By Pepe Escobar – Posted with permission
The French government is arguably helping Big Pharma profit from the Covid-19 pandemic

A mask-wearing French citizen in Paris. Photo: Facebook
What’s going on in the fifth largest economy in the world arguably points to a major collusion scandal in which the French government is helping Big Pharma to profit from the expansion of Covid-19. Informed French citizens are absolutely furious about it.
My initial question to a serious, unimpeachable Paris source, jurist Valerie Bugault, was about the liaisons dangereuses between Macronism and Big Pharma and especially about the mysterious “disappearance” – more likely outright theft – of all the stocks of chloroquine in possession of the French government.
Respected Professor Christian Perronne talked about the theft live in one of France’s 24/7 info channels: “The central pharmacy for the hospitals announced today that they were facing a total rupture of stocks, that they were pillaged.”
With input from another, anonymous source, it’s now possible to establish a timeline that puts in much-needed perspective the recent actions of the French government.
Levy is married to Agnes Buzy, who until recently was minister of health under Macron. Buzy was essentially presented with an “offer you can’t refuse” by Macron’s party to leave the ministry – in the middle of the coronavirus crisis – and run for Mayor of Paris, where she was mercilessly trounced in the first round on March 16.
Levy has a vicious running feud with Professor Didier Raoult – prolific and often-cited Marseille-based specialist in communicable diseases. Levy withheld the INSERM label from the world-renowned IHU (Hospital-University Institute) research center directed by Raoult.
In practice, in October 2019, Levy revoked the status of “foundation” of the different IHUs so he could take over their research.

Raoult was part of a clinical trial that in which hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin healed 90% of Covid-19 cases if they were tested very early. (Early, massive testing is at the heart of the successful South Korean strategy.)
Raoult is opposed to the total lockdown of sane individuals and possible carriers – which he considers “medieval,” in an anachronistic sense. He’s in favor of massive testing (which, besides South Korea, was successful in Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam) and a fast treatment with hydroxychloroquine. Only contaminated individuals should be confined.
Chloroquine costs one euro for ten pills. And there’s the rub: Big Pharma – which, crucially, finances INSERM, and includes “national champion” Sanofi – would rather go for a way more profitable solution. Sanofi for the moment says it is “actively preparing” to produce chloroquine, but that may take “weeks,” and there’s no mention about pricing.
A minister fleeing a tsunami
Here’s the timeline:
On January 13, Agnes Buzyn, still France’s Health Minister, classifies chloroquine as a “poisonous substance,” from now on only available by prescription. An astonishing move, considering that it has been sold off the shelf in France for half a century.
On March 16, the Macron government orders a partial lockdown. There’s not a peep about chloroquine. Police initially are not required to wear masks; most have been stolen anyway, and there are not enough masks even for health workers. In 2011 France had nearly 1.5 billion masks: 800 million surgical masks and 600 million masks for health professionals generally.
But then, over the years, the strategic stocks were not renewed, to please the EU and to apply the Maastricht criteria, which limited membership in the Growth and Stability Pact to countries whose budget deficits did not exceed 3% of GDP. One of those in charge at the time was Jerome Salomon, now a scientific counselor to the Macron government.
On March 17, Agnes Buzyn says she has learned the spread of Covid-19 will be a major tsunami, for which the French health system has no solution. She also says it had been her understanding that the Paris mayoral election “would not take place” and that it was, ultimately, “a masquerade.”
What she does not say is that she didn’t go public at the time she was running because the whole political focus by the Macron political machine was on winning the “masquerade.” The first round of the election meant nothing, as Covid-19 was advancing. The second round was postponed indefinitely. She had to know about the impending healthcare disaster. But as a candidate of the Macron machine she did not go public in timely fashion.
In quick succession:
The Macron government refuses to apply mass testing, as practiced with success in South Korea and Germany.
Le Monde and the French state health agency characterize Raoult’s research as fake news, before issuing a retraction.
Professor Perrone reveals on the 24/7 LCI news channel that the stock of chloroquine at the French central pharmacy has been stolen.
Thanks to a tweet by Elon Musk, President Trump says chloroquine should be available to all Americans. Sufferers of lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, who already have supply problems with the only drug that offers them relief, set social media afire with their panic.
US doctors and other medical professionals take to hoarding the medicine for the use of themselves and those close to them, faking prescriptions to indicate they are for patients with lupus or rheumatoid arthritis.
Morocco buys the stock of chloroquine from Sanofi in Casablanca.
Pakistan decides to increase its production of chloroquine to be sent to China.
Switzerland discards the total lockdown of its population; goes for mass testing and fast treatment; and accuses France of practicing “spectacle politics.”
Christian Estrosi, the mayor of Nice, having had himself treated with chloroquine, without any government input, directly calls Sanofi so they may deliver chloroquine to Nice hospitals.
Because of Raoult’s research, a large-scale chloroquine test finally starts in France, under the – predictable – direction of INSERM, which wants to “remake the experiments in other independent medical centers.” This will take at least an extra six weeks – as the Elysee Palace’s scientific council now mulls the extension of France’s total lockdown to … six weeks.
If joint use of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin proves definitely effective among the most gravely ill, quarantines may be reduced in select clusters.
The only French company that still manufactures chloroquine is under judicial intervention. That puts the chloroquine hoarding and theft into full perspective. It will take time for these stocks to be replenished, thus allowing Big Pharma the leeway to have what it wants: a costly solution.
