The Old Rome and the Third Rome came together and they are winning. Cat Motja
The Battle for liberation of Germany. Part I.
Recently while talking to my German pal, I said that Russians liked Germans more than any other Europeans. With the exception of Serbs, of course. He swallowed his beer and didn’t respond, probably because he didn’t believe me.
Next, I saw some of Motja’s thoughts and ideas about Germany, which were very similar to mine.
As an illustration of some of Cat’s points, I want to begin with a story of a young Russian nurse, who worked in one of the Moscow hospitals where she met a young German doctor who came there to do a year-long medical fellowship.
They liked each other, they dated, they fell in love and decided to start a family together.
He thought that for his career it would be better for him to work in Germany, and he went back home and took his bride along with him.
A month later, however, she returned to Moscow, and told to all her friends and wrote on her blog that she had escaped absolute horror, and that she would never, ever return to Germany. Naturally, people asked her legitimate questions like “Is he a sadist?” and “Did he torture you?”
Her answer was: “No, not at all. Actually he is a perfectly nice guy.”
Since he was the one working and she was enrolled at school, they rented a small apartment that they kept absolutely freezing, because it was too expensive to turn on the heat.
After coming home from work, he would turn every single light off and sit in the dark, for the same reason they never watched TV. They never went out, never went to a bar or a party, never invited friends over, and no one ever invited them. For dinner he would take one slice of meat, one potato and one piece of bread and he would serve the same for her. She wasn’t allowed to flush the toilet during the day, for fear of the water bill.
People wrote comments to her saying that it could be because he was the only one working and that things would be different once she got a job. She said that didn’t believe this to be true, because (and this is the most important part) he was absolutely happy with his life and considered this way of living to be the best and the only way. He even criticized Russians for being wasteful for living in warm apartments, having many holidays with so much food and going out too frequently, since it wasn’t productive.
As far as I remember she soon married some Russian guy and went on having a life that most young professional Russians have, which might look from outside as having too much of good time.
To get an idea, glimpse at these candid pics of the Russian villagers’ life.
The abandoned groom went on living his frugal, German life — which is getting promising every moment in terms of becoming even more frugal.
What I am trying to say is that how incredibly easy is it to indoctrinate people into believing that self-abuse and depravity is good for them. How easy is it to instill into them an idea that unnecessary sacrifice is their national character trait.
From Cat Motja’s twitter feed
As a reminder, back in 1996 when the US and international occupational regime in Russia had rigged election and re-elected Yeltsin for the second time, it was Chubais who had conveyed the threat of the Western governments. On Feb 6, 1996 in Davos Chubais said, ” if a communist elected as president of Russia this would inevitably lead to BLOODSHED.”
Do you understand? They were saying to the Russia’s military and security services that they would drown the country in blood, if their occupational government is toppled.
This week in Davos…
- Chubais: “World has turned upside down. This kind of horror in Davos I remember only once, in 2009 at the time of the financial collapse. This year the most correct description of the common feeling in Davos is the feeling of horror from the global political catastrophe.”
Commenting this Chubais’s interview, Peskov said: “We don’t know what’s going on in Davos, but here in Moscow everything is in order, there is no “horror,” we keep working.”
Among the menagerie of magical creatures populating the Slavic folklore, it has been noticed a house-elf type of evil spirit who, existing along with people in their dwellings, creates mayhem and devours positive energy. The creature’s name is Chubas in Russian, Chubis in Ukraine and Chubais in Latvian. The creature doesn’t eat bread and meat, doesn’t drink kvas, but nourishes itself on people’s grief and pain. First, chubais moves into just one house, and if it isn’t chased out, it can devastate an entire region. In fairytales it’s being depicted as a rusty colored rat with human face.
I didn’t write about so called “assassination attempt” in Macedonia in December. I will write about this later, when I get more facts, but in case someone from Macedonia reads this, please don’t believe when media tells you that Russia is behind “color revolution,” political assassinations, or any kind of putsch.
- Germany should not be the only one country to blame for the First and Second World War. The Great Britain and the USA took very active part in facilitating those two wars. Historical research.
There is a way out….
Putin and Germany
- In August 2014, President Putin said that we can never forget the lessons of the World War II. However, German people cannot be held for thousands of years responsible for what Hitler had done. Many Germans had died fighting with fascism, also.
“Our country was in war not with Germany, but with the Nazi Germany. Germans were the first victims of Nazism,” said Putin.
- A German politician says that “There is only one reason why the world isn’t in war right now, and it’s because Russian people have elected President Putin.”
- In 2012 Putin offered to German football team to play for Russia, and Russian football team to play for Germany for the World Championship, adding that the athletes would feel an increase sense of responsibility if they played for another country
- Putin about Americans during the WWII. “The American capital bought an auto company Opel before the war, and they owned Opel during the war, despite of the tragedy of the WWII. The Americans never bombed even one Opel’s plant.”
- Daughter of Mikhail Tal, a World Chess Champion, moves to Russia after years of living in Latvia and Germany. She says that Russian society is recovering, while Western society is spiritually dead.
- Our commentator the Kulak says, “NATO is more like US-ATO:” Germany pays payments to NATO for its own occupation
NATO’s already dead.
— Jubal E. Harshaw (@alimhaider) January 17, 2017
- Sahra Wagenknecht, a German politician and a member of the Die Linke party suggested that Germany and Russia should form a military alliance.
A Russia-Germany Military union would make all other military unions obsolete.
Their favorite thing to do is to separate us into groups and then to pin us against each other.
Let’s take, for example, this innocuous text title: “Whom should WE consider to be Slavs?’
It’s an interview with Vladimir Napolskih, corresponding member of Russia’s Academy of Science RAS, doctor of history, professor, senior researcher of the Institute of social communication at Udmurt state University.
“Accordingly, WE call those people Slavic who speak Slavic languages or at least think in Slavic languages.”
“Thus , the Slavs lived in Eastern Germany in the middle ages, but most of them (except for the Sorbs) lost their language and identity, and today their descendants, the Germans, which impossible to call Slavs, and to separate them from the Germans “of non-Slavic origin” is also impossible.”
Do you understand how this info virus works? They tell us that if we live across the border from Russia, we are not Russians, even if we speak the Russian language. We are Ukrainian or Belorussian. If some of us live across the next border and don’t speak a Slavic language, they are not even Slavs, teaches Mr. Napolskih. For thousands of years they were Slavs, but suddenly, in one day they stopped being them. He even suggests to us that we don’t know who we are because we “lost our identity.” Do you get this?
Forget about some alleged “brilliant genetic research” that can allegedly prove one’s relation to someone living thousand years ago. This research are not available for Slavic people. Instead, some members of the Russia’s Academy of Science use a rule of thumb: if you speak a Slavic language, you are Slavic, if you speak a different language, you are not. If you live on the territory of Russia, you are Russian. If you happened to be across an artificially created border, you automatically stopped being Russian. So, if I speak and think in English, that makes me automatically Anglo-Saxon. Right?
This what cat Motja calls the Matrix: a carefully created web of delusion of the Western liberal ideology, which slices and pulls apart everything that constitutes human life, from countries, nations, states, legal systems and economies, to religion, science and knowledge itself. And why stop there? They went and deconstructed human biology by dividing us into a dozen of genders, and millions of ethnic and social groups.
Out of this plethora of new entities, what nationality they dedicated to be an “aggressor?” Russians.
Now, guess what gender is being called an “evil oppressor?” The white men.
This infallibly leads me to a logical conclusion that the liberal ideology wasn’t created neither by Russians, nor by white men.
I recommend you to listen to Sargon of Akkad’s lecture on the Death of Social Justice that culminated in Donald Trump’s victory. Only one caveat, he offers a brilliant analyses of losers, however doesn’t say much about the winners.
I think he is afraid to say what Cat Motja says:
“The Old Rome and the Third Rome came together and they are winning. “
Cat Motja on Germany, Russia, Old Romans and beyond
Part I
Those who say that Putin will become stronger because Trump won don’t understand the process that takes place. Trump was able to win only because Putin has fought for years and won against our common enemies.
