enough to make this argument when you consider that 100 thousands is numerically insignificant in a country of 1.3Billion.
I’m sure the Indian public’s implementation and compliance has shook up a few of India’s enemies. Certainly the BBC has suddenly shut up since this happened. Or could that be because the UK’s own handling of their covid19 epidemic has been so incompetent, undisciplined and shoddy? No, that’s impossible, for that the BBC and the British establishment would require shame, and we all know they are shameless even in their obvious humiliation.
And the house of cards come tumbling down with the virus as the cover,how could people even in their wildest dreams think that there was no end to easy money that it would last forever.China’s doing well so I read with their factories up and running.The problem in this country has been and still is that people are blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other,they refuse to see the poverty,the homeless and the squalor that”s the result of parasitic capitalism,and when the cover of the virus is removed they still will not be able to see the carnage that 20-30% unemployment will bring,well until it touch’s them that is.!!!
For one thing you are clean out of your mind if you think you don’t live in a “Police State” already, as for the rest of your argument……..let’s put it this way; this is the beginning of the end of western hegemony, from here on its down hill all the way and picking up speed as we go along, no economy will pick up to be the same as pre-C19 mode ever.
The collapse of capitalism as a system will be a good thing. IF it happens to be resurrected, it is the hope of this observer that the capitalism of the 19th
century, with many disconnects will emerge. The insane interconnections of
giant banks will hopefully be avoided. A local bank can remain capitalist so long as it has very few connections (branches) limited to very small geographic spaces … maybe no larger than county size in the US and kindred countries.
Here’s to avoiding the tRUMPIST view of the universe. Small is better. And while I’m at it, countries should never be allowed to be larger than one million. When (if) that were to be the case and interconnections between the money people in various places would need to be avoided.
If not, then here is to socialism.
Reliable fusion power will finally be achieved and if the banks all sink into the muck, taking their usurious criminal banksters with them, who would shed a tear?
Reliable fusion power was achieved billions of years ago, and will carry on with no effort on our part for billions more. Pure grace! It is 93 million miles away, and provides all the energy we are wise enough to need. The notion of some techno-fusion-reactors on Earth fills me with dread. First of all, it will be the most highly centralized power source ever. Second, the last thing humans need is more energy – we have proven that we can’t handle it.
Fortunately, reliable, economically viable, fusion power (in reactors on Earth) is 40 years away, just like it was 40 years ago, and will be 40 years from now.
The reason why high risk strategies to achieve a NWO are being acted out now is precisely because effectively unlimited nuclear energy is about to burst on the scene, liberating the whole of mankind. Take a look on NextBigFuture website for details.
The Tokomaks and other gigantic fusion sources certainly would require much more time and vast trillions of dollars to reach a state of practical utility. Fortunately, there are better, aneutronic alternatives (e.g., Hydrogen-Boron plasmoid “focus” fusion) in sight that are amenable to small local implementation at many orders of magnitude less cost. Solar and wind energy are too diffuse to meet all of our energy needs without covering the entire planet with solar panels/reflectors and wind turbines. Fusion is the future.
“Yes, a new economic model should be revolving around these axes: AI computing; automated manufacturing; solar and wind energy; high-speed 5G-driven data transfer; and nanotechnology.”
All of those elements leave no space for humanity. Solar, wind energy and 5G create deadly amount of electromagnetic radiation, which would make our lives, as electromagnetic beings, absolutely unbearable. AI computing and automated manufacturing would most definitely cut us out of incomes.
Saying that, I’m totally open to be challenged on these subjects of future economy.
@KINZAZA: “AI computing and automated manufacturing would most definitely cut us out of incomes.”
Or they could deliver the Leisure they promised 60 years ago. Instead “we” (as a society who chose to believe “there is no such thing as Society”) chose to become wage slaves for Capitalists who owned the technology; with fewer and fewer of “us” working ever longer hours and more and more of “them” being unemployed, homeless and branded by Capitalists as “surplus population” and “useless eaters”. It all depends on our free choice as human beings.
“Thanks be to God who gives us all the good things of Life for free; all He charges is hard work” — Leonardo da Vinci (who worked harder during his Leisure hours than most employees work at their workplace).
“The reason we Earthlings never see Aliens from advanced civilizations is that they avoid us; they like to go somewhere quieter where they can follow the most exciting AI pastimes on their Latest Quantum Computers.” — Frank Wilczek, physicist (I quote from memory).
this book came to mind when i read your article, “When money dies”. Our future might rime with the past once again..
