Some things never change:

“Until a few months ago everyone said that they could not believe how friendly relations had become between the former Cold War antagonists. Now NATO’s expansion to Russia’s border has raised the fear in Moscow that the West is intent on strangling Russia. ”

“What went wrong? Russia has suffered from inflated expectations of a Russian-American condominium. Russia has been slow-to realize that its loss of status may be permanent. It is not just that the ruble has been devalued: Russia has been devalued. The challenge for the West is to manage not just Russia’s weakness but also its own strength. ”
Bilderberg Papers 1999

The most important battlefield of this conflict – The War With the Russia’s Central Bank

Why the leaders of Tatarstan industries want to declare a war on Central bank?
Почему промышленники Татарстана хотят объявить «войну» Центробанку (02.06.2015) [Source]

“The heads of the large industries and enterprises of Tatarstan propose to declare “war” on the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of Russia – before their monetary policy destroy all industries in the country. The country is experiencing the catastrophic shortage of monetary liquidity. Directors of many companies ask the Central Bank to print 1.5 trillion rubles and stop “killing” the industry.

Head of the analytical Department of “KAMAZ” Boris Morozov said that if in near future the monetary policy in Russia doesn’t change, economy will just “die”.

Industries produce and operate when the country has cash money for creadits. Our compatriot (Elvira Nabiullina, the head of the Central Bank – ed.) staged a “minus” money for the country. And now, no matter how much we try, the economy is dying… We sent Kogogin to the Central Bank , they promised him 600 billion rubles and asked, what else do you want from us? It crumbs. For every 1% GDP growth we need money supply to grow +6, or +8. Now, it’s – 3.
If we won’t rise as a united people’s front and won’t go to war with the Ministry of Finance and banks, we all will be dead, ” – said analytic JSC “KAMAZ”.

Мы сдохнем, если не встанем народным фронтом на войну с министерством финансов и банками, они страну угробят “, – уверен анатитик ОАО “Камаз”.
Vitaly Tretyakov: The radical privatization of the Soviet industries during the 90s was socially unfair and left the majority of the Russia’s population out. We need to give to every citizen of Russia a share of the country’s natural resources [Source]

Виталий Третьяков: Нужно отдать каждому гражданину России часть национальных природных богатств (16.06.2015)
“Stagflation that Russia finds itself after several years of growth leads to the intensification of discussions about the need to change economic policies of the country. In parallel to this we see the actual rejection of number of economic reforms proposed by liberals. This happens, for example, with the pension reform. Officially it’s recognized as failed. Liberal economists, who are in power in Russia right now, offer, as palliative, to raise the retirement age. ”

Tretyakov says that pro-Washington liberals like Ulyukaev, the Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation appointed by Medvedev and Nabiullina, the head of the Central Bank, want Russia to keep following the liberal economic Messiahs across wilderness for another 50 years. All these after 25 years that Russia has already walked.

He says also that in modern Russia the ruling class concentrates ownership of industries, natural resources, and legislative powers, leaving society completely unprotected from ongoing predatory extraction of profits out of the country.

According to Russia’s Constitution, natural resources are the state’s property, and by definition equality belong to all and every citizen of Russia.
In his article he explains his idea of how to make society fair for everybody by giving to every citizen of Russia a “golden basket” of monetary equivalent of 1 unit of natural resources (water, oil, gas, diamonds, gold, wood, metals etc.) that is set to increase every year and would be redeemable, but not transferable abroad.

Along with the calls for social justice and equality in sharing the country’s wealth as a way to improve and modernize economy, there are calls to replace some of the sanctioned Western loans with Islamic banking.

Russian Muslim population is about 20 million people. Among the members of the EEU there are about 75 million Muslims. So, there is a broad customer base for Islamic banking. The Central bank of Russia still hasn’t issued licenses for the Islamic banks on the territory of Russia due to the ban for such banking model on the territory of Russia that was adopted back in the 90s. Duma, the Parliament of Russia has received the project of a law that would make this model of banking legal. [Source]

“Russia’s biggest competitor in the quest to attract halal money will be United Kingdom, Europe’s biggest center for Islamic finance with 19 billion pound sterling (GBP) of reported sharia-compliant assets.”

At the KasanSummit 2015, 800 representatives from 46 countries discussed the implementation of the Islam banking and investments in Russia. So far, Islam based banks invested $1 billion into the development of the Smart City.

Since the West was so kind to cut off its finance noose, the other types of money are coming in to Russia.