Concerning Germans and the orchestrated attacks on them: Germany is our brotherly nation. There ARE two strongest nations in this universe, Germans and Russians. That’s why the enemies of this world consolidate their efforts to place us on a collision course.
It has been like this for centuries. First they separated us, then they do everything to instill a mutual animosity towards each other, and after that they push our two strongest nations to collide, so they would EXTERMINATE us with our own hands.
If we could take from mice their broadcasting powers and explain to the Germans, I am sure they would understand. It’s not a matter of believing, it’s a matter of understanding. When a person understands, then they won’t let someone take advantage of them. The same with the Germans; the most important for them is to understand why they have been constantly programmed to be against Russians. Next time, if someone makes a noise for them to go against Russia, they will recognize this particular person as a mouse who wants them to go and exterminate themselves while killing Russians.
That’s why one of the most crucial things that should be done immediately is to introduce an Amendment to the Constitution of Germany that would require a referendum of all German lands to grand the Chancellor permission to start an invasion of any foreign country, with a provision that if even one land disagrees an invasion won’t take place.
The Center of the consolidated armed forces command of the Middle East, the Balkans and Africa, will be located near Shoigu. We will provide logistics and intelligence in terms of the satellite images, operative reports, new weaponry, so they would be able to follow Shoigu’s commands. Just like in Syria, everything was tested in the most difficult real war conditions.
In the parallel universe mice will try to stage a putsch against Trump, to topple Putin, to kill Zolotov and to chase Kadyrov to Jordan’s border. Their schizophrenia will last for several months, at least.
You most likely have read the poll conducted amongst the population of different countries about the possibility of the World War, meaning a real “hot” war. The results are dispiriting, meaning that people en mess demonstrated how brainwashed they are, like gold sand. They don’t notice wars around them, they don’t notice that they live under occupation, and they have no clue that we have just avoided the biggest catastrophic war in the history of humanity, thanks to Putin.
The occupation of the former territory of the USSR had started at once, after Gorbachev agreed with the conditions of capitulation. According to those conditions, our military withdrew from Europe, we were obligated to destroy ourselves, peacefully following the created for us schizophrenic Matrix. We were obligated to willfully surrender our territories, to divide ourselves, to abandon our people, to pay in reparation to the USA rubles that we worked with blood and sweat to earn. For that they shipped to us frozen chicken legs called “Bush’s legs” and tested on us experiential vaccines, and so on.
We were obligated to pay the West with our scientists and children. We had no right to know where our children were going, and what was happening to them. We allowed the occupational authorities to sit on our necks everywhere, from the Kremlin to Duma.
They wrote for us our Constitution, and laws. they created the political parties, approved by them, they created our Media and staffed it with their people, that we had to financed, even so they worked exclusively for the benefits of the occupying powers.
Their main task was to hide and obscure the fact of the occupation. They wrote school textbooks for our children. We signed an enormous quantity of treaties, limiting our ability to develop new weapons. Our army had no rights to move on the territory of our country without Washington’s permission, and so on and so forth, including a ban on the development of new medications, and a ban on the production of many different vaccines.
We had no rights to open new scientific laboratories without Washington’s permission. We agreed to limit our work on development of our territories and economy.
The list is very long. When it became clear that Russia’s federation was approaching the disintegration point with the scenario similar to the USSR disintegration, and that the process was working and we approached the point of no return, a revolt took place in the Kremlin. This revolt had been carried out by former KGB intelligence officers.
At this moment, our enemies didn’t yet make a decision to start a war against us. They still had certainty that those unlimited possibilities that they received as the occupying force would let them keep the process under their control. They thought that they could eliminate undesirable people who came to power by using the force of the representatives of the occupational international coalition inside the RF.
The first serious stage to strangle our nation had started right after Khodorkovky was arrested, and Berezovsky, Gusinsky and other representatives of the global micehood, who were acting as guards in our open air death camp, were kicked out of the country.
The very first attempt to rebuild the army and go into international waters was violently stopped by open demonstration of force, when the US shot and sunk nuclear submarine “Kursk.” To announce that the submarine was destroyed by the Americans would mean the next logical step, to declare that the Russian Federation was in a state of war with the USA-NATO. At the time, that war would be unquestionably lost by us with all the terrifying consequences for the entire population.
We wiped our tears, clenched out teeth, and started working to prepare for today.
First, we needed to set up a secret weapon construction bureau, where we could develop new, better weapons. It was extremely difficult. Most scientists were taken from the country and worked for the West.
Inside Russia, dozens of scientists were killed; they were killed on first suspicion. Their deaths were staged as accidents or robbery attempts. None of those murders were ever investigated. Mossad and the CIA knew our every sneeze. Information was reported to them from the first day of occupation. Mossad and CIA could check any paper anywhere they wanted.
I am going to skip the large chunk of events to get closer to our situation today to highlight one very important aspect — the Hour X putsch didn’t succeed because of one very imperative reason: Putin and Shouigu created what they could create per agreements with the occupational international coalition, but they created this something in a completely unexpected manner.
I am talking about EMERCOM of Russia or MCHS. It’s a modern army that covered an entire territory of the Russian federation. This army received modern helicopters, the most advanced weapons, and trained troops. The amount of weapons and troops was so massive and included substructures, that all the comprador and traitors forces from the Police and other power structures, and with their Bolotnaya-Medvedevs, and other sold-out former comrades, and members of the occupational “Fronde,” simply couldn’t match the power of the new armed forces commanded by Shoigu.
The Chief Occupant had become hysterical, and in the first time in history in the UN they declared Russia to be a “defeated country,” and not the country of “winning democracy.”
To be continued….
Scott Humor
“the Matrix: a carefully created web of delusion of the Western liberal ideology”
Nah. Just the same old politics of division and pitting one side against another. To do that, you’ve got to have sides; and if there aren’t any sides handy, then you manufacture some. For a current example, see
“UN classifies Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia as Northern European countries”
where the Baltic states magically move from one part of Europe to another by moving from one list to another in a UN document. And they’re all so pleased about it! If you think that’s a Western invention, remember the exact same thing here recently when the Saker declared that Eastern Europe wasn’t Europe (or something) and the discussion that caused.
As always a enjoyable and thought provoking read!
Look forward to the next part
“Sahra Wagenknecht, a German politician and a member of the Die Linke party suggested that Germany and Russia should form a military alliance.”
This description misrepresents what SW proposed. I earlier posted a comment highlighting an article on this site about her ideas.
“Breaking: German Opposition Leader Calls for Collective Security Union with Russia, Dissolution of NATO
“NATO must be dissolved and replaced by a collective security system including Russia,” Wagenknecht told Germany’s “Funke” media group.
Wagenknecht, who leads the opposition Left Party in parliament, added that comments made by the future US president “mercilessly reveal the mistakes and failures of the [German] federal government.”
The Left Party is Germany’s largest opposition group in parliament, and holds seats in several state legislatures.”
She advocated the dissolution of [g]ato and the creation of a new European regional security association that included Russia as a member. Not some Russian-German military alliance.
A German, Russian and Chinese alliance would truly ensure a world of peace
Because I value the articles on The Saker so much, I have to reject the clearly false story of the German doctor. Fresh water plus waste water utility prices (where I live) are about 3 percent of net minimum wage for an average 3 person household with only one working person. Consumption is around 100-120 Liters per day and person and I think roughly the same as in Russia. Medical doctors earn at least twice the minimum wage if they let themselves abuse to work for so “little” in hospitals. Utility prices are the same during day and nighttime, there is no reason not to flush the toilet during daytime. The medical doctor is clearly mentally ill. Not even Schwaben (South west Germans) known for their good financial householding do that crazy things. Hey we not only build Mercedes Benz and BMW, we drive actually these cars! Sadly there is a grain of thruth in the story: Germans often think that Russian women and east European in general are easier to get and that they do the household and need little attention wheras German women pursue their career. I want to do my best to stop prejudices on every side. Do not consult the media for the economic situation in Germany. There are often warnings of thunderstorms when there is barely a cloud. One last thing: we are required to PAY (yes screaming) nearly as much as for water for state propaganda tv and radio, for the likes of Hajo Seppelt who regularly plays the expert in accusing Russia of state doping whithout ever wasting a thought about proving his claims. That is the real German shame.
