New Developments

  • Graham Phillips’ Personal Account of the Grim Day Odessans Burned (Source)

A freelancer recalls the horrible day when pro-Kiev fanatics set upon and mercilessly killed peaceful anti-Maidan demonstrators

  • Ukrainian neo-nazis will celebrate May 2, the day of Odessa massacre, as “Victory Day( source)

May 2, 2014 was a historic day for Odessa. Odessans bravely repulsed Kremlin gangs and their local leaders, thus protecting the city from the arrival of the “Russian world”

  • The de-industrialization of Ukraine has acquired an irreversible character’–former minister of economy (Source)

It makes no sense to campaign for the preservation of economic relations of Ukraine with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)* markets, as the de-industrialization of the country has become irreversible nature, economist Viktor Suslov told a press conference in Kyiv recently.

  • White House admits Kiev bears economic responsibility for Donbas ( Source)

The eastern Ukrainian region currently lives in the conditions of a financial and economic blockade on the part of the Kiev authorities

  • The Underground Resistance to Kiev’s Anti-Communist Laws (Source)

Today it is difficult to talk about the possibility of future protests, but the sentiment of disagreement and confusion remains in Kiev. In a country where there are anti-Communist laws in place, and death squads are operating, there is a need to develop a new system of communications that will bypass state restrictions and identify those who are “with us.”

  • Project of Ukrainian-Russian nuclear fuel plant to be renounced (Source)

Ukraine plans renouncing a joint project with Russia, under which the two countries were to build a factory for the production of nuclear fuel, the Minister of Energy and Coalmining, Vladimir Demchishin told TASS on Wednesday.”We’ll denounce the agreement and, in most probability, this will be done by law,” he said. “This agreement was poorly drafted and there are dubious questions around the commitment of certain parties.”

  • A message from Donetsk resident (Source)

How unjustly we were abandoned 23 years ago one-on-one with total strangers! I am counting the days to when we go home, back to Russia…

  • The American dream is dying in Baltimore (Source)

There are no real contenders for the presidency, only the “familiar faces” – representatives of the ruling clans and dynasties. Grandma Clinton, unimpressive Jeb Bush (the brother of the 43rd U.S. President George W. Bush) and Mitt Romney. On the one hand, the crisis of the elites in the United States plays into our hands  – these people can make mistakes. But on the other hand — not very adequate people can start trouble. Therefore, we need to “keep our powder dry”, and to live by the principle: “We are peaceful people, but our battleship is standing by

  • Ukrainian president’s firm challenges Russian assets seizure in tax probe (Source)

The criminal case against the Roshen confectionery was opened on charges of the fraudulent theft of 180 million rubles through the illegal VAT refund from the Russian budget.

  • Ukrainian foreign minister: proposed UN peacekeeping mission for Donbass could be civilian (Source)
  • Alcohol high on the shopping list of Ukrainian soldiers in Kharkov (photos) (Source)

Stocking up on Energisers for @$$kicking to be had ahead

  • Protest action of Right Sector in front of the Ukrainian presidential office finished (Source)

Next time we will set the presidential office building on fire,” Right Sector spokesman said about further action to be taken if the rightist activists’ demands were ignored

  • Russia blasts fresh US allegations on anti-aircraft systems in Ukraine as ‘viral stupidity (Source)

Another statement by the State Department representative Jeff Rathke has been passed to him mouth-to-mouth from Marie Harf and this is vivid proof of the fact that not only thought is material but so is stupidity and that stupidity multiplies through viral mechanisms,” reads the statement posted on the Defense Ministry’s official Facebook page.

  • Lutsenko: In Western Ukraine People are Talking About the Need to Divide the Country (Source)

Ordinary people living in Western Ukraine, are now seriously discussing the need to divide the country.This was stated by the former head of the Interior Ministry of Ukraine, one of the closest associates of Yulia Tymoshenko, Yuriy Lutsenko.

  • Kiev Is Waging a War Nobody Wants to Pay For (Source)

The west is happy to see Ukraine wage war on its pro-Russian east, but not happy about the prospect of paying for it

  • Ukraine Pays a Terrible Price for Banderaism (Source)

As the Ukrainian government that seized power in the coup rewrites Ukraine’s history, it commits an ever-widening circle of atrocities in conformity with the ideology of Stepan Bandera that it has adopted.