It appears the perpetrators of the chloroquine theft were very well informed.
Bagged nurses
This chain of events, astonishing for a highly developed G-7 nation proud of its health service, is part of a long, painful process embedded in neoliberal dogma. EU-driven austerity mixed with the profit motive resulted in a very lax attitude towards the health system.
As Bugault told me, “test kits – very few in number – were always available but mostly for a small group connected to the French government [ former officials of the Ministry of Finance, CEOs of large corporations, oligarchs, media and entertainment moguls]. Same for chloroquine, which this government did everything to make inaccessible for the population.
They did not make life easy for Professor Raoult – he received death threats and was intimidated by ‘journalists.’
And they did not protect vital stocks. Still under the Hollande government, there was a conscious liquidation of the stock of masks – which had existed in large quantities in all hospitals. Not to mention that the suppression of hospital beds and hospital means accelerated under Sarkozy.”
This ties in with anguished reports by French citizens of nurses now having to use trash bags due to the lack of proper medical gear.
At the same time, in another astonishing development, the French state refuses to requisition private hospitals and clinics – which are practically empty at this stage – even as the president of their own association, Lamine Garbi, has pleaded for such a public service initiative: “I solemnly demand that we are requisitioned to help public hospitals. Our facilities are prepared. The wave that surprised the east of France must teach us a lesson.”
Bugault reconfirms the health situation in France “is very serious and will become even worse due to these political decisions – absence of masks, political refusal to massively test people, refusal of free access to chloroquine – in a context of supreme distress at the hospitals. This will last and destitution will be the norm.”
Professor vs president
In an explosive development on Tuesday, Raoult said he’s not participating in Macron’s scientific council anymore, even though he’s not quitting it altogether. Raoult once again insists on massive testing on a national scale to detect suspected cases, and then isolate and treat patients who tested positive. In a nutshell: the South Korean model.
That’s exactly what is expected from the IHU in Marseille, where hundreds of residents continue to queue up for testing. And that ties in with the conclusions by a top Chinese expert on Covid-19, Zhang Nanshan, who says that treatment with chloroquine phospate had a “positive impact,” with patients testing negative after around four days.
The key point has been stressed by Raoult: Use chloroquine in very special circumstances, for people tested very early, when the disease is not advanced yet, and only in these cases. He’s not advocating chloroquine for everyone. It’s exactly what the Chinese did, along with their use of Interferon.
For years, Raoult has been pleading for a drastic revision of health economic models, so the treatments, cure and therapies created mostly during the 20th century, are considered a patrimony in the service of all humanity.“That’s not the case”, he says, “because we abandon medicine that is not profitable, even if it’s effective. That’s why almost no antibiotics are manufactured in the West.”
On Tuesday, the French Health Ministry officially prohibited the utilization of treatment based on chloroquine recommended by Raoult. In fact the treatment is only allowed for terminal Covid-19 patients, with no other possibility of healing. This cannot but expose the Macron government to more accusations of at least inefficiency – added to the absence of masks, tests, contact tracing and ventilators.
On Wednesday, commenting on the new government guidelines, Raoult said, “When damage to the lungs is too important, and patients arrive for reanimation, they practically do not harbor viruses in their bodies any more. It’s too late to treat them with chloroquine. Are these the only cases – the very serious cases – that will be treated with chloroquine under the new directive by [French Health Minister] Veran?” If so, he added ironically, “then they will be able to say with scientific certainty that chloroquine does not work.”
Raoult was unavailable for comment on Western news media articles citing Chinese test results that would suggest he is wrong about the efficacy of chloroquine in dealing with mild cases of Covid-19.
Staffers pointed instead to his comments in the IHU bulletin. There Raoult says it’s “insulting” to ask if we can trust the Chinese on the use of chloroquine. “If this was an American disease, and the president of the United States said, ‘We need to treat patients with that,’ nobody would discuss it.”
In China, he adds, there were “enough elements so the Chinese government and all Chinese experts who know coronaviruses took an official position that ‘we must treat with chloroquine.’ Between the moment when we have the first results and an accepted international publication, there is no credible alternative among people who are the most knowledgeable in the world. They took this measure in the interest of public health.”
Crucially: if he had coronavirus, Raoult says he would take chloroquine. Since Raoult is rated by his peers as the number one world expert in communicable diseases, way above Dr. Anthony Fauci in the US, I would say the new reports represent Big Pharma talking.
Raoult has been mercilessly savaged and demonized by French corporate media that are controlled by a few oligarchs closely linked to Macronism. Not by accident the demonization has reached gilets jaunes (yellow vest) levels, especially because of the extremely popular hashtag #IlsSavaient (“They knew”), with which the yellow vests stress that French elites have “managed” the Covid-19 crisis by protecting themselves while leaving the population defenseless against the virus.
That ties in with the controversial analysis by crack philosopher Giorgio Agamben in a column published a month ago, where he was already arguing that Covid-19 clearly shows that the state of exception – similar to a state of emergency but with differences important to philosophers – has become fully normalized in the West.
Agamben was speaking not as a doctor or a virologist but as a master thinker, following in the steps of Foucault, Walter Benjamin and Hannah Arendt. Noting how a latent state of fear has metastasized into a state of collective panic, for which Covid-19 “offers once again the ideal pretext,” he described how, “in a perverse vicious circle, the limitation of freedom imposed by governments is accepted in the name of a desire for security that was induced by the same governments that now intervene to satisfy it.”
