It appears that the next 24 hours will be absolutely crucial for the future of the Ukraine. So far, these are the most important developments:
The following cities have seen uprisings taking place over the week-end: Kharkov, Slaviansk, Krasnyi Liman, Kramatorsk, Lugansk, Enakievo, Gorlovka, Donetsk, Khartsyzk, Ilovaisk, Mariupol. To get a feel for the spread, check out this map:
![]() |
Rebel cities in the eastern Ukraine |
The second big development is the clear increase in the quality of the forces opposing the takeover of the eastern Ukraine by the revolutionary regime in Kiev. Up until Friday, most of the demonstrators were civilians, “armed” with bars, stones, Molotov cocktails, bats, etc. and, frankly, their barricades looked pretty lame. Over the week end some better equipped forces have appeared, this could be due to the seizure of weapons caches from the SBU, but my guess is that there is a traffic going on between Crimea and the eastern Ukraine. Some Crimeans have said so openly. Furthermore, it is very likely that there are also volunteers from Russia, probably with military backgrounds, helping out the locals. The barricades look far better built now, they are over 6 feet high and they seem much better protected.
The Kiev regime and the USA have accused Russia of having GRU agents involved. Well, I am pretty sure that they are there – they would be stupid not to – but to present the spreading insurrection as the result of the Kremlin’s covert operations is rather silly. While I would expect the SVR and GRU to try to help, they are going to try to stay several steps removed in order to avoid a potential political scandal for Russia. But could the GRU be providing equipment for Russian volunteers in eastern Ukraine. Yes, that is definitely possible, thought not necessarily the most likely explanations. The fact is that nobody really knows.
There are some pretty consistent rumors that the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, John O. Brennan, has covertly travelled to Kiev and that he is the one who told the regime to put down the rebellion in the East. Maybe. Maybe not. What is certain is that the SBU has been run by the CIA since 22 years already and that the authorities would never have gone ahead with this plan without getting Uncle Sam’s approval. Since the offensive basically failed, it appears that the US has told its Ukrainian allies to “cool it”, either to try to negotiate or just to win some time. Whatever may be the case, both Iatseniuk and Turchinov have now promised a referendum on the future of the Ukraine and all the “legitimate demands” of the East. Nobody trusts them (Turchinov had just announced an “anti-terrorist” operation!), but this is nevertheless a *huge* development. At the very same time, there are repeated reports about a secret order by Turchinov to crack down on the eastern Urkaine and that Andrei Parubii (Maidan), Valentin Nalivaichenko (SBU) and Vasilii Krutov (Military) have formed special headquarters to coordinate the repression.
Finally, there are a lot of reports of large columns of military units moving towards the East. They even include artillery and heavy multiple rocket launchers. My hope is that these are moved to the eastern Ukraine in order to try to stop a Russian military intervention. I am not saying that this would work – it would not – but that I hope that this is the plan. I don’t want to even contemplate the possibility that these systems might be used against the civilian population.
There are basically three scenarios for the short term now:
1) The Ukies give up on the notion to solve this problem by violence and terror and some kind of deal will be hammered out between Russia and the US on the 17th.
2) The Ukies do attack and fail.
3) The Ukies attack, are successful and Russia intervenes.
Can a unitary Ukraine still be saved? At this point, I would say that this *might* still be possible, but that the Ukies have to really give up the notion of breaking the rebellion in the East by violence and the USA have to finally stop the nonsense and agree to seriously negotiate.
If the Ukie do try to attack and put down the rebellion by force, they can kiss the eastern Ukraine goodbye forever.
Stay tuned.
The Saker
I would guess that it became apparent to Kiev that they did not have sufficient loyal forces to conduct a successful military operation and have had to regroup and assess their strategy. They don’t really have much time to do so I would think. Meanwhile the information war rages on…
The IMF government is doing us a great favor by using the word “terrorism”. That is backfiring big-time.
Remember “optics” is the name of the game here. The world has basically discounted Western agitprop and will continue to do so unless they see footage of Russian tanks, helicopters and planes in the East.
Russians can help by supplying flags, food, fuel, medicine and other things that are needed on the barricades.
Fait accompli, the people on the ground have the power to win this.
Update from Crimea: My wife is originally from Ukraine & still have family/friends in living in Ukraine(Crimea/Yalta, Kharkov, & Kiev) & Russia (Moscow, St. Petersberg, Samarra).
For those who don’t know, East/SouthEast Ukraine is industralized, more urban, more populated, & more educated majority & is pro-Russian almost like Crimea
west Ukraine(rural, less populated poorer, less educated) is anti-Russia.
Vast majority of Crimeans are HAPPY Crimea is part of Russia – from my family/friends who live in Crimea/Yalta report that:
1) Their social security/pensions & gov salaries from teachers, doctors, nurses, civil service etc are going up– DOUBLING to Russian standards
2) Over 66%-80% of Crimean Ukrainian military sided over to & joined Russian military instead, their salaries & pensions going up 500% to Russian standard & military pensions start at age 40 instead of age 60 as in Ukraine
3) Russia is building new hospitals, schools, & other new infrastructure in Crimea, billions in new investment
4) Crimean Economy is improving, with Russia directing new business purchases to Crimean companies, increasing hiring
5) In contrast, Ukraine is still in recession with the new IMF/EU austerity already taking place, gas prices/heating already up 50%-80% .. will increase to 100% up later..
6) in rest of Ukraine, Social security/pensions already cut in half 50% & half of all social security/pensions aren’t even being paid since the Ukrainian gov is broke without the previous billions in Russian aid
7) In rest of Ukraine under EU/IMF-imposed austerity program announced by neo-Nazi coup-led gov in Ukraine , the free lunch program for school kids will end & all school kids K-12 will have to buy their own text books
Crazy Ivan say…
The Saker, maybe I’m dumb, death, blind, simpleton or have IQ equal to room temperature but I know that and I do know I’d ask those who knows better. :-)
Tell me please (perhaps “us”) why do you think Russia is doing everything in her power NOT to incorporate Eastern Ukraine which historically belong to Russia?
Why the fervent and resolute acts and more often words – we can’t, we do not want, we’re against, it’s not in our interest, etc.
Would you be kind to share your views on the subject? Thanks.
Dear Saker
Tomorrow we can expect this from the Serbs too.
