Dear friends,

Our brother-in-arms at SouthFront have been sending us daily reports about the war in the Ukraine.  They are also the folks who produced truly excellent reports such as Foreign Policy Diary – The US-China Standoff in the Indo-Asia-Pacific Region and special high quality maps such as the Russian Military Map, July 22 – August 2, 2015 I posted today.  The contribution of SouthFront to this blog simply cannot be overstated and I think that we all owe them a huge debt of gratitude.

You might recall that a few months ago I reported that the YouTube channel of SouthFront had been censored.  Since then, this have gone from bad to worse.  There is now clear evidence that SouthFront is the object of a campaign to silence their reports.  Here is the message they have sent me and asked to pass on to you:

Our last Facebook page was banned because of photos with Novorossian warriors(!). In 2014 another our Facebook page in English with just under 20000 likes was deleted because of no formal reason.

The SouthFront project has been under the pressure of censorship since its start in 2014. Along the way Facebook and Youtube administration deleted our biggest accounts in the end of summer 2014, last winter and July 2015. We lost at least 70 000 subscribers total because of the censorship. Meanwhile, our editors’ accounts were hacked, posts and videos deleted, websites attacked many times. Every time, we restored the project despite the aggressive environment and never used combative advertising or spamming for donations.

The last attack on July 20, when our Facebook page (15500 likes) was deleted,  again, led to the fact SouthFront already reduced by the constant censorship lost the last channel of gaining direct support. Unfortunately, many people don’t know about our website ( because we were focusing on the Social Media last years.

The SouthFront Team spends a lot of time and effort to produce and distribute content as “The US-China Standoff in the Indo-Asia-Pacific Region”. We ask to help to save our project in hard times. It can’t be done without you and many other people. You can help via PayPal: or here:

Friends, I ask you all to pitch in, even if you can only offer a modest donation.  This is not only a matter of helping a brother in arms, this is also a matter of not letting a unique and very high quality resource be silenced.  Honestly? I think that we need SouthFront.  I can tell you that the Saker Community simply does not have the personnel or skillset needed to replace them.  As far as I can tell, neither can any other of our brother in arms.  So by helping SouthFront your donation will be helping all of us, the Saker Community and all the other brother in arms who rely on SouthFront.

Please help.


You can help via PayPal: or here:

If you have sent me any money by mistake, please email me.

The Saker