by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog
The Government of Venezuela called an international Presidential Economic Advisory Commission, 14-16 June, 2018 – to debate the current foreign injected economic disturbances and seeking solutions to overcome them. I was privileged and honored to be part of this commission. Venezuela is literally being strangled by economic sanctions, by infiltrated elements of unrest, foreign trained opposition leaders, trained to disrupt distribution of food, pharmaceutical and medical equipment. Much of the training and disturbance in the country is financed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), an “NGO” that receives hundreds of millions of dollars from the State Department to “spread democracy” and provoke “regime change” around the world, by boycotting and undermining the democratic processes of sovereign nations that refuse to bend under the yoke of the empire and its ‘allies’ – meaning vassals, afraid to stand up for inherent human values, and instead dance spinelessly to the tune of the murderous North American regime and its handlers.
Imagine, Venezuela has by far the world’s largest known reserves in hydrocarbon under her territory – more than 300 billion barrels of petrol, vs. 266 billion barrels, the second largest, of Saudi Arabia. Venezuela is a neighbor, just across the Caribbean, of the United States’ arsenal of refineries in Texas. It takes about 3 to 4 days shipping time from Venezuela to the Texan refineries, as compared to 40-45 days from the Gulf States, from where the US imports about 60% of its oil – to be shipped through the high-risk Iran controlled Strait of Hormuz. And on top of this, Venezuela, is a socialist country defending the rights of the working class, fostering solidarity, human rights and sheer human values, so close to the borders of an abject neoliberal and increasing militarized greed-driven dictatorship, pretending untouchable ‘exceptionalism’. Daring to stand up against the threats of boots and bombs from the North, is simply intolerable for Washington.
A real foreign imposed economic crisis is in full swing. Venezuela’s black money market is manipulated by Twitter mainly from Miami and occasionally corrected from Colombia, depending on the availability from Venezuela stolen contraband, offered to better-off cross-border customers. This is missing merchandise on Venezuela’s supermarket shelves. It’s imported merchandise – mostly food and medical supplies – fully paid by the government. This has nothing to do with Venezuela being broke and unable of paying for needed imports. The media which propagate such slander are criminal liars, typical for western “journalism”. It is merchandise stolen, captured at the ports of entry by US trained gangs and deviated as smuggle-ware mostly to Colombia, the new NATO country. The scheme is a carbon copy of what happened in 1973 in Chile, orchestrated by the CIA to bring the Allende Government to fall. People have a short memory – or they like to forget – to keep implementing their disastrous neoliberal agenda.
The big difference though is that Chile’s socialist government was then barely 3 years old, whereas Hugo Chavez, who brought and solidified socialism to Venezuela, was elected in 1998, some 20 years ago. Chavismo has survived relentless attacks, including the Washington induced failed coup on 11 April 2002. A month ago, on 20 May 2018, Presinet Nicolas Maduro was overwhelmingly re-elected with 68% – with a solid block of 6 million Venezuelans, who withstood constant attacks, physical violence, foreign induced slander propaganda, empty supermarket shelves, at times sky-rocketing inflation. But this solid socialism is a basis the empire cannot so easily sway its way.
However, Venezuela is in a State of Emergency. A State of Emergency, exacerbated by NATO newly stationed on 7 US military bases throughout Colombia, and by a 2,200 km border with Venezuela, of which about 1,500 km is a porous jungle, difficult to control. Accordingly, State of Emergency measures ought to be taken. Fast. Among them – de-dollarization of Venezuela’s economy, diversification of imports and an ardent strive towards food autonomy, as well as import-substituting industrial, pharmaceutical and medical production. Today, Venezuela imports about 70% of her food, though the country has the capacity, arable land- and human resources-wise, to become self-sufficient.
As Mr. Putin said already two years ago, the sanctions were the best thing that happened to Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union. It forced the new Russia to reorganize her agricultural sector, as well as to rebuilding her defunct industrial arsenal and become a scientific vanguard – all of which has happened since 2000 under the leadership of President Putin. For the last three years, Russia has been the world’s largest wheat exporter and has one of the world’s most modern industrial parks – and cutting edge scientific learning and development institutions.
Venezuela has similar potentials. Venezuela also has solid allies in Russia, China and Iran – and indeed in the entire Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), an association of currently 8 members, including China, Russia and India, comprising close to half the globe’s population with one third of the global GDP. Venezuela has already started decoupling from the dollar, by launching the world’s first government owned and controlled cryptocurrency, the hydrocarbon and mineral backed Petro which has already been accepted internationally – foremost by China, Russia, Turkey and the Eurozone.