  • Czech Diplomat Applauds Odessa Massacre (Source)

According to Czech Diplomat Václav Bartuška, “If you quickly stand up to [demonstrators] head-on as they did in say, Odessa, where they simply burned them, or in Dnipropetrovsk, where they simply killed them and buried them by the roadside, then you have calm. If you do not do this, you have war. That’s all.” Unreal.

  • Western Ukraine Ready for Secession? (Source)

Former Interior Minister and leading Maidan luminary reports spread of secessionist sentiments in Maidan’s political heartland as war weariness and disillusion grows

  • Who created Ukraine’s “Separatism Threat Level” scale?(Source)

Separatism Threat Level According to Tymchyuk

The Right Sector is calling the government’s actions a provocation, and Yarosh has called on his fighters not to lay down their arms. There are also reports that the SBU has been trying to arrest RS members in the Donbass and Azov units which, however, told the SBU there were no RS members in their ranks, suggesting these forces have made common cause with the RS. Ukrainian commentators note that the RS is still well funded by various oligarchs, most of whom prefer to remain anonymous.

  • Ukraine’s foreign minister says Kiev committed to NPT, no dirty bomb plans (Source)

Russia’s Foreign Ministry said last week that the creation of a dirty bomb would turn Ukraine into a rogue state

  • Wildfire area in Chernobyl Exclusion Zone decreases to 70 hectares — administration (Source)

In the controlled perimeter, firefighting efforts continue in certain regions

  • Three people killed in Kiev forces’ shellings in Donetsk republic (Source)

According to the DPR defense ministry, the Kiev forces shelled towns and settlements in DPR 34 times over the last 24 hours

  • Ukraine’s hope for financial downpour from EU fails to come true (Source)

There will be no disaster, but just ever less economics and trade. There has already occurred one explosion. From this moment on the process of rotting and decay will go on and on…”


DPR Chief of Staff Basurin is reporting that the UAF is bringing up fresh troops, weapons, and improving its defensive positions. This is presumably the fourth wave of mobilization finally reaching the frontline, although Basurin believes that it’s part of UAF’s preparation for the resumption of active operations.

  • Kiev is once again disappointed in Europe (Source)

Poroshenko’s trip to Brussels for the EU-Ukraine summit was basically a waste of time. Whatever he was asking for (money? peacekeepers? money? weapons? money? oh, did I mention money?), he did not get. What is more, Jean-Claude Juncker in no uncertain terms told Poroshenko that the Association Agreement must enter into full force not later than January 1, 2016.  So it looks like the EU has become a veritable factory of Ukrainian disappointments.

  • Kiev to sell off its energy corporations to Western firms


And why not? Since they are desperate for money, they’ll have to sell it off at a significant discount. But it won’t save them, because once everything is privatized, Ukraine will still be where it was before, except now much of its economy will be under foreign control. But even that’s not going to be the end of the story, because if you are a Western investor in an unstable country like Ukraine, which sounds like a better deal, investing in your new acquisition, or selling it for even a small profit to a…Russian corporation?

  • FB Message about Happiness in Ukraine Source

More than 30% of the inhabitants of Ukraine want to leave the country. People can’t live with such freedom and prosperity, they are literally afraid to die of happiness.”

  • Ukraine suffers a fiasco in Brazil (Source)

Somehow “fiasco” and “Ukraine” seem to go together well these days…This particular fiasco concerns Brazil’s rejection of Ukraine as a partner in the construction of the Alcantara space launch facility after wasting about a billion reals on the fruitless cooperative effort. Russia has already offered its not inconsiderable services. The Alcantara project has a great deal of potential. Since it is located practically on the Equator, it would be the world’s most efficient space launch facility, since rockets need less fuel to place payloads into orbit then when launching from higher latitudes.

  • Total of 70 Russian General Staff officers in Ukraine now — deputy defense minister (Source)

Russian officers help to maintain contact between Kiev and the forces of the self-proclaimed republics but Kiev does not want to acknowledge their presence in public

  • Russia Will Never Wage War Against Ukraine – Deputy Defense Minister (Source)

The deputy defense minister also expressed hope that Germany and France will use their influence to prevent Kiev from escalating the situation in southeastern Ukraine, adding that Russia will help Europe in its efforts.

  • Basurin: The OSCE Data Confirms Kiev Provocations on Victory Day (Source)

The report of the special monitoring mission of the OSCE  in Ukraine for April 22, on their official website, you can read the information, which states that north of the villages of Lugansk and Debaltseve, under the control of Ukrainian security services, local residents have been warned that they need to leave town until May 9 due to the possibility of renewed hostilities. This is confirmed by preparing a large-scale provocation and thorough training. ”

  • Latest from OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), based on information received as of 19:30 (Kyiv time), 27 April 2015 (Source)

This report is for the media and general public.