There was no state of collective panic in South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and Vietnam – to mention four Asian examples outside of China. A dogged combination of mass testing and contact tracing was applied with immense professionalism. It worked. In the Chinese case, with the help of chloroquine. And in all Asian cases, without a murky profit motive to the benefit of Big Pharma.
There hasn’t yet appeared the smoking gun that proves the Macron system not only is incompetent to deal with Covid-19 but also is dragging the process so Big Pharma can come up with a miracle vaccine, fast. But the pattern to discourage chloroquine is more than laid out above – in parallel to the demonization of Raoult.
Quite an exposé.
Shocking about Macron. Who would have thought the little man was this sort? Ha!
The French Republic is as gone as the American Republic. The people count for nothing. The Elite and the Shadow Governments run the machinery for their own greed and power moves.
The future for the French people is blood in the streets of Paris. Heads rolling if they can catch the Elite before they flee.
One thing about the French is they choose political violence readily. Americans, a more violent people, seem to eschew venting it on their leaders in D.C. They have a reluctance to punish properly the malevolent.
The Elite have to pay this time. It’s a question of life or death. I’m hoping the French will start the retribution.
Me too! Hasta la victoria, siempre!
Macron is a word describing a ‘mark’.
Macron is the Antichrist according the a select committee of the Russian State Duma.
Macron is no friend of mankind.
Macron is fulfiulling day after day the prophecies aboit the rise of the Antichrist.
Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum).
Clathrin mediated endocytosis.
Silymarin alters geometry of clathrin pits to such extent Angiotensin-2 converting enzyme may not be used by the virus to tow it as cargoe into the target cell via the vlarhrin pit.
Milk Thistle…….Pepe Escobar…….for the love of all things good and holy…….someone let the world know that Milk Thistle is a viable prophylaxis…!!!!!
plus, (one more time) lomatium.
and immune boosting elderberry and oregano.
Train travel tells a story about COVID-19.
It is obvious that the story we are being told about the COVID-19 epidemic is wrong.
Everyday 34 trains leave Wuhan for Shanghai.
These trains usually carry 600 or 1200 passengers.
Let us assume that only 50 passengers on each train travel from Wuhan to Shanghai.
For simplicity, we assume this whether the trains carry 600 or 1200 passengers.
So every day 34 * 50 = 1,700 people from Wuhan go to Shanghai.
The virus circulated in Wuhan for roughly 40 days before the authorities took action.
Therefore 34 * 50 * 40 = 68,000 people from Wuhan end up in Shanghai.
These 68,000 + those arriving by plane + those arriving by automobile, result in 353 confirmed cases of Covid19.
More than 68,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Shanghai resulting in 353 cases of Covid19.
Everyday 35 trains leave Wuhan for Beijing.
These trains usually carry 600 or 1200 passengers…..
More than 70,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Beijing resulting in 442 cases of Covid19.
Everyday 37 trains leave Wuhan for Chongqing…..
More than 74,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Chongqing resulting in 576 cases of Covid19.
Everyday 84 trains leave Wuhan for Guangzhou…..
More than 168,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Guangzhou resulting in 1,357 cases of Covid19.
Over the same time period, around 1000 Chinese from Wuhan arrive in Iran.
These are supposedly responsible for 12,729 confirmed cases by March 16.
Probably, less than 1,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Iran resulting in 12,729 confirmed cases.
Over the same time period, around 1000 Chinese from Wuhan arrive in Italy.
These are supposedly responsible for 21,157 confirmed cases by March 16.
Probably, less than 1,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Italy resulting in 21,157 confirmed cases.
Gathering the summaries together we have:
68,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Shanghai resulting in 353 confirmed cases.
70,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Beijing resulting in 442 confirmed cases.
74,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Chongqing resulting in 576 confirmed cases.
168,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Guangzhou resulting in 1,357 confirmed cases.
1,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Iran resulting in 12,729 confirmed cases.
1,000 Chinese from Wuhan visit Italy resulting in 21,157 confirmed cases.
How come visitors from Wuhan to major Chinese cities have almost zero transmission rate?
How come visitors from Wuhan to foreign countries have very high transmission rates?
Wuhan is in the middle of China.
Why did the disease spread massively overseas but hardly spread at all to the major Chinese cities?
How is that possible?
It seems the disease is being deliberately spread.
The confirmed cases are those reported on March 16, 2020.
Indeed…and how often does the leopard change its spots.
In this instance, these are not spots these are giant messy unmistakeable blobs…Goldman-Sucks blobs!
How tragic it is when so many French thought they were voting for change…nothing could have been further from the truth.
Sad times
Why doesn’t this surpise me.
No offense Pepe Escobar, my sincere compliments for your professional and much appreciated digging and sharing.
Last week I shared news out of Germany, that the USA wanted to grab a German firm that is really close in producing a medicine. They wanted to buy the firm, to buy their top scientists, and to buy for an insidious amount of money exclusive rights for their future product, only for the USA. Unfortunately for them their owner is Dietmar Hopp, who is filthy rich and he said no to all efforts. It leaked out and the German government was furious, for what’s it’s worth.
What counts, it’s that the gloves are off. Don’t imagine that governments care, they only care about their power, a drug that is more addictive than crystal meth. Like George Carlin once said ‘They don’t care about you at all’.