“Imagine most of US industry being shut down.”
Don’t need to imagine it.
We watched it happen.
We crowded quai-side,
to cheer and wish it bon voyage!
Why not try an Aristotelian monetary system, based upon life-force, a power given freely from the cosmos, a monetary system which does not require the four financial demons, those of debt, interest, taxation, and inflation!
This is the same monetary system already used by the other two million species upon our planet. Have you ever seen ant colonies collapsing through debt?!.pdf
For goodness sake let us all start looking at different models where ever they might be…they could perhaps be in the most unlikely places…indeed not even any time travel required.
Maybe the solution to the financial defeat of Neoliberalism is literally right under Uncle Sam’s great big ugly nose…in fact, just south of the border, down Mexico way.
Or even, heaven forbid, in China!!!…gasp, treble gasp, choke.
Matter of fact how about little old North Dakota too if you want to get really local…couldn’t get much more under one’s own fricken nose than this one!…a quote from the link…
“Capitalizing the Local Economy The core mission of the Bank of North Dakota is to cultivate the state’s economy by supporting local banks and credit unions. The more these community-based financial institutions flourish, the thinking goes, the more capacity they have for financing new and growing businesses. BND works with almost all of the state’s 89 local banks and many of its credit unions.”
…do yah think!
And the immediate effect of this is that all state projects would, at the very least, halve in cost overnight…the thieving Private Banksters would no longer be able to gouge the price of all these schemes with their blatant usury…WTF sort of a novel idea is this!
Oh…and just for the hell of it and being in the mood, look at some other ways of doing things…other than the farcical criminal unconstitutional FED shambles. Why don’t they take a leaf out of little old Iceland’s book and try locking some of these thieves up and throwing away the key!
In so doing they could actually empower Mainstreet and stop lining the pockets of the plutocracy…maybe even contemplate resurrecting a functioning democracy again…gosh, not another novel idea!
Methinks Uncle Sam might be able to cut a sharp deal with Iceland to incarcerate some of their own homegrown thieving Banksters…especially if there are enough of them and in there for the long haul…word is the winters are quite long and, well actually, a tad cold up there…who knows…never been their myself.
Creating money out of nothing without paying interest to somebody else has been tried a few times in History:
Germany 1932-1945 (Hitler came to power 1933)
Canada 1938-1974
Libya under Ghadfi
Two out of three ended with war. It absolutely makes sense for the people but those who collect interest money for creating money out of nothing like to enforce their monopoly.
Three out of three ended in war. Due to geographic location, “war” takes place differently in some locations. We could consider Brazil or Argentina in that context.
The Aristotelian hyperlink on the Ric G post needs to be copied with the entire address, including the .pdf, for the link to open in a browser. (Unknown error!)!.pdf
“a new economic model should be revolving around these axes: AI computing; automated manufacturing; solar and wind energy; high-speed 5G-driven data transfer; and nanotechnology.”
After this pandemic what have we learned?
Medicine, Food, Health Services, real Research, multinational cooperation, Pharmaceuticals, Airlift Capabilities, are some of the sectors of the developed nation’s economies that are vital to sustainability.
None of them are glamourous. But they are the fundamentals where employment will rebuild and expand.
Thinking outside the box: what if every home, alongside their first aid kit, had their epidemic kit. Masks, goggles, gloves, disinfectant, hand sanitizer, wipes.
Thinking outside the box again: what if the algorithms that monitor all news sources for the dark pool computers that construct the NASDEQ and NYSE, were programmed to read news for signs of infectious disease. The alarm would be sounded with the first word of “an unknown pneumonia”. That would have saved China 5 weeks earlier. It would have been alerting the US in Sept-November what was going on in the US. And thus, no decision by WHO or CDC or any bureaucrat in any government local or national or international would sound the alarm. The world would know something new was brewing from those algos.
We don’t need the CIA, or US Army Intel or UN or Bill Gates and his billion dollar feudal lordship watching out for our health.
Some thinking needs to be done.
Brilliant ! Simple common sense – and honesty – why can’t we just do that ? People want to overcomplicate things and / or sound clever.
Patrician Boris and his Etonian friends certainly see themselves as our feudal lords. Boris sent every household in the UK a letter about the virus. What a waste of money – it said nothing at all new. We were supposed to be in awe at receiving his missive. The queen is regularly trotted out to speak to her ” subjects “. Almost every news cast includes a royalty adoration section.
People talk of neo feudalism – I’m not sure we’ve ever really been free of feudalism.
Best wishes to you,
Thinking outside the box: what if every home, alongside their first aid kit, had their epidemic kit. Masks, goggles, gloves, disinfectant, hand sanitizer, wipes.”
And better even: A big enough supply of vitamin c powder, lecithin powder, a ultrasonic cleaner with a 2 pint volume and some glass lab cups in order to make our own lipospheric vitamin c to get rid of any virus in no time.
The US economy will have to be nationalised.
The US will have turned into USSR.
Perhaps it always was but we did not know it.
Any economy which is 70% services is already garbage. It did not require the Corona virus shutdown to destroy it. Nothing can save it.
Secondly, derivatives should not even exist, let alone be part of any bank or financial house balance sheet.
Quite right Bill H, and 20% of that 70% is the FIRE sector, which is a rent extraction not services and produces zip.
Right, this is just the straw that broke the camel’s back. The catalyst for something which would have happened eventually anyway. Honestly, I think it’s a good thing. Everyone is crying about the destruction of our economy but nobody wants to admit that it was a rigged economy designed to benefit the rich at the cost of the destruction of the poor anyway. If we let it collapse, we can build something FAR BETTER in its place. Sure, we will suffer for a while. But would you rather be slaves for the rest of your lives or let it all be torn down so something new can be built in its place? A rigged economy run by criminal bankers for the benefit of the rich that needs endless war after war after war to survive *DOESN’T EVEN DESERVE* to exist anyway!!!
Your right derivatives is what brought on the crash of 2008/09, but its only one of the many things which has turned the stock market into a casino.long-shorts put-calls currency speculation should be forbidden in any viable market.9-11 showed what longs and shorts do to a market as millions went well somewhere but that’s a well kept secret.!!!
The service industry produces goods to benefit a non-service class that produces nothing in real terms only paper, ideas etc.
I hate to rain on your parade, Pepe, but solar and wind energy rely on petroleum so much that they can be considered fossil-fuel extenders at best and an energy sink at worst. 5G relies on faulty assumptions of no harm to health due to cherry picking by a private club of industrialists registered in Germany, ICNIRP, posing as an official international standard-setting authority, with the thoroughly corrupted WHO endorsing them. It was admittedly not safety tested before deployment–they assumed it was not needed based on a studious ignorance of the ten thousand or more peer-reviewed studies indicating non-thermal biological effects of radiofrequency radiation. Thousands of scientists have spoken up about this travesty over the past twenty years, and the recent 5G Space Appeal has garnered more than 230,000 signatures. The Freiburger Appeal released in 2002 and 2012 was supported by more than 1000 physicians.
There are reports of health and environmental issues in several places 5G has been deployed, even if we ignore Wuhan.
No connection has been proven between 5G and COVID-19. Determination of such takes time and peer-reviewed studies to establish the evidence and its relevance, because as they say, “correlation is not causation.” Meanwhile the number of aggrieved victims grows and they take whatever steps they have to to have their voices heard. When people are suffering, accusations of “conspiracy theories” only keep the lid on the steamer for so long.
China, and other countries, needs to stop ignoring the evidence of harm. 5G needs to be radically reworked and scaled back to avoid harm.
Patricia Ormsby:
do you know physics ? Have any idea ?
All cell phones damage. This because of the wave length used. Wave lengths differ however, in general it concerns all cell phones, based on it.
So do people not use it ? No, the majority is using cell phones like they have never ever heard of physics (known since at least the first third of 20th century or even earlier) and behave like dump individuals.
Do you know about TV waves ? Sure, I think. How many people are watching TV to excess ?
So to blame yet only 5G and “raise the alarm” is surely more US propaganda than something else.
Because if you are looking what cell phones are doing to humans tissue you would use it extremely carefully. Do you ? Which cell phones are you using ? Apple ? Samsung ? etc. ?
Would USA raise alarm about 5G if it had been developed by some US companies? Oh no ! Surely not !
About topics and look how it is distributed and written about by mainstream media makes all the difference.
We humans have been given a wonderful brain. Why not using it and differentiate? Instead of falling into the traps of political propaganda.
