By Ramin Mazaheri and crossposted with PressTV
(Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of the books ‘I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China’ and the upcoming ‘Socialism’s Ignored Success: Iranian Islamic Socialism.’)

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei delivers a sermon to a crowd of tens of thousands during Friday prayers in the Iranian capital, Tehran, on January 17, 2020. (Photo by AFP)
Last Friday the leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, led Friday prayers in Tehran’s Imam Khomeini Grand Mosque for the first time in eight years.
For Iran it has been a January full of unjust tragedies provoked by Western aggression.
Adding insult to injury, Iranians watch the West try to spin their murderous violence into evidence of Iranian cultural failure.
Khamenei’s speech aimed to inspire a Iranian populace depressed at the lack of justice in global politics, and also aimed to politically analyse this dangerously critical time in global affairs.
And yet what the Western press took from the key speech was an offhand remark – Khamenei referred to US President Donald Trump as a “clown”. Every major Western media led with this remark, as if it constituted a prelude to war…. like it was an assassination or something.
I can’t believe the Western press truly finds the remark so insulting – every day across the English-speaking world Trump is called a “clown” (or worse) by thousands of politicians and columnists. Instead, I think they seized on that remark because they absolutely do not want to engage in any serious discussion about the recent tragedies created by Western aggression.
That is not new: four decades of Iranophobia has meant ignoring, distorting or reducing to a caricature the Iranian view of real-life, life-and-death political situations.
Oh well. Who really cares what the Western elite thinks?
Contrarily, people care what Khamenei has to say on ethics and politics, at least in the Muslim world.
Inside the full mosque were all the top Iranian politicians and military brass, who kneeled or sat cross-legged during his sermon. Outside the mosque was an enormous crowd, bundled up in the winter cold of mountainous Tehran.
It is very unfortunate that politically-minded Westerners have probably never taken – due to the Iranophobia and Islamophobia campaigns – just two minutes to seriously consider the words and ideas of Khamenei, the man who for decades has led the world’s most successful resistance to ever-more brutal Western capitalism-imperialism.
Can Western elite not stomach considering just one sermon every 8 years?
Listening to Khamenei is very different from listening to other politicians, as I must often do for my job.
Even if you disagree with Khamenei’s political views, he will at least tell you something about how to live your life better – he is a preacher and focused on such things. So he actually doesn’t waste your time, but it’s his humility which is such a refreshing change from Trump’s clowning and French President Emmanuel Macron’s (in)elegant elitism.
I usually learn nothing from the speeches of most Western politicians – most are filled with shameless lies, which then get relayed unquestioned by the Western Mainstream Media. Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov is a rare exception (and maybe not even a “Western politician?).
The moral part of Khamenei’s speech was based around Koranic verses from the chapter titled “Abraham”: Prophet Mohammad discussed how Moses had reminded the Jews of the inspiration, resilience and patience they had required to find their way out of the darkness of Egyptian murderousness, and that thanks must still be given despite any current tribulations. Remembering the blessing of being free from political despotism is the key, and the only way to receive even more blessings.
The fact that after Iranian General Qassem Soleimani’s assassination Iran’s top leaders are sitting around meditating on the virtues of Jews is completely unsurprising to anyone remotely aware of the tenets of Islam – however, I imagine that it is shocking to Westerners misled by ignorant Islamophobia.
It was an astute selection by Khamenei: Due to the tragedies of recent weeks it is not easy for Iranians to remember how very recently they, too, lived under the yoke of domineering bullies in London and Washington.
So, of course the West prefers to focus on Khamenei calling Trump a “clown” – they hardly want to remind anyone of such brutal realities from four decades ago. Indeed, they don’t want to remind anyone of brutal realities just three or four weeks ago.
Where are the higher sentiments from Western ‘humanist’ politicians?
Western secularism forbids openly drawing political lessons from religious sources, no matter how necessary and pragmatically useful such lessons might be.
Therefore, one would expect Western “humanist” politicians to often quote from some of their favourite literature and meditate publicly on that – surely they need lofty inspiration from somewhere, no?
Trump, famously, does not read anything.
If Macron has ever deeply discussed in public the finer thoughts of Western humanist works I am not aware of it – it is possible that he has fashionably name-dropped some of France’s favourite far-right thinkers, like Louis-Ferdinand Céline or Charlie Hebdo.
The West’s tabloid nature – both politically and journalistically – does a great disservice to the intellectual, emotional and ethical needs of their people. It primes them to greedily seize upon zero-calorie nonsense – such as yet another independent confirmation of Trump’s clownish presidency – rather than discuss more important things during such a critical and dangerous time.
