by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog cross-posted with PressTV
(Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of the books ‘I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China’ and the upcoming ‘Socialism’s Ignored Success: Iranian Islamic Socialism’.)
A simple question for you: are there, for lack of a better word, “counter-revolutionaries” in Ukraine, Hong Kong or Syria? By that I mean: do those nations have people on the far extremes of the political spectrum who will provoke, take advantage of and even relish in violence against their governments?
Obviously, only a liar or somebody foolishly playing devil’s advocate would not respond that, yes, in these nations there are many such persons – the proof is overwhelming.
So why would it be so hard to believe that there are such persons – counter-revolutionaries – in Iran, and that they hijacked recent protests over gas price hikes to provoke, take advantage of and devilishly relish in death and violence against the government? Iran, unlike the nations I listed – and unlike almost every nation, period – actually had a popular revolution for extremists to counter in the first place.
Iranians are reminded of their exceptionalism when, for example and for certain, such far-right groups drove on a motorcycle to a gas hike protest, fired on the crowd, and fled.
Such vicious, armed people – the allies of the governments of many of those reading this article – are obviously the worst, most anti-democratic type of criminal. Their goal is just as obvious – to foment a counter-revolution in Iran.
What is unfortunate regarding the West’s coverage of the national tragedy which was the violence at the Iranian gas hike protests is that there isn’t the barest mention of this very real, very life-and-death, very accurate reality.
The term “counter-revolutionary” staggers the Western mind in its tracks – they seem to think it has been consigned to history? Or because there are no revolutionary countries in the West, and many ones filled with neo-imperial propaganda, perhaps they cannot even conceive of the existence of counter-revolutionaries?
The impact of such naivety is profoundly deadly.
Iranian counter-revolutionaries are aware of this yawning Western blind spot, and so they know that every single Iranian death – when reported by Amnesty International or Western journalists – will be blamed on the government and national security forces even though every Iranian knows that this is false and impossible.
The sweet, good-hearted innocents at Amnesty and the desk-only journalists in London, Paris and New York City simply do not have the experience, or maybe even the editorial approval, to write this truthful question asked by every Iranian: how many innocent deaths were caused by counter-revolutionaries, and how many counter-revolutionaries pushed their far-right views all the way to their own demise?
We don’t know, as an official government report of the deaths has not yet been released. But everyone in Iran has an idea of the answer – a lot of them.
And there were many innocent deaths of protesters, too – this is why the gas hikes protests are a tragedy.
And we know, because no one denies the right to self-defense, that the government simply had to fire back: when somebody drives by on a motorcycle and opens fire… what is the alternative for any civil servant working in security?
What needs to be impressed on non-Iranians is that there are regular protests in Iran and that they are not violent. Iran is not Cuba, which has no protests besides the “Ladies in White”. Iran is also not China, which has almost too many protests to keep track of. Iran is also not the US, which seemingly forgot how to protest in between the end of their Vietnam invasion and the election of Donald Trump. So if Iran has many protests which do not get violent, why did these?
The gas price hikes were launched without warning, and I assume it is because the government knew that they would be very unpopular… but they didn’t want them to be explosive.
And by “explosive” I mean that they didn’t want the old-money monarchists, the insane MKO who are even less popular than the criminal monarchists, ISIL (an attack of theirs caused 70 innocent casualties in Tehran in 2017), the cynical mercenaries bought by Western nations and their Arab monarch puppets, the secret service agencies of such nations which of course target Iran (is this is not a great number of people, already?) to have time to plan their drive-by shootings, building bombings and arsons at a moment of heightened social unrest. I would say it’s not that the government wanted to catch the Iranian people by surprise, but to catch these illegitimate, undemocratic, far-right, definitely “counter-revolutionary” forces by surprise.
Were there legitimate protests against the gas hikes? As I mentioned, of course, and nor were they unusual or unexpected.
But attacking a police station, probably to get weapons – it is a normal journalistic question to ask if these are the works of counter-revolutionaries or “normal protesters”, regardless of the passport such attackers hold? Take a moment to imagine what the Western mainstream response would be be if French Yellow Vests did that – the idea that any of them would receive the barest sliver of public support is preposterous.
