By Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog
While the Russian special operation is going on in Ukraine, many are wondering what is the reason for launching it. One of the reasons is the Ukrainian fascist forces.
Since the Western-backed coup in Kiev in 2014, political organisations associated with neo-Nazis infiltrated Ukrainian mainstream politics as the Ukrainian government sent troops to try to crush the Donbass uprisings by force.
As Ukraine waged war against breakaway forces in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, the Neo-Nazi Groups in Ukraine gained notoriety for their belligerent rhetoric towards the population of the country’s east, as well as for eagerly participating in the civil war.
The Azov Batallion was originally a volunteer militia formed in May 2014 shortly after the coup in Kiev.
The unit’s first commander was right-wing nationalist Andriy Biletsky, who led the paramilitary national socialist group called “Patriot of Ukraine” and was the founder of a neo-Nazi group, the Social-National Assembly (SNA) in 2008.
In 2010, Biletsky, a former parliamentarian, apparently said that Ukraine was meant to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen (subhumans)”by reports in a spate of Western mainstream outlets.
Azov readily entered the fray as nationalists and neo-Nazis began illegally seizing power across Ukraine, clashing with opposing forces of the so-called “anti-Maidan” movement.
Events in Odessa on 2 May 2014 became one of the definitive moments of that period, as street fighting between neo-Nazis and anti-Maidan protesters prompted the latter to barricade themselves in a local trade unions house.
With backing from the new Ukrainian authorities, the encircled building was set ablaze with petrol bombs. Almost 50 people were killed, either burned alive or while jumping to their deaths from windows to escape the flames. Some 250 other protesters were injured in the horrific events.
Azov took part in subsequent hostilities in Donbass and was incorporated into the National Guard of Ukraine in November 2014, although its members continued to wear neo-Nazi and SS-like symbols and regalia and openly express neo-Nazi views.
Their logo echoes the Wolfsangel, one of the original symbols used by the 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich. Representatives of the Azov Battalion, however, have claimed their symbol is an abbreviation for the slogan “National Idea” in Ukrainian.
Ukrainian authorities did not bother to conceal the fact that in 2014, Azov comprised neo-Nazi-leaning volunteers from countries such as Sweden, Italy, France, Belarus, Canada, and Slovenia.
Despite the adoption of the 2015 Minsk Accords that were aimed at ending the civil war by reintegrating the Donbass into Ukraine in exchange for constitutionally-guaranteed autonomy, Kiev refused to implement a peace deal. Azov members took an active part in Donbass hostilities.
In 2016, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) accused the Azov Battalion, officially upgraded to a regiment in January 2015, of committing war crimes such as mass looting, unlawful detention, and torture. Currently, the Azov “Special Operations Detachment” is engaged in the Ukrainian army’s counter-reconnaissance and special weapons operations.
The Russian Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case against a number of fighters from Azov units for crimes such as kidnapping, torture, use of prohibited means, and methods of warfare.
Another infamous group is the Right Sector*, originally set up as an alliance between Ukraine’s nationalist groups in November 2013. It subsequently announced that they had formed a special “Donbass” battalion for its paramilitary operations in the breakaway region.
Ex-Right Sector leader Dmytro Yarosh described himself as a follower of the notorious Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera. The group has vehemently advocated a forceful settlement of the Donbass crisis, rejecting a negotiated approach. It took a similar stance regarding Crimea, which became part of Russia in a referendum held in March 2014 in which nearly 96 percent of Crimeans voted to rejoin the country. Moscow has repeatedly stated that the decision made by the Crimean people was conducted in full compliance with international law and the UN Charter. At the same time, NATO illegally bombed Serbia and occupied the southern Serbian province of Kosovo. Even today, 23 years after the NATO aggression on Serbia, the Serbian army and police cannot return to Kosovo, even if, according to UN Resolution 1244 (which Washington also voted for), Serbia has the right to return its state institutions to Kosovo.