It is because the politician are paid by NATO/EU
“In his speeches, Djukanovic made unfriendly anti-Russian remarks which, alongside Montenegro’s decision to join EU anti-Russian sanctions, are causing our deep disappointment. Such statements are running counter to deep traditions of friendship and mutual understanding between the peoples of our countries that rest on the 300-year-long experience of Russian-Montenegrin relations,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.
I’ve got two issues I would like you to clarify, if you would:
(1) A body was dumped in a forest near Slavyansk yesterday morning or during the night before, presumably dressed up in Ukrainian SBU uniform, in order to be found by a Ukrainian army patrol after provocateurs staged a mock attack on their checkpoint nearby. At least, that’s how I read it. Do you agree?
(2) An apparent attempt to portray the storming by Ukrainian troops on Saturday of the Kramatorsk municipal buildings occupied by protestors, as being the exact opposite, viz, a storming of Ukrainian army occupants by militarily-organised rebels.
In the first case, multiple accounts are mutually contradictory and sometimes nonsensical, specifically on whose checkpoint it was. If it was a ‘pro-Russian’ checkpoint, then the story makes no sense: how would attacking a pro-Russian checkpoint lead the Ukrainian troops to rush into the forest and find a conveniently dumped body?
In the second case, we have a superb video, but despite that, the identities of the parties inside versus the parties attacking them seem to have become confused, at least in Reuters dispatches. I do not believe that a military formation of ‘pro-Russian protestors’ in uniform would storm a Kievian building with Kievian troops in it, certainly not by riddling it with indiscriminate live fire as these guys did:
The uniforms and weapons used in such operations may be either unmarked or obtained from captured stores belonging to the opposite side, to create a full-blown, literal false-flag event, but this particular event was merely ambiguous: the disinfo reversal of who was who may have happened by accident, but has now become a disinfo meme in its own right.
@Rowan Berkley: A body was dumped in a forest near Slavyansk yesterday morning I know nothing about that. There are too many rumors to make sense.
we have a superb video, but despite that, the identities of the parties inside versus the parties attacking them seem to have become confused
Very interesting vid indeed. It appears that the “defenders” of the building were local people who claimed to be in support of the Russian-speakers in the East but who were subordinated to the authorities in Kiev. The “attacking” groups is ABSOLUTELY MOST DEFINITELY *NOT* RUSSIAN SPETSNAZ GRU aka “Polite Armed Men in Green” as the video title says (that I am 100% sure of) and I am pretty sure (80%) that this is not even a regular unit. What I see is just a bunch of guys in uniforms trying to act professional and failing at it. For one thing, their discipline is rather poor, they equipment minimal, they appear to have no communications gear, and their plan of assault just about as basic and primitive as can be: shoot your way in through to door.
My conclusion is that these are the local volunteers hastily organized into a militia. But yes, these are pro-Russian, not protesters, but insurgents. Reuters got this one more or less right.
Have I replied to your satisfaction?
Kind regards,
The Saker
Saker, I think to call the Kiev’s fascio-putschists as “revolutionary regime in Kiev” is a kind of joke, isn’t it?
Cheers from Brasil
Well, not really, but I know this is confusing stuff. At least you can understand the soundtrack on the Kramatorsk video. My problem with it remains, though. My instinct tells me it’s a false flag operation. Obviously the western MSM will cite as fact, that armed rebel militia used profuse free fire on this exploit. I don’t like it at all.
As for the Slavyansk story, I think it is equally important because it is the basis for Kiev’s claim that one of their officers has already been killed by the rebels. Despite the fact that the original reports vary wildly, there is definitely a widespread claim in the tweets etc that the body supposedly killed in the gunfire exchange was planted on the scene, that it was stone cold and therefore not freshly killed, etc. Whether it was pre-dressed in SBU uniform I don’t know, but that would be optimal for the strategy as I suspect it to be. The point is, it was planted so that Kiev could say they had a fatality.
Besides the immediate propaganda value for the west of these two manipulated events, there is a larger question which I think is worth asking: how far is the west and its so-called MSM prepared to go with organised media disinfo? Is there no point at which the reporters will just stop and say, no more lies? Even the satellite photos stunt was followed by another media twist for damage limitation purposes: I saw stories claiming that Russia had admitted to **currently** conducting manoeuvres near the border. This is untrue but it is clever, because it will deal with all the western readers who have heard that Russia contradicts NATO on these satellite photos, but have not heard any details of what Russia’s contradiction actually said.
@Scan:Saker, I think to call the Kiev’s fascio-putschists as “revolutionary regime in Kiev” is a kind of joke, isn’t it?
No, not at all, why? They did come to power by revolution. One can be a Fascist and a revolutionary after all, I think of Franco, Mussolini or Pinochet, Videla, Park Chung-hee and many others – they are came to power by revolution. I don’t use the world revolution in the sense of “progressive popular revolution” but rather in the “insurgency/military coup” meaning.
@Rowan Berkeley:how far is the west and its so-called MSM prepared to go with organised media disinfo? Is there no point at which the reporters will just stop and say, no more lies?
No, not unless they want to lose their job.
I saw stories claiming that Russia had admitted to **currently** conducting manoeuvres near the border
Well, that is 100% genuine bovine excreta: military maneuvers are not something which you can hide under a bush. You can just hop into a car or, better, a small aircraft and you see it all. So these rumors are just total baseless crap.
The Saker
Dear The Saker,
The USG has confirmed now that Brennan was in Ukraine.
Also don’t forget police and Berkut sided with the protesters too – so will bring their skills to the table.
Bros, eight minutes of quite cool footage with Classic music. Enjoy!
Don’t you make any diference between a “Coup d’État” and a “revolution”?
Here, in Brasil, the meanings of the two have enormous differences.
As you know, in 1964 we had a coup here: the only people who call it today a “revolution” are those criminals who supported it.
@Scan:Don’t you make any diference between a “Coup d’État” and a “revolution”?
For me a revolution is a change in regime, literally an ‘overturning’ or ‘rotation’ in power. A coup d’etat is a change in leadership which can but does not have to be a revolution. A coup d’etat is lead and executed by one faction of the elite against another (Pinochet against Allende). A revolution implies a change in regime, such as the Fascists against Yanukovich. I do not attach a negative or positive connotation to words like “revolution”, “coup d’etat”, “insurrection”, “insurgency” or “armed rebellion”. Some I approve of, others I dislike, it all depends on who does it and for what motives.
But that’s just me, others use these expressions differently.
Kind regards,
The Saker
@Veritas:The USG has confirmed now that Brennan was in Ukraine.
Yeah, that figures. Typical.
Thanks for the info!
