by Ernst Wolff
During his election campaign, Donald Trump presented himself as the champion of America’s blue collar workers. He promised to ‘bring jobs back home’, create millions of well-paid new jobs, and raise the standard of living of the middle and the working class. He called himself an ‘enemy of the corrupt establishment’ and vowed to ‘dry the swamp in Washington’.
In the final stages of his campaign, Trump announced that he was planning to make Steven Mnuchin his secretary of the treasury. Steven Mnuchin is a former Goldman Sachs banker and a close ally of one of the world’s most notorious speculators, George Soros. One of Trump’s election videos had featured Soros as a symbol of the ultra rich and their insatiable greed.
On election night, Trump held a victory speech in which he praised Hillary Clinton, whose imprisonment he had been demanding only a day earlier. Shortly after, several names of the staff on Trump’s “transition team”, designed to fill four thousand top jobs in Washington, emerged. Among them were lobbyists of companies like Koch Industries, Walt Disney, Aetna, Verizon, and Goldman Sachs. The headquarters of the transition team were put up in a law and lobbying firm in Washington, i.e. right in the heart of what Trump during his campaign had denounced as ‘the swamp’.
The first names discussed for cabinet posts were those of New York’s ex-mayor Rudi Giuliani, the former speaker of the House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich, and New Jersey’s Governor Chris Christie. All three are long-standing members of the Republican establishment, which Trump had constantly attacked during his election campaign. Meanwhile we also know that Steve Bannon, not only editor of the ‘Breitbart’ website, but also a man who once worked for Goldman Sachs, will become Donald Trump’s top advisor and that the Rothschild bank’s ex-partner billionaire Wilbur Ross is being considered for the post of trade minister.
Wall Street has already reacted extremely favorably to Trump’s first moves. Investors were so grateful that they drove the Dow Jones to new record highs within two days of the election. The financial industry’s gratitude probably also honored Trump’s plans of cutting corporate taxes by 20%, lowering income taxes for the 0.1 percent, increasing military spending and easing regulations on trading and banks.
US electoral deceit has a long tradition
All of Trump’s decisions following his election prove beyond doubt that he has consciously deceived his voters, most of them victims of the ongoing economic downturn in the US. He never planned to improve working people’s living conditions. He used the common man’s despair, frustration, his rage and his lack of education to assume power and will use his presidency in order to implement measures that will only serve himself, his ilk and, above all, the financial industry which he has always been part of.
Such electoral deceit is not new in the US. During his two election campaigns in 2008 and 2012, Barack Obama promised to end all US wars, close Guantanamo, stabilize the state budget and end the social divide.
Today we know that Obama is the first president of the United States ever who has constantly waged war for eight consecutive years, that Guantanamo has not been shut down, and that the US is more heavily indebted than ever. We also know that the ultra rich are richer, the middle and the working class are poorer, and social inequality is greater than ever before.
Blatantly lying to the electorate has a long tradition in the US: Exactly one hundred years ago, Woodrow Wilson was elected president during World War I after a campaign in which he promised to keep the US out of the war. Three weeks after his inauguration in March 1917, as commander in chief, he declared war on Germany.
It is also not uncommon for the US mass media to fiercely oppose a candidate, thereby ultimately helping him to power. When US Congress was to vote on the proposed establishment of a central bank in 1913, the financial industry together with the corporate media launched a vicious campaign against this new organization and claimed that it would limit and undermine the rights of the financial industry.
The majority of US citizens, believing what they were told and hoping for the Fed to curb banking power, demanded that Congress approve of the Fed. That way, the American people, consciously misled by politicians and the media, acted as midwives in the establishment of the Fed, which would turn out to be the financial industry’s main tool for their suppression.
This time it’s different
Trump’s deceit of the electorate, however, will have more dramatic consequences than that of any of his predecessors, including Barack Obama. Obama’s first term began with the financial crisis of 2008, which he managed to solve by declaring the banks “too big to fail” and using public funds to reimburse their private owners for their losses.
Obama’s deceit remained largely unnoticed by the general public, because the US central bank Federal Reserve immediately started printing huge amounts of money to fill the gaps in the state budget. But meanwhile eight years have passed, in which trillions of dollars have been pumped into the markets at ever-lower interest rates without managing to achieve anything close to a recovery of the real economy.
Therefore, Donald Trump will start his new job under conditions, which are completely different from those of all of his predecessors. He will face a real economy that is stagnating with most of its productive jobs outsourced to low-wage countries. He will face an over-heated financial sector with huge bubbles in the stock, bond and real estate markets, all of them waiting to burst. He will also face a central bank whose possibilities are almost exhausted, with the only options remaining being those of further money printing (which in its final stages will inevitably lead to hyperinflation) and a further lowering of interest rates into negative territory (which will inevitably destroy the classic basic banking business of lending).
Under these premises, Trump’s election promises to ‘bring jobs back home’ and create new, well-paid jobs across the country, will very quickly be crushed by reality. However, Trump not only made promises that he won’t be able to keep, he also appealed to the rage and hatred of his voters against foreigners, immigrants, disabled people and homosexuals. He announced that Muslims would be denied entry into the US, vowed to build a wall along the Mexican border, and to impose protective tariffs against the flooding of US markets by foreign goods. In other words, he mobilized the worst prejudices among those Americans that are least educated, but worst affected by the ongoing economic and financial crisis.
Trump’s election victory is very different from those of all his predecessors
Trump has thereby paved the way for a future that will change the face of the US forever. The expectations of his blue-collar voters will be bitterly disappointed after his inauguration. Disillusionment will soon turn into anger and fury, most probably erupting in the form of social violence.
