8th April in the History

Today, on this day, April 8, 232 years ago, in 1783, Catherine the Great, Empress of the Russian Empire signed the Manifesto (decree) of joining Crimea to the Russian Empire. Crimean Khanate, part of Ottoman Empire [modern Turkey], which raided the towns and villages of the Russian Empire and took people into slavery, was defeated in 1774 year. Ukraine didn’t exist then, only the Malorussiyan and Novorossiyan provinces of the Russian Empire.

Polish president in Kiev promises a joint fight against Moscow

Польский президент в Киеве обещает совместную борьбу с Москвой


Hitler unleashed The Second World War together with Stalin
Порошенко: Вторую мировую войну Гитлер развязал вместе со Сталиным


Poroshenko made his statement during a joint with Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski to Bykivnia memorial graves.

Poroshenko squeezing Yatseniuk: Admit defeat or I’ll crush you down

Порошенко давит на Яценюка: Согласись на поражение, или придавлю


«Yatsenyuk is a traitor! The carcass of the oligarchs! “- A rally in Kiev (PHOTOS,VIDEO)

«Яценюк — предатель! Тушка олигархов!» — митинг в Киеве


Тyagnibok wants to take Yatseniuk’s throne Тягнибок хочет занять кресло Яценюка


Yatseniuk under investigation. Poroshenko prepares a coup?



Corruption Yatsenyuk Cabinet will be examined by Parliament: the main witness gets security guard

Коррупцию в Кабмине Яценюка изучит Рада: к главному свидетелю приставят охрану


SBU will be reformed on the model of

Ukrainian Insurgent Army

Тымчук: СБУ будет реформирована по образцу ОУН-УПА


In the centre of Kiev battalion Azov fighters crashed into BMW of Poroshenko junior

В Киеве автомобиль с боевиками батальона «Азов» протаранил авто сына Порошенко


interesting video


Poroshenko earned in 2014 a dizzying amount of 368 million grivna. (about 15,5 million $)

Порошенко за 2014 год заработал головокружительную сумму — 368 миллионов


Poroshenko upset by social networks comments

Порошенко рассказал, что расстраивается из-за комментариев в соцсетях


The President of Ukraine admitted that he is addicted to the internet, where he regularly spends time at night. In his own words, he is not always pleased with what he finds, especially with user comments.

Two symbols – two destinies, one Ukraine: Yarosh and Semenchenko

Два символа и две судьбы одной Украины: Ярош и Семенченко


Two events are discussed in Ukraine in last two days: humiliation of Simon Semenchenko, the symbol of Ukraine fight against Donbass terrorist. He turned out not to be Semen at all but Constantine, and not Semenchenko, but some Grishin, from Crimea, who even tried in the past, to become a deputy of Sevastopol under pro Russian slogans.

Plus the appointment of Dmitry Yarosh as top military advisor to General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the same establishment which he, not long ago have threatened to eliminate.

Battalion “Donbass” renounced Semen Semenchenko

Батальон «Донбасс» отрекся от Семена Семенченко


The situation in Mariupol at the beginning of April 2015

Ситуация в Мариуполе на начало апреля 2015 года


Two upper floors in SBU building, previously empty, are now occupied by the analytical department, bussy wiretapping phones and analysing all of the Internet traffic. Every day at noon from the speakers mounted on the central streets national anthem and other “patriotic” songs are played. Special attention is payed to the schools where kids are given the lessons about courage and the need to fight for Ukraine.

Donbass militia joined by Kiev citizens whose homes are seized for nonpayment (VIDEO)

Ополчение Донбасса пполнят киевляне, у которых отберут квартиры за неуплату


How to recognize a domestic separatist?

recognize the separatist

SBU Как распознатьбытовогосепаратиста?


The hunt for “domestic separatists” has begun

Posters and leaflets appeared in various locations across the country, explaining who are “domestic separatists”, how to identify them and where to give them in, when detected.

“Domestic separatist” is a person who unknowingly or purposefully disseminate information threatening to the integrity of the state, who protests against mobilization, praises DPR and LPR, spreads rumors about threats to Russian language and Russian-speaking population, appeals surrender to Russia, spreads Russian propaganda and imposes Russian symbols

Also, separatists are those who participate in protests against government. Separatist caught, will be sentenced from 12 years to lifetime prison.

A man in Kiev called the police and filed a lawsuit against pharmacy because they talked to him in Russian

Киевлянин вызвал милицию и подает в суд изза обслуживания в аптеке на русском языке


SBU has blocked more than 10 000 web sites in Ukraine

На Украине СБУ заблокировала более 10 тыс. сайтов


Published a list of Ukrainian universities, which are going to be closed

Опубликован список украинских вузов, которые будут закрыты


Right Sector is raising money for the army, by selling “Eggs of Destiny”

«Правый сектор» зарабатывает деньги для армии на продаже «яиц судьбы»

Right Sector Eggs on Facebook – Ukraina Uber Alles


They came after Ahmetov

За Ахметовым пришли


Kiev has already made it clear that Ahmetov empire should be eliminated. Getting rid of oligarchs, thus, clears the field for foreign mega-corporations.