Kazan Summit 2015 opens in Kazan, Russia [Source]
KazanSummit is one of the leading international economic events of the Russian Federation and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).
ISLAMIC FINANCE FOR CONSTRUCTIVE GLOBAL TRADE AND INVESTMENT is the main theme of the VII International economic summit of Russia and members countries of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) – KazanSummit 2015, which will be held on June 15-16th in the third capital city of Russia – Kazan. Islamic finance industry showing a high growth rate of the global financial sector acts as an economic tool for the development of trade, attraction of investment and effective collaboration between Russia and countries of the Islamic world.

Tatarstan signs a social doctrine of the Russia’s Muslims [Source]

President of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) and president of the Russia’s Central bank met in Moscow on Monday [Source]

В Москве прошла встреча председателя Центробанка РФ и президента Исламского банка развития Версия для печати 15 Июня 2015,22:37
Also, the President of the Islamic Development Group offered Russia his plan for development of the Islamic finances [Source]

Introduction of the Islamic banking into the Russian economy might put a huge dent in the monopoly of the Washington backed Central bank.
At the IV World Congress of Russian Press Medevedev said that regardless of the further sanctions and actions of the Western countries, Russia will continue moving East developing relations with non-confrontational countries.
The 17th World Congress of Russian Press [Source]
XVII Всемирного конгресса русской прессы в Москве

Valentine Kasatonov: By writing off by writing off debts of foreign countries to Russia, we steal from ourselves [Source]
Валентин Катасонов: О прощении, которое хуже воровства (13.06.2015)
Prof. Valentin Katasonov (D.Sc. (Economics) is an economist and the chairman of the S.F. Sharapov Russian Economic Society

Russian Central Bank Forecasts Unemployment to Reach 6.5% by End of 2015 [Source]

This time, the US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said the objective is “to bring the Russian economy to a standstill through a large and broad-based deterioration of Russian financial assets; capital flight that already exceeds all of last year; and a significant increase in Russian borrowing costs.” [source]

The Russian banking system has been hijacked by the Fed
Valentin Katasonov, MGIMO professor, head of Russian Economic Society, editor-in-chief of “Our Business” (“Наше дело”)
German Gref’s Sanctions Against Russia
Who controls the banking system of Russia?
” our government is not in a position to exercise “effective control” of the activities of Russian banks. ”

It has reached an unprecedented level of hypocrisy for Russia’s Central bank to “predict” calamities for economy in a recession that CB is orchestrating.

Today even some US states are heading toward the door and away from the Federal Reserve bank.
Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill into law on Friday, June 12, that will allow Texas to build a gold and silver bullion depository. In addition, Texas will repatriate $1 billion worth of bullion from the Federal Reserve in New York to the new facility once completed. [Source]
In Taxes they claim that the state laws are superior to any other law.

Look now at Russia. It’s Constitution adopted during 90s says that foreign laws are priority and superior to any domestic laws. Russia is not a sovereign country. According to the Russia’s Constitution Russia is “a part of world community. ” It’s means it’s not a sovereign nation.
Russia is beginning to break the chains of its vassal constitution [Source] to remove provisions on the priority of international law over national legislation, as well as a ban on state ideology. [Source]

There is, however, a new different economic model that works for Russia very well. One example is Belgorod Region.

One of Russia’s fastest developing regions: Belgorod region

Recently, the Governor of the Belgorod oblast Evgeniy Savchenko reported on an economic development of his oblast in 2014. Belgorod oblast has been working with a group of prominent Russia academic economists with Sergey Glaziyev. [Source]

“Despite the difficult macroeconomic situation, last year we achieved a stable socio-economic development of the region. The index of industrial production compared with 2013 was 101.2%. The gross regional product reached 604 billion, which is 2.2% above the 2013 level. In recalculation per capita is almost 400 thousand rubles. By the way, we are third in the Central Federal district of Russia after Moscow and the Moscow region.”

Due to certain geopolitical and macroeconomic reasons our country has found itself in the new political and economic realities, which, on the one hand, while continuing the current monetary economic model will lead to further stagnation of the economy, and on the other hand, opens up space to implement new economic prospects. Anti-crisis measures proposed by the Government of the Russian Federation, are significant, but, unfortunately, do not change the existing economic model. A considerable role is played by the support of the banks, not the real economy. Banks, indeed, are the lifeblood of the economy, however, 25-30% interest rate banks take from the circulatory system turns the banks into the blood-sucking system of our economy.”