Superficial nonsense is not Khamenei’s style. Politically, he focused on the shocking disgrace of the US due to their latest assassination – of Soleimani and his Iraqi comrades.
Khamenei pointed out that the US kills so very many, many people in the Muslim World and yet they never openly admit it. For example, every Afghan wedding party bombing is always a “tragic accident”.
Such dishonesty really rankles Khamenei – it has always seemed to me that he takes as a personal insult the “arrogance” Washington displays by assuming that nobody can see right through the lies and omissions regarding their dastardly war crimes. However, Khamenei noted that Washington had no choice but to be honest about their shocking slaying of Soleimani and his Iraqi counterparts.
And what could be more disgraceful than openly admitting that you are a terrorist?
Thus, the political aspect of Khamenei’s sermon focused on the tremendous disgrace being heaped upon the US and their system.
Again, across the West they preferred to focus on the offhand “clown” remark rather than Khamenei’s far-reaching analysis: Soleimani’s death is actually a mighty blow against the West because there is no way the US can undo the damage done to their image.
It is undoubtedly accurate.
Americans might be subjected to analyst after analyst rationalising the brutal, inhuman slaying – and the Orwellian attempt to call an anti-terror hero a “terrorist” – but nobody outside the US believes such nonsense for a moment. And certainly not in the Muslim World, where the US is (allegedly) trying to “win over hearts and minds”, as Washington so often puts it.
Khamenei’s analysis is astute – anyone who knows anything about Shia culture and modern Iranian culture knows that Soleimani’s death will inevitably become to be viewed as an inspiration, not a failure.
Western journalists seem to only want to talk about a few things – the environment (a political issue which contains zero class component), celebrity culture and how Trump is a clown. When Khamenei says the last one – for some reason it is big news.
That is not the big news.
What is important is the slaying of Soleimani, the Washington-provoked war climate which caused the downing of the Ukrainian airliner, and the duplicitous refusal of the US and Europe to uphold their end of the JCPOA treaty on Iran’s nuclear energy program.
Iran has a deeply-embedded revolutionary culture which repeatedly puts the focus on serious things, and that will not change. What will also likely not change is the tabloid, empty focus of Western journalists and politicians.
What is unfortunate for Iran and the Muslim World is that such a focus gives them so much cover to commit so much war and misery.
Khamenei gave the West a once-in-decade chance to listen and understand why he commands so much international respect – they foolishly chose to fault him for saying something which seemingly all the world has been saying for three consecutive years.
Khamenei’s political intelligence is abundantly available online, in case Western journalists ever get serious. He does talk about Islam, which some non-believers will intolerantly get hung up on, but he also spends an equal amount of time talking about stolen natural resources, the vital importance of international resistance to colonialism, standing strong against any form of tyranny, and protecting the dignity of the oppressed.
Khamenei’s speeches are so refreshing precisely because I never hear such ideas from Western politicians, even though they endlessly talk about the alleged moral superiority of Western humanism.
Perhaps the sad reality which the West doesn’t want to admit is: they no longer care about such ideas.
There is no western journalism, only propagandists and yellow pens for hire (just take a look at the attitude towards Russia, even after 30 years of post Cold War climate).
It’s a waste of time to even try to explain anything to these criminal enablers. Such rancid lot should not be saved, let the rot eat them to their end, even that far I doubt they regret their follies.
It’\s not “even after”.
It’s “failures of socialism over there make us Progressives here look bad”. Just like with North Korea. Just like the objecting to Drag Queen Story Time on the ground that it makes the LGBLBBQ crowd “look like” they are too interested in kids.
What “matters” is bad PR.
Calling Trump or any other western leader a clown is being polite.
They are mass murderers, liars, manipulators, deceivers, plowers and plunderers.
They kill millions and call it bringing freedom and democracy.
I am not a Muslim but I have to honor the leaders of the arc or the resistance such as Nasrallah, Hezbollah, Soleimani, and Khamenei for aiding all the people of the region.
Priests in church sermons in Aleppo honor them for their critical assistance in the fight against the western backed liver eaters.
Western leaders and their agents excel and rejoice in being deceptive, in sowing chaos, suffering, destruction, and death. Do they represent ‘western civilization’?
