By Batiushka for The Saker Blog

Introduction: Going, Going, (and Nearly) Gone

Great Nations are born in real belief and enthusiasm. They die in unbelief and cynicism.

Speech to Students in 1939, by Alfred Noyes, English Writer (1880-1958)

Bojo the Clown has resigned – though he has not quite gone. Even so, only three days before his resignation on 7 July, this self-deluded figure had stated that he would still be UK Prime Minister in the 2030s. Whenever he was forced to face the truth, he would begin playing the clown and hide behind lies. Notoriously, in the last few days of his reign, he no longer had an ethics advisor, as he had resigned. That was simply because Johnson had no ethics, for no rules applied to him, he is a mere opportunist. On resigning he showed no humility and made no apologies for his life of blatant lies. So far this narcissistic, bullying, snobbish schoolboy, born in privilege to the British elite, who always put his personal ambition above all else, has only promised to leave his post at some vague point in the future. Therefore, the UK is paralysed, its government discredited, without authority, and will remain so until Johnson has actually gone.

Anarchy looms. For example, in whose name will the UK police put down the forthcoming protests, strikes and food riots? Rioters will answer them: ‘Why should we stop? Johnson didn’t’. Who is responsible for this irresponsible situation? Not just Johnson. Not just his Minsters and Members of Parliament, who until a few days ago were all still ardently defending his lies and amorality in the name of their own careers. Not just all the naïve who voted for Johnson in the 2019 election, even though, as they say, if you vote for a circus, you should expect a clown. It is all far worse than that. The question is: How did Johnson the clown get elected? It is simply because the leaders of other political parties were even more clownish. There was no choice, because others were even more incompetent. Let us look at this general Establishment incompetence through what Johnson pathetically and laughably claims to be his ‘legacy’.


The Nations of men exist by what is best in man, and are destroyed by what is devilish in him.

Gallipoli, 1916, by John Masefield, English Writer (1878-1967)

Johnson got so many votes and won the last UK election simply because he promised ‘to get Brexit done’, after three years of Establishment resistance, dithering and refusing to obey the popular will to leave the EU, as expressed in the long-awaited referendum of 2016. The EU was always an elitist project, keenly recommended by the Tory (supposedly right-wing) Party, which saw it as a new money-making scam to replace the British Empire before it. And it was indeed a money-making con-trick for the Establishment, as it also was for the elite in every EU country, but not for the people. That is why the people voted for Brexit. Ironically, the people were opposed by the elitist Labour (supposedly left-wing) Party Establishment, the very Party that had been opposed to the original Tory project in the 1970s. Here is why Johnson won – because he saw his personal career advancement in doing what the people wanted. The people, including large numbers of traditional Labour voters, voted for Johnson because he promised Brexit and Labour did not. But a vote for Brexit was not a mandate for Johnson in the longer term. It is true that Johnson did get Brexit done, but it was done badly, the way he did it left a grave and unsolved political crisis in Northern Ireland and soured relations with the EU. Where is his achievement here?

Johnson, supposedly a ‘libertarian’, claims that the second part of his legacy is the way he dealt with covid. In fact his Fascistic lockdowns and gags (‘masks’), clumsily and shockingly enforced by the intimidating Police-State, indebted the UK by some £400 billion. Johnson blamed on covid this huge debt – total UK national debt is now over £2.6 trillion, most of it accumulated over the last twenty years. It is is unpayable, but is still less than the catastrophic level of US national debt. This is a lie. This debt was above all caused not by covid, but by his lockdowns. Johnson also boasts that his swift rollout of a vaccine programme was a great success. However, we now know that the anti-covid vaccines, despite some nasty side-effects, still only work (if they work at all) for about three months. After that they lose their effectiveness. This is why millions of UK citizens, most of them vaccinated three times already, have caught covid over the last month. All we can say in justification is that the attitudes of other political parties were even more Fascistic than Johnson’s. Where is his achievement here?

