The event took place at the initiative of Prime Minister of the Republic of India Narendra Modi. India holds the presidency of the UN Security Council in August 2021.
* * *
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Prime Minister, my dear friend, Mr Modi, ladies and gentlemen,
Let me thank you, Mr Prime Minister, for the fact that you, as someone who is currently holding the UN Security Council presidency, convened this Security Council meeting to discuss an important and sensitive topic, namely, modern challenges and threats in maritime security. Your initiative is in line with the constructive role that India has traditionally played in the international arena, thus contributing to the promotion of multifaceted, mutually beneficial and equitable cooperation.
The seas and oceans have always connected people and civilisations. Unfortunately, sea routes are fraught with many threats. That is why it is important that today we are reviewing substantive practical matters related to fighting “21st century piracy” meaning to establish a more effective counteraction to transnational crime and prevent the use of seas and oceans for criminal purposes.
As you, Mr Prime Minister, aptly mentioned in your remarks, for us to achieve meaningful success in this area, we must unite the efforts of all stakeholders, as well as international organisations and regional associations with the central coordinating role of the UN and the UN Security Council.
I have said it more than once and now, addressing the Security Council members, and I would like to reiterate that Russia stands for strict observance of the key norms and principles of international law enshrined in the UN Charter, such as respect for sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs and resolution of disputes by way of dialogue.
I hope that the participants in our debates will agree that the UN principles are mandatory in the sphere of peaceful and responsible use of marine spaces, their natural resources, protection of the marine environment, and sustainable economic activity in the vast swathes of our planet covered by water.
As a leading maritime power, Russia is doing much to preserve and strengthen the international legal order as it applies to maritime security. Our country is strongly involved in activities covering the entire range of these issues both at the UN and as part of numerous regional formats, including the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, the ASEAN Regional Forum and East Asian summits.
Russia is also interested in building productive cooperation with the Indian Ocean Rim Association and the Indian Ocean Commission.
And, of course, we are trying to help ensure security in the Persian Gulf zone and the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic, where cases of sea banditry with hostage taking have become more frequent.
The specific nature of the situation is that it is really difficult for some countries to defend themselves from international criminal syndicates, pirates and terrorists. This is why there is the matter of uniting the power potential of all the interested countries’ special services and corresponding troops under the auspices of the UN.
Russia is ready to further share its experience in antiterrorist operations as well as in preventing crime, and identifying and eliminating bandit groups, including at sea.
We believe it would be useful to regularly exchange insights and best practices in countering terrorism, armed robbery and criminal activities at sea.
In this context, it would be feasible to think about establishing a special structure within the UN that would directly address problems related to combatting maritime crime in various regions. At the same time, this body would rest on UN member states’ support and actively involve experts, representatives of civil society, researchers and even private businesses in its work. We hope that our partners would consider Russia’s proposal constructively.
In conclusion I would like to reaffirm that the Russian Federation is committed to the common task of countering crime at sea in all its forms. We are ready to further promote the development of equal international cooperation in this area.
I would like once again thank our Indian friends for this useful initiative to hold this meeting today and to wish India continued success in implementing its functions as president of the United Nations Security Council this month.
Colleagues, thank you for your attention.
Well, well to see this here after I perused the David Duke website and found this juicy morsel:
and then this:
should cause all to consider and wonder at the news events coming out of the Gulf of Oman!?!?!?
As Russian naval size increases, Russia will be where the “action” is. The base in Sudan is one important step.
Expanding the naval base in Syria at Tartus is important for the Russian reach into the Persian Gulf.
With base logistics available in Vietnam and Singapore, Russia could also reach into the Indian Ocean, as Pres. Putin indicated in the teleconference.
From East Asia to Eastern Mediterranean to East Atlantic waters Russia is an Atlantic, Pacific, Indian ocean presence. As its fleets enlarge, Russia’s navy will be a persistent blue water power
The government of Sudan has revoked that agreement with Russia, claiming (correctly) that it was agreed by the previous government which had been overthrown and had not yet been ratified by Sudan. This was in response to an American promise of financial aid for debt reduction. Personally, I think that this is a great pity, but of course a victory for the USA.
With regard to the Indian Ocean, the heroin drug smuggling route from Pakistan to Mozambique should be interdicted, preferably near the coast of Pakistan rather than in the Mozambique Channel
The Gulf of Guinea, as Putin recognised, is an increasing hot spot for piracy, and in fact far exceeds piracy near Somalia. It really needs serious patrols, and the UN could coordinate with the Gulf of Guinea Commission, based in Luanda, with some Nigerian staff members as well as Angolans. Its remit is maritme safety and security, and it could do with being bolstered by neutral naval patrols. Apart from illegal oil bunkering near Nigeria, worth billions, there is the issue of cocaine smuggling from Brazil to Guinea-Bissau, for transfer to ships going to southern Spain and Portugal.
In June, 2021 the Sudan held up the agreement to review it since it was based on a signed agreement from 2019-2020.