It is an intellectual error of the first magnitude to define a thing by its distortion. Once one does this one becomes lost in a fog of confusion about that thing and precludes oneself from even being able to understand that thing. It is vital that we emancipate our understanding of Western humanism from the distorted definition of that thing. This I see as critical because the distortion of the meaning of Western humanism is a major propaganda plank of the capitalist ruling class. What the capitalist bourgeoisie find vital for their social control is to decouple the sacred tradition that gives rise to Western humanism and then control its definition. They have been doing this for more than a century. Their controlled academics then are paid to advance a definition of humanism that is thoroughly bourgeois. That is a definition that they read as fundamentally devoid of any anchoring in sacred spiritual values. This absolutely and provably false and this distorted definition of Western Humanism is then sold to the public as the real meaning of Western humanism. And people everywhere believe it. They are schooled into defining a thing by its distortion. This is very culturally sophisticated narrative control on behalf of the craven egoism of the bourgeois class. It is no more than a definition of humanism that crowns and safeguards the supremacy of egoism. That being their real intent. The danger that people like Ramin, Pepe Escobar and the Saker, and so many other good people viewing from outside the Western cultural paradigm, are exposed to is to accept this false and distorted (thoroughly bourgeois) propaganda driven definition of humanism as accurate. Then the consequence becomes glaringly apparent. Western humanism is condemned as spiritually self negating and rejected. The deeper truth is that humanism, properly understood, is spiritually progressive and potentially spiritually empowering and liberating. But to understand this requires being sufficiently culturally sophisticated to be able to differentiate between the authentic definition of humanism and its distorted definition. The crux of the matter is that differentiation is a matter of class struggle in the cultural sphere. Why so? Because the ruling bourgeoise make damn sure that is the case. They seek to own for their own purposes our definition of “humanism.” Remember Alice in Wonderland. The master is one who says what the words mean.
In truth Western humanism is a spiritual journey inside culture itself to recover a full and liberating experience of the divine Self. It holds within it the promise of the holistic fulfillment of Christian Civilization, and the great liberation that we all seek. Without the living substance of progressive humanism civilization is lost. So when someone, with all good intentions, condemns Western humanism please keep in mind that all they are doing is saying they don’t like the distorted bourgeois definition of it.
Thank you very much! Wonderful! It’s quite a while that I’ve been waiting for someone to explain this well and you just did. No further explanation necessary.
I understand what you are saying S.L.
It has to do with placing nice-sounding labels (names of things) on bottles ot poison…to confuse the thoughtless victims and suckers of little to no discernment
Secular humanism, is thus used, deploying the advantages of earlier spirituality and scientific discovery (of an older, classical humanism) in order to ditch the spiritual impulse which sparked the advancement…………and so indulge a superficial egoism that never could have been the real, original spark.of those advances ..and to deny, at all costs, the benefits to the less materially fortunate of the planet…..and hog them, like swine.
The whole ‘Western civilization’ is based on distortions of the basic principles and concepts of traditional societies. “Humanism’ is just one case in point:
Already in the second century AD, a Latin grammarian, Aulus Gellius (c. 125 – c. 180), complained:
“Those who have spoken Latin and have used the language correctly do not give to the word ‘humanitas’ the meaning which it is commonly thought to have, namely, what the Greeks call φιλανθρωπία (philanthropy), signifying a kind of friendly spirit and good-feeling towards all men without distinction; but they gave to ‘humanitas’ the force of the Greek παιδεία (paideia); that is, what we call ‘eruditionem institutionemque in bonas artes’, or “education and training in the liberal arts”. Those who earnestly desire and seek after these are most highly humanized. For the desire to pursue of that kind of knowledge, and the training given by it, has been granted to humanity alone of all the animals, and for that reason it is termed ‘humanitas’, or “humanity”.
‘Humanities’, or the ‘liberal arts’ were practised in the whole of Christianity as propedeutics to theology. The restriction of the meaning to the vague ‘love of humanity’ with the exclusion of the ‘supernatural’ and the afterlife is the intellectual crime perpetrated by the ‘Enlightenment’ in preparation of the crimes perpetrated by all subsequent ‘revolutions’ in the name of ‘humanity’.
Anon: You make my very point nicely. I do like the quotation you offered. You articulated the distortion that the egoism of the ruling class places upon authentic spiritual culture very well. Of course the patriarchal Roman ruling class is going to be the forerunner of the contemporary bourgeois distortion of culture for class purposes. Culturally speaking we still live inside the Roman empire. Too an extent at least. I would argue that the perspective of the ruling class is no place to attempt to situate “the foundations of Western Civilization.” Essentially, to rule the ruling classes must feel that they and they alone control the definition and meaning of Civilization themselves. They win when we accept their definitions and then allow ourselves to become alienated from the culture which “they” define. The point is the ego driven ruling classes do not actually create the culture. That has authentic divine origins. It is evolution in depth. They can distort culture but they don’t “own” it. They do not even really make it. They just attempt to control how we think about it, all for the sake of their own rule. As Jose Marti taught the Cubans; liberation comes from culture. Hence the struggle over interpretive definitions becomes critical. Marti’s point being our liberation is now a struggle to properly understand the divine spirit of evolution inside our own culture. Really there is no other way. Neither do we need one. The task is to adequately liberate our own cultural consciousness. This is a spiritual labor essential to genuine democracy. Then everything can fall into place.
