by Pepe Escobar : Posted with permission
Russia is uneasy over the destabilization of Tehran, and on other hotspots the powers’ positions are clear.
Even veiled by thick layers of diplomatic fog, the overlapping meetings in Sochi between US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and President Putin and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov still offer tantalizing geopolitical nuggets.
Russian presidential aide Yury Ushakov did his best to smooth the utterly intractable, admitting there was “no breakthrough yet” during the talks but at least the US “demonstrated a constructive approach.”
Putin told Pompeo that after his 90-minute phone call with Trump, initiated by the White House, and described by Ushakov as “very good,” the Russian president “got the impression that the [US] president was inclined to re-establish Russian-American relations and contacts to resolve together the issues that are of mutual interest to us.”
That would imply a Russiagate closure. Putin told Pompeo, in no uncertain terms, that Moscow never interfered in the US elections, and that the Mueller report proved that there was no connection between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign.
This adds to the fact Russiagate has been consistently debunked by the best independent American investigators such as the VIPS group.
‘Interesting’ talk on Iran
Let’s briefly review what became public of the discussions on multiple (hot and cold) conflict fronts – Venezuela, North Korea, Afghanistan, Iran.
Venezuela – Ushakov reiterated the Kremlin’s position: “Any steps that may provoke a civil war in the country are inadmissible.” The future of President Maduro was apparently not part of the discussion.
That brings to mind the recent Arctic Council summit. Both Lavrov and Pompeo were there. Here’s a significant exchange:
Lavrov: I believe you don’t represent the South American region, do you?
Pompeo: We represent the entire hemisphere.
Lavrov: Oh, the hemisphere. Then what’s the US doing in the Eastern Hemisphere, in Ukraine, for instance?
There was no response from Pompeo.
North Korea – Even acknowledging that the Trump administration is “generally ready to continue working [with Pyongyang] despite the stalemate at the last meeting, Ushakov again reiterated the Kremlin’s position: Pyongyang will not give in to “any type of pressure,” and North Korea wants “a respectful approach” and international security guarantees.
Afghanistan – Ushakov noted Moscow is very much aware that the Taliban are getting stronger. So the only way out is to find a “balance of power.” There was a crucial trilateral in Moscow on April 25 featuring Russia, China and the US, where they all called on the Taliban to start talking with Kabul as soon as possible.
Iran – Ushakov said the JCPOA, or Iran nuclear deal, was “briefly discussed.”.He would only say the discussion was “interesting.”
Talk about a larger than life euphemism. Moscow is extremely uneasy over the possibility of a destabilization of Iran that allows a free transit of jihadis from the Caspian to the Caucasus.
Which brings us to the heart of the matter. Diplomatic sources – from Russia and Iran – confirm, off the record, there have been secret talks among the three pillars of Eurasian integration – Russia, China and Iran – about Chinese and Russian guarantees in the event the Trump administration’s drive to strangle Tehran to death takes an ominous turn.
This is being discussed at the highest levels in Moscow and Beijing. The bottom line: Russia-China won’t allow Iran to be destroyed.
But it’s quite understandable that Ushakov wouldn’t let that information slip through a mere press briefing.
Wang Yi and other deals
On multiple fronts, what was not disclosed by Ushakov is way more fascinating than what’s now on the record. There’s absolutely no way Russian hypersonic weapons were not also discussed, as well as China’s intermediate-range missiles capable of reaching any US military base encircling or containing China.

The real deal was, in fact, not Putin-Pompeo or Pompeo-Lavrov in Sochi. It was actually Lavrov-Wang Yi (the Chinese Foreign Minister), the day before in Moscow.
A US investment banker doing business in Russia told me: “Note how Pompeo ran like mad to Sochi. We are frightened and overstretched.”
Diplomats later remarked: “Pompeo looked solemn afterwards. Lavrov sounded very diplomatic and calm.” It’s no secret in Moscow’s top diplomatic circles that the Chinese Politburo overruled President Xi Jinping’s effort to find an accommodation to Trump’s tariff offensive. The tension was visible in Pompeo’s demeanor.
In terms of substance, it’s remarkable how Lavrov and Wang Yi talked about, literally, everything: Syria, Iran, Venezuela, the Caspian, the Caucasus, New Silk Roads (BRI), Eurasia Economic Union (EAEU), Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), missiles, nuclear proliferation.
Or as Lavrov diplomatically put it: “In general, Russia-China cooperation is one of the key factors in maintaining the international security and stability, establishing a multipolar world order. . . . Our states cooperate closely in various multilateral organizations, including the UN, G20, SCO, BRICS and RIC [Russia, India, China trilateral forum], we are working on aligning the integration potential of the EAEU and the Belt and Road Initiative, with potentially establishing [a] larger Eurasian partnership.”
The strategic partnership is in sync on Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan – they want a solution brokered by the SCO. And on North Korea, the message could not have been more forceful.
After talking to Wang Yi, Lavrov stressed that contacts between Washington and North Korea “proceeded in conformity with the road map that we had drafted together with China, from confidence restoration measures to further direct contacts.”
This is a frank admission that Pyongyang gets top advice from the Russia-China strategic partnership. And there’s more: “We hope that at a certain point a comprehensive agreement will be achieved on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and on the creation of a system of peace and security in general in Northeast Asia, including concrete firm guarantees of North Korea’s security.”
Translation: Russia and China won’t back down on guaranteeing North Korea’s security. Lavrov said: “Such guarantees will be not easy to provide, but this is an absolutely mandatory part of a future agreement. Russia and China are prepared to work on such guarantees.”
Reset, maybe?
The indomitable Maria Zakharova, Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman, may have summed it all up. A US-Russia reset may even, eventually, happen. Certainly, it won’t be of the Hillary Clinton kind, especially when current CIA director Gina Haspel is shifting most of the agency’s resources towards Iran and Russia.
Top Russian military analyst Andrei Martyanov was way more scathing. Russia won’t break with China, because the US “doesn’t have any more a geopolitical currency to ‘buy’ Russia – she is out of [the] price range for the US.”
That left Ushakov with his brave face, confirming there may be a Trump-Putin meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Osaka next month.
“We can organize a meeting ‘on the go’ with President Trump. Alternatively, we can sit down for a more comprehensive discussion.”
Under the current geopolitical incandescence, that’s the best rational minds can hope for.
Great intel from Pepe Escobar.
We’re moving towards Larchmonter445’s 2015 Double Helix +1 Great Powers accommodation.
In that same year, Kissinger’s book Word Order urged a reprise of 70s Triangular Diplomacy:
“Kissinger explained that the opening to China and détente with the Soviet Union were pursued as parallel policies designed to enable the United States to “maintain closer relations with each side than they did with each other.” It was always better for the United States, he wrote in Years of Upheaval, “to be closer to either Moscow or Peking than either was to the other.” “America’s bargaining position,” he reiterated in his book Diplomacy, “would be strongest when America was closer to both communist giants than either was to the other.” In his most recent book World Order, he again noted that the design of triangular diplomacy was to balance “China against the Soviet Union from a position in which America was closer to each Communist giant than they were to each other.”
The Double Helix renders America’s proximity to Russia and China immutably equidistant. There is no longer an asynchronous advantage to be had. The EU was supposed to bind-and-hamper all internecine conflict out of existence. But the North-South disparities proved too much and the common currency was undermined by a cross-purposed patchwork of central bank interest rate policies. The more the US presents itself as a threat the more daylight that gets squeezed out from between the two Eurasian behemoths. Paradoxically, de-escalation may hold out more opportunity for future triangulation.