But wait, this is France. I’ve been in France a lot. They have an ocean of rules and lawes (for the ones who still think that the French sit in the sun the whole day, with a baguette under their arm, playing the accordeon – well, no) but they have also and more important a really strong feeling for what is right and wrong and that supersedes anything.
At a certain moment they will stand with pitchforks and torches (and maybe more) for the Elysee. They have done it before.
Cheers, Rob
The french will start nothing . They have plundered the stocks of toilet paper and every evening at 8 ,they apllaud from their balconies the ones keeping them locked .
There is only one ‘window’ open for the French. It is called ‘la fenêtre’. Unfortunately it is in the museum and I suppose it needs to be oiled before it can be used again.
Haven’t we all seen this movie before? I remember a while back a big media driven scare about contamination from chickens. Donald Rumsfield, the then American mass murder secretary, happened to have a major financial stake in the pharmaceutical cure for such dreaded ailment. Or something like that. Ain’t capitalist media just the supreme Satan! Where would we be without Pepe.
Very good, Leonard.
LTSD… (s)
God bless you all…In the end all that matters is you Get right with The Most High.
Death is not the end,….We are a created people with the spirit of God’s laws in our hearts.
This is my source of information and I thank all the great writers here who speak truth to power ..
I depend on Saker’s blog and trust the information shared..
France has been run by the Zionists since De Gaulle.
Great job Pepe.
I read the earlier article the Saker put up about this smeared microbiologist and chloroquine and my suspicion then was it has to be about $$$. Bingo! It is the western model for everything. Gangster capitalism at it’s zenith. It is disgusting and immoral. Services for the public good such as health care should not be run as a private, for-profit business.
And it clearly is not just France. This is a western sickness. Having said that, I will now go back to my solitary confinement assured in the knowledge that if I happen to be harboring this virus and it becomes active, their likely won’t be any chloroquine or it will be used far too late. There is little to no testing in Canada either, but more than enough ‘China did this’ accusations flying about.
Absolutely…and this is precisely why the extraordinarily low CV-19 mortality rate in Germany is being is not being studied. Germany’s MR is 1/45th of Italy’s, and 1/30th of Spain’s!
Part of the reason is Germany’s routine use of Ozone therapy in acute treatment of virus pathogen’s in humans. But ozone a massively effective anti-oxidant and virus killer is not a drug. It is a naturally occurring gas that can be generated with very modestly priced equipment by almost anyone and with virtually no other investment.
Big Pharma doesn’t get a cut = the whole thing is kept quiet.
How sad and evil is that
First of all, I’m sure that Germany has an excellent healthcare system and I do not wish to diminish in any way the local medicinal brew.
I was on a twitter feed which discussed Germany’s low mortality rates, and this came up:
1. Allegedly, Germany does not test post-humously like Italy and
2. does not distinguish death between Covid 19 and ordinary flu. There is a catch-all code for death caused by all types ” Viral Pneumonia”..
I would very interested to hear from our German friends, if this is would explain the low mortality rates…
Serbian Girl
Absolutely!…Whatever the reason for Germany’s low MRs the whole world needs to be on a frantic hunt to find out why this is such a glaring outlier.
Finding the answer and using that knowledge could potentially save thousands of lives. For example, if Germany had Italy’s MR they would today be sitting on 3780 deaths as opposed to the 267 they report. It is a huge priority for humanity to find the reasons for this amazing discrepancy.
The way Germany reports cause of death and their degree of testing could well play a part. However, I am convinced there will be multiple factors involved and amongst these will be the super-powerful effect O3 can have on acute viral infections and the almost routine use of it in their medical arsenal.
Best regards
As SG states… the difference is all a matter of definition. In Italy, if you die with cancer, diabetes, and CV, it is CV in the death certificate. In Germany no. I think the death rates are fairly comparable after correction. This bulletin
seems to indicate that 88% of italian deaths would be diagnosed as something else in Germany. Really, in Italy they are this close to assigning the cause of death as CV if you jump off a cliff while being infected.
Exactly , what is happening in Italy is a COUP and not a pandemic
We use this twice weekly in our home. UVC with ozone.
Thanks Pepe!
What else to say? Criminal elites.
Chloroquine can also treat pemphigus, a blistering skin condition and can be caused by radiation. Someone ought to connect those dots, which would explain a lot.
Upon further research I see that the other drug mentioned by Trump, azithromycin, can help prevent the damage to the lungs that can be caused by radiation. I hope these hospital ships stationed off the big cities will have a ready supply of these available.
It’s not just an unexplainable lack of Chloroquine, it also concerns testing kits:
Biomerieux, a French company, produces a testing kit that diagnoses Covid19 in 45 min from a nasal swab.i.e. 6 x faster than current tests.
Unfortunately, this kit has not been accredited and therefore cannot be sold in France…,8816888.php
All the kits that have been produced were bought by the US DoD.
“Raoult was part of a clinical trial that in which hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin healed 90% of Covid-19 cases if they were tested very early. (Early, massive testing is at the heart of the successful South Korean strategy.)”
Does anyone else see the glaring fault in this logic?
Did the trial treat very sick people? It seems not.
it only tested positive people who mostly recover without any treatment.
Some of the most evil Pharma like Bayer are all over this drug which is after all only an expensive form of Quinine.
They will make a mozza selling it to positive tested people before they get sick claiming that it will cure them.