My dear, your point is correct, but your condemnation of the Enlightenment is unjust. In other words, one cannot simply throw Kant and Voltaire into the trash, solely on the fact that other people, after they died, took some parts of their ideas, distorted them and used them for their own purposes – at the same time protecting themselves behind the shadow of those “great thinkers”.
It’s the same destiny of the poor Karl Marx who, albeit having really been a great thinker, is often made responsible for the distorted use of his ideas which happened after his death.
Another flaw is this: I often read here people complaining about “humanism”, but the meaning they give to this word is always pure anglo-saxon invention. In fact no heir of the Latin culture use that term with a different meaning from what you explained citing a Latin author. At least, not until the US-pseudoculture comes and destroys the last glimpses of european tradition remaining.
Gab; Nicely said on your part. We do see an example of defining a thing through its distortion. Regards!
Those ‘some other people’ did not distort in any way Voltaire’s words about Christianity:
“La nôtre [religion] est sans contredit la plus ridicule, la plus absurde, et la plus sanguinaire qui ait jamais infecté le monde.
“Ours [i.e., the Christian religion] is assuredly the most ridiculous, the most absurd and the most bloody religion which has ever infected this world. Your Majesty will do the human race an eternal service by extirpating this infamous superstition, I do not say among the rabble, who are not worthy of being enlightened and who are apt for every yoke; I say among honest people, among men who think, among those who wish to think. … My one regret in dying is that I cannot aid you in this noble enterprise, the finest and most respectable which the human mind can point out.”
The ‘Enlightenment’ took to the letter the solution suggested by Voltaire: “Ecrasez l’infame’ (crush the infamous, i.e. the Church). Diderot suggested the details of the operation: “Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest”.
The blueprint of all revolutions.
Re: “Oh well. Who really cares what the Western elite thinks?”
My question to you is what the elites outside the West think?
Just one example is the following essay, which describes “Washington’s favorite anti-Iran mantra, namely, that Iran is “the world’s greatest state sponsor of terrorism.”
After 20 years, it is fairly obvious that the “War on Terror” is based on fundamental lies and the greatest sponsor of terror is the US and its allies. It relies on elites throughout the world who “co-operate” with the terrorists.
Saker has said Americans “just want their country back”. I have a feeling that is a sentiment raging throughout the world.
How many millions of displaced people just want to go home and live in peace?
Santa Fe, NM
The Supreme Leader was correct in his characterization of Trump as a clown. He is a clown and a Zionist stooge to boot.
His abject and servile service on behalf of Israel will be recalled for accelerating America’s collapse and descent into irrelevance.
Iran will outlast him – just like it has all his predecessors since Jimmy Carter – and continue on its path to being, not only the key player in the region, but to play a pivotal role globally. Iran just like in its past as Persia, is destined for greatness.
Along the way, the IIC [idiot in chief] has made the world a vastly more dangerous place.
No more so than for himself, his family and the thuggish goons he calls his cabinet.
None of these people will be safe again especially after the new years murders…ever.
This clown is basically illiterate when it comes to history, geopolitics, diplomacy, and even common decency.
He will reap the consequences of his actions.
-Along the way, the IIC [idiot in chief] has made the world a vastly more dangerous place.
Trump is facing all things dangers:
1.Being poisoned (he prefer to order street food)
2.Being shot by “a lone lunatics”
3.Being nuked (a nuke shelter is being build for White House)
4.Getting a hijacked passenger plane into head
5.Being subjected to enegy weaponry
No one could guess who would be assasinated first of Trump or Soleimani.
The “lone lunatic” is always #1, at least in USA.
But then, it’s not like Trump didn’t know it at the start. Even without going against Mrs “I See Dead People”. So on top of the implicit danger of a looming civil war erupting should he become a martyr (which is not enough — as Moldbug pointed out, violent conflict usually happens when both sides think they are likely to win), he had specific safeguards (the most obvious was hanging out with Erik Prince).
