Its really the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal revisited, but only in an even more pathetic way. After all, Clinton was “just” the President, and God knows Americans are used to dumb presidents, but this time were are dealing with the real-life equivalents of Captain America: Generals Petraeus and Allen, the hyper-overhyped mega-heroes of American militarism. And yet these men, lionized as “true American heroes” by the corporate media, were brought down by their inability to control even their most basic sexual urges.
The one thing that strikes me most is this: all the women involved in these scandals (Lewinsky, Broadwell, Kelly) are amazingly ugly and unattractive, are they not? Look at them:
Monica Lewinsky |
Paula Broadwell |
Jill Kelley |
Is that only me or are these “seductresses” not seductive at all?! Frankly, to me they look as just about the most boring and dull kind of secretaries you would meet at, say, a Budget Car Rent agency and not at all as women which could turn the heads of some of the most powerful men on the planet…
You might ask whether this matters or not, but in my opinion this might be worth at least thinking about. Why? Think about it, if these women have succeeded in making folks like Petraeus or Allen go crazy with lust, what does it tell you about their levels of sexual frustration to begin with?
Furthermore, how would these men have reacted if they had met a *real* honeypot like this lady:
Anna Kushchenko (Chapman) |
But no, these generals fell for women whose only noticeable characteristic is their fantastically common, almost insipid, appearance and that, I think, tells us a lot about them: petty men, with petty personalities and petty fantasies.
I almost feel pity for them.
The Saker
Well there’s no accounting for taste.
Also beauty and sex appeal are not necessarily the same thing.
Didn’t Admiral Fallon call Petreaus an ass kissing little chickenshit or something similar? I’m not sorry to see the back of him
@Robert: Well there’s no accounting for taste.
True, to each his own, but from my highly subjective and personal point of view, when I look at these women, I almost feel sorry for these men.
Also beauty and sex appeal are not necessarily the same thing
Absolutely. But, again from my totally subjective and personal point of view, these women lack both. That leaves the option of a fascinating “inner beauty” I suppose. But I don’t think men like these would go on betraying their legitimate wives of many years because of the “inner beauty” of these gals. This just don’t sound right.
And yes, Fallon did call Petraeus “an ass-kissing little chickenshit”. And something also tells me that Fallon – unlike these two clowns – is probably a faithful loving husband…
@ Vineyardsaker:
when I look at these women, I almost feel sorry for these men
ROFL… Well my friend, you are being quite unfair here. You certainly can’t expect these ladies to even remotely approach the stratosphere of Russian standards for jaw-dropping beauty and sex appeal!
(Actually, I remember years ago reading about Putin wanting to ban Russian beauties from marrying abroad, lol).
Monica: I had a friend of mine who always dated overweight women. He was a good looking guy and could have dated some attractive women, but…
Broadwell: She has that female bodybuilder look. Not my favorite, but some guys are into that.
Anna: :-)… A totally different class. One does not compare tiramisu with rice crackers. Full disclosure, my wife is Belorussian.
I think the two latter ones are actually quite good-looking, and poor Monica Lewinsky is trapped forever in that Bride of Frankenstein haircut; it’s amazing how dorky a bad haircut or a dated hairstyle can make you look. The last two ladies also likely have a good 10 years on Anna Chapman, who is only what, 30? I grant you that none of the foregoing ladies is what your brain supplies for a jpg when your mouth says “Femme Fatale”, but I bet if either of the latter two, kitted out in a simple little black dress and after a good night’s stress-free sleep, came onto you at a party after you’d knocked back a Long Island Iced Tea or two, you’d be wondering what made you so lucky.
It’s very hard to judge what anyone really looks like from a photo taken under God knows what circumstances. No woman looks her best when she’s stressed or worried or tired, and that’s not even touching on the fact that what they look like has no bearing on what they’re like in bed. Maybe his secret lady did things for Petraeus that boiled his noodle. Nobody can think straight with a boner.
If you REALLY want to talk Femme Fatales that break the mold, look at Prince Charles throwing over Diana Spencer for Camilla Parker-Bowles: you could push her face in dough and make ass cookies. No kind of good haircut could save her.