In July, 2021 the Russians completed their ratification of the agreement. It looks like the logistics base is going ahead.
Here are three links which indicate the agreement is done.
As usual, President Putin is quick to place Russia squarely on the side of the Rule of Law in international matters, and to propose constructive measures for international policing of the sea against “crime syndicates, pirates and terrorists”. I hope he finds allies in the UN Security Council.
I am beginning to see that the Russian and Chinese future will look a lot like the the recent human American past…A financial/Military domination controlled by the consistent usual financial devils, bent on containment and permanent elimination of ordinary revolutionary potential using the most advanced relative technology for that purpose
What are the elements in Russian/Chinese social development that leads in democratic directions for their impact on the world as the US declines into existential futility for whatever while that awaits it?
There is nothing in Russian/Chinese development but the same old capitalism, the same old imperial expansion as discussed above by Russian imperial enthusiasts, in the same expansionary terms as old England for example as it set out to ‘Rule the world’s waves: or as the World War 2 USA in exploiting to the hilt their opportunity to replace Britain as global hegemon
Where is the ‘Revolution’ in all of this?
Yet given the class-based human culture moving forward on an energized Chinese Capitalist base, where else will the tremendous human technological advance achieved find its most direct application save on the masses of ordinary folk to keep them permanently in their social place…or worse!?
Dear Ben Sampson,
the difference between Russia/China and the Western decaying imperialists is that the western countries (Great Britain, the USA and their vassals) suffer under a neo-liberal dictatorship by the financial world (the “one percent”), whereas Russia/China have a social market economy (“soziale Marktwirtschaft”) like Germany, France and Italy had after WW II (“Les trente glorieuses”, the “thirty glorious years”, like the French called these 3 post-war decades). A country has a social market economy when the political parties representing the workers and the employees (in Germany the social democrats, in France and Italy the socialists and the communists) are practically as strong as the parties representing the industry and the capitalism in general, and are able to conquer the political power upon elections. In such a situation, the redistributing of a higher percentage of the added value is possible, so that the wages of the workers and of the middle class can grow regularly, and the state enterprises can remain at the service of the population. This has no longer happened in the West in the past 30 years of neo-liberal dictatorship, where the parties of the workers and employees now collaborate with the pro-capitalist parties and where most state industries have been privatized.
In Russia and China, the political forces preventing a neo-liberal dictatorship are Putin’s party and the Communist parties. Putin’s party and the Russian Communist party have a strong majority in the Duma and can prevent a dictatorship by the neo-liberals and the fifth column. In the huge Chinese Communist party (95 million members), there is such a huge majority of workers and employees under the party members that it will take a gigantic effort by the private industry and the financial world to gain a majority for their reactionary aims there: It will take at least 50 to hundred years to change that, if at all possible. Ji Pei
Yes Jean; The Chinese know how to keep their capitalist impulses on a restrained and manageable leash. Just because Chinese Communism permits some degree of private enterprise does not negate its overall Socialist orientation. They make this quite clear.
Western Europe still lost what you refer to as its social market economy and rather quickly…30 years or so! Currently all trade unions are corrupted and anti worker. The Oligarchs never stood still worked to win free wheeling capitalism in their best interest and have captured not only the workers organizations but the political establishment indeed the whole western European region and can and are doing therein as they please
I see the same poise in China/Russia – social market economy strong, and an oligarchic frame which is not going away. Let me remind you that both cannot exist…your social economy and a strong oligarchy. One must give way.
Also the political party framework by which both countries operate is very suspect to corruption indeed. The corruption of left parties has been responsible for all left failures everywhere for a long Russia itself where the Bolsheviks screwed the situation totally. And in the west by ceaseless oligarchic corruption politics have been so ravaged by corruption we are saddled with people like Biden and Boris in England two men who are what?
Care to suggest a term that might capture whatever those 2 life forms may be?
Political parties are not the answer! We know why! Political parties do not make real money but are dependencies! or more accurately parasites! Political parties cannot continue to exist save as oligarchic pets. The people sooner rather than later, indeed right now, do not need political parties at all! The people of both Russia and China can rise up, take over their country and run it themselves, can create as they go in response to change and need, not hamstrung by any constitution written by and for the rich
And that is what the people must do because we know that the rich and the ordinary masses cannot exist at the same time in general prosperity, systems that make some rich leaving the vast majority middle or poor.
The Rich must control all others in order to keep their wealth ultimately and we end up in calamities in which the state and the oligarchs as a tandem are being accused by the ordinary attempts at depopulating them. That is where we are at right now, currently. and it is going to get far worse, not any better. one side of that equation has to go! must be eliminated: the people or the oligarchs.
I hold myself right to have been and remain suspicious of both Putin and Zi and their political parties. After all, there are Russian and Chinese vaccinations! The Question of begs…why?