It is at this point that we will see the difference between Trump and every other candidate for US presidency before him: He was the first to use his election campaign to form an extra-parliamentary movement of the middle class and the working class which is built on frustration, hatred and anger.
So, as soon as people start getting angry and taking to the streets, we will reach a point when other politicians like Hillary Clinton would have had to rely on the police and the military. Trump, however, will be able to use the influence he gained during his election campaign to direct people’s rage against minorities. By falling back on all the prejudices he fuelled for more than a year he will, for some time at least, be able to protect Wall Street and the financial industry, that is, the real culprits of the crisis, by directing people ‘s hatred against minorities, primarily against immigrants and Muslims.
It is most probably these future prospects that made Wall Street, which initially supported Hillary Clinton, turn to Donald Trump as their new favorite. Faced with looming economic and financial disaster, Trump, in the eyes of the financial industry, has turned into the man who, based on his influence over a huge extra-parliamentary movement, may keep the system running for longer than his competitors.
However, should Trump not succeed in bringing the situation under control (which in the long run is more than likely), the true ruler of the US, i.e. the omnipotent financial industry, will be left with only one option: the intervention of the military and the establishment of a dictatorship. In this case, Trump might some day be known as the last US president who came to power by way of an election.
Ernst Wolff is a free-lance journalist and the author of the book ‘Pillaging the World. The History and Politics of the IMF’, published by Tectum-Verlag, Marburg, Germany.
Now this seems a hell of lot more accurate than Larchmonter’s unicorn rainbow farts.
The douche flows strong in you.
Why not post some of your work and we can compare it side by side with his?
“Why not post some of your work and we can compare it side by side with his?”
He just posted his one line judgment. Isn’t that enough for you? Or does everyone have to fill pages with words, so that it looks more like an “analysis” to you???
If you prefer reading one line judgements, go read the NY Post or other coloring books for semi bipeds. I’ll look for words since, here and there, words mean things and can provoke ( most of us ) to thought
@ Anonymous
Re your ” Now this seems a hell of lot more accurate than Larchmonter’s unicorn rainbow farts”.
Since you have nothing at all to contribute to the conversation here, then why don’t you just take your juvenile bathroom talk to another more appropriate site EH?
Not really, the article is absolute nonsense. The government picks Trumps has made so far is amazing.
Steve Bannon is as anti-establishment as you get, he has been under attack now for everyday since he was chosen by mainstream media, “He is a nazi”, “he is a racist” “he is a conspiracy theorist”, “He is a neo-nazi”. Bannon is also pro-russian. Flynn is pro-Russian.Sessions is pro-Russian. This is a real dream-team. Mike and Reince Priebus thought, not so great, but just these first three are unimaginable awesome and without doubt shows Trump is the real deal.
Here is a video of Steve Bannon
As to regarding jobs, he is already bringing them back. And he is not even president yet!
“Ford CEO Folds? Trump Confirms Carmaker Won’t Move Production To Mexico”
“be able to use the influence he gained during his election campaign to direct people’s rage against minorities. By falling back on all the prejudices he fuelled for more than a year he will,”
-Sheer nonsense, that is globalist/multiculti/democrat tactics, Trump has never attacked anyone based on race, unlike the globalist who cant go 2min without blaming whitey for something. And FYI whites are a minority now in many states in USA thanks to massimmigration.
“Trump not only made promises that he won’t be able to keep, he also appealed to the rage and hatred of his voters against foreigners, immigrants, disabled people and homosexuals.”
-Utter lies all of it, plese dont propagate MSM fake news here.
“As to regarding jobs, he is already bringing them back”
How can he bring them back if they were already there?
Here is the more likely position
“Ford chief executive Mark Fields said it was “going forward” with its plan to shift production of small cars from its Michigan plant.
However, he repeated assurances that no jobs would be lost due to the move.
Mr Trump threatened during the election campaign to impose a tariff on car imports from firms like Ford.
He said companies which moved jobs abroad would be charged “a 35% tax when they want to ship their products back into the United States”.
The president-elect also said he would build a wall with Mexico and renegotiate the terms of the North American Free Trade Agreement (Nafta), which includes Mexico.
But the Ford boss said a levy on car imports would hurt the US economy.
“A tariff like that would be imposed on the entire auto sector that could have a major impact on the US economy,” Mr Fields told reporters at the Los Angeles auto show.
“I continue to think that the right policies will prevail because we continue to share the same objective which is a healthy and vibrant US economy,” he said.”
That was too fast: Trump one step closer to secure interests of his billionaire class
My thoughts as well…
Not mine.
I am sick and tired of arrogant journalists patronising Trump supporters for their “lack of education”. Oh please! This is the Brexit argument all over again. These people are NOT uneducated. They are older, this is true, but their educational backgrounds vary from the very bottom to the very top. These people simply think for themselves despite the relentless campaign by the media – this is what unites them.
Yes, the author lives, or pretends to live, in an inverse reality (some sort of psychosis). What he accuses others of; hatred & anger, ignorance, hatred against African Americans, or disabled people, being uneducated & uncivilized, intolerance, and so forth, is what he & his kind, or Nazi/Trotskyite-Bolshevik ‘educated’ monkeys, typically exhibit themselves. And that is to put it mildly, with a view to the moderator.
This is the reality about the British (AngloZionist) Empire ‘elites’, which Trump’s enemies (the JM$M, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, all of them) try to delete, censor. Check out e.g. David Seaman’s vids about PizzaGate, the one he posted yesterday was deleted for no good reason when it was going viral. Seaman is a likable, solid, real American journalist, recently banned from the JM$M for telling a little bit of common sense truth. E.g.
Well, that is sobering. Now if I just shut my eyes and wish for Kansas…
Don’t forget to click your heels together three times. The Wicked Witch is dead at least, now time to pull back the curtain and see who is pulling Trump’s leavers.
