The Valdai Discussion Club released the report Staying Sane in a Crumbling world.  This was a followup from their report of 2 years ago titled  “Living in a Crumbling  World”

In the Living in a Crumbling wold report, they suggested that multilateral cooperation is on the decline and crisis of international institutions leads to increasing anarchy with each state left to rely on itself to solve the problems of survival.  The developments of 2020 vividly confirmed their hypotheses.

The report itself is a 27 page PDF and is highly recommended to keep on your watchlist.

The authors are :

Oleg BarabanovPhD (Doctor) in Political Science, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Programme Director at the Valdai Discussion Club, Scientifi c Director of the European Studies Institute, MGIMO University

Timofei BordachevPhD in Political Science, Programme Director at the Valdai Discussion Club, Academic Supervisor of the Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies, Higher School of Economics

Yaroslav LissovolikPhD in Economics, Programme Director at the Valdai Discussion Club, Member of the Government Expert Council, Member of the Bretton Woods Committee

Fyodor Lukyanov, Head of the Writing Team, Research Director of the Valdai Club Foundation, Editor-in-chief of the Russia in Global Affairs Journal, Chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy, Research Professor at the Higher School of Economics

Andrey SushentsovPhD in Political Science, Programme Director at the Valdai Discussion Club, Director of the Institute for International Studies and the Laboratory of International Trends Analysis, MGIMO University

Ivan TimofeevPhD in Political Science, Programme Director at the Valdai Discussion Club, Director of Programmes at the Russian International Affairs Council

The Table of Contents reads as follows :

About the Report

The Genesis of the Crumbling World

The future of the state

The erosion of institutions

The crisis of conventional ideologies

The advent of ethical pluralism

Lack of prospects for speculative economy

The Growing Anarchy and Risk of a New Bipolarity

The Great Equaliser

Safety Net

Special Responsibility and a Moral Imperative