More Russia’s news in brief
1. Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a speech at the opening of Army-2015 Exhibition [Source]
2. What Putin and Erdogan discussed in Baku [Source]
3. What Putin and Finland’s Niinisto discussed in Novo-Ogorevo [Source]
4. Putin and Finnish president call for strict implementation of Ukraine peace deals [Source]
5. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexey Meshkov: Western threats of more sanctions prove they are not linked to Ukraine crisis [Source]
6. Sevastopol is 232 years old. beautiful photos [Source]
7. Sevastopol and horses [Source]

Donbass Donetsk Novorossia SITREP
1. Compare Soldier’s free time – NAF in Donetsk / Marinka and Red Army in WWII [Source]

2. the Trilateral Contact Group is scheduled to start at 13:00 on Tuesday, June, 16, 2015 in Minsk, Belarus [Source]
Начало работы подгрупп Контактной группы запланировано на 13.00 вторника, 16 июня – Дейнего
June, 15, 2015 the Lugansk People’s Republic

Today Vladislav Deinego, the Luhansk republic’s envoy to the Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine Crisis, told the Luhansk Information Center news agency that the meetings of participants in subgroups, that work according to Minsk Protocol in parallel with the Trilateral Contact Group, scheduled to start at 13:00 on Tuesday, June, 16, 2015 in Minsk, Belarus

He also said that these meetings of the working groups, once completed, would be followed by discussions between representatives of the Trilateral Contact Group, that includes senior representatives from Ukraine, Russia and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)
Deinego also added that the representatives of the LPR/DPR are planning to start the discussion on the proposed amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine during the meeting on June,16, 2015.

3. Lugansk Republic Trade Union Federation accepted into the International Trade Union Confederation [Source]

4. Compare summer 2014 and 2015 Krasnodon town hospital is 90% rebuilt [Source]

5. Cyprus sends humanitarian aid to eastern Ukraine [Source]
June 17, 15:16 UTC+3 – Clothes, food, hygienic stuff with an overall weight of 12 tons were delivered

6. More than 1.5 thousand people went missing in Donbass since January 1, 2015 [Source]

7. Ukrainian army has violated the ceasefire regime 7 times in the last 24 hours [Source]
17th of June, 2015. Donetsk People’s Republic, Novorossiya.
Ukrainian army has violated the ceasefire regime 7 times in the last 24 hours, Executive Commander of Corps of the DPR Defense Ministry Eduard Basurin told the Donetsk News Agency.

“Over the past 24 hours, we have recorded 7 ceasefire violations by the Ukrainian side. Kiev forces fired two 82-mm mortars, small arms and grenade launchers on the territory of the Republic. One of the mines hit the warehouse of Donetsk state factory of chemical products. Ukrainian forces shelled Donetsk (the territory of the airport, and Kuibyshevsky district), Gorlovka, Spartak, Krasniy Partizan, Sanzharovka. Information on the casualties among the civilians and the DPR fighters is being specified,” – Basurin said.

8. Another explosion in the area of the chemical plant in Donetsk. There was a powerful shock wave that could be felt even in the center of the city. People living in the northern part could witness a column of smoke. [Source]

9. Aleksandr Zakharchenko – On love, death, war and life June 16, 2015
Exclusive interview of the Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic for “” internet resource [Source]

Russia North Caucasus Analysis by the Western think tank

When they say that something is taking place, it means they are trying to make this happen. I would take their “analysis” as the US plans.
1. Dagestan Begins to Reverse Its Relatively Tolerant Policy Toward Salafism [Source]
2. Salafist-Sufi Tensions Threaten Greater Instability in North Caucasus [Source]

3. Ichkeria Salafi terrorists as part of Ukraine’s junta battalions (note flags) [Source]

Ukraine SITREP

Ukraine right now is the biggest nuclear threat…
Mesajde Mekille pe 15 Iun 2015, 14:57
Ukraine right now is the biggest nuclear threat for the whole planet!
Corruption at all levels of power in Kyiv – the biggest challenge to Europe’s security and safety of the whole world! [Source]

George Kobzaru:‎ Is Ukraine the place to forge nuclear Armageddon? [Source]

“21 years have passed since the moment Ukraine together with the USA and Russia signed the trilateral declaration on refusal from possession of nuclear arsenal inherited after the USSR collapse and considered the world’s third largest nuclear arsenal in the world at that moment.
Meanwhile, the scientific base, theoretical researches, relevant enterprises and organizations as well as scientists are still at the disposal of Kyiv still willing to employ them all to restore the status of a nuclear state, once it makes such a decision. Back into 2009, president Yushchenko amid worsening of relations with Moscow was set to bring to active service up to 20 tactical nuclear warheads. By no doubts, under the current extremely tense situation and armed hostilities in South-Eastern Ukraine going on for more than a year, the issue of reviving nuclear abilities is included into Kyiv’s current agenda.

