by Ruslan Ostashko

Translated by Scott and captioned by Leo

Georgians are still feel burning in the rear when reminded about their responsibility for the 08.08.08. War. Eleven years have passed and many Tbilisi politicians admitted the truth about those events, but the official “Gabunistan” is still screaming about “Russian aggression.” Why is that?

On August 8th, just like every year, our fellow countrymen remind everyone in social media what happened with residents of the sleeping Ossetian city of Tskhinvali, and publish horrifying images.

Eleven years ago at this time, the Georgian Army started the shelling of Tskhinvali. They also shelled villages and the UN mandated Russian peacekeepers’ posts. Back then, no one in Tbilisi spoke about the “Russian aggression.” Instead, Tbilisi reported about the operation to restore the order in Shida Kartli.

Today, Georgians are saying something very different. Even in comments to my videos, they scream that it wasn’t an attempt of ethnic cleansing and genocide of Ossetians. Now they say that it was Russia that attacked the Euro-Georgians first, even though the Russian assessment was admitted even by the West.

Here is a quotation from Georgian social media portal Civi, dedicated to the report of Swiss diplomat Heidi Tagliavini, the head of the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Conflict in Georgia (IIFFMCG).

It was Georgia that started the war, when in August 2008 it carried out a heavy artillery attack on Tskhinvali. However, this aggression wasn’t a single taken event, but a culmination of many years worth of increasing tensions, and the responsibility lies on all sides,” said Heidi Tagliavini on April 28, 2009, who headed the fact finding mission, which was funded by the European Union.

[The following are a few excerpts from the report:]

IV. Conclusions: no self-defence until Russian military action extending into Georgia

The Georgian military operation in Tskhinvali on 7/8 August 2008 cannot be justified as self-defence. There was no clear proof of an on-going or imminent Russian armed attack against Georgia when Georgia started to apply military force. Although Russia did use force against Georgia, this occurred later. Self-defence against a putative Russian attack was not permitted. Minor breaches by Russia of the stationing of forces agreements between Russia and Georgia did not constitute an armed attack suited to warrant Georgian self-defence. Military operations by South Ossetia could not be imputed to Russia as constituting a Russian armed attack.” Page 267

Given the fact that the Georgian military operation in Tskhinvali and the surrounding villages, which had started on 7 August 2008 at 23.35, had a substantial scale and effects (concerning the number of soldiers involved, 127 the arms used 128 and the fatalities and destructions of building resulting from it 129) it qualifies as an ‘armed attack.’ Therefore South Ossetia was in principle allowed to use force to defend itself against this attack.” page 268

Neither could an alleged ‘large-scale incursion of Russian troops into Georgian territory’ starting already in the morning of 7 August 2008, be verified by the Mission...“ page 260

The Russian troops’ presence in South Ossetia had a treaty basis. The Sochi Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Georgia of 26 June 1992 foresaw ‘joint forces to be co-ordinated by the parties … under the control commission.’ 136 Georgia could not argue that it was an ‘unequal treaty’ and therefore invalid. The doctrine of unequal treaties is not recognized in international law as it stands.137 Georgia denounced the Sochi Agreement only after the August 2008 events. The presence of the Russian peacekeepers was therefore lawful. There was no illegal deployment which could have excluded that the troops could be a suitable object of an armed attack which is apt to trigger self-defence.” page 270

Deputy Chairman of the Russian State Duma Petr Tolstoy recently reminded this report to a Tbilisi journalist, who didn’t like it.

Yes, the Europeans took great pains to declare guilty all sides of the conflict. But, the key fact that the Euro-Georgian aggression started the war, even the EU couldn’t ignore.

This fact was also admitted even by repulsive Western propaganda outlets. Here is the BBC headline from September 20, 2009: “The EU Committee report: Georgia started the war.”

So, Gabunistan, what aggression are you screaming about?

Even Saakashvili, whom you in your stupidity brought to power, back in 2008 admitted in great fear that his regime started the war, while making excuses for himself that “they made me do it.”

President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, for the first time publicly admitted that the military actions in South Ossetia were initiated by the Georgian Army. However, he called it ‘adequate and justifiable measures.’ The Georgian leader says that the same actions would have been taken by any ‘democratic state.’

Mikheil Saakashvili: ‘We made this decision to protect our territories from intervention and to rescue people.’”, stated Saakashvili on the briefing for the parliament commission on investigating the August Caucasus region crisis.

In this light, all attempts of our liberals to wash “Bastard Misha” white look nonsensical. Remember how they banged their heads against the wall claiming that Misha’s “pacifist statement to the Ossetians” was the proof of his innocence?