The SMM monitored the implementation of the “Package of measures for the Implementation of the Minsk agreements”. Its monitoring was restricted by third parties and security considerations.* The SMM observed that the security situation around the Donetsk airport has seriously deteriorated. The SMM continued to monitor the situation in the area of Shyrokyne and for the first time was not prevented from visiting adjacent villages.

  • Survey Shows Most Ukrainians Want a Negotiated Settlement to the War in Donbass (Source)

70.3% responded in favor of negotiations and peaceful means of conflict resolution in Donbass, with only 20.6% supporting military action

  • Borotba comrade Andrei Sokolov on trial by Ukrainian authorities in Mariupol (Source)
  • Ukraine expects Russian gas price at less than $220 per thousand cubic meters in Q3 (Source)

The average price of gas on the European spot market is currently at about $240 per 1,000 cubic meters, Ukrainian Energy and Coal Minister said

  • Communist Party May Day rallies banned in Kyiv and Kharkiv (Source)

After recent the passing of the “decommunisation” laws by the Ukrainian Parliament, the authorities have banned the Communist Party from marching on May Day in Kharkiv and Kyiv.

Alleging “security concerns”, the Kharkiv District Administrative Court banned the Kharkiv regional organization of the Communist Party of Ukraine from holding a march and rally in the International Workers’ Day – 1 May

  • Poroshenko: the war in Ukraine will over when Donbass in back in Ukraine (Source)

The country’s territorial integrity must be priority number one, we will be uncompromising on that matter, said Ukrainian President

  • Unidentified special forces fight against battalions of Ukrainian nationalists — Basurin (Source)

The case in hand might be precisely targeted elimination of the freewheeling warlords in charge of nationalistic Ukrainian battalions by foreign mercenaries, Eduard Basurin said

  • Ukraine’s border service recommends Russians to have invitations for entering Ukraine (Source)

“Russian citizens who enter Ukraine are recommended to have documents certifying the purpose of their visit to Ukraine”, spokesman for the Ukrainian State Border Service said

  • War in Ukraine Will Be Over After Kiev Regains Crimea, Donbas – Poroshenko (Source)

“The war will end when Ukraine regains Donbas and Crimea,” Poroshenko said in an interview with Ukraine’s STB television channel.

The Ukrainian president added that combat operations in the conflict zone would be carried out “for as long as it is necessary.”

  • Extraordinary Double Standard: West Silent Over Murders of Kiev’s Opponents (Source)

The silence of the West over the deaths of Kiev’s opponents – in contrast to the outcry following Russian politician Nemtsov’s death – yet again shows extraordinary double standard and its complicity in the destruction in Ukraine of the very standards of law and morality it claims to believe in.

  • The Pentagon’s ‘Long War’ Pits NATO Against China, Russia and Iran (Source)

Whatever happens with the nuclear negotiations this summer, and as much as Tehran wants cooperation and not confrontation, Iran is bound to remain — alongside Russia — a key US geostrategic target.

  • US Urges Ukraine to Quickly, Thoroughly Investigate Odessa Tragedy (Source)

“We reiterate the need for a thorough and transparent investigation so those responsible can ultimately be held accountable. We continue to urge the Ukrainian government to investigate and bring charges against those culpable for the events in Odessa and to do so as quickly as possible,” Harf said on Thursday.

  • US Defense Budget Authorizes $200Mln of Lethal Defensive Aid to Ukraine (Source)

The legislation will give US administration officials “the explicit authority…. to provide lethal weapons of a defensive nature” to Ukraine, according to the legislation. The $200 million appropriation is intended to address the US Congress’ concerns that President Barack Obama “has not done enough to provide military training and assistance to Ukraine,” Congressman Mac Thornberry said in his executive summary of the NDAA.

The funds will “allow [Ukraine] to better defend itself and increase the costs to Russia,” he said.

  • A Kiev scientist on the Chernobyl fires Kiev threatens radioactive contamination – Ukrainian scientist (Source)
  • Kiev says all movements of troops in Dnipropetrovsk Region due to drills (Source)

The Right Sector said the authorities are planning a large-scale provocation against the volunteers. Members of the ultra-right paramilitary group Right Sector, outlawed in Russia, said on Tuesday their base in the Dnipropetrovsk Region had been surrounded by regular army units, including the 25th and 95th paratroop brigades.The Right Sector said the authorities are planning a large-scale provocation against the volunteers and urged their “brothers in all other Ukrainian volunteer movements to gather in front of the presidential administration building on April 29.”

