1)UN: Five million Ukrainians in need of humanitarian assistance 

The most vulnerable are people living in the Donbass

Western media noted that humanitarian organizations since the beginning of this year has assisted more than 450 thousand people in Ukraine.

About its plan to increase the support until the end of the year to Ukrainians has reported the world food programme of the United Nations.


2)Poroshenko has appointed new Ambassador of Ukraine to the USA 

The Deputy head of the presidential administration of Ukraine Valeriy Chaly was appointed by  Petro Poroshenko for Ambassador to the U.S.

July 1, Poroshenko met in Kyiv with representatives of the U.S. Congress. The President expressed his gratitude for support from Washington in the struggle of Ukraine for the “territorial integrity” and noted the strategic nature of cooperation between the two States.


3)Military events in NovoRussia for 9.07.15


4)Military events in NovoRussia for 10.07.15


5)Ukraine Settlement Stalled But Success More Likely Than Failure – Putin


6)Nino Burjanadze considers impossible the return of the Crimea to the Ukraine 

Former speaker of the Georgian Parliament, one opposition leader Nino Burjanadze sure about the free will of the inhabitants of the Peninsula

“As for Crimea, I said that there are de facto: it is part of Russia. I can say: I don’t see any chances to Crimea ever became a part of Ukraine,” she said.

“I don’t think there are any signs that the people in Crimea voted (in a referendum on joining the Russian Federation — ed.) because of coercion”, — said the Georgian politician.


7) The SCO countries called for the observance of the Minsk agreements on Ukraine 

In the Shanghai cooperation organization said there is no alternative to the peaceful settlement of the internal Ukrainian conflict

“Member States support the speedy restoration of peace in Ukraine on the basis of full and unconditional implementation by all parties of the Minsk agreements of February 12, 2015”, — the document says.

“Member States proceed from no alternative to political and diplomatic settlement of conflicts in various regions of the world on the basis of strict adherence to universally accepted norms and principles of international law”.


8)Chechen Islamists Flock to Ukraine to Back Kiev Regime Against Donbass Rebels


9)Russia, Ukraine, and US Hegemony


10)The New Western-Ukrainian Siege of Crimea


11)Expert: Promotional film “the Ukraine” is like a beautiful obituary 

The Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine has released a promotional film for Western investors, telling about the success of the country

“The film is like a beautiful obituary for Ukraine’s death. All that it shows once was,but not now ”, said Dutchak.


12)In a Hillarious Interview Ukraine MP Says Government Being Subverted by a Gay Conspiracy


13)OSCE Adopts Ukrainian Resolution Condemning Russia for ‘Unjustified Assault on Ukraine’s Sovereignty’


14)Medvedchuk: Ukraine remembered that membership in the CIS – profitable 

The Ukrainian authorities are outraged by the possible introduction of the Russian Federation of quotas on Ukrainian goods

“…Trade cooperation between countries should take place in the existing legal framework. For Ukraine and Russia this legal field are the rules of the WTO and the Agreement on the free trade area of the CIS,” says trade representative of Ukraine Natalia Nikolskaya.


15)In Kiev urged to abandon the policy of the EU 

Ukraine should forget about the promises of the authorities of the imminent accession of the country to the EU and to begin to establish their own independent project

The expert drew attention to the fact that the dire state of the Ukrainian economy does not allow to speak about Ukraine’s European prospects. Bondarenko suggested to realistically assess the situation and to stop deceiving the citizens ‘prospects”.

“It is necessary, proceeding from the realities of Ukrainian life, realistically assessing the opportunities to develop their own subjectivity and its national project, then to equally consider the possibility of creating alliances with some States,” says the analyst.


16)Canadian Ambassador: ‘We shouldn’t assign too much importance to the quantity of Russian trolls’


17)Ukraine is Open for U? the reality shows different
