It appears that the ceasefire has had a bigger impact on the big cities of Lugansk and Donetsk than in the smaller cities on the frontline like Slaviansk or Kramatorsk were combat operations have apparently continued.  Furthermore, as Juan has reported, Ukrainian troops are further being resupplied and reinforced.  The junta’s Minister of Defense has officially confirmed that the notorious “Battalion Aidar” death-squad, which had been wiped out by the NDF, was being re-formed and re-trained with new soldiers.  Igor Kolomoiski appears to be the person financing this effort.

There are now officially half a million refugees from the ex-Ukraine now in the Rostov-on-the-Don region alone.  400 (not 400’000! sorry – The Saker) refugee centers have now been created in Russia east of the Ural Mountains.  The US ambassador to the UNSC has denied that there is a refugee crisis.  To Uncle Sam half a million refugees are, apparently, invisible, just like the 275’000 Serbian refugees from Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo are *still* invisible to the West.

The Saker