  • LPR asks OSCE to step up monitoring efforts during May holidays (Source)

LPR citizens treat with great respect and pride the victory of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the Great Patriotic War over Nazism in 1945,” LPR people’s council chairman said

  • Kiev continues shelling, pulls in rocket artillery to contact line — DPR defense ministry (Source)

Over the last 24 hours, the Ukrainian forces shelled DPR 37 times, including four times from heavy artillery and 15 times from mortars, DPR defense ministry spokesman said

  • No large military operation planned in Donbas — Ukrainian Foreign Ministry (Source)

“Everyone is working on launching de-escalation and ensuring a complete ceasefire,” the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry’s envoy said

  • Dolgov: West should urge Kiev to take concrete measures against neo-Nazis (Source)

The threat of neo-Nazi lawlessness in Ukraine goes far beyond this country, said Russian Foreign Ministry’s Commissioner for Human Rights

  • Ukrainian oligarch Dmitry Firtash released by Austrian court wants to return to Ukraine (Source)

In case Firtash opts to leave Austria, the 125 million euro bail will be transferred to Austria’s budget

  • The DNI claim to have found a map with the positions of Ukrainian SAM ” Buk” , dated the beginning of July 2014 (Source) (translation done using Yandex)

Loud statement heard in Donetsk: the self-proclaimed leadership DNR claims that has a map of the starting positions of the Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile systems “Buk”. Document today showed to journalists the representative of the headquarters DND Eduard Bacurin.  According to him, this is a working map of the commander of the 1st battalion of the 95th separate airmobile brigade of the Armed forces of Ukraine. And dated the scheme by early July 2014. It was then in the sky over the Donetsk region was shot down a passenger airliner flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. Killed 298 people. According to one version, the plane was shot down by anti-aircraft missile complex “Buk”. And, as stated in the headquarters of the militia, found map confirms that the DPR is not related to the tragedy.

“This is a working map of the commander of the 1st battalion of 95 separate airmobile brigade, which dated from the beginning of July last year. The most notable are marked on the map starting positions of anti-aircraft missile systems, medium-range Buk. We continue to carefully examine these documents, ” said Deputy commander of the corps of the Ministry of defense of the Donetsk national Republic (DND) Eduard Bacurin. – If we claim that didn’t do it, because these systems have not been, it is logical to assume that it could be “beech” Ukrainian army. Why else interesting map – when it began to be processed, the disposition was different, but these complexes were already there.”

  • A Donetsk schoolgirl’s letter to president Putin (Source) translated from Russian by Tom Winter

Greetings esteemed Vladimir Vladimirovich!

My name is Nastia and I live in Donetsk. I know that you are a very busy person, but I want to tell you about my life today. Why? Two months ago  my Daddy died. He was militia of the Donetsk Republic. He went as a volunteer beginning in July. Momma and I did not see him for seven months, he was always at the front, but end of January he was fatally wounded in the fighting near the airport. Now we are left all alone.

Our house is also not far from the airport. Very often we had to hide in the basement all day long; my school was shelled twice, and now I go to school in another part of town. This year I am finishing the city music school, and I want to go to art school. Many of my friends and classmates left Donetsk already last year,but we are not leaving, not for one day; I was born in Donetsk and I love my home town — momma and I could not leave it, even though it has been frightening under the bombardments.But we have survived, together. Now there is practically no shooting, and it is not so scary when Mama leaves the house on errands. But since papa’s funeral it has been so lonely; he always protected us and looked after us, and now he has even given his life, protecting us. I miss him, I miss him a lot. Maybe it seems odd, but I decided to write to you.

When I see you on television, I get the feeling that you can protect all people like me. Please, protect me, my mom, and my town from war. We aren’t expecting any help from anywhere. Mom is always saying the main thing, is to hold on until victory. My grandmother in her childhood survived the war against the nazis and she always said that Victory Day was a bigger holiday than Easter. It is sad that my father won’t be able to celebrate our victory with us, but we believe in it; we have to win because truth is on our side.

Now my dream is to be in Moscow on the day of the Great Victory, to see with my own eyes how the people are glad at the victory, to see the fireworks. After a year of life under bombardment, I’ve forgotten what a holiday is; I want my mother to stop crying; I want to see her smile.  And I hope there will be more smiles, more and more. I ask, can you help?  It will be for us a great and long-awaited joy.