Somewhat absurd and bizarre statements by Scott, including unsubstantiated allegations seems to me to be some kind of “Hallmark” for his posts.
This, for my part, has had as a natural consequence, that nothing whatsoever he writes in any of his post has any bearing, or importance for further evaluation.
Take Care
This, for my part, has had as a natural consequence, that nothing whatsoever he writes in any of his post has any bearing, or importance for further evaluation.
And that is a crying shame since because of a few poorly phrased and substantiated points you will be missing a lot of interesting and original things. That is called tossing the baby out with the water, I think :-)
I am sorry so say, that I am inclined to agree with Kent.
However more or less everyone everywhere pushes their own biased agendas, so I also think that Scott add enough value to this site.
Kent on January 23, 2017 · at 4:53 pm UTC
Could, please, give me a list of the “absurd and bizarre statements by Scott, including unsubstantiated allegations”?
I believe you own me that much.
Otherwise, I have the right to think that your are a troll.
Hi Kent,
I think you might be taking this a bit too far.
As someone from Germany I must admit that the story of the German groom is not at all typical of Germans. I for one have never met such a person, but I have met some extremely weird freaks. The story might be made up. Honestly, my money would be on: “Did not happen, totally made up.” But who knows? It’s far from impossible.
And insofar as that Scott uses the story to illustrate the indoctrination of “people into believing that self-abuse and depravity is good for them”, he might have a valid point.
Although from the inside it looks more to me like the Germans are very ashamed of their past and extremely concerned about their potential power. We really, really, really want to be the good guys this time around. Of course we are doing a terrible job once more and it does not look good at all. Maybe from the outside that looks like “self-abuse” and “depravity”.
Be that as it may, this is really outright stupid and you are just saying it to be mean:
“This, for my part, has had as a natural consequence, that nothing whatsoever he writes in any of his post has any bearing, or importance for further evaluation.”
That is not a “natural consequence” like in “valid logical conclusion” at all and I am sure you know better.
I have to reject the clearly false story of the German doctor. there is no reason not to flush the toilet during daytime. The medical doctor is clearly mentally ill
The problem with this story is that even if true it has a limited value to substantiate any argument since you can probably find that kind of stingy maniac is any country. However, and for whatever this is worth, I have also personally witnessed the kind of, shall we say, “frugality” that Scott describes. Unlike Scott, I don’t want to offend anybody, so I won’t say where exactly I saw this, but all I can say that when I read the story Scott posted it did ring a bell for me, My 2cts.
The Saker
I just received an email from investigative reporter, Jon Rappoport, in which he discusses the individual vs. Globalism. I wonder if this idea is what Scott is pointing towards with that story, and the reflection on village life:
“Going back as far as you want in history, shortage and scarcity in the world that engendered a crisis was either created by some elite or maintained by them, for the purpose of eradicating dissent and fomenting a collectivist solution. Meaning a solution from the top. Meaning a solution that reduced individual freedom.”
(so says Jon Rappoport,
In a previous café, the idea of action-reaction-solution was raised again. False crisis leading to a false saviour. In a provocative manner, I wonder if Scott is hinting at this with those stories??
No, I just wanted people to see how good times had by all.
I also don’t understand how “a collectivist solution” can “eradicate dissent.”
1. Elites, global and local, are always the collectives, fomented to protect their class interest.
2. I have a feeling that demonizing of collectivism is deliberate attempt to pulverize any sort of descent into powerless and useless human particles.
I actually see republicans getting together as a collective force, and i see liberals breaking people apart into neat boxes of race, gender, so on by identity politics.
Coming back to the village images. Would you rather have fun, eat and drink, with a group of friends, or alone?
If with friends, you are for “fomenting collectivism.”
Scott, you are misinterpreting what I wrote, I think. This use of the term collectivism refers to becoming a herd animal, “going with the flow”, ” with the crowd”, whether it’s what that individual wants to be doing or not. This is the importabt part — in this case, it involves blind adherence to “what’s best for humanity”, without involving individual thought, opinion, critical thinking. Therefore, in this case, a person goes out with friends because everyone else is going out with friends, and it’s ” what’s best for humanity “. And the frugal doctor doesn’t go out with friends because he is influenced by others who don’t go out with friends, because it is ” what’s best for humanity”. It’s not the behaviour specifically that’s the target, in so much as the automated motivation for participating in the behaviour. Internalized beliefs in “what’s best for humanity”.
Rappoport refers to this over and over, that elites use forms of repression/stress to “herd” people, like cattle, into pre-determined (by the elites) actions or lifestyles. So it’s a form of eliminating personal freedom, personal choice, in favour of becoming a predictable component in the Matrix or machine, which the elites construct from the shadows.
If a person choose to go out with friends or to not go out with friends, because that choice has personal meaning for them, then that is different.
First, I should confirm that despite the unspeakable horrors brought to the country by the Nazis, most Russians indeed feel an affection for Germans. Maybe because most of Germany used to be inhabited by Slavs who were conquered and later Germanized. Maybe because Russian are unable to harbor old insults and injuries and hate their enemies. Anyway, there is no hatred and no contempt towards Germans in Russia.
It is nice that you give us details of your consumption habits. However, an acquaintance of mine, a businessman, ethnic German who grew up in Siberia (his family was moved there from Ukraine during WWII) told me about his mother who re-emigrated to her Heimat. She first rented a room in a village house owned by a very wealthy old woman who taught her to turn off the heat in her bedroom for the night, not to drain the shower water but to use it to flush the toilet, and a lot of other stuff. And she kept saying the slogan of her life Sparen, Sparen und Sparen! The landlady’s son-in-law, a bank manager, just like every other person she had in her will, was obliged to visit her once a month and walk several km from the nearest station. Once he took a taxi and got off at the edge of the village to walk to her house, however, the neighbors squealed on him to his mother-in-law, and she probably deleted him from the list of her heirs for his being extremely un-sparlos, or however you say “wasteful.” After the re-unification of Germany the businessman I talked to visited his cousins, and his son, back than in his teens, said the host’s boy was following him to the bathroom and waited outside, and after that he ran to his parents to complain that the Russian (actually, German) boy flushed the toilet after peeing – it appears the host boy was taught it could only be done after a more substantial alleviation.
The internet hosts many more stories of this kind, I am telling you only first-hand (mouth) information from the people I know personally. We are really unreasonably unthrifty and wasteful – both my wife and my son like lying in the bath tub with the water turned on, the sound of a little water fall relaxes them but makes the water meter race like hell. And my family is not an exception. This irresponsible wastefulness is rather a rule since the Soviet times when all your rent and utilities were under 2-4 percent of your (pretty miserable) salary. When I was a grad student, my fellow students told me a story of a Russian girl who married a French guy and went to live with him. After the honeymoon month the new husband got the water bill and demanded of his wife: “Are you a coal miner? Why should you take a shower every day?” – ))
Anyway, I think we should stop being so wasteful. And follow some of reasonable behavior patterns from Germany.
good Sitrep Scott – I really like Cat, and fortunately I didn’t read that article by him that got him the ‘bad name’ on this blog….
Thanks, and happy New Year !
I do remember that article.
I’ve commented saying it was counterproductive.
removed. Mod
It must be hard to be Putin.
I really enjoy Cat articles even the ones with the wrong tone.
Zico the musketeer
No, it wasn’t. Why are you lying?
The article that caused so mush controversy was about the Strelkov-Girkin, Motorola and other ‘commanders’ of Donbass militia, who were instrumental in NATO’s war on Ukraine under Ukrainian’s regime cover.
Cat maintains that they all were war criminals and that there should be a legal process to investigate their activities. The Saker’s readers were outraged due to their inexplicable reverence towards Motorola.
