1)Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Poroshenko betrayed the Maidan 

The power in Ukraine has moved to the new oligarchs, the country was in the hands of one of them

“On the Maidan Ukrainians fought against the oligarchs. But one of them became President. Now he begins to destroy the other oligarchs — and, thus, creates the space for new clans,” the article says.

“The oligarchs in Ukraine, as the leaves: they fell off in the autumn, and the new grow in the spring. Deterrence old tycoons only created the space for new clans,” summarize German journalists.


2)Poroshenko: in six years we will hold a referendum on joining NATO 

A referendum on Ukraine’s accession to NATO will take place no earlier than 2021

“It will be a long process: it takes at least 6-7 years. When we’re ready, we will hold a referendum to ask the people of Ukraine, to join NATO or not,” he said.


3)Lavrov: Russia, US Agree to Continue Contacts on Ukraine Crisis


4)NATO’s Ukraine Policies Play Into the Hands of Warmongers  – Russian Envoy


5)Fights In Donbass 29.06.2015


6)Kiev appeal еру discount provided by Russia’s gas 

Ukraine intends in trilateral talks with Russia and the European Commission to discuss the discount for gas for the third quarter

“I can’t tell you the number before negotiations and proposals we announced the European Commission,” said Demchyshyn after meeting with representatives of the EC bilaterally in Vienna.

As a result, the price of Russian gas for Ukraine in this period will be 247,18 dollars per 1000 cubic meters.


7)Russia Isn’t Invading Ukraine but Maidan Ukraine Is Invading Donbass


8)Here’s How to Solve Ukrainian Crisis. Let the Country Join Both EU and Eurasian Union


9)Ukraine Army Could Save Its Banners From Russians but Not From Maidan Gov’t


10)Paul Craig Roberts: Washington using Ukraine to create problems for Russia 

The EU should abandon the course of American politics

“I don’t see any evidence that Washington wants a peaceful resolution of the situation in Ukraine, as vassals of the USA in Kiev. Washington needs Ukraine to create problems for Moscow. Kiev justified the EU sanctions against Russia, the purpose of which was to damage the European-Russian economic and political relations,” he said.


11)Ex-Minister: 99% of Ukrainian pensioners live below the poverty line 

Only 1% of Ukrainians of retirement age can be considered secured

“About 4.5 million pensioners receive around 2000 UAH, and only two million people – more than this amount. If guided by the criteria of the International Bank and the UN, to living in poverty can be attributed 99% of Ukrainian pensioners,” he said.

To this date, the minimum pension in Ukraine is 949 UAH ($45).


12)Italians Opinion About Russian Sanctions (VIDEO)


13)Fights in Donbass 30.06.15


14)Donetsk People’s Republic Special Forces Training (VIDEO)


15)UN-NATO Interventionism: Ukraine Could Learn from Kosovo’s Troubles


16)Brzezinski: Russia Has to Be Assured That Ukraine Will Never Join NATO


17)How Washington and its Allies Use Social Media to Topple Governments & Manipulate Public Opinion


18)Congressman Dana Rohrabacher grills U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power on Ukraine