The entire article was sheer nonsense, this is what you would call “Fake news”
Trump is already bringing jobs back, and his picks Bannon, Flynn, Sessions, are all the most hardcore anti-establishment you can find, and all of them are pro-russian and all of them has been under constant attack since the very day they were choosen by Trump.
And jobs? He is already bringing them back without even being president!
“Ford Calls Donald Trump – Says Plant Will Not Move to Mexico, Will Remain in Kentucky”
As to all the nonsense about Trump supporting “hate” against minorities and disable people.. I mean, please, come on, do you really believe such CNN nonsense? That is like kindergarden level propaganda, Trump hates disable people? LOL, does he eat children too?
” However, Trump not only made promises that he won’t be able to keep, he also appealed to the rage and hatred of his voters against foreigners, immigrants, disabled people and homosexuals”
That is like saying Chinese Japanese Korean Indians Arabs Russians hate the rest of the world because they have no open borders.
You are calling it “hatred” when people are as racially aware as you are, maybe?
I’ll bet it (and by the way, it’s a smart tactic, till it works).
“Disabled and homosexuals?”
How did disabled and homosexuals came into play here?
Sometimes you can tell who they are by the way they lie.
And you are rarely wrong.
I bet, Mr. Wolff, you have recited this so many times that by now you believe it — which helps doing your kind of job.
I believe what we have here is an outlet for a frustrated leftist that has a hard time to acceping that his entire ideology in the west has been taken over by globalists and the only resistance to globalism in the west comes from Nationalists, or as he and his ideological kin would but it the “far right”, “neo-nazists”, “Rayycsts”.
You can easily tell this is the case, not only from his largely nonsensical negatives about Trump’s picks, which are absolutely great, as good as can be foound. But also from his rants about “homosexuals” basically just reeling of standard western leftist(Globalist) propaganda against Trump, Trump has never said anything negative about homosexuals, he merely does not believe they should be privileged anymore as they have been under the leftists run west.
There is a small part of the pro-Russian community, perhaps 2% that is very, very ideologically confused, they have adopted globalist version of leftist ideology and now hate whites, males. christians, Europeans and their culture and history.. But at the same time, they try to be pro-Russian, which is the last large christian European country in Europe, and the ultimate hate object of every leftist outlet and organisation in the western world.
Their confusion is only deepend by the fact that it is the western Nationalists or as they would say in their most mild terms “extreme right” or “far right” that are anti-banker, anti-corporation, anti-globalism, pro-worker, anti-racism, and it is they, and their organisations that are funded by George Soros, and support by MSM, that are racist(hysterically anti-white), pro-corporation, pro-globalism and anti-worker(Instead modern left cares about homosexuals and “minorities” as they frame it,despite whites already being minorities in several USA states already). You have Marine Le Pen, Pro-Russian, PVV Pro-Russian, Trump Pro-Russian, Afd Pro-Russian, SD Pro-Russian, every single nationalist party is pro-russian while every single of the leftist parties are hysterically anti-Russian.
So these sort of twisted hybrid leftist, that have adopted both pro-Russian ideology and globalist leftist ideology are very confused, and right now, as Trump is elected, they are at the height of confusion. And this is the mindset that produced this article, you can see a few of these confused leftist in the comment field as well, reeling of globalists/George Soros race-war divisive propganda about “whiteys rayyycsm and mythical oppression of homos in whiteys patriarchal supremacist society”
If the progressive side of politics got angry after being mislead by Obama, how pissed off will the patriots be when their champion lets them down? They will try to divert it towards minorities, but this is a fairly obvious playbook. What Mr. Wolffe is alluding to is after this next electoral failure, all we are left with is revolution. The Ruling Class doesn’t want to have to institute Fascism, as it is far more profitable to have an open and ‘free’ society. Law and order, trust, relative wealth, a hopeful society (Consumer Confidence) is all great for business, and the opposite not so. The ruling class don’t want Fascism, but they will do anything to hold onto their wealth/power.
In the end, it will be who wants it more.
In short, why should they play Mein Kampf playbook, while Brave New World offers achievable results with minimum resistance…?
I’m not sure, I believe in new revolution in USSA. The oldschool patriotic core is shrinking and new brainwashed, feminized & distracted “boy generation” will not move a finger…
I tend to believe the patriots will get provoked into action. But that will just serve the purposes of the Elite (gun confiscation, marginalization of such groups & their vilification as extremists/terrorists, more control etc.).
I will keep praying for my american brothers from European disarmed & pacified gulag, where revolution is sleeping quietly in the books of our libraries, not to be bothered any time soon…
We must always keep in mind that the primary goal of any oligarchy is to stay in power. And the real oligarchy of America is the Jewish cabal which has a millennial experience at falling on its feet in any circumstances. ‘Tactical retreats’ are just one of its tricks.
Even more successfully, they are masters of “if you can’t beat them, join them”. They stole Christianity from the Jerusalem Church, took over Marxism (Communism), and modern democracy has always been their plaything. As soon as they lose, they start working their way through the victors body politic until they are back on top. This is why I say abandon all centres of power, because they will subvert them. Divide power into seven billion pieces so we can all safely wield our share.
I like this idea, Earthrise!
Now the Saker is cooking with gas. I read Larchmonter’s article, and I said to myself, “yes, I can see that,” and now I read this one and I find myself saying, “Yes, I can see that.” At this moment, however, I have a hunch that Trump will be able to juice, perhaps for the very last time, the American economy. Interest rates have been too low and for too long, infusions of liquidity never really helped anyways. But guess what? Tax rates can be lowered more in line with the rest of the world; onerous regulations can be lowered (e.g. emissions on diesel trucks); Pentagon avarice and stupidity can be curtailed (F35, Shells for littoral ship that cost $800,000 a pop). It is almost as if the mythical mandarins were planning to have one final trick up their sleeves.
