Mikhail Sovetsky
Translated by Valentina and captioned by Leo.
If you take take a look at a Soviet money banknote and look closely, then you can see that the bill was issued by the State Bank that is clearly written on it. Yet, what is written on the current Russian money banknote is simply “Bank of Russia”. Also, on Soviet banknotes it was written that the bill is backed by gold, pressure metals or state bonds. However, on current Russian banknotes, there is no such statement. Also, there was the coat of arms on Soviet money, which disappeared from current Russian money. What is left, is just a double-headed eagle, which resembles the coat of arms of the Interim Russian government in 1917.
And many Russian citizens are curious why there is no coat of arms on current Russian rubles? This question was even asked to Putin, to which he pretended that he does not know.
Question to Putin from audience: “A very important question: when on Russian banknotes there will be a Russian coat of arms?”
Vladimir Putin: “This is a decision that made by Central Bank in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation. I have not thought about it, but I will now.”
In 2016, the coat of arms of Russia began to appear on Russian money. Which brought even more questions. I was also interested in it. And here recently, there was new information explaining that. Presumably, Russia could not print a coat of arms of Russia on its money because it lost during the Cold War. And Gorbachev signed an act of capitulation that was officially confirmed. This act was supposed to expire after 25 years. And so after 25 years of the USSR’s capitulation in 1991, the agreement now has expired and Russia can print a coat of arms on its rubles.
But here is how everything looks like in reality. Yes, Soviet Union lost the Cold War because of treason of the Soviet elite. Gorbachev with his team betrayed the country gradually. In 1989, during the Malta meeting, Gorbachev betrayed USSR and allies completely. Although, there were no official documents signed, especially, there was no act of capitulation. Although, the document may exist, but is very well classified. In other words, officially, there are no such documents available for the public. Especially, since the document specifically stated that act of capitulation expires in 25 years. If such a document would have been available for public, the information could’ve been found in school textbooks.
So far, the loss of the USSR in the Cold War looks like a betrayal of the Soviet elite. However, after the Cold War defeat, the USSR got all the attributes of a defeated country: occupation (NATO soldiers are present in former USSR territories); contributions paid (remember the uranium deal? The “Megatons to Megawatts Program”); all assets of the USSR are located under Western jurisdiction, basically in the offshore zone; and lastly, Russia is being ruled by foreigners (Russia’s Constitution was written by Western advisers).
To summarize all of the above, Russia, now, is a piece of a country that was defeated during the Cold War. Of course, the winner took control on printing their money. Our Central Bank is working in the interests of the USA and Europe.
Valentin Katasonov (economist): “The Russian Central Bank – In reality is a branch of the US Federal Reserve System. The Russian Central Bank isn’t even a Central Bank. This is currency management. There is such a thing as a currency block. This is practically currency exchange. There is exactly as much money in the economy as much as the foreign currency is in the reserve.”
Knowing that, one can explain why there is no coat of arms, nor is there a valuable word by the state issued to the banknote. Now more concretely, let’s start with the coat of arms. The Central Bank explained: it is not the coat of arms of the Interim Government, it is a drawing by Russian painter Ivan Bilibin. Ivan Bilibin used to illustrate books, and most famous ones are illustrations for Russian fairy tales. So, the coat of arms of the Interim Government of Russia in 1917 and the Russian Central Bank double-headed eagle are presumably (based on Central Bank explanations) different drawings of the same author – Ivan Bilibin. And the Central Bank does not explain what the difference between the two drawings are.
Why is it exactly that the coat of arms of the Interim Russian Government of 1917 is displayed instead of the current Russian coat of arms? First of all, as Putin stated, the decisions on what to draw on our money is all based on what the Central Bank wants. Our Central Bank, based on Russia’s Constitution, is independent from the government and the president, and do not subordinate their activities to them. [Ed. – Same as the US Federal Reserve.] Second of all, the Central Bank chose its symbol in 1992, when there was no modern coat of arms yet. (It was made in 1993.) And purely theoretically, they could have chosen even the American coat of arms. Which by the way, would had been more honest.
