On the Threshold of the Great Reassembly of the 21st Century: Paths to the Future and Russia’s Stakes. A Discussion

“Humanity is on the verge of the Great Reassembly – the formation of a new world economic order. This reassembly is largely forced, taking place under the pressure of growing crises in the world’s economic, governance, socio-cultural and scientific spheres. The time has come for the collapse of the old system and the emergence of a new one. The coming years will be a turning point, a time of searching for new meanings and values. The mission of mankind in the beginning of the century will be the creation of a new socio-economic system capable of existing in harmony with nature. For Russia, this is an opportunity to return to its historical role of uniting civilisation, to become a guide to a new world.

The goal of the 100 Year Foresight conference, held in Veliky Novgorod in July 2021 as part of the Archipelago 2021 project, was to create an image of the future world, to which the dynamics of historical processes, technological revolution and related changes in the “cultural code” of mankind lead. The methodological principles of this work allow us to understand what awaits the world in the next 30-50 years and outline some more distant perspectives. The project involved more than 50 leading scientists, innovative entrepreneurs and government officials from all over the country, as well as more than 10 international experts of the highest level. The Valdai Discussion Club will present the report as a “guide to the possible future”, realistically assessing risks and pointing out potential conflicts.

What are the challenges facing humanity? What will the world and Russia look like in few decades? What shall we bet on to survive the turbulent years of the Reassembly and become the leaders of the future world? These and other questions will be answered by the participants of the discussion.”



  • Andrey Bezrukov, professor at MGIMO, member of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy
  • Pavel Luksha, founder and a director of Global Education Futures initiative, member of the ASI Expert Council
  • Nikolay Yutanov, Head of the “Designing the Future” Research Group


(Ed Note: Adjust the balance of your sound and you can fairly acceptably reduce either the English or Russian soundtrack to make for easier listening). 

Update:  The Video is now available again.