@Ishamid: You certainly can’t expect these ladies to even remotely approach the stratosphere of Russian standards for jaw-dropping beauty and sex appeal!
LOL, I cannot disagree here, but in all fairness there are plenty of extremely good-looking women all over the world, including in Afghanistan and Iraq, by the way…
@Lysander: One does not compare tiramisu with rice crackers.
True :-) but I would expect the folks running our planet to have access to some top quality tiramisu, no?
@marknesop: If you REALLY want to talk Femme Fatales that break the mold, look at Prince Charles throwing over Diana Spencer for Camilla Parker-Bowles
Yes, this one also boggled my mind at the time as Camilla PB really looks *terrible* whereas Diana was at least pretty cute.
Maybe I am naive, but I always imagined Femme Fatales and seductresses to drop dead breathtaking beauties with amazing charm and a fantastic personality.
I remember watching a 2 hour long show on Russian TV with Anna Kushchenko (Chapman) soon after her return to Russia and it was interesting to see that she is really a very charming person, very witty and definitely smart. In contrast to Broadwell, Kushchenko was literally oozing femininity in every gesture, in her voice, in her demeanor and in her body-language. And yet, as spies go, Anna Kuschenko was really rather low level and the media only focused on her because of her looks. The real “super-spy” in the group expelled from the USA was “Juan Lazaro”, whose real name was Mikhail Anatolevich Vasenkov, who had spend his entire career undetected. Born in 1945, he was infiltrated into the West sometime in 1961 and he was given the right to retire with the rank of General, but he turned down the offer and continued to collect valuable information. But as honey-pots go, Kushchenko fits the profile. Not that I would consider that as a valid excuse to betray your spouse (which is a topic I address here:
In regards to whether those women are good looking or not, all I will say is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder…I probably would not be considered as a beauty to most men, but I figure beauty is not everything, and the heart and mind is actually more important in this life… besides the Generals aren’t exactly so hot looking themselves…Lool!
Anyways what I have found most interesting, at this point in time, is the story behind the “Lebanese” twins: “…But Kelley’s brother, David Khawam, said neither of his sisters had anything but a social relationship with Petraeus. He said Jill is a born giver who early on channeled her efforts into political fundraising and later to the military.
It is a quality, he said, born of the Catholic family’s persecution in their native Lebanon; when he, Jill and Natalie were small children, the family fled to the United States, he said. They built a productive new life in America. “We feel we owe everything we have to this country,” David Khawam said. “We’re extremely patriotic.”
Jill Kelley and her husband started a charity focused on cancer research and on granting “wishes to terminally ill cancer patients,” according to 2007 tax documents. The documents show that, of the nearly $160,000 the group raised, it spent roughly half on meals, entertainment, and automotive and office expenses.
Kelley has seemed eager to make her civic involvement clear to those around her. Outside her two-story mansion on Tuesday was a gray Mercedes-Benz S500 with vanity plates reading “Honorary Consul” and “1JK.” Nearby, contractors were piling up tables and folding chairs after a weekend party.
A military officer who is a former member of Petraeus’ staff said Kelley was a “self-appointed” go-between for Central Command officers with Lebanese and other Middle Eastern officials….”
I agree, it is very instructive, who our planetary masters find attractive.
When I looked at Paula Broadwell, my first question was “Is that a man or a woman?” She looks hermaphroditic to me. Only a seriously deracinated man could find that attractive.
As for Jill Kelley, she does have a shapely body – I’ll give her that. Until you look at the face – the body of Venus and the face of Medusa! And those eyes! “Jao!!” as the Serbs would say! Who wants to raise a brood of demon spawn with that succubus!? Any takers! (I didn’t think so!)
Her lover should be some mischievous gnome!
He’d meet her at a crossroads and make light,
And an old billy goat that’s racing home
From Blocksberg could still bleat to her “Good night!”
A decent lad of real flesh and blood
Is far to good to be her stud!
I’ll hear no songs, you silly ass,
But throw rocks through her window glass.
Goethe, Faust, Part I (In Auerbach’s Keller)