At the same time, the Russian population in Ukraine suffered unprecedented terror. Ukrainian fascists even went so far as to burn living Russians on crosses. (1)
According to the latest information, a total of 10,000 people were killed during the civil war in Donbas, although some estimates go up to 14,000 killed. Of that number, 149 Russian children from Donbas were killed, while over eight hundred children were wounded or underwent some other form of torture.(2)
A few days ago, the Russian army brought the captured Ukrainian soldiers in front of the monument to the innocently killed Russian children, so that the Ukrainian soldiers can see what their army has been doing for 8 years.(3)
Russia has been warning Kiev for 8 years that it must stop killing Russian civilians and especially Russian children in Donbas. And that basic human rights of Russians in Ukraine must be respected. However, no one in Kiev wanted to hear it.
Did anyone think that Russia’s patience was boundless? Did anyone think that Russia would watch indefinitely peacefully as innocent Russians were burned alive on crosses, in the 21st century, in Europe? While innocent Russian children are being killed, just because they are Russian children?
Well, you are looking at the answer to that question now! And let it be clear to everyone, the Russian peacekeeping operation which is currently underway in Ukraine will make sure that Russian children in Ukraine are never again killed, just because they are Russian children!

“Alley of Angels”: A monument to the children killed in 2014-2022 by Ukrainian forces in Donetsk
I am sure there are heated arguments taking placing within the US State Department right now concerning the enormous, historic geo-political blunder that US policy over the last years has resulted in.
I doubt it…
Materialism, and the absence of spiritual use of mind, heart and soul, suggests that WWIII is inevitable and necessary.
The collective known as the USA aka Israel (The promised Land) has just come to an end, as Moses of the desert. The West has just passed – but then, it is just language.
It has now become, the time of enlightenment.
Have faith.
it becoming obious we are at final battle of good and evil, only absolutely deluded don’t see yet that empire of lies is a great satan indeed, it become impossible to sweep their actions under the carpet of errors, greed or isolated cases, they are fully and consciously evil.
so tighten the belts and make peace with God as we walk the valley off the shadows, God always win, and now we are his tools in this battle
The exposure of the US bio labs will unite the whole world against the USA and their allies. Even the Western MSM will not be able to suppress this truth. And then many more crimes of the gangster states against humanity will come to the light.
You really hope so…….Fort Detrick is run by Batelle as are several of those labs in Ukraine. They are contracted out to private operators – for deniability.
Peter Daszak of Eco-Health Alliance comes from a UK-Ukrainian background and his father was a Banderite – he received funds from DETRA and NIH – to work on “Anti-Bio-Weapons” but in reality to create them by “gain of function”
That is why Fauci has survived all these presidents – he is protected by the Defence Establishment. Just as nuclear weapon research was hidden in the Dept of Energy so Bio-weapons have been hidden in Fauci’s domain and subcontracted to private enterprise to obscure congressional oversight.
Caro Thomas,
Sei Troppo ottimista. Io vivo in Italia e posso assicurarti che la manipolazione effettuata dai media nei confronti della popolazione è ormai totale. La popolazione ha perso completamente il senso logico critico. Sono un dirigente scolastico e debbo affermare, purtroppo con dispiacere, che anche i docenti, che in teoria dovrebbero essere coloro che formano le menti, sono ormai ridotti allo stato di burattini che eseguono i martellanti ordini provenienti dai media.
l’Italia è stata, nei decenni precedenti, patria della tolleranza e dell’accoglienza. Oggi invece gli studenti russi subiscono pesanti discriminazioni.
Non credo che negli altri paesi della sfera NATO la situazione sia migliore.
Dear Thomas,
You are too optimistic. I live in Italy and I can assure you that the manipulation carried out by the media against the population is now total. The population has completely lost the critical sense of logic. I am a school principal and I must say, unfortunately with regret, that even the teachers, who in theory should be the mind-forming ones, are now reduced to the state of puppets carrying out the pounding orders coming from the media.
Italy has been, in previous decades, the homeland of tolerance and hospitality. Today, however, Russian students suffer severe discrimination.
I don’t think the situation is any better in the other countries of the NATO sphere.
Don’t they remember who came to their rescue when Covid ravaged Northern Italy?
