Dear friends,

I have been asked by Auslander to pass on the following information to the readers of this blog, especially those who have donated money to help Ukrainian refugees.

The Saker
Here is the cost at current exchange rate dollar to ruble and dollar to griven:

Housing Per day:
7 bed room with in room full bathroom, shower, sink, toilet.
per person per day R 455 = $13.00
(New room, TV and kettle for tea water. Includes all needs for bath including towels, soap, wash pads. Includes sheets, blankets and pillows. Communal new washing machine for laundry.)

Meals. 3 meals per day, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
per person per day R 471 = $13.45
(Served in Church cafeteria. Milk, tea, coffee, fruits, salad, soup, potatoes, meat, fish, fresh baked bread depending on meal. Children under 15, all they can eat. Adults, very healthy portions.)

Total room and board per person per day. R 926 = $26.45
Cost of evacuation per person including babies in arms. (In Ukrainian Hrivna) G 625 = $52.08
With more intensive fighting cost has gone up over 25%.
It is possible this cost will go up again.

Initial medical and dental examination. We will pay for these.

Extra money will be spent per person depending on what personal needs they have, such as clothing, shoes/sandals, simple toys for children, needed medicines, etc.

Please do not ask how we get these refugees out or where they are from. We must keep those details secret until after the war. When the fighting is over many of these details will be told. Some will not be public ever. Certain operations concerning evacuation by volunteers, their names, their locations, can not be told. The Nazis have very long memories and no matter how victorious we are some will survive and take their revenge.

Please also remember many of these evacuees are arriving with little more than the clothes on their backs.

We will, as possible, provide a very few photos of at least some of the evacuees. Photos will be taken at St. Nicholas Church. 

Many thanks to all,