The Saker
4)The Kiev bloc splits the East with false offers of federalization, then finally musters loyal forces to violently suppress a minority of separatists, then, once back in control, negotiations for federalization somehow “fail.” Putin sits on his hands through all violence because destabilizing Ukraine, is not in his interest.
“Destabilizing Ukraine” means many things, includes putting in a reliable transitional government to conduct elections and referendums. Replacing the Kiev regime is not Russian policy, yet annexing Crimea has seriously destabilized the oligarch/neofascist bloc.
Krimea was never ‘annexed ‘ by russia . Krimeans held a referendum. To rejoin russia . Annexation us the violent takin and incorporating of something
Crazy Ivan says…
A lot of information you can find on
Россия 24 channel in Internet
For example, latest images of choppers and APCs of Ukraine Army (5 min before) not only scaring local population but getting ready for use in coming days.
On the other hand interviewed today Mr Nebojsa Malic about latest news the US is considering delivering American weapons to Kiev’s regime!
I suppose not to Ukrainian Army but to the nationalists thugs of The National Guard and The Right Sector militia/military formations.
Everything what Russia does in the last days looks like being cranked out ad hoc according to moves of Ukraine regime, US activities and EU “barks”.
But yet I regard US weapons in nationalist private armies in Ukraine “as game changer”.
RF should attacked and moved its army units in two main directions:
1) Kiev to Odessa
2) Charkiv to Odessa
As I recall too, 23 summer youth camps were opened for the National Guards formations and trainings.
They must be neutralize as well. Together with Ukrainian Army concentration positions.
First and foremost goal of Russian invasion should be liquidation of nationalist armed formations. Annihilation – once and for all!
Then Ukraine should be divided into 4 parts. See the map:
About Southeast Federation
(Про Юго-Восточную Федерацию)
ASAP there should be created local and federation administrations. After that Russian Army should be withdrawn.
What result will emerge from the blueprint everyone may envisage yourself.
Let me underline one thing – the US will do ALL to undermine RF in the coming weeks. One day Russia will have to choose what to do and make the preemptive moves. There’s no other way for her.
That’s my opinion.
Here is another video of the Saturday take over of the Kramatorsk building that is about twice as long taken by somebody else.
Новое. Штурм в Краматорске. (Полная Версия) 12.04.2014.
No idea what the shooting is all about. Speculation in the comments about them shooting with blank cartridges, but I saw in the 5 min video RB posted at least one bullet strike on metal (with usual sparks). They don’t seem to break any windows, so I guess they were just shooting at the walls. Nobody was reported as hit by bullets.
вот так
@вот так: I watched the video and I can say for sure that these are very poorly trained men (they are shooting long bursts), poorly commanded (they are all improvising on the spot) and they are not using blanks (nobody sane goes with blanks to take a building with trained people inside who will shot back with real ammo).
I say that what these videos show is the takeover of a regime-controlled building by a self-appointed local militia.
The Saker
@Rowan Berkeley
Re: Slavyansk
Apparently this is what happened. Some locals were negotiating with local soldiers on APCs on one of the main roads to Slavyansk. The soldiers had no desire to move forward into the city. A car drove by, some people jumped out and started shooting. They ran away after one of the APCs moved towards them. In their car there was an already cold corpse in uniform with a gun and an unconscious man. After coming around the man said his car broke down on the road, he had to stop, some people approached him and he does not remember anything after that. The car had a logo of a private security firm whose main office is in Poltava. There seems to be some confusion about whether the number plates where from Poltava or from Vinnitsa. Here is a link:
About the video, it seems that this was indeed a screw-up by the local insurgents, which made some people very angry because of the bad publicity it generated. The lack of proper organisation this protest is suffering from was brought up.
With every passing hour, the People Power grows stronger. The pocketbook issues are extremely important and a big detriment for the golpistas. And soon, the gas will cease to flow.
I agree. At about 2:15 in the 5 min video, a couple men are pointing their guns level (potentially very dangerous to anyone in front of him) and an older guy walks up and physically raises the gun of one of guys. He the says something, which the guy with the gun acknowledges. Most of those guys are obviously untrained with maybe a very few among them who do have some training probably the “leaders”, like the guy I just described.
вот так
Turchinov asks for UN army to help establish peace in eastern Ukraine. This is rather brilliant, as it seems he doesn’t have the reliable troops to be able to do so himself.
A truly international occupation of, say, Japanese / Filipinos / South Africans could defuse tensions, keep the eastern Ukrainians alive longer, start to expose the Nazis for what they are, and in general let people breathe, which will have the effect of cranking down the volume on the amplification feedback and giving time to stabilize, instead of causing an avalanche/explosion in a short period of time.
A puppet occupation of, say, Americans and Brits could help the regime to win, help establish a virtual dictatorship, which would then be unstable for decades to come.
RT guesses the Russians would veto this in the Security Council. Yet a stable East is in the Russian’s interests; and all adults want to prevent bloodshed amongst civilians. So I could see Russia going with a UN stabilization, especially if it includes objective news observers.
Reactions, comments?
There are troubles in Kiev right now.
@anonymous: Turchinov asks for UN army to help establish peace in eastern Ukraine.
Considering how UN countries constantly voted against Russia, there is no way the Russians would allow the UN to send in a UN peacekeeping force. Besides, this one will probably be long over before any such force could be assembled. The only exception to this would be if Russia got to play a major role in that force, something which the moron in the White House will never agree to.
@Олег Потапов: can you give us more details? Links?
The Saker
I watched the video again and again, i think these guys are using some kind of practice ammunition – not even a window breaks, no dust is coming down from hitting the walls, no shattered glass or something – and there is a lot of shooting.. a 5.45mm plastic cap “bullet” would have no power after a few meters. I agree, these guys are neither professionals nor serious..
all these bystanders, would anybody be there with no cover if there is expectable shooting from inside the building? i’m not sure about the scene, but it looks very staged to me..
people demonstrate in front of the parliament in kiew right now, demand the “acting” president to step down.
Crazy Ivan says…
Kiev’s mess:
@R: well, you can hear a voice on the video saying “are these blanks?” and another voice says “no, no any more” which seems to indicate that somebody used blanks. As for shattering windows, that is not proof. It all depends on the window and the angle. Also, this is, I think, an SBU building, so the windows might be special. Frankly, there is no way to tell from the video. But there is a consensus that the building was taken, and I cannot imagine somebody trying to take an official building protected at the very least by a few cops while using blanks or plastic bullets. And if they did, then they are crazy suicidal lunatics and a lot of them would have been shot.