There are many scientists who are very concerned about possible 5G effects:
At the least, we should be conducting more studies before rushing to surround ourselves with possible damaging machines that no one will be able to avoid being around.
5G uses another frequency than older cell phone systems, WIFI and terrestrial numerical TV. All are more or less of influence to the health of all that lives but 5G will definitely make things worse. Want to know why? Look up “Voltage-gated Calcium Channels” and inform yourself.
Brief edit, last sentence removed – Mod
Radiation, yes. Everything radiates if it produces energy (heat, power, sound, etc). If you live in North America your basement radiates radon. Your body radiates EM.
It’s all about intensity and we know what the wavelength of 5G is. Its shorter than your old AMPS system and way shorter than the ones used by the US govt and signals.
Unless anything radiates energy like a microwave oven (read the name micro-wave) that’s directed and at high wattage, it’s not going to harm. (even microwave only heats up water molecules).
People seem to have forgotten lawsuits against Motorola in the ’90’s for the same crap. Cellphone gives you brain cancer. 20+years and on, not single lawyer can prove it.
As I said elsewhere, even Chernobyl (as measured from Pripyat) only produced 0.05 mSv of radiation. That’s like living in Chicago for 6yrs or 3 CAT scans.
This is prime quality lobbying, probably worth top dollar. So well written, so wrong.
5G is not necessary for maximum power production capacities in the top-tier technological forefront. Neither are a host of other parts of the spectrum that are causing subtle degradation of the human and animal electro-magnetic environment.
5G is weaponizable, both as sensor and physical attack mechanism. So are other wavelength by the way… Anyone trying to sell you that 5G is a *necessary* component of world-leading economic capabilities is advertising their idiocy or malevolence or both.
Fiberoptic, CAT7 ethernet, go a long way. Let’s clean out the air a bit. The internet of things is a bunch of bullshit, irrespective of how it’s a stalking horse for matrix-level surveillance and targeted oppression.
We need to make stuff. We don’t need to do it in mega-factories. It doesn’t need to be ‘automated’, in general — people don’t even know what that means. We need to allow humans to grow their cognitive and productive potentials, and to form their own productive industrial locii, in their own homes and on/of their own property, the means of production will be owned privately. These locii can be organized into complex supply chains, to produce complex top-tier manufactured products, including machine-tools, aircraft, medical equipment, computer equipment, accessory electronics, and the rest of it. None of this needs 5G. It doesn’t even need 4G. It doesn’t even need wi-fi. People of the future will laugh at us for having such a fetish of wireless communication, nouveau-riche obsession with this technology, oblivious to its subtle yet profoundly deleterious effects on our ambient electro-magnetic environment, which we are quite sensitive to at the biological (including mental) level.
Fiber-optic and ethernet will be just fine.
CCP is pushing 5G because they are institutionally and by exigency control-freaks, they probably calculate the biological negatives about how they calculated those associated with gross pollution. I don’t mean to give them a hard time generally, but they probably just can’t resist it. I don’t mean to imply that the CCP is absolutely diabolical, but I think they’ve made the wrong choice on 5G.
We do have a diabolical force running things out here, also control-freaks, quite sick puppies, and their is a confluence on the methodology with the CCP in terms of using communications tech to implement a panopticon society.
We don’t need it. We can outperform a 5G economy with distributed, dispersed, industrial development, high quality environmental preservation, high quality education, culture, including sports, arts, engagement in nature etc. If that’s waxing a bit lyrical, it’s only to contradict this transhumanist pastiche we’ve been getting from the media and its rock-stars like Musk. It’s one style of fantasy about the future, in which humans are left to be stupid, solipsistic jetsons, bemusedly considering their obsolescence, within a shiny carbon fiber, artificially lit tunnel or underground city, where all the work is done by robotic megafactories orchestrated by super-genius angel rock-star visionaries, … that’s my attempt to characterize the vision they’re laying onto people of what progress looks like. 5G 5G 5G !!! Smart toasters! Autonomous cars!!! I don’t know how else to say it’s a cruel joke.
BRI and the CCP, just I’m trying to stake out a position that I think they should consider backing off the 5G nirvana concepts, as economically unnecessary, and destructive to life, intelligence, and well-being.
