Definitely in the Watch List Category but if this is true, it is huge.

Rear-Admiral Ali Fadavi
The deputy commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards said Washington had asked Tehran to respond in proportion after US killed Commander of IRGC’s Quds Force General Qassem Suleimani.
The Americans “resorted to diplomatic measures… on Friday morning”, few hours after the strike, the Guard’s Rear-Admiral Ali Fadavi said on Iranian state television Friday night.
They “even said that if you want to get revenge, get revenge in proportion to what we did”, he said, as quoted on the broadcaster’s website.
Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said in separate television interview on Friday night that “Switzerland’s envoy transmitted a foolish message from the Americans this morning”.
The Swiss official “was summoned in the evening and received a decisive response in writing… to the Americans’ audacious letter,” Zarif added.
The Swiss foreign ministry confirmed Saturday that its charge d’affaires had handed over a letter from Washington to the Iranians when he was summoned to the foreign ministry on Friday morning.
Switzerland’s embassy in Tehran has represented US interests in the Islamic republic since ties were cut in 1980.
Fadavi, meanwhile, said the United States was not in a position “to determine” Iran’s response.
“The Americans must await severe revenge. This revenge will not be limited to Iran,” he said.
“The Resistance Front, with a vast geography, is ready to materialize this revenge,” he added.
So a proportionate response is ok – how about taking out General Milley or Pompeo!
At least a 2 for 1 would be proportionate, don’t you think? The mind boggles :-)
Neither Pompeo, Miley Netanyahu have the sort of popularity and following that Soleimani had.
For all their power, money, “chosen-ness”, “indispensable-ness”, noone actually LIKES them! Noone respects them or is inspired by them..that is the true tragedy of these people. They know it, hence their pathological jealousy…
Copy & Past of an interesting comment left on Press TV (Iran):
“Chatter on the darkweb suggests that the CIA and MOSSAD (aka the ‘Deepstate’) had a hand in the drone attack, and that the attack was designed to paint BOTH Iran and the US into corners.
The chatter speaks of the Deepstate pushing Trump into a vulnerable position at home and abroad, politically during current Impeachment procedings, and militarily by putting US forces in the Gulf at significant risk of harm.
The short term aim of the attack was to create an environment in which both Iran and the US could not (eventually) avoid confronting each other directly, militarily.
Apparently, the longer term objective was for the ‘Deepstate’ to obtain a reason to use the full military power of the US (including strategic forces) against Iran – to remove Iran from being a regional player and thereby freeing again Israels hands (to dominate the region / expand).
It appears that both the US and Iran are being set up for the benefit of the currently stalled ‘Greater Israel’ project, and just one serious move by Iran such as sinking a US capital ship, or a balistic missile launch against Israel will result in a strategic (nuclear) strike by the US.
Apparently the destruction of Iran is several years behind schedule (ref General Wesley Clark and ‘7 countries in 5 years’) and recent events were created to move the plan forward again”.
Very interesting chatter, and very plausable……………..
Really Hassan Carim? Then why did the Orange Buffoon issue the order to assassinate General Solomon-i when Trump was explicitly warned on TV (on a show he is known to watch) that he, Trump, was being setup to start a war with Iran and to not take the neocon bait? 2-3days before the assassination of General Solomon-i, Retired US Army Colonel Douglas MacGregor stated on Fox News, that Trump “was being skillfully misinformed, I think he’s being walked into another ambush, just as he was last summer (with the global Hawk Drone violating Iranian airspace forcing the Iranians to shoot it down)”. The title of the segment was:”Final attempt by WH neocons to start a war with Iran”. What could be clearer than that? Trump has no excuse when he was given such a clear heads up, he did what he did because he chose to do it, knowing full well the intentions of the neocons around him
Despite such clear warnings, Trump still went ahead and made this reckless move. Colonel MacGregor in the past 2 weeks has pointed the finger directly at the neocon coterie around Trump with a special mention of Jarrod Kushner, Esper, etc.