I don’t think is staged either. This is just the kind of total chaos which happens when law and order collapse, civilians take guns, and everybody is both mad and afraid.
I might be mistaken, but to me this video looks for real.
But, as I said, I might be mistaken (-: I have lifelong record of being wrong :-)
Kind regards,
The Saker
@the saker,
ok, that’s why i said i’m not sure, but there are more faked videos on the net like this:
what do you think about the “russian lieutenant”?
Crazy Ivan says…
I’ve found interesting article in Pravda explaining the sequence of events in Eastern Ukraine. For example:
For the time being, the situation in Donetsk continues to evolve according to the plan of the uprising: key cities have been taken under control. Each of the taken cities are of strategic importance: Slavyansk is the largest railway hub in the region, Krasny Liman – the largest sorting station, Kramatorsk – a major engineering center, Mariupol is the key to the Sea of Azov. Altogether, they create a defense zone around Donetsk and Lugansk, intercepting the road leading to the cities.
Will Russia interfere if Kiev starts civil war?
Nice reading. :)
William Hague’s latest tweet: “Russia must desist from steps which destabilise #Ukraine & accept the new leadership the US orchestrated or face further sanctions from EU.
The bolded passage is funny for it’s frankness, but this now seems to be the NATO approach, since Russia hasn’t actually done anything e.g. aggression since Crimea to trigger sanctions, they now say that non-recognition of the coup is grounds for escalation.
Tsarev has supposedly announced he is writing a new “federalized” constitution to be put up to referendum, or something like that.
Another things glossed over by NATO media is that the coup already has changed the constitution, reverting it to a previous one. That is a pretty shocking thing for a regime with such little legitimacy, that they expect everybody to fall under their dictate and under their constitutional change. Now I believe the Feb 21 agreement was going to revert to the previous Constitution as well, but doing so outside the bounds of the agreement without actual legal legitimacy by just one side’s forces is a very different thing.
I’m curious about what I’ve heard of this 24th Independent Airborne Brigade, possibly in Dnipro, or possibly deployed to Donetsk, either refusing to sign contract to serve coup regime, or “defecting” when faced with Dnipro citizens they may have been sent to “deal with”(?). Very unclear so far.
Putin to Rahm Emmanuelle’s boitoi:
Putin to Obama: Use your influence to prevent bloodshed in Ukraine
“Vladimir Putin has urged his US counterpart Barack Obama to use his influence on the Ukrainian government to prevent “bloodshed” in the country.
“The current protest in the south-east of the country is the result of the unwillingness and the inability of the current regime in Kiev to consider the interests of the Russians and Russian speakers. Putin called upon Obama to use all of his capabilities, to prevent the use of force and bloodshed,” said a statement from the Kremlin press service.
The Russian President also denied that Russia is meddling in Ukraine.
“The President noted that such speculation is based on unreliable information. Ukrainian authorities should rather direct their attention to formulating a new constitution that involves all political forces in the country, creating a federalized state and guaranteeing Ukraine’s non-aligned status,” said the statement.
вот так
Very informative piece by Webster Tarpley about the Ukraine
Metaphysical Doubts Concerning the Existence of Modern Ukraine, a 1918 Creation of the German General Staff
by Webster G. Tarpley
@R: what do you think about the “russian lieutenant”?
He claims to be a Lt-Colonel of the Russian military.
He is not wearing a standard Russian uniform
He is addressing cops, not soldiers
He does not have anybody protecting him (in a combat zone)
My conclusion: this guy is probably a local or a volunteer from Russia, possibly a retired Lt Colonel, but God only knows from what kind of unit, if any. There is no way on earth that he is an active duty Lt.-Colonel from the Russian military. No way. Again, the comparison with the Polite Armed Men in Green is striking in its contrast.
I said, from Day 1 that the guys in Crimea were Russian Spetsnaz. In this case, I am categorically denying that this guy, or the guys on the other video, are active duty Russian forces.
The Saker
Here goes: an advisor to Kerry said the US “may” decide to send arms to eastern Ukraine. Because, obviously, “what we are seeing in a series of cities mimics what we saw in Crimea both in terms of the tactics and in terms of the people involved.”
Was this our game plan all along?
The Moscow Times:
“White House Confirms, Downplays CIA Director’s Kiev Visit”
Pentagon: Russian fighter jet repeatedly flew over US destroyer in Black Sea
File that whinge by the U.S. in the “Teacher, teacher! He’s looking at me! category. :D
But this at the end of the article is worth noting:
‘NATO violates Montreux Convention’
“Last week the Russian military considered the USS Donald Cook manoeuvre part of a systematic build-up of naval forces.
“What we are seeing is that for the first time since 2008, NATO is creating a naval battle group outside Russian borders,” a Russian military source told Interfax news agency.
On April, 3, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov accused NATO of violating the Montreux Convention, which regulates the number ships that can enter the Black Sea, saying that “US warships have extended their deployment beyond the set terms a couple of times lately.”
According to the treaty, warships from non-Black Sea states can only stay in the basin for up to 21 days consecutively. USS Taylor spent 11 more than that in the region in February and March.
Russia’s Foreign Ministry expressed “bemusement” over the move.
“Turkey [which administers the treaty] did not inform us about the overstay. We have expressed our concern to the Turkish and US side in a verbal note,” said a statement on the ministry website.”
The USA again breaks a treaty they signed into law, and one of their quislings (Turkey) facilitates it.
вот так
Rowan Berkeley, in my opinion there is no outer limit to Western MSM lying and faking of news. None whatsoever. Decades of oligopolisation of the MSM by the likes of Murdoch and a heavy representation of neo-conservative, Likudnik-type Jews, and the atavistic religious despots of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, has culled all but Rightwing thugs and psychotics from the MSM. There are a few exceptions, kept on, I would say for cosmetic propaganda purposes only. Western state media, the BBC, Australia’s ABC, NPR and Deutschewelle is woeful, too. I remember not just the unreported faking by al Jazeera of reports from Syria, that led to some senior resignations, but not many, the broadcast by the local ABC of a huge pro-Government rally in Damascus described, with breathtaking mendacity, as ‘anti-regime’, the crudely amateurish videos from Ukraine during the Orange Revolution farce, and numerous other cases where the fraudulence was blatant, but the self-confessed geniuses of the MSM just could not or would not see it. These creatures are psychopaths with every feature of the psychotics who employ them, and they will do whatever is required to keep their well-paid jobs in an age of collapsing living standards.