The evidence suggests that there was no Covid before the that the tremendous propaganda that there was covid was to get the people to take the vaccines which have introduced Covid and much more into the social life of the world. The point then was to get the vaccines rolling. And from there we can see a whole totalitarian programme now emerging around vaccinations, which program if successful is going to shut down ordinary people period in the social life on the entire planet
If what I describe is right then how honest are Putin and Zi with their own vaccinations replete with spike proteins and dissenting national anti vaxxers as well?
There would have been no need for vaccinations at all, far less Russian and Chinese ones! I of course stand to be corrected if I prove out to be wrong. But I do not trust any politician at all, and Putin and Zi both qualify generously for my suspicion of their veracity, honesty. Both ought to be about the reduction of their oligarchies and the massive extension of popular ownership of Russian industry to the working class, as well as creating new forms of finance consistent with the development of real democracy in Russia/China. That is the established banks through and by which the oligarchs live must be eliminated to be replaced by banking which looks after the people and the nation
If that does not take place going forward, moving way too slowly at this point, indeed if it is moving at all in a popular direction, it is easy to imagines that with the political passing of Putin in Russia for eg. we will soon see the demise of the so called Russian social market along with A re-rise of oligarchic Russian power and domination leading a replay of a loss in Russia right now, of the post world war 2 European social market economies
I don’t see the number of workers having the slightest retardation effect on oligarchic control and restructuring of the Russian reality to suit themselves given the maintenance of their power currently…that they are in absolute certainty working all the time, ceaselessly to return that situation to normal for them and that that must be at the expense of the Russian people…and for certain there is no similar action on the part of Putin to contain the oligarchs in the interest of the people, by doing what must be done in the interest of the people…eliminating the oligarchs
( I rushed this! I hope its worthy enough!
Ben Sampson: Just curious, what country are you a citizen of?
that’s not important is it? unless such info is volunteered….?
just curious myself: why do you want to know?
You sound like a citizen of the Anglosphere–Britain, Canada?
@ Ben Sampsom
there was a very interesting and for me a highly important comment from Ishkabibble here which I would love for you to comment on Please:
I work in the oil and gas sector and given how seriously expensive it is we had some years back a meeting with some execs who said that they would be happy if the company would just break even?
Words that took me back to the work of Gail Tverberg at
the west/zionato has not been raped in the way both china & russia were, citizens of zionato have not had their awakening bt still believe they are exceptional & whatsoever they do is beyond reproach. china/russia/iran/syria/lebanon/iraq have all felt our exceptional kindness. the axis of resistance understand what exactly they are dealing with, in ways the citizens of zionato cannot begin to imagine. there will be no signing over the riches, daughters & ducats…as for the vaccinations: all of the resistance knew the zionato was cornered & would resort to biowarfare & were prepared. they are not as stupid as the leaders of zionato imagine bt then like all psychopaths they imagine everything & everyone is a lesser version of themselves & b/c they cannot imagine anything beyond enlightened self interest is even a concept beyond them.
The way to deal with pirates on the high seas may be to adopt their own tactics of old.
When captured – make them walk the plank.
Piracy versus the Rule of Law has always been a fluid distinction. From Wikipedia, Piracy on the Carribean:
“Piracy was sometimes given legal status by the colonial powers, especially France under King Francis I (r.1515–1547), in the hope of weakening Spain and Portugal’s mare clausum trade monopolies in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. This officially sanctioned piracy was known as privateering. From 1520 to 1560, French privateers were alone in their fight against the Crown of Spain and the vast commerce of the Spanish Empire in the New World, but were later joined by the English and Dutch.”
Terry and the Pirates was a 1930s comic strip that ran till the 1980s. But Lizzy and the Pirates is a real life adventure series which started with the English privateer Francis Drake under Queen Elizabeth in the 1500s and is still running today under the present Queen Elizabeth. The most notorious Anglo piracy today is attacks on Iranian oil ships (either alone or via British proxy Israel) together with bold incursions of lone ships from the British Navy into the territorial waters of great powers Russia and China. Shades of Sir Francis Drake sailing into Cadiz harbour to “singe the beard of the King of Spain”!
Drake’s Drum, we sang it at school together with Britannia Rules the Waves:
Down with Russia , Down with Britain. Russia is part of the zionist axis of EVIL
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Simon Shercliff
Seyed Mohammad Marandi
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The ambassadors are insulting all Iranians
The Tehran Conference was a violation of Iranian sovereignty & symbolic of the historic crimes committed by the US, Russia & UK against Iranians
I have no expectations of UK diplomats, but why the Russian ambassador?
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Russian Embassy, IRI
· Aug 11
🇷🇺Ambassador Levan Dzhagaryan’s meeting with the new head of the 🇬🇧British diplomatic mission in Iran Simon Shercliff on the historical stair, where the 1943 TEHRAN CONFERRENCE was held.
Both Ambassadors MUST apologize. It is possible that Russians are that dumb to be deceived by the British mass murderers? it so, then Russian ambassador must confess that he has been deceived.
Down with Russia , Down with Britain. Russia is part of the zionist axis of EVIL