Two months ago, the Russia’s Investigative Committee announced that it has started the legal actions against the “leaders of the Donbass militia.”
You are wrong!
He article came with lots of threats after Motorola’s death.
That’s why it was removed. Because of the tone.
Why don’t you put it here? We can check it together…
Your piece about Strelkov-Girkin and Motorola is the reason I still visit this blog. I believe most of your support you received was moderated out of existense.
Somewhat off topic but still speaking of rodents, another person I respect and who also uses the invented term ‘journalist’ to describe himself, John Helmer, has written a piece which sheds light into who the mice actually represent. Either Canada has made the decision to go to war with the new Trump administration, or else it’s all just a show.
I believe most of your support you received was moderated out of existense.
Well, you are wrong. And you are really in no position to whine about the moderation here considering that the mods let you post this comment even though your entire last paragraph is in direct violation of moderation rule number *ONE*.
You know what, I don’t do moderation here. Other do it for me. And I am damn grateful to them for taking on a task which I personally know is extremely frustrating and unrewarding. As a moderator, you NEVER EVER get a thank you, but you can a daily dose of spoiled brats with no sense of rules but with a huge opinion of themselves as the center of the universe who are constantly complaining about them being censored by the evil mods every time they are not happy about how fast moderation is performed or when their nasty and outright rude comments are moderated.
So this is probably a good time to remind everybody of something important here:
When the mods “intercept” a comment they move it to a waiting cue inelegantly called “trash” in WordPress. There I PERSONALLY look at every one of them and either “restore” them when I don’t agree with the moderator’s decision, or I confirm the decision to intercept it and then a delete it.
So please stop complaining about the mods and blame it all on ME, okay?!
I would also add here that mods are fallible human being, as are we all, but unlike those how just bitch and whine, they actually donate their time and good will. And day after day after day they deal with rude people, banned jerks who try to come back under another name, complaints about how unfair they are, etc. etc.
I can tell you this: I refuse to comment on an unmoderated forum or comments section because I have see the *total zoo* they always become. And the only thing preventing this comment section from turning into such a zoo are the mods.
So, if I read any more such passive-aggressive innuendos about the mods surreptitiously trying to introduce political censorship on the blog I will add a new rule along the following lines: any direct or indirect attack against the moderators will result in the offending comment sent to /dev/null/.
You have been warned, and by me, the evil Saker :-P
Cry me a river now!
The Saker
The first line of my comment, which you quoted, was poorly constructed and imprecise because it was re written under pressure of time. I had wished to avoid saying Scott’s article was pulled, after 30 or 40 comments, if memory serves, for what reason exactly I can not say but which I chose to pin on the mods, not without reason. Several of those comments were indeed supportive or otherwise constructive, I was fixated, while almost all of the negative responses simply expressed outrage or disgust. Thoughtful argument always weighs more heavily and I hate to see upset people get their way just because they are upset. Barely one of Scott’s detractors took him up on the substance.
Scott’s article should not have been pulled because amongst other things, it said what some of your readers had been thinking for quite some time, long before he fearlessly suggested it in this space. Of course it is your blog and you can do as you please but for those of us who are occaisonally thrilled by Scott’s integrity, if not always his demeanor, the rapid removal was perceived as an insult to both he and us. Of course I am only speaking for myself in this matter.
Funny now I think of it, he reminds me of formerly you.
Since I have been coming here on and off for almost ten years (wow!) and remember the free wheeling and unmoderated earlier version of this blog, I can tell you, in my opinion, the older version was more inspiring, engaging and yes, sometimes a bit rough and tumble, like any good debate about controversial subjects ought to be. Commentors were sometimes treated like a-holes, perhaps deservedly, but at least the mods were not making those decisions on our behalf, as if we are children who need to be shielded from unpleasant ideas. I am grateful to be shileded from toilet humour, for example, but the idea that everthing in media is invented by biased human beings is hardly revolutionary.
Who remembers Alonya versus the current bunch on zionist propagandists on RT. The contrast today is just as marked.
You do not experience moderation the way I and some others experience moderation, in this society of control, a.k.a. pure anglozionist fascism. Of course you must be grateful to be relieved of the responsibility of combing through reems of b.s. but in that b.s. were important ideas which can now be placed off limits by persons with specific bias’ which always-eventually rise to the level of agendas or worse, dare I say conspiracies. We are unlikely to detect those agendas if we happened to be in agreement with them. So often you have correctly proclaimed that the idea of objectivity is nonsense. That is another reason I still visit this blog. Years later some of these comments or ideas, or in this case Cat and Scott’s assertions, backed by some evidence and logically argued, come to be accepted as common knowledge. I will not attempt to list examples but I have seen it happened over and over and more than once you have changed your mind or said I was wrong. This I respect and is the ultimate counterpoint to paper thin skin.
As for the headline of Helmer’s article, it was copied and pasted, again under pressure of time. I know you can appreciate that re writting a long headline word for word is occaisonally cumbersome, which I presume is why you let it through. This is how John Helmer writes his headlines.
Thank you Saker for continuing to produce something occaisonally worth reading. I am still attracted, especially during moments of crisis. Moderated discussions can sometimes be excellent but in principle they are wrong because they lead to the situation where an article like Scott’s will be pulled simply because it is controversial. It is a slippery slope, don’t we all know. I am glad to see he still writes for your blog.
I will leave you with one last thought. The Old Left/MSM proved itself completely worthless as a force capable of holding power to account. In it’s place a new dialectic was constructed, where in many different guises pseudo-Russians battle anti Russians for control of the only battlefield of any importance, that of the human mind. Everything that you have said over these many past years leads logically to the conclusion that you too Sir, must occaisonally be questioned, sometimes vociferously. It can also be said you serve a necessary and desperately needed function, though I dream of a world where everyone can think for themsleves and therefore do not need to be led in ths direction or that, or otherwise moderated by something external to themselves. Practice and reality are different but just like you, I am an idealist.
Thank you if you decide to publish this response but if not, at least I’ve had an opportunity to demonstrate this particular crying river will never run dry.
Thanks, anon
I would like to hear from our Canadian readers about their new Foreign Minister, Chrystia Freeland and her family history of Nazi collaboration.
She cannot be a minister. It’s not even that she had a Nazi collaborator as her grandfather, but that she lied about her family’s victimhood in the “hands of the Russians.”
Did they receive any financial and other benefits, due to these claims?
Also, it looks like they received Canadian citizenship under false pretense.
Is there are law in Canada that addresses this issues?
Justin Trudeau said in his speech on her appointment that the crucial point is gender of his appointees. He wants more women in his government. But does he want women with fake identities?
Poland knew about her background and opened the records after she was appointed.
Well done, Poland.
Also, the Polish government just declassified the report from 2008 about Poland wanting to take pro-Russian policy turn, It was approved by Sikorski
It shows Sikorski in a different light, not like a rabid Russophobe.
I wonder if sikorski’s prosecution for something so benign as tax avoidance on his American wife’s income, was the way to make him to pay for trying to steer the country into the fat Russian market.
At the end, Poland is one of the biggest losers, after Ukraine.
in 2014 Sikorski said: “You know that the Polish-U.S. alliance isn’t worth anything. It is downright harmful because it creates a false sense of security … Complete bullshit. We’ll get in conflict with the Germans, Russians and we’ll think that everything is super because we gave the Americans a blow job. Losers. Complete losers.”
Scott, FWIW, Trudeau appears to deal with all these concerns behind the scenes, while keeping a “sunny days”, rosy cheeks outward appearance. Also, he personally appears to be targeted by some American interests, for his efforts to help Canada’s One Percent — the oil & gas, and mining companies anyway — benefit from Eurasian relationships, or at least, from Canada’s relationship with China.
This is not Russia – leaders here do tend to be much more indirect in public comments, especially when facing opposition, powerful opposition, from American interests. President Trump or not, these interests still have plenty of influence here and have many ways of undermining the PM’s power and position. (I’m not convinced the alternatives to Trudeau are very promising at this point.)