-The Supreme Leader was correct in his characterization of Trump as a clown
Then you admit most Western journalists are rigth after all.
-His abject and servile service on behalf of Israel
More likely: Bibi’s servile service on behalf of USA
Important contribution by Engdahl on Uncle $cam’s latest fit of frenzy against Iran & Iraq:
In our human brain there’s dopamine & endorphins. These chemicals drive our being (physical) and using a metaphor ~ a well oiled engine. In every cell of our body is our mind. Simple teachings are from Tao, an ancient practice that the time beginning studying our energy/ies, is not actually known as an exact. The western world has been brainwashed via Hollywood and Edward Bernays’ Public Relations in New York, 1925, beginning. The west is not that great, but then the east has had its problems, too. Sun Tzu escaped from one of the worst Emperors of China, and wrote “The Art of War”. War? No War! How to psychologically do what Sun Tzu did? The brains during Sun Tzu’s time were not dead / completely drugged / brainwashed totally. The time appears to be time that the East, North, South, co-create balance in the west. A daunting task. Nuclear powers. Japan was/is the reminder of how the west can absolutely annihilate a people-country, in cold-blooded mass murder. Palestine, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and the South too, Cuba, Venezuela, Et Al. INTENTION-ATTENTION? My understanding the City of London rules the planet Earth, or IT has decided IT does. The puppets (aka clowns) are unconscionable. These morons have no dopamine nor endorphins in their brains. Therefore, their minds are defunct. Whatever is used to control these brain dead vile creatures is truly a horror film. Clowns? Monsters! The City of London, where the Balfour Declaration was decided, is the critical mass maniacal problem. We, the compos mentis must all decide. Our brains have to use the power of imagination and change the insanity into the higher level of truth: Love.
BiloxiMarxKelly: “I’m basically copacetic with your sentiments, (id est, “The City of London, where the Balfour Declaration was decided, is the critical mass maniacal problem”), however”: I find objectionable. Just a personal opinion here, from personal experience, but it is awareness, that is located in every cell of the body, not mind. The mind is outside of the body, that is why we can speak of an out-of-body-experience, which occurs in the mind – outside of the body. Were the mind in every cell of the body, then to have an out-of-body experience, would be to go out of our minds, when it is in fact, an experience of joining our mind. Ergo, awareness is in every cell, awareness is in every iota of existence. Lastly, there exists no mind-body connection; there is only a correspondence between the mind and the body, for the monad is outside of the body as well. The body co-responds to either the wishes (hallucinations) or the demands (rational sanity) of the mind. It is the wall of fear that one must pass through to discover that no mind exists in the body, and once through, there is only mind and no body, or any body.
“Russian foreign minister Sergey Lavrov is a rare exception (and maybe not even a “Western politician?).”
This sentence really struck me.The intelligence and moral qualities of Sergey Lavrov are widely recognized, but he is from the East not the west !
He represents Russian politics and humanism, but his position holds him accountable to diplomacy, to speak the language that is understood, and that is confusing, as Russia has an enormous wealth of spiritual and cultural humanism.
One cannot say who cares what they think, elitist or otherwise, as it matters a tremendous amount to western peoples that they hear true moral values and spirituality from the east, and not only their material achievements and advancements, and extraordinary ability to counter the endless, mammoth aggression.
I like to think that, as the 21st century progresses, we are seeing more and more human beings who are citizens of the world rather than Americans, British, Europeans, Russians, Chinese or anything else so limited and provincial.
“Lifeboat Earth” is the telling phrase that encapsulates that truth. Like it or not, we are all aboard the lifeboat and there is nowhere else to go – unless you have the time, money, resources, determination and energy to build a sustainable habitat on Mars or the Moon.
The criminals who have been doing their utmost to kill others in the lifeboat or – worse still – to capsize it altogether are the enemies of everyone.
Awesome post, Mr. Welsh! “Lifeboat Earth” ~ I’m picking it up.
Sure, the levelers of diversity, cultural and historical wealth fought for and built up over centuries would applaud.
Citizens of the world, one language, one gender, governed by one government. Lazy thinking.
IMO Khamenei was showing incredible restraint in simply calling him a clown.
And if you want a prize example of cognitive dissonance then look no further than Trump’s speech at Davos.
Begins at 49.40…
50.16…”The US is in an economic BOOM the likes of which the world has never seen before.”
50.43…”America is thriving…America is flourishing, and yes America is winning again like never before.”
I will hazard a guess that a BOOM is indeed imminent…but not in the sense that this idiot used it.