Johnson claims as the third part of his legacy his blind and ignorant support for the ‘Ukraine’. In reality, his political and military support for the Nazi gang in Kiev is not only immoral, bringing about even more Ukrainian deaths, but has also caused an economic crisis inside the UK. UK inflation is now at a forty-year high of 10% and rising, of which UK experts state that three-quarters is due to Johnson’s anti-Russian sanctions and to a lesser extent the billions of UK taxpayer pounds he has donated to the Nazi junta and to his armed forces who work as the British Legion of the US-run NATO. Moreover, this economic crisis, made vastly worse by the interest that has to be paid on the debt accumulated from Johnson’s lockdowns, is only just beginning. The spiralling prices of fuel, oil, electricity, gas, fertiliser, bread and other staple foods are already causing very long queues in front of food-banks across the UK. Where is his achievement here?

Conclusion: A Far, Far Worse Thing and a Far, Far Better Thing

It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done; it is a far, far better rest that I go to than I have ever known.

A Tale of Two Cities, 1859, by Charles Dickens, English Writer (1812-1870)

But it is all a far, far worse thing than that. Not only are Johnson, his Tory Party, the elites of all UK political parties and media-zombified voters responsible for the situation through their irresponsibility. The fact is that no EU political party or leader can claim to be much better than them. The whole of the EU is full of Johnsons. It is Johnsonland. For Johnson is hardly alone in living according to the lies of a moral vacuum, so is almost all of the EU Establishment, the rare exceptions proving the rule. The greatest enemy of the EU elite, President Putin, a man who has real belief, has already said that the problems of countries like the UK is that they have been hit by their own boomerang. Bankrupt, enslaved by huge debts, making money largely through services or simply printing it, few EU countries had any hope of surviving – and that was even before the Russian liberation of the Ukraine began. And here we come to the shock that is yet to penetrate the conscience of the deluded Western world, which still lives in denial of the consequences of the war which it began in Europe.

Yesterday, 7 July 2022, the very day that Johnson was forced to resign, the same President Putin stated before Russian parliamentarians that Russia ‘has not even started anything in earnest in the Ukraine yet’. He said that if the West wanted to fight Russia, then it should bring it on. He declared that Russia has not rejected peace talks, but that ‘the longer the war goes on, the more complicated it will be to come to an agreement with Russia’. He continued: ‘The so-called collective West, led by the USA, has for decades been behaving towards Russia in an exclusively aggressive way…it has supported terrorism, separatism, internal destructive forces and the fifth column in Russia’….‘They say we began a war in the Donbass. No, it was this same collective West that unleashed it’. He mentioned the coup d’etat of 2014 and the genocide in the Donbass.

He added that the military operation in the Ukraine signifies ‘a cardinal break with the US world order, the beginning of the transition from the liberal globalism of US egocentricity to the reality of a multipolar world….a world founded not on selfish rules, made up by some for themselves, behind which there is only the desire for hegemony, not on hypocritical double standards, but on international law, but founded on the authentic sovereignty of peoples and civilisations, on their desire to live according to their historic destiny, their values and traditions, and organise co-operation on the basis of democracy, justice and equality of rights. And it must be understood that it is already impossible to stop this process. The march of history is unstoppable and the attempts of the West to foist its New World Order on the world are doomed to failure.

Here I want to underline that we have many supporters, including in the same USA and Europe and all the more on other continents and in other countries and they will grow in number more and more. I repeat, even in those countries which are still for the moment US satellites the understanding is growing that the blind obedience of their ruling elites to the Suzerain does not generally accord with their national interests and mostly directly contradicts them…The West…is today degenerating into totalitarianism’. He rejected the West’s ‘model of totalitarian liberalism’, with its censorship, banning and cancelling of anything that opposes it, which it is trying to impose on the whole world. Clearly, this time the unbelief of the Johnsonland West has not so much created an enemy as committed suicide before the face of real belief.