The current danger lies seems to lie with a second tier interest, proxy or intermediate entity (e.g. Israel, Iraqi Kataib Hezballah militia, etc.) sensing a dissipating opportunity for a status quo shift, thus moving preemptively before Great Power detente solidifies and war prospects collapse under an avalanche of peace and goodwill. What a debacle that would be.
The Bolton deployments to-date are ripe for false-flag exploitation. Increasingly, Trump is looking to want to shut down Bolton. I continue to hold out hope Trump is vexing and exhausting the Neocons in an effort to humiliate them out of power. Bolton scuttled NK (and with it, an Orange Man Nobel) and botched VZ into a Keystone Cop parody.
Interesting too how the politburos and war cabinets tend to act as reactionary leashes on the natural tendencies of leaders to over-accommodate. Both Putin and Xi have been guilty at times of the forward-lean.
Full Spectrum Domino
You gave a great comment. However, I would like to add that Kissingers detente with the Soviet Union was designed to influence the country, while the opening to China was designed to bring the country into the Western camp and separate it from Russia politically and economically. The Chinese were no fools, falling for these divide and conquer tactics. They accepted Washington overtures, but never broke with Russia. And the result ? China trades with the US, the actual relationship based strictly on trade. However, it’s relationship with Russia is based both on trade and politics, a partnership in effect being established. This partnership will make Euro-Asia the future political and economic powerhouse.
F.S.D., in my opinion all analysis of the geopolitical situation in the Middle East and in the world in general is insufficient if the CENTRAL role of Israel and the genocidal ideology of Zionazism is not taken into account. That monstrous wickedness is the major driving force behind US Imperial Evil in the Age of the Sabbat Goy Trump and the total dominance of the Talmudist ‘neo-conservative’ Israel Firsters.
The geopolitics of the superpowers dwarfs the Israeli quotient. It is irrelevant when 7000 nuclear warheads are literally minutes from being exchanged between the RF and USA.
Magnifying the importance of the dwarf nation of Israel is like looking at the world through a telescopic slit lens. You see only what you are restricted to see. The plots, conflicts, hell-on-earth dished out by the Israeli government are a nuisance, sometimes a disease. It has to be attended to but it is a splinter in a finger compared to the Hegemon’s destruction of sovereign nations, and use of terrorist proxies to maintain wars in a dozen lands.
The agenda of the Hegemon is full global and Space domination. Israel is the flea riding the mammoth if you take a moment to look with clear eyes. Israel is not in the calculus of the US hegemony. It can’t even function as a proxy ground force anywhere in the ME. And soon, when Russia locks the skies in the region with S-500 and S-400s and S-300s integrated, the IDF AF will be grounded and only drones will be used.
The list of issues Russia and China are dealing with, and the list of issues for the US and Russia to deal with are so momentous that the issue of Israel is of not even secondary concern to the big 3.
You are entitled to see everything through that telescopic slit lens. It distorts reality. It is obsessive and confuses.
I prefer your opinion when it is unencumbered by “Israel”. You have a lot of good thoughts beyond the dwarf state.
The Israeli government is like the Ukraine’s. Both are an abomination. No one takes Kiev into account on any issue. They are beyond relevance.
This is also how I look at the Israeli government. Butchers of children and thieves stealing the land of others.
The parallels are endless when you look at them.
But neither is crucial to the geopolitics of the three superpowers. Not a factor. Either of them.
Larchmonter, I agree with you on every point above. Little Izzie is only a flea on the rump of mammoth Uncle $cam. And Uncle is only a dwarf compared to the giant Mammon whom Uncle $erves. And finally, even the Great God Mammon is only a humble spear-carrier in the Heavenly Principality of Evil. By concentrating his brilliant and sensitive light on Zionazism — which is only one particularly black spot in the Great Darkness which threatens our world — Mulga is getting perilously close to the obsessive Jew-hating which used to be quite common in my childhood, until WW2 and the excesses of Nazism put an end to it.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against Principalities and Powers in the Heavens”. — St.Paul, Corinthians.
PS correct terminology: “Hatred” against Jews is a modern term, used mainly in Nazi and Zionazi propaganda. Even the Saker’s preferred term “Judeo-Phobia” sounds too strong to express popular feeling before the War. If I remember correctly from listening to English-speaking adults and reading English books, the prevailing attitude toward Jews before WW2 — at least in the Anglo-Sphere — was contempt or ridicule (as opposed to hatred or phobia). The following joke from my primary school days (1940-1945) is an example:
An Irishman, a Scotsman, an Englishman and a Jew were in a life-raft. The raft was sinking, so the Irishman shouted, Long Live Ireland! and jumped overboard. The raft was still sinking, so the Scotsman shouted, Long Live Scotland! and jumped overboard. But the raft was still sinking, so the Jew shouted, Long Live Zion! and threw out the Englishman.
I like the one about the Titanic sinking. ‘Did you know that it was the Jews that sank Titanic? You fool-it was an ice-berg! Ice-berg, Goldberg-it’s all the same to me!’.
Doc-I hate Israel, I hate Zionazism, I hate Talmudic Judaic fanaticism, but I do not hate all Jews, the only true definition of Judeophobia. Indeed my detestation of the Israeli regime is shared by many Jews, who I hold in admiration for putting human principle before religious and social solidarity. It is also, plainly, the opinion of a great majority of humanity.
I also detest the ruling regimes in USA, Sordid Barbaria, the UK, India and many other places, but absolutely not all the citizens of those lands. I also detest Wahhabism, Pentecostalism, Opus Dei, Hindutva and other fanatic ‘religions’ and ideologies. That does not mean I hate all Moslems, Hindus, Roman Catholics or Protestants. I really cannot hate or despise or hold in disdain any individual on the grounds of their racial ancestry, religion, community, but only because of how I see their behaviour and individual character. And I hold them in that negative light only tentatively, because we can all change, and because hatred, however justified it seems, is basically a negative phenomenon that poisons the hater, but I’ll take that risk in regard to Trump, Satan-yahoo, Macron, bin Salman etc, etc, etc.
You are right. Very easy to blame the “Jews”. I don’t. I have spoken to many Jewish people who feel deep shame of the crimes of genocide against the Palestinians. Zionism is a nationalist construct, and massive “educational” work had to happen to bring Jewish people on board. In 1900 Turkey, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Morocco, Algeria, and Libya had larger Jewish communities than Palestine.
To the Good Dr. NGM:
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against Principalities and Powers in the Heavens”. — St.Paul, Ephesians
St. Paul’s Letter keeps pushing to the fore, doesn’t it? Contemporary geopolitical discussion uninformed by supernatural coordinates is an increasingly hollow exercise. The human imprimatur in world events is ceding ground to the more elemental forces of Good and Evil. It’s as though in the Quickening human agency is being relieved of its prime mover status. That’s if we were ever more than enactors of an eschatology that mysteriously balances free will and determinism without altering the essential foregone conclusion.
In this concluding phase, alia jacta est becomes the watch-phrase. Our active production of ‘fresh sin’ is no longer required. The trajectory is set and the movie concluded, leaving the tail of film to lash the spool to no plot-altering effect. From out end, no further viewing –or acting– is required.
“an all-too-human read which, while perhaps befitting of a bygone era, falls short of the present moment’s activated spiritual Principalities.”
Well, Larch, we must agree to disagree. Here is why.
I believe that the Zionazi regime totally controls US politics, and more or less totally, through its own influence and that of the USA, those of the other Western states, particularly the Five Eyes. Moreover the Zionazis also control the brainwashing apparatus in the USA of the fakestream media, PR, advertising and ‘entertainment’. That influence is mirrored in the other Western states, to varying degree, Canada, Australia, France, Germany and the UK being the most closely controlled. And as the current insanely aggressive (as ever) campaign of false accusations of ‘antisemitism’ shows, they intend outlawing all criticism of Israel or any Jew anywhere, and thereby totally destroy Freedom of Opinion and Speech and the US First Amendment. Hardly insignificant, I would say.