So, why then in 2016, did the Russian coat of arms appear on Russian coins? Officially, nobody gives an explanation. Actually, based on Russia’s Law, officially the Central Bank could have started to print Russia’s coat of arms on banknotes from 25 December 2000. So, the explanation that the Central Bank could not print the Russian coat of arms on their money because of an act of capitulation, is not true. Some patriots explained that the appearance of the Russian coat of arms on their money in 2016 is a courtesy of national oriented people that work inside the bank. But I personally don’t buy it. It does not affect financial policy at all, nor does it affect anything positively. On the contrary, it’s a lullaby for the citizens.
If those patriots from the Central Bank would have drawn the USA coat of arms on Russian money, that would have been a million times better, because at least people would wake up. But it’s the opposite, the Central Bank is mimicking to be a state. In reality, it’s a separate organism – a parasite. One that suffocates the Russian economy. So, from unknown reason, the board of directors from Central bank just decided to print a Russian coat of arms on her money. I assume, it was done to put the citizens to sleep: “All is good, the bank is Russian, don’t worry.” I think, that is the main idea.
What is the actual problem for Russian citizens? The problem is that the Central Bank, due to lack of national institutions that is prohibited by Article 13 of Constitution of Russia: (No ideology can be established as a state ideology or mandatory ideology), which would have made a strategy of development, is actually managed by international institutions like the International Monetary Fund. And IMF recommendations are in accordance with Article 15 of the Constitution: (Generally recognized principles and norms of international law are an integral part of the legal system of Russia.) Therefore, our bank is being managed by our geopolitical enemies and, naturally, in their benefits. It is done by linking the emission of the Russian ruble to the enemy’s currency. This kind of job in the Central Bank is called “currency board.” The name invented by England for its colonies.
Sergey Glazyev (economic adviser to Putin): “The Central Bank strictly follows all recommendation of the IMF. If anything, Russia lacks of its own money. We refused emission of credits to the Russia economy and started the IMF favorite model of currency management: basically, the Central Bank prints as much money as we have in the currency reserve. Which is a bit less. When one cannot create a credit, instead, one must link the creation of money to purchasing of foreign currency from the USA and Europe; then the economy will follow the money. We refused to manage our own money as a credit resource; therefore, we lack a source of credit, lack of investments. So, our economy subdues to outside forces.”
What needs to be done for improving life in Russia? I don’t invent anything here. I am quoting words of scholars like Glazyev and Katasonov: we need to change the financial policy of the Central Bank. This is the most important. It is necessary to print as much money as we need for our economy with 0 interest rate. Issuing money needs to be as a result of refinancing of commercial banks or backed by state bonds, as it is done in USA and the EU. It should not be linked to the dollar as it is now. Right now, the interest rate is 6.25%, although, it has been declining lately. However, it doesn’t mean much for Russia’s economy.
First of all, if it is not going to be refinanced, then there is no difference on what the interest rate is, even it would be a zero. Second of all, prior to 2014, the interest rate was also declining, then it flew up to 17 %. It was necessary during the time to bring the interest rate down, so for a very short period of time, Russia lost what was gained previously for many years. I understand that all of this is hard to understand for the average person. I understand that all of this is hard to understand for the average person. If you are interested in this topic, please watch the interview of Katasonov and Glazyev.
The essence of it – our Central Bank is suffocating the Russian economy by not giving it credit. Russia resides on 1/7 of Earth’s landmass. It has huge resources, including human resources. We have everything we need for development, except the most simplest thing – money. It is easy for a state to print money. The USSR had been printing as much money as it needed. Now, China and developed countries are printing as much as needed for their economies. But Russia is printing as much money as it has dollars and euros in reserve. Which happened as a result of the sellout of our resources – oil and gas. If the Central Bank will be nationalized, then there will be trillions of rubles flooding into our economy. It will be increase in GDP not in 1.2 % as it is now, but in 8% a year. It will create a national business, middle class, jobs, and better salaries. This is all real. It was calculated by the Russian Academy of Science.