Andrey Illarionov: “If Mikheil Saakashvili knew that in a few hours Georgian troops following his order would be attacking Ossetian trenches, he would have never came out with this statement.”

The liberals refused to ponder other possible explanations, like, for example, that the president of Georgia was a cynic, lair, dictator, and enemy of the civilian population. Nothing else could explain his statement and one-sided ceasefire.

Andrey Illarionov: “Even if we imagine that Saakashvili were a conman, he wouldn’t make such a statement. There wouldn’t be a need for a statement. And if there was, it would be delivered by someone else; a prime-minister, a minister of defense, or a secretary of security.”

Oh, logic. If you follow the liberal logic, then Hitler in preparation to invade the USSR, would never have signed a peace agreement. Liberals never even heard about military deception. Saakashvili’s offer of peace to Ossetians proves not only that he planned to attack, but that he hoped for a blitzkrieg in a speedy and brilliant victory in a small victorious war.

This thesis was confirmed by many sources. Those, for example, who heard him bolstering about his future victory a few days prior to his deceiving statement.

On August 11th, 2009, Nino Burjanadze, an ex-Chairperson of the Parliament of Georgia, admitted to the newspaper “Asaval-Dasavali” that Saakashvili on August 3rd, 2008, shared his war plans with her.

Nino Burjanadze: “We met in his residence on August 3rd, Sunday, at 5 PM, and spoke for an hour and twenty minutes. and spoke for an hour and twenty minutes. I told him that a war against Russia would be catastrophic for Georgia. Saakashvili reassured me that we will take over Tskhinvali in one night. I told him that it won’t be the case. First, I said, even taking over Tskhinvali won’t solve the Ossetian problem. Second, even if we return South Ossetia by military force, we will lose Abkhazia forever. Saakashvili agreed with me on that.”

Burjanadze also recalled how they talked about “rusty Russian tanks,” and that it would be easy to win the war, to defeat the Russians and to chase them back almost to Moscow.

On August 7th, Saakashvili ordered to bomb Tskhinvali. He needed this war like air, even a lost war. Thanks to this lost war, he remained in power.

Hey, Euro-Georgians! These are the words of your own politicians. One of the few worthy of respect.

Burjanadze tried with all her strength to prevent the process of turning Georgia into Gabunistan. But, some very different people won this political war. The impudent, self-confident, vile people that are ready to back-stab after talking about friendship, and then insulting the parents of the Russian president.

By the way, didn’t we hear this “We will reach Moscow” from someone before? [Ukrainian ultranationalists.] You can thank them for living today in Gabunistan. You [Georgians] can thank them [the politicians] for independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. You can thank them for reading every year about your defeated military adventurism, and then arguing about it.

Embassy of Russia in the Republic of South Africa: “Today we mark 11 years of Georgian aggression 08.08.08. We honor the memory of Russian peacekeepers and peaceful South Ossetians who became victims of a mad criminal adventurism of the previous Georgian regime.”

With all their strength they were turning Georgia into Gabunistan with your help or indifference. Now they are burning you in the rear.

Euro-Georgians, do you know why you can’t bring yourself to admit that you bear full responsibility for the loss of the South Ossetia and Abkhazia? Because admitting your guilt would mean taking responsibility for your country. Taking responsibility for all your problems and misfortunes that have befallen you since the start of your independence. To admit that no one outside is responsible for all your problems. Only adult people are able to reflect on their own actions. You are deeply infantile, just like Euro-Ukrainians. That’s why your problems are always someone else’s fault. This will stay till the complete disappearance of Georgia from the political map of the world. Shame on you for bringing to power a war criminal and drug addict, Saakashvili.

And that you let him to escape justice by fleeing to “It’s-Europe” [the Ukraine]. Glory and honor to those who prevented him from cutting up the Ossetians.

I would like to end this episode by Dmitry Lepetsky’s song made about them.

At night, an explosion cuts with its sharp iron,

what the battle will bring only God knows.

Blood as cold as ice,

what is awaiting us?

I have only faith in my APC armor.

White mark on my temples, like snow.

This is my memory about those who won’t return home

from the war I see in all of my dreams.

Brother, fill up my glass for the guys killed in battle.

By lighting a candle, we’re silent for them today.

Bullets whistled, we’re being stung,

and my friend fell asleep, with his eyes towards the sky.

Was he or wasn’t he?

The enemy floods us with Grad rockets from the mountains.

The path to heaven became the road to hell.

In this evil hour, the people waited for us so much here in Tskhinvali.

White mark on my temples, like snow.

This is my memory about those who won’t return home,

from the war I see in my dreams.

Brother, fill up my glass for the guys killed in the battle.

By lighting a candle, we’re silent for them today.”