I have friends in Parma who want to flee to Africa because they believe that Russia is going to bomb the Brescia NPP – there you have a point as to how confused people are.
But nothing lasts for ever and I have a feeling that more and more people recognise how they are being lied to by the media.
Optimistic. They could find active weaponized BW material in bulk and the US would claim it was a blatant Russian fabrication to divert attention from their horrific actions. And most, at least in EU and US would buy it.
A couple years ago, I was dipping into the historic materials the Iranians released (reconstructed from shredded documents in the US embassy and studiously ignored by the West) and they had a CIA agent with a fake ID issued by the US government dead to rights. The US simply said it was a fabrication and he was clearly an innocent businessman.
Years later the same man wrote a book about his years in the CIA!
By the way, you can find those documents in torrents, title is something like ‘Documents From the Espionage Den’.
USA are bankrupt since at least 2008. What do bankers love more than money? Nothing! Thus every means were acceptable to them to save themselves. reports that Zelensky is willing to compromise on the Donetsk and Lugansk republics, as well as Crimea. I guess that means that once gain the cauldrons around the Ukrainian forces have closed, and he needs to get them out. Just like the first two times they got caught, which led to the Minsk I and II accords.
The Ukrainian side is nothing if not predictable.
Looking at the pictures of those children, I can see why western media today run with the story of a “Russian officer” who claims army command lied to him, telling him Ukraine was run by Nazis, while sending him to commit genocide. They must do something, anything to distract from this sad, silent reality.
Given the high cost of the operation that Donbass and Russia are paying in blood and reputation, what does Zelensky plan to offer? Especially on points that are not negotiable.
So far the points are negotiable, since Putin still refuses to require that the formerly-of-Kiev regime accept the points in principle as a precondition to holding the talks at all, which then would ONLY be about how to put those principles into practice.
Hello Martina. My opinion is keep going, wipe them out or they will come back to do it again. Who cares what Ze thinks at this point. I wish well to you
Mr. Green wants to negotiate on the status of Sevastopol, Krimea and Novorossiya and ‘welcome’ Sevastopol and Krimu back in to Orcland. FFC on that deal.
MOA has some observations on this “Russian” Officer:
This is the first time I have read of Russian being burned on a cross. Any more news reports of this evil?
follow the annotated link provided in post … mod
Substantial parts of the orc army are aligned along the Novorossiya borders and in and around Mariupol. They are trapped, Russian Army has moved in behind them, NAF is in front of them. NAF is pushing them west as they clear DNR and LNR of orcs. The fighting in Novorossiya is intense and NAF is suffering casualties. Our friend up north called VCO at 04:30 this morning, she stated that she and her daughter are good. She has no word of her sons but that is to be expected, they are serving. She said her field hospital came under bombardment earlier this morning even though it is clearly marked as a hospital. She said no staff were hit but some of the wounded awaiting treatment in Triage were wounded again. One died from his new wounds.
The complete plans for the Uke army and their ‘volunteer’ battalions to attack Novorossiya and Krimea have been found. The attack was scheduled for today, 08 March, Women’s Day. The plans were so detailed as to locate the positions of the internment camps for the staggeringly long list of locals to be imprisoned ‘until they are vetted’ and these lists and locations include The Federal City of Sevastopol and Autonomous Republik of Krimea.
The complete plans, locations and tasks of the US sponsored chemical/biological laboratories in Ukraine is now in Russian possession and you can bet your bottom dollar that everything will be made publik in clinical detail and with verification. What little moral high ground the collective ‘west’ may have had has disappeared with these lists and the opening of the numerous mass graves in Novorossiya ongoing as I type. There will be no mercy for the orc ‘volunteer’ battalions trapped in the cauldrons, they are not Orc Army ergo they are not covered under the Geneva Conventions.
“The complete plans for the Uke army and their ‘volunteer’ battalions to attack Novorossiya and Krimea have been found. The attack was scheduled for today, 08 March, Women’s Day.”
That is the info they need to push out to anyone willing to receive it, and freely on the nets…b4 it is too late…
Yeah, I can see a lockdown coming.