Glazyev: “If we start this strategy, then, as the calculation shows, we can bring economy to 8% GDP a year. Not 2-3% or 1.2% like some are drawing, but 8% and more.”
All we need to do is to change the system. Right now, we have a colonial system: Russia is a part of the American unipolar world. Slowly, Russia is moving to its collapse. This is obvious, one cannot deny it. Russia’s GDP rises by 1.2% a year, while the world’s average is 3.2%. It means Russia, compared to the rest of the world, lags behind and is declining each year. We have no choice and need to change the system. Or our country will continue to be crushed. And if it continues to be crushed, then it is a 100% guarantee that there will be wars. Russian Empire crushed – wars; USSR crushed – wars; Ukraine crushed – wars. If Russia is crushed, think about it, would all the republics be ok with what will be left to them as a result of being dissolved?
Putin: (About the consequences of the collapse of the USSR.) “…which is why immediately military hotspots appeared. They are still present among republics of the former Soviet Union and even inside the Russian Federation. 2,000 of such trigger points. Try to let them on their own for a second, and it would get out of hand quickly.”
Now, in many regions, separatist tendencies are rising. Russia is held only by one person. One can think what he wants about Putin, but even his enemies are saying: when Putin will leave, it will be a war among the elites for power. Putin, by his authority, holds it all together right now. All this negativity inside the country is because Russia has no purpose, no ideas. People and bureaucrats don’t know what to seek in their life. There is no task. All this because Russia is a colonial country. To have our own task is prohibited by the main Article of the Constitution. We have two choices: change the system and thrive in a strong and stable state with high quality of life and good salaries, or witness the sunset of Russian civilization.
What can we do is what I was saying many times. Us regular citizens need to build public opinion and demand a referendum on changing the colonial constitution. More of this I was saying in others video in my channel. Please visit my channel and watch. Please subscribe and turn on the notification bell. Also find me in social media and join me on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. For now, that’s it. Farewell!
First time in the many years that I’ve been on the Saker blog that I’m first to leave a comment… Apparently on an article that many people don’t concern themselves with. This is bad as currency, central banking, etc are the keys to getting to the bottom of why so many military adventures are happening around the world.
I read somewhere, tho I cannot find a link at the moment, that certain nations on this planet didn’t have a central bank (owned or run by the large global banking families). Among those nations were North Korea, Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Afghanistan. I may be missing some, but also notice how these same nations appear as ‘axis of evil’ or ‘state actors of terrorism’ or ‘holders of WMDs’, etc.
Could it all be coincidence?
Read the economic recovery of Germany after WW1, and how the Germans were able to rid their national currency of the massive inflation by getting rid of the ‘global banking system’ and replacing it with a domestic currency based on time/labor. The Germans didn’t remake their economy by war production, that’s a lue told to vilify them (not saying here that they were angels). I’m specifically discussing national currency and international banking.
EXACTLY. Your reference to Germany is absolutely right. Many thanks.
Yes Forward, your list is essentially correct: I doubt about Venezuela, but as I remember Sudan was one. And then someone created South Sudan ( where most of Sudan’s oil is ), and now South Sudan’s “Central Bank” is in the hands of the usual ones
Excellent content. Thanks to all who made it possible for this to reach audiences outside of RF.
Of course he is correct. This change must be done a quickly as possible, as yesterday.
No he’s not correct. The CBR uses some of the world systems pipelines. What matters is what the country holds. Holding is where the value is. Russia holds gold and Euro’s. Not USD UST
I stand corrected in my assessment. I read you article posted below. Thanks.
Change the monetary system is like declaring independence of your overlord.
The list of countries that were or are financially independent is very short.
Germany created money independently of its financial overlords from 1932 until 1945. It was done unofficially via Oeffa bills and after Hitler came to power on a much bigger scale with mefo bills.
Lybia under Ghadafi did something similar, the central bank loaned freshly created money without interest to the people.
Canada did the same from 1938 until 1974.