Washington, Brussels and Berlin are well in the know about the steps of the Ukraine targeted at restoration of its nuclear arsenal. The letter by Peter Altmaier, Head of the Federal Chancellery and Federal Minister for Special Tasks, to Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, Commander of the NATO Armed Forces in Europe, confirms the fact. “

“According to the letter by Altmaier, the senior officials of the EU and NATO are fully aware of the threat of nuclear weapons emerging in possession of Kyiv. Still they are ready to pacify themselves with it to get some additional ‘power leverage’ in the region. In fact, Altmaier and Breedlove representing the EU and NATO structures don’t care a bit about the safety of ordinary Europeans who may face real nuclear threat due to present political gambling.”

A year ago Kiev Junta announced that they need 12 to 16 months to make their own. This letter shows that Ukro-fascists are getting close to getting a nuclear bomb.

Controlled, safe, ecologically clean industrial fires become staple of liberated Ukraine

Looks like patriots are burning Ukraine to make Putin to keep his hands off of it.
Plastics manufacturer fire [Source]
Kiev oil refinery fire costs $48 million and counting [Source]
Ukraine fires as seen from space [Source]
Fires in Chernobyl contaminated zones are absolutely safe [Source]
Kiev oil-refinery fire [Source]
Forest fires in Ukraine [Source]
Terrible Fire at Roof of 5-Floors House, Darnitsa, Kyiv Ukraine 14.06.2015 [Source]

Poverty is fighting an oil fire with water
When asked why the firefighters were fighting an oil fire with water, instead of powder based fire retardants, one of the officers gave this chilling response: “all the powder and foam funds were spent putting out fires on Euromaiden.” That was a year and a half ago!
On the 14th of June, in Kiev, an apartment building fire resulted in the entire complex burning to the ground, because the fire departments lack the resources to fight such a blaze. To fight any blaze.

Valentina Lisitsa retweeted this comment
concerning a horrendous consequence of the Kiev fire.

Lisitsa has also been pointing out, that of all the nations on the planet, including EU and even neighboring Poland, ONLY RUSSIA has offered concrete assistance to Ukraine, in terms of their expertise and specialized equipment in fighting oil fires. An offer which Kiev has ignored, preferring to burn rather than swallow their pride.

Anyhow, this is the comment in question, by someone named Nikolai Petrov, concerning a fire-related occurrence in the Kiev neighborhood of Troeshchina:
“After Kiev found itself in a ring of fire, finally some refreshing moisture: In Troeshchina area, a (sewer) pipe busted. A fountain of shit achieved a height of 25 meters. I simply cannot imagine what further hints can God make?”

The Signs of Collapse

Scott: I don’t believe that all those fires and sewage explosions are the signs of collapse. Ukrainians are just being Ukrainians. They always were like this. There was an unspoken division of labor between Russians and Ukrainians back in Soviet times, Ukrainians would steal pipes, parts, and equipment, or smoke next to oil and gas tanks, and Russians would rush and fix water leaks, and put out fires.

Just remember Chernobyl screw-up. Ukrainians engineers ran the reactor to the ground and Russians came to fix and clean up. None of this is out of the ordinary. Ukrainians don’t care when somebody is being killed, if it doesn’t affect them personally. They are very individualistic people, they don’t see themselves as a part of society. Individualism for an average Ukrainian is above everything else. They only act in their personal interest with no regard to any kind of common good.

Poroshenko about Minsk-2: Decentralizations has nothing to do with the federalization. Ukraine is and will be Unitarian (sic) state.

An ex-president of a country that shoots zoo animals talks about a country that starves its zoo animals to death.
Ukraine has sunk into such poverty that it will take 20 years to reach the level of 2013, if the country develops in favorable conditions, Odessa region governor Mikheil Saaksshvili said, local Timer reported Sunday.

“Now Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe. If the collapse of the economy suddenly stops, and Ukraine develops by four percent annually, we will reach the level of 2013 in 20 years,” the former Georgian president said.

Only in 20 years will we return to the figures of Yanukovych’s Ukraine,” he concluded.

Bravo Europe and the US, all those great white nations of the West, a “community of values.” Finally, you have achieved something you can be proud of.

EU Disburses $20Mln for New Nuclear Waste Repository in Chernobyl [Source]
EU has allocated around 17.6 million euro for the construction of a new nuclear waste repository at Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.

