By Pepe Escobar – posted with permission
Russia-Turkey deal establishes ‘safe zone’ along Turkish border and there will be joint Russia-Turkey military patrols

Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan shake hands during a joint press conference after their talks in the Black Sea resort of Sochi on October 22, 2019. Photo: Sergei Chirikov / poll / AFP
The negotiations in Sochi were long – over six hours – tense and tough. Two leaders in a room with their interpreters and several senior Turkish ministers close by if advice was needed. The stakes were immense: a road map to pacify northeast Syria, finally.
The press conference afterwards was somewhat awkward – riffing on generalities. But there’s no question that in the end Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan managed the near impossible.
The Russia-Turkey deal establishes a safe zone along the Syrian-Turkish border – something Erdogan had been gunning for since 2014. There will be joint Russia-Turkey military patrols. The Kurdish YPG (People’s Protection Units), part of the rebranded, US-aligned Syrian Democratic Forces, will need to retreat and even disband, especially in the stretch between Tal Abyad and Ras al-Ayn, and they will have to abandon their much-cherished urban areas such as Kobane and Manbij. The Syrian Arab Army will be back in the whole northeast. And Syrian territorial integrity – a Putin imperative – will be preserved.
This is a Syria-Russia-Turkey win-win-win – and, inevitably, the end of a separatist-controlled Syrian Kurdistan. Significantly, Erdogan’s spokesman Fahrettin Altun stressed Syria’s “territorial integrity” and “political unity.” That kind of rhetoric from Ankara was unheard of until quite recently.
Putin immediately called Syrian President Bashar al Assad to detail the key points of the memorandum of understanding. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov once again stressed Putin’s main goal – Syrian territorial integrity – and the very hard work ahead to form a Syrian Constitutional Committee for the legal path towards a still-elusive political settlement.
Russian military police and Syrian border guards are already arriving to monitor the imperative YPG withdrawal – all the way to a depth of 30 kilometers from the Turkish border. The joint military patrols are tentatively scheduled to start next Tuesday.
On the same day this was happening in Sochi, Assad was visiting the frontline in Idlib – a de facto war zone that the Syrian army, allied with Russian air power, will eventually clear of jihadi militias, many supported by Turkey until literally yesterday. That graphically illustrates how Damascus, slowly but surely, is recovering sovereign territory after eight and a half years of war.
Who gets the oil?
For all the cliffhangers in Sochi, there was not a peep about an absolutely key element: who’s in control of Syria’s oilfields, especially after President Trump’s now-notorious tweet stating, “the US has secured the oil.” No one knows which oil. If he meant Syrian oil, that would be against international law. Not to mention Washington has no mandate – from the UN or anyone else – to occupy Syrian territory.
The Arab street is inundated with videos of the not exactly glorious exit by US troops, leaving Syria pelted by rocks and rotten tomatoes all the way to Iraqi Kurdistan, where they were greeted by a stark reminder. “All US forces that withdrew from Syria received approval to enter the Kurdistan region [only] so that they may be transported outside Iraq. There is no permission granted for these forces to stay inside Iraq,” the Iraqi military headquarters in Baghdad said.
The Pentagon said a “residual force” may remain in the Middle Euphrates river valley, side by side with Syrian Democratic Forces militias, near a few oilfields, to make sure the oil does not fall “into the hands of ISIS/Daesh or others.” “Others” actually means the legitimate owner, Damascus. There’s no way the Syrian army will accept that, as it’s now fully engaged in a national drive to recover the country’s sources of food, agriculture and energy. Syria’s northern provinces have a wealth of water, hydropower dams, oil, gas and food.
As it stands, the US retreat is partial at best, also considering that a small garrison remains behind at al-Tanf, on the border with Jordan. Strategically, that does not make sense, because the al-Qaem border between Iran and Iraq is now open and thriving.

The map above shows the position of US bases in early October, but that’s changing fast. The Syrian Army is already working to recover oilfields around Raqqa, but the strategic US base of Ash Shaddadi still seems to be in place. Until quite recently US troops were in control of Syria’s largest oilfield, al-Omar, in the northeast.
There have been accusations by Russian sources that mercenaries recruited by private US military companies trained jihadi militias such as the Maghawir al-Thawra (“Army of Free Tribes”) to sabotage Syrian oil and gas infrastructure and/or sell Syrian oil and gas to bribe tribal leaders and finance jihadi operations. The Pentagon denies it.