But alas, Ernst is probably right about the jobs not coming back.
” Tax rates can be lowered more”
This is problem source. Tax for the rich need to be 99.99%
Even if Trump totally sells out, a Trump presidency still be better than having Hillary in power and here is why. First, the danger of Hitler-esque Hillary starting a nuclear war. Secondly, we anti-imperialists learned an important lesson from the ‘anti-war movement’ in the US: liberals only come out in droves to protest against a Republican president. When Obama won and continued all of Bush’s policies (and wars) and started new wars, the liberals remained almost totally silent. They pretty much never went out into the streets anymore then. Now, if Trump sells out there will be mass opposition everywhere. In fact, the Neocons will regret demonizing him then, because it will just make our job easier to organize opposition. So, still better than Hillary.
Re liberals only come out in droves to protest against a Republican president.
So true. I too have been making this argument in favor of Trump. His win in the best think that could happen to the Democratic party, or a new, truly progressive party.
Hillary would have completed the job, started by Obama (actually, started by Bill Clinton) of neutering the Dem Party, or the forces of progressivism. No blacks, a nd now no women would ever take to the streets against her. So, actually, Trump’s win is a win for the left/progressives, however you want to put it.
Excellent points.
I think the author is selling the American people way to short for all he puts forth is an uneducated mob and trust me the blue collar and working class are volumes above the educated class in the realities of just who is causing their pain and will react accordingly.
We’ll take you up on that prediction of failure and double-cross, Mr. Wolff.
Meet you back here in 12, 24, 36 and 48 months.
Don’t be shy. You won’t even have to eat crow.
Just write how wrong you are at each stage of Trump’s first term.
What a dark and dire diatribe that was. So what is the Wolff suggesting we do? Crawl in a hole and under a rock for the next fifty years, or just shoot ourselves in the head and get the misery over with fast?
As someone that’s touted voting for Trump was the only viable option for killing of the wicked witch of the west, and averting a thermonuclear war, I’ve been open to any serious analyses of what Trump’s actually doing to implement his mandate to make peace with Russia and “drain the swamp” of corruption in the US state department and on Wall Street.
Whether of not Trump is genuine and will keep his word or not, I don’t know and is up for debate, as only time will tell in the end, but the one sided blind raging rhetoric displayed in this piece of hack journalism, is not helpful and betrays the kind of hateful prejudice that the writer is accusing Trump and his supporters of promoting.
Dark? realism.
What would you have us do – enforce faith in the tooth fairy ray of light?
It is the desperate hopes of a confused western leftist author, wanting so badly for Trump to be a corrupt-KKK oligarchs, so that his entire ideological beliefs are not for naught.
He just can’t stand to see what him and his ideological kin would refer to as “KKK”,”Klansman”,”neo-nazi”,”Fascist”,”Hitlerite”,”Brownskirt”,”racist”, “neo-fascist”,”fascist” doing all the things the leftist claim they would do so many times but never did.
Once Trump becomes president and starts to deliver, the last shred of his reality will be crushed. And he will understand what the rest of us has known for decades, that left in the west is just codeword for globalist. And Nationalists, the ones he has been fighting all these decades, side by side with MSM and the western governments and George Soros, are the real ones that are pro-Russia, pro-worker, anti-bankster, anti-international corporations.
So, what is your opinion about the most probable Cheif of Pentagon, Gen. James Mattis, nicknamed “Rabid Dog”?
I am finding too much rabid people in this team for any good outcome…
The fact is that the Russians continue with their preparations for war, and so, they do the Western left, since we know fascists the first time we see and hear them.
Actually, I would not call them left, but reaccionaries. ‘Right’ and ‘left’ are no more appropriate terms…
Son of a camel, this means war! (Instant coffee commercial from the 60’s)
This is a very sobering article which emphasizes reality instead of wishful thinking. Trump represents finance capital, a deadly enemy of the working class. He may sign some deals with Russia, but that would be a narrow prism through which his actions should be viewed. His reactionary credentials are bolstered by some of the appointments he has just made. Capital is like a chameleon which is constantly changing its color and metamorphosizing. Please see the latest editorial of Monthly Review at on the superficial differences between Trump and Clinton – both children of imperialism.
But this is why I support Trump. I don’t live in America, and those of us on the outside are much more concerned about US foreign policy and the Military Financial Complex’s drive for WWIII. We applaud any move to roll back the Empire, and the return to an isolationist, America-first policy. And comrade, he will further divide America internally and bring on the 2nd Republic quicker.
Win – win for everyone, except for the Blue Bloods.
Well said @ Earthrise and as for our @ Friend – allow me to point out the following facts…
The differences between war and peace, means one hell of a lot to your victims of war and the rest of humanity, should Hillary have been elected s POTUS and pushed for a “no fly zone” and thus the envelope towards a thermonuclear confrontation with Russia, then what you seem to care about or can appreciate.
Tell the little school girls in Yemen or Syria who just had her foot blown off thanks to US financed and armed “moderate” proxy Islamic terrorists, tearfully asking “if it will grow back” that you consider it only a small and “superficial” matter, compared to your own self rightious PC SJW’s left socialist concerns about American economic equality or social justice issues at home in the heart of the imperialist empire.
Talk about “me first” egocentric American exceptionalism (be it on the left or right) taking front stage and the hell with the rest of the world. Suggest you get your priorities, if not your personal moral values and principles straight, before you go off dismissing out of hand the plight of rest of the world and all humanity that lives outside of your own little self serving and self destructing globalist capitalist US empire. When is the last time you guys (particularly liberal leftist socialists) have ever protested war and marched against your own government for peace?
