1)The message of the Ministry of defence of DPR about preparing provocations of Ukrainian forces.

According to secret service received by DPR, the leadership of Ukraine is preparing provocations on the territory of Donetsk People’s Republic. For these purposes, the Ukrainian forces will use the symbols of the Republican guard and the Cossacks.Sabotage on behalf of the Republican guard will be resonant event in which Ukrainian media will blame the leadership of the DPR and provocations on behalf of the Cossacks will be presented as a rebellion of the Cossack units of the lawful government, the intention of the Ukrainian authorities is to call internal unrest and collapse the government of the Republic. For maximum effect, the Ukrainian authorities plan to use celebrations in DPR, associated with the Victory Day. For these purposes, the Ukrainian media on 5 May 2015 deliberately spread information that on May 9, “the terrorists under the guise of Ukrainian troops are planning to shoot peaceful rally in Donetsk”. This stuffing confirms the intention of the Ukrainian authorities to link planned provocations on Victory Day. Sabotage on the territory of DPR, according to the Ukrainian authorities should allow Western and Ukrainian media to accuse the leadership of the Republic in the war! That will be the reason for the offensive actions of the Ukrainian armed forces, national guard, and uncontrollable nationalist battalions and foreign mercenaries.

Предупреждение о провокациях на 9 мая


2)Yatsenyuk: After the victory in 1945 Ukrainians were subjected to “post-war famine

“The victory over Nazism did not bring freedom to our nation — a nation of winners survived the third post-war famine and repression. Thousands of families were deported to Siberia, destroyed the intelligence and the village, etched into the memory of who and at what cost the Victory was won. But we remember that: those who fuel the war and who helped them in this, about the collusion of two tyrants — Stalin, Hitler, and the millions of people who bore the burden of this terrible war,” — said Yatsenyuk

Яценюк: После победы в 1945 году украинцев подвергли «послевоенному голодомору»


3)The U.S. Ambassador “has found” Russian troops in Donbass.

As the next “irrefutable evidence” diplomat led a St. George ribbon.The photos show tanks, which on the eve of the Victory day parade in Donetsk have caused a festive symbolism, in particular, the St. George ribbon. As you know, St. George ribbon is not the emblem of the Russian armed forces, it is a symbol of victory in the great Patriotic war. Previously, Geoffrey Pyatt has said that Washington has satellite images allegedly proving the presence of Russian troops in the Donbas, but none of them have still not been submitted.


4)The European Parliament demanded from Kiev the results of the investigation of the mass murder in Odessa.

“We appeal to You, Mr Yatseniuk, with the request to use all available opportunities to ensure immediate provision of results of investigation of Maidan killings, massacres in Odessa, as well as countless examples of selective justice and procedural violations”, — the document says.

“A year after these events, officials still have not provided the report on results of investigations. We are extremely concerned about this omission on the part of officials.”

В Европарламенте потребовали от Киева результатов расследования убийств в Одессе.


5)The Slovaks booed provocateur with Ukrainian flag. (VIDEO)

Among local people welcoming the participants of the Russian biker club “Night wolves”, a man appeared with the Ukrainian flag

However, the appearance of a man with a Ukrainian flag has caused outrage in the crowd and after a few minutes he was surrounded by not only journalists, but also by the Slovaks. They shouted: “Shame”, “Fascist”. Someone from the crowd threw at him the Victory Banner, and the crowd began to chant “Russia!Russia!” and applaud.


6)Military events in NovoRussia for 7.05.15


7)Military events in NovoRussia for 8.05.15


8)Poroshenko in Poland said that the militias in the Donbass fight strategic nuclear “YARS”, Iskander” and the latest “Armat

The head of the Kiev regime Petro Poroshenko (Waltman), who asked not to celebrate the victory in the great Patriotic war together with his people, in Poland thanked the heads of state who refused to participate in the parade on may 9 in Moscow, informs “Interfax”.Further, sentimentality, Poroshenko was given to the surface of another of his fabulous ramblings. According to Poroshenko, on May 9 in Moscow during a military parade “ they will be showing the weapons used in Donetsk”.


9)The U.S. has provided assistance to the Ukrainian army for $ 25 billion

“At the moment, logistical assistance the US provided to the Ukrainian army, reached about $25 million,” – said in Kiev, the representative of the Ukrainian defense Ministry Viktoria Kushnir..


10)In the Internet appeared the video of a failed loading of the Ukrainian self-propelled vehicles on the trawl (VIDEO)


11)Merkel, Poroshenko to Hold Talks in Berlin May 13.


12)Poroshenko Should Have Thanked Ukrainian Vets, Not Foreign Leaders – Peskov


13)Fights In Donbass 08.05.2015


14)Slovak Parliament Thanks People of Former USSR for Victory


15)In Kiev, Ukrainians Demand Justice for Odessa Massacre Victims


16)Washingtons NATO Envoy: ‘I Get Most Information on the Ukraine Conflict from Social Networks


17)Donetsk Peoples Republic Continues with Victory Day Preparations