I never really read totally that old book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”, but I vaguely remember one part about how people can be like shallow streams, where the water moves quickly and agiley over a complex terrain of rocks, and other people can be deep, steady, slow moving rivers. As a metaphor on the quality of human mental capacities. Our culture has produces very quick and shallow minds, unsteady, incapable of holding a thought or carry a project to completion. Arguably this was by design, encoded into the entertainent and educational programming. Reversing this as a matter of cognitive psychology involves a kind of digital detox. Whereas in the 1980s, we would have removed the television from the house, now we may need to remove the tablets, the mobile phones, and even the internet to behind faraday cages and maybe hex-shields more generally, as conduits of energetic parasites and other evils. Hygiene, as was the primary occupation of Nietzsche, taken up later by an acolyte by the name of Steiner. Hygiene. 5G is poor hygiene. If you want to invoke the paranoid General Ripper on that last note, be my guest, it’s an honor, just bring me some whiskey and rainwater! I’m certainly not pushing strategic bombing as an effective remedy, though I appreciate the recent community-driven self-defense measures as temperate and even diplomatic.
I say again, economic and industrial development requires depth and concentration of humans(not robots) working in a distributed, privately-owned, free-market(well-managed), organized into comlex supply chains. These will subsist over largely autonomous and sovereign locally managed communities, federated into States, and then a limited-scope Federal system of government. Wired comms will serve very well for most of it. Some wireless is good for navigation and transportation, but don’t overdo it, especially not for panopticon stuff, bad stuff.
Dood, ain’t lobbying for nobody. Just facts that seem to bypass this thread. 5G is another marketing nomenclature. If you look at an ATT phone today with LTE+ they say its 5G. You can thank T-Mobile to do that for 3G+ became 4G and that got them the marketing edge.
Anyways 5G or NG it’s just a step function over the previous. Like ethernet. 10bT, 100bT, 1GbT, 400GbT (its base T). Its about speed and Shannon’s Law when it comes to physical limits on what you can send over air. All 5G is x4G. Meaning you use more antennas to send and receive. Like instead driving your car on one lane, break it up into 4 and drive on 4 lanes. Which ever gets there first is enough.
End of the day all this speed game is to break the last mile monopoly. Today anywhere you go, its Comcast, Verizon, ATT or Charter (I’m talking for home users in the US trying to connect via a hard wire). This gives them 4K movies, 1600 devices at home sharing stuff, downloading stuff, uploading god knows what data to where.
5G’s aim is to free the last mile from these choke holds. It’s basically 4G x N. N = 10 – infinity. Yeah it needs power to transmit/receive etc but end of day you cannot beat Shannon’s law or Physics. You can only work around it. That’s what 5G or NG is.
For many centuries, the owners of our debt based monetary system would have been executed for treason, and excommunicated from God for Eternity!
And yet now we are so beaten by the dumb stick that we cannot even ask the obvious question, ‘who owns our debts, what are their names and addresses’?
We cannot even ask, ‘why do we create our monetary supply, the greatest treasure in our nation, as debt, the money for slaves’? Are we slaves?
We do not even ask for the ancient laws against usury which forbade the accrued interest from exceeding the original loan capital.
The ancients would weep at our stupidity!
Why not start an open but a shadow structure of councils (of 12 for example each) local, regional…. upwards structure that that at the beginning works in parallel the the established structure. These councils opened to man, woman and child to participate in a dynamic process coming and going – where every year one from a lower level (local) lifted to next high (larger) council level and one or more from higher leave to become ordinary citizens. When it is tuned in it could overtake the corrupt political structure och a Chinese system.
Good idea, KA.
However, I fear that the 0,00015% and their lackeys are going to embrace and promote their version of «the Chinese model», or should I say, the Chinese model as their propagandists have portraited it. Since «we» are failing, the Chinese are succeeding, let’s copy the «Chinese» dystopia then.
The problem, for you and me, is that it will be a «Chinese system» with a genocidal elite of convinced Malthusians at the helm. Let most of the masses die, so we can «save the planet» and get a more exclusive world, in which one can visit Venice without being disturbed by masses of tourists all over the place. A «Chinese system» without any Chinese plans of getting rid of poverty at the countryside within a couple of years, by all means not letting the masses getting rid of their mortgages after some years of payment. No, this will be life-long slavery promoted as solidarity, by mandatory convictions and institutional coercion.
If human species shall survive and prosper, I think we have to try to come up with something that is much better for all of us than any of the current systems on the planet.