Gas pipeline
As I have argued for years, Syria to a large extent has been a key ‘Pipelineistan’ war – not only in terms of pipelines inside Syria, and the US preventing Damascus from commercializing its own natural resources, but most of all around the fate of the Iran-Iraq-Syria gas pipeline which was agreed in a memorandum of understanding signed in 2012.
This pipeline has, over the years, always been a red line, not only for Washington but also for Doha, Riyadh and Ankara.
The situation should dramatically change when the $200 billion-worth of reconstruction in Syria finally takes off after a comprehensive peace deal is in place. It will be fascinating to watch the European Union – after NATO plotted for an “Assad must go” regime change operation for years – wooing Tehran, Baghdad and Damascus with financial offers for their gas.
NATO explicitly supported the Turkish offensive “Operation Peace Spring.” And we haven’t even seen the ultimate geoeconomic irony yet: NATO member, Turkey, purged of its neo-Ottoman dreams, merrily embracing the Gazprom-supported Iran-Iraq-Syria ‘Pipelineistan’ road map.
NATO member, Turkey, purged of its neo-Ottoman dreams, merrily embracing the Gazprom-supported Iran-Iraq-Syria ‘Pipelineistan’ road map.
Will NATO still want Turkey as a member, after this?
… does it matter?
I am afraid it does matter, and for the following two reasons:
Turkey was always an important member for NATO because of the country’s important geostrategic position vis a vis a possible war with Russia. It’s another matter that Washington foolishly thought that Turkey would sacrifice itself for America’s geostrategic ambitions and get nothing in return. The Ottoman years are still remembered in Turkey. That coup d’etat against Erdogan in 2016 was an attempt to ensure that Turkey stayed in NATO. All it did was to turn both Erdogan and Turkey away from NATO.
Secondly, Washington cannot permit Turkey to leave NATO, as that would start a chain reaction in Europe, where NATO is anything but popular (with a few exceptions excluded). However, analysts have taken it for granted that it’s only a matter of time before Turkey leaves, the next candidate being Germany, which is eyeing membership in the Euro-Asian Economic Union. As far as I can see, Washington would be helpless to prevent Turkey from leaving. However, it would do its utmost to prevent Germany doing the same, bearing in mind the US has troops in Germany, while Germany does not have the advantage of geography as Turkey does. Even so, I think that NATO’s days are numbered.
Turkeys position vis-a-vis Russia since 1945 has been one of playing one against the other, to seek advantages for itself…. Turkey has, historically a dislike for Russia, due to all the past regional conflicts but is now compromised by its recent embrace of Takfiri “ideology and its US support. So Russia can now encourage/manipulate Turkey. Turkey also has a dislike for the US as a successor to the hated British Empire but knew that the US was willing to throw lots of Dollars at Turkey if it joined NATO….not that Turkey needed this post-1945. Contrary to devastated Europe, Turkey was an island of prosperity, with flourishing agriculture (it has Black Earth) and had remained neutral during WW2.
My take on the situation is that Erdogan is, like Merkel and Macron, just a weather-vane…a tactical opportunist but strategically naive … but Putin has put some backbone into Erdogan….
For sure, the US was and is, clutching at straws to imagine that Turkeys 500,000 strong army would have fought at the sharp end as proxies for a US inspired war against Russia. Turkish troops very much resented being called up for the Korean War and this still grates…
I am reminded of the phrase used by psychologists: “Strict parents create sneaky children” Turkey shares this character with Iran…except that Iran has grown up since 1979 and can now assert its own destiny. Turkey needs to embrace the fact that most of its land mass is in Asia and that is where its future must lie. The Incirlik base is only given to the US because of the bribe…. once Turkey understands this is a corruptive influence, it does not need such patronising parental manipulation…. Pakistan has understood this …finally…
Erdogan was until recently a bit like the Indian Modi really – judging by the photo of the latter standing with the war criminals Kissinger, Bliar, Rice and Fisk you do indeed wonder which way this is going…
I agree with B.F that the US would never allow Turkey to leave NATO. The usual mafia-like threat is all that is needed to keep Erdogan in line….but it is indeed easier for Asia to pull Turkey out of the US orbit in the long run than is the case with Germany.