Even if those texts can not be translated in totality, the corresponding maps and list are probably decipherable to anyone with the desire to look…
mothertrucker, trust me, that info is out to all who care, compliments of Mother, me and a bunch of others.
I always get a sense of relief when I see your writing, then I know you are ok. My best wishes and apologies to you and all the people of Crimea and Russia and all the Russia Ukrainians
Where is section of docs that say about rounding up people and interment. I can’t even get ukro docs and you have translation? All sites i try to even see ukro docs are down.
Dear Moderator: I can’t get RT and Sputnik anymore in Bulgaria, I can still get TASS. However, if one does a google translate for “Russia News” from English to Russian (this becomes российские новости ) Do a search for that and all of a sudden a whole host of Russian news outlets appear. I have no idea which ones are best, I’m beginning to kind of go through them. When you look at the Russian news sites, you have the option to “Translate this page” which then opens the link and it will translate the news into English. I think many of us are very desperate to have news from the Russian vantage point, so this is one way we can find it. Perhaps others here can recommend the news outlets which will give us the information we most would like to see? also lets not broadcast this too much, I don’t want them to start interfering with the translate option!!
RT in several languages is available on If you have any issues with your country blocking them, then use VPN.
Hi Margie,
if you can read german there may be help.
In a large sections of comments regarding the european boycott of russia today’s websites there are named different ways to get there:
I now use opera and the built in VPN
Nope. What Ukraine would have needed was Finland got after 1944: Finnlandisierung. It’s the best offer borderland of Russia can get. This highly misunderstood and misused term is actually mythic at all. The reason Finland engaged in “Finlandization” was primarily Realpolitik: to survive. Keep your head cool but not empty.
That Finland border in Karelia is what created the great Cholesterol obsession. Soldiers from the Finno-Soviet War received parcels of land so they would stay as tripwire sentries. A researcher found they had very high levels of cholesterol and heart disease over coming years.
What he failed to observe is their all-reindeer meat diet with no vegetables – but also the stress levels of living on a tripwire border facing the Red Army. Cholesterol relates to stress rather than simply diet
Huge majority of Europeans don’t even know that German Armed Forces during WW2 raped systematically more women and girls than any European army during the last 250 years.
Source: Christer Bergström, Operation Barbarossa
Bergström’s data has shocked many those who are keen readers of his interesting military history books.
Well in this case we must thank Russia more than just once for helping all people on this planet who hadn’t been given the chance by the almighty to be born in its purest form in or near the city of Leviv in W. Ukraine.
This is the English translation of the cross burning. It says the opposite. Better check that hasn’t been altered.
“Namely, the IN4S editorial office came into possession of the horrific video. Members of the Nazi battalion Azov were crucified on a cross and then burned at the stake by members of the Donbas militia”
You can bet Soros – another Nazis collaborator – was behind these extremist groups.
Its appalling all this is going on at this part of man’s history, like Serbia in the 1990s, but as always the guilty are in the end brought to justice.
What needs to happen after UKN is liberated is for some Russian forces to remain in each region of UKN for at least a decade (20 yrs would be better) to deter any further instances of problems. Perhaps an army base is allotted to or set up for them whose sole role is to protect the country & civilians from extremists. A semi-permanent peacekeeping force with police powers who will only activate if UKN forces do not do the right thing and action problems. This is justified given the history of things.
A 1000 Russian troops in each region with all the equipment they need including an airfield in each UKN region as a backup peacekeeping police force would be the thing.
I dont know how many regions there are in UKN but it might add up to at least 20,000 troops.
Would serve to keep a new UKN Govt honest.
I’m thinking about pushing all these banderites into Galicia and build a fortified border with a very high wall stretching from Belarus to Transnistria. Inside they may go on quarreling among each other and with the Poles, Romanians and Hungarians.
I think the best solution for the Nazi militias is the Idlib solution: Give them a free escape to Poland and Romania where they will be accepted with open arms but nor for very long. Let the Poles, Romanians and Germans give them medals. They deserve these guests.