That dominance ensures total Israeli impunity to International Law through the US veto in the UN Security Council. US slavery is also indicated by the several billion in tribute paid EVERY year to Israel, despite the USA’s own parlous social condition. And the Zionazi standover Mafia, AIPAC, even writes US legislation, and woe betide any ‘antisemite’ who dares vote against it.
Israel has made commemoration of the Nazi Judeocide a virtual State pseudo-religion throughout the West. While worthy of solemn remembrance, it has displaced all other such genocides, massacres and hecatombs in all human history in the public mind, neatly emphasising the Zionazis’ own image of universal superiority to all other human groups. Moreover, the tragedy is used, in the most despicable manner, by the Zionazis (although not ALL Jews by any means)to justify their incessant aggression and the continual and barbaric brutalisation of the imprisoned Palestinians.
The worst fruit of Israeli power is the manner in which they have used the USA and the NATO stooges to pursue its Oded Yinon Plan to destroy all its neighbours, and break them up along sectarian, ethnic and tribal lines. That has seen Iraq destroyed, Afghanistan destroyed, Libya destroyed, Yemen destroyed, Syria destroyed, and millions killed, maimed and terrorised, and now Iran is plainly threatened on Zionazi orders. The coming aggression there, and the typically brutal and barbaric sanctions could easily lead to a generalised war, mass slaughter and, possibly, even thermo-nuclear conflict and nuclear winter. I could go on at boring length concerning Zionazi crimes in Africa, Latin America, Ukraine etc, and in the international trafficking of arms, surveillance equipment, sex slaves, human organs, drugs, pornography, blood diamonds etc, but I’ll spare you the tedium. But if you really think that Israel, as it has existed and currently exists, since 1948, is not a gigantic cancer on humanity, then, as I said, I believe you are mistaken.
At your stage of thought you must by now be at least wondering, that, if they truly is a God, or Gods, in the world or universe, how could they allow such a thing, or such many things, to occur. And you conclusion should be that, there is no god, only satan would need and have to mind tools to create such a human disaster as the one we currently face. But you are not alone with your thoughts, because, hardly no one understands a woman God and the reasons for this human disaster.
P.S. The cure may be worse the disease.
The Universe is indifferent to man’s petty squabbles. We, the inhabitants of Earth aren’t. We see what our leaders do to basically destroy the world for material gain usually in the form of capital. That’s what matters to we inhabitants that have no say in what the tyrants are doing in our name and that is the real tragedy. Peace
Basically we are all Hoplites.
Agreed, MM, israel is sacrosanct. One hears all sorts of critcism about every other country in the west, but nobody in the zionazi-gay media takes on israel in any serious likewise manner. That old saying of power, to find who is in control, look at who you are not allowed to criticize. Ultimately, every nation except israel is expendable. The zionazi control isn’t total, yet, but is dominant and on the steady increase.
The only voices accurately describing Israel AS IT TRULY IS, ie racist, religiously fanatical, hyper-aggressive, fascistic, terroristic, are Israelis themselves, including Jews. Goyim in the West are FORBIDDEN to say what is openly spoken inside Israel, and any infringement brings INSTANT condemnation by the Zionazi hate-machine and the Sabbat Goy political stooges as an ‘antisemite’, and political and social ostracism. And that is a situation that not only brings great suffering to the Palestinians, and all Israel’s neighbours, but threatens the safety of the entire world, including Israel itself.
Good comment to be sure. Israel itself is less important now than Saudi Arabia in the region, however, as others have noted, it is still very important in Washington. In Washington the neoconservatives are still dominant and that group is dominated by pro-Israeli Jews who see Muslims as sub-human and are very much into the whole “clash of civilizations” ideology. With Trump have come the conservative Christian ideas about the “last days” and fulfilling Biblical “prophesy” and the old chestnut of converting the Jews which Israeli operatives encourage–this group is far more dangerous and profoundly evil than any Zionist could ever be. Even if I was an Israeli fascist I would be a bit wary of encouraging that group.
Cosmo, the Sordid Barbarians are important as the protectors of the petro-dollar, that ‘exorbitant privilege’ that, with the Pentagon and the Washington Consensus economic hit-men underpins US global economic hegemony and blood-sucking. But Israel is not an ‘influence’ in Washington-it CONTROLS US politics, Federal and State, to an extent unknown from history, or any that I am aware of. The Sordid Mafia would never dare DEMAND that US politicians outlaw and criminalise all criticism of their barbaric regime and any member of that regime or the Sordid Mafia family as ‘antisordidism’ as the Zionazi Lobby has done in the USA, where 32 or more States are already moving to outlaw and/or criminalise the BDS movement, thus destroying at a stroke Freedom of Speech and Opinion, the supposedly precious First Amendment and ‘Jeffersonian Democracy’ itself. THAT is POWER.
I wish that you were right. You are far more knowledgeable than I, so I hope you are right.
But I cannot really accept your assessment of the JSP (Jewish State in Palestine).
Because as far as I can see, the JSP is truly the tail wagging the huge, powerful dog of the USA and thus can’t really be classified the same as Ukraine. Ukraine tries to wag the dog, but with far more puny muscles.
The JSP’s concerns are one of the moving pieces in many, many international relationships that don’t appear to be directly about the JSP.
Is it good for the Jews seems to infect just about every page of the USA playbook.
That is, of course, because of the Jewish power in the USA and influence on the USA govt. and meddling in every playbook. This is the magnifier of their influence.
There may be some pages that are relatively uncontaminated by IIGFTJ, but even here when the JSP is less directly concerned, so many of the major US (and other nationalities) players are Zionists or sympathetic Jews that it is hard to draw any lines. Also hard to suss out how many “degrees of separation” there are between perhaps seemingly unrelated issues or positions.
Again, I hope Larchmonter is right. I wish I were convinced!
LM445: More like Israel is the sociopath that manipulates the suckers via control of the media and privately owned central banks that create fiat currency out of thin air.
The US mic is supposed to be the enforcer that prevents countries from de-dollarizing international trade. But, through corruption through legalized bribery(political campaign contributions by defense industries to politicians) the US mic has become focused on scams and can’t enforce dollar hegemony.
The US doesn’t give 2 shits about things like democracy, freedom, humanitarian crisis’s or sponsors of state terrorism. That’s just sanctimonious, serveserving, sociopathic BS.
Larchmonter –
This phrase “the calculus of the US hegemony” that you used, in my opinion, is a perilous conflation. Who runs the US?
While Israel has enormous influence in the US, I do agree that the picture is much more complex. The problem is attributing the hegemony of globalism to an abstracted “US”. Who is the brain of the operation? Trump? The FBI?
Even the CIA is not autonomous. And who would the actual boss be in any case? Who is it that coordinates mainstream news headlines across countries? Who is directing Soros? Who is coordinating the neutering of western nations, through contrived migrations and other means?
Is it okay to just say, “the US”? Sorry, but I must call out that statement as being dangerously vacuous. Some group, and must likely an alliance of many secret societies, is coordinating an all-out assault on national sovereignty for the sake of global ideals. While I agree that it is foolish to blame Israel as the sole force behind this movement, blaming “the US” is equally simplistic.
It appears that the US is simply the current “muscle” of the operation. Key players are likely anonymous.
You are correct, there is “hidden hand” directing global events. A previous contributor quoted St Paul “for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalites, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12. The power, though hidden, is not anonymous. The name is Satan.