Best way to get drug sales up?
Claim it is being with held.
Perhaps I have misunderstood the article?
Good catch.
But they probably had a way of detecting cure from the drug as opposed to the virus running its 2-week course, even without complications. It would definitely be worth describing, though.
Kerry, you seem to have nailed It. Besides, I saw chinese doctors commenting their experience with this drug and they didn’t seem very impressed.
Yesterday here in Australia one of our most odious mining magnates and failed politician Clive Palmer, took out a full page ad for hydroxychloroquine in our national paper.
He can’t open his mouth without lying, however he is a mouth for rent” shall we say, as for some reason people listen to these morons (he is not dissimilar to Trump)
If CP is advertising this drug someone is paying him to do it and someone is standing to make a lot of money from it.
Removed – no attacking the author. Mod. As with all journalism the onus is on us to check its veracity, even if it is printed in our trusted news sites.
As the fear porn keeps on pouring out of every piece of corporate media. Here is an official statement from the British government:
Status of COVID-19
As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.
Here is the link:
” the Imperial College study from London that claimed half a million Brits would die in the pandemic and 2 million Americans would perish from COVID-19.
They were both wrong. And on Thursday Neil Ferguson, who was behind the Imperial College coronavirus study, backtracked and now says 20,000 Brits may die from the coronavirus and half of those would have died by the end of the year anyway.” (gatewaypundit a limited hangout site imo and i wont post a link here) linked the article under after finding this thread-
UK news “new scientist”
“UK has enough intensive care units for coronavirus, expert predicts”
So reading that and 1 minute later seeing this “Coronavirus: Gordon Brown calls for new global government to fight impact of Covid-19”
Have made want to make a tinfoil hat tbh… All the masks are coming off it seems.
Just above your post I linked to the official statement from the UK government site (dated from 19 March 2020) that said:” As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK”
(HCDID) stands for High consequence infectious diseases .
Then it concluded one more time:
“The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID”.
Notice: these statements were silently posted almost one week before UK lock down.
Clearly “ we are all going to die” if you refuse to stay at home- is an outright lie, invented to cover up (in my opinion) two things: deployment of 5G, which is the real killer, and economic crimes.
Anons be posting about 5G towers being built at schools, while schools are closed and no one goes there.
Unbelievable, yet I’m not surprised there is a motive behind all this and it’s always going to be about money and for it to be a pharmaceutical company that’s no big surprise.
Thanks for this excellent article.
It’s amazing what elitists do when they think they are not watched or if they have magic curtain such as the current plague.
In Canada minority government tried to gain again some massive powers, very frightening.
“Let’s start by being charitable and assuming that Liberals in Ottawa, seized by the ravages of the coronavirus and the threat it represents to Canada’s future health and prosperity, legitimately believed they needed draconian powers to tax, spend and borrow without the hindrance of approval by Parliament.”
I am not familiar with French politics, but this article does suggest the French government is following the US Profit over People policy. It is contemptible that a government would put the profit of their health industry before their own citizens in such a crisis. The American people are so propagandized that they will accept being herded into any coral the government demands. However, the French are another kettle of fish altogether. If these accusations are proven to be true, if they haven’t already, then the yellow vest protest will increase in magnitude.
“… the French government is following the US Profit over People policy.”
Indeed. However, these are not really governments (of the people) — they are an entrenched cabal of transnational criminals who front run the system with insider trading and information. They manage, either in directly connected conspiracy, or by simple alignments of common values, the media and the politicians and disable anyone deemed a threat to their rackets. Julian Assange would be one example.
Usually the early plane-load leaving town in the dead of the night is the national gold stocks. This time the heist is a drug reserve stock (and who knows how many toilet rolls!). They are skating on thin ice here as the Covid-19 does seem to be a virus out of control and at risk of causing such large scale social and economic shock that the people might actually wake up for a brief historical moment.
We need to stop framing this time as ‘normal times’ and these so-called governments as legitimate. The system is there from the past but the bums sitting in the chairs are tramps and hobos dressed in wealthy suits — wealth these days since GFC-2007+ that is debt-based illusion held up by QE-forever (for them) and a ‘modern monetary theory’ which is what? … BS, of course. Keep the system going at all costs basically. The more accurate framing is one of pirates — the type that pillaged Spanish ships and received Knighthoods in return. They are the frigate-birds stealing food from poor masked boobies bird. Opportunists fronted by a traitorous slim like Tony Blair, Barack Obama (or Barry whoever?), now this slithering little French Macron. And the list goes on.
And there seems to be no answer unless the people wake up and face the stark reality. But most would rather stay asleep and suffer, while secretly in their dreaming they would love to sit at the high-table and feed their snouts in the same troughs. It takes an exceptional man, like Russia’s Putin to have the personal integrity, social empathy, national loyalty, and fiduciary commitment to responsible behavior in public office. That is why these carbuncles on the human backside hate him so much — partly personal, partly envy, and partly fear.
Imo, we are at one of those global inflection points (I’d rather use a different descriptor, but this will do) where things could go in any direction. But until serious honest people with a care for their futures (and their kids, grand-kids etc) connect the dots with sufficient outrage to actually stand up and run these vermin out of town, then little will change in the nature of things. Minor form might change but nothing essential and fundamental. The masses will sit cowering in their homes (if they have them) under shock, reeling from the horror of sudden unemployment and petite bourgeoisie bankruptcy while their culpable elected national ‘servants’ (and the entrenched and largely compromised state bureaucracy) pantomime concerns and pander to ‘free money’ helicoptered out of nowhere in an instant after decades of austerity under a now empirically proven defunct economic theory and failed state policy.