It worked well in all three countries but the overlord did not get his pound of flesh and the overlord changed it by all means.
If you want financial freedom tou will have to identify and defeat the overlord.
The two-headed eagle symbol is a very old pagan symbol. It represents the power of the Sumerian God “Ninurta”. God of War.
The two headed eagle is found depicted on walls of the Hittites – about 5000 yrs ago. For all we know, it was older and we merely haven’t found artefacts. As far as we can tell, it was designed by a Hittite warrior King, who was sleeping when a bright light woke him; He saw a two headed eagle on the body of man approaching him from out of the light. What it means we dont know – many people ascribe different interpretations.
Re what this writer is saying – I dont know anything about International Currency and financial manipulation, thus I dont know how easy it is to “get out from under”. Can Russia just “ditch the US/Fed/International Banking Institutions? Would they not bring horrendous results down on Russia, exactly the warring and disaster and misery she has already suffered enough?
Perhaps Putin is waiting until – as we can see it is, – the Western Anglo empire collapses in on itself, the big Banks start to wither with Empire they created – and then when it’s safe, Russia can break free, when they are weak, and Russia is strong.
Perhaps getting up now and demanding an independent currency is all “they” need to fake a couple of false flags and do a “Libya / Yugoslavia / on Russia. Perhaps in spite of Russia being militarily superior, she still isn’t economically and could be virtually starved to death.
It takes a bit of thinking through I would suggest.
“Once a nation parts with the control of its currency and credit, it matters not who makes the nations laws. Usury, once in control, will wreck any nation. Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most sacred responsibility, all talk of the sovereignty of parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.”
~ William Lyon Mackenzie King
(1874-1950) Prime Minister of Canada
For a very brief time the Bank of Canada, owned and operated by the people of Canada through their elected representatives worked for the good of the country. I have read that in the early 70s the bankers convinced Pierre Trudeau to not use the bank of Canada but rather to take loans from private banks at interest. Every government since has followed this practice. In reality, though, the national bank was a captured entity by the time John Diefenbaker formed his government in the late 50s. He had grand designs for Canadian expansion and prosperity. Then he found out that the Bank of Canada governor was a bankster plant who opposed this prosperity plan. They also placed their people in key government positions to upset this government which they quickly toppled. John Diefenbaker came to realize there were snakes in the government but he did not understand how deep it went, all the way back to British secret societies and royalty.
I confess that I am not capable of playing 5D chess. I leave that up to Donald the great. I see this banking system as a key element wrapping it’s arms around the planet, enslaving society. I don’t understand why it is so hard to cast it off. Those behind it bleed and use the toilet like everyone else. This is also closely tied in with the military, oil (mainly) and other resources. It really is about world control.
The reason it is so hard for people to get rid of the bankers and shadow govt. control is that they are not up against flesh and blood persons who pee and bleed like everyone else. There are unseen forces, scripture calls them powers and principalities and forces of evil. These are not forces of nature, but demonic spirits, allowed, for a season, by God, to rule in places of earthly power as people give in to them. When, in exchange for power or pleasure or wealth, or out of fear, humans give their God-given right to rule over to Satan and his demonic forces, then they stand powerless to defeat the evil in their midst and the wicked and evil system grows into a monstrosity so powerful that unless the majority of the world is willing to sacrifice all they have to defy it, it will remain umdefeatable. Only divine intervention will be sufficient. You may noot believe everry thing I have said, and it may sound far-fetched, but investigate and see for yourself if it isnt true.
It seems that there is some “homework” to do…
Hope “Uncle Vlad and some collaborators” could do it for Russian people´s sake.
Many thanks for this very interesting article.
Kind regards..!
Ah, you could list things to do until you’re blue in the head. Russians just need to stop trying to be Americans. Trying to be something you’re not kills you.