If Trump does not more than to avert more wars then that’s more than enough for me.
The world doesn’t really give a dam what you do inside your own border’s, only about how you impose and infringe on ours. Fight your own battles at home all you want, but just leave us out of it and the hell alone EH!
“and those of us on the outside are much more concerned about US foreign policy and the Military Financial Complex’s drive for WWIII.”
I like a lot of what you say Earthrise – but you definitely don’t speak for all of us in repect of above.
I currently have no fear of WW3 for the simple reason that the oligarchical class is a worldwide phenomenon. I can’t imagine how they would wish to live in even opulent underground bunkers for a period to emerge to an uglified surface sometime later – perhaps soon when technology allows them to fix that problem having got rid of the worthless eaters into the bargain but not yet.
I believe the conflict between Russia and “The West” is a contrived conflict to perpetuate MFC/MIC profit until such a time they really are ready to purge en masse.
As long as we are at it I’ll predict that on January 14 it will be 36 F. and we’ll get 1/3 inches of snow.
Heir Wolff from Germany:
So far, It’s only the minority of your left liberal SJW (social justice warrior) and PC (politically correct) fans that are taking to the “streets” rioting, burning the US flag and displaying their contempt and “hate” for the majority of Americans who voted Hillary out, thanks to Nazi collaborator multi billionaire George Soro’s.
Surely you can’t seriously be Earnest Wolff can you?
There are a few comments below which the moderators should not have allowed. I also got one letter of insults. This is rather disappointing. So, let me remind those who maybe are unaware of this that:
I welcome different point of views, especially on topics which are complex and when the outcomes are unclear. I don’t run a pro-Trump propaganda blog nor, in fact, a anti-Trump propaganda blog. I want an intelligent discussion on the fascinating events in the USA and what might, or might not, happen next.
Please extend to EVERY author posted here what I call the “presumption of honesty” and simply accept that you might not agree. Speaking of farts and douches is infantile and rude and should just not happen in a conversation between educated adults.
And, just for the record, you might notice that 9/10 articles posted here are strongly pro-Trump and that 10/10 are categorically anti-Hilllary. That should tell you were I personally stand. Still, while I am deeply grateful to God for having spared us form the rule of this demonic harpy, I still have major reservations and doubts about Trump. I reserve my judgment until I see what he actually *does*. Until then, I will welcome well written articles supportive of Trump and critical of him.
Those who cannot cope with such a diversity of opinions should go back to watching TV.
The Saker
Well said! I have always been thinking of Trump as US answer to Russia’s Vladimir Zhirinovsky, and that should say it all. I think we all can thank God that Hillary didn’t came to power, but I too say to others that we should wait with the celebrations until we have seen Donald in action. After all, he is American, very American;)
As you say, Trump is very American. Same as Putin is very Russian and Xi China. All realise it is not in their countries best interests to go to war with each other.
I suspect that under Trump some sort of will be struck to help prevent anything escalating to war between the US and Russia/China, but beneath that, it may be still be anything goes as Trump will be looking to the best interests of the US, not Russia or China’s interests.
“As you say, Trump is very American. Same as Putin is very Russian and Xi China. All realise it is not in their countries best interests to go to war with each other.”
That makes about as much sense as the German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha King George V of England not wishing to go to war with Germany [if you can believe the dailymail ;-)]
“The letter told how King George V offered his condolences then recalled the events of 1914 to Sir Cecil.
Sir Cecil wrote: ‘He told me of the interview he had with Uncle Edward two days before the outbreak of war. It lasted for one and a half hours.
‘He told me that Uncle Edward had said that he could not possibly see what justifiable reason we could find for going to war.
HM said in reply, ‘You have got to find a reason, Grey.’”
If you imagine the parasitic oligarchic class have any interest in countries or the people who live there please think again.
Trump’s business seems to be predominantly national rather than global.
As class, I think national elites in any country need to be distinguished from global elites.
@Peter AU
“As class, I think national elites in any country need to be distinguished from global elites.”
What relevance does your “I think” comment have in respect of the evidence that national elites (specifically George V in this case) have no concern of “the nation” nor of it’s people but rather have motivation based on narrow & personal circumstances only?
Is it that you think National Elites are only able to be parasitic from a small geographical area whereas Global Elites are “smarter” and able to be parasitic from a much broader geography?
Do you therefore consider Global parasites as smarter and therefore even more dangerous than the national ones?
or…something else?
The answer to that is a big “yes”. The globalist elites “today” are a danger to the entire World. While national elites,as loathsome as they might be. Are a great danger only to their own countries and maybe neighboring states.They can be defeated “easier” (not easy,but easier),than multi-national global elites can be defeated.So yes,they are a greater danger.
@Uncle Bob 1
“So yes,they are a greater danger.”
You enjoy History no doubt.
Do you think the Elites involved in the 1st World War were National or Global or some of each?
As you may recall I said “today’s” elites. Times have changed in the World since WWI. But in that day,since the British,French,German Empires (as well as in smaller dimensions the Austro-Hungarian,Ottoman,and Russian Empires) where global Empires. Then yes,I’d say they were mixed.Both national and global elites,in that time.
@Uncle Bob 1
Yes, I know what you said very well.
“Then yes,I’d say they were mixed.Both national and global elites,in that time.”
So, although you say times have changed, do you agree that if some of these National Elites had, at that time, access to the weaponry available today then there is very little to say that they would not have had the ability to cause practically the same devastation as the “global” groups ampngst them?
To Anonymous at 7:20 am UTC (there was no reply button).