Just like with the Yellow Vests, the West lies about the true authors of protest violence
This should be stating the obvious to anyone with a rudimentary political awareness, but in the Iranian context a “far-rightist” is synonymous with a “counter-revolutionary”. This is the case of every society which had a revolution since 1917, and Iran is no different. There is no “far-right” party in China, Cuba, Iran or in any revolutionary nation because revolutionary nations all banish/declare war on far-right forces, after all.
It is difficult for Westerners to understand the recent Iran protests because they are denied this historical-political honesty and context about Iran. Their difficulty is further compounded by the fact that the top NGOs and the Western mainstream media cannot or will not admit that in Western nations the far-right is firmly a part of their establishments, unlike in Iran.
Look at the Yellow Vests in France: across the West they have been portrayed as violent, far-right thugs masquerading as protesters. The reality is – and I have been there nearly every Saturday and can testify – the scenes of extreme violence always come from Black Bloc members who infiltrate the protests. Black Bloc is totally detrimental to the legitimate pro-democracy and socioeconomic demands of the Yellow Vest protesters; their ultra-left anarchism is totally unwanted; they are easily infiltrated by rogue cops, who merely have to wear black; French riot cops don’t lift a finger to stop Black Bloc’s vandalism – they are either colluding or, certainly, told to allow violence to occur in order to discredit the Yellow Vests.
The Yellow Vests are innocent protesters, just like the Iranian gas hike protesters – they are unarmed and cannot possibly stop people from committing unreasonable violence. Therefore, how can the West blame the Yellow Vests for violence they disavow and have no part in? I don’t know… but that is certainly what they have done for a calendar year.
The real violence comes not from Iranian gas price hike protesters nor Yellow Vests (who started following a gas price hike) in either of their situations, but from outside, unwanted, self-interested forces with incredibly dubious democratic intentions.
It is crystal clear: Just as the West doesn’t report that it is Black Bloc committing violence and not the Yellow Vests protesters, the West also doesn’t report that it is far-right/counter-revolutionaries who are the authors of violence in Iran.
The Iranian government must absolutely punish police wrongdoings whenever proven. They must not be like France, which last week finally opened their first trial for police brutality despite the full calendar year of incredibly calculating repression. Iran has had a short-lived paroxysm of violence – the French government cold-bloodedly wages police brutality with sadistic regularity and precision.
However, comparing France and Iran is to compare apples and bowling balls. France’s government doesn’t have to spend one second thinking about catching “anti-France” forces “by surprise”. France is not beset by many rich, far-right groups/nations/monarchs/ex-monarchs/terrorists who get out of bed in the morning with the sole goal of destabilising their national system.
Iranians, unlike the French, know this article is full of truths.
They know that because they know what propaganda is: France just had its bloodiest day since being kicked out of Beirut some 40 years ago, as 13 French soldiers died while fighting in Mali. President Emmanuel Macron immediately tweeted, “These 13 heroes had just one goal: To protect us.” Now that is laughable propaganda about France’s “one goal”!
Nobody can believe that, but many in France and the West do – all part of the “war on terrorism”, right? But Malians know better: A January 2018 poll in the capital of Bamako revealed that 80% of respondents believe that France’s army is in Mali only to defend its own interests. Which is, of course, obviously the case. Macron immediately and robotically made his phony “war on terror” claim because he knows such scaremongering propaganda is desperately needed to stop honest discussion.
Just as many Westerners will believe Macron’s false propaganda, many Westerners will believe 100% that the Iranian government is responsible for every recent death. The emphatic, self-righteous certainty with which Western propaganda insists this falsehood and inaccuracy is appalling.
Iranians believe otherwise – some told me the majority of the dead were ardent counter-revolutionaries. This is a common perception, but it cannot be verified yet – what’s certain is that innocents did die, and that is a tragedy.
US clarifies its ‘diplomacy’: allow a counter-revolution or starve to death
The real economic problem in Iran is the Western sanctions blockade. Such sanctions are made to create instability to the point of civil war. The West also funds groups which are designed expressly to create the most sparks precisely at times of heightened dissatisfaction and difficulty.
Those are all facts, and why would they not have been on full display at the gas price hike protests?
They were, but honest analysis of Iranian politics has few forums available. This article has discussed and analysed these rarely-discussed realities which Iranians know well and will not deny.
In Iran the violence comes from an ultra-violent right but the West naively acts as if such a political sector in Iran does not exist. The West also naively acts as if within their own nations there is not establishment support of far-right, conservative, certainly “counter-revolutionary” ideas and groups. It should thus be clear why the West is so unwilling to support revolutionary Iran in maintaining its revolution.