The mesmerizing ‘Show’ goes on, and on, and on, and… And nothing will change qualitatively in terms of governance ‘for the people, by the people,’ in the pursuit of their common health, wealth and happiness’ until … (and there is really nothing ideological that can be put in there; except that which makes sense at a local pot-hole-in-the-road scale outside our houses.)
Personally, I watch and wait for signs of awakening. Only two names appear to be available (in my Western Anglo worldview) to even attempt to lead this in a timely manner while the window of opportunity is open) — USA’s Bernie Sanders and UK’s Jeremy Corbyn. I have no particular likening or disliking for them as individuals — rather it is what they represent. And the model I use to judge this possible way forward suggests the next phase (forward) towards a new more integrated world (and individual) is when the center of gravity moves from physical power-based culture towards a heart-centered compassionate culture. The reverse direction will be a falling back into a trough of fear and paralysis.
If these two (at least, and others of their type) were now to stand up and announce a new viable third-party option for the next elections (USA obviously would be the first crack in the ice, as the British just missed their last opportunity) then the binary facade would crack and some new light could get in.
Will they?
That is the question. But if they do not seize the historic moment, then I will assume they are designed all along as strategic bit players with a function and purpose within the larger system — just like that Tulsi Gabbard character now hugging that sleaze-bag criminal ‘bag-man’ for the Obama regime’s looting of Ukraine. Wash; rinse; and repeat … (works every time with simpletons).
Probability in these ‘Chinese Curse’ interesting times? … positive, but 64, with all the usual overweight issues (managed); and now within the Covid-19 context, also a recently discovered mature B-Cell Lymphoproliferative disorder. However, unlike the Americans, I’m in a top-quality public health system at zero cost$ to me (other than paying my income taxes for 40 years). Like many in my situation there are issues to focus on if I wish to see Christmas with family this year. But bankruptcy and squandering the children’s modest inheritance is not one of them. Thank God, and thank my responsible collective ancestors, whose good work after the grief of the evil 20th century has not yet been completely undone.
As I implied above in respect to the USA — it is an intelligence test. Why they cannot come on over to the lighter side is a puzzle, wrapped in a whatever, … (actually in this domain, the USA do not even qualify as ‘Fake Russians’ in complexity – being so transparently shallow as actors in a now not so ‘new’ cultural experiment of the 20th century).
On closing (what has become much longer than I intended) — the process of waking to new compassionate directions in the pursuit of common good only need start by pondering why everyone is locked down in national borders and sovereign banking systems when, at the same time, unimaginable amounts of ‘imaginary’ money (UK & USA) lurk offshore in so-called tax havens mostly by private equity and foreign registered companies (shipping tours etc). Why is this odious and irresponsible ‘capital’ not called home and locked down as well? All it would take is government resolve to do in effect the digital equivalent of what the Indian government did with their old paper currency (being hoarded mostly by citizens) — declare it null and void unless in a domestic bank by a date (preferable yesterday) — issue a notional ‘new dollar’ and tax the scoundrels as they rush for the least of two (for them) evil options: zero value, or what’s left after tax etc.
Good luck and good night.
(And here is an interesting presentation from 2018 on the 1918 “Spanish Flu” that started in Kansas, USA. [see around 4:00] — )
There is an old American saying that seems appropriate:
” You cannot awaken someone pretending to asleep”
Interesting article about the gerontophiliac Macronist regime deliberately suppressing research showing the efficacy of chloroquine in treating COVID-19. Whether chloroquine can treat COVID-19 or not is something else; I’m not a microbiologist but typically antibiotics do not affect viruses. But the gerontophiliac Macronist regime is – if this article is truthful – actively and deliberately suppressing research into it, while the stocks of chloroquine have “mysteriously” disappeared and pharmaceutical companies are lining up to produce new stock. At a good profit, of course.
Remember that Macron is an ex Rothschild bank employee and the embodiment of capitalism unleashed.
A very informative article.
I would add Général Delawarde (a Eurasian patriot) on the site mentions that only deaths in hospitals are reported by the French health service. So the figures are below reality.
For a summary of the chloroquine situation, totally consistent with Mr. Escobar’s article:
According to Raoult in the article, chloroquine can only be used in special circumstances for people tested early when the disease is not advanced.
While this is certainly good news for these categories of people, chloroquine is not a universal “magic bullet” solution:
“The key point has been stressed by Raoult: Use chloroquine in very special circumstances, for people tested very early, when the disease is not advanced yet, and only in these cases. He’s not advocating chloroquine for everyone. It’s exactly what the Chinese did, along with their use of Interferon.
On Tuesday, the French Health Ministry officially prohibited the utilization of treatment based on chloroquine recommended by Raoult. In fact the treatment is only allowed for terminal Covid-19 patients, with no other possibility of healing. This cannot but expose the Macron government to more accusations of at least inefficiency – added to the absence of masks, tests, contact tracing and ventilators.
On Wednesday, commenting on the new government guidelines, Raoult said, “When damage to the lungs is too important, and patients arrive for reanimation, they practically do not harbor viruses in their bodies any more. It’s too late to treat them with chloroquine. Are these the only cases – the very serious cases – that will be treated with chloroquine under the new directive by [French Health Minister] Veran?” If so, he added ironically, “then they will be able to say with scientific certainty that chloroquine does not work.”