Peter I. –
I agree with you at the supernatural level. But here are a couple of auxiliary points worth mentioning:
1. The key players at the highest human level are likely anonymous.
2. Lower level players within the secret societies do not apparently have any idea what is going on. This applies even to many 32nd degree masons, for example.
3. The conspiracy seems to cross religious boundaries. This is why it is too simplistic to blame a single religion like Judaism.
4. I think that the dark forces are only able to operate to much extent with agreement of parts of the human population. This is what free will is all about.
5. People who lay the blame fully at feet of one country or one religious group are obscuring rather than revealing the truth. This is my major disagreement with Pepe Escobar. Anyone who thinks the world would be a paradise under communist Chinese rule is full-on delusional. Again, this is not a problem with the average Chinese people, who in my experience, can be lovely. It is a problem with the way power works among people, and with the weakness of humans.
US is not the threat to the world. The one that is the threat to the world are those super elite guys from the city of London and Chatham House. See below from an insider and you understand.
Fact of the matter is the US is led by London.
The US is not free of England, it is still ruled by it, using proxies.
The Rosechilds of London are owners of The Federal Reserve.
When US media and Politicians say “debt” they never tell us to whom.
The Federal Reserve creates debt simply for “producing” dollars, then place interest (usury) on those dollars, and call them debt.
This is the biggest racket in the history of the world.
It was England that divided the mideast, gave Palestine to the Jews, supports and funds Saudi Arabia, and the US arms Saudi Arabia.
It was England that divided India into Pakistan; and also created the Opium Wars against the Chinese people.
And it Is England and the US through NATO that placed missiles in Poland and Romania that point to Russia.
Whenever you hear the term “geopolitics” it is a word created out of England; essentially it means divide, create wars and conflicts, plunder resources of Latin America, Asia, Africa; enslave countries through usury of the World Bank and IMF. Generals, bankers, politicians want to do is murder, pillage, plunder, and wars.
How can China view America as the biggest threat to the world, when America is the biggest market for China and many developing countries, which have helped them to become rich today ? This is a silly no brainer questions.
It is wrong for China and others to view US as the threat to the world.
Some America elite are in collusion with the super elite from UK may be because of greed and because being blackmailed to do their binding.
The biggest threat to the world is actually China when the China CCP elite colluded with Brits super elite to destroy Soviet and America middle class.
China was allowed to rise by the super elite from UK in order to destroy America middle class and their cowboy freedom spirit culture which was a threat to the Brits super elite new world order globalism plan.
China was given free tariffs exports into America biggest consumer markets, and other special preferential trade by the super elite from UK, using Clinton proxies. No other country got special trade privileges as much as China. Just think about it why ?
The Brits super elite want to turn America into Third World country by shifting jobs to China and destroy America middle class, in order to meet their globalism new world order plans of mass surveillance using those technology developed in China.
China is the new world order prototype designed by Brits super elite residing in Chatham House, which Kissinger is a VVIP members.
But China CCP elite now does not want to go along with the Brits super elite plans of new world order government and now become threat to the survival of the Brits super elite. Interesting things going to happen to China borders soon.
There will be a nuclear false flag in Eurasia soon and they will all blame on CIA. Actually done by muslims with support from a very powerful country in middle east that have the nuke materials.
You left out the direct bribery of ‘political contributions’ in the USA, of which the Israel First, Last and Always Lobby makes about 50% of the total.
@Larchmonter445 said “Israel is the flea riding the mammoth if you take a moment to look with clear eyes. Israel is not in the calculus of the US hegemony.”
No. Dead wrong! Clear eyes see the “flea” is steering the hegemon. The neo-cons who inspired and continue steering “The New American Century” with the “destruction of seven middle eastern nations” are all Zionists, with dual American/Israeli citizenships. U.S. politicians, when running for federal office, are confronted with representatives from AIPAC, the all powerful and wealthy “American Israeli Political Action Committee” to sign a pledge of support for Israel or AIPAC funding will not be available. The American Jewish community has around 200 separate funding organizations promoting Israel First. The House of Representatives and Senate are “peopled” by “Israel Firsters”, many with dual citzenship. The six major media networks in the United States are run by Zionists. One will never see, read, or hear any criticism of Israel. Poor Israel is always described as the victim of Palestinian “rockets”. The U.S. Federal Reserve, IMF, and World Bank” are always run by those whose primary allegiance is most likely Israel. Billionaire Zionist George Soros is the largest or one of the largest contributors to the Democrat Party and Billionaire Zionist Adelson, Casino owner and Israeli Media Magnate, is a huge contributor to the Republican Party. Zionist money essentially “owns” both political parties. All Federal Reserve Chairmen have been and remain in the Jewish tribal nation. The “Owners” of the Federal Reserve are some of the large banks of the Rothschild World banking empire. I’m surrounded by Americans who insist on believing that Putin “owns” Trump. Damned if I can see any benefit that the United States or Trump has gained from any alleged Trump “deal” with Putin, while Netenyahu gets everything he asks for from Trump and the United States taxpayers. Trump’s son in law, kid Jared, a friend of Netenyahu, is a Trump advisor. Trump’s daughter converted to Judaism. Google, Facebook, Yahoo, and their offshoots are run by known Zionists. Google was apparently largely funded by the Israeli Mossad, who also paid for Zuckerman’s higher education. Reading national news, and paying attention to names, is a study in Jewish power and control of the United States. It’s an 10 foot Condor, not a flea.
If I remember correctly, 30% of the Christians in the United States identify themselves as Evangelicals. 80% of those Christian Evangelicals, a huge number, are Zionist, fully supporting Israel and hoping for a Greater Israel territory for the return of more and more Jews for their supposed conversion to Christianity. Then, the hoped for return of Jesus to convert them and all who are not converted will die in WW3 (Armegeddon) and the Evangelicals, alone, will be “raptured” up to sit at the right hand of Jesus or whoever. Vice President Pense is an Christian Evangelist. West Point and the The Air Force Academy have required attendance Christian Evangelical seminars. So much for “separation of church and state”.
I recently suffered a rant by a sweet employee at a Wal Mart about Israel being the beautiful blossom of the desert, who took care of everyone and loved all of humanity. The ignorance is shocking. Every neighbor I know sees Iran as a threat and wants Iran to be destroyed. Actually they are good people who have been watching primarily Fox News and believe all the propaganda. And if it’s on the (Zionist controlled) media, it must be the truth. So If Israel is the flea on the back of the hegemon, as you claim, the flea is steering the hegemon with it’s Zionist brain.
Further to this portion of this comment thread and in response to Larchmonter 445:
“In the article for which a link is transmitted below, Phil Weiss offers pertinent excerpts from a recent speech by the U.S. ambassador to (or “from”) Israel.
To? From? It doesn’t really matter. Under the Netanyahu/Adelson/Trump triumvirate regime, what were once two countries have effectively become one, **with the former smaller partner clearly in the leading decision-making role.**
Israel’s Dream — (Attacking Damascus right now )
Israel has 300+ NUKES — REFUSES inspections —- REFUSES to sign Non-ProliferationTreaty.
Israel BRAGS about manipulating the governments where ever they migrate — Egypt, Babylon, Rome, Europe through Jewish BANKSTERS
Israel HATES Christianity & GENTILES and denies the Spiritual and Human EQUALITY of NONJews to Jews.
Israel thinks GREATER ISRAEL should rule the World. “Greater Israel” is all land between the Nile and the Euphrates rivers, Syria, Jordan, most of Saudi Arabia. Greater Israel” requires the breaking up of the existing Arab states into small states. You can find maps they have drawn online.… Did you know what the two blue bands on their flag stand for? The Nile and the Euphrates. Israel (using the Gentile USA) is spreading chaos and fracturing all Civilization in the Peoples immediately around it in order to facilitate a land grab for “greater israel”.