The West allies with the far-right across the world. Iranians know this, and they also pay the price. They pay the price at the gas pump, as the West’s blockade has undoubtedly forced the recent price increase, and they pay the price in so very many litres of blood, just as they have done ever since the beginning of the Western-forced invasion by Iraq in 1980.
Why can such realities not be even be broached in Western media or by Western NGOs? To this, I have no satisfactory answer.
US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo just said, essentially, that Iran has to have a counter-revolution if “they want their people to eat”. As Yemen proves (in case North Korea did not do this already) – the US is fine with starvation as a “legitimate” political tactic.
What is certain, sadly, is that no Western journalist called Pompeo a “far-rightist”, a “fascist” or a “counter-revolutionary” – they all simply nodded and reported what he said without question, contestation or a hint of shame.
The counter-revolutionaries lost in Iran recently, again; Iran mourns that they still keep trying. The nation mourns most of all because of the West’s never-ending blockade against Iranian self-determination.
The terroristic inhumanity of their starvation-strangulation-sanction policy is something which can not be broached in Western media, NGOs, governments or among many Western citizens, as well.
This is so true that these counter-revolutionaries do exist, and they do in fact target not only protesters, but dissenting voices on-line, and even dissenting voices in the community using psy-op techniques of black bag jobs, gas-lighting, hacking, vandalism, stalking, intimmidation, harrassment, illegal surveillance, electronic harrassment, and anything that they can think of.
They are becoming more and more desperate. They’ve lost. They lost when they decided to collude with Larry Silverstein,( World Trade Towers owner) and the dancing Israelis on 9/11. Ex CIA pilot and expert, John Lear says that no plane hit the Pentagon either.
They were perfectly content to do this! The FBI and IRS had 1 employee each die in the North Tower, UBS at the top floor had 1 employee die located at the top floor of the north tower. there were about a dozen huge firms that had 1 employee die, which means that they were also evidently in on this treasonous conspiracy of international mass murder, destroying 7 countries in the middle east, our own country, the slaughter and holocaust of Innocent Muslims framed for a crime that was commited by our own government, at least in part, the murder of 8,000 service members, all because the dot com bubble crashed, which was clearly inevitable.
They act without thinking, seeking immediate gratification, and do not consider that they will at some point have to answer to someone. They just seem to think, well, do this now, if there is a problem, we will cross that bridge when we get to it.
Unfortunately, these are the luntics that are running the show, strung out on drugs, hookers, and the lolita express.
Largely this is done at ‘elite institutions’, getting a real education by design is basically impossible. Unless your well connected, and selected.
The entire public school system is designed to retard children, and post secondary for the masses is just designed to hang debt around their necks.
Most real rich kids don’t even know what’s going on, they don’t need too, kids that are chosen to be “Oxford Scholars”, are carefully chosen for their loyalty to the system in the future. If any of you have ever spent time with “Real Rich Kids”, they tend to be soft, nice, and preoccupied. There rich parents make sure they’re separated from the riff-raff of life.
Like the “Dancing Israelis”, your all well aware that now Trump calls them the “Dancing Palestinians”, and yet his base just ignores the blatant lie and misinformation. This is telling that Trump can literally do anything and it doesnt’ effect his base. He said it well, “He can murder an infant on the streets of NYC, and it wouldn’t effect his base”.
What’s a human life really worth? We’re told murder is wrong, but our Government kills as it pleases, its clear that in reality human life is worth zero.
It’s clear that the problem with ANZ-USA is not the GOV, the problem is the people. Like the guy said, “We have met the enemy and he is us”
I was unaware that Trump called the dancing Israelis, dancing Palestinians. I don’t read American propaganda anymore, and disconnected my TV in early 2017, and do not listen to talk radio. My guess is that most of Trump’s voters are not either. So, I won’t be watching the imoeachment trial either.