New Heroes of European Ukraine: 18yo raped a young girl near Lugansk, killed an old lady [Source]

The US conducting around the clock a 48-hour non-stop training of the Kiev Junta’s military [Source]

Moscow Times: US Ambassador to Ukraine urges boycott on top Russian economic forum [Source]
St. Petersburg International Economic Forum attracts thousands of businessmen, economists and politicians

Poroshenko labelled a ‘bribe’ a USD $3 bn Russian loan Ukraine in 2013 [Source]

Medvedev: If Russia’s loan to Ukraine is “bribe” than IMF loans to Ukraine is the large scale embezzlement [Source]

Kremlin wants Kiev to say whether it considers itself legal successor to former government [Source]
“When we hear such statements [by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko], first of all we want to know whether the current authorities denounce their liabilities, of which we are most concerned about their financial liabilities,” Peskov told journalists, commenting on Poroshenko’s pronouncements that the Russian three-billion-dollar loan to Ukraine was a “bribe” to former head of state Viktor Yanukovich for his abandoning association with the European Union.

“Viktor Yanukovich, who was Ukraine’s president at that time [in 2013] was toppled in an illegal and anti-constitutional state coup,” Peskov noted. “So far, we have no answer to the question [about legal succession]. Frankly speaking, I find it difficult to say whether Poroshenko’s words could be taken as an answer to that question.”

“If we speak about the legitimacy of Ukraine’s authorities, the question is whether their challenge Ukraine’s legal succession as a state, or, in other words, whether they challenge Ukraine’s international liabilities,” he said.”

The Tragedy of Flooded Tbilisi Zoo [Source]
Why are those third world colonies of the West are allowed to have ZOOs? Don’t you have to become civilized before you keep an innocent animal in a cage and then kill it? Don’t you have to get out of your cage first? They can’t take care of their own people. 12 people died in a flood, but the Western media talks only about the Zoo animals. That tells me that gruzínski (Georgians) are lower than animals for the Western audience.
Russia seems to be the only country to offer help to Georgia with the aftermath of the flooding.

1. The Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank AIIB is up and running [Source]
“The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a multilateral development bank (MDB) conceived for the 21st century,” it says on the website. It will fund infrastructure projects primarily in Asia.

The United States sees the bank as a rival to the U.S.-led World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. China managed to get 57 countries onboard, including European allies. The biggest contributors: China $29.8 billion, India $8.4 billion, and Russia $6.5 billion, and Germany $4.5 billion.

Exclusive – China to extend economic diplomacy to EU infrastructure fund [Source]
China will pledge a multi-billion dollar investment in Europe’s new infrastructure fund at a summit on June 29 in Brussels, according to a draft communique seen by Reuters – Beijing’s latest round of chequebook diplomacy to win greater influence….

It is expected to come with a request for return investment in China’s westward infrastructure drive – the “One Belt, One Road” initiative – constructing major energy and communications links across Central, West and South Asia to as far as Greece.

“China announced that it would make (X amount) available for co-financing strategic investment of common interest across the EU,” the draft final statement says, adding that agreements will be finalised at another meeting in September.

An EU diplomat said the Chinese contribution was likely to be “in the billions”. ..
In return for its investment, China wants a quid pro quo with Europe, whereby European companies and governments would take a greater interest in President Xi Jinping’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative….

2. Chinese special forces arrive to Belarus for drill [Source] [Source]

3. China Mocks G7 As “Gathering Of Debtors”, Warns “Confrontation Will Be A Disaster For Europe” [Source]

4. China Dumps Record $120 Billion In US Treasuries In Two Month Via Belgium [Source]

The US NATO and EU continue to amass troops and arms on the Russia’s eastern borders in Baltic, while having massive multi-member countries drills in the Black Sea and Balkans

U.S. Is Poised to Put Heavy Weaponry in Eastern Europe
The Pentagon is accumulating battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other heavy weapons for as many as 5,000 American troops in several Baltic and Eastern European countries, since the fascists regime change in Kiev, Ukraine and the facilitation of the Civil War in Ukraine directed against Russian Ukrainians, which constitute about 50%of the population of Ukraine.

For the record, Russia’s military power is about 10x time less than the US, NATO and EU combined.

Germany must accept NATO bases in Poland – president-elect’s aide [Source]

Germany says establishing NATO military bases in former communist countries in eastern Europe would violate a 1997 NATO agreement with Russia.



From the first rate hike by a Fed whose balance sheet as a % of GDP was nearly identical to the current one, to the start of World War II: less than three years. [Source]

German point of view of the real Reason For The US’s Backing of Ukrainian Nazis
Same old, same old… Brzezinski bla, bla, bla… Turning Russia into an Asian empire? Why everyone is so fascinated with his book? What Asia has become today, it’s not what he envisioned it back in the 20 century.

Last, But Not Least...
Lords of the EU Ring
All familiar faces… English subtitles