People vs Tank:
“Was this our game plan all along?”
I think it was the Israeli/USA/EU gameplan to destabilise Ukraine in order to entice Russia to send in it’s military. This so they could get Russia involved in another “Afghanistan” scenario of being the “aggressors” in a “their own Vietnam” situation. This to aide the demonising abroad, weaking the Russian international reputation and losing them foreign ties and friends, and to weaken the country at home so the 5th element folks can renew their currently failed campaign of “color revolution”.
Just about every move and piece of propaganda I’ve seen coming from the zionazified west reinforces that view of deliberate flames fanning. If the west and their banderivtsy end up accepting the demands of Novorossiya, it will be because those demands were forcibly shoved down their collective throats and they had no choice but to accept. That latter, I think, is the Novorossiyan plan, BTW.
вот так
Nora, I think it quite possible that the US and its stooges want to see civil war in Ukraine. First, because death and destruction suffered by others, the ‘enemy'(all other to the Chosen Few),is for them a pathopsychological reward in itself, and murder, mayhem and destruction have been The American Way since the colonialists arrived and set about exterminating the Native Americans. Always holding aloft their ‘Good Book’, the Old Testament/Torah with its lengthy depictions of Divinely Ordained genocides, ‘down to the last suckling babe’. A manual of unending genocide, with the convenient device of the ‘Amalek’ providing a rational for labeling any group ‘the enemy of God’ and ordaining their extermination, forever. It has been one massacre, one aggression, one genocide, one atrocity after another ever since. If a hideous Chechnya or Syria type bloodbath contributes to ‘bringing Russia down’, that will be another huge benefit.
The “Ukrainian Hillary” has a “plan”:
Tymoshenko forming “people’s resistance movement” (sound of uncontrolled laughter…)
“Yulia Tymoshenko, head of the Ukrainian “Batkivschina” (“[zionist vat]erland”) party and candidate for [looney bin], is planning to create a [very rich] people’s resistance movement and to head it. In the program “Freedom of Speech” of the ICTV channel on Monday night, Tymoshenko said: “I have decided, since this very moment, to try to do my best to support the movement of people who are ready to defend [our benefactors in Israel, the USA and the EU].”…
вот так
“@Олег Потапов: can you give us more details? Links?” (“Troubles in Kiev” question.)
This might be what the person is talking about:
Participants of the council, which met on Monday at the Independence Square in Kiev, went to the Verkhovna Rada and called for the resignation of Interior Minister Arsen Avakov and demanded decisive actions of the authorities in eastern Ukraine, said “Gromadska TV.”
From the same source, it looks like the USA is getting more openly involved now in controlling their banderivtsy quislings:
US authorities have sent FBI, Treasury Department and Justice Department experts to Ukraine as part of additional economic and diplomatic assistance to Kiev, the US State Department affirmed Monday.”
“Diplomatic assistance”, my arse.
вот так
@ R was the scene staged ?
Not at all.
The shooting could be done thru the open windows
The people have seased being peaceful after one of them had been pushed by the head of the police detachment from the hegiht of the second floor and was seriously injured (scull base broken)
The police boss was severely beaten before taken to the ambulance (and to Donetsk)
— Those of you, guys and gals, who haven’t seen the video, showing unarmed people chasing a tank of the Glorious Ukie’s Army in the field – have a look (just 4 minutes of your time).
Tragedy and comedy in one glass:
or from an earlier post by Anonymous:
Best regards
Oh guys, I get that we want to get Russia involved — I just wasn’t sure we wanted to go “bang! bang!” ourselves, at least in any “official” capacity. But hey, the MIC/HSC has probably outfitted every small town in America and they’re running out of dupes (er, customers), so I guess it’s time for another war. After all, Afghanistan and Iraq are ancient history by now, right?
And Mulga, my grandfather’s tribe survived FIVE separate Trails of Tears in the mid-19th century so yeah, I do understand EXACTLY what we are.
@ Nora,
Not sure what he would mean by arming Ukraine. It doesn’t take much weapons to put down a popular uprising and there is nothing they can give them that would enable Ukraine to challenge Russia.
I’ve heard the theory that Zbig Brzyzinski hopes to ‘trap’ Russia into a Ukraine invasion ala Afghanistan. If that’s the plan I don’t think it would work. Russia could invade Ukraine up to the Polish border and would put down any guerrilla movement. The Prawy Sector are not exactly Mujahideen and Ukraine is hardly an unfamiliar land.
I’m not suggesting the should or that that would be a good idea. Only that it wouldn’t be much of a trap.
Inherently, the internet has a tendency to push us people, who want to know what’s really going on, into an ongoing fight against the time. Each news, which comes out, has to be told instantly and we all are eager to get it first.
The whole situation changes totally at that day, the computer system breaks down or we are forced – mainly by personal duties – to stay away from our machines. Those times might come out to be as important for us as those times, when everything is changing from minute to minute nd we are hungry for “news”. Ukraine is no exception from this experience we all know so well.
So, let’s try and lean back for a minute, let’s try to contemplate a bit more about all the mind boggling things that happened in the last week for instance.
I live in Germany and try to inform me as you all do as well, so I also found this wonderful blog site of the Saker where many people are hungry to learn from others, to exchange their own thoughts and to give themselves and all the others a feeling to belong to a form of cyber community, reaching out for the truth behind all those lies, which are spread mainly by the mainstream media and by our western governments.
I’m mainly concerned in one question in regard to the orchestrated ukrainian conflict: Does the US, do the european countries and Israel want war?
To this time I have no clear answer to this question. As a person who has his background in military analysis, the Saker made some very profound analyses as well as some insightful forecasts about the developing ukrainian situation and developments. This alone justifies all the work, he put into this blog over the time and I want to thank you for this, because most other sites (not all) simply repeat and speculate without having any substantial basis.
If my essential question can be answered, I would not be in a hurry, not feeling driven to watch each and every news that comes out, because there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I think, I’m not alone with this principal longing for clarity on this essential subject.
To this day, it makes me wonder what really drives the western countries – and please don’t think they a simply a bunch of lunatics – to make things worse and more worse, there is no clear answer to this question, as long as no one knows if they really want to provoke a russian over reaction to have a legitimation to start a war, and that only could be a great war – a world war.
Perhaps it might be helpfull for all of us, to get a little more distance from time to time and try to answer this fundamental question first.