Russia and specifically Putin are preparing for Armageddon. The economy galloping at 8% growth would result in massive growth in wages…and greed…and scarcity of really really talented labour required to build arms and systems enabling Russia’s very survival. Putin hold and high economics degree. He is not stupid, not one whit. Putin understands that the Empire has only years left to do its damages. Now Putin has drawn into industry via military industrial complex 100’s of thousands of awesomely bright youngsters to be fashioned into designers, engineers, toolmakers, fighters for the Motherland.
Let that bitch run the so-called Central Bank. Let her keep wages low. Let her do the so called suffocating because she suffocates the wrong things if the goal is to deny Russia a military defence.
Armageddon is coming. The ROC has named Macron the Anti-christ. War is coming and 8% growth is a dumb as bat$@it objective given the existential crisis the Motherland is actually facing.
Stop bitching and start thinking how to improve your family’s ability to live through the horror yet to come.
How can this happen after 20 years of Putin?
And for a little more history, regarding the issuance of currency in the USA, JFK directed the US Treasury to issue US Treasury notes solely on the “credit of the USA”. These notes were recalled by LBJ, but some still “circulate”.
Today if you ask for a “Kennedy Funeral Note” in a good coin collector’s shop in the USA, they will know what you are talking about and will probably sell you one for a modest premium.
The question is why hasn’t Putin done yet ?
He will not.
Because Russia is not run by a single person.
And that’s the tragedy, that Russia will face sooner or later ( as usuall rise and fall … and again )
A rather strange article which I am having trouble accepting. I wonder why it was written.
IMF is an international arm of the Federal Reserve. They are part of the system for international exploitation. It has become known that Sec. General Gorbachev worked with the Trilateral Commision, an international arm of CFR banksters secret societies, a political, military, bank and media control, among other things to create the national bank in 1989, that is 2 years before the dissolution of the Soviet Union which was the main objective. Meetings Sec. General Gorbachev held with Trilateral commison are discussed at the Supreme Soviet Assembly and records should exist . I think that pres. Vladimir Putin and FM Lavrov has expressed some interest to look into history of pres. Gorbachev’s reign regarding this and other issues such as WW2. Fixing the national bank if possible should be high on the priority list. Bringing it into the government (called nationalisation) do not help much as this put that scheme of banking directly into the running of the government, such as has been implemented in United Kingdom for example, making control of politicians and budget an institutionalised part of government.
By the article being posted would seem Saker agrees that the Russian Central Bank does not work for Russia. And if not then who? US, UK or Israel? Does put certain geopolitical events in a very different context doesn’t it? As does what the future holds…
I don’t remember Saker saying any such thing. Source for this ‘agrees’?
Unless a State, a Nation, doesn’t have total control on the whole process of creating and managing and using his own currency, his money, that State will not be a true sovereign State.
If you want to know who really rules, ask who is managing and owning your money: is your State through a public Institution? Or is an obscure bunch of private Banks and Financial Institutions?
The world elites have known this for centuries, this is why they have struggled and been able to put the entire (almost) banking (and Central Banking) system under their control.
Real power to the people, real democracy starts from the State property of Central Bank, national currency and, for any government, the freedom to create money at will without debt.
Any Head of State should try to get this.
“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws” — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild
Bank Of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland: the central bank of all central banks…
Interesting article that raises many points, some of them valid, others not. Let me briefly outline a few issues that I have with the author’s logic and reasoning.
First of all, you cannot “print” your way to wealth and richness at will. Handing out loans like candy is how you create fake booms that result in real busts. China had insane loan growth for more than a decade. She is currently fighting an uphill battle to make that bust a slow motion “landing” instead of a cataclysmic collapse.
The US, in contrast, has succeeded in “printing” wealth and still do, to some extent, but they only can do this due to their military might, economic power and the super special status of their currency in the world economy.
That leads me to point#2. The author puts the carriage before the horse. You cannot just declare what you want your currency (and domestic financial system) to be. Nobody will care. Ask Zimbabwe, Argentina or Venezuela.
You have to lay a lot of economic, financial, political and logistical foundations first.