Well, that pretty much sounds like them…
$1 cure?!?!… Yoink….
Solid article!
Indeed, the shadow of Big Phara lurks in the US (to state the obvious).
When i read that Kushner was mobilizing efforts in the private sector, it was not too big a stretch to surmise that he has the scent of big profit. His conflicts of interest are massive and they continue expanding. I am very wary whenever I see the involvement of kushner. He does not work allegedly for “zero direct” compensation for the good of humanity.
Mint Press has an article that Jarad’s brother joshua is the ceo of a health care company. Oscar Health:
(Yeh, I was burned oince before on a mint press article but this one seems ok based upon a summary read altho it does cite reports from NYT-it clearly is not a pro trump article, again to state the obvious)
All this re the now controlled quinine derivative. And not a word about the ultra effective IV Ascorbic acid – Vitamin C, known for some 80 years and well attested in the medical literature and practise.
Of course it is ultra cheap, easily available, and not patented.
To me this indicates that TPTB are not serious about the medical problem which is merely a cover for the control of the peasants in the ongoing greatest financial crash in history.
In Malaysia, during and after WW2, people here eat papaya leaves and flowers against malaria. Obviously because quinine not available. Works for dengue, too.
For anyone interested in traditional medicine.
Kratom has been used in Malaysia for 1,000’s of years, and it contains Quinine
Papaya is also full of anti-malarial compounds, but it doesn’t contain Quinine, I think the argument might be ‘just because something is anti-malarial, doesn’t mean its anti-corona’; For now if we all agree that mild cases of corona can be mitigated with Quinine, then chewing lots of Kratom might do the trick, or just get a ton of ‘old fashion’ soda water designed for gin&tonic, which also contains quinine ( be sure to read ingredients on bottle to make sure you got the real stuff )
But topically I guess you could get a bunch of Kratom leaves and chew on them to get your Quinine, this what the local of SE-Asia have always done, working in the jungle.
Given the crack-down on Quinine, and I usually see all the head-shops with signs that say “Kratom for sale”, I would suspect the thing to do is just get a LB of Kratom and toss an ounce of leaves in boiling water, and then drink the tea if you fill like your coming on with the flu?
Regarding Papaya, in USA while you can find papaya at the market, your not likely to find papaya leaves, unless you grow them yourself, or live next to a tropical garden. Supposedly the seeds also contain anti-malarial compounds, but the leaves generally free
Antimalarial activity of Carica papaya (Family: Caricaceae) leaf extract against Plasmodium falciparum
Perhaps somebody here can test, I certainly could cuz I grow papaya, and ergo have tons of leaves, that said I’m not sick, and not planning on getting sick.
The active pharma compound in Papaya that is anti-malarial is quite different than Quinine
Recent research shows that the Papaya rind may have the highest chemical level of anti-malarials of all
1/ the French doctor did not not discover chloroquine, nor was he the first to use it. he simply copied the approach from the Chinese. China deserves the credit, not the French.
2/ chloroquine is not a cure, the Chinese have proven this. chloroquine can be of some effect in very limited cases, if administered very early: ie in people with no symptoms. this is not a cure: a cure means a drug that can cure patients in all cases, not some very small number under very limited conditions.
3/ if hope is to be placed upon chloroquine, then patients must be tested very very early. aye, there’s the rub. Western countries are not testing early, they are testing in the latter stages. western people did not self-isolate until waaaaay too late, and went about infecting each other hourly. the proof of this is exponential increases in cases hourly.
1/ not accurate, Prof. Didier Raoult proposed this for the SARS virus a long time ago. His treatment is in all the Medicine books around the world:
But who cares about the credit? Science is a collective endeavour.
2/ not accurate: When taking chloroquine+Azythromycin (THE TWO OF THEM) reduces the viral load by 90% in 6 days, it prevents your lungs from suffering permanent damage. If this damage happens, the virus is already not there, usually after 20 days. So what Raoult is doing is give the treatment to mild to severe cases (if your immune system is normal, you can fight this by your own; just do not spread the virus to others), when it is usefull. After that, when you are in critical condition, the virus is gone, no antiviral can help you and you need intensive care
3/ Lack of testing is a main issue. Diagnose and treat. See: PCR tests do not seem very reliable. There is also a serologic test, assessing the antibodies, that is used in South Korea. Not reliable 100%, but it takes 15mn, while PCRs take 3 hours.
Has anybody looking for chloroquine looked over the border?
Brand names in Germany and Switzerland:
Plaquenil (CH), Quensyl (D)
Ace Pharmaceuticals of Jan Willem Popma in Zeewolde (NL) is at this moment the only pharmacist in the Netherlands producing hydrocloroquine, ‘a medicine that can work against covid19′. His company is a whole-saling company.
Note that the Dutch state MSM presenting this docu identifies this drug by: “that can work against’
Mr Popma is being harrassed by ‘vague’ individuals driving expensive cars. He is under ‘police protection’.
Great article by Pépé Escobar.
Like il commented the other day, there are wider ramifications than just what is happening now post covid outbreak here in France.
Levy has some sort of semi official or honorory role at the Wuhan P4 lab.
