I am writing this this because a person who has been a big part of this blog has not been here for almost three months, and has not given us much explanation for her absence.

KK – a person completely dedicated to the cause of Novorussyia.  And a strong and educated moderator at Saker’s Blog,

KK gave in-depth, passionate comments on this blog concerning Novorussyia and its fighters..  Everyone came to view KK as an authority of the Novorussyian cause.  She was listened to, argued with, criticized, and also appreciated, night after night, day after day.   There really wasn’t a time when KK wasn’t here.

KK was immediately recognized as a seasoned, well informed and experienced moderator now taking up the cause of Saker’s blog.   Generous and ready to give a commenter a chance and to help in any way, especially with amazing computer skills!

Right from the start, I thought KK was so cool.   I guessed this moderator was one of the ‘guys’ from South Front.  Perhaps this might even be ‘the voice’, now helping at Saker’s.   As time would prove, KK wasn’t a man, and wasn’t ‘the voice’, but she did refer to South Front as  ‘we’, because  the cause of Novorussyia is a problem that unites people and makes them into volunteers.

Here in Moderation, when comments come in that are hostile, its actually very easy to send them to trash.  It takes an objective calm attitude to go over all the many, sometimes complicated comments and not judge rapidly.

The people that wanted to try moderating, after Saker sent out his plea, were mostly trained by KK.  Of course there have been people helping Saker with his blog since long before the ‘moderation’ even started.  Gevorg for instance.  But KK trained a huge share of the current moderators, including those that hopefully will come back.

When Saker’s blog got onto Facebook, there were so many comments of a (seemingly) hostile nature that I was just fuming about letting through “comments that didn’t deserve it.”

KK, on the other hand was always wanting to ‘convert’ the trolls, and spent many evenings writing replies to people who the readers here at Saker’s deemed trolls.  They were defended as ‘newbies’..  I once said to her, ‘But they’re probably from the CIA !!??”  KK doubted it, she thought it much more likely they were from FB.

We haven’t seen KK here at Saker’s now, for almost three months, so I wanted to write a tribute to her, to her deep knowledge and commitment to Novorussyia and Saker’s.  To her interest in learning new things, which was clearly demonstrated by her time here.

I would like to ask KK to carry us still, in her strong warm heart, as she carried everyone.

Moderator A
Co-signed: V, T,

Note by the Saker: I want to add a few words of my own to this short tribute.  First, I want to say that I miss KK.  Not that our relations where always that smooth and easy.  A couple of times KK felt like I deserved a tongue-lashing, and on one occasion I felt like she had gone too far with it.  We then had what diplomats call a “frank exchange of views”.  But guess what?  Her main concern was “friends?” (of course we were!) and her last words were “I love you” (and the feeling was very mutual).   KK was not always easy, but she was always kind and principled and, because of that, she has my infinite respect.  I don’t know what happened to KK, but I do know that she had serious health problems.  But wherever she is now, she has my love and gratitude and I wish her the best.

The Saker