This is precisely what Putin and China have been working on for more than a decade. Replace the dollar as a means of exchange and as the major foreign exchange reserve, step by step. Settle trade in your own currency and that of your trading partners, instead of the $ or the €. (That is a very deliberate balancing act, though! If your trading partners have a week or collapsing currency, you can’t do that!
Crucially, establish your own international payments processing system, i.e. a full fledged alternative to US-controlled SWIFT.
If you succeed in that and keep your economy somewhat balanced without huge downside risks, you then can start to define more freely how to use your currency, and what loan and monetary policies to implement. You have to insulate yourself first from the Western banking system and their financial markets or else they will crush you in no time.
High domestic loan growth and monetary expansion will put pressure on the exchange rate of your currency. Inevitably. That is valid even for the $. That the dollar is very strong these days despite huge fiscal and trade deficits is an anomaly that has more to do with a — paradoxic — shortage of dollars in the global economy than US-American strength. It would need another article to explain the causes and effects of that dollar shortage in detail. Suffice to say, that there is a huge amount of dollar debt OUTSIDE the USA and there are not enough dollars at reasonable interest rates to be had to service and retire all that debt.
I would not condemn the Russian Central bank as strongly as the author does. They do not operate in a vacuum. They have to balance a lot of factors largely outside of their control. It has little room for error.
I am 100% against the super-.independence for central banks. To make them not accountable to anyone, untouchable for governments, voters and judiciary is absurd and of course not done by mistake but desire. So I absolutely agree with the author that the independence of the Central bank of Russia needs to be scrapped and the constitution changed. However, be aware that this is a double-edged sword.
For one, financial markets (exchange rates) will react heavily, assuming impending money printing at will. Second, and much more important, one must not give a government or president or parliament complete freedom to implement whatever monetary policy they desire.
It is virtually guaranteed to result in excessive money printing, fake booms, hyper inflation and subsequent collapse and enslavement to creditors. Governments will be all too keen to “solve” any social or economic problem via the printing press. That must be prevented! Because, as I said at the beginning: You can’t print your way to national wealth and prosperity.
Spot on! Best comment so far.
” It is virtually guaranteed to result in excessive money printing, fake booms, hyper inflation and subsequent collapse and enslavement to creditors. Governments will be all too keen to “solve” any social or economic problem via the printing press. That must be prevented! Because, as I said at the beginning: You can’t print your way to national wealth and prosperity.”
You are right Max, this is what the West did – and is still doing – with the ” Quantitative Easing”. Billions printed not going into the real economy but to the banking and multinational systems to buy back shares as well as gold. Why gold ? Because they know, the only values are “shareholder values”
To fix inflation, coin devaluation, and a general economical mess he inherited, emperor diocletian set an edict on maximum prices, which worked for a little time, before making the problem much worse.
The following emperor fixed the mess by using a method we could!should use now.
He created a new currency, freely floating with the old ones. He paid his soldier’s etc in the new currency. He colected taxes in the new currency thus creating demand. He made sure each year to colect enough taxes to have no debt.
This was also used similarly in the 80s to fix brasil currency.
Interesting article, although in my opinion not worth the time to read it. Russian banks are stable. Russian economy is stable and growing. Interesting that our expert did not mention the sanctions against all of us here, or the fact the Russia is divesting herself of foreign bonds and holdings and stocking up gold in quantity. Methinks the author does not have his finger on the pulse of reality.
As I have written above, this is a rather strange article. Methinks this is perfidious disinformation.
After taking a few minutes to watch the vid and read the article again, this article looks like an atlanticist’s wet dream. He should go back to Malta or wherever he calls home and stop telling us what happened and what to do.
I was here in ’93 during the fighting in Moskau and watched the ruble, and culture, collapse. President Putin has brought sustained growth to the Russian economy over the last twenty years in spite of severe sanctions then and draconian sanctions now and what is to all and purposes war with ‘the west’, the very folks the author says control us. ‘Controlling us’ is their dream, a dream they will never make a reality.