Despite the Yankee boot on her neck, Venezuela has demonstrated the audacity to launch a dollar-independent incorruptible cryptocurrency – that is slated to become a new world reserve currency, especially as other countries are having similar plans, i.e. Iran, Russia, China, India, to name just a few – and as the dollar is rapidly losing ground as the world’s major reserve asset. In the last 20 years the dollar has lost from a worldwide 90% reserve-security to less than 60% today, a trend that continues, especially as hydrocarbon trade is increasingly detached from the dollar and carried out in local currencies, gold-convertible Chinese yuan, rubles and now also the Venezuelan Petro.
This is a heavy blow to the dollar. Though, it isn’t enough. As long as the dollar is still a major player in Venezuela’s economy, the battle and related hardship goes on. Radical measures are in order. This is all the more difficult, since Venezuela, like Russia, Iran and most other non-obedient countries, are heavily infested with disastrous and destructive Fifth Column elements which are primarily controlling or manipulating the financial sectors. But the east is full with successful examples on how to detach from the fraud and greed-driven western monetary system. It is a simple model of “Resistance Economy” – local production for local markets with local money through local public banks that work for the local economy. China followed this example until she reached food- health- education and shelter self-sufficiency around the mid-1980s, when Beijing started opening up to the world, including the west, but with primary trade focus on ‘friendly’ nations. The Russian example is mentioned above, and Iran is now following her own track of “Resistance Economy”.
An Economy of Resistance is also applicable for Venezuela. It is a matter of urgency and a question of political will and perseverance. President Maduro, his Cabinet, as well as the solid and broad-based socialism in solidarity of over 6 million citizens will prevail.
Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a water resources and environmental specialist. He worked for over 30 years with the World Bank and the World Health Organization around the world in the fields of environment and water. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for Global Research; ICH; RT; Sputnik; PressTV; The 21st Century; TeleSUR; The Vineyard of The Saker Blog; and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe. He is also a co-author of The World Order and Revolution! – Essays from the Resistance.
B4 you do anything, remember: there are no fast&easy solutions. None! Every corner cut will have consequences.
And yeah, Chavez is dead.
Understand, that if you are not on the ground, you should not give advice. It WILL cost lives. Do not be an idealogue. Please.
If you feel strongly about the situation, move there. Live there. Chose a side and fight there.
Till then….talk is…whatevah…
The pen is mightier than the sw0rd
Nothing wrong with giving advice, regardless of you’re on the ground or not, the ones receiving it also have their own minds and can decide for themselves.
Peter is doing his job as a journalist, and a good one that is. What are you doing exactly?
Nobody ever talk about the “power of thoughts”. It’s the same as “the power of prayers”. When enough people gather with a unified focus, mountains can move, governments are over-thrown, and Petro-US-dollar is replaced.
It does take time and patience and concentration however.
In explaining and supporting Maduro’s regime, Peter Koenig is helping to keep our focus on the goal: taking down the super-power of NeoZionists who rule the central banks through the Petro US dollar.
I remain an optimist without living in Venezuela and dare believe that my thoughts and prayers are helping the Venezuelans and cleansing of the Deep State, be it in Russia or/and USA.
the seagull
I would venture to call you an idealogue. You will, IMO, – gained from historical hindsight – replace a genuine national elite with a faux one. I am fairly sure, it is already too late, nevertheless…
That said, I agree with everything, you appearantly strive for.
I wish the same for all US citizens and for the Americas.
Eff the dollar domestically and internationally
Eff the banxter elite printing the global future
May the Venezuean peeps keep most value for their national reserves to themselves as reasonable.
But please, be reasonable.
The US has been to war for the last decade and some.(century) for some or an other jewish insiped goobligook.
They have not even noticed. Life home iz good….
They will (removed language,MOD) you up. You think things are bad now?
Lemme ax ya: was life in Iraq/Libya/Syria better b4 or after the invasion?
Libya was a Clinton operation. Do you still wish she won?
Millions died abroad, they do not even notice back home.
The bigasesst issue they are entertained with @ the moment is how to keep people flooding to the welfare States of America…from Venezuela.
There is a pain between my ears.
What is going on?
I try to b short: thank you MOD.
If you care to splain, what happened?
Is it the perstincece mules are known fer?
(There are language guidelines.You added a prohibited wrong.I removed it but left the rest of the post intact.MOD)
“The US has been to war for the last decade…”
The US have been to war since the very beginning of its existence. Have a look here:
Good idea, “An economy of Resistance, starting with local Resistance Banks”. I think they used to exist in England as Friendly Societies or Building Societies until the Thatcher regime of the 80s turned them into unregulated banks ripe for a globalist takeover. For instance, Abbey Building Soc –> Abbey Bank –> Santander International.