Often on the outskirts of German towns are the remnants of camps where Soviet POWs were starved to death…….the camps themselves have been erased but footings remain. If you pursue the quest you find a mass graveyard – like in Hessen near Bad Orb – it is hidden in the woods and the only visitors seem to leave mementoes in Cyrillic. It is neglected save for those who seek out these places where Soviet soldiers were interred with no headstones but a series of names is all they are remembered by.
There is a reluctance to remember – and a drive to obscure and hide – it is not something that should continue to be permitted – especially in Germany. In the East you find Soviet cemeteries with headstones – but in West Germany there is the neglected mass grave in a cemetery hidden deep in the woods
I would suggest that all that have a chance, read this article that appears at Lifesite News.
Once through it my first thought was why has this not been dealt with by Mr. Putin before now. My simple thought is to lob a destructive device into the building these clowns meet in yearly thus cutting the head off all the snakes within.
Once through it my first thought was why has this not been dealt with by Mr. Putin before now. My simple thought is to lob a destructive device into the building these clowns meet in yearly thus cutting the head off all the snakes within.
I’ve been thinking this for some time……….One can only hope
These are 100% fake AstroTurf Nazis. How can we know that? Because their leaders and paymasters, Zelensky and Kolomoisky, are both Jewish. However unpopular that may be to point out, it is none the less true.
They are real Nazis. Don’t forget the German Nazis had a agreement with the USSR from 1939 -June 1941. Nazis are capable of making tactical agreements.
I see the pictures of the murdered children – They could just as well have been some of my children…I have such pain in my heart and soul now…As a pensioner who cannot run around like I did when I was younger but I can still handle my 12.7mm sniper rifle and would gladly « take out this trash » if needed be!
(1)のビデオを見ました。とても恐ろしい。あれはネオナチですか? ネオナチはたくさんいますか? ウクライナ人はみんなネオナチ? ネオナチではないウクライナ人もいますか? ネオナチでないウクライナ人がいるなら、ロシア人 vs ウクライナ人 ではなく、ネオナチ vs ロシア人&ウクライナ人。そこが知りたいです。
Everything you need to know is here
(1) video. Very frightening. Are those neo-Nazis? Are there many neo-Nazis? Are all Ukrainians neo-Nazis? Are there Ukrainians who are not neo-Nazis? If there are Ukrainians who are not neo-Nazis, then it is not Russians vs Ukrainians, but neo-Nazis vs Russians & Ukrainians. That is what I would like to know.
In Japan, 99% of the population is on the side of Ukraine. We think Putin is crazy. They don’t know that they are part of the neo-Nazis.
Translated with (free version)
No, not all Ukrainians are Neonazis.
Do Japanese people know, what “propaganda” means?
If they think Putin is crazy, what do they think of Bush (Afghanistan,Iraq) and Obama (Libya, Syria)
Like I mentioned above…..everything you need to know is in that link. It will rock every sinew in your body and put you on the correct path!!
In European populations at least psychological research consistently finds that around 1% of the population are clinically diagnosable psychopaths. These Ukrainian “Nazis” are doubtlessly heavily representative of and in fact recruited from that lamentable subset of the population. They were recruited by the Jewish oligarchs who ruled Ukraine prior to the Russian invasion as a kind of praetorian guard precisely because they could be counted on to give full-vent to the malevolent fury already burning inside them. Aside from the civilian casualties, Ukrainians should be thanking the Russians for giving these psychopathic scum what they deserve – a one way ticket to hell.
Man is by nature tribal. He is ethnocentric. It is ingrained in all of us instinctually at the most primeval level. All people deserve to know the sense of connectedness one can only experience amongst one’s own kind upon one’s own native soil. Yet we are not beasts. We may choose to curb our most destructive impulses. Ethnocentrism is no excuse for genocide just as rage is no excuse for murder.
I hope all this talk of “Nazis” will not have the effect of pathologizing the peoplehood of those of Western European descent. I’ll gladly reveal my own stake in the matter: I am an American Protestant who is entirely of Northern European descent. I am a WASP. That is my tribe, and America belongs to my people; not to the Jewish gangsters who have taken control of America just as they did Ukraine.