Ses below from gvt source:
It might just be à coïncidence, but remember that France took part in the lab construction (it was very contreversial here formation political reasons) and also the Wuhan lab was due to receiver its P4 certification by the WHO this year….
I don’t how about you guys but I Am very inconfortable with this part.
Regarding the Last factory of chloroquine, near Lyon, they’re about to close, gouvernement hardly seem to care and for the record, it pertains to à US based investissement fund.
Raoult Président ! He’s the dude
The cheaper and much, much healthier solution:
– Vitamin C in high doses every few hours
– Vitamin D 10’000 IU per day
– Medicinal mushrooms like Chaga, Lions Mane, Reishi, Cordyceps
– low carbs, no sugar
The believe in “killer bacteria” and “deadly viruses” is identity-forming, and believers react with panic once one questions their dogmas. To date, the “Corona epidemic” has not elevated the seasonal death rates, and therefore the unprecedented measures taken by some governments are irresponsible – given all the damage to the economy and personal health. If there are increased local mortality numbers, it must be looked, for an explanation, at treatments. Medical treatment is oftentimes highly toxic, relying on experimental anti-virals, high-dose steroids and invasive ventilation. I pretty much favour old-fashioned flu-treatments: bed and unprocessed food to taste. Thus, I do not share the praise of chloroquin — a synthetic chlorinated chemical. It may, however, be of less toxicity than all the other currently favoured chemicals, and may indeed be more efficacious (in some limited way). Still, hyping a synthetic chemical is nothing but image doctoring, in the mold: bugs are dangerous, and chemicals ever so precious. Given the microbiophobic neurotic shape of westerners mind, the Chinese government initiated the unprecedented measures against Corona, knowing the Westerners would feel compelled to outdo them — at enormous cost. Our governments don’t have the spine to say that the emperor is naked. This is advanced hybrid warfare, and allegations that the CIA invented Corona and released them, fit into the mold. No efficient pathogen, to date, has been constructed, and the Cinese know that for sure.
Every doctor, or any professional in any field who is against mainstream is usually put into some sort of “corner”.
I personally got extremely frustrated as we here in the middle of Europe become almost every hour an update on Corona COVID-19 in the news.
Most people think already what is in mainstream media put “into the front”. Infected people and death. Cured percentage is practically never mentioned.
I would like to know how the Chinese cured their sick people. I really have no idea. Was it also with chloroquine ?
monnalisa, it’s very, very difficult to debunk situation, you asked and got no answers yet thus I feel obligated to reply. I am also European living much of my life in n America. This site attract some very smart people and besides articles the commenters give plethora of real nuggets of info. I comment seldom because my limitations however this current crisis burn my undershirt.
What you see about usa is real but bit worse. I am truly sorry not to be less pessimistic.
Just like in any other suspected bio war the best remedy is not the get it. Many here offer good advice about cure, please search and all blessings to you.
In Thailand back in January during the first person with the virus, the complete DNA-RNA sequence was ran, it was found the virus has an HIV sequence, thus HIV anti-viral medications were applied, in all cases since, patients are removed from ICU with 2-3 days because the HIV drugs allow normal breathing. ( See nobody had to ask anybody, every doctor in Thailand has the right to order any test, analysis, or make any prescription, and the Gov Hospitals charge the citizens $1 to wait in the queue. )
In the USA of course any medication must be approved by insurance companys, and no insurance company will approve HIV drugs. Thus everybody rot’s and dies in the USA.
I have no idea about Italy, with the Triage, if your not young and healthy then your ‘marked’ to die, that means no attempt is made.
China attacked this as a war, since late December they had sequenced the virus, and had everybody working on remediation. It was not until the hospitals were swamped in late January that MSM paid any attention.
Because Chinese since day-one saw the virus as an ‘act of war’, they tried to take care of all patients as best they could, in fact in the first two weeks of January Xi ordered 1M test-kits in two-weeks, he got them in 10 days ). In comparision, here we are almost April and the USA still refuses to test.
Hope this helps. Like the OP say’s if you catch it early ‘Choro-Quine’ might work, if the anti-malarial ‘Quinine’ is of use, then just get some Kratom, and make some tea, and drink a lot of tea.
Any drug or natural herb that alleviates “Dengue Fever” should help a lot, as the symptoms are similar.
Yesterday, in the gossip magazine Closer, they released an teary-eyed article about how Macron’s pedophile wife, seeing him overwhelmed and lost, forcefully convinced him to call Pr. Raoult. Today, popular newspaper Le Parisien is explaining to the plebs that chloroquine is a far right, conspiracy theorist thing.
In the meantime, in a never seen before victory for the common folks putting pressure on the government, they finally authorized the use of chloroquine. Too little too late, but still. The prospect of being thrown in front of a juge in the near future must have played, since the prime minister admitted in private that they were beginning to be concerned with the official complaints piling up against them from doctors and civilians associations in penal courts. Macron today is childishly deflecting responsibility by saying: “We will remember the ones who failed us!” in the magazine Le Point, while prime minister Philippe is floating his will to sack the awfully incompetent government’s spokesperson Sibeth Ndiaye in a classic attempt to stop the fire.
French people are beyond pissed this time around, and I don’t think this is going to end well for this government.
This will keep boiling in confinement for now, as it is one criminal scandal after another every day lately. After that…
Somehow the article failes to point out the logical conclusion. The U.S. confiscated all stockpile of the drug and flew it to the U.S.