First off,
A number of people have predicted exactly what has happened. Has Pepe watched Contagion??
To say no one could have predicted this is simply not true. One only has to look at history and make adjustments to predict how it will affect current economy/society.
Quoting Pepe:
“Yes, a new economic model should be revolving around these axes: AI computing; automated manufacturing; solar and wind energy; high-speed 5G-driven data transfer; and nanotechnology.”
People say stuff like this without even understanding the technology behind each of them.
At the very best, solar and wind max out at 25-30% of required energy needs. It is a pipe dream to think reliance on “fossil” fuels is going away in our lifetimes.
AI computing to do what Pepe? China has actually proven the case that AI is not a substitute for human innovation. China has to steal knowledge from around the world because they suck at innovation. They heavily invested in AI but still suck at innovation. They will always be the ones that make cheap knockoffs of other people’s ideas.
So Pepe is now proponent of 5G? And what do we need 5G for??
What does 90% of the population need that requires nanotechnology for that matter Pepe?
Automated manufacturing? Only big companies have the resources to do that at any scale. Pepe may not really care about all the small businesses in this world but they are actually significant producers and innovators.
A more accurate statement would be that the world needs to return to distributed manufacturing and stop penalizing companies for maintaining inventory.
Just in time manufacturing does not hold up well in crisis. It is vulnerable to all sorts of supply chain issues. But everybody does it, taught like a religion in every school of business.
Let it all implode, a year later most peoples lives would be back to normal and they would be better off. Who really gives a shit if a bunch of insanely rich companies/people have their paper wealth disappear? Physical/tangible goods are and always will be the only true form of wealth.
So true about solar and wind energy being a bit of a dream. As an engineer it will certainly say carbon fuels are not going to the wayside anytime soon. Instead of talking about “alternative energy” people should be figuring out the “alternative to energy.”
As far a financing is concerned, e.g. derivatives, also so true. Money today has become disconnected from any type of real economics as in the economy of obtaining core living needs for people, i.e. food, shelter, clothing, health care, sustainable environment, etc.
”China has to steal knowledge from around the world because they suck at innovation. They heavily invested in AI but still suck at innovation. They will always be the ones that make cheap knockoffs of other people’s ideas.”
Deeply regret to inform you that from your ideas there will be no knockoffs whatsoever. Really, why are you upset about acquisition of knowledge that isn’t even yours?
By contrast, I have an entirely self-made idea from which the Chinese could make a staggering knockoff: Send huge quantities of opium to the West.
China sending huge quantities of opium to the west? Why they already are.
”China sending huge quantities of opium to the west? Why they already are.”
Sounds interesting. But given the assertion that the Chinese only steal Western peoples’ ideas, that would neatly explain it. Are they sending military vessels too?
Are they sending military vessels too? They do not have to. Between the coronavirus and the opium (fentenal) they already are making a very powerful asymmetrical warfare offensive that will put a serious hurting on the west.
I hope you are right. Western parasitism deserves zero support/compassion.
I don’t think that we can expect an immediate collapse of the “old” system.
However, the COVID-19 virus shows the weakness of the present social and financial systems and which class(es) is(are) served best. This class(es) will be after COVID-19 lock-down also best served.
Sure, a state presenting 70 % of its business based on service cannot survive very long. It lacks balance. This is shown more or less nowadays. (And my remark: President Trump knows this very well however, he is made empty handed.)
However, especially those countries where the majority is of Christian belief, especially Roman-Catholic Church, I don’t think that any change will soon take place. The Orthodox-Church has some differences so it is not so much prone to the same as well as some Middle Eastern Christian churches.
The Roman-Catholic Church took basics of the Roman Empire. It has in it the way of thinking that masses have to be controlled, observed and – last not least – spied and sound out.
I agree, I have studied on this, a combination of 20’s german hyperinflation and the decade long great depression. Bread lines are replaced by car lines for food, many people will be mentally tramatized about the best path for them to take.
The world has yet to experience a global depression.
It took one man in Germany to convince their leaders that to stop the damage from hyperinflation, a new currency had to be created at the tune of a 1000 to one in order to bring back the confidence of the monetary system. The central banker and the treasury were in conflict about this new direction, the central banker won the battle and the healing begun.