I don’t know exactly what is happening, but right now, I do believe Heller’s diagnosis that Trudeau is trying to get rid of her, without appearing to attack her or be ” the bad guy”. Right now, he would likely be devoured by the MSM for that. In fact they may be just waiting for that opportunity.
So don’t look for strong public condemnation of her by Trudeau. It’s not his style, and it will just open him up to personal attacks. Look for action to remove her from power, from politics. Personally, I felt like vomiting when I read that article about Freeland’s roots. But again, just a reminder, we are dealing with 9,000 kms of the most exceptional border in the world here.
Just two further comments:
1) all left/right/alternative parties appear to be heavily subverted by Soros/CIA right now in Canada. (Not sure about Canada’s Green Party?)
2) Trudeau has faced threats, such as the Canadian dollar dropping drastically. For some mysterious reason.
So it’s tough sledding here right now!!
@”A German politician says that “There is only one reason why the world isn’t in war right now, and it’s because Russian people have elected President Putin.””
That is not a politician but the journalist Juergen Elsaesser.
Even before there was a German Reich in 1848/49 most German politcians wanted war against Russia.
“The anti-Slavic or anti-Russian mission
On July 25, 1848, Wilhelm Jordan called the deputies in the Polendebatte of the Paulskirchenversammlung to finally get to a “healthy Volkssegoismus”. “In the East,” the Germans repeatedly succeeded in making “conquests of the sword” and the “ploughshare” over the course of history. The Germans could and should confide in this “right to conquest” (RfdN, Vol. 2: 1145 f.).
Another parliamentarian spoke of the “holy war”, which should in any case be carried out “between the culture of the West and the barbarism of the East” (Wollstein 1977: 303). [ 41 ] Another stated: “If ever war were to come, there would be a war between Germans and Slavs” (RfdN, Vol. 4: 2779). [ 42 ] Heinrich von Gagern wrote in retrospect about the period of the bourgeois revolution:
The war with Russia, for the sake of the Baltic Sea and the East Seeprovinzen, around Poland, about the Danube and the oriental conditions … was the most popular of all Germany (cf. Valentin 1977, vol. 1: 544).
Bakunin reported that “the senseless cry of the Germans against the Slavs” had been heard most loudly in the Frankfurt Parliament in 1848-49. This would not have had anything to do with democracy, but had been “the call of German national egoism.” The Germans had for a long time been accustomed to regard the “Slavs” as their own, and they maintained that they had to “hold them under the stick” in order to discipline them (cf M.W 18: 609). Bakunin remarked:
In this hatred of the Slavs, in this Slavic confrontation, all parties (1848/49) were unanimous; … The loudest cries were the Democrats against the Slavs: in newspapers and pamphlets, in parliaments and popular assemblies, in the clubs, beer kinks and on the street… Such a noise was so incessant a storm that the Slavs, (Bakunin 1973: 137 f.), Which would have killed all of them.
The hatred of Russia was marked by Bakunin as one of the “strongest nationalities in Germany” (cf n. MEW 18: 613).
The speeches of the Paulskirchenversammlung document how much an alleged “Slavic danger” was regarded as a threat to German culture and German economic power. Six decades later, this danger became a justification for the alleged necessity of the First World War (Lammich 1978: 3, 5).”
Sputnik is analysing which media is the most anti-Russian:
“Negative Russia reports in the annual balance: German media simply record-breaking”
Thanks for the quotes, but look who was fueling the fire ideologically back then: Frederick Engels and his partner Karl Marx arguing with Bakunin, who was one of them.
Don’t you see how they “argue” over our heads” argumenting slaughter of our people? Don’t you see how they only support the politicians who express their narration?
Just look at media’s and deep state’s hysteria about Trump.
The same people, calling themselves “liberals,” are pushing Germany to fight “the aggressive Russia” today. This is an ideology that had facilitated two world wars between Germany and Russia.
The same forces are in work right now, and the same old ideology under different names.
Read: Germany and Pan-Slavism by Frederick Engels 1849
“In order to re-assert imaginary nationalities the Pan-Slavists declared their readiness to sacrifice 800 years of actual participation in civilisation to Russian-Mongolian barbarism.”
“Pan-Slavism is not merely a movement for national independence, it is a movement that strives to undo what the history of a thousand years has created, which cannot attain its ends without sweeping Turkey, Hungary and half Germany off the map of Europe, a movement which—should it achieve this result—cannot ensure its future existence except by subjugating Europe.
Pan-Slavism has now developed from a creed into a political programme, with 800,000 bayonets at its service.”
“Then there will be a struggle, an “inexorable life-and-death struggle”, against those Slavs who betray the revolution; an annihilating fight and ruthless terror — not in the interests of Germany, but in the interests of the revolution!”
It leaves Europe with only one alternative: subjugation by the Slavs, or the permanent destruction of the centre of their offensive force—Russia. “
Like in the war against Yugoslavia there is no pushing of Germany required. The German “Drang nach Osten” to conquer “Lebensraum” is over 1200 years old:
The first sanctions against Slavic peoples were imposed in 805:
805, December 24: Charles the Great prohibited the armaments trade with Slavic peoples in the Diedenhofen capitular, a royal order. Along the “Slav border”, which stretches from the Bourgowy to Bardowick to Lorch in the Linzer Land, all cities are called upon: “That they do not sell weapons and [armor] (tanks, jW ) for sale.”
In the 90s German leaders demanded more Lebensraum in the East again:
“expansion to the East”
“outwards it is essential to achieve something whereby we have failed twice before”
“Without Germany it is impossible to integrate the East European peoples.”
“We must force Serbia to its knees.”
Of course, they need US/NATO fire power for that:
“In March 1993, Bonn’s Minister of Defense at the time, Volker Ruehe, was the first to publicly declare that the war alliance should be expanded to include several East European nations, says Brill.”
Already in 2009 the EU think tank ISS announced the current war against Russia and the motives for it:
“Hard power politics – Clausewitzian influence over alienated state regimes. Some alien-
ated regimes will still exist in 2020 – the key uncertainty here being the Kremlin. If so, we will need to retain a capability to meet their deliberate challenges to our vision of the world. This will require hard military power, but also an increased focus on asymmetrical forms of destruction, notably in the cybersphere. This is of major concern to the East-
ern members of the EU, and if the ESDP is unable to provide this then they will turn to NATO or directly to the US.”
By destroying the USSR and its allies Gorbachev and Yeltsin unleashed German imperialism again.
The first links you posted had maps that showed areas in Eastern Europe where Germans settled peacefully. What does that have to do with one nation conquering another?
Anonymous wrote “The first sanctions against Slavic peoples were imposed in 805:
805, December 24: Charles the Great…..”
In the year 805, Charles the Great may have been more interested in spreading Christianity than in advocating the superiority of one nation over another:
Anonymous wrote:
“expansion to the East”
“outwards it is essential to achieve something whereby we have failed twice before”
“Without Germany it is impossible to integrate the East European peoples.”
“We must force Serbia to its knees.”
Put into context, the above quotes from the 1990s refer to the expansion of both the EU and NATO into Eastern Europe. Serbia was, before it was bombed by NATO, opposed to the EU. It also resisted having a gas pipeline run through it for the benefit of the EU. How do membership and participation in said organizations benefit Germany? Recall that France would allow West Germany and East Germany to unite only if Germany were to adopt the Euro.
Anonymous wrote:
“Of course, they need US/NATO fire power for that: and that “…….the war alliance should be expanded to include several East European nations….”
This is based on the false assumption that the US and NATO are subject to the German elites. Actually, it is the other way around. Why would Germany deliberately harm itself by importing millions of African Muslims that cannot assimilate? Germany is already an overcrowded country. Who gave the orders to import those people. Who paid for their passage. Who fed and clothed them. Who gave them cell phones? Upon assuming office, the German chancellor must swear an oath of allegiance to NATO.
Anonymous wrote:
“Already in 2009 the EU think tank ISS announced the current war against Russia and the motives for it:
“Hard power politics – Clausewitzian influence over alienated state regimes. Some alienated regimes will still exist in 2020 – the key uncertainty here being the Kremlin.”
