1)Yatsenyuk outraged by the meeting between Kerry and Putin and Lavrov in Sochi 

“We understand that in global politics, there are many problems, including ISIS, Yemen and the rest. But my message is this: look, Sochi is obviously not the best resort and not the best place for conversation with the Russian President and the Russian foreign Minister,” — said Yatsenyuk.

According to the Ukrainian Prime Minister, he “believes” that during the meeting, the Secretary of state with President of Russia Vladimir Putin and foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Sochi, Kerry has pledged its support for Ukraine.


2)AgoraVox: Yatsenyuk admitted the genocide of Donbas residents 

On the question of the journalist Frederick Suyo “When you stop the genocide of the Donbass?”, Ukrainian Prime Minister replied: “When Putin will retreat, will fulfill its commitments under the Minsk agreement, will cease to violate international law, and when Russia will have been brought to trial”.

“The U.S. government is firm in its commitment to support Ukraine, to maintain peace and stability, and to force Russia to implement the Minsk agreements and to force it to withdraw its troops from the territory of Ukraine”.


3)Metropolitan Onufry urged Ukrainians to come round and see each other as brothers 

“We are facing an information war. Propaganda destroys brotherly and friendly relations between peoples and breaks even the ties of blood relationship. Where do we find salvation? How to overcome adversity and strife between brothers in the faith abundantly sown the seeds of enmity and strife that give their bloody sprouts?”, — the message says.

“We must do everything possible to end the war and establish peace in our country. For the clergy do not accept any calls for military aggression and hostility. In any case we have no right to justify a war of religious slogans. I call the Orthodox, who are now on different sides of the armed conflict, to see each other as brothers and take the path of reconciliation…. If we don’t stop the war in their hearts, it will only flare up the outside”, — said in the Appeal.


4)he blogger suggested Poroshenko instead of Facebook to create a social network “Kozak” 

“Friends, you need to use all channels to get the response of global offices. Ukraine needs to get the Ukrainian representation of Facebook!” — wrote Poroshenko.

Ukrainian journalist Anatoly Shary in his commentary said that President Poroshenko sat in a puddle”. “Build your network “Kozak”. A state that used “public opinion” to decide the fate of murderers or entire regions, received a kick. Tangible. Boycott and get the hell out of here already,” said the journalist.


5)Yatsenyuk: We insist that creditors to restructure  the debts of Ukraine 

“Dear lenders, the government stays  firmly in its position on the conclusion of negotiations on debts. The country is at war, we have lost 20% of the economy. We ask, ask and insist to external creditors to accept the proposal of Ukraine”, — said Yatsenyuk.

“We can’t pay these loans and not to cut pensions and salaries,” — said the Prime Minister.


6)Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook is blocking the publication of Ukrainian users for their aggression 

“We will block content that contains open aggression, insults based on ethnicity or calls to violence,” said Zuckerberg.

He also commented on the statements of Ukrainian users that posts supposedly moderated from the Russian office of Facebook. The founder of Facebook said that the company has no office in Russia, and the Ukrainian users actually moderated by an international team from Dublin.


7)Military events in NovoRussia for 14.05.2015


8)Military events in NovoRussia for 15.05.2015


9)Lviv “patriots” mocking the pensioner  on May 9 (VIDEO)


10)How Klitschko wished  Vakarchuk happy birthday [VIDEO]


11)Fights In Donbass 15.05.2015


12)14.05.2015 Ukraine Crisis News


13)Fights In Donbass 14.05.2015


14)NATO Chief on Ukraine: Actions Speak Louder Than Words


15)Why Crimea is Not Kosovo: Lavrov to Serbian Press


16)US Authorizes $300Mln in Lethal Defensive Aid, Training to Ukraine – McCain


17)Battlefield: Black Sea. US-NATO “Swimming in Troubled Waters”


18)Fidel Castro’s Remarks on the 70th Anniversary of Russia’s Great Patriotic War Victory


19)OSCE Blasts Kiev Travel Restrictions on Citizens in Eastern Ukraine


20)Ukraine’s Plans to Dismantle Soviet Symbols Are Seen as Divisive