Interesting observation: “Dancing Palestinians”. Ask anyone you know to fill in the blank in “Dancing _______s on 9/11” and the almost universal response will be “Dancing Israelis”. So, by using this erroneous phrase, Trump [inadvertently?] draws our attention to the Israeli involvement in 911. Just another screwup like the “massive armada” threat to North Korea, which impressed on the South Koreans the danger of a conflagration that they would be in the middle of, with the ultimate result that South & North began serious negotiations to begin the process of reunification (which will negate the USA’s excuse to station troops there)? Or like the insulting treatment of EU leaders, sabotage of efforts to supply Europe with inexpensive Russian Gas and demands for more cash to support NATO, all of which appears to be leading to talk of an independent (of USA) “European Army” and the eventual breakup of NATO? If Trump keeps screwing up like, we may end up with a country which is finally free of the foreign entanglements which are (as the founders foretold) slowly destroying us.
Anarchists always exist. But it takes a lot of money to buy these matching black outfits and all their designated kit they bring to the party’s.
If you have spent a lot of time with the Republican Party, say in the 1980’s like I did, behind the scenes, behind the closed doors the Mantra was always – “Before we can rebuild the USA, first we must burn it down”
I hung out with the NRA gun people of the Republican Party, but they still represented the real attitude, that the entire USA had to be destroyed, and rebuilt from the ground up before any real systemic change could happen.
Having been around the Eugene anarchists, that drove up to Seattle during WTO, and just a few 100 anarchists managed to destroy a city, not unlike in HK, the question is who is really these anarchists?
Given the situation its kind of clear that our ‘anarchist’ boy’s in black, with infinite funding and buses and great black clothes, and great lawyers to boot, its clear they’re part of a bigger picture.
Real anarchists, I like to pick on Emma-Goldman, she said that “Anarchism was communalism in its purest form”, note she said communalism, that’s where people share the work in a garden, albeit without the help of government.
At this point in my life, if I had to guess, the source of all black-thugs think the recent USA protests that started in Canada and came to NYC they were well financed and had CIA roots. “Occupy Wall Street”, where the un-employed got to eat gourmet pizza and sleep in comfy tents.
We all know for a fact that UN-APPROVED protests get shot-down in USA, think bonus-boyz, or Waco, or Weaver, or Kent-State. But then State approved protest like the black-thugs in Portland the cops just stand back, as they have been told not to touch these children.
Since the time of NIXON all elections have been about TV, there are real powers that want to burn it all down, and they will burn it all down in time. In the short term they just want the average person to cower in fear and hide at home and stay away from the protest, where most likely they might learn the “Truth”, as you will never get the truth from the MSM anywhere.
IMHO it will be “burnt to the ground”, by 2025 the USA population will plummet as planned by 80%, even the new GDP figures for USA export are to drop by 1/2 in the next 5 years, which means that the un-employment problem is just going to get worse. Those who don’t bail early, will just find themselves living like Great-Depression soup line citizens, or at worse drawing lottery tickets to see whose child get’s eaten, or like Africa where villages take the oldest person out in the village and kill him.
The main goal is to get everybody to leave, especially the smart-hard working people, as they are the enemy of the elite.
I’ll tell one last thing to CHEW on here, long ago I had this friend from a VERY RICH FAMILY, and what he told me that scares him the most is the thought that someday his kids would have to compete with the poor kids. The elite would really prefer a Alpha, Beta, Gamma USA or World, where the alphas never have to fear the betas, and the gammas don’t have a clue they’re not at the top.
If you have not just totally made up everything that you said, which I strongly suspect that you have, firstly, you have apparently missed the entire point of the protests and dissent! You are suggesting to bribe them?! Ha! The point of the dissent and protests are exactly that type of fascist thuggery, evil, oppression, and corruption!
And if you knew of people who said that 80% of the U.S. population would be eliminated by 2026, there will be a stampede of Latin Americans and Chinese that will rush in and kill them off PDQ!
How drunk were these clowns that you were tslking to? Or maybe they are just some of the most stupid people in America.
the 80 percent drop for 2025 was predicted several years ago. just checked it this year and the forecast remained there.
“It is written!”
“It is predicted!”
“I checked it out!”
“It’s still there!”
OK! Game on! WHERE?
If it’s the Georgia Guidestones you’re talking about, be specific…or then you certainly don’t oppose them….or anything else……… by building and spreading some sort of awed aura of impotence in the face of supposed omnipotent inevitability.
Talk about a whiff of absolutely pathetic, unsubstantiated nothingness.
And someone is supposed to be afraid of THAT???
I am more concerned by the irrationality that it is evidence of….in a sadly misguided search for some sort of communal, hand-wringing “gravitas”.
Puleeese! Pull yourself together.
