(Note: as a rule, I don’t do reposts, but when I read Andrei’s piece, I decided to make an exception. The Saker)

source: https://smoothiex12.blogspot.com/2020/11/while-they-discount-votes.html

by Andrei Martyanov posted by permission on the Saker blog

Truth is, it doesn’t matter who wins in the United States’ circus, aka presidential elections, because, as I am on the record for a long time,  the final result will be within the same realm of outcomes ranging from utter collapse and wide-spread violence to simply protracted, and accelerating, decline and slow dissolution into the Orwellian reality. Acquaintance of mine sent me today some essay, which already circulates in Russian media-sphere, called: A Message to Russian Expats Living in the US. It contains passages such as this:

Colleagues, I want to address you.Face it: the America you came to is dying. A great civilization is getting its last, euthanasia shot. Do not count on the fact that “the Republicans control the Senate, they will not allow anything to be done”. They will allow. And if the election was stolen from Trump now, then stealing two Senate seats in Georgia with Biden as president-elect is clearly an achievable task. You have invested years of work, tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars, and endured serial stress in order to gain a foothold in a new place. This is worthy of respect. Admitting that the best thing you can do for yourself (and more importantly, for your children) is to leave again is very, very painful. However, what is now whispering in your head, that “it’s not so bad”, and that “America will return”, is still your sunk cost fallacy, not rationale.

And, of course, goes into the race relations with statements like this:

Your children will be on their knees, and will write letters of apology for being white, like how American nuclear scientists from Sandia Labs write letters of apology to blacks.

If those children have been brought up in the modern American “cultural” tradition, especially on the campuses of modern American universities studying useless pseudo-scientific BS in “humanities”, absolutely–those children will kneel and prostrate themselves, which would indicate that they are not really Russian children, brought up without any Russian cultural input and in this sense they are one step away from Eurowussies, who surrendered their countries to the hordes of barbarians without putting up a fight. In fact, there is very little difference between urban population in Western Europe and in the US, the larger the American city is, the more emasculated its white male population. Luckily, even despite the fact of GOP being a bunch of unprincipled cowards, even my uber-liberal acquaintances stated that people who elected (yet, again) a flaming “socialist” bat-shit crazy  Kshama Sawant, who makes even retarded Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan look reasonable, totally deserved what is coming to them. Same goes to people of Portland, or, for that matter, the whole state of California–a first American state qualifying for the genuine third world shithole.

So, while this pathos-driven essay (or manifesto) to Russian Americans is cute, truth is–the decline of America on the institutional level has been predicted long time ago, and I just want, yet again, to remind you my 6-year old conclusion which led me to writing my books:

I observed for decades now a consistent pattern of the wrong assessments, loony strategies and deliberate misrepresentation (lies?) of facts coming from the top of US establishment, which since 1991 lives in the make-believe world built by the triumphalists. It is difficult to explain to the average Joe that Baseball World Series, or Superbowl “World Champions” have no relation to the World and are purely internal American affairs. That there is a huge wide world outside  and that it lives and moves not in accordance to the American narrative. Explaining to American “elite” the fact that US didn’t “win” the WW II, that “winning” the Cold War came about because Soviet people simply decided to end it, that Wall Street “economy” has no relation to real economy and that real wars produce misery and destruction on a scale which is incomprehensible for the “populace” of the Washington D.C. “strategists”, it is not just difficult–it is next to impossible. So, the events must run the course. But it is already clear that by failing to achieve any sensible political objectives in Ukraine and in Russia, and, by this, starting a massive global re-alignment, the United States sustained a defeat. What will be the consequences of this defeat? I hate to speculate, I just know that they are already big and that the moment of facing the reality is coming.

In fact, I was on this topic since roughly 2007-08 when it became, after Putin’s famous Munich speech, and Russia disposing of the Georgia’s Army in less than 5 days in August 2008, patently clear that the whole thing was basically the house of cards ranging from economy to military, to social issues. Now we all saw how institutions collapse. I voted for Trump in the state (Washington) where his chances to win are as remote as for me to become Chinese, but the main reason we voted was to reject this:

That bill requires every public school to offer wide-ranging sex ed to all students in grades 6-12 by the 2021-22 school year, and to students as young as kindergarten by the 2022-23 school year. Sex ed must be provided no less than six times: once to students between kindergarten and third grade, once to students between fourth and fifth grade, twice to students between sixth and eighth grade, and twice to students between ninth and 12th grade. The curriculum offered to students must be age-appropriate. Young students will focus on what the bill calls “social-emotional learning.” But as students get older, the sex ed will include information about sexually transmitted diseases, health care resources, communication skills, and the “development of meaningful relationships and avoidance of exploitative relationships,” as the bill puts it.