“Venezuela, is a socialist country defending the rights of the working class…”
Even “Maduro recognizes Venezuela is still a capitalist-based economy…”, (Popular Resistance newsletter, 27 May, 2018)
During a recent visit Venezuela, I observed first hand the “resistance economy,” particularly in the state of Lara.
There are indeed shortages of food and other staples. The goverment’s is effective in providing people with life’s basics.
Equally important is the active and widespread grassroots movement to
Venezuela can no longer provide clean water to its citizens:
Sure Venezuela has plenty of potential, but you’d think clean water would top the list of priorities over a new cryptocurrency, “fostering solidarity”, or even food self-sufficiency. Perseverance in the face of adversity is an admirable thing, but at some point Mazlow’s hierarchy of needs comes to mind.
A very interesting article on the capabilities of Venezuela’s military against a potential U.S. attack, as threatened by President Trump a while back. With N Korea a no go zone, it is worth considering
Thanks Mr. King for your interest in my country Latinoamérica.
Since the putsch carried out by the Rothschild agents Bolivar, San Martín, Hidalgo, O’Higgins, etc., Latinoamérica has been firmly under the zioboot. Divide et Impera was applied to the Hispanic part, so we have today 23 bananized “republiquetas” which are defenseless against the overwhelming power accumulated by the zioUSSA.
To control the banana plantation that they insist to call “Colombia”, the zios use:
1. The oligarchic families composed by the descendants of the mofos that carried out the coup against the Spanish provinces in América.
2. Freemasonry: Only from a lodge, you can get a job and required influences. You are by definition a sold-out weasel, so your bosses are the zios in the City of London, and the treasure to give away will be the riches of the territory.
The media is completely under ziocontrol, and vomits lies 24/7. Unfortunately, almost everybody believes the relentless fake news, so virtually nobody here is “in the know”. Only the perps on top know it all.
To counteract Chavez and his ideas, the Khazarians promoted “Varito”: a vile assassin and drug dealer, who worked with the Medellin Cartel, and is also a freemason and a member of the Committee of 300. When he was the governor of “Colombia”, the created a mercenary army (known as “paracos”) to steal the resources and lands protected by nationalist guerrillas, and to control the drug production. The drug is flown to the USSA through the 36 bases that they have in the plantation: so the zios have in reality 29 other secret bases + one or more directly controlled by Talmudia!. Varito, together with the, the CIA and its civil agency Strat.for devised a strategy to attack the nationalist government of “Venezuela”:
Varito sent the worst paracos to “Venezuela”, who recruited the worst assassins to kill lots of innocent people throughout the territory, to instill sheer terror, and to help to the demise of the socialist project.
Before Chavez, 78% of the population was in total poverty, and the contracts with the zioPetroleras: 99% to the zioCompany and 1% to the nation! So, who are the main opponents to the government? You guessed it! Khazarians! Caprinos is a marrano and Cortina Machete is a crypto (But Maturo is also a marrano, and Chavez was also a Freemason!).
Peter Koenig’s work here is always a welcome breath of fresh air.
Excellent analysis from PK. Like Cuba, Venezuela is in the front lines and significantly isolated due to geography and colonised neighbors.
Peter Koenig and friends have reinvented what Alexander Hamilton and Friedrich List preached .
List’s book can be found here free and gratis:
List describes how the English from the Tudors and till 1800 built up their industry and became independent of the Netherlands and other continental countries. Peter Koenig is really very old hat, but the old hat is a good hat. The English were less than impressed with the USA using Hamilton’s and List’s teaching. Like “mule” below they pointed out that it would cost money. Friedrich Engels replied that going by express train may be more expensive but you get to your destination faster.
I would like to communicate with Dr Koenig.
My email is
John Kontos
Emeritus Professor of Artificial Intelligence
Venezuela like China is state capitalist. “Maduro recognizes Venezuela is still a capitalist-based economy…”, (Popular Resistance newsletter, 27 May, 2018)
Dear Mr. Koenig,
Venezuela is a pivotal fight. Thank you for all you are doing.
1. How can international wellwishers help ? Is Venezuela getting enough expertise from abroad to keep its oil industry running ? How true are reports that its oil industry is degrading ? Why ? How much will the increase in oil prices help ?
2. Can you provide links to the literature about the real situation in venezuela ? basic needs, oil industry etc ? why is the government finding it difficult to bypass the oligarch control of key sectors like food etc ?
Abby martin empire files has a useful series on venezuela, And an excellent criticism of a mainstream media program on venezuela
3. And for venezuelas acheivements after Chavez , here is good link detailing the economic numbers. Its something to point out to those who are taken in by the blanket criticism in msm
I’m baffled, after all these years of government subsidized goods flowing in to Colombia, why doesn’t Caracas raise the prices enough to make this theft nonprofitable?