We have common cause in freeing ourselves, Russians and Americans, never forget that.
Solzhenitsyn, in his book 200 Years Together, exhaustively documented just who was behind the 1917 Bolshevik revolution in Russia: none other than the co-ethics of Zelensky and Kolomoisky.
If we are all destined to be incinerated in nuclear fire in the near future we have nothing to lose by exposing this tribe of psychopathic, murdering bastards.
Horror! Horror!Horror! Deus do céu, Jesus, Maria, continuem a olhar pelos justos e nos deem forças para expulsar deste planeta estas forças malignas.
Mechanical translation…
Horror! Horror! Horror! God in heaven, Jesus, Mary, continue to watch over the righteous and give us the strength to expel these evil forces from this planet.
Denis Pushilin has been holding press conferences over the last few days.(odysee/vk)
As they move through towns/villages, they’re discovering and/or uncovering bunkers, pocket installations, and irregular safe houses with foreign flags screen printed with the same kind of insignias and symbols. For example, a German flag with “save ukraine” in both languages and terror insignia, did not appear to be scribbled in marker as an after-thought.
Along with this, they show and allege to have found a NATO issued laptop, with preliminary findings showing images captured by drones of the surrounding area.
A polish passport among lists of personnel, uniforms with patches/insignias of terror squads like “Bears”. He talks about ADAIR as well as AZOV, and more that I’ve heard about since Poroshenko began hunting for alleged Russian terrorists with advice from the McMafia.
2015: McCain appointed to Ukraine reform advisory team headed by fugitive Georgian ex-leader
2021: Zelenskiy vows to engage in returning Saakashvili back to Ukraine
“Their logo echoes the Wolfsangel, one of the original symbols used by the 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich. Representatives of the Azov Battalion, however, have claimed their symbol is an abbreviation for the slogan “National Idea” in Ukrainian.”
Would the translation of “national Idea” into Ukranian be spelled with a Latin N and a Latin I?
The 8th of March, one week before the Ides.
Appears that Russia/Putin went in just at the right time, fortunate or coincidence? I reckon Russia does nothing on the spur of the moment and in just 8 days thwarted a plan so dastardly, so egregious, that had been fomented since 1999, just around the time Madeleine Albright as first female US Secretary of State under Bill Clinton accepted (protocols of accession ) Poland , Hungary and her own birthplace Czech Republic into NATO, location, Independence, Missouri.
The Straussians ( Wolfowitz, Perle, Kagan . . . ) come to the fore under baby Bush and by 2004 Romania, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Slovenia join NATO in 2004. These last 7 countries actually join NATO 6-8 weeks before joining the EU ( strange ? ).
Ukraine then since 2004 (not forgetting Georgia & Belarus ) has been the grand plan. Russia knew all of this but were not powerful enough during this period to flush the cancer.
I just don’t understand why this was not done in 2016? With the Ukraine Armed Forces all but wiped out they could have recognized the two republics and had a buffer that they required. Now it is a much more expensive operation although the outcome was never in doubt.
It seems to keep the world distracted why the mass murders of mankind seemingly escape justice. Also, with talks of Oil embargos and spiraling energy costs so this war will put the proverbial nail in the coffin of the economies of the West. China is of course the big winner in all of this.
I can’t tell the despondency one feels in living in the west these days. My own country Greece has acted in a completely shameful way. I don’t recognize the country that I was born in. Can it be that Turkey is allied with Russia while Greece opposes her? That’s how it looks to me. Turkey has not sanctioned Russia, it has not closed its airspace and the closing of the straits was an empty gesture as Russia already had the ships it needed in position.
Putin is the best thing that happened to Russia in several hundred years BUT he screwed up. He should of went into Ukraine back in 2014.
No one is perfect. And the rot of the western world is more pronounced in 2021. Plus China is aware.
So, who knows? This might be the best time for a distasteful episode in Life for all of us.
Putin might of been right in waiting till now.
They say a good man knows his limitations, same should apply for countries, in 2014 Russia wasn’t the polished article it is now, food, finance independent. Also there’s the little matter of Syria stretching her resources.