Coat of arms is only relevant to the rubles that are physically produced and in material circulation, which is probably about 8 to 10 %. The rest is electronic money. The author mentioning the change in the Coat of Arms and interpreting it as an added sense of legitimacy to the current Russian currency which depends on the Dollar system is interesting, could be true, but not necessarily.
This is a very important comment:
” Valentin Katasonov (economist): “The Russian Central Bank – In reality is a branch of the US Federal Reserve System. The Russian Central Bank isn’t even a Central Bank. This is currency management. There is such a thing as a currency block. This is practically currency exchange. There is exactly as much money in the economy as much as the foreign currency is in the reserve.” ”
The Russian economy, just like that of China and others is completely intertwined with the post-imperial age Bretten-Woods (BIS, IMF, World Bank, etc.) and post Bretten-Woods (petro-dollar) global economic monetary system.
As the US loses its power (whether gradual or sudden collapse) the petro-dollar system will have to be replaced and we will enter a “post petro-dollar era”, possibly backed by gold again. This is why countries including Russia are hoarding gold.
The number one question for me personally:
Will the Zionists unleash a nuclear exchange or will they let the US die and shrivel up (metaphorically speaking). I believe the latter option is only viable if the Zionists can piggy back on newer nations (like for example Russia or China). And God knows best.
To me, this sounds like Russia is in a kind of alliance with the Rothschilds and the rest of the banking elite.
And their control of it’s central bank could be the price of the good will of these bankiers. As well as the Russian well disposed attitude to Israel.
After reading this article, it could seem that the price of the’ friendship’ of these people may be way to high for Russia.
The hands of Rothschilds & co. seem to be full of problems right now – and with their minions, or ex-minions like Soros and the rest of the noveau rich and politicaly influential investor class. So the top bankiers are probably not in the position to set the price on their ‘friendship’ so very high as before. They seem in the desperate need of friends themselves, actually.
So, the conclusions for Russia could be .. I do not need to draw them :) I think Russia can do it itself quite well :)
You are right, the Constitution of Russia seem to be the problem.
It appears that it was dreafted by USAID.
US Agency for International Development, also known as USAID (banned in Russia since 2012) drafted main concepts of the Constitution.
Subsequently a reform of the russian constitution should have a high priority.
” As an official component of U.S. foreign policy, USAID operates subject to the guidance of the US President, Secretary of State, and the National Security Council.[7] ”
Can the author go into greater detail on his theory of why emblem was introduced belatedly? What is the theory of capitulation during Yeltsin that was done in secret?
How can Russia be a geostrategic competitor to the US but is also financially subverted?
How are the two both possible?
Very important subject that is conspicuously avoided by the majority of academics. There is always something lurking beneath the visible, and not many are willing to poke that darkness.
Russia was “defeated” twice (in 2017, and then in 1990), and both times from within. The same seems to be happening in the US, and many other countries. Clearly, some financial cartels are injecting certain economic diseases right into the core of different cultures, sucking all healthy blood out, and then offering pills (for a significant premium) to cure illnesses they created in the first place…and keep on plundering while appearing to the victims of their crimes as saviors.
“Russia was “defeated” twice (in 2017, and then in 1990)”
I presume you meant to write ‘1917’, not ‘2017’. Don’t worry, I make typos, too.
Thank you Auslander! That is exactly what I meant.
I wonder is Russia’s gold reserves are controlled by this bank, or by the Russian government?
That is a trillion dollar question. Listening to all the music above, to me it sounds the gold is ‘in the bank’. Any one here hears a different tune?
Article is spot on. Until Russia gets a Government owned and controlled bank, the IMF and Fed can manipulate the Russian financial system. Slow growth Austerity policies will hurt family growth and kill demographic expansive. Privately owned central banks reporting to the BIS are the main strength of the AZE and where they should be attacked
“when Putin will leave, it will be a war among the elites for power. ”
Perhaps being unnecessarily pessimistic I think. We dont know what Vladimir Vladimirovich will do when he “leaves Power”. He will leave the Presidency, yes. With a sigh of relief I suspect. He is moving to change the Constitution to have less Power for the president and more for the PM. Give you any ideas??