The German situation is evolving in an interesting manner. The right wing nationalists on the same page as the left wing socialists – with both East German groups supporting better relations with Russia…. remembering 1953, this is quite interesting…same with Hungary (1956) and the Czech rep (1968). The trouble with West Germans is that the CIA have done an outstanding job in manipulating public opinion. My West German friends dispute that they are brainwashed…. they think the truth they believe in is the real truth…i can see from outside, looking in…just how brainwashed they really are…Deutschland Erwache…
Nomen est omen !
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.
Vladimir is made of Vlad and mir.
Vlad in slavic langages from Ruling . Mir is both peace and the world.
So Vladimir Vladimirovich can mean – Ruler of the world by peace .
“Maghawir al-Thawra” = “Revolutionary Commandos”
”The Arab street is inundated with videos of the not exactly glorious exit by US troops, leaving Syria pelted by rocks and rotten tomatoes all the way to Iraqi Kurdistan, where they were greeted by a stark reminder. ’All US forces that withdrew from Syria received approval to enter the Kurdistan region [only] so that they may be transported outside Iraq. There is no permission granted for these forces to stay inside Iraq’, the Iraqi military headquarters in Baghdad said.”
How can they do and say such things to exceptional, indispensable forces for good? This has at least to qualify as ’ unconstitutional’, LOL!
I am probably one of the handful of Africans on this blog, and I want to add that while these exciting developments were taking place, a couple of White Swans (TU – 160s) flew for 13 hours to South Africa, landing majestically on a bright Wednesday morning. Simultaneously, 40+ African heads of state were in Sochi for the 1st ever Russia-Africa Summit, inking deals in energy, infrastructure, mining etc, not to mention that VVP canceled $20 billion in debt.
More winning for Russia, while over there in Perfide Albion and Thanatopia (brexit & impeachment) we’re treated to theatrical imbroglios on a daily basis…
Thanks and blessings to Russia and her leadership incarnated by the trio Putin-Lavrov-Shoygu ! Thanks to president Assad and its proud army! God bless Hezbollah and Iran and Chavez and China! Peoples
from around the world are watching closely and learning fast. Great news the emperor is naked. Hope growing in the hearts of all oppressed nations.
Beautiful … well said!
I would like to nominate Vladimir Putin for the Nobel Peace Prize but the White Helmets or the Azov Battalion will probably get it.
The Dutch minister of “defense” wants to propose some kind of amendment to have some kind of instrument to force NATO member states to stay in line with Washington. Good luck to her, Erdogan will be impressed.
NATO is past it’s sell by date. Goodbye American century, welcome Asian century.
When the EU give the ‘Sakharov’ (really the Bonner) ‘Prize’ to a Uighur terrorist, you know for certain that the Western Herrenvolk have NO intention whatsoever to allow racial and civilizational untermenschen, as they see it, like Chinese, to rise peacefully to global eminence. None, not now, not ever.
Yes, Putin surely does deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.
But he doesn’t need it … the world knows he deserves it & that’s all that (really) matters.
I am quiet sure Putin would feel insulted if given THIS Nobel …He is not a clown .
Nobel Peace Prize is reserved for criminals, mass-murders like Kissinger, Obama or folks with dubious reputation like a former colombian president, etc. Putin does not deserve this sh..t.
How about the first ever “World Citizens Peace Prize” far more fitting than an award given to mass murderers.
Let the Azov battalion, the White Helmets, and NATO be awarded accordingly. Putin is way above the ”Peace Prize” garbage.
Al-Tanf makes sense if you still have visions of splitting Syia East/West. Short hop to Palmyra from there, where Dez Oil would come through on its way to Damascus. Iraq is tiring of US presence, this is hedging bets on access into Syria through faithful lapdog Jordan should US lose access through Iraq.
As long as there is a base at Al-Tanf, the empire has plans to split Syria.
I don’t think we have heard the last from Daraa either. If terrorist mercenary access gets slowed in North and East, it stands to reason that Israel will increase and support access from the south. I would think SAA would realize this and ensure they don’t over extend in north and east just to lose ground in the south/middle south.
2020 – Palmyra and Daraa I suspect will return to the news cycles.