Thank you all and especially the Saker for this blog site and for his great work.
Inherently, the internet has a tendency to push us people, who want to know what’s really going on, into an ongoing fight against the time. Each news, which comes out, has to be told instantly and we all are eager to get it first.
The whole situation changes totally at that day, the computer system breaks down or we are forced – mainly by personal duties – to stay away from our machines. Those times might come out to be as important for us as those times, when everything is changing from minute to minute nd we are hungry for “news”. Ukraine is no exception from this experience we all know so well.
So, let’s try and lean back for a minute, let’s try to contemplate a bit more about all the mind boggling things that happened in the last week for instance.
I live in Germany and try to inform me as you all do as well, so I also found this wonderful blog site of the Saker where many people are hungry to learn from others, to exchange their own thoughts and to give themselves and all the others a feeling to belong to a form of cyber community, reaching out for the truth behind all those lies, which are spread mainly by the mainstream media and by our western governments.
I’m mainly concerned in one question in regard to the orchestrated ukrainian conflict: Does the US, do the european countries and Israel want war?
To this time I have no clear answer to this question. As a person who has his background in military analysis, the Saker made some very profound analyses as well as some insightful forecasts about the developing ukrainian situation and developments. This alone justifies all the work, he put into this blog over the time and I want to thank you for this, because most other sites (not all) simply repeat and speculate without having any substantial basis.
If my essential question can be answered, I would not be in a hurry, not feeling driven to watch each and every news that comes out, because there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I think, I’m not alone with this principal longing for clarity on this essential subject.
To this day, it makes me wonder what really drives the western countries – and please don’t think they a simply a bunch of lunatics – to make things worse and more worse, there is no clear answer to this question, as long as no one knows if they really want to provoke a russian over reaction to have a legitimation to start a war, and that only could be a great war – a world war.
Perhaps it might be helpfull for all of us, to get a little more distance from time to time and try to answer this fundamental question first.
Thank you all and especially the Saker for this blog site and for his great work.
I’m no world famous analyst like our host, but I made a prediction several years ago on another blog that World War III would properly be called World of Civil Wars. Oppenheimer and fellow travelers removed the possibility of another open slugfest between the big powers. WoCW is already underway and if your country doesn’t already have one, the Atlantic Seaboard Psychopaths (ASPs) will be happy to set one up for you.
WoCW, coming to a neighborhood near you. Pending outside assistance, you may have to bring your own gun and ammunition.
Forget this business about the USA arming the Ukraine. This is a total canard. The Ukraine used to be in the 2nd strategic echelon of the Soviet Army and it is chock full of military hardware. Sure, it’s old, and a lot of it does not work anymore, but there is plenty enough for a civil war. But weapons are not the issue, forget about them. The problem on the Ukie side is PERSONNEL. Specifically, they lack enough motivated and capable soldiers. The crazies form western Ukraine are motivated enough, but they are just brute thugs. There are plenty of well trained officers and soldiers in the Ukraine, but they don’t want to fight for the crazies. There are a few good units left, but they are weary of getting involved in stuff that could have them lynched or tried. Also, real anti-terrorist or Airborne officers do not see themselves as riot cops or punishment terror squads. When Eltsin wanted to turn Vympel into a police unit almost all resigned in disgust. Bottom line: the regime lacks the manpower for its repression plans. BUt hardware there is *plenty*.
This talk about the USA militarily helping the Ukraine is just hot air.
Ditto for the ludicrous comparison between the Ukraine and Afghanistan – want me to explain why or is that evident?
That is all western feelgood crap (“we are gonna show em russkies!”). Ignore it.
Kind regards,
The Saker
“I’ve heard the theory that Zbig Brzyzinski hopes to ‘trap’ Russia into a Ukraine invasion ala Afghanistan.”
I’ve written that a few times. I agree the banderivtsy would not be as effective as the Mujahideen and drug lord forces in Afghanistan, but they are also all the zionazified west has at their disposal to use in the Ukraine right now. Whether the plan would work or not is probably moot, anyway, since I don’t think the Russians will invade Ukrainian territory.
I’m fairly certain that was the Israeli/US/EU plan, though. One should keep in mind these are people who play “marbles” and steal younger kids’ lunch money verses people who play chess and practice judo. ;
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I know these questions are a bit trite, but:
WTF does any of this have to do with the US?
Why is the US involved at all?
What do the US people (who will be the ones that ultimately pay for it in higher taxes) think about all of it?
Who are these people running the US government and WTF are they doing?
It’s not working any more. They must be panicking when a mainstream site like Huffington Post has readers reactions mostly like these.Guardian is the same.
Harper the Canadian Zionist’s quote of the day; “Russia poses threat to world peace, time to rally allies.”
Readers comments.
“This man needs to be put out of our misery. Thanks goodness the rest of the world doesn’t want a war with Russia. Shut. Up. harper.”
“Good to see you have a real good read on the situation! (sarc)”
Will Webster
“Why do I get he impression Mr. Harper is playing this up in order to distract us from far more urgent threats to democracy right here in Canada by his own government?”
I wonder if Putin is aware of Harper and Skippy’s “Fair” Elections Act? Hmmm…
“Shut Up harper, shut up this is way over your skills and know how. If anything your more likely to cause a war to keep us out of an election.”
Can we cut out the incessant implication of Israel in the NATO plot against Ukraine? Israel doesn’t need to be involved in EVERY evil deed around the world, y’know.
It’s a minor scandal that Israel in fact refused to support the US in the UN vote, not showing up in order to have some level of deniability. Whether this is true love for Russia, or simply realpolitik fear that Russia can make their situation in the Middle East MUCH tougher if it really wants to, doesn’t really matter.
Incessantly bringing them up without any factual connection just looks like the most reprehensible of sentiment, not to mention simply distracting from appraising the real actual situation based on facts.
Not trite questions. No doubt many people in the US are asking themselves the same things.
Others will have a more detailed answer, but the simple response is that this concerns the US because has spent at least 5 billion dollars to support a coup in the Ukraine. Americans might want to ask why there is 5 billion dollars for this while they are being told that there is no money for many basic services at home. As for why the US is involved, this seems to be an extension of a long-standing policy to “contain” and “roll back” the Eastern block. In the near term, the US wants to set up a puppet regime that is friendly to Western policy, the IMF, etc, or else chaos in the Ukraine to cause problems for enemy Russia, and then to try and pin the blame for this chaos on Russia.
As for 99% of Americans, they will tend to think whatever the mainstream media tells them to think.