It was the globalists among them most interested in fighting WWI.They had the most to gain from international conflict. And of course the more advanced the weapons the greater the destruction in any war,past,present,or future.
@Uncle Bob 1
“It was the globalists among them most interested in fighting WWI.”
So nothing has really changed between then (WW1) and now?
Can you please put some names agains the most powerful Nationalists involved and describe why they would not have pushed the nuclear button (if it had existed)?
As I’ve said several times now,we are discussing today’s World. Not our grandparents World. A while back I wrote a description of methods of hasbara used by most trolls. You are fitting nicely in the number 3. Trying to waste time with constantly asking for more and more information.On subjects pretty easy to understand,without writing a book to cover them.I think its time I stopped “feeding the troll”.
@Uncle Bob 1
“we are discussing today’s World.”
You may have been – I was discussing today as a reflection of yesteryear. Do you consider you have a monopoly on my thought process? or would you rather just put your hand over my mouth?l
If you don’t wish to answer the question I posed, why not just leave it instead of claiming (as you perceive it) my “hasbara trollism” as an attempt to deflect against an answer you either do not wish to give or don’t have?
How about you answer your question. And list names of nationalists 100 years ago. Who “might” have used a nuclear weapon, if they would have had any idea what those words meant in that age.As I also constantly say,”its never a good idea to measure thinking in the past by today’s thinking”.
@Uncle Bob 1
“How about you answer your question. And list names of nationalists 100 years ago.”
I didn’t mention any distinction between elites (national or global) 100 years ago – you did. That is exactly why I asked you the question.
You’ve wasted enough of my time so forgive me if I do not respond.
Thank goodness,I agree this conversation is worthless. Have a good evening,or morning, depending on where you are at.
@Uncle Bob
It was only worthless because you claimed trollism rather than discover where the debate I had in mind was leading.
Having said that you probably only claimed trollism because you had an idea the debate was proceeding to a place you did not wish it to go. Of course, only you wil now ever know that for sure though.
Yes, have a good day stateside too.
I see him more as Putin, Trump is not as extreme as Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the best thing Trump will do is clean up the top a bit and kick out a few oligarchs, like Putin did.
Vladimir Zhirinovsky is at minimum an ultranationalist that talks about the purity of his blood – or lack thereof. He makes Trump appear shy in comparison.
No one knows what a Trump presidency will, or will not do. No one. He is major unknown, it is not known who really backs him, he obviously has backing from a considerable force & it is not at all clear what those backers expect from him & whether he will stay on point where they are concerned. I have great reservations about Trump also, but one only needs to watch a few of his interviews & speeches towards the end of the campaign to see is not the idiot his opponents tried to make him out to be. It is quite evident that he has been engineered into office in part because of the self-destructive path the US was on, & which would have been accelerated by H Clinton. Like I said, I do not expect miracles from Trump, but I certainly breathed a sigh of relief when I heard he had won.
Trump is backed by the NSA, US military and the SAPs.
An excellent article and a viewpoint that has not been seen given the wave of propaganda in mainstream and alternative media in favour of the Trump election.
My own view as an outsider. I understand racism. I understand very well the lies and propaganda pushed in the last two or three centuries on ‘white superiority’, ‘nordic superiority’, etc. However, is it not so that the average church-going and devout Christian white American has more in common with Catholic family-oriented latin Americans and equally devout and family-oriented Muslim Americans. Should not all these people see each other as having the same moral standard and thus find allies within one another? Especially, against the atheist, morally deviant and socially depraved liberal elites and post-Christian ‘millenials’ or ‘creative class’ or other nonsense words and phrases, whatever their convoluted meanings. I know Saker stresses the point of the commonalities between the traditional religious groups of Russia and their shared concepts of morality and right conduct, but is that not so of the religious groups in America as well?
“An excellent article and a viewpoint that has not been seen given the wave of propaganda in mainstream and alternative media in favour of the Trump election.”
-Lol, favore of Trump in mainstream propaganda? What mainstream media have you been watching? There is no one more hated then Trump in MSM, I have grown bored with how many times he has been called “literally Hitler”
“My own view as an outsider. I understand racism. I understand very well the lies and propaganda pushed in the last two or three centuries on ‘white superiority’, ‘nordic superiority’, ”
-Yes, of course, Trump oppose the globalists elites, therefore he must be a neo-nazi,racist, fascist and is literally Hitler. Makes total sense, give me more MSM propaganda lines please, facts are so boring it is much more fun to rant about how whitey is to blame.
Is that you (((Wolff))) ?…how comes you wringing your hands in despair ?…i know…Trump is not even in power and yet the((( leftist))) and the (((mainstream media))) chilling endless for obama in the past are condeming Trump from the start.Thats why i am very optimistic.As long as the lying press and the libtards are whining everythings going well.
The article misses the point. Trump is not about what he can do or will do – but what the world resistance has to do. The first thing is to kick off the judica zionist so called left. They have been totally discredited in the absolute sense. Exposed as nothing more than tools of the oligarchy. Trump has been the catalyst for this great reveal – the MSM and Soros gang have been crushed – the grain of doubt has been awaken among the masses.
None of this needed to happen for the continuity of oligarchial rule. It would have been easier and more efficient with a Jeb Bush/Clinton fake cage match. Just like Dole/Pa Clinton or for that matter Romney/Obama. Why bother with all this trouble. Then Hillary would have rode in on her pale horse – ready for the mass death of the goyim with a nuclear war.
My gut feeling is that this is a western (literally the US West) revolt in the US – that is why suddenly Romney from the moron cult is back in the lime light. The non-goyim are fed up with the zionist idiots. Remember that – although whored out to the extreme – the anglos live forever in contempt of the khazars – vassals who have whored for too long and are now sick of their own existance. I am from Portugal a 1000 year old nation – and know all too well what elite whores look like. Stooges filled with cash – sucking c##k of jbags for centuries for that privilage – finally this shocking realization has come to the US elites.