The King of Jordan could become “restless” with both your al Tanf and Daraa targets. He wants out from under the 1.5 million refugees. He certainly looked quite comfortable in Russia a month or so ago. Though Jordan is dependent on US largess, the calculus has turned to negative to be a friend and ally with the US. He can get much better from Russia. So watch how things develop with Jordan.
Ultimately, facts on the ground are shaping Syria’s comeback at its borders (and in its oil fields).
The US and Israel cannot hold the ground.
And when Russia surprises with one more S-400 at Palmyra vicinity, the entire air canopy of Syria will be closed to US and IDF planes, drones and missiles.
The Russians are showing off one system in Serbia. It could be in Syria in 24 hours.
Putin likes to surprise his adversaries. There is an inevitability about Russia playing that card.
Well, the reality for US empire efforts is not looking in Iraq:
Without US free reign and movement in Iraq, Syria will be next to impossible to shut off Iranian access to.
Palmrya is easier for US to hit from Jordan than it would be coming from Turkey. Truth is US is very vulnerable to Turkey which is why Erdogan is pushing what he wants regarding Kurds. Even with troops in Iraq and Jordan, US still needs base and support in Turkey to close routes from Iran.
So, it is a losing situation for US “strategic interests”
Lebanon unrest may or may not have started organically but it certainly won’t stay that way. US is losing grip and they will definitely eye a way into Lebanon.
There is no winnable military solution left but that does not mean they won’t still try. If nothing else it makes some war profiteers very wealthy. I think this is how they look at it but not sure what makes their twisted heads tick. Israel good wake up one day and start being a positive influence in the region and world but, I highly doubt it.
I find Pepe Escobar’s commentary remarkable. I have read his articles for over 20 years. There is a consistency and unfolding vision that he has related to his audiences that have brought enlightenment to world affairs, and in some cases great joy and hope for peace in this world.
Pepe has a clarity that is founded on his travels and talks with those leaders of the world that the West derides, and wars against. He has taken many hits and low blows from his detractors, and yet he holds fast. He has kept his post.
Well done Pepe. You have many people that admire your efforts.
Agreed. Also his scholarship on the history of the areas on which he comments.
Seems a high-likelihood now for sabotage efforts to take out the win-win-win scenario. Wouldn;t take much of an “Isis” attack in NES, arranged by Bibi and Co to reverse Trump’s retreat. Or maybe even another Assad gas attack, courtesy of White Helmets and MI6.
Once out of Syria the Empire will not find it so easy to get back. Times are changing in Syria and at last for the better.
The empire will never leave Syria voluntarily.
I am afraid a big war (Armageddon) is coming……….!
I hope not.
Assad had no direct part in the process. Syria no longer has any say in its future.
Israel and Genie Energy are big winners.
Occupied territory. Safe zones. Theft of sovereign land.
You don’t offer any substance for any remarks.
Israel and Genie Energy have to defeat Syria (they tried and failed using US, NATO, 150,000 takfiris, 100,000 rebels, and hundreds of billions from Arab paymasters. By themselves, they won’t take on Syria or Hezbollah.And no one is around who will fight alongside an IDF that can’t beat a militia (which is all Hezbollah is).
Assad just go control of his entire Northern Border. Without a shot fired.
His nation is occupied since 2011. Safe zones exist until the hot zones are bombed and blasted and the terrorists no longer exist. Russia intends to kill all who stay armed. This is total war against anyone who does not stand down, surrender their weapons and join in a political process. That has been the standard since the Russians arrived. (You just don’t know these facts, apparently.)
Syria has a magnificent reparations case in international courts. The process is long, but Syria has decades to collect for the damages done by very rich nations. None of the invading and occupying nations had UN approval for the war. Thus, their actions are war crimes.
Study more.
Syria has a magnificent reparations case in international courts. The process is long, but Syria has decades to collect for the damages done by very rich nations.
Yes, Syria is due reparations from all who illegally tried to bring her down, including both nations (I-US-KSA et minor European principalities such as Fr-UK-FRG) and individuals (Hillary, Rothchilds) but the obstacle will be raised, “How will Syria collect?”
The answer is that in the future, significant fraction of world commerce will pass through Syria, and with the support of law abiding nations (RF-Iran-PRC), all Syria has to do is apply the appropriate taxes, backed by court judgments of course, to shipments to or from the offending nations.
All of what you just said is what obscure government officials use to justify never telling the truth of US actions.