(sigh) Welcome to planet Earth. It’s called rhetoric. It’s a common feature of speeches emanating from governmental chairs and political figures. Which is part of why Earthlings in right mind tend to not take these too literally. =)
[sigh]you said…
“It’s a common feature of speeches emanating from governmental chairs and political figures.”
This may well be common to you but spin it however you like, to me this is an astonishing level of outright ridiculous bullshite.
If it all goes boom with Trump in office…which is almost guaranteed IF he gets his second term… then he will have that much egg on his face he will be looking like an obscenely oversized orange omelet.
You can spin it however you like but to me, this level of “rhetoric” is completely irresponsible.
double sigh
Thanks, Ramin.
I love to listen to Khamenei’s voice. Sometimes in the heat of battle, with sound and fury all around, there is a link from somewhere to a statement from the Leader, and for a couple of minutes one can enjoy the soothing sound of sanity.
I can hear the aggrieved pain in your article, Ramin Mazaheri, and I share it, that even pearls cast before swine would enjoy more natural grace than one can find in the perverted, sub-human squeal of western media, confronted with the eminently human wisdom of Seyyed Khamenei.
You’re beeing too unrealist with the West’s leadership . It’s evil. You don’t discuss or reflecr on possible changes/adjustments from these people. It’s a waste of time. They want to dominate the world and anything goes. They see that are loosing out and that explains the extremism of their actions. Rocky road ahead .
-Western journalists seem to only want to talk about a few things – the environment (a political issue which contains zero class component), celebrity culture and how Trump is a clown.
Then it is a paradox Khamenei is just repeating the mantra of Western journalists.
Something important happened in Virginia last days. For Iranians it will likely be “Clown Trump – a Washington DC dude – promotes gun confiscation” ?
Hi Ramin,
When will your new book, ‘Socialism’s Ignored Success: Iranian Islamic Socialism’, be available? I am looking forward to reading it.
As a Christian, I have been pleasantly surprised by the generosity and hospitality of ordinary Muslims on more than a few occasions.
In what ways does religion and culture play into the economic situation in Iran?
(And we must keep in mind that, because of the severe sanctions, the people in Iran have been toughened – which is a GOOD thing… like Auslander was saying about the hard life in rural Russia. And, also because of the severe sanctions, we must consider that maybe Iran’s socialist economic system would currently be working much better if there were no sanctions!)
I saw your article on Press TV as well. You are correct in your observations. I agree with what you say.
All well and good but the author seems to forget the role the Mullahs played in the overthrow of the Iranian socialism.
I don’t think the author “forgets.”
I think the author probably knows that—as I have read recently—under the Shah the only possible centers of some freedom and resistance were the mosques. This is why resistance to the shah developed under the leadership of the mullahs.
Or, are you saying that the mullahs played a role in the coup that destroyed Mossadegh?
If so, can you document that?
Methinks there are several factions amongst the mullahs too — just like in the rest of Irânian society.
But we do indeed recount that the Islam- toting factions used a progressing salami set of tactics to slice away the other groups that had participated in the toppling and overthrow of mister Muhammad Reza Pahlavi, thus gutting much of the hopes for other democratic and even more socialist developments.
Very interesting… Could you provide some sources?
Calling Donald Trump a clown is a high insult … to clowns of all type.
in fact, Americans in general should be honored that Trump was described in a manner that actually raised his moral stature … by being compared to a clown.
“Western secularism forbids openly drawing political lessons from religious sources, no matter how necessary and pragmatically useful such lessons might be.”
Al Anfal: 56-63
“The ones with whom you made a treaty but then they break their pledge every time, and they do not fear Allah.
So if you, [O Muhammad], gain dominance over them in war, disperse by [means of] them those behind them that perhaps they will be reminded.
If you [have reason to] fear from a people betrayal, throw [their treaty] back to them, [putting you] on equal terms. Indeed, Allah does not like traitors.
And let not those who disbelieve think they will escape. Indeed, they will not cause failure [to Allah ].
And prepare against them whatever you are able of power and of steeds of war by which you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them whom you do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And whatever you spend in the cause of Allah will be fully repaid to you, and you will not be wronged.
And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon Allah . Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing.
But if they intend to deceive you – then sufficient for you is Allah . It is He who supported you with His help and with the believers
And brought together their hearts. If you had spent all that is in the earth, you could not have brought their hearts together; but Allah brought them together. Indeed, He is Exalted in Might and Wise.”
The west could certainly try to relearn this from Sharia!
Well Ramin you are correct.
The point is the US has decided to eliminate iran from the map of time.
Meaning the current regime.