The chatter you are alluding to seems to lack all credibility because no one twisted Trump’s arm to pull off this boneheaded move. There’s no secret here, it was done quite publicly. Trump has, in his own, destroyed his own future freedom of action and flexibility to choose different options. He’s now backed into a corner thanks to his own ego and miscalculations. -not because of some not-so-secret imaginary plot by the CIA and Mossad that has magically appeared on the dark web.
There are several fractions within Foggy Bottom. Let us hope the situation will not further escalate.
The sweetest revenge (though least immediate in terms of gratification) would be for Iran to work with China and Russia to escalate ll measures that lead to the dollar’s demise. That is the kill shot, not a simple flesh wound.
Iran should look to Russia’s incredible example. Rather than a hotheaded response to Turkey shooting down their pilot, they turned that into flipping the most strategic piece on the Nato chessboard to a nation learning toward the China-Russia axis. But it took two or three years. Incredible patience.
I am hearing that US sent Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani to Iran to offer the Iranians a “nuclear deal” and “lifting sanctions” in exchange for no retaliation for the death of Solemani
Utterly Amazing. The Americans have no right to ask for anything. Once you set out to kill someone who is not a clear and present danger to killing you, you have waived ALL rights; you have laid down your primary right to life; you have no further “rights”. America initiated this murder in cold blood – the evidence is being presented that is was being planned some time ago. That’s the action of a murderer and psychopath.
And as for “proportional”. Well, lets see, this was in response to an attack which killed ONE contractor. Their idea of “proportional” was to attack an Iraqi base killing – was it 24? Then for a demonstration which killed 0 people, they took out another 6.
So if “proportional” is 24 for one, and 6 for zero – I’d say that gives Iran a pretty free hand.
Bah. Whining cowards. They kill from a distance, using some operator sitting in a dark room in front of a computer, who is at zero risk. They murder where they want pretty much. And then when it hits them that maybe this last wasn’t such a good idea, they turn Uriah Heep and weep for mercy.
May they be damned.
My thinking is that US offered a deal with Iran if it does not avenge Solemani’s murder through the Swiss as stated by Iranian diplomat Amir al-Musawi said in an interview (in Farsi)
When the Iranians rebuffed the Swiss. US repeated the offer again through the Qataris. Looks like the Americans are running scared or something
I don’t understand this..America is running scared….and all the dead are in the other side is this your idea of winning???
american troops are in iraq. iran can mobilize the malitias it supports in iraq. that was painful for the usa military and there are less of them now.
That makes sense if you’re playing baseball and the bodies are points, but you aren’t and they’re not. You killed a million Vietnamese and still lost the war.
It should not have been dignified with a response, like when the Japanese PM brought a “message” from Trump to the Supreme Leader, and to paraphrase Khamenei, he bluntly told him:
“look, no disrespect to Japan, but I dont even want to hear the message from that fool, let alone give a response”
Iran must respond how it sees fit, given the stature and significance of General Solemanei.
Maybe Iran should reply, simply:
“Make me an offer [i.e., which general].”
…and from our perspective that means, nothing short of the complete expulsion of US forces from Iraq and Syria – for starters.
How and when Iran and its allies achieve this will be up to them.
Iraq will also have to make some tough descisions. For while Iran is hurt by what the US just did, in the case of Iraq, they have been humiliated.
Iraqis must summon the courage to tear up the agreement that keeps US troops in their country.
That the US can blatently muder Solemanei and his Iraqi companions on Iraqi soil, is a glaring display of US contempt for Iraq’s sovreignty and it demonstrates Iraq’s submission to the US occupation of their country.
The US asked for a proportionate response!
Can this possibly be true?
US foreign policy was been abysmally awful for many, many years. But if this article is true, it means that the people running American Foreign Policy have gone completely nuts.
Mike: They are , I fear, completely nuts! The words “insane” and “arrogant” come to mind as well. These people are so far beyond shame I am appalled. They are grotesque and obnoxious, unworthy. Can we possibly “outsource” them, kind of like so many American workers have had their jobs outsourced over the years? Perhaps the Beltway could be replaced with a very high wall (yes-speaking of needful walls!) that would keep them in, somehow?)
