1)In Rada suggest to forbid trade with Donbass and the Crimea 

The relevant bill in the Ukrainian parliament was introduced by the extra fractional deputy Yury Levchenko

“Temporarily occupied territories” official Kiev calls uncontrollable to the central authorities of the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk areas, and also the Crimea which became part of Russia following the results of a referendum.

In November, 2014 Poroshenko signed the document which was called “the decree on economic blockade”: from the territory of Donbass, uncontrollable to security officers, removed state institutions, banks and even prisons.


2)Military events in NovoRussia for 12.05.15


3)”Coal of Ukraine” declared the bankruptcy 

The largest operator of the Ukrainian coal market became unnecessary for the government of the country

According to the document, the materials provided by state enterprise the court recognized sufficient and appointed preparatory court session on the case of bankruptcy to June 16.


4)”Divanny troops” of Gerashchenko attacked the congressman of the USA 

The fault of the American politician consisted that he directly called a regiment “Azov” of the Ukrainian National guard neo-Nazi

“The congressman Konyers, the Ukrainian “Azov” isn’t neo-Nazis! The Ukrainian nationalism — not Nazism. How much they paid to you for support of the Russian terrorists?” — the Ukrainian users write.


5)Kiev, Don’t Miss Minsk-II to End Conflict: Donetsk Rules Out New Minsk Deal


6)Kiev Claims Nuclear Facilities in Crimea Belong to Ukraine


7)Poland Looking Forward to Ukraine’s EU Membership


8)Media: Ukraine does not intend to pay the debt 

Kiev can benefit adopted in may by law about the possibility of a moratorium on external debt repayments

In addition, the Russian Federation will conduct consultations with the IMF on observance of interests of Russia in the provision of Kiev next tranche of loans from the Fund. The IMF cannot provide resources to the country that does not fulfil the obligations on sovereign debt, said Siluanov.

Nevertheless, the Russian side expects Ukraine to receipt of the next payment. According to Deputy Minister of Finance Sergey Storchak, nonpayment by Kiev’s debt would mean a default.


9)Media: Saakashvili works in Odessa for one and a half bottles of wine 

The salary of the new Governor of Odessa region is 5644 hryvnia (about $ 267) per month

The issue of salary Saakashivli arose after the scandal erupted when Saakashvili in the company of the people’s Deputy Mustafa Nayem ordered in one of the restaurants wine worth of 3,250 USD. We note that the salary policy does not allow him to buy two of these bottles.


10)“Human Rights” Imperialism in Ukraine


11)Yatsenyuk Stops Pretending to Care About Minsk Agreements


12)It Took a Black Civil Rights Veteran for Congress to Legislate Against Arming Nazis in Ukraine


13)Ukraine Bonds Plunge After American Finance Minister Escalates Default Threat


14)Fights In Donbass 11.06.2015 (English)


15)Fights In Donbass 12.06.2015


16)Ukraine in Danger of Two-Front War, as Saakashvili Becomes Odessa Governor


17)In Kiev, “Ukrainian consensus”  is created to resolve the conflict in the Donbas 

Scientists of Ukraine, EU and Russia supported the initiative of the Ukrainian consensus” aimed at finding a peaceful solution to the conflict in the Donbas

“With the help of the expert community, we intend to form a type of road map for conflict resolution and stabilization of the situation in Ukraine. Need to find basic things that unite us, not divide,” said the Institute’s Director, Victor Levitsky.


18)Response to “Donbass genocide” (VIDEO)

The participants of the analytical program “Night,” a community leader “new Russia” Paul Gubarev, head of the human rights organization “Justice” Alex Zhigulin, head of the human rights organization “Fair Protection” Daniel Tweaks and a member of the National Council DPR from the faction of “Free Donbass” Vladislav Brig discussed possible policy measures and ways to influence the situation in the Donbas – the genocide of the local population. Also discussed were issues pertinent to the organization’s response to the illegal Kiev government in the legal field.


19)’At Finish Line’: Poroshenko on Changes to Constitution on Decentralization


20)NATO Uses Baltic States to Draw Red Line, Send Message to Putin in Russia


21)Donetsk airport today…fighting continues… 