Deagel is Rockefeller Foundation, Deagle J.C. was chief strategic for David Rockefeller in the 1950’s, the DR is like Janes, but Janes is for Weapons, DR is about country’s who is best at killing, and what the expected kills in the future are to be.
Ignore it if you wish, play psycho games if you wish, its all out there for people with eyes to see.
These people plan out 50+ years in advance, you all call them the elite, the bankers, … But they are the people who OWN this earth, and they invest in their grand-childrens future to make sure the grand-kids are also the owners.
Georgia Guidestones is real, but its just one rich guy putting his vision out there, 500,000 population in the USA is about right, the rich-elite have long wanted this, and with robotics now, its not even clear they need 500k
If your a weapons guy, you don’t diss Janes, unless your a moron, and if your a war-games strategist you don’t diss deagel-report. These guys play for real, there are people on this earth that actually use their brain, I know the left are nutz, and the right are nutz and the people who own this earth want to keep it this way, but you can be damn sure that the people they hire to plan&rule this earth are not fools. The comments are are largely from fools, and like the old proverb, you can walk a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink, who cares what the fool things? He’s going to perish for certain.
That drop in population is found in a world statistical report at On the upside they altered it a year or so back so it is not so extreme; something like only 59 million left in the country to now around 100 million last time I looked. We don’t have long to wait to see if they are accurate. Go to the bottom of the home page and down at the bottom on the right, click on the ‘countries’ link. It will take you to a spreadsheet of current statistics but at the top of that page is a link to view the 2025 forecast.
I don’t entirely disagree with the view that the entire structure of the country has to be burned down before it can be rebuilt. Not literally though. Virtually the entire government, all branches, and the vast, sprawling bureaucracy across the entire country would have to be replaced. I think even that would not be enough. In a very interesting interview from the mid-80s with G. Edward Griffin and a Russian security agent whose name escapes me for the moment, the people would first be ‘demoralized’ or dumbed down, with their values being reengineered and then the country would be taken over. He said the people will be so indoctrinated that they couldn’t see the truth if it was given to them with many proofs. We are already in that state. He said it would take at least 20 years to reverse this condition alone. In other words, there is no way to fix and change what the west has become without a long, extended period of suffering and deprivation.
The insertion of the black block is a cunning ploy. They have been exposed more than once having government plants. Some guys with masks in black trying to stir up anarchy and then someone notices they are wearing police-issue boots! After they are exposed they exit across police lines to safety. It always seems to work the same way. The police let them run riot and never interfere but then they turn on those who are simply protesting peacefully.
Viewing reality through outmoded ideological glasses will just fog over your thinking. You will cripple your ability to act in the same way stuffing your feet into undersized shoes undermines your ability to walk the long haul.
Plus you will lose your power as an individual to communicate effectively with others. Maybe it is just because I’ve discovered that when I open my mouth ( Mars/mercury natal conjunction) these days that I tend to anger people very quickly so I have learned to speak less and act more.
People care about their children —those who are even bothering to have them. They care about having non government organizations like churches in their communities and they care about the future. No one trusts the government, the educational system and increasingly the health care boondoggle.
So ranting and demonising the “right” or the “left” just plays into the distraction/diversion game and plays you for a sucker.
For example. The push to Electricfy everything by 2030….
How is it going to be possible to have the huge source of power to charge the (still inadequate) batteries without more nuclear plants? And what about the problem of disposal of their highly toxic to all life on Earth waste? And what about the police state that will be necessary to safely secure these plants/waste. And the technological priesthood required to run them?
I brought a conversation to a complete halt when I brought these questions up to someone hysterically repeating global warming talking points.
At least those who speak about population reduction so a select few can ride around the world on yachts while a few peons and many robots do the grunt work, are more logical in their proposals although not less fanciful.
We are all in this together. The wise understand that the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike.
You exaggerate the toxicity of battery production waste, but we must simply invent batteries that are not toxic, or safely recycle the toxic substances. Not beyond the whit of humanity, and preferable to ignoring the problem. In any case, we could also stick with ICEs, but power them with hydrogen produced using solar and wind energy. And we could downsize, too, voluntarily and slowly, rather than the rapid and precipitous decline that Mother Nature is in the process of inflicting upon us.
Mods, forgive me for just a momentary off topic, to respond to another off-topic.