If you can trust anyone to make a chess move at the right time, there’s nobody touching Vlad, No flies on him my friend!
Azov Democrats are ready to commit more crimes against humanity. Thirsty for blood, oil, money and power, their addiction to murder is leading the world to destruction.
MSM lies about everything. Simply a propaganda tool for corporate war criminals.
What are the chances that the war criminals will ever face a jury and be convicted?
US citizens are under educated for a reason.
Everybody who had studied military history of WW2 should know that Waffen SS units on average were more poorly trained and especially led than normal Wehrmacht division. Christer Bergrom (mentioned here) wrote that it was Waffen SS as true Achilles’ heel of German 1944 Ardennes offensive. For instance their traffic discipline was poor, they had serious issues handling trucks and even more their new Tiger II tanks. Their arrogance and stuoidity made Wehrmacht commanders furious. The popular claim that Waffen SS was elite Army is utter nonsense. There was hardly brotherhood between Wehrmacht and Waffen SS and very often Wehrmacht soldiers used words “we” and “they”. Wehrmacht soldiers even ridiculed and mocked soldiers of SS. The Right Sector Ukrainians have been fooled to worship their incompetent 1940’s German/international role models.
So if you hear news of Azov and Aidar military blunders during this operation don’t be very surprised. We have seen this happened before.
Found this today:
Appeal to the Cossacks of the Zaporozhye Territory
Cossack brothers!
Life has changed dramatically. For eight years, the Kyiv regime, controlled from across the ocean, shelled the cities and towns of Donbass and carried out repressions against dissidents, including the Cossacks. For eight years, the Ukrainian regime passed repressive laws against the Russian language and against the inhabitants of Ukraine. For eight years, the Ukrainian regime, with the full support of the United States and Britain, has been preparing Ukraine for an attack on Russia, pumping it with weapons, developing biological weapons on its territory and preparing to equip it with nuclear warheads, as its leader Zelensky did not hesitate to declare.
This forced the Russian Federation to launch a special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine.
To date, most of the military forces and assets controlled by the Kiev regime have been destroyed. The largest cities – Kyiv, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Sumy, Zaporozhye – are surrounded. The Russian army does not take them by storm just because it does not want civilian casualties. Formations of the Kiev regime, on the contrary, block the evacuation of the civilian population and hide behind them, like terrorists.
But the days of the pro-American regime in Kyiv are numbered. A window of opportunity opens up for the people. By banishing the Ukrainian nationalists, it will be possible to form new, just and truly popular structures of power.
A new chance also falls to the Cossacks. Instead of many years of hateful Ukrainian chatter and the insignificant state of the Cossacks of Ukraine, it will be possible to create real Cossack units and real Cossack self-government on our land.
On the lands of the Wild Field, in Northern Tavria and the Black Sea region, your Orthodox brothers are fighting for justice – the true descendants and heirs of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks – Faithful Cossacks and Chernomortsy. They remain faithful to the oath given at the Pereyaslav Rada, the oath of the eternal unity of Russia. This oath is unbreakable and our liberation campaign cannot be stopped.
Cossacks! You can take part in it and earn honor, glory and a worthy place in the new peaceful life that will definitely come to the liberated lands. Or you can sit at home behind the backs of the Nazis and pretend to be Cossacks, being, in fact, buckwheat and swineherds.
Join us! In the coming days, it will be reported on the places of formation of Cossack squads.
For the Orthodox faith, the will of the Cossacks and Russian honor!
Your brother, ataman of the Loyal Cossacks and ex-assistant to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine,
Alexey Selivanov
This looks like the pro-Russian forces are finally trying to recruit men in Ukraine for the aftermath cleaning of the nazi elements. I think this is only a start and hopefully will grow much bigger.
