1)Parliament denied Viktor Yanukovych’s title of President 

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman promises to deal with the fate of the law on deprivation of Viktor Yanukovych  of the title of President.

“There is such a question. But I remember exactly that I this law was signed. So now I will check this information. I 100% guarantee you that I have signed it. Next, we’ll learn in what condition it is in. I can only do what the law provided,” — said Groisman.

We will remind, on February 4, 2015 people’s deputies of Ukraine supported in the first reading the bill No. 1883 “On the removal of Viktor Yanukovych the title of President of Ukraine”.


2)Jaresko: Ukraine needs Russia as an economic partner 

But to talk about our future without Russia as an important economic partner is impossible”, — said the head of the Ministry of Finance.

Recall, Ukraine counts on the restructuring of $23 billion foreign debt. The Kiev government is seeking to make it until June, when the international monetary Fund plans to discuss the granting Ukraine the second tranche of the loan program.


3)Poroshenko: Ukraine will never accept the return of Crimea into the Russian Federation 

“Ukraine will never accept the occupation of Crimea and will never give one of the indigenous peoples of our common Fatherland. We will fight for the rights of the Crimean Tatar people, its national and political freedom. Crimea is not a military base, not the pride of Russian sailors”, but an integral part of Ukraine is a unique region, the pearl of the world civilization, the cradle of the Crimean Tatars”, — said the head of state.

“I just don’t want people overestimated the possibilities of the West. For a  military operation we (the U.S. — ed.) will not go, obviously. Americans are not ready to fight for the Crimea. And no for Poland in years past, and for Hungary, and Czechoslovakia. It’s just a historical fact. We must be realistic in this regard,” said McFall.

Moreover, supporters of Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk acknowledged that the return of the Crimea is impossible.


4)Mijatovic: the Laws of “decommunization” threaten freedom of speech 

“It’s unclear formulated law that restricts people to Express their views on the events of the past, can easily lead to suppression of critical political speech, especially in the media. What the law entered into force, despite various pleas from human rights activists, has a negative impact on freedom of expression and freedom of the media”, — said the OSCE representative.


5)Military events in NovoRussia for 18.05.2015


6)Military events in NovoRussia for 19.05.2015


7)The Deputy of the Parliament of new Russia: an Attempt to cram us in Ukraine is very unfortunate

Trying to cram us in Ukraine is very unfortunate. Today with the Ukrainian authorities, in principle, no reason to negotiate because the country is ruled by the US Ambassador. The proposals of the representatives of the DPR and LPR in the contact group on the peaceful settlement of the situation in the Donbass on the constitutional reform in Ukraine can cause worsening situation within the republics, – said Sergey Baryshnikov.


8)Europe is not the Paradise we had imagined (VIDEO)

The representative of France made a presentation at the 3rd Congress of anti-fascists where he was talking about a revolution of values in the world.


9)Poroshenko Bloc Member Urges PM Yatsenyuk to Tender His Resignation


10)EU Assures Eastern Partnership Not to Damage Russia’s Interests – Lavrov


11)Lavrov, Stoltenberg to Meet on Sidelines of European Council Session


12)Lavrov, Mogherini Discuss Russia-EU Relations


13)Obama Gave Up on Ukraine? Towards a Plan B for Ukraine?


14)Ukraine’s Lithuanian Economy Minister Selling Off State Assets to the West – Surprise!


15)Russia-Ukraine Conflict Overshadows Euro Bank Meeting


16)Ukraine: One dead after intense fire on militia positions in Donetsk 