Israel has “DUAL-citizens”(sayanim) whose true loyalty is to Israel, embedded throughout American government/society. According to the Zionist creed, Israel is the state of the Jews, all the Jews. Every Jew in the world belongs to Israel, even if temporarily residing somewhere else
If Israel could provoke nuclear apocalypse between America&Russia …..and China ….. BY WAY OF DECEPTION…. Israel would be the ONLY NUCLEAR ARMED SUPERPOWER left………
Especially if it SNEAK nuked many of It’s HATED/HISTORICAL “enemies” While they are bombing each other.(Germany, Poland, England, Egypt, Iraq, basically ALL gentiles should “bear the YOKE of Israel”)Noted Israeli military historian Martin Van Creveld stated that Israel could find itself one day forced to exterminate the European continent using all kinds of weapons including its nuclear arsenal if it felt its demise neared, stressing that Israel also considers Europe a hostile target.
Does Israel have nuclear missiles aimed at the main world capitals?? — You bet.
Israel BRAGS about doing similar in Persia/Iran (75,000dead), Jews even CELEBRATE with Purim [slaughter of enemies] and Egypt(slaughter of all the FIRST BORN CHILDREN)
David Ben-Gurion, one of the father founders of Israel, described Zionist aims in 1948: “A Christian state should be established [in Lebanon], with its southern border on the Litani river. We will make an alliance with it. When we smash the Arab Legion’s strength and bomb Amman, we will eliminate Transjordan too, and then Syria will fall. If Egypt still dares to fight on, we shall bomb Port Said, Alexandria and Cairo… And in this fashion, we will end the war and settle our forefathers’ account with Egypt, Assyria, and Aram” ………….. read that again
“and settle our forefathers’ account with Egypt, Assyria, and Aram”
They are STILL HATING and planning deadly attacks after 3,500+ YEARS .
How do you think they feel about JESUS CHRIST whom they HATE most of ALL.
Israel’s MOTTOES:
(1) NEVER forgive & NEVER forget.
(2) By Way of Deception you will Do War.
(3) Their “god” is a WAR god
Watching Pompeo speak….he offered nothing but a restatement of the entranchement justifying they believe in their actions of sanctions and Nato militarysing etc …following previous methods eg Skripal situation Russia is guilty but cannot prove their innocense ecause it has been set up that way, putting on Russia to become compliant with their wishes and instructions, blackmail which they call negotiation…Donbass Crimea etc.
Lavrov looked exasperated with their buffoonery and mentioned a pathway of steps for USA to follow..was he hinting if any deviation from this then goodbye ,considering so much insincerity recently…..after all so many broken promises eg Syria where USA never identified moderate rebels haha and Kerry gave him endless runarounds and is still causing so much trouble. To me it is a statement of stalemate by Pompeo if only he really realised it….much like other historical situations where such positioning led to the folly of deliberate intended or unintended consequences world wide. Sadly Russia cannot just file and forget because their military political and economic advisors are surely working overtime as they are now able to build on the last four years of experience withstanding the USA and Trump and co’s hysterical psychobabble…and Pompeo just proves the point .
If only Putin could publicly humiliate these cretins and laugh them off all the hemispheres
In my opinion, the USA, controlled as it is politically by the Zionazis through Jewish money power in their sham ‘democracy’ (where the weight of money wins nearly all elections), and thus the ‘bitch’ of Zionazi psychopaths like Satan-yahoo, represents the greatest Evil in all history. The German Nazis were just beginners in contrast. How to achieve a peaceful decline of the USA, the humanisation and civilization of Israel and the end of Jewish and other parasite money power over global societies, and the creation of a decent, ecological, egalitarian, non-violent global civilization, is beyond me. Beyond Sisyphus too, I imagine.
I do not think President Putin or any other person from Russian intelligence believed one word of what Pompeo said…, but they go with the flow, and meanwhile we will see what happens between US and China. The day before there was in Moscow a meeting between Wang Yi and Lavrov, and I am sure the topic was in their discussion..
I can picture Putin right now ….. “Oh no, you mean I have to actually meet that loudmouth jerk Trump again? You can’t imagine how hard it is even be nice to that guy! I liked it so much better back when we were never going to meet again. You know nothing’s going to come from the meeting, right? Even if Trump says something sensible, it will be vetoed and changed before his plane gets back to America. Its a worthless meeting, and he’s so obnoxious. Oh, the things I put up with for Mother Russia.”
“A US investment banker doing business in Russia told me: “Note how Pompeo ran like mad to Sochi. We are frightened and overstretched.” Yes, I had a feeling something like this was indeed the case.
As the old army rule goes, “he who wants to control everything ends up controlling nothing”. The US is indeed overstretched, and this of course applies to it’s military, broken up between military bases inside the US and those 1.000 bases outside the US. When it comes to foreign policy, Washington has bitten more than it can chew. It is picking fights left, right and center and having trouble backing this up. As I have written before, Washington does not have a clear picture of what it has to do, nor does it fully understand that political and economic shifts are happening in the world.
And Pompeo ? He goes to Sochi to see what he can get, hoping for some sort of compromise. However, one thing he will not get, namely Russia and China backing down on Syria, Iran, Venezuela and North Korea. It’s going to be interesting to see how the US will respond. Soberly perhaps ? Maybe. However, the appetites of the neocons are insatiable.
The comments in the Guardian sewer in regard to a story outlining the threat of US aggression against Iran were interesting, and give you a good idea of the Guardian’s audience these days. There were numerous commenters who were positively slavering at the prospect of the US ‘obliterating’ Iran, their blood-lust very Talmudic in its intensity. The threat of aggression is, of course, a crime just like aggression itself, but that is just International Law, mere ‘Christian morality’ as the Yesha Council of Rabbis and Torah Sages put it in 2006 while defending the murder of civilians in Lebanon as a ‘mitzvah’ or good deed.
A long time ago I learned that failure is always the result of a failure of leadership. So the way the US leadership will respond will be like watching mental and moral chickens running around with their heads cut off.
The neocons lack the insight, imagination and initiative to learn from their mental and moral mistakes. So eventually they’ll bankrupt the US militarily, economically and politically trying to solve the unsolvable problem of a racist settler state in the middle east.
“The bottom line: Russia-China won’t allow Iran to be destroyed.
The strategic partnership is in sync on Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan – they want a solution brokered by the SCO. And on North Korea, the message could not have been more forceful.
Russia and China won’t back down on guaranteeing North Korea’s security. Lavrov said”
All the above quotes spell it out. The way it looks the US could unravel fast. People are starting to laugh.
Orlov sees the very existence of the USA ending altogether, an entity rotten externally and rotten internally with nothing to hold it up.
Orlov has a clever facility with words, which makes his pieces always fun to read. However, he has been repeating essentially the same one-trick story about the USA’s collapse for, what, 15 years now (since well before 2008). So I haven’t been holding my breath for 15 years, much though I may have wanted to (in a sense). The USA continues to muddle through. Meantime, USA collapse will become moot soon, since global-scale ecological collapse is proceeding apace and likely to make mere geopolitics utterly irrelevant.
Agree totally with the last point! The only hope would be that the ecological collapse is not total — and knocks some sense into mankind. On this point, see also:
The collapse is proceeding far faster and more broadly and long-lastingly than at any other time we are aware of in planetary history. And the global capitalist parasite overlords show NO sign of allowing humanity to do anything in any way adequate to the task, if it threatens one cent of their ‘wealth’. Barring a miracle, our fate is sealed.