“By destroying the USSR and its allies Gorbachev and Yeltsin unleashed German imperialism again.”
By destroying the USSR and its allies the neoconservatives, with the help of Gorbachev and Yeltsin, unleashed the Great Game again.
Your denial is pointless. No historian denies that it was a conquest by the sword. German chroniclers of that time documented it. The German invaders waged a genocidal war against the Wendish Slavs for 400 years until they were finally conquered. Today only a small group of Sorbs is left. All others were wiped out by the German occupation. In the second map you can even see were and when the German armies invaded(“Wendenfeldzüge” means military campaigns):
“While the north-east of the Sorbs, the oboditic and lutianic Wendens continued their political independence until the twelfth century, almost all the Sorbian-Wendish tribes were finally subjugated in the tenth century. On the decisive crusade of Margrave Gero against the Niederlausitzer Sorbs / Wenden in 963 AD, chronicler Widukind of Corvey reports: “During this time Markgraf Gero defeated [with hardest warfare] the Slavs, who call themselves Lusizer, and subdued them completely Not without his own serious injury, and with the loss of his nephew, the best man, and of many other noble men.” As early as 939 AD Gero, with the premonition of peaceful intentions, had invited Thirty Prince-Electors to a banquet and murdered at night insidiously to take the leadership of the Slavs.”
“Spreading Christianity” was only a pretext(like todays “freedom and democracy”) to slaughter and pillage Slavic peoples. Also the Saxons were slaughtered by Charlemagne. In 782 he slaughtered 4500 Saxons in a single massacre. Pagan people were no humans in the eyes of the German invaders.
Those quotes of German leaders refer to the military and economic expansion of Germany:
The EU only serves as a vehicle and disguise for German colonialism and revanchism. During WW2 Germany had a similar project with the same name as the EU predecessor “European Economic Community”.
“Nazi Plans for European Union”
On May 31, 1940, Werner Daitz:
“We must always speak only of Europe, for the German leadership is self-determined by its political, economic, cultural, and technical weight, and its geographic location.”
German leaders still have the ambition to conquer Eastern Europe but they lack the military power for that. Without US/NATO fire power Germany could have never successfully expanded to the east again, because its own army is to weak to conquer Yugoslavia or Ukraine. So they are dependent on the US military. That is thier main motive for choosing to be the junior partner of the USA and that is why Germany pressed for NATO expansion to the East and the destruction of Yugoslavia. Bush called it “partners in leadership” in 1990.
In contrast to that Germany did not approve the US attacks against Iraq and Libya because German leaders don’t have the ambitions to be colonial masters there. Also they don’t have reliable collaborators like Ustashe, KLA and OUN terrorists there.
“Varwick considers that, at least for the time being, it is conceivable that Berlin and Brussels should “grit their teeth and continue to flexibly attempt to benefit from US capabilities,” because for now, the EU’s military capabilities are insufficient for an independent global hegemonic policy.[6]”
Steinmeier with nazi leader Tiahnybok in the German embassy on 20 February 2014 before the nazi coup:
“Fascist Freedom Fighters”
“An influential publicist and former Head of the German Defense Ministry’s Planning Staff is criticizing the “expansive ambitions” of Germany’s current policies toward the Ukraine.”
In the context of the power struggle with Moscow, Merkel declared literally: “I am a hundred percent convinced that with our principles, we will win.”
And here The Saker and everybody on this website was under the delusion that this supra-national entity called the Anglo-Zionist Empire was actually trying to conquer Russia. But it’s Merkel and Steinmeier!! Thanks for the insight!
Anonymous wrote:
“Pagan people were no humans in the eyes of the German invaders.”
Now you want to link what happened in the year 750 to what is happening in Eastern Europe today? Fascinating, but that has nothing to do with Nazism and German militarism.
Charles Martel and the other kings during that era were French and not German:
The “German” (actually Belgian/French/German) invaders were supported by the Church of Rome:
The Germans have no dreams of “conquering” other countries – at least not militarily. Economically speaking, they would love to decimate the local industries of all other countries in Europe and use said countries as an “Absatzmarkt” (a dumping ground for German-made goods).
Anonymous wrote:
“Steinmeier with nazi leader Tiahnybok in the German embassy on 20 February 2014 before the nazi coup:”
German Foreign Policy is a “fake news” disinformation website based in London and run by British intelligence. That website is hardly a credible source of information.
Steinmeier and other German elites have the same goals in Ukraine as the Anglo-American elites. Yes, really, it is true. Please enjoy reading Paul Craig Roberts’ articles on Ukraine:
You are building straw mans. I’m mentioning this fact because of your denial of the German conquest by the sword. Also your other denials are pointless. Charlemagne and Gero were Germans. Germany is not dreaming, it is waging wars of aggression. Germany has bombed and occupied Serbia for the third time in one century. Serbia is still occupied by German soldiers and now German soldiers and tanks are being deployed at the Russian border in Lithuania again. The German war criminal Schröder is particularly proud of this “Enttabuisierung des Militärischen”(removal of taboo of military).
You are ignoring the wars of aggression and the official “guidelines of defense” of Germany. Waging war for “unchecked access to markets and raw materials all over the world” and “to integrate the East European peoples” is official German policy. The German FM Kinkel openly said: “We must force Serbia to its knees.”
Since 2014 Germany tries “to integrate the East European peoples” in Ukraine by a nazi coup and war and like in the war against Yugoslavia Germany does not hesitate to hire the same nazi collaborators like in WW2. They even wear German uniforms again:
Merkel insists that the nazi war criminals she helped to put in power by a coup and is giving billions of tax payers money establish a “monopoly of violence” in Ukraine:
German FM backing coup leader Klitschko on the “maidan”:
Your allegation is false. GFP is not “a “fake news” disinformation website based in London and run by British intelligence”. GFP is an independent German website financed with a paywall and it is critical of Western imperialist policy in general. Here are some examples:
It is the only website that extensively monitors and analyses documents of Western think tanks. Especially useful is thier analysis of documents by think tanks funded by the German government, because those are being totally ignored by the alternative media. If you want to know which country NATO will destroy next and why and don’t have the time to read thousands of pages written by Western think tanks, you have to use GFP. If you have doubts you can read the documents they refer to yourself.
“East Ukraine – A “de Facto Nation” 2009/12/01
German military circles are debating NATO’s continued eastward expansion and the partitioning of the Ukraine.”
“The Re-Evaluation of German Foreign Policy 2013/10/25”
“A Dirty Little Secret 2006/09/08
American military circles are recommending a re-organization of all nations in the Middle East along ethnic lines.”
I’m curious about the Kursk fact.
How can’t anyone see the difference between a implosion and explosion?
I’ve listened that Putin fired several military personnel after they lift the sub out of the ocean.
And more, in the presence of the Smith employees.
I have an relative that is responsible for the entire South Atlantic for that company and he told me that.
Yes, that’s something that has me puzzled too. It’s the first time that I’ve heard it mentioned as an aggressive strike and not mechanical failure. I followed the story closely at the time, the loss of the crew was a tragic outcome.
Any further corroboration regards the cause would be helpful.
I don’t know what value to put on what follows, but you can decide:
The Sinking Of The Russian Sub Kursk!
On August 14, 2000, Russian authorities announced that one of their newest cruise missile submarines, the Kursk, had sunk with all hands. The Kursk is a cruise missile submarine, called the type 949a “Antey” class by the Russians, code named the Oscar II by NATO. It is not a ballistic missile submarine, but is intended to attack and destroy an aircraft carrier battle group using torpedos and short range sea skimming cruise missiles.
[pic]The Kursk, sailing out from Severomorsk.
Almost immediatly, Russian naval authorities reported that sonar used to locate Kursk as it lay on the bottom showed not one, but two submarines lying on the sea floor. While the Russians worked on the Kursk itself, the second unknown submarine slowly moved off.