I am trying to muster the courage to congratulate (?) them for utterly dividing the “united” states. Good Lord! They have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams in dividing us.
A house divided against itself cannot stand.
As you are asking for a proportionate response, may we ask you to assemble all the many psychopaths who are working In the buildings in Langley and the Pentagon and the State Department. and send them to Hell… This saves us from soiling our hands and seems quite proportionate…. but if you feel this is not proportionate enough, could you also include the “School of the Americas”?…that would be nice…and make sure imbeciles like Negroponte and Pompeo are also fried in Hell….Oh whilst we are negotiating a proportionate response, i forgot…. just remove all the bases which you have been using to bully other nations around the world …there i think that would go a long way to satisfy the Rest-Of-The-World….but hey,…i heard you are planning to go to Mars….just keep on building bigger rockets and maybe you Americans can all go there and leave this beautiful planet in peace…
Well duh. Sure they want a response. They would look rather evil blowing up Tehran without the Iranians blowing something up so they can use it as propaganda. Iran might as well strike back at this point. The US will set off a false flag if they dont. War is 100 percent at this point
This makes absolutely no sense. The ZioAmericans take out Suleimani then gloat about publicly. Now they want a proportional response ? That would mean they would allow the US secretary of Defense to be killed. One possibility is a trap, a dead US SOD would stir up the US sheeple into a murderous rage. Iran is better off just going to war on its own terms. Never trust the ZioAmericans.
I think it is fair to say the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff, the top floor of CIA, the IDF top echelon are still not equal in military skill and accomplishment to General Soleimani. But they should die.
It would be a good start. Maybe toss in the Qatari and Saudi top echelon also. Killing them would be justice.
And toss in the CENTCOM staff. That ought to be a fair total.
They all spent 20 years fighting Soleimani and always lost. That’s a lot of wars, a lot of battles.
So, 20-30-40 or so might suffice. Ask his wife and children.
No, Solemeini has not fought the Americans all his life.
Syrian Girl has posted a photo of Solemeini walking alongside a US General in Afganistan. Solemeini got his start in the Iran-Iraq War. Thereafter he graduated to being a controlled opposition figure for the Zionist Opium Dealing Elite. His apprenticeship took place in Afganistan during the 1990’s. Rouhani took a different route but followed the same path, obtaining a fake Zionist law degree from Scotland and giving away the store during both Iran-Contra and the more recent nuclear agreement made with his Zionist benefactors. All of it was staged to permit the looting of roughly 100 billion dollars belonging to the Iranian people.
There are two Globalist factions: The monetarists and the militarists. On the surface it appears the monetarists have struck a blow alongside the militarists, which may indeed be the case but is unlikely given the differing objectives of these two groups. More likely the monetarists are attempting to make Iran a graveyard for the US Empire and the US dollar which upholds it.
The militarists understand this is a potential problem unless they position themselves as servants of the Zio Monetarists in the New Order to come. Without access to a fiat they will be forced to live on a budget, something they are unwilling to do. The Pentagon is divided but NATO, on the other hand, wants to inherit the current position of the US military for the epoch to come. Think of figures like Patreus and you will understand who these people are.
Think of NATO as the new Globalist Police Force to come, funded by the unlimited resources of the Zionist Monetarist Empire. Certain interests in Russia actually favour this outcome but it is a short sighted view.
Nothing is as it seems. Don’t become too invested in false narratives because if you do you will have no defense when Big Brother brings the jackboot down upon your head as well. Recall the price of collaboration and carefully consider your part in this role as a collaborator. Especially you Larchmonter. I remember your arrival and have watched every move you have made. I know what you are, as do all the people who subsequently bailed on this site. You are the devil in a poor disguise.
Ask yourself everyone, is a US dollar in your hands worth two Zionist Blockchain Bucks in a digital tree? Better we stop this crazy train now while we still have a chance.
I’m sure readers would be interested in reading your ideas on how to “stop this crazy train”.