The solution(s) you are seeking to humanity’s problems can not be obtained by humans, only by gods.
Although I have my issues with Mr. Orlov, he long ago said that it was very clear America was collapsing [he said it long after I had come to that conclusions for myself], it was impossible to say specifically when.
He compared it to watching a couch potato guy stuffing himself with hamburgers and beers, and ballooning in weight. You can say, with confidence, that his health would lead to an early death, but you can’t pick the date.
However, I’d say, if you look carefully, that collapse is well along. It’s a bit like a strong looking oak tree. One day it gets hit by lightening, the trunk falls apart, and you see how it in fact was a reamed out, decaying hollow.
When you are in the middle of something, it’s often difficult to see the movement. You know, like how you can stand in the middle of Trafalgar Square and cant’ see England. Only when it comes to looking back, will people see that the collapse was going on all the time – they were just too close up to see it.
I wouldn’t say the USA is “collapsing” but it is changing slowly but surely. What people on the outside see is a deep fragmentation between cultures, regions, classes and so on. To me it seems like we (USA-ans) are moving towards some kind of feudal “virtually” feudal society. We are beginning to organize around nodes usually temporary but as the central authorities are rapidly loosing credibility people are making ad hoc arrangements to make life work for them. Most people I know don’t care about or care to find out about international or even national issues–they’ve given up on all that. The mediascape now so obviously filled with lies and propaganda that no conceptual framework whether is comes from Fox or MSNBC sticks beyond the surface. As time passes, I see the propaganda organs becoming increasingly irrelevant. I mean, seriously, the New York Times now more resembles the National Enquirer than what it was 25-years ago (and it was a mixed bag back then too). People may reflect the opinions they hear on the various organs but less than they used to.
I think we will see a cultural resurrection in the USA within the context of economic collapse which is ongoing despite the increase of jobs (mainly “part time” to avoid paying for benefits) which simply do not pay enough to provide any surplus as most people live paycheck to paycheck. Within all that there is no alternative other than forcing people to cooperate with family members, friends and so on in order to live a more economically viable life I think this is a profound change and a good one. Cooperation is a lost art and necessity is calling it forth for the first time since the 30s and 40s.
Chris Cosmos
I only partially agree with what you wrote. The US, I am afraid, is indeed collapsing. I am not sure this trend can be reversed. On the other hand, you are indeed right. The country is changing, acquiring a feudal mentality with people more concerned for their town and region than for the country as a whole. Unfortunately it is also fragmenting. A severe economic crisis will probably speed the process up. In Dixie Land there is a saying “The South Will Rise Again”. It’s not impossible. In 1998 Igor Panarin, the Dean of the Russian Diplomatic Academy, presented his well known map of the break up of the US into six part. The map is basically correct, although I do not agree with him leaving a few of the former Confederate States outside the (potentially) new Confederacy. Had the US not played empire, it would not have found itself in the position it is now.
i can see only one path for the US – bomb London. No one will object (the brit leadership will applaud the robust measure). Then the US can celebrate a victory and perhaps STFU.
You meant Tel aviv and Riayadh…there fixed it for you. The whole world would applaud.
Brilliant mijj
The truth of the matter is US is running out of options. The continuous and every increasing sanctions against so many countries, none of said sanctions ever being removed, is becoming an ever increasing stone around the necks of world business.
EU has borne the brunt of sanctions against Russia since the two false flags of 404 and Skirpal, and the shock and stunned looks in EU in fall of ’14 when Russia put retaliatory sanctions on EU countries was a wonder to behold. But, since EU is but a herd of minions under the thumb of CIA, who has massive dossiers on all current and potential EU ‘leaders’, the collective herd will continue to shoot themselves in their collective foot and do what they are told to do.
US leadership, those who are not screaming in public, know full well the the ‘window of opportunity’ to totally crush and destroy Russia passed them by almost 20 years ago. They had no idea Russia would rise again from the ashes of almost a century of revolution and war, but she did, and now those calling the shots in Foggy Bottom are faced with a choice which they dread to make. Recognize that US is no longer the World Hegemon and that Russia has returned to the status of World Power with her ever closer comrade China, or continue the steady march to a war that will destroy USA as she is today, whether she ‘wins’ the war or not.
Russia and China will survive a war albeit with horrendous damage, but they if needs be will rise yet again. This renewal is not an option for USA, the country that has visited unfathomable war and destruction on so much of the world, simply because USA as a viable culture will not survive an infinitesimal amount of the damage USA inflicts on others on a daily basis. War time destruction of but one small or medium size city in US will lead to a complete and total breakdown of the culture and the economy overnight, and this fact is known in the inner halls of Washington, known very well.
The vast majority of the populace has not a clue how to exist without fast food, cell phones, internet and 24/7 food and booze shops. The clever ones, and I know more than one, are quietly abandoning the coastal areas from Maine to Washington State, they are moving ‘back home’ to the land their grandparents came from, the small farms and communities in central US. They are also arming up and I’ve been told more than once what will happen to the of the moment protected criminals and their activities plus the residuals of those activities in regards to the never ending ‘petty’ theft from shops and stores to support the opiate crisis. That crisis will be gone in a fortnight if not less. These people are those who will survive the to all intents and purposes coming war. The rest, well, one good friend told me when I asked what they would do when the hordes of migrants arrived in their areas in search of food and succor. “We can not take in useless mouths to feed. Skills, yes, if we need them, but our families will come first.”
Think about that as your leaders march to a war that will destroy you, and not only you but the insulated ‘gated communities’ which will be the first target of the hordes of you fellow citizens who have no water, no electric, no transport and no food, and the massively guarded ‘safe havens’ of the rich and powerful. The police will be concerned with the safety of their own families, as will be the military and the vast majority of the fops and minions of the oh so may three letter agencies in every city in USA. Think about that as our people plant their gardens both at their houses, those who own them, and/or their dachas, and think about the number of towns and villages in this vast land that still have the old town and village wells with working hand pumps, whether they have ‘modern’ water service or not. The pumps and wells are, indeed, still there.
Russia and China will rise again. Parts of Europe may do so, but precious little of USA will.
Never The Last One A deep look in to Russia, her culture and her Armed Forces, in essence a look at the emergence of Russian Federation.
Sevastopol, The Third Defense. Book 1, A Premonition. Set against a backdrop of real events and real places, the reader is left to filter fact from fiction.
“global-scale ecological collapse is proceeding apace and likely to make mere geopolitics utterly irrelevant”
I sometimes wonder if we are missing the real issue here, by focusing on geopolitics, when our dying planet may make our concerns completely moot, and us extinct.
Good comment. Today I am reading that only 30 % of corn has been planted in the US, due entirely to heavy rains. Over here in Europe we have a similar situation, rain and almost winter style temperatures, with people going around in winter clothes. Strange for the middle of May. Or is it ?
We have all heard about global warming. However, since 2001 I have been reading about global cooling, the arrival of a mini ice age. If true, then you can imagine the consequences on agriculture and international relations, with millions moving from the less developed South to the more developed North.
BF, what you are seeing is anthropogenic climate DESTABILISATION. A recent survey of ice-cores, reported in Nature, noted that the Arctic sea ice acts as a sort of ‘insulation’ for the Greenland ice-cap. At times in the recent, geologically speaking, past, during the current epoch of Ice Ages and inter-glacials, the loss of that insulation has caused a temperature rise over Greenland of SIXTEEN degrees (ie 16) Celsius in ONE decade ie ten years. If that happens again when the ice disappears in a few years, we’re for the high jump old boy-bet on it. But we’re already doomed in any case.