Very interesting news:
Defense official on Ukraine policy: Israeli interests needn’t be identical to U.S.’
U.S. officials angry over Israel’s lack of condemnation of Russia.
By Barak Ravid and Jonathan Lis, Apr. 13, 2014;
Israel to U.S.: Opposing Russia would endanger our security
White House remains incensed over Jerusalem’s breaking of ranks over Ukraine.
By Barak Ravid | Apr. 14, 2014 | 8:20 AM ;
Could it be that the Russians made clear that they know that Israel is behind the circus and suggested significant retaliations?
“Can we cut out the incessant implication of Israel in the NATO plot against Ukraine? Israel doesn’t need to be involved in EVERY evil deed around the world, y’know.”
“It’s a minor scandal that Israel in fact refused to support the US in the UN vote, not showing up in order to have some level of deniability. Whether this is true love for Russia, or simply realpolitik fear that Russia can make their situation in the Middle East MUCH tougher if it really wants to, doesn’t really matter.”
The same sort of defense that the zionists pulled regarding Syria. Just about all the factors on the banderivtsy side of the Ukraine conflict have zionist/Israeli connections. That’s stooges and their handlers, both. This article covers some of the Israeli involvement.
Israel backs far-right coup in Ukraine
The Israelis also previously backed the orange “color revolution” even though it was almost as strongly influenced by the banderivtsy nazi hold overs and that most Ukrainian Jews opposed it.
As for Israeli “neutrality” at the UN, they prefer to be polite to Russia officially, while sticking it to them behind the scenes using their American, Anglo Commonwealth and EU “allies”. Israel has a lot of assets in Russia that are vulnerable to the Russian guv (ask the various oligarchs that had to run from there). Israel is also vulnerable at home due to a very large ex-Russian population who could create quite a stink there, if suitably incensed. Looking at the Ukraine now, and the Russians there, one might get a glimpse of what could happen there (though on a smaller scale). It’s just much easier for Israel to pretend neutrality. They actually do this a lot in the UN with regard to conflicts not right next to them, but which they in fact do still have a large interest in.
And besides “by way of deception is how one does war” is taken very much to “heart” by Israel’s leadership.
Earlier today I read a couple of posts by somebody responding to a web sayan’s similar obfuscation of Israeli involvement in the Ukraine at Moon of Alabama. Very good summary of what is known of iraeli involvement. I’ll see if I can locate these and CNP them here.
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This was posted on Reddit yesterday. This is the most unique and brilliant piece of art that I’ve ever seen. It’s from 2009. I’m sure she’s a persona non grata in Kiev today with the new invasion.
Here’s the description underneath the video.
Kseniya Simonova is an Ukrainian artist who won Ukraine’s Got Talent 2009. She uses a giant light box, dramatic music, imagination and “sand painting” skills to interpret Germany’s invasion and occupation of Ukraine during WWII.
@Very informative piece by Webster Tarpley about the Ukraine
Yes, indeed, Tarpley is a clever man and well read. It is worth to reproduce his conclusion:
“Hindenburg and Ludendorff gained little and lost much on the plains of Ukraine. In fact, they may have lost World War I here. Most historians believe that Germany transferred the vast majority of its forces from the eastern front to the western front during the winter of 1918 in preparation for their final attempt to capture Paris and end the war successfully. But Wheeler-Bennett argues that many German forces remained bogged down in the east, especially in the Ukraine, where some German units were still moving east in April 1918 to complete the occupation of the country.
“In other words, Ludendorff was defeated, not so much by the Allies and the Second Battle of the Marne, as by his own flawed Ukraine strategy. Perhaps present-day geopolitical geniuses like Kerry, Hague, Fabius, Steinmeyer and Sikorski should remember that Ukraine has already proven a graveyard for one imperial dynasty, and may well break the careers of modern meddling gnomes”.
Actually the historian Wheeler-Bennet, whose book “The forgotten Peace” Tarpley quotes, shows that not only the lack of much needed troops of the Western front led to the defeat, but also the Bolshevik propaganda spread by the returned POW from Russia led directly to the revolution which toppled the Kaiser.
Found them, he covers more than I did says it better.
@Demian | 43
“Maybe I’m naive, but I think Israel wants to maintain good relations with Russia. (It’s completely different with American neocons, of course.) It’s true that at least one Ukrainian Israeli mercenary was involved in Maidan, but I don’t think that the Israeli government had significant involvement.”
Lets see:
* Entire leadership of Ukrainian opposition (outside of neonazis) are of Jewish heritage: Klychko, Timoshenko and Yasceniuk.
* Oligarch who funded Maidan are Jewish.
* It wasnt one but five ex-IDF soldiers who were running armed thugs in Maidan.
* Ukrainian rabbis fully supported coup.
* Western countries under heavy Jewish and/or Zionists influence (not mutually exclusive, often one and the same) organized attack on Ukraine.
Do you think its all coincidences? Whether Israel itself is involved or not we dont know, but there is no question of World-wide network of Zionists and Jewish elite involvement.
I would suspect Israel abstaining from vote and keeping silent has more to do with desire to have a cake and eat it too. They want to keep appearances of good relationships with Russia or its main benefactor US, but in reality Jewish elite couldnt care less about them. How many times Israel betrayed, backstabbed, or even bombed US targets? They even blackmailed US with nukes – and thats the friendliest country to Israel in the World.
Therefore what to speak of Russia.. if there is any benefit for Israel in Ukrainian crisis, you can bet your bottom dollar Israel is involved.
Posted by: Harry | Apr 13, 2014 11:20:54 PM | 59
@Demian | 63
But I don’t see a benefit for Israel from the Ukrainian crisis. Sure, if it saw a benefit, it would get involved. I think Israel is just behaving as a rational actor here, hedging its bets between the US and the RF.
* Israel tremendously benefits from EU and Russia tension, especially if gas/oil prices are high and EU is desperate for another supplier. Guess what? Israel is about to export gas and oil to EU soon.
* Israel hates that Russia is interfering with many of their plans in ME, in Syria and elsewhere. What better way to change it if not Russia’s attention diverted to their own backyard?
Remember Saudis threat to Putin? If he didnt drop Syria’s support, terrorists will be activated. Guess what happened soon after? Now imagine same play just on a grand scale – Ukraine as a failed state right on Russia borders, with rabid neonazis, Russia-hating jews and their sponsors from the West calling the shots? How about potential Civil war? As important as Syria is, whats happening in Ukraine is by far and away more important to Russia.