My friend in the liberated areas of Zaporozhe says that the Russian troops are all over,and everything there seems to be peaceful for the citizens.But so far they haven’t started arresting local neo-nazis and removing corrupt local officials from power.They need to start that soon.I’d suggest bringing in people from Donbass to spearhead that effort.They have experience in that,and the will to do it. He also said his son is still trapped in the Kharkov area.He escaped from the city itself,but with some others is hiding in the outskirts. The neo-nazis are looking for him and other young men to impress them into the army to fight. And that he can’t flee to Russia because the fascists are shooting at people that try that.
Some good news,I hope it can be done before the nazis end by killing these people:
Odessans call on the Russian army to enter the city as soon as possible and put an end to “Ukrainianism”
According to the head of the Odessa Public Television, journalist Alexander Voskoboynikov, civilians in Odessa are waiting for Russia to finally occupy the city.
“I received a lot of letters, messages from Odessa, people say only one thing: start already and finish. Enough, you drag on for a long time. It’s just a cry from the soul of the inhabitants of Odessa,” Voskoboynikov said about the mood in the city.
The journalist explained that real Odessans perfectly understand the situation in Ukraine, they are afraid to go out into the street and consider themselves “friends among strangers”. Now they have actually become hostages of armed gangs, rampant police and foreign mercenaries who constantly arrive in the city. Their last hope is liberation by the Russian military.
Hey Uncle!
Do you have that in Russian or could You point me somewhere I can download the appeal from?
“Their logo echoes the Wolfsangel, one of the original symbols used by the 2nd SS Panzer Division Das Reich. Representatives of the Azov Battalion, however, have claimed their symbol is an abbreviation for the slogan “National Idea” in Ukrainian.”
I think it’s all much simpler.
They’ve just photoshoped a bit.
Everything regarding promotion of ukro-nazi is very primitive copy of symbols and slogans of nazi Germany.
Like their well known chant: “Украина понад усé” – “Ukraina pónad usé” direct translation is: “Ukraina Über Alles!” that comes from “Deutschland Über Alles!” etc etc
question: why does this ukro/zio-nazi persecution/eradication of russian citizens remind one so very much of another “operation”…..the palestinian genocide at the behest of the same “chosen cult”? the barbaric similarities are undeniable.
Maybe because Ukraine is where ancient Khazaria was and maybe this is a back up plan, a second Israel…
I think there is very solid substance to the Ukronazi claim about “National Idea” which in Ukraine’s case readily translates into “Nazi Idiots”. I mean, they are happily working for foreign occupiers and looters which is a slightly confusing position if you want to pass for a glowing nationalist.
Kudos to the Russian Army and its Chechen volunteers. Wipes out evil, rotten filth wherever they go. This time around, Israel and Continental US should be the final stop.
“The authorities of the Republic of Poland, after consultations between the President and the Goverment, are ready to deploy – immediately and free of charge – all their MIG-29 jets to the Ramstein Air Base and place them at the disposal of the Government of the United States of America.
At the same time, Poland requests the United States to provide us with used aircraft with corresponding operational capabilities. Poland is ready to immediately establish the conditions of purchase of the planes.
The Polish Government also requests other NATO Allies – owners of MIG-29 jets – to act in the same vein.”
The Americans will be laughing themselves silly. While the legendarily astute Polaks provide high quality aircraft free of charge, the Americans can “reciprocate” by delivering F35s and other horrid junk at very hefty prices and be greeted by deep, heartfelt gratitude on the part of the Polaks. There is a reason why Americans tell Polish jokes.
This only makes sense: If anything it is “the advance to the rear” of the 29s from Poland. Is Russia planning to hit the Polish airbases used for weapons deliveries?
The short operational range of the 29s and their dependence on ground control makes them almost useless in this field of operations. It has no A2G capability, short of a cannon, with like 120 shells.
So what are they requesting as replacement? A10s?
This thing stinks to high heaven. If true, well, the Poles have again placed themselves as the casus belli for – whatever comes next.
This substantial interview w/a DPR fighter from Odessa clears a lot of fog around the 8-year resistance against Ukraine, and why more in the new republic are looking to join Russia than ever, which explains and justifies Russia’s intervention. Also the reason why there is no credible opposition bc Ukraine makes it impossible or difficult……in some ways explains and justifies Russia’s intervention.