Thank you for everything,

Nastia Koptyeva

[Nastia and her mother have no internet, sometimes no water and electricity, and because of the shelling, they often have to take cover in a potato storage pit six feet on a side. Nastia never cries in public, and says her mother is always in tears, and refuses to believe that her husband Pasha is dead, just not in communication because of the war.

Warning :Fifth Column Media Outlet

  • Russia is the Motherland of Crimea’ – Crimean Schoolchildren on the Annexation (Source)

The Moscow Times’ Peter Hobson recently traveled to Crimea and was given free reign to sell a pro-Ukraine government message to high school students. His message included his support of what he terms “Kiev’s military efforts to pacify the country’s eastern regions”. Read above his article about how his sales pitch went over with the Crimean students. The orginal title of the  article is ‘Russia is the motherland of Crimea’ – Crimean schoolchildren on the annexation.

  • David Miliband’s aid organisation forced out of eastern Ukraine (Source)

Staff from the International Rescue Committee loaded onto a bus by masked gunmen and driven out of separatist controlled territory after rebels’ secret police accuse them of espionage

  • In Odessa, a Guerrilla Laser Show: “Poroshenko – Killer! (Source)

Last night, April 29th and early hours today, April 30th, anonymous ‘guerrilla activists’ staged a laser show, using a projector, on the building of the Odessa Regional State Administration.  The eloquent inscription read “Fascism will not pass”, and “Poroshenko – Killer”, all night to please the eyes of the townspeople.

  • In the War Zone of Eastern Ukraine (Source)
  • Interviews with Prisoners Released in Prisoner Exchanges

Widespread Use of Torture by Ukrainian Army and Security Services (Source)

  • Modern Nazism as the Driving Force of Euro-Atlantic Integration (Source)

The growth of Nazism that has taken place in Europe over the last few years, the increased activities of fascist groups, the cultivation of fascist ideology at the level of individual state leaders, and the repeated attempts to revise the outcome of the Second World War all have deep-rooted causes. At the heart of this phenomenon is the desire of the Western architects of a ‘new world order’ to use modern Nazism as an instrument of European integration, which has already more or less merged with Euro-Atlantic integration. In practice, this takes the form of mobilising public opinion in individual countries and entire regions under the slogans of Euro-Atlantism and Russophobia, and attempting to provoke opponents into a response in order to shift the blame for destabilising the situation onto them.

  • Kiev Starts to Get Frustrated With Europe (Source)

The April 27 Ukraine-EU summit in Kiev frustrated the hosts. The joint declaration was turgid enough praising bold plans for reforms and condemning Russia’s «aggressive actions» on Ukrainian soil. It is clear that Brussels has no real intention to shoulder any serious responsibility. So Ukraine got nothing but promises, no matter the whole political philosophy and strategy of Kiev regime is centered on «European prospects».

  • US Training Nazis, Western Media Providing Cover (Source)

But the lies are only part of the story. It is when those lies cost innocent lives that we must stand up and demand an end to the madness. In Ukraine, sadly, it seems that US policy and media propaganda work hand-in-glove to inflame the situation in a country already on fire.

  • Authorities of Ukraine announce that they are fighting with Nazi and Soviet symbolic (Video)( Source)
  • East Ukraine militia claim Kiev troops plan large-scale provocations for May 8 and 9 (Source)

A representative of the self-proclaimed Donetsk republic pointed to the deployment of seven mobile task groups reinforced with batteries of the Grad multiple rocket launchers

  • Mass arrests of opposition activists reported in south Ukraine’s Odessa — local media (Source)

On Saturday, Odessa will mark the first anniversary of the May 2 tragedy when dozens of people were killed in clashes of pro-federalization and nationalist activists

  • Italians showed the truth about Ukraine and Russia (Source)

Italians told how the Maidan was arranged one year ago in Kiev.

The said that the story started from the Maidan, because people wanted better life. Donbass trend in line of Russian direction, and Ukraine trend in line of Western direction.Italians do not understand Ukrainians who believed that revolution would make their life better. People in Italy saw how Ukrainians were happy at the Maidan, how happily they sang Ukrainian anthem.

Italian women:‘I understood that such trust to the West would divide Ukraine. And the civil war began. Thousands of civilians escaped from Donbass. Thousands people died. Italian took photos of events of the first months of the conflict. The he died in time of the military actions also.

Many people who had normal life before, they felt broken suddenly into pieces. And their culture was broken also. Suddenly everything collapsed. People started struggling for their truth’.