The point is Iran has decided to eliminate Israel from the map of time and westerners from ME.
That is clash of civilization.
And Iran will be oblitarated if AngloZio empire deem it possible.
The only thing protecying Iran is its capacity to bomb Israel and all PG oil field.
That being said in current WAR.
Iran will need to either dramatically notch up the ante with robust actions. Or submit on the long run.
Getting out of the NPT is a way to do that.
Or severe assymetric retaliation against ME oil field or US troops.
However Strong coordination with China and Russia will be needed at some point.
If Iran is (re)integrated to AngloZio. That is the loss of all ME and next century slavery for China and Russia.
Clear enough ?
Yes, my Anonymous friend, that’s clear enough.
Now tell us something we don’t know. Like, how can Uncle $cam “obliterate” the Persian govt when various Mighty Men from Uncle (Carter, Raygun, Klingon, Bash Sr, Bash Jr, Obombast and Chump) have been slogging away with poison gas and slagging away with poison words for decade after decade of failure?.
@ Maroudas
Not correct. At all.
Previous administration took Iran as a potential treat to be contained.
The Trump administration, and correctly so, take Iran as an exitential treat to be seriously dealt with.
That is quite quantitative leap in strategical clash.
“treat”…Freudian slip methinks, LOL.
Yep…if Warshington gets their way in Iran there will indeed be abundant treats to pilfer.
Very much like how the Brittish Empire conducted themselves in a bygone era…talk about potential deja vu!
Iran has been continually victimized and pilfered by the West for well over a century…is it any surprise at all that they are totally pissed off.
Best regards
Furthermore, I don’t even know where to start with the second sentence because it is utter nonsense.
The Trump admin not only continues the ANZ’s victimization of Iran it vastly amplifies it.
Here we are again with the same old tattered playbook they bring out to deal with any sovereign state that is not a groveling compliant vassal. This is hegemonic hysterical paranoia pure and simple. Surely only a troll or a rabid neocon would endorse this stance.
“Thus, the political aspect of Khamenei’s sermon focused on the tremendous disgrace being heaped upon the US and their system.”
Americans seem to have no further concept of disgrace: the open lack of honor and honesty—not to even mention compassion, humility, sincerity.
Despite the constant blather about “values.”
In other words, they are shameless. You have to have some values in order to feel shame.
Seems like all that Americans of good conscience can do is feel shame for the rest of the country, and their clownish leaders.
BTW, the excoriation of Khameini for simply repeating what others are saying is IMO probably version 2.0 of “He’s a bastard, but he’s our bastard.”
“He’s a clown, but he’s our clown. You don’t get to say the obvious because you are, by definition, beneath all of us. We do the defining and name-calling for the whole planet—not you!”
In light of Trump’s incessant name-calling it is also a way to reduce Khameini to Trump’s level: this is a spat between two childish bullies.
Focusing on the “clown” comment is partly meant to rile up Trump’s base and further divide this country.
Anyhow, thanks to Ramin for this report and analysis.
I haven’t, actually, listened to the speech. Is it linked somewhere here?
I have also read the speech. The entire text in English and looked thru the passages in Farsi each place he either mentioned the resident “Trump” or “Clown” in no case do the two nounes occur in one and the same sentence. The term “clown” does not accur in the singular, only in such a phrase as “clowns in the White House” — so, several clowns are the butts of his ridiculing, and not specifically Mr. Trump himself.
Not caring about those ideas has numerous reasons, but one of them is the complete rejection (in the Western society) of the traditional old Europe way of thinking, which has been substituted by the young, empty, ignorant and childish american “culture”, which in fact is the sum of: 1) a complete lack of tradition, 2) moralistic view of the world, 3) uttermost arrogance, 4) sly propaganda of lies, especially jewish one, 5) idiotic mercantilism, 6) cult of the money-god.
Even the most bloodthirsty Aristocracy is preferable to this kind of democratic crap.
The simple reason the West doesn’t listen to speeches by Khamenei is because they perceive themselves as the stronger, therefore they don’t have to listen. Same with Putin, Assad, Maduro and all the others. Simple power economics.
And unfortunately, Putin’s bizarre behavior toward Iran empowers the West/USA/NATO. Instead of standing up to the West or at least backing Iran verbally, Putin openly humiliates them by offering S-400 to Iraq and chastising them to “stick to the 2015 nuclear deal”. Russia doesnt offer a word of support to Iran even at the UN, where they can at lest say something. But no, total silence. Putin must really be under the Joo’s thumb to work against his own interests. If Iran falls, Russia is next on the chopping block. Iran should really come up with a new plan fast otherwise they are toast.