CBS news then broke the story that the United States had three ships in the vicinity observing the naval exercise that Kursk was taking part in, possibly a test of a new ultra-high speed torpedo. Two of the three ships were submarines, later determined to be USS Memphis and USS Toledo, type 688 Los Angeles class fast attack submarines which are often used for covert intelligence gathering.
[pic]USS Memphis, reported by Norway to be undergoing repairs at a Norwegian naval yard.
[pic]USS Toledo, reported by Scottish media to have also been in the area of the Kursk sinking, followed by a visit to Faslane.
The third ship was USNS Loyal, a Victorious Class Surveillence Towed Array Sensor Ship, or SURTASS, also used as an intelligence gatherng platform.
[pic]A Victorius Class SURTASS ship, similar to USNS Loyal, also in the area of the Kursk sinking.
This was immediatly followed by an announcement from the Pentagon that one of the two submarines which had been spying on the Kursk was late in establishing radio contact. A few days later, the Pentagon reported that the submarine had finally checked in, and it was at this time that the United States government took the official position that the Kursk had sunk because of a torpedo explosion. The Russians, however, while agreeing that there was one or more torpedo explosions on Kursk, insisted that the explosions were the result of a collision involving a foreign submarine.
Water is an excellent conductor of sound energy, as any sonar operator will tell you, and so it came as little surprise that the events surrounding the sinking of the Kursk had registered not only on the sensors of the two American subs and SURTASS but on seismographs located hundreds of miles away.
Almost at once, data from Norway was made public.
Thanks for that, I’d forgotten quite what a murky and speculative business the reporting of the event was at the time. I suppose a definitive answer as to cause might emerge in 20 or 30 years time—or might not as it seems to have been a mutual cover-up.
Awful for the families left behind, not knowing for sure.
US Army Truck Crashes in Poland, Spilling M-1 Abrams Tank Ammunition Over Road
“The accident occurred after dark on Saturday evening. A police spokesman told local media that “preliminary findings show that the driver began skidding and lost control of the vehicle, which was sent flying off the road.” The Polish Defense Ministry has since said that the driver was going too fast in slippery, icy road conditions.”
That Putin again.
Meet Dr. Death: How Rodchenkov went from criminal to glorified whistleblower
“A lucrative market exists amongst bodybuilders and people looking to build muscle quickly. As a recognized expert in doping since the 1980s Rodchenkov cashed in, providing PEDs since his return from Canada in 1999 – where he worked in an anti-doping lab in Calgary. What disappears from the current narrative surrounding this criminal is his 30-year record in advancing doping science using humans as guinea pigs. Doctor Death’s disregard for human life stands on a level with big pharma.
Unlike 2008’s Bigger Faster Stronger, a masterpiece in doping examination, Bryan cashes in on current geopolitical tension. He abets a criminal in escaping justice, then uses pathetic PR like the money-hungry Browder and Stepanovs by claiming to be “Putin’s Enemy Number 1.”
’They tried to forcefully lock me in room’: Russian athlete accuses WADA of violent interrogation
“Anastasiya Bazdyreva, 24, decided to speak to RT before the feature is broadcast by ARD, the same channel whose 2014 report triggered the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) probe into alleged Russian doping.
“You know, in 2015 during European championship in Prague there was an attempt to lock me in a room with three WADA workers. I don’t know whether they worked [for the agency] at that time, or were retired. I asked them several times to introduce themselves, but they denied to do so. But that’s only half the trouble. After that there was an attempt to put pressure on me and have me interrogated with the use of physical force. And I didn’t even have an idea what they were trying to discuss with me using such methods,” she told RT.
The athlete, who was subsequently disqualified after being accused of doping, also said that in the aftermath of the Prague incident, she’s been “characterized as being ‘aggressive and not willing to engage’ in a WADA report.”
“So, three young meatheads without explaining their reasons try to force a girl into some room in one of the European capitals, and I’m being aggressive. I was just scared at that moment,” she said.
When asked about the reasons behind her decision to speak up, the athlete told RT she didn’t “like it when people trade off their home country.” She was referring to another Russian athlete, Andrey Dmitriev, who she has named as the main source of the German production.
“Just a thought that I’ve interacted with a person who has agreed for a piece of silver to make up non-existent stories, makes me sick,” Bazdyreva said.”
22 out of 29 Russian biathletes cleared of doping suspicions – International Biathlon Union
“As a result of the first meeting on December 22, 2016, two athletes were suspended. [The IBU] also launched investigation against the rest 29 [biathletes] together with the RBU,” the head of the IBU, Anders Bessebrg, said, adding that “now, seven athletes remain under investigation while the rest 22 have no problems,” as quoted by the sports news portal С
Russian Deputy Prime Minister and the former Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko called the IBU decision a “balanced” one. “There are no doping programs in Russia. There are people, who dope and cheat and these people will always be punished,” he added, as cited by TASS.
“Everything falls into its place as soon as one steps aside from politics and relies solely on legal norms,” Mutko stressed.
Earlier, the Norwegian star Ole Einar Bjorndalen, 42, an eight-time Olympic champion, threw his weight behind Russian biathletes by saying that sportsmen and women are innocent until proven guilty.”
That Putin again? He sure gets around.
Shh, Don’t Tell Anyone! London in Trouble for Hush-up of Trident Test Gone Wrong
Whitehall covered up 1st-time failure of Trident ballistic missile test near US coast – report
This reminds me of the Shoigu’s statement made at the Defense Ministry collegium in December, Shoigu reported that the “nuclear threat to Russia is neutralized.”
“A Trident missile fired last year from a Royal Navy nuclear submarine off the Florida coast malfunctioned and headed to the mainland during a routine test, but Whitehall ordered a news blackout to avoid “severe panic”
I have seen somewhere info that with new technology Russia doesn’t have to do anything, but to turn their own missiles against them.
Either Russia is extremely competent, or the British, US and NATO are incompetent fools.
“They hadn’t passed the tests multiple times when I was on patrol,” William McNeilly, a former Trident weapons engineer-turned-whistleblower told RT via video link. “I have seen no proof that they can pass these tests. So, why are we wasting money on Trident?”
Trident whistleblower tells RT he ‘witnessed 4 unreported missile test failures’
“I warned about this exact event over a year before it happened. I was in the MCC / Missile Control Center during the end of patrol tests in early 2015 and I witnessed with my own eyes the Trident system fail its simulated missile launch tests.”
McNeilly claims to have seen Trident “fail 3 out of 3 WP 186 Missile Compensating Tests” first-hand. He also says a “Battle Readiness Test (BRT) was not even attempted due to seawater in the hydraulic system.”
McNeilly has accused the British government of “endangering the public and spending billions upon billions of taxpayers’ money for a system so broken it can’t even do the tests that prove it works.”
In broad strokes, what Canada got after signing NAFTA in the late ’80s, Russia got when Gorbachev capitulated in the early ’90s. We were neo-colonized, gutted like a fish.
New York Times Video Twitter Hacked to Warn of Russian Missiles Coming at US
“The @NYTvideo account tweeted “BREAKING: leaked statement from Vladimir Putin says: Russia will attack the United States with Missiles.”
— newyorkist (@Newyorkist) January 22, 2017″
Given the absurd levels the zionist Jews (who own/run) of the nyt have gone with their anti Russia propaganda, the tweet hardly looked different from their own regularly posted nonsense.
“Russia will attack the United States with Missiles.”
Fine with me. But the corollary question here is: To achieve what? Wasn’t Trump supposed to be Putin’s quisling or something along those lines?
Short, 3 min., crowd interview video, an interesting social experiment.
Women’s March DC: “Impeach Trump for Rape!”
Nothing really compares with the pindo herd animal. Nothing.
Russia could wipe out Britain on the battlefield ‘in an afternoon,’ says UK army’s own think-tank
The title states the obvious, but I found interesting was this:
“The IISS said notably that the UK spends only $9 billion less on its armed forces than Russia – $56.2 billion in 2015, compared to Russia’s $65.6 billion – and still has the fifth-highest defence budget in the world.”
Look at what Russia gets for what they spend in comparison to the UK. Huge, huge difference.