On the battery toxicity issue I’ll respond fully in the cafe – there obviously is a lack of sheer practical knowledge and the exaggeration is not on Terranam’s side. Truly, those are the right questions and understanding the difference between real, and not ‘glib’ solutions extinction rebellion idiotic style. I’ve long wanted to look at what the non-western world is really doing, and that is of course the most interesting and extinction rebellion style discussion does not serve any good cause.
Back to topic.
Ramin’s essay is just too good to foul it up in the comments section and back to back to talking about a Western counter-revolution here and responding to Teranam13’s gentle commentary.
If I read Ramin correctly here, again the source of the Iranian gas hike protests is energy austerity. The yellow vest protests also started because of austerity programs. Humans today need reliable power sources. Reliable, cheap and clean energy for the world is a big problem to solve (as is water for the world) and the hegemon knows that, so, they are focused on destabilising and stealing those requirements for life because it makes life difficult. So, we have seen that energy is now fully weaponized and out in the open. Refer Venezuela where their own power systems were sabotaged over and over again.
It looks a fair comment to say that the human spirit is just railing and marching against austerity while those in black blocks are used as the foot soldiers for the ‘making life difficult just because we can’ western cadre.
One will have to research somewhat more, but it could be that austerity is the one aspect that divides real grassroots people’s protests from the fake kind.
>Why can such realities not be even be broached in Western media or by Western NGOs? To this, I have no satisfactory answer.
The mainstream western media are all directly controlled and are nothing more than propaganda tools. The ‘Ministry of Truth’ if you like. Alt-right media is largely infiltrated also or those running various platforms are so indoctrinated by the western propaganda machine that they actually agree with the Pompeo’s and Trump’s of the west. I’ve read statements by a few who say we should not speak badly of Americans because it is the politicians who are doing bad things and not the citizens. The problem with this view is that a large number, I’m positive, of the general public support, for the most part, the actions, and brutality of their government.
The average person never loses sleep thinking about what official government policy means when they say if these people want to eat, they must do this or that. It testifies to the inner corruption of individuals that they do’t see these actions as crimes against humanity, the genocide of non-combatants.
I am one westerner who does not fall for their propaganda. Lying has become so compulsive in western government that I consider them as lying whenever their lips move. I can no longer follow the noble idea of innocent until proven guilty. No, they are guilty until proven innocent. They deserve nothing else.
Murder by sanctions is pure Exceptionalism. After all did not that mummified corpse of a long spiritually dead feminazi, Albright, freely agree that the deaths of 500,000 children in Iraq, murdered by sanctions that she helped inflict, was ‘…worth it’. Not to forget another 500,000 or so adults. Albright, that forgetful old dear, had, somehow, over the years, forgotten that she was a Jewish human being, but she seems to, somehow, innately have arrived at the same Talmudic dogma that killing enemy civilians, even babies and children, was a mitzvah, or ‘good deed’. Killing a few million Iranians would be a veritable New Purim, cause for more drinking, eating Haman’s Ears or Hamantash and general celebration. I’m sure that Albright would approve.
The empire still.persists in showing his power. They went as far as causing the first and second world wars (not the living today but their heirs) so flexing their muscles today is nothing new. But they know they’re on the losing side now and that makes them panic. We haven’t seen the end of it..
“The terroristic inhumanity of their starvation-strangulation-sanction policy is something which can not be broached in Western media, NGOs, governments or among many Western citizens, as well.”
This is perhaps the greatest tragedy. The tangents and bots in the comments add to what is evident..
The civilization of Iran is leading the world as the most seasoned in global human affairs and Humanity is grateful for this perseverance.
As KRS-One puts it, the GUN will prevail.
Luckily for Iranians, their roots and culture have and will protect them endlessly.
Damet garm Ramin jan. Keep up the fantastic work.
I take issue with the use of the word “counter-revolutionary”. Mysterious shooting on protesters – most likely to incite them – happens in other countries too, such as Ukraine and Iraq. In those countries there is no revolution under attack.
Then there is the question of the sudden price rises. Even the NY Times had an article in which it wondered why the Iranian government was so clumsy – as the riots might very well have been prevented by some consultation and discussion. I found one article (from an Iranian source) that claimed that it was intentional. It claims that the Iranian government was aware of preparations for another color revolution uprising and had decided that the best way to counter that was to evoke that uprising now before the forces involved got stronger.