The US today mirrors the late 90’s and early 2000’s of Russia as Putin and his backers ascended to power – slowly they pushed the zionists aside. The road to stopping the empire at Aleppo was a long one.
Trump is a wild card – a former court of the hebrews jester who simply could no longer stomach his own servitude – his own existance as a shill. The things he said simply cannot go back into the propaganda box – the sword of anarachy is in full swing and chopping off heads. The first has been the queen of chaos…who will be next?
One thing is for certain – the pinnacle of world resistance – Hezbollah marches on – indefatigable against the tryanny of murder inc. and their vassals. And the Soros paid stooges marching in the street do not have a clue. Back to tapping their iphones and eating a glutten free whatever for them.
“The article misses the point. Trump is not about what he can do or will do – but what the world resistance has to do.” – Agreed, all Trumps’ victory has done is to give the rest of us a little breathing room during which the “resistance” must make hay while the sun shines.
So Russia, keep up the good work in Syria and Ukraine, and with those amazing new weapons of yours. But don’t forget about your internal development, for as the saying goes, charity begins at home. I’m still a fan of an enlarged Russia though, still hoping that the former Soviet republics in the East will be brought back into the Russian fold.
And lastly but not least, give the Liberals never ending grief because they are the foot soldiers of the NeoCons and the Zionists.
May Hillary and Trump’s supporters fight each other for a long time, as RayB says above “The world doesn’t really give a dam what you do inside your own border’s, only about how you impose and infringe on ours. Fight your own battles at home all you want, but just leave us out of it and the hell alone EH!”
> Will Donald Trump be the United States’ last elected president?
The very same question was asked about Obama, more than once.
This is a recycled article from about one week ago [1], published on a web page obviously preferring to report any bad news about Trump available without trying to ponder him being president with Clinton.
So I am in doubt the author is trying to take an objective view rather than to collect any information disadvantageous to Trump and creating a conclusive story making him look bad.
Maybe the author and others are true and Trump is “plan B” of the deep state. But I still would prefer to wait for what really comes and to judge afterwards.
I am going to be honest this time and no bull.
Just to show you what I mean, go to RT and read about the Natives, whom is considered to be Sorass runner-boys and that is what the so called “alt right” is using for what its worth to de-legitimize the natives crystal clear rights whom is in tractats, whom is right now shown under the carpet for corporate intreses, and Trump have money invested in this project to.
The so called “alt right” is an scam.
And do read the comments, where what I have been reading and where I have been commenting majority of the people have the same opinion, let the Natives eat lead, and Russia is still communistic, that is what the trumpis wackos are drooling in the comments, along with whining about Sorass.
Any good Indian is an dead one.
In the year of the lord 2016, the Yankee agrees upon one thing, kill the natives.
I am right now giving You my last comment, I have stated this before but now I know we have been fooled, big time, make America great mean wiping out problems and the Native is just “degenerated hippies” according to the Trumpist and the so called alternate news sites.
So to Trump.
Why on earth do Trump want to nuke Iran.
Why does His new appointed scumbags want to nuke Iran, this rats is already stating that the enemy of the land of the meek and the lame are as following ISIS witch they created along with Israel and the Brits/France, and the rest of their shit list is Russia, China, N. Korea and Iran.
Why dont this Trumpistas talk about that.
Why do we talk nonsense about Islamic terror when everything since the year 1000 have been western backed, and why drool about ISIS when ISIS was the baby of Clintonits and Bush family clans, the creators and pimpers of the Iraqi war was an Archbishop and Blair, this two are guilty as hell, but nobody does anything other than whine about Islam, when it was “good” Christians whom have instigated it all.
Golan, who, weirdly anof, the Rothschild is in it to, conspiracy huh.
Yankee morons dont even know where Africa is, and this creeps talk foreign policy’s.
Trump is an Israeli bitch, and if Clinton was that, Trump is even More Israeli bitch, and His Son have already gone out and threatened to blow the brain out of people He dont agree with, where the f….. do He get that from.
Do enlighten me.
I warned you, because trump may be a lot, but that stupid, so he hide a lot during His campagne, and that is whats dripping this days from the well.
Glass-Stegall is stone cold dead already the reason for the banks drifting upward this days because they know now that Trump will do absolutely nothing.
Housing, eh…..
Refuges, cheep labor.
And so on.
Infact I hoped for as long as possible, but since the election of His advisers I know the war will come, and how do I know that, go to RT and read.
The Yankees dont care of millions of others die, they have killed millions already, why stop there.
I gave you the short list, just to highlight some aspects, this aspects what the reason from me to await until something more solid comes up and it have, the Brannon is an Israel Bitch, Flynn is an Israeli Bitch otherwise He would never be there where they are to day, and have already exposed them selfs and guardians of letting Israel dictate everything, that will not change under Trump, its all out there, but right now everybody is diverted by the Sorass scums, witch is conveniently been used by the so called alternative shit holes.
They all want to nuke Iran.
And all of them pimps hate against Arabs whom are all “Muslims”, like try to tell them that Palestrina is also the birth place of Jesus, to go blank, Jesus was an Jew, that is so fake it hurts.
Judeo-christians, tïs the same as ISIS, no difference what so ever, except that Yankees have been in wars for 250 years, killed lord know how many, destroyed lord how much but somehow, they are the victim, huh, that is the Alternative right.
Nothing new.
Well, I know we are been fooled.
The creeps have learned, and sacrificed Clinton.
And I think that this, is the last one, since the great war is coming.
There is more but I dont care.
Trump, is one massive hoax.