* Israel always wanted Ukrainian Jews to emigrate to Israel, and this will likely happen if situation continues to deteriorate.
I’m sure there are more reasons, but what I quoted is already enough to put “no benefit for Israel” to rest.
And sorry, but to call Israel “a rational actor” is a massive stretch, an oxymoron. Their leadership is certifiably insane and war criminals, and considering they keep getting voted in, I would question sanity of Israeli Jews as well.
Posted by: Harry | Apr 14, 2014 2:22:47 AM | 73
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“Could it be that the Russians made clear that they know that Israel is behind the circus and suggested significant retaliations?”
Possible,though I don’t think Russia needs to actually warn Israel for the Israelis to understand the consequences if they leave the covert realm and go overt.
Back during the 5 Day war (Georgia vs South Ossetia), Friday, 8 Aug., the Israeli media was all full of stories praising Georgia and bragging how Georgia, with Israeli training and equipment was kicking Russian arse in South Ossetia. This caused quite a bit of outrage in Russia. By Sunday, the 10th, when it was clear Georgia was completely routed, the Israeli media had reversed direction. There were contrite stories on how Israel means Russia no harm, and the same from Israeli officials. It was very obvious then that the Israeli reversal was out of fear of possible Russian responses.
That war, BTW, was very much an Israeli orchestrated war. They had a tremendous influence on the Georgian tie-eater’s regime, many members of which were Israeli dual nationals (like Ukraine’s coup regime now), the Israelis played a large, probably the major, role in the Georgian military’s foreign “helpers” and the Israelis were using Georgian air fields for drone and other military-air purposes. They probably were planning to use Georgian air fields as way points for air strikes on Iran once Georgia pushed Russia from South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Also the date it started: 08-08-08, it’s like leaving a subtle “calling card” after a hit.
One other thing I forgot about Israeli interest in the Ukraine. The zionist western media is uniformly on board the attack. There really is no noticeable dissent in the MSM, which is virtually an exclusive zionist club. Even more telling, the zionist influenced alternative and phony left media is also behind the coup, though many are doing this by subterfuge. When there is this kind of uniformity in the zionist controlled media, it means the zionazis have a strong stake in the proceedings, whether they acknowledge this openly through Israeli regime officiality or not.
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Why would one want to “save a unitary Ukraine”? The country is basically a hodgepodge. The most natural and sensible solution has been proposed by Putin: that Ukraine be a real federation. The idea that Kiev is qualified to be the sole central gov’t of a unitary Ukraine is absurd, and will not happen at this point. It doesn’t correspond to reality.
William Hague (UK foreign min) never posted a tweet saying:
“”Russia must desist from steps which destabilise #Ukraine & accept the new leadership the US orchestrated or face further sanctions from EU.”
This is the real tweet:
Obviously someone did a little humorous photoshop on it and added the bolded passage in the middle, which then third parties mistook for (or misrepresentated as) the original.
@ When there is this kind of uniformity in the zionist controlled media, it means the zionazis have a strong stake in the proceedings, whether they acknowledge this openly through Israeli regime officiality or not.
That’s exactly the give away. And it must be something big at stake, judging by the hysterical behaviour of all parts involved. I made some suggestions in previous posts (basically the creation of a privileged situation for Jewish businesses, possibly restitutions of properties for Jews who made alyiah, pensions for “Holocaust survivors and descendants”, dual citizenship (which would have been free access to Europe if Ukraine joined EU) something in that vein.
brian, Crimea was liberated, at its people’s insistence.
“That’s exactly the give away. And it must be something big at stake, judging by the hysterical behaviour of all parts involved.”
Very big. The removal of the dollar as world reserve currency. The zionised west depends upon that – not just the USA, but western capitalist economy, and more importantly, hegemony (zio and non-zio), depends upon the financial resources being controlled by the “right” people.
China is the economic powerhouse, but Russia are the main military threat. The capitalist west is trying to maintain their dominance by removing the main military threat to that (theory being, a then isolated and resource dependent China will be more pliant to colonisation). In over all strategy, for their given purposes, these Israeli-American bum bandits are not stupid, an economic/military China-Russia alliance will be their end and they know it. But they are up against a foe who knows intimately what they are planning, at the same time they are planning it. In fact, before they plan it. So they look stupid by comparison.
The Russians are playing the ziofascist, capitalist west much like the Americans played the Japanese during WW2. Only the Russians are doing it a hell of a lot more effectively and without all the bloodshed, aud with very different goals. Instead of promoting a war to gain themselves world dominance, like the Americans strategised prior to WW2, the Russians are working to prevent both an NWO totalitarian nightmare, and to do it without war. Very, very different philosophy at work.
One can disagree with the current Russian guv and it’s leadership, and their capitalist leanings, as many in Russia do, but, and this is seriously lacking in the now zionazified west, left, right, and centre, an honest look at the current Russian actions show an establishment who take peaceful co-existence to heart, and who do as much as they can to try and prevent violent conflicts and war, and try and reduce and contain the bloodletting when that fails. Anti-war in Russia is something very real from grassroots to the leadership. In the west, Zionist Jews, and their sycophants and fascist capitalist allies, have corrupted this noble goal of no war to support R2P and shut out a real grassroots antiwar movement. This is why I personally think the zionist run left in the west (not the real left) is the most duplicitous, immoral group of arse bandits on the planet right now.
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I have been thinking about it, and I have to admit that both of the Kramatorsk ‘storming’ videos were posted on Saturday, when the building was being reportedly stormed by rebels, not on Sunday, when the Ukrainian attempt to take the entire city back began and conceivably therefore this could have been them taking the building back (but it’s still widely listed as occupied). I’m shocked at the stupidity with which the filmed attack was conducted, and I would very much have liked to be able to dismiss it as something other than what it clearly is, to wit, a gang of more or less idiots with powerful semi-automatic weapons.
Should this piece of RT news get noticed too?
“10:14 GMT:
The anti-Maidan movement against the Kiev coup-imposed government in the southern city of Odessa has called for protest action.
“From this day on, the Odessa region is declared the Odessa Popular Republic where the power belongs only to the people who live there. Tomorrow at 4pm [13:00 GMT] Odessa should be ground to a halt! Literally! Your task at the indicated time is to block the transport connections indicated on the map with your cars, pedestrians, go to the zebra crossings and stand there. Create as many traffic jams across the city as possible,” the Odessa Anti-Maidan movement website addressed the city’s residents.”