As The Saker pointed out here /short-intermission-of-sorts-with-a-few-apparently-needed-explanations/
Russia has no need nor desire to telegraph their moves vis a vis Iran, but certainly they will be there behind the scenes.
To paraphrase The Saker, the first america will know of it will be when U.S. soldiers start to die in large numbers.
Danged if I haven’t been experiencing such horror these past few weeks. This deranged guy who lives across town is constantly threatening me with imminent destruction, saying he’s going to destroy my property, kill my livestock, the same for my family for reasons I cannot rationalize. Plea’s to the police fall on deaf ears. It was as if they were in bed with this guy’s evil design. I have determined it is because he covets my farm. I went to work and when I came home, my property was ashes, my livestock burned alive and one of my precious child’s life taken way too soon. The rest of my family are living in constant terror. I now know the depths of horror evil can bring to my doorstep. This psycho now expects me to pay him half my wages to rebuild what he destroyed and he is the only guy who can do the work. The police look on with indifference. I can say unequivocally the Golden Rule has long since died in this man’ mind.
Now, to bring this parable into the real world, replace me with the Iraqi people…the deranged guy with Trump, my destroyed home, property, livestock and child for what we have all witnessed happen since 2003 to countless innocent Iraqi’s. One doesn’t need to presume the daily terror the Iraqi people have experienced. The police can be replaced with both the UN security council and the MIC. The real rub is now Trump is demanding the Iraqi’s give to the US oil companies 50% of their oil revenues for all the destruction ISIS had brought to their dismal reconstruction efforts. One of his favorite weapons, sanctions as his overt threat. Iraqi PM Modhi shares with us his covert threats.
A few days ago, I came across a letter written by Iraqi PM Mohdi stating he had been threatened by Trump were he not to rescind all the reconstruction and oil contracts he and his delegation signed in China the weeks prior. Of all things, with snipers on buildings shooting protesters and security personnel alike. Can you say Maidan 2014? Not so much as a peep from anyone about the gravity of what his letter stated. Now, I find that a far more credible source than me has reported the same thing…William Engdahl reports on the letter in NEO. Folks, that letter in a nutshell demonstrates exactly the antithesis to the Golden Rule that rules Trump and his followers, pure and simple. What troubles me more is Trump and his rabid sociopathic ziocon cabinet and followers indifference to the evil perpetrated in every American’s name.
What in the lords name did you do to this fella to have him throw down his wrath upon your family, livestock and land? No one in their right mind takes the time or initiative or risk of being caught to go to that level of destruction. And if it was true, how is it you have the time to wander around the internet comparing past atrocities to your personal life today?
When someone declares war upon me, and I then accept the declaration, it takes most all my time to recover from the losses of said declaration.
for those of you that have not read his sermon i post the link to the full version here.
OK, I read “US murders” in title, but no mention of this. different story.
Anyone hear of this guy, Abdul Reza Shahlai, some ‘Iranian military man’, who supposedly survived a hit on him recently?
There’s some inet blatherers of the usual ilk (paid hucksters & war pimps on the payroll) spewing this, maybe makes me think it is floated as as a smug warning but hasn’t happened yet!
“Clown” is indeed what Donald Trump is, a professional live entertainer.
He is also a murderer, but both terms are too generic to be meaningful.
Since the western media is looking for something stupid to frenzy over, what is needed is something like the insult-exchange between Trump & Kim Jong-in.
“Drone-tard” would be apropos. Now all we need is some world leader or luminary to tweet it out loud.
One correction,
the word Jew (Yahudi, from yahuda, Judah in english) didn’t exist at that time, they are referred to as Banu Israel (or bani Israel, children of israel in english) in Quran at the time of Firaun (Pharaoh). Bani Israel was comprised of all the tribes of yakub (jacob in english, later changed to israel), the jewish faith didnt exist at that time. The Quran uses the word jew when it refers to the community of bani Israel(not for the whole bani israel) which was left after the events of breaking of the kingdom of Israel following the death of nabi suleiman (Solomon), enslavement of bani israel, loss of most of the tribes of Israel from history, changing of the Torah by the rabbis and their return to Jerusalem again, building up to the birth of the Messiah, Isa (Jesus Christ).
Alabama…I was using a parable to highlight what has happened to the Iraqi people. Just a literary attempt to have the reader consider a fictional description of exactly what has happened to countless innocent Iraqi’s. Anybody tries that with me in real life…serious hot lead heading downrange. I wouldn’t hold back. That’s for dang sure.