I would not be surprised if he picks a really good youngish man to give his approval to – who will be elected because of that. But it will be part of a deal – he gets to be PM, because this is where he wants to . I suspect he doesn’t much like the International Diplomat role the President has, and would love to spend his time working purely in on and for Russia. Here, however, he will still have much influence and power. There will be no “fighting among” the upper echelons of power, no break in continuity, and no change in the direction Russia is going.
And this included moving to destroy America on the economical stage, bring down the banks, and then Russia can be truly free. And not before.
NO The CB of Russia is NOT an arm of the Fed. I know all about this stuff. See me on twitter @PaulHol1000
Russia is the only top 5-10economy that is NOT on even on the US treasury bond holders list ! The CB of Russia uses some of the monetary pipeline work of the global system. But that does NOT count for anything but small fees.
What matters is what the country HOLDS very still as reserves. Russia holds GOLD. Russia had more gold than China !
Russia is the only country that is supporting its own interest like this. Please. I only ever got interested in Russia BECAUSE of this. Look at it again. Trust me.
Thanks Paul, for the refreshing update.
Should you have time, would you pls comment on this Basel III article
Thanks !
Why Did Russia’s Central Bank Change Their Eagle Emblem?
Easy: Because the new one is nicer
No reference made to the 1917, 250 Ruble note which apparently displayed a swastika with an eagle overlay… or, was the Kerensky note perhaps fake?
This guy is wrong on one point.
Even if Russia’s Central Bank ceases being autonomous and independent of the Russian Federation and returns into being one of branches of Russia’s central government again, if such National Central Bank starts printing unlimited bank notes, called money (only gold is real money), supposedly to induce growth of the GNP (gross national product), the only guaranteed result that such action will engender will be a rampant growth if inflation and to diminish the acquisitive power of the Ruble and so the ruin and impoverishing of the general population.
USSR printed all the money that was needed, yet they had no inflation, or little. The governing principle is ‘only as absolutely needed’, and not more. Most people were poor so no big demand for ‘goods’, so prices remained steady, therefore little inflation.
You point to a crucial issue which is unfortunately discussed very rarely. In fact, you say that money is a means of communication. If people and enterprises don’t have any or not enough money, people can’t “economically” communicate. Now, interestingly in the west things are not that different. The QE money coming out of the central banks doesn’t end up as a means of communication for the real economy, it ends up in the casino, wars, administration, bullshit jobs. As you say the rest of the world has 3% of growth instead of 1.5%. But if the western countries could control their central banks like you wish it for Russia, their growth rates would also be at 10%. So I think we can agree that the basic problem is that governments have no control over central banks and both citizens and noble leaders in science and arts have too little control over governments. Now there is another point I want to make concerning money and growth. If we can’t define the QUALITY of growth in a new way, it’s quite useless or even dangerous to have more of it. Because right now growth means: using resources. If we have 10% growth benefitting the 99% in the current ideological framework this will simply lead to an explosion of consumption, mostly completely meaningless consumption and therefore meaningless destruction of natural resources. So citizens or governments would have to be able to redesign law in two ways: 1. Remodeling the central banks so that money can fulfill its beneficial function in the economy for everyone. 2. Remodeling the connection between labor and income, so that people don’t have to produce and consume useless stuff in order to claim a place under the sun. Currently, this remodeling of the connection between labor and income is called Universal Basic Income. But I don’t think that this approach is effective enough. We have to understand, that money is a means of communication, not a store of value. A store of value is still only: a barrel of oil, a bag full of wheat, water coming out of the pipe, working hospitals, free time for family and children, knowhow, culture, music.
I found the article interesting. I fear the solution to Russia’s lack of growth is not credit but rather a lack of innovation.
If Russia does not have a market for the produce made with the credit money then it will end up in the same place as China. You will be manipulated by the countries to which you export.
You can print as much money as you wish but this (as is seen in the west) simply makes the few elite rich. The solution to this problem is not credit but ‘real’ money. That which has value to the holder. Perhaps Silver?