We do not have that scenario here in the states now, but say in 10 years if this collaboration falls apart due to a similar hyperinflationary event, and a new currency is created, you can bet a 1000 to one devaluation of todays federal reserve note will be the order of the day, history has shown that this is what it takes to restore confidence in a country’s monetary system. Who, when and how is still a mystery, but the question of if is not a mystery, its a known.
Pepe’s article reminds me of an excellent quote I heard many years ago: “We can avoid reality, but we can’t avoid the consequences of ignoring reality.”
This concept has to be understood on micro and macro level. Those who believed this house of cards would not fall, were living in a dream world. My advise: diversify, connect with friends and neighbours, develop your own supply chains, grow food, contact farmers, and cultivate skills that have value to others.
It is amazing how you can think that it is all roses in China. From personal experience, I can tell you, no matter how you got there, it is not good when your biggest customer goes bankrupt. Who do you think is going to buy all those Chinese Christmas Ornaments? China will pay the biggest price of all once the playing field is leveled. China has had unfair advantage for the last 40 years. The WTO has them classified as a developing country. When things are even and China is seen for the evil ideology that it is, the Japanese will be unleashed to finish the job they started in the 1930’s. We should have never helped China starting with WW11. There is nothing new under the sun. It has all been seen before.
Sorry, could you please elaborate on how ”we” helped China starting World War eleven? The wits of confessed Sinophobes work in strange and wondrous ways.
The US consumer is not a “customer” but a grifter. The whole planet is subsidising the US lifestyle, because of how the US is abusing her fiduciary duty as the issuer of the world reserve currency.
China, which is the true value-creating economy, is actually lending you the money to buy their products!!
The Chinese should just cut you loose. Neither they, nor the rest of the world need you.
China has more than enough citizens to consume whatever they produce.
Btw, I won’t go into your sick desire for a redux of imperial Japan’s genocidal war on the Chinese people…or your other revisionist BS history.
For the record, Marcus, China has 800 million in poverty. That qualifies them as a “developing” country, regardless of how advanced the other 500 million are, how technologically advanced or how wealthy they are.
India and many other nations are “developing” nations.
When the vast majority of a nation is out of poverty, they classify you as “developed”.
China didn’t write the rule. She merely insists on the rule being applied because it is the state of development of the nation.
Your wet dream of Japan being unleashed on China is childish. If Japan ever gets to that imperialist form again, the two Koreas, with Russia and China will reduce Abe and his military to ashes. The entire neighborhood has no love for the right wing imperialists of Japan. And knowing Duterte as we do, the Philippines will piss on the ashes.
What about the near-nationalization of the Fed and its merger with the Treasury? What do we expect the consequences to be: will it mean ultimately that the Fed will disappear and a return to 1913 before the debt economy was created,l eading to the quadrillion debt in the world? Waive the trillionsof dollars in interest to the Fed? WOUld be good to hear more about it as it is so unique what is happening. Does anybody hear understand those financial complexities?
The first two things to go down in the states were casinos and (apparently) toilet paper refineries.
Weird, right?
”Imagine most of US industry being shut down. Corporations – like Boeing, for instance – are going to go bankrupt. Bank loans to those corporations will be wiped out. As those loans are wiped out, the banks are going to get into major trouble.”
The Exceptionals and Indispensables will then start making very angry noises with utmost emphasis upon the 2nd you-know-what. As usual, not a single shot will be fired against the US oligarchs; each and every little Pindo will be shooting like a maniac with one hand while hysterically waving the Pindo flag with the other, proclaiming God-given entitlement to whatever still remains open up for grabs, LOL.
As for the Euro-trash, they are going to find out that the EU can’t and won’t save them. This will be the undoing of the LGBTQ ”post-industrial society” with its ”inherently” declining demographics collapsing outright.
Hey I am interested in the book
“The Essential Saker”
Collapse? Not sure but for sure things will change. For starters new debt will need better collateral and local paper will have to be accompanied with tax hikes. Putin is sitting in the catbird seat though and finally has a serious bargaining chip with oil. Doubt he’ll game it wrong before seeing who the next US president will be
“the USA is still standing”… If you pour a 5 gallon bucket of water into a one gallon bucket it goes real well until you start the second gallon. It’s where the feds limitless expanse of credit is going.
This didn’t have to be, the banks should have been taken out in ’08. In spite of overwhelming opposition to bailing them out the sold-out politicians did, as they have always done, sold us and our country down the toilet.