If they were to tell the truth the US would be sued into oblivion. So, in their twisted heads, they are “protecting the American people” by covering up their crimes. Let’s face it, if you told the American people they needed to pay for the war crimes their government did, they would be against it.
Funny how quickly morality goes out the window so easily.
“For all the cliffhangers in Sochi, there was not a peep about an absolutely key element: who’s in control of Syria’s oilfields, especially after President Trump’s now-notorious tweet stating, “the US has secured the oil.” No one knows which oil. If he meant Syrian oil, that would be against international law. Not to mention Washington has no mandate – from the UN or anyone else – to occupy Syrian territory.”
This is the $64,000 question.
Is America going to give up the oil rich lands of Syria that it illegally seized and occupies?
As for the USA respecting or abiding by international law, that hyena-like cackling you hear is from Washington DC.
International law is whatever the hell the United States dictates is the law, according to its whims at the moment.
After all, we all live in the America-led Rules-Based International Order!
What will the American troops do when beset by overwhelming numbers of alphabet soup terrorist groups?
The American troops of course will welcome them with open arms, offer lots of cash and weapons, and then invite them to a circle jerk, where they will be fawned over as cuddly “pro-democracy” moderate head-choppers and jihadists.
I can picture it now. They’ll have refreshments, perhaps a weenie roast, and songs around the campfire.
Q: What will the American troops do when beset by overwhelming numbers of alphabet soup terrorist groups?
A: In case there are some, ahem, ’intellectually inclined’ among the Pindos (not too likely, but just for the fun of it), the latter will start — at least give it a try — educating these Jihadi specimina about the US Constitution, the Founding Fathers, and then sing the Pindo National Anthem in unison. Should this beautiful, moving endeavour come a cropper, then they could try the Israeli National Anthem as a more promising approach.
“International law is whatever the hell the United States dictates is the law, according to its whims at the moment.
After all, we all live in the America-led Rules-Based International Order!”
Beautiful job by Putin and allies!
Putin and the Nobel…who cares! I don’t give a dam about that empty tainted award and now I am convinced Putin does not either. the Nobel cant possibly be on Putin’s mind, motivating his work. we are dealing with human survival here and we have a most serious sophistication here that is deep and wide-raging the mind boggles.
as Putin’s sincerity clarifies beyond doubt, it is clear that in himself and his Chinese counterpart hum,an experience has produced 2 mean,the best human products of their attempts at socialism who are intellectually supreme, with deep understanding of humanity, of life and human chances in existence, have accepted their truth and are committed to life consequently and are working brilliantly in their opportunities at leadership to set up humanity for the long haul
I did not want to be fooled by a Putin betrayal so I held out to the end on him, not going all in. I consider myself now lucky and privileged to live at any part of the time of Putin and Ji Ping. they both prove that it is possible..for humans to come to know life, accept it and to live accordingly, gleaning morality, ethics out of nature itself not necessarily from the gods in the sky though Putin is a major supporter of Russian Orthodox.. necessary tool I think, for the moment , keeping the Russian patrimony going, moral and peaceful. it will be easy enough to move forward from there in time
the people of the world know Putin. lives by the millions are saved, made better by his policies, wars avoided. Putin’s intent is peace. he is strong and powerful but does not flaunt it. Paul Craig Roberts arguments against Putin’s peace in the face of American aggression seems absolutely right..that Putin’s peace encourages that aggression. yet Putin wins, and dangerous, hair-trigger confrontations with amargeddon are yet. Putin then,with great confidence, knows what he is doing, is winning, with all due respect to Roberts, a most decent and sincere American
the love and respect developing globally for V Putin is far more beautiful, valid and fitting than any stinking, western Nobel.
Nobel!! Who..what? who cares?
that’s how I see it I feel about the Nobel and all emblematic of established western exploitative culture
Why do you use his family name for Putin, but not for Xi?
if you are referring to me..the answer is that I operated in convenience, rather than in facile awareness of form and manners..and reaction such carelessness might engender… in noting down that comment.
in defense my comment is also poorly written and not edited. I live certain difficulties that do not help relative to these activities at times. I must be always careful I am top and conscious of what I am fact relative to all activities
I will be particularly mindful now to be careful and as formal as I must be at all times. I must also be mindful to edit, to ensure that my over sensitive keyboard has not eaten letters and words I thought I had written down