The following was sent to me by a correspondent to whom I am very grateful for this interesting item. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the translation. VS

ANKA News Agency, 21 January 2008

Former Prime Minister and current Defense Minister Ehud Barak will visit Turkey in February at the invitation of his Turkish counterpart Vecdi Gönül.

Diplomatic sources said that the purpose of Barak’s visit to Turkey is to maintain dialogue between the two countries in the field of defense.

Problems relating to the security of the region, co-operation in the field of defense industry and “intelligence sharing” in the fight against terrorism will be on the agenda. In this context, an increase in intelligence co-operation is expected.

It was noted that the issue of Chief of the Turkish General Staff Ya şar Büyükanıt’s postponed visit to Israel may also be raised during this visit.

(link to the original item in Turkish: