Ladies and Gents, true democracy is patented by the U.S. Every nation has to buy this patented democracy from the U.S. Your country has to have a PCD (politically correct democracy) issued by the US State Department. If your country refuses to pay for the patent and attempts to use a pirated copy of homegrown democracy, your people will be punished. You are being informed that, judging by your browser’s IP address, your country’s democracy is not the right type, that your country’s leader is a Herr Hitler, and everything has to be replaced via bloody government coups, bombing of the civilian population, looting of treasures and museums and murders and tortures of members of the national elite. Unless your country pays, of course, and agrees to become a passive recipient of forcible intercourse. A U.S. government website legal disclaimer.

Baltimore, MD: after an unarmed man made eye contact with the police officer, he was captured and beaten to death, rightfully following the protocol. Everybody and their cat knows that to avoid being beaten to death in the US simply…don’t Exist While Black. Now, the whole town is in terror, colleges and schools closed, out of town students hiding out with no support from authorities, groceries stores looted by people going for the good stuff, elementary school students tear gassed during evacuation to make it a truly educational experience. Baltimore doesn’t fit the bill for the Washington brand of democracy, either.

Baltimore Police on April 27, called for city transportation to be shut down, just as schools were being let out. Students of all ages were forced to wait around for transportation, which they may or may not have had. Police told them to go home, but students couldn’t go home due to the absence of transportation, and the riots on the streets, which gave the police right to paper spray the student for disobeying their orders.

In the Southeast Ukraine, the war-hungry West has gone simply mad, it’s convulsing in pure psychotic homicidal rage. Which is really good for Russia, due to the undisputed fact that the Russians deal assertively and swiftly with the known enemy, while being easily fooled by fake friendships.

The US is just looking for a friend…anywhere? … anyone? “We’re still the world’s superpower, so like us on Facebook.” Positioning all the pieces before WWIII by militarizing not only the Eastern Europe, but also Japan. China is becoming as delighted, as Russia.

NATO murdered Oles Buzina twice, by taking his life and erasing his intellectual heritage.

And last, but not least… If you find Armenia, hold on to it.


  1. French companies to supply helicopters, tactical radio communications systems to Ukraine – Ukroboronprom [Source]

The Ukroboronprom state concern has signed agreements on supply of tactical radio communications systems and single-engine helicopters to Ukraine with French companies.

The press service of Ukroboronprom reported that specialists of Ukrinmash state enterprise signed a contract on supply of tactical radio communications systems for the needs of Ukrainian Armed Forces with France’s Thales Communications & Security S.A.S.

The enterprise also signed a protocol on supplies of H125 single-engine helicopters with Airbus Helicopters S.A.S.

  1.  Books by slain Ukraine’s patriot Oles Buzina disappeared from Kiev’s book stores; some say they’re banned [Source]
  1. Viktoria Shilova: Authorities admitted murder of Oles Buzina Eng. Subs. [Source]
  1. Ukraine’s Finance Min, US citizen Jaresko, who begs for credits to finance a collapsing economy, made $2M+ in 2014 [Source]
  1. Russia concentrating additional air defense systems in Donbas – ambassador Pyatt [Source]

The US NATO Ukraine have always blame Russia in what they are doing. The statement of Pyatt is clear indication that the NATO air forces will be in Ukraine shortly in addition to the French helicopters.

  1. Parliament relaxes rules on importing defense products to Ukraine [Source]

In February 2015 the Kiev government approved the state defense order for 2015 worth some UAH 6 billion.

Around 15% of funds will be allocated to buying imported weapons.

  1. Poroshenko has said he would not put up with the attempts of oligarchs to destabilize situation in the country [Source]

April 25, 2015, Kiev – When speaking on the recent Kyiv rallies involving so-called ‘coalminers’ in an interview with Ukraine TV channel on Friday, Poroshenko threatened oligarchs of possible punishment for attempts to put pressure on the government through fake rallies. He has admitted that the problems of miners are topical and the government should solve them, adding that the state budget had been amended to pay off the debt to the miners.

Ukraine violating ceasefire, not Russia: US analyst [Source]

April 25, 2015, Atlanta – An American political analyst in Atlanta says Kiev is violating the Minsk peace agreement that was signed over the crisis in eastern Ukraine, not Russia.

  1. Search for ISIS “caliph” Abu Bakr Baghdadi in Ukraine [Source] [Source]

April 21, 2015 Kurdistan – Ukraine – the Ukrainian interior ministry announced Monday that police are searching for ISIS “caliph” Abu Bakr Baghdadi in Ukraine, following reports he is believed to have entered the country.

“The police are interested in a male suspect in his 40s who is the leader of the Islamic State and is wanted by Interpol,” the ministry said in a statement.

  1. NATO and Ukraine sign C4I modernization agreement [Source]

April 24, 2015, Kiev – Ukraine and the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) signed a memorandum of agreement on 24 April to implement one of the NATO trust funds that various allies are funding on Kiev’s behalf.

Once enacted, the agreement will help modernize the Ukrainian military forces’ C4I networks and their interoperability with NATO.

“This is an important step for Ukraine because we continue to rely on NATO’s support,” Ihor Dolhov, Ukraine’s ambassador to NATO, said during the signing ceremony at allied headquarters in Brussels. “We appreciate all the nations who have contributed so far to the trust fund, but we expect more.

  1. Kiev Agrees to NATO Cooperation, Flushes Non-Aligned Status Down the Toilet [Source]

Порошенко утвердил программу сотрудничества с НАТО на 2015 год

  1. Ukraine-EU summit due at presidential administration on April 27 [Source]
  1. Turkey, Ukraine Eye Joint Defense Projects [Source]
  1. US to Create ‘New Image’ for Ukraine – German Internet Portal [Source]

The United States is engaged in “rebranding” of Ukraine, which purpose is to create a new image of the country, German portal Propagandaschau wrote. The process will resemble the creation of popular brands as the US has long become a kind of “corporation,” living in accordance with strict principles of the market economy. Human rights are only a ‘brand’ for the US in the global system. According to the US, marketing and public relations are no less important for a state than for Coca-Cola, McDonalds and Ford companies, the author wrote.

The foreign policy of the United States is focused on the export of totalitarian market ideology, which is necessary for the country to expand its markets and increase profits. The US throws itself into new markets and fills them with its own ideology, laws and commodities. To capture new potential markets the country uses not only methods of pressure, but also competent marketing, PR and outright propaganda, the article said.

The author analyzed a lecture, made by a US citizen Vivian Walker and released on YouTube, which “astonished Ukrainians” with a rebranding project for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. The designers have created a new type “Bandera Pro”, which the Foreign Ministry is expected to use. They also have created a new logo — a graphic picture of a ship with the slogan “The will of the people – it is the wind in our sails.”

  1. EU to give Ukraine words, not guns or butter [Source]

April 27, 2015 – Kiev – Ukraine holds its first summit with the EU since signing an association agreement, but the result is likely to be more words than tangible help.

Aside from tiny Lithuania, the rest of the EU has balked at selling weapons to Kiev, and there is no sign of a change of policy.

With anti-immigrant populists gaining across the EU, there is little stomach for a visa reform that could open the EU to 45 million potential migrants.

The country’s economy is in deep trouble, but despite the scale of the problem the EU’s contribution is small. The banking system is barely functioning. The International Monetary Fund expects the economy to contract by 5.5 percent this year, but many economists consider that to be very optimistic. Timothy Ash, an economist with Standard Bank, expects the economy to shrink by 6 percent to 10 percent. Public debt is at about $65 billion, and by the end of the year could reach 90 percent of GDP.

Ukraine is getting help from the IMF and other lenders. The EU is kicking in a relatively conservative €1.8 billion this year on top of an earlier €1.6 billion.

What Europe has done is sign an association agreement last June with Ukraine — the issue that set off the Maidan revolt. This week’s summit is the first since that deal. Instead of money and guns, Brussels is helping with laws and regulations.

  1. CHERNOBYL FIRE COVERAGE: residents being evacuated due to fire around nuclear plant — Internal Ministry (+FIRE PHOTOS) April 28, 2015 [Source]
  1. BREAKING: Chernobyl Fire is approaching power plant and nuclear waste repository (VIDEO) April 29, 2015 [Source]

in Kiev that some officials (parliament and government members) have been evacuating their families.

Novorossia Donbas SITREP

  1. Kiev troops shell DPR settlement, militiaman killed, says defense ministry [Source]

April 25, 11:20 UTC+3 MOSCOW, April 26./TASS/. Ukrainian troops opened fire with a Grad multiple rocket launcher on the settlement of Novomaryevka in the Donetsk People’s Republic, killing a militiaman, republic’s ministry told the Donetsk News Agency on Saturday.

  1. Over 180 people of Makeyevka took part in a bike ride under the motto “Thank you Grandpa for the Victory!” [Source]

Велопробег в честь 70-летия Победы собрал в Макеевке около 200 участников (фото)

26th of April, 2015. Donetsk People’s Republic, Novorossiya.

Over 180 people of Makeyevka took part in a bike ride under the motto “Thank you Grandpa for the Victory!”

“There are two purposes why we organized this ride. The first one is to limber up after the winter. The second and the main purpose is to honor the memory and pay tribute to the soldiers who defended Donbass during the Great Patriotic War,” – Pavel Merenkov, Chairman of the Makeyevka branch of the non-governmental organization “Young Republic” said.

At the end of the event, participants observed a minute of silence for the soldiers and officers who had died during the Great Patriotic War, and laid flowers at the Eternal Flame.

  1. About 13,000 civilians have come back to Debaltsevo [Source]

27th of April, 2015. Donetsk People’s Republic, Novorossiya.

About 13,000 civilians have come back to Debaltsevo since the liberation of the city, the mayor of Debaltsevo Alexander Afendikov told the Donetsk News Agency.

“At present, about 20,000 people live in Debaltsevo. When the DPR militia liberated the city, there were about 7,500 civilians. Every day, up to 100 civilians come back to Debaltsevo from the territory of Ukraine and Russia,” – Alexander Afendikov said.

  1. Chronicles of horrific war crimes of NATO-EU-US occupational regime in Eastern Ukraine. Graphic Images [Source]

War crimes: Tortured civilians near Debaltsevo Anti-Kiev DNR Report Pro-Kiev Forces did this.

USA/EU/Israel support a Ukrainian regime that commit unspeakable war crimes against people of the South East Ukraine and Donbass region.

Noses and lips of civilians were cut, also you can see what faces of murdered people look like big bruise. Published on Apr 6, 2015 Graphic Evidence of War crimes: Tortured and murdered civilians near Debaltseve & Chornukhyne. Anti-Kiev DNR Forces Report Pro-Kiev Right Sector Forces did this. Parts of these people’s faces were cut off and some hands tied together and burned. Recorded Feb 19, 2015.

  1. Motorola, Leader NAF battalion Sparta, congratulate Barak Obama with the 70th Anniversary of the Victory over Fascism [Source]

Лидер ополченцев Моторола поздравил Барака Обаму с 70-летием Победы.

You can join this action on twitter using the hashtags #VictoryDayForObama and lifenews_ru.

  1. Vaclav Bartuška, Czech Republic diplomat and government commissioner for energy security: “Burn ’em like in Odessa or kill and bury in the sidewalk like in Dniepropetrovsk. If you don’t, you have war. That’s all.”



This Bartuska’s statement was rebuffed by the Foreign Minister. We have never condoned burnings people in Odessa, despite of the statement of diplomat Bartuška

Upalování lidí v Oděse jsem nikdy nehájil, brání se diplomat Bartuška [Source]

Government Delegate for Energy Security Vaclav Bartuška defends accusations that advocated burning people as a way of stopping covert aggression of Russia against Ukraine. His statement on Monday criticized the foreign minister Lubomir Zaoralek.

I never approve, and I will not approve such horrors happening there on both sides. Goodness. I’ve seen it too many wars, “said Novinká

Minister Zaorálek condemned his statement: “Vaclav Bartuška used an interpretation which is factually incorrect and morally indefensible. It is absolutely unacceptable that an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs talked about burning and killing people as affordable methods of conflict resolution. ”

[Google translation]

  1. Pentagon dismisses Moscow claim of U.S. troops in Ukraine combat zone [Source]

April 23, 2015 – Here is the article in Reuters [Source] stating that “The Russian Defense Ministry said on Thursday that U.S. troops were training Ukrainian forces in the conflict zone in eastern Ukraine, but the Pentagon flatly denied it, accusing Moscow of a “ridiculous attempt” to obscure its own activity in the region.

However, if you believe to what people post on the net…

  1. Americans are already fighting near Lugansk, Donbass

Украина.Американцы уже под Луганском [Source]

This is a video posted by the Kiev junta supporter. They talk about the US troops fighting near Lugansk. Pentagon says that there is no US military in Donabss, Kiev junta supporters post videos of American militaries in Donbass. Whom are you going to believe?

  1. Countdown To A U.S. Ukraine Major Offensive Against The South Eastern Ukrainians – Episode 649 [Source]

Apr 23, 2015 – UK retail sales decline. Initial claims jump again as more people lose their jobs. New home sales implode. U.S. manufacturing declines and the Baltic Dry Index falls again. Obama and the central bankers are pushing the TPP agreement and congress must approve it without reading it. U.S. trainers showing Ukrainian soldiers how to use weapons. U.S. trainers spotted in the combat zone. John Kerry warns Russia to remove their buildup of equipment and soldiers. Pure propaganda to mask the major offensive the U.S./Ukraine forces are preparing for. FBI warns about hackers hijacking jet planes.

  1. NATO continues its terrorist attacks against the pro-peace individuals in Ukraine and in Russia

Peacemaker: special operation “Gulchatai” (Open Your Face) or the story about the hardcore Russian supporters fell in their own trap [Source]

[Translation ]

This comment posted on the website explains how NATO collects IP addresses of people visiting this website. Apparently, is you visit this website for any reason, your information is being captured and stored as a “pro-peace” individual who might be destroyed at some point.

“The ‘Peacemaker’ web site was created after the conflict had started. People collected info about pro-Russian fighters – both Ukrainian collaborators and Russian invaders.

On 15th of April Party of Regions deputy Kalashnikov was killed. Russian media had linked somehow his death with Kalashnikov’s record on that web site.

That drew some Russian users’ attention to ‘Peacekeeper’.

Shortly after Kalashnikov’s death Oles Buzina, Ukrainian writer with slight pro-Russian views was killed.

A lot of users queued web site’s database for Buzina. But there were no such record, so admin added it intentionally to add more hysteria. With “two murders in a row” that “were mentioned on a web site” with victim’s home addresses Russian media literally exploded and screamed all over about this site. In a few days a lot of pro-Russian fighters and their relatives had checked their own names in web site’s database.

Needless to say, those requests were carefully saved.”

Just in and very important: NATO fascists have placed Rostislav Ishchenko, a President of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting, to their Ukronazi death list. [Source]

NATO terrorists activities against civilians crossing the borders and moving directly into Russia and Moscow. Now, NATO is trying to threaten free speech in Russia and trying to control the Russian national discourse, in violating of the international and domestic laws. This US NATO trespassing calls for Russia’s symmetric and asymmetric response.

  1. Walled off: In non-rebel eastern Ukraine, frustrations with Kiev mount [Source]

April 22, Kharkov – No one in Russian-speaking Kharkov wants to follow rebels into open revolt. But locals say Kiev has no idea how badly it’s aggravating the region with its initiatives, including the ‘Great Wall of Ukraine.’

  1. Kiev junta shelling Gorlovka by heavy artillery, again [Source]

29th April 2015, city Gorlovka, Donetsk republic

Kiev junta shelling Gorlovka by heavy artillery, again. Listen video about shelling of Gorlovka by Kiev junta forces. Kiev junta began shelling from evening of 28th April and continue at early morning of 29th April. Now about 2.11 a m there.

Russia and Beyond SITREP

  1. Communists Submit Bill to Allow Putin to Suspend Debt Payments to States That Sanction Russia [Source]
  1. Who You Gonna Believe – NATO, or Your Lyin’ Eyes? [Source]
  1. Ukraine to Pass Case Materials on Russia’s and Its Proxies’ Crimes to The Hague by End of April [Source]

April 27, 2015, Kiev – By the end of April, the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine will finish preparing materials on the “crimes of Russian” leadership and representatives of “DNR” and “LNR” militant organizations committed on the territory of Ukraine. These case materials are to be submitted to International Criminal Court in The Hague.

Russia has also prepared the package of documents on the junta crimes against Ukraine and its people.

  1. Forest fire near Ukraine Chernobyl nuclear site is not contained threatening the station: officials [Source]

МОЛНИЯ: Пожарные не могут справиться с огнем вокруг Чернобыльской АЭС, Яценюк собрал экстренное совещание

  1. Lithuania only EU state to fully boycott 9 May celebrations in Moscow [Source]
  1. Declassified US documents show Russian oligarchs supported NATO expansion during the 1990s [Source]
  1. Closing the Book on Russian Liberals [Source]
  1. In celebration of Hitler’s birthday present to Latvian Russians from 1500 Latvian fascists [Source]

Ко дню рождения Гитлера. Подарок русским от 1500 латышей

In essence, Latvians are rallying to build “internment camps” for the peaceful Russian population of Latvia, who in good democratic traditions of the fascist Europe is denied citizenship for 25 years, and for those Russians who bought real estate there. [Source]

Interesting enough, the petitioners claim that what is going on is a “Russia’s aggression against Latvia and other neighboring countries. Non-citizens and Russian citizens with residence permits will help aggressors and occupiers, even with weapons in hand.” This makes me really proud of Russian people. Let Baltic fascists think that the Russians bureaucrats, businessmen, and musicians, who coughed up $500,000 for a clap house on the bleak windy beaches of Jurmala are going to take weapons in support of their country.

In conjunction and as a proof that the NATO war on Ukraine is a revisionist war of the fascist Europe on Russia, see the following:

Generalplan Ost that is being implemented in Ukraine today by US EU and NATO [Source]

Generalplan Ost, который сегодня хунта воплощает на Украине

Generalplan Ost [Source]

Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche und räumliche Grundlagen des Ostaufbaus

Vorgelegt von SS-Oberführer Professor Dr. XX, Berlin-Dahlem, 28.Mai 1942

This text is the famous Hitler’s “Generalplan Ost” – Nazi’s project of the Germanisation of Western Europe, which envisioned mass extermination and resettlement of Russians, Poles, Ukrainians. Having been considered lost of a long time, the text of the plan was found back in the 80’s. But it is only now that anybody interested can access it. NTV correspondent Sergey Morozov was one of them.

The publication of these documents is accompanied with apologies. The council of gardening and agriculture faculty of Berlin Humboldt university regrets the fact one of its former directors, SS member professor Konrad Meyer, did so much for the development of “Generalplan Ost”. Now this most secret document which was only know to the top leaders of the Reich is available for everyone.

“The German arms have conquered the areas in the East which we have contested for centuries. The Reich sees turning them into its imperial provinces as its most important task”, the document says.

The text has been considered lost for a long time. Only a six-page extract from it was obtained for the Nuremberg trials. The plan was composed by the Supreme Imperial Security directorate, and the other variants of this plan were burnt in 1945. “Generalplan Ost” shows in most meticulous detail what the fate of the USSR would’ve been had the Germans won. And it becomes clear why this plan was kept in strict secret.

“At the forefront of the German people’s fight against Asiatism there are areas of special importance for the Reich. In order to secure the Reich’s vital interests in these areas it is necessary not only to apply force, but the native German population has to be moved there. It has to be firmly rooted in a completely hostile environment”, the text recommends.

Yevgeny Kulkov, senior research associate of World History Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences: “They planned to resettle the Lithuanians beyond the Urals and to Siberia, or exterminate them. This is all practically the same. 85% of Lithuanians, 75% of Belarussians, 65% of Western Ukrainians, up to 50% of the Baltic states’ population”

While matching the sources, the scholars found out that the Nazis planned to move 10 million Germans to the Eastern lands and move 30 millions of indigenous population from there to Siberia. Leningrad was planned to be turned in a German settlement of 200 000 out of a city of 3 000 000. Millions of people had to die of starvation and diseases . Hitler planned to finish Russia off completely by means of dissecting it into a number of isolated parts.

“Following the directions of SS Reichsfuhrer, these provinces should be settled first: Ingermanland (Petersburg province), Gotengau (Crimea and Kherson province, former Tauria), Memelnrava province (Belostok and Western Lithuania). The Germanisation of this province is already underway by means of the return of the Volksdeutsche”.

It is interesting that the lands beyond the Urals seemed such a deadly territory for the Germans they weren’t even considered in the first place. Still, fearing that the exiled Poles might create their own state there, the Nazis decided to send exile them in Siberia in small groups.

This plan not only had estimates of how many cities were to be cleared for the future colonists, but also how much this was going to cost and who would bear the expenses.

After the war the compiler of this document Konrad Meier was acquitted at the Nuremberg trials and continued his teaching career at German universities. Publishing the original text of this ominous plan in the Web, the scholars commented that the German society hasn’t yet repented enough of the Nazi crimes.

  1. Did a Chinese-Russian-Iranian coalition opposing NATO debut in Moscow? [Source]

April 16 – 22, 2014: Moscow – The Moscow Conference on International Security in April was used as a venue to give notice to the US and NATO that other world powers will not let them do as they please.

Ranging from Argentina, India, and Vietnam to Egypt and South Africa, the conference at the Hotel Ukraina brought a variety of big and small players to the table whose voices and security interests, in one way or another, are otherwise undermined and ignored in Munich by US and NATO leaders.

  1. implementation for a joint Kazakhstani-Russian air defense system had begun;
  2. other announcements against NATO’s missile defense shield
  3. The most vigorous statement was that of Iranian Defense Minister Hussein Dehghan. Brigadier-General Deghan said that Iran wanted China, India, and Russia to stand together in jointly opposing the eastward expansion of NATO and the threat posed by the alliance’s missile shield project to their collective security.
  1. “Ukraine’s European discourse does not correspond to reality”, Volodymyr Ishchenko (
  1. Vladimir Putin Not Responsible for Ukrainian Civil War, Expert Says [Source]
  1. I remember! I am proud! Russian Toronto, Canada celebrating the Victory Day [Source]

Я помню! Я горжусь! Торонто, Канада

  1. ACTION in Canada!

Alberta residents –

Calgary is also holding a rally to honor the Odessa Massacre victims.

Details provided in the link here

REMEMBER ODESSA Action (Calgary, AB)

Saturday, May 2 at 1:00pm in UTC-06

Centre Street and 8 Ave SW intersection, Calgary Downtown

  1. Russia’s Foreign Ministry hands a letter of protest to the Ambassador of Poland in Russia in connection with the ban of the Authorities of Poland on bikers’ ride to celebrate the Victory Day 70th anniversary  [Source]

О представлении Послу Польши в России в связи с запретом польских властей на мотопробег, приуроченный к 70-летию Победы

Russia’s Foreign Ministry says the official reason given was nothing but an “outward lie.” In a statement, the ministry said it was “indignant about the refusal of Polish authorities” to assist with the necessary permits for the “memorial action.”

“The necessary information has been provided fully and on time,” it said. “The decision has political undertones,” the statement said.

“We express a decisive protest over this decision by the Polish authorities, who have an unreasonable reaction to the most honorable aims.”

  1. Rogozin Russia and China cooperation becomes highly integrated [Source]

Рогозин: сотрудничество России и Китая приобретает высокоинтегрированный характер

April 28, 2015: Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said on Tuesday. He attended a meeting of the bilateral Commission for the preparation of regular meetings of the government heads. The Chinese delegation is headed by Vice Premier of the State Council Wang Yang.

See also, Russia, China to deepen military cooperation — China defense minister [Source]

See also, Possible U.S. response to Russia and China’s successful infrastructure and integration advances in Central Asia [Source]

  1. Baltimore “Purge” National Guard Arrives As City Burns, Rioters Warn “Nice Night For A Revolution” – Live Webcast

Last But Not Least…

I have always had a soft spot for Armenians.

  1. They are the first Christian nation (along with Ethiopia);
  2. As a culture they still posses true spirituality;
  3. As a nation, as far as I know, they have never demonstrated any hate toward Russians.

Lost and Found in Armenia , movie full of humor and sadness, in a truly Armenian way. with eng sub.