Im so tired it hurts.
I am afraid it is to late, and we where buttf….. hard.
Wanna bet.
The Writing of the Time (not magazine) at Saker’s. That is: Moving with the Time. Intelligent, well informed, on the ball, to the point, finger on the pulse,, the Writings on the Wall, what more could people want – oh, very funny as well – thank God . . . or thank you all, or both/
I also agree that Trump is a hoax. I predict a major false flag 9/11 style, only worse, invariably linked to Iran. Who can say that s/he saw 9/11 coming in 2001?
My main concern here is Russia’s response. It’ll be put into position to “be with us or against us” in exchange for higher oil prices. In 2001 Putin had no choice.
Judging by his reaction in Syria, I think he’ll fight back this time.
US zionazi power brokers have no other way to move forward but to continue with the wars.
The culture wars are being fanned in the USA as a distraction from the real wars which are still merrily moving along, sanctions increased on Russia, shells still landing in Donbass, and financial bubbles being blown up to bursting, Israel getting record $$$ from USA (Trump approves). But the American people are not going to fight each other. period. But they know the pot is being stirred.
And will people please stop calling the American people stupid! they are not. The election boiled down to voting for the same-old, same-old warmonger or perhaps at worst a racist.
Voting lesser evil is an old fallback position in a winner-takes -all electoral system.
Call us cynical but lay off the stupid. Still, there is the hope that maybe, this time for once, the betrayal will not be as bad so Call us hopelessly hopeful, but lay off the stupid. Call us conflicted, but lay off the stupid.
Right now, everyone is very warily eyeing everyone else and trying to be on best personal behavior. 800 protestors marched to close a freeway here in Sacramento. The police stood by until after awhile the protestors wandered off back to the park around the Capitol building. People in cars waved waiting patiently. The whole Portland staged-play riot was an anomaly.
The few “cultural warriors” who act out are ignored. ” Hamilton” will end up as a movie and that is how the rest of America will view it. By the way, as for effective political protest, most people think that what the cast did to Pence was unprovoked, incredibly rude and out-of-line: it offended everyone’s sense of fair play.
The GCM ( global corporate media) will rant on but you can’t organize a movement around demonizing the opposition –as much as Killery tried she just wasn’t a Goebbels ,besides, the times are different for now.
As of Jan 20th, 2017 Trump holds a winning hand and sits in the bully pulpit. One step at a time.
Trump wants to lower taxes – primarily for the 1%, imagine my shock – wants to increase the military budget, and – the only positive thing – restore America’s decrepit infrastructure. What he hasn’t stipulated is how he expects the treasury to conjure up the cash to pay for his promises.
The Fed can crank out enough funny munny I suppose, but what do you think that will do to an already debased currency? Not to mention the inflation all that xeroxed cash’ll cause.
As they do every four years, yanks search for a saviour. Like ‘Hope and Change’, ‘Make America Great/Hate again’ is nothing more than bumper sticker sloganeering signifying nothing. You yanks are in for some tough times ahead.
His solution is very simple- he will privatize all the infrastructure- roads, bridges, water systems etc will be investments for private corporations. the people will pay for the privledge of using these once state owned resources. DTi s a business man who thinks ‘profit’.
Not only US is a mess , as all countries integrated into the globalised neoliberal economic system are imploding.
We witness similar trends across the continents.
* Outsourcing of the middle class and manufacturing jobs to third world economies
* mass importation of cheap immigrant labour into the more advanced economies. These migrants compete with local populace for the low level jobs, further depressing the wages
* Financial and real estate Bubbles . Real estate speculation has caused massive increase of the value of houses. Real incomes are dropping or barely rising .
* A large portion of young people unable to find any jobs or any decent jobs . University educated people who can’t find work at their field and end up working in the low wage hospitality or retail sectors (which have significantly expanded as opposed to manufacturing ).
* Breakdown of social cohesion and family values. People becoming indifferent to starting a family or getting married. Men and women have lost their traditional roles.
Anxiety , stress, and psychological disorders on the rise
*Consumerism is the only way of life , sustained by the mass production at low wage third world countries. You can only be a consumer (if you have the money ). Any affiliation with ethnic or cultural origin is considered extreme.
* people obsessed with social media , showing off their pseudo-“glamorous ” lifestyle and competing with their other online friends . Intellectuality and human intelligence seems to be dropping to lower levels as more and more people are consuming the trash products of the corporate world instead of reading the classics
And many more……..
Therefore, we live in a pretty shitty global society and it’s impossible to see positive changes during our lifetime. Things weren’t great in the past too as many problems were there. But in our today’s world, there seems to be a total breakdown of traditional values that kept family and society together in the past (despite the various problems of those past historical periods ).
It is pretty realistic picture of what might happen.
I do not trust Trump a bit.
However, I do not think military will be oligarchs’ pawns. Most certainly if things go military coup way, those pigs will be led to slaughter as they are the only ones who has means and wealth to finance further developments and coverage of the debt…. It will be in no way different form French taking everything form their nobility and church to cover the very debts incurred by those.
“Solo se, que nada se” (Socrates)
LTSD. (s)
I think it could be in the usual constitutional way but for a miraculous intervention of God as He did in the last election. All evangelicals KNOW God appointed Donald Trump to save America. He’s supposed to do two terms but if he doesn’t keep the senate and get the House I can’t see beyond that.Donald Trump is Jehu who was sent to destroy Hillary but like the original Jehu he may suffer a similar fate even if he and his sons hold the presidency for the next 30 years. I feel the country has passed the tipping point for redemption as seen in how we verge on civil war even if Trump is re elected. It seems inevitable and we show no signs of returning to God.
Read up on Jehu-come to Jesus and then vote Donald Trump.