“Especially you Larchmonter. I remember your arrival and have watched every move you have made. I know what you are, as do all the people who subsequently bailed on this site. You are the devil in a poor disguise.”
Nothing like a personal attack using the anonymity of the cyber world, ‘Military & the Monetary’.
Larchmonter has been the backbone of this blog often and for years. If you don’t like him, then don’t read him, he never uses a proxy name, he always posts under ‘Larchmonter’. Can you say the same?
I remember your arrival too, Auslander.
Work for Peace.
You attached your script to my comment solely for the free ride, maximum exposure. Ha! What a cheap trick for a poor outing.
Note, I said 20 years they fought Soleimani, not the other way around. Words and sentence construction have meaning.
Your gobblegook about money and Zionists and Big Brother’s jackboots is high school rhetoric.
Blah, blah, blah dressed up in faux uniform with a silly “call to arms”. It’s a melange of weak rantings.
Post your junk elsewhere and don’t bother me with sophomoric efforts.
They created Soleimani, in MENA he’s called the “Celebrity General” for a reason. Because the MSM created him, and lionized him, and took him out.
Is this new? NO
Noriega, Saddam, … the list is endless of people that USA made ‘Gods’ and then brought them back to earth, the al-cia-duh master mind bin-laden comes to mind of another CIA asset that became a god, and then big bad USA put an end to his reign.
I agree long ago Soleimani was fighting for Israel, how would he have known? The money and material supply was good, we all know here there is only one goal, for muslim brother to kill brother.
Once everybody is dead, or castrated, then “Greater Israel” step’s in to fill the void.
to Larchmonter 445
Gen Soleimani’s bio by Scott Ritter:
The statement of ‘proportional response’ is politic-speak for Old Testament dogma, eye for an eye, blood for blood. It reminds me of a scene from the movie, “Lawrence of Arabia” where an Arab from one tribe murdered an Arab from another tribe that could have ended in the breakup of the Arab alliance that fought against the Turkish army during World War I.
Iran is better than that, I hope. The U.S. and Israel absolutely need to be punished, not only their governments but the people as well. What can be done, what should be done?
I wrote in another post (see: /coming-soon-a-new-deck-of-cards/ ) that destroying a U.S. or Israeli satellite may be a better option than targeting one or more high-value persons. All television broadcast satellites are positioned in GEO orbits, which are tens of thousands of kilometers above the Earth. Iran does not have the missile launch capability to hit one of those devices but Russia and China certainly do.
Sooner or later the American people need to wake up and knocking out one of the media satellites will do that. When the nation turns on their television sets to watch the NFL football post-season broadcast on DirecTV, DISH Network, etc. and they see nothing but ‘dead air’, they will be shocked and demand answers from Washington, DC.
Or, how about “We killed some of your “Deep State, you may kill some of ours.”
Who was involved in the “Iran Nuclear Deal” involving pallets of cash and transfer of centrifuges from U.S.?
Who was involved in “Iran Contra” weapons for cash for drugs? Who was involved in the “October Surprise” involving the embassy hostages in 79′?
Expand your thinking. Deep State Clowns in America working the Iran desk?
There are political entities we refer to as “countries”. The country has people or subjects. An official “government” represents the people. But, there are unelected powers, deep state, in ALL countries that use diplomatic immunity to operate across boundaries without allegiance to anything but power and money. Deep State.
“I killed some of your deep state; you may kill some of mine.” Kinda refreshing, really.
Fake news. I don’t believe it. Pay zero attention to the Americans’ tricks.
If true, it is really pathetic to ask for a proportionate response after killing one of their national heroes. Particularly in the manner they did it.
What if Iran sent a list of who they would like to kill with point numbers beside them and asked the US to check names that are acceptable and Iran will agree not to exceed 40 points? That would be absurd, no more absurd than the US even asking that question at this time.
Disturbing, weak, imbalanced and cowardly is basically what that request is.
Trump bears the casualties that are to come, approving that attack was reckless and ignorant. The leadership that brought that option and suggested it to him as a response to current events should also be fired for incompetence.