Scott wrote: “Daughter of Mikhail Tal, a World Chess Champion, moves to Russia after years of living in Latvia and Germany. She says that Russian society is recovering, while Western society is spiritually dead.”
What do the Anglo-American elites export to the rest of the world: 1.) Diabetes via high fructose corn syrup laced foods; 2.) Tainted vaccines; 3.) GMO seeds; Pornography; 4.) Hollywood (and British) movies and TV shows featuring disrespect of parents, explosions, car chases, gratuitous drug use, and promiscuous sex; 5.) Promotion of homosexuality through via the schools and the media; and 6.) Musicians promoting the Hollywood/British agenda through their music and music videos; 7.) Endorsement of church bodies that embrace liberal theology and the demonizing of traditional church denominations; and 8.) Promotion of addiction to social media as a tool to keep people distracted. This is happening not only in Europe but in all of the “liberated” countries of the Middle East.
Scott wrote: “As far as I remember she soon married some Russian guy and went on having a life that most young professional Russians have, which might look from outside as having too much of good time.
To get an idea, glimpse at these candid pics of the Russian villagers’ life.
The abandoned groom went on living his frugal, German life — which is getting promising every moment in terms of becoming even more frugal.”
Anyone who has spent any time in Germany among the Germans should note that the Germans are perpetually sad, stressed, and frugal. Germany is overbuilt and overcrowded. The highways are perpetually in traffic jams (staus). Germans are perfectionists: They plan and analyze everything constantly. When something does not go exactly according to plan (wenn etwas schief geht), they are quick to get angry. I wonder if the Germans are still hurting from the aftereffects of WW II. At least the food is of excellent quality and the buses are clean and always on time……
By contrast, most small towns in Russia do not have indoor plumbing. For drinking water, Russians have to boil the tap water to kill the intestinal parasites. Most towns have electricity available only a few hours each day. There are no consumer protection laws in Russia. Hospitals reuse hypodermic needles. Drug use is rampant. I am sure you can add to this list. Are living conditions getting better? I would like to think so.
I don’t see a future for Germany. Russia would do well to take the best that German society has to offer. Maybe since the Muslims are moving to Germany, the Germans could relocate to Russia and help it restructure and modernize?
the Germans could relocate to Russia and help it restructure and modernize?
Then history would, once again, be repeating itself. : )
Ha! I mean the Germans can relocate to Russia peacefully, of course. Germans have been settling in Eastern Europe and in Russia for centuries. Wherever the Germans are or have been, the geographical areas have flourished.
The Anglo-American goal for Germany has always been to keep the Germans down, the Americans in, and the Russians out. Control Germany, and you control Europe. That is why the EU is a collection of puppet states controlled by NATO and the Anglo-American elites.
You know very well, there is a documentary-serial running on for years on German TV with the title ” By, By, Deutschland” , which promotes the “relocation” of Germans on their own will – so to speak. The media being run by the government, promotes everything, any place, but not Russia. What is all about ? The Germans who disagree in one way or another with the actual German “way of life” – be it anything, they are “invited” or offered to live and search for a better life elsewhere but not in Russia, that outlook is obviously not even mentioned. So, the German media promotes to her own citizens to leave their native land, meanwhile inviting foreigners to live in Germany even if they are not Europeans or even not Christians. Isn’t that strange at least ?
Perhaps it’s part of an ongoing agenda to ‘de-germanize’ Germany, eroding a culture known for its high-quality industrial output – cars, apparel etc. – by partially replacing the indigenous population with an unskilled, dislocated and non-assimilable minority, run by a ‘liberal’ non-technical elite?
Certainly the current policies are causing a lot of social harm. How long before those effects are affecting industry?
Cui bono from a weak Germany?
“Cui bono from a weak Germany?”
This question has been answered by Lumpenkönig just above.
You wrote: “By contrast, most small towns in Russia do not have indoor plumbing. For drinking water, Russians have to boil the tap water to kill the intestinal parasites. Most towns have electricity available only a few hours each day.”
Russia is very big, so it’s possible to find anything at all. However, I doubt that your account is correct.
To take a look at many small towns of Russia you can use this list of videos. It’s in Russian and made for a domestic TV channel, but it gives you an idea of how small Russian towns look like.
Lumpenkönig, from my personal experience, may I suggest a brief trip to South India, to get a vacation from this perfectionism? :-) Seriously, I think the Indians are missing out on a lucrative niche market!
I don’t know much at all about what’s happening in Germany. But I did faithfully follow the German Foreign Ministry for a few months. There are solutions floating out there. And anyone can say what they want to about Steinmeier, but he works constantly.
It just seems that competent leadership and constructive solutions are not EU (in it’s current form) values. With the changes in the Anglo-zone (Brexit, Trump), maybe new opportunities will arise for implementing solutions.
Your last 3 paragraphs are most interesting to me.
I’ve heard hints and vague claims that Russia’s massive re-armament was not only done quietly, but that it was accomplished largely “off the books”, and without alerting the IMF-occupied Central Bank, or the Finance Ministry regarding the (no doubt enormous) flow of money that allowed it to happen.
I’ve heard that this continues to today, and that a large part of Russia’s current military strength simply couldn’t have been built with the monies in the officially published budgets.
I look forward to your promised continuation of this story.
BTW, you forgot to tell us why vacuum cleaners are benign. Or did I miss it?
Has not anyone picked up on Dmitry Medvedev saying not to hope on foreign leaders for lifting of sanctions? On the one hand it seems that this is a patriotic statement but in reality this is an extension of Clinton/Obama policy. Medvedev looks uncannily like Czar Nicolas II, he is the heir of the kerensky traitors and of the Romanov Holstein Gottorp family which is part of the Rothschild lineage. Why would we conflict with USA after achieving all of our objectives as well as having a friend in the white house? Putin and Medvedev… (keep your friends close… keep your enemies closer) Not good these statements from Medvedev and saying a meeting will take months. Remember who went to war in Georgia…Medvedev has sabotagede EAEU forever. He wants to break eastern Russia off and unite Belarus Ukraine and western Russia.
I do not think it is Medvedev’s personal opinion. I also do not think you have a freinds in white house.
Could someone here help me? I do not get the reference/meaning/innuendo of “Motja”
I wish that the MSM in Canada would notice the information about Freeland and publicize it here.
But since such a revelation would damage Trudeau’s image, it probably won’t happen. Too bad.
I had no problem following this story.
Scott, I believe, writes in a quite unique style. He combines fact with entertaining fiction to create instructive allegory. His telling of the German/Russian relationship reveals a far richer picture than somehow trying to explain how people can be indoctrinated to act against their best interests.
I agree that readers may recoil from the sifting of fact from fiction, preferring instead to see the whole article as contaminated in some way. But sadly, that is their loss. I always cross-check historical revelations anyway.
First of all I am all with you, but let me say couple of things. In my teenage days, long ago, I read a lot of Lenin, and today looking at the horrible effects of the “privatization euphoria” one of Lenin’s articles still rings in my ears. It made a case for priority for providing cheap electricity to even the smallest villages in the Soviet Union. Today I look at skyrocketing energy costs and I can only appreciate what you are saying about this young German doctor, who I am guessing was not making a lot of money, hence the need for frugality, which perhaps sounds like extreme behavior, but maybe necessary. On the other hand, if you take a look at the circus in Canada, particularly in Northern Ontario, where the skyrocketing costs of electricity have become so prohibitive that people’s electricity was cut off, because they can not pay their huge bills.
As for the German Slavs, you make an excellent point as the Slavs on the west side of the river Oder were brutally subdued by the crusading Saxons who’s eastward conquest was stopped in 1410 by the allied Slav armies. So, yes I agree with you those Slavs did not go anywhere, they are just called Germans today, maybe a lesser ones.
On the other hand, I remember reading a book titled “Imagining the Balkans” written by Maria Todorova. In her book she complained about one of the Soviet Anthropologists who claimed that Bulgarians are Greeks who forgot to speak Greek and now speak Slavic language.
My Regards, I love your rants.