The bill passed. Here is how it passed:

As you can see, Seattle (King County) is a hot bed for sexual perverts and pedophiles who think that sexually “educating” a kindergarten child is admissible. So is a Jefferson County, known for an extreme concentration of former hippies and alternatively gifted, primarily on the other plane, people around Port Townsend. As you can see rural Washington, especially Eastern Washington, a state and region’s granary rejected this insanity. This is also, where real America survives, the country of deplorables.  It is also the America which is is heavily armed and we do not know what will be the responses in coming months but America which I and my family came to has been gone for at least 15 years and my task was to document how nation was committing suicide using prescriptions of the American oligarchy which played its hand really well offering majority of America a faux-choice between shitty and down right disastrous. Remarkably, the only thing Trump got right was decoupling from China, but for NYC real estate shyster it was execution of the plan which sucked pretty badly and I am sure they are smiling in Bejing expecting the charade with vote-counting be over soon and then welcome Democratic Administration which would pursue same set of policies of financing Chinese economy through negative trade balance. Recall this:

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton wants China to continue investing in the United States because the two countries’ financial futures are closely tied together. “I certainly do think that the Chinese government and central bank are making a smart decision by continuing to invest in Treasury bonds,” she said during an interview Sunday with the popular talk show “One on One.” “It’s a safe investment. The United States has a well-deserved financial reputation.” To boost the economy, the U.S has to incur more debt, she said, shortly before departing for Washington. “It would not be in China’s interest if we were unable to get our economy moving,” Clinton said. “So by continuing to support American Treasury instruments, the Chinese are recognizing our interconnection. We are truly going to rise or fall together. We are in the same boat and, thankfully, we are rowing in the same direction.

This is really important, because this is exactly what (if they push it through) the Biden, I mean Harris, I mean HRC’s, administration will pursue again, while increasing the pitch of anti-Russian hysteria and making sure Euro cucks are in line. Well, Democratic foreign policy “establishment” is an exhibit A of highly illiterate and unprofessional people, so the whole thing will be a big mess with Russia. Not that Trump’s Admin was any better, with the lunatics of the scale of Pompeo or Billingslea–it is just a whole process of American “elites” being increasingly dumb.  So, no matter who comes to “power” in the US it changes only the mode of decline, it doesn’t change a fact that nothing could be done about it within utterly corrupt and dysfunctional framework of America’s political discourse and a real data (not some garbage of US economic “statistics” or polls) speaks volumes about America’s shrinking real economy and sociopaths, if not outright psychopaths, constituting America’s ruling class, no matter party affiliation. In the end, look at the title of my upcoming book–it says it all. I warned everyone years ago:

This process is relatively non-violent for now, but the attack on American Europeanism, due to sometimes justified historic grievances and present inequalities, only grows in intensity. The new race- and gender-based agenda and grievances culture has slowly but surely displaced an old left whose main focus were jobs and wages for the majority of working Americans, be they white, black or any other race or gender. The old left is gone today, being supplanted with what Steve Sailer calls the “Democrats’ coalition of fringes”—a combination of interest groups, also known as social justice warriors, associated with the Democratic Party and vying for resources and influence in shaping the future of the United States. It is a profoundly depressing outcome for anyone who came to appreciate and treasure the best that American culture offered in the past—most of it European in origin. But the so-called establishment conservatives in the US are in no position to be critical—they were the ones who conflated American patriotism, often justified, with a culturally and economically debilitating militarism. They were also the ones who continue to push ahead with a destructive neo-liberal globalist economic agenda. And the ones who controlled American corporations and off-shored them, depleting American manufacturing, and thereby unions and jobs. … Against such a background, it is difficult to see how this trust and mutual respect can be restored. US elites have simply stopped producing any truly competent people; the US stopped producing real statesmen, not just politicians, even earlier. When experts fail, as they failed America, not least due to many of them not being real experts at all, actors, comedians, sportsmen, conspiracy theorists and demagogues from the mass-media take their place.

So, there is nothing truly unexpected with what happens to the United States now, since the silhouettes of America’s future were seen by many who had their heads out of their own asses for years. America is a radically divided country which failed to coalesce into genuine nation and that was a recipe for disaster from the get go. Today it is a territory populated with a variety of people who have nothing in common culturally, economically or metaphysically and American “elites” demonstrated this fully. The America as we knew it is no more and many understand that. When enough people will grasp this fact, then there could be some small chance on rearranging whatever will be left in the United States into some form of a functional state. I don’t hold my breath, though. I am a simple man, I just want to get to my beloved Cascades and further, into Rockies, stopping in the small towns in Idaho, Montana or Eastern Washington, sipping on my coffee at some diner, and contemplating the beauty of the nature and of people, who are a disappearing breed still found in the rural America, over my chicken fried steak. Life doesn’t stop, it never does and it will continue on even after we are all gone. We just need to make sure that no life-ending event occurs, thus making possible for a generation of normal people to emerge at some point of time in the future. Last question: do I believe that there were illegal votes and bulletins’ dumping? Absolutely, but it doesn’t matter since in four years Trump did nothing, except tweeting and parading himself in media, to save his (and ours) country. So, good riddance, let democrats now finish off whatever is left of it. Believe me, they will wreck it big time and GOP will help them.