Please stop it with this nonsense, will you?
You have no evidence of your rhetorical, off-topic comments so please desist.
I did not mention anything about the environment in my post. Please stick to the subject at hand. If you want to discuss environment, then write an article for Blog and submit it.
If you’re referring to me, Auslander, I was not replying to you, but to B.F and Anonymouse, who both noted the supreme importance of the ecological collapse, which will shortly make ALL geopolitical concerns utterly meaningless.
I am talking to anyone who attempts to derail any thread. If you feel so strongly about environment, the fate of Pink Nosed Albanian Flying Turtles or anything else, then by all means write up a post and submit it to blog. Perpetuating an attempt to derail any thread can not be justified by the ‘he did it first’ excuse, it is still an attempt to derail a thread.
Now that is an excellent post, Auslander.
When I visited Texas and Arkansas years ago I saw with my own eyes the large contrast between the cities and the countryside.
To get an idea of rampage, here is a link describing just a 2 hour glitch in the EBT Card System (‘Food stamps’): .
And this was just a glitch, but is hardly imaginable what an EMP would mean. No electricity also means no heating, refrigerating and no water. Refineries will stop, so there will be no more fuel. And yes, that means that the cooling and circulation pumps of nuclear plants will stop running, resulting in 98 Fukushima’s in 30 states.
We will see something like a live version of the movie ‘World War Z’.
And what worries me most: the USA has a historical narrow and incorrect view about the rest of the world, and the Deep State is mainly run by psychopaths. When they are running out of options, my hopes are bleak that they will take a step back. ‘Domination’ is hard-wired into their brains. What happens when an alpha dog feels threatened?
Btw, that cited short conversation between Lavrov and Pompeo really made my day. I mean to remember that some time ago Lavrov was considering (a well deserved) retirement, but really, he is one of the few adults in the room, filled with quite some kids with an attitude. I do hope that he will stay some longer, we live in dangerous times.
Cheers, Rob
I have to disagree with you slightly. Yes, the CIA does have dossiers on EU leaders. However, take a look at Germany. Angela Merkel lost control of German industrialists, who bitterly resented sanctions which Washington introduced against Russia, as they knew that these sanctions were also directed against the EU, the intent being to turn the EU away from Russia and towards the US. By the second half of 2016, the EU lost 100 billion euros in trade with Russia. The result ? Some 500 German industrialists went to Russia, openly conducting negotiations and opening subsidiaries in the country, which last year employed 140.000 Russians. A few weeks ago Mercedes opened a plant outside Moscow. Today I am reading that the Economics Committee of the German Parliament is discussing ways of lifting sanctions against Russia. There is so much that the US can ask of Europe. Losing billions is not something that Europe is prepared to do in the long run, and I don’t see these sanctions lasting too long.
Jesus said to love one another as I have loved you. People who live in so-called Christian nations are a long way from understanding and doing this. But it is the only way to face the world crisis which is now rushing to its conclusion. God bless you all. Be brave and of good cheer.
Spot on Rick.
Life’s greatest challenge may be to love someone who hates you.
To recognise that the struggle is internal as much as external. That you are capable of the same hatred.
That you love others as yourself.
I have come to believe that Christianity is the expression of this struggle.
Judaism is the exploitation of this struggle.
It is not a religion at all but a political philosophy designed to exploit every weakness of the human condition.
It represents manifestly, the devil.
Little Black Duck
Thank you for your comment. I believe that the mission of Jesus on planet earth is only just beginning. Over the past two millenniums, many people have tried to appropriate his teachings for their own limited purposes, or, if they could not do that, tried to explain them away or ignore them. But the core truth remains, including his saying that “Blessed are the peacemakers.”
All those who work for peace are helping to move Jesus’s mission forward. This includes those working toward harmony among the world’s predominant cultures and those working to heal the planet and nature from pollution and economic exploitation.
I believe the community of readers of the Saker website to be among these. Yes, it’s a tough battle, but one we must fight.
Here in Austfailia, the Right are prosecuting a kulturkampf in regard to ‘religious freedom’. It amounts, in fact, to the defence of the ‘freedom’ to hate, and the great Murdochite hate and fear-machine is leading the Crusade. The current great hero of hatred as ‘religion’ is a rugby footballer, Israel Folau, who recently declared that various people eg gays, fornicators, idolators, gamblers etc, were going to Hell. He had previously stated such bigoted hatred as his ‘religious’ belief, so, for a further infringement, the rugby authorities took away his multi-million contract.
That his homophobia (the fornicators etc have been forgotten in the public tumult)seems hardly consistent with the Prince of Peace’s doctrine of forgiveness and compassion hardly worries the Right. As in most of their ‘theology’, they much prefer the Old Testament to the New, so are, in fact, Judaic. The usurpation of Christianity by Judaism, through the ‘Christian Zionist’ lunatics and other nut-jobs is a true disaster.
I’ve wondered before on this site how the old testament got itself attached to (and in front of) the new testament.
Don’t tell me Guttenberg was Jewish?
I s’pose he was!
‘Destabilization of Tehran’ would be unacceptable to Moscow and Beijing, both have vital interests in the region, for that reason ‘won’t allow Iran to be destroyed.’ It comes as no surprise they will guarantee the country’s security. There is a very real danger that if the US pursues its policy it will find itself in direct confrontation with Russia and China. It is one of many potential flash points for world war three. The signs of ominous, as Armageddon looms.
Great well reasoned discussion of Israel’s role in our problems. I lean towards Mulga’s ideas on this. Avoiding excessive emotionalism helps bring clarity to these complex issues. I thank the Saker for allowing this free wheeling discussion to proceed unhindered by censorship.
Some great comments here. A very high precentage!
The pessimism regarding Egoic Mind Control Run Amuck……of the AZ entity, is however, a blinding, unnecessary, and dangerous thing.
As is, IMHO, the (minority) tendency to throw in the towel on the “tough nut to crack” geopolitical madness afoot in the world and retreat into a Zero-Growth Malthusian Green Mother Earth to “Save the Planet”….and one’s own sanity…or at least rear end, thinking, “I am better than the rest of these fools….so shouldn’t at least I survive??”
From an ecological standpoint, this ignores the plain fact that Global General War…especially with nuclear weapons salvos….would represent perhaps at least a thousandfold acceleration of ecological collapse…..compared to the growth of that island of millions of tons of plastic floating in the Pacific Ocean.
I am optimistically thinking that the Plastic Island in the Middle of the Pacific (and similar environmental challenges) are small potatoes compared to the dangers posed by those who wish to accelerate Armageddon, and with a little bit of time, given a chance combine the best wisdom from all sections of humanity should that global war of nuclear salvoes be skated around (We ARE on thin ice! LOL) wonderfully complex and beautifully diverse …though often bedeviled Humanity….could still come through this period of our brief history…….”smelling like a rose”.
What is in the making, with Eurasian Integration is not only an economic power for the bulk of humanity to free itself from want, enslavement, looting and war but an advancement in Human World Culture, potentially as never before in history in terms of both Quality, —Philosophical Wisdom— and Quantity—Billions of humans of potentially higher consciousness than ever before, by ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE.
Russia has much to offer in that regard, besides the very necessary s-400s and 500s and other hardware.
THE staunchest American opponent of the evils of Empire, put it this way, 16 years ago:
“A rational world would adopt Vladimir I. Vernadsky’s defining of the Noosphere as the keystone for defining the physical-economic doctrines of management and development of all modern economies…. This use of the work of Vernadsky will prove to be of unique importance in bringing forth the now urgently needed transition from a division between European and Asian cultures, to the emergence of the presently needed true Eurasian culture. The dialogue of cultures, grounded in an agenda of such considerations, must function as a forum of general reference for developing acceptance for that process of progress toward such an emerging Eurasian culture, progress shared as a mode of policy-shaping dialogue and agreements among sovereign nations.”
Pompeo and Bolton as one commenter hoped for (with reason, I sense) ARE apparently being used up, discredited and about to be tossed into the Trash Can Of History ………..along with the Bernard Lewis Plan.that is THE only play in either one of their Play Books…….for the Clash of Civilizations which humanity has a great opportunity to now pull back from…………principally due to the Double Helix being just too formidable and unbreakable to overcome.
Sorry, two-bit bullies…..TOO LATE guys!
But I’d advise the understandably alarmed and morally outraged Mulga, and understandably horrified persons like him to at least slightly check (not eject…..that’s too great a leap…I fully understand!) their animus and horror….TDS??? …of Orange Man. for at least a couple more months (G-20 in Japan and maybe more) ..because there is plenty of evidence of him employing a great deal of maskirovka…just to get this far against his Deep State …EMPIRE opponents and it IS getting to be time for him to very possibly show his true and better hand.,,,,which might yet ….actually exist!!
Or at least that’s what the Empire Minions Richard Breedlove, his go-fer Christopher Steele and all their Deep State Bernard Lewis Acolytes the USA (Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Hellary) ..quite manifestly FEAR!
Whereas both Xi and Putin have given indications that they think that a better turn (sans Pompeo and Bolton) might yet be possible. What do they know that you (and I) don’t know???
To Dialogue or To Clash: That Is the Question Facing Civilization
A powerful summary of the need to bury Bernard Lewis, and his foul, Empire Toady disgusting ideas…in favor of the better part of what humanity has been offered by his the not so distant past…such as Vernadsky.
Whose work offers an especially valuable approach to the Mankind in Nature aspects of the current crossroads humanity faces.
Indeed! As the French saying goes: “Perfide Albion. Toujours toujours toujours Perfide Albion.” Or as the British say: “British brains and American muscle.”
LOL, in Russian we say “Англичанка гадит” which can be roughly translated as “the British are crapping” or “The British are being nasty/devious/perfidious”.
The Saker
Or as Nehru noted in India-the longer the English had been in control in any part of India, the more dire was the condition of the people at Independence.
Usa aint listenin to whatever is said….they only have attitude…..just repeating their delusions..
I’ve been a firm believer in the noosphere ever since I first heard it discussed in ‘Sea of Faith’ an old UK series where the ideas of Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Marx, Darwin and others were discussed in relation to religious belief. Then I discovered Rupert Sheldrake and ‘morphic resonance’ and Lovelock’s Gaia hypothesis and it began making more sense. I was just watching the ants building huge ramparts around their nests the other day, and they don’t put much faith in weather forecasts. Then, yesterday, a great crowd of about twenty black cockatoos descended on the place, screeching and squawking like banshees, and they proved a true harbinger of the political disaster about to befall the country in the election results that night. Raucous birds of ill omen, they certainly impressed the dogs, and pissed off the local parrots. Then they were gone.
Well, disclosing that Seth Rich was the source of the DNC/HRC emails would go a long way toward “closing the Russiagate” fiasco.
The only way Russia and China can prevent a US war with Iran is to directly threaten to respond militarily using their own forces against any US forces attacking Iran. And they need to do that in advance of any US attack on Iran. Period. End of story.
The problem is this: The neocons have convinced or will convince Trump that he can get a “poll bump” in the 2020 elections if he joins Israel in attacking Hezbollah in Lebanon. This is what all the US talk about “Iranian proxies” is about – putting the concept in the minds of the public and Congress. And the biggest “Iranian proxy” and the only one that matters is Hezbollah. Because Israel can not afford a war with Iran as long as Hezbollah has its missile arsenal. And Israel can’t degrade Hezbollah’s missile arsenal by itself. Israel needs US troops and US strategic bombers to do that.
So all Israel has to do is create a false flag incident on the Lebanese border, claim it was “attacked”, attack Hezbollah, then the get the US to join in the “retaliation”. Then all the neocons have to do is get that war extended into Syria and then Iran.
The US Congress will be forced to accede because few in Congress want to be on the side “against Israel’s security” or against the rich Zionists and the military-industrial complex that funds their election campaigns. The Pentagon, which would prefer not to attack Iran, is still smarting over the Marine barracks bombing in Lebanon decades ago, will willingly support joining Israel in attacking Hezbollah – and when the war is extended by Israel and the neocons, the Pentagon will be forced to go along.
Whether Trump gets his “poll bump” or not is irrelevant. So is whether he gets re-elected or not. From the neocon viewpoint, they get their war in the Middle East, and what happens after develops on its own, whether Trump gets re-elected or some other President comes in. And the war with Iran will happen and drag on for a decade or two or three, because Iran will never surrender.
So we’re looking at another “summer war” in Lebanon either this summer or next summer. It’s already planned and in the works. And there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it. And no one can stop it from eventually extending into a war with Iran – short of Putin and China threatening WWIII directly. The problem is Putin and China won’t threaten WWIII over Lebanon – so the war will start. And then it will continue until Russia and China threaten WWIII.
The USA is playing at being stupid. Lead in the water etc.
To invite a massive attack by an enenmy and an ally.
I doubt anyone will fall for it.
Israel is trying to instigate War for USA to fight …. worried Trump not jumping high enuff fast enuff?
Iteresting take on Trump. He has been a disappointment. One almost has to hope his ego is so big he won’t let the neocons spoil his page in the history books.
Thank you Dr. Maroudas. We are all trying to puzzle the ring that seems to bind all world leaderships to some measure of evil. Maybe it is just power itself. I have tried to judge how well I have handled the little power over others I have at times posessed. I cannot say I never misused it.
Riddle me this Mulga? Why do the Chinese play ball? Did the global zionists get a bug in their ear too? I’m not being snarky here. You may have some thoughts that would help the community understanding.
Do you mean ‘play ball’ with Israel, Tesshu? I think the Chinese prefer peace, so they’ll work with anyone. Plus they understand the Zionazis and their controlling ways, so they won’t get far trying to establish an Israel First Lobby in Beijing. And they know that the Zionazis control the USA, or as Ariel Sharon bragged, ‘We, the Jewish people, control America!’. No point picking a fight there. We’ll see. Waiting is.
China is complicit in the looting of Russia.
Kissinger the ever cunning geopolitical thinker, bring China to be America close ally in 1975, and China helped indirectly to cause the collapse of Soviet Union.
The collapse of Soviet Union allowed British Anglo super elite from city of London to loot Russia more than US$1 trillion during Yelstin years.
It was estimated more than US$2 trillion have been looted by the British super elite from Russia, after the collapse of Soviet.
Putin kicked out British super agent in Russia such as Mickey Kondomski, to stop all the looting of Russia. This anger the British super elite. That is why all the British media spread lies and fake news about Putin and Russia.
Furthermore American foreign policy are decided by British elite Chatham House
The greedy British super elite using Chatham House to spread propaganda on Putin, in order to get rid of Putin and replace with their own puppet.
Kissinger is the key and important person in Chatham House.
Kissinger is the top secret British elite super agent.
Russia still have more than US$80 trillion unexplored mineral and oil and gas natural resources.
Compare to America who has US$50 trillion mineral natural resources.
Russia can last longer if Putin manage well and Putin successor continue to defend Russia at all cost, like Putin doing now.
The ever greedy British super elite from the city of London is forever want to take control of Russia and want to install their own puppet in the Russia government.
The looting of post-Soviet Russia by Rachel Douglas
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