Local man of Donbass:‘He told how that the territory of enterprise was shelled, and no one of the militia was present there’.
Italian women:‘It is obvious that the resistant between good and evil exists, however real reasons of the war are hidden’.

  • Ukrainian military forces bring an incredible amount of heavy armament to Donetsk (Source)

Ukrainian punitives have been already brought heavy military machines to the South of Donetsk, to such settlements as Elenovka, Styla, Dokuchaevsk. These settlements are controlled by the militia of the DPR.In regard to the dates of the Defence Ministry, mass gathering of the armament is observed in the southern direction of Donetsk.The village Berezovoe: 2 MRLS Uragan, 3 MRLS Grad, 12 howitzers D-30, Polnoe: 12 howitzers D-30 neae the Novotroitsk checkpoint, the village Nikolaevka: the military technique is going to Styla. Ukrainians are bringing technique to Gorlovka and the North of Donetsk also.

  • Horny Ukranians Revenge Porn: Kiev Snubs Moscow, May Replace Russian Content with Erotica (Source)

Considering the fact that a large number of Russian channels have been blocked by the Ukrainian government, the council is seeking to strike a deal with adult channels to fill in the empty space.

  • CyberBerkut: Ukrainian Security Service Involved in Buzina Murder (Source)

Ukrainian hacker collective CyberBerkut has hacked into the inbox of a Kharkiv official, finding him complaining to nationalists presumed responsible for the murder of opposition journalist Oles Buzina about their ‘excessive’ use of force.

Among the materials retrieved by the hackers is frantic email by Abbakumov to one of the alleged killers where he criticizes them for their methods:

“You bastards, what are you doing? You consider this to be an intimidation measure? Do you know how much barking there will be on Moskal TV after this? ****, I understand that this bald head [Buzina] had been asking for a brick to the head for a long time, but it was supposed to be a brick, [not a gun] understand? You were given license to shut this trash up, but not permanently. You had told me about knocked out teeth, broken fingers. As for the fate of your team of thugs: Dublon [a nickname for Ukrainian Security Service Major General A. Dublik, according to CyberBerkut] called me personally three times. Now get back to Kharkiv and return to base. The remaining orders are canceled for now.”

The alleged killer responded, telling Abbakumov:

“Do not ever dare to humiliate me or my boys again! We took up arms in order to clean our native land of garbage and traitors to the national idea, and not in in order to make you sad about the fact that another traitor to Ukraine went to a place from where he will never bark again! We will not come back [from Kiev] –and why did your poem-reciting Dublon give us the authority then? We have money, weapons, and allies in every corner of the country. We will return [to Kharkiv] once we finish the job. And as you know, we have a lot of work yet to be done! Glory to Ukraine!”

Along with the emails, CyberBerkut relayed a piece of official correspondence by Major-General Dublik, who serves as the Head of the Department of Protection of National Statehood. Directed to the SBU’s Kiev branch, Dublik notes that security organs should oversee the Kharkiv nationalists’ operations in Kiev. Stating that the SBU has confirmed the nationalists’ departure for Kiev, the official recommends that the Kiev “take control of the activities of the aforementioned group, and if possible use it for prophylactic actions in relation to social and political figures who hold to the position of a peaceful settlement of the situation in the Donbass.”

Moreover, Dublik recommends against the opening of criminal cases against the members of the group without the approval of the SBU.

  • NYT Propagandizes False Ukrainian History (Source)

An excerpt from the piece says:

Traditionally, Ukrainian historians have characterized the famine as a genocide, the direct result of Stalin’s forced collectivization and the Soviet government’s requisitioning of grain for export abroad, leaving Ukraine short — and its borders sealed shut. Since Ukraine gained independence, that is what its students have been taught.

But that is not what students in southeastern Ukraine are learning this year. Instead, under orders from the newly installed separatist governments, they are getting the sanitized Russian version, in which the famine was an unavoidable tragedy that befell the entire Soviet Union.

  • Ukraine Secret Police Takes Down 30,000 Websites to Fight “Pro-Russian Propaganda” (Source)

SBU’s crack-down on a Ukrainian web-hosting company resulted in nearly 30,000 sites of various types to become inaccessible

  • Ukraine, NATO legalize cooperation to reform army (Source)
  • EU-Ukraine free trade deal to enter force in 2016 — PM

Russia, Ukraine and the EU agreed in September last year to delay the implementation of the